Forever Valentine


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And if we were only going to be friends, obviously that meant there'd be no more dancing, and definitely no more kissing. Though a little part of me was dying to know what it would have felt like, if we'd actually lost ourselves in that kiss.

Although, I doubted it would ever happen, considering the way he jumped back, like I'd stung him.

When Tanner came in carrying our breakfast, and set mine down in front of me, I managed a smile and said, "Thanks."

There was an awkward silence in the air as we ate, till he put down his fork and looked over at me. "Olivia, I just want you to know, that if I wasn't leaving, I would be so tempted. But I don't think we should start anything that we're never going to finish."

I nodded. "You're right." I reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. "And I really do like that we're friends."

He smiled into my eyes. "So do I. I actually love having you for a friend."

Though, I'd never tell him, I'd be tempted too, if he wasn't leaving. But since I knew it was only a matter of weeks till he'd be gone, I put aside any thoughts of anything happening between us, no matter how good I knew we might have been together.


The screening room looked so comfy, obviously designed for kicking back and relaxing, with buttery soft, beige leather recliners and sofas scattered around the room, and a huge wall-mounted screen at one end. And with a big coffee table centered in the middle for snacks, it was a perfect room for enjoying a movie.

Tanner made a big bowl of microwave popcorn, and we ended up on one of the sofas, hip to hip watching the movie together.

I looked over at him and smirked, glad that we could be this close, and it didn't feel weird, it just felt nice.

We watched Titanic first, since Tanner was a little shocked that I'd never had a chance to see it.

Of course, once it was over, we debated whether Jack could have fit on that floating door with Rose, or if she had no choice but to let the poor guy drown. I thought that he should have tried to get on with her, so they both could have lived. But Tanner disagreed, and said he'd done the right thing, or his lady love probably would have met the same fate, and they both would have frozen in the water.

It was a great movie though, especially getting to watch it with Tanner in his uber chill entertainment room.

After that, we decided on, 'There's Something about Mary,' that we both thought was hilarious.

We were laughing to hard, I cried. So, we barely noticed that it was storming outside. The sound of sleet hitting the windows like little pebbles, was what finally made us realize that the weather had turned nasty.

Tanner must have noticed me shiver, when a little chill raced through me, since I was only wearing a short skirt and thin sweater. He grabbed the remote and turned on the big carved stone gas fireplace, then went and got us a throw blanket. And we both laughed like kids as we nestled under it together.

"I could crank up the heat, but this is way more fun," he said, playfully brushing his nose against mine. I thought so too, happy to be cuddled up with him when he pulled me into his arms.

I don't remember having nearly as much fun at the sleepovers I went to as a kid. Then again, none of my friends ever got my breasts tingling the way that he did.

Curled up tight together watching another movie, we were so were warm and comfy that we began to doze off again.

When I opened my eyes, and looked around the room I was disappointed that he was gone. I sat up wondering where he'd got to, till he walked in grinning with a mountain of reheated leftovers from last night. Even warmed-up it was really good, and I was just happy to enjoy it all over again.

We both dug in and had it demolished in no time. "Wow, I didn't realize how hungry I was," I said, reaching for my wine.

He laughed. "I told you we could finish it. Just didn't say how long it would take."

Looking up, I noticed the regal looking coat of arms over the fireplace. "Is that the McRae crest?"

He nodded. "Yep, that's my family coat of arms. The McRae clan have a long history in Scotland. And that green and blue, is the family tartan. My mother was proud to call herself a McRae, and she instilled it me, too."

I guess he was pleased that he knew that part of his background, even if he'd probably never know anything about his father's side of the family.

After our movie marathon was over, I thought I'd better get a shower, and he led me back upstairs to his grandmother's bathroom.

The rain-shower head felt so soothing, massaging my skin as I washed my body and then my hair.

Once I was done and dressed again, I wandered back downstairs and found him back in the piano room, standing and playing a few notes.

"I've got a feeling your biggest regret will be leaving behind that gorgeous piano."

He looked over at me and smiled. "You could be right." As he played the jazzy intro to Van Morrison's "Moondance," he smiled into my eyes and sang a few lines,

"Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance

With the stars up above in your eyes

A fantabulous night to make romance

'Neath the cover of October skies"

Knowing how much he'd miss it, I just wished I had room for it at my place, so at least he'd still have it, providing he ever decided to come back.

Later, Tanner pulled out the mattress in the hallway again, and we both got on our backs and gazed up at the cupola, softly twinkling in the lights.

"I wish I could have something like that installed at my place," I said laughing at the idea. "Though, it's probably bigger than the entire ceiling in my room."

"Or, you could just stay and sleep here with me," he suggested, sliding his arm around me, so I could curl into his side.

As he pressed a kiss to my temple, I looked up into his eyes. I was going to miss him like crazy, and I just wish that there was some way we could hold onto what we had. Though, I couldn't see how.

He gave me a squeeze. "Maybe I'll pirate you away on my ship, and take you out to sea with me. And you could be my wench."

I laughed, knowing he must have read my mind. "Well, if I didn't have to run the café, I might just let you throw me over your shoulder and take me."

A shiver went down my spine when he slid his hand into my hair, and began massaging my scalp. His eyes were so focused on mine, I knew he had to be feeling the crackle in the air between us. I just wished I could kiss him, so at least he'd know how I felt.


I wanted to kiss her so badly, and the way she was looking into my eyes, I bet she'd probably kiss me right back. But if we ever got started, I knew we'd soon be doing a helluva more than kissing.

I didn't think it wouldn't be fair to have my wicked way with her, and then take off and leave her.

Though, it was hard to be this close, and not want more. I laughed to myself as I realized that I was getting hard, just from the feel of her breasts pressed against me, and having her warm, soft body curled in my arms.

If I thought leaving the house behind was going to be difficult, I didn't even how I was going to be able to walk away from her.

I don't think I'd really been in love before. Though I'd been in lust with a few different women. But what I was feeling for her, was starting to feel like the real thing.

I was also beginning to realize that my lifelong sailing dream didn't hold the same appeal as it always had, especially if meant I'd be leaving her behind.

Could be all we needed was some distance between us, for me to realize that what I was feeling was simple infatuation. But I already had my doubts. She was just so sweet and sexy and playful. I knew what we had together was a lot more than simple attraction.


When the weekend was over and I took her home, the moment I stepped inside, I couldn't believe how empty the house felt without her.

Monday morning, still half asleep, instinctively I reached for her, I had grown so accustomed to feeling her beside me. Swiping a hand over my face, shaking my head, I got out of bed, and rushed through my shave and shower, and decided that I hated waking up without her. Which I knew was a little crazy, considering we'd only slept together for a couple nights.

Of course, once I was out at sea I'd be on my own from sunrise to sunset. And Olivia would only be a distant memory.

Just after noon, I dropped in to Livy's café to get some lunch. Considering how hard my crew had been working I really didn't mind picking up something for them. As soon as she saw me, she walked over smiling ready to hand me a little heart-shaped lemon sugar cookie, piped with pink icing. "Thought it would be fun to have something sweet for Valentine's Day."

She laughed when I opened my mouth and let her feed it to me, making sure of course, to lick her fingers. "They're really good. I should bring some back for my crew."

While she was busy packing me up a little box, I noticed a guy in a beat-up van pull up at the back door. When he saw me looking out, he put his hand up to hide his scar covered face.

"Looks like you've got a customer," I said, nodding at the door.

"Oh, good, I've got his order right here."

She grabbed two bags, went and smiled said hello, and handed him his food. I don't know what she said, but she had him laughing, and as she waved him off, she was kind of chuckling, too.

"I didn't know you did drive-through orders."

"Denny uses a wheel chair, so he has a hard time getting around. He usually orders enough to last him for a few days, so he doesn't have to come out too often."

"Do you always work here on your own?" I asked, as I wondered if anyone could walk in the back door without being seen.

"Denny's harmless. He's just a little self-conscience about people staring at him."

"I wasn't thinking about him. He seems okay. It's just that I've noticed every time I've come here, you seem to be on your own."

She pulled a little spray can of mace out her apron pocket, and showed it to me. "I keep this in my pocket, just in case. Though I've never had any reason to use it."

It might offer her some protection, but I still didn't like the idea of her working on her own, especially since there was nothing else around.

"Well, I'm glad you haven't had to use it yet."

"Most afternoons by the time it starts getting busy, Martha's here, so I'm not always on my own."

Knowing that my crew was waiting for lunch, I had to get back, but we weren't done talking.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine," she said, when she came around to hand me the two bags.

Without even thinking, I kissed her forehead, as I shook my head. And she just smiled watching me wave as I walk out.

Damn, I had everything ready, too. Had my list of supplies for my trip. Got all the charts and apps downloaded that I thought I'd need.

But I hated the idea of leaving Olivia behind, especially knowing that she'd be left on her own.

There was something I could do to put my mind at ease, though. The business I ran with my friend specialized in state-of-the-art security systems. Though normally I don't do installations anymore, I could still hook her up, so that neither of us had to worry about anything happening to her.

By the time I got to the house I already knew the type of the system I wanted to put together for her.

A couple days later when I walked into her café with an armload of boxes, Olivia looked a little surprised. "What's all this?"

"It's your new security system." Before she could tell me what she thought, I nodded at the front door. "You've got another busload of ladies coming in. You go ahead and take care of them, and I'll take care of this."

She was closing up by the time I was done. After she locked up, I showed her what I'd installed. "Now you have to punch in a code at either door to get in here."

She sighed, not looking too convinced. "Okay."

"I put a panic button by the cash register, and another one upstairs by your bed. If anything happens and you push the button, the security company is alerted. They'll phone and check with you, and if anything's wrong, they call the police."

"Tanner, I've lived here since I was a kid and I've always felt safe. I appreciate you going to all this trouble, but I'm not sure I even need all this stuff. I mean, there's really nothing in here to steal. It's not like someone's going to break in to try and get some pizza."

I slipped my hands around her waist, and looked into her eyes. "Olivia, I'm not worried about the pizza. I just don't want anyone trying to steal you."

She gave me the cutest smile as she relented. "Well, then thank you for looking out for me."

"No problem. You've also got motion detecting lights and security cameras at both doors. And you can see what the cameras are picking up on your phone."

"Well, looks like you've got everything covered. So, how about we have some dinner? I've got a pot roast with vegetables in the oven, and some whipped potatoes. I imagine you've got to be hungry after spending all day installing everything."

"That actually sounds pretty good, and I'm starved."

We had a nice dinner together, and I was glad I got everything done, hoping that she'd be a little safer now on her own.

Friday night, I was getting ready for the Valentine's dinner, giving myself a close shave to try and get rid of my five o'clock shadow. When I tried on my new tux, as I checked myself out in the mirror, I thought it looked pretty good. I guess I cleaned up okay, considering I never dressed up much.

Not sure if she'd be expecting anything, since we weren't exactly dating, I decided to pick up a bouquet of long-stemmed roses, since it was Valentine's Day.

When I got to her place, and Olivia answered the door, my jaw almost hit the floor. She always looked beautiful, but in the red silk dress with her hair up, and diamonds and rubies sparkling around her neck, she literally took my breath away, she looked so stunning.

"Wow! You really look gorgeous in that dress. It looks like it was designed just for you, it's such a perfect fit."

She blushed as she reached out and straightened my bow tie. "You look pretty good yourself, mister."

When I handed her the roses, she gave me a peck on the cheek and whispered, "Thank you, Tanner, they're beautiful."

Knowing she'd be dressed in a gown for our night out, I didn't like the idea of picking her up in my truck. Since I'd also inherited my grandmother's midnight blue 2005 Flying Spur Bentley, I decided it might be nice to drive us there in style. Her eyes went wide when she saw it. "What a beautiful car."

"It was sitting in the garage, so I thought it might be a nicer than the truck for tonight."

She pressed another kiss to my cheek as I helped her into the front seat, and told me, "I would have been fine with the truck, but this is really nice."

It started snowing pretty heavy on the way to the hotel, and I was starting to think it might be a good idea to get us a room, in case the roads got any worse before the night was over.

The moment we stepped inside, we both looked around impressed, thinking the banquet room looked incredible. White satiny fabric lined the walls, up-lit with soft red lights, giving the room a warm glow. Little red cupids scattered on every table, along with an arrangement of red and white roses, gave it an elegant touch, and really made it feel like a Valentine's dinner.

A few of her friends were seated at our table, and all them flashed her teasing grins as we took our seats and joined them.

Olivia made the introductions, and we chatted for a bit, but the moment the band struck up, I offered her my arm, and asked, "Would you care to dance?"

She grinned. "I would love to."

The third song, we both smiled as the band started playing, Van Morrison's Moon Dance, and she tipped her head and asked, "Did you request this?"

I grinned. "Maybe."

She just laughed as we kept dancing cheek to cheek. I was really enjoying having a reason to hold her close, when I noticed that little creep Edward worming his way in beside us with his date. Trying to be polite, I looked over and gave him a nod, but he just narrowed his eyes, and glared me down.

Chuckling, I whispered in her ear. "Your friend Edward doesn't look too happy. I'm guessing he's jealous, wishing that he was dancing with you instead of me."

She blew out a breath when she saw him. "To be honest, I don't even think he likes me. The only thing he ever talks about is buying the café. He's like a dog with a bone, he just won't let it go. No matter how many times I've told him that I'm not interested in selling, he just keeps asking."

"I don't think he looks like the type of person who'd be interested in running a business like yours."

Just then the lights flashed, to let everyone know that the dinner was about to be served. Forgetting about Edward, she slipped her arm through mine, and we headed back to our table.

Everyone agreed, that the dinner was excellent. Starting with an antipasto plate, a crisp green salad, and tender chicken in a mushroom sauce, it was really good.

"Well, they've really outdone themselves this year," Olivia's friend Randi exclaimed as she savored a bite of the rich creamy black forest cake for dessert, heaving a happy little sigh.

We all laughed at the way she was rolling her eyes and moaning. Though, I had to agree with her, the cake was really good.

After dinner we wandered around the ballroom arm in arm. Olivia introducing me to a few people she knew, that seemed pretty friendly. Then we stopped and took a look at the items in the silent auction for things like cruises, jewelry and weekend getaways.

I didn't really see anything I needed, but considering it was for a good cause I put bids on a few things, hoping my donation might help.

After I'd walked Olivia back to our table, I decided to head over to the bar to get us some drinks.

I was standing waiting for the bartender to pour Olivia's wine, when an older man came and stood beside me, and extended his hand. "Hi there, I'm Ed Marshall. I noticed we bid on a few of the same items, when I signed right after you. I noticed you're a McRae, and I wondered if you knew Alice McRae?"

Not too sure how much I should tell him, I nodded. "Yeah, I met her once."

I got an eerie feeling from the way he was gazing across the room, like he was thinking back. Then he had the hair on the back of my neck standing up, when he said, "About forty years ago, her daughter Anne worked for me when I was just voted in as mayor for the first time. She and I, we uh..." He shrugged, with a bit of a smile. "We were pretty close. And one day, she just left, and I often wonder what happened to her. Are you related to the family, Mr. McRae?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, especially when I noticed that the color of his eyes were the same as mine. I imagined he had to be somewhere in his seventies, which would make him old enough to be my father. But there was no way I was going to tell him that my mother had to leave town because she was pregnant with his son.

Relieved when the bartender passed me my drinks, I put some money down, and nodded at the man who was I pretty sure was my father, and said, "Nice meeting you." I could feel his eyes on me as I walked back to the table, and I was just glad he didn't follow.

Olivia must have noticed something was off, when I put down the drinks and muttered, "I gotta go. I'll be back." Probably because I looked a little rattled, she grabbed her purse, got up and followed me when I walked out of the ballroom and stepped outside onto a terrace for a breath of fresh air, to try make sense out of what just happened.
