Forever Yours Ch. 09


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"So, does this room fit my celebrity son," His dad asked with a forever smiling face.

"It's perfect and I love it." Ramon gushed. He was just so happy. They all left and Ramon took out the bag and freshened up. He called one of the workers to arrange his clothes in the room and he set out down stairs to have dinner as it was already late. They had dinner like a happy family and they were back in the living room chatting.

"When is the celebrity going to come out of the closet?" Mark asked as he took a sip of the champagne.

"Hmmmm, never," Ramon joked which made everyone laugh. "Well actually, I performed in my first video last week but I have a photo shoot tomorrow morning which will be published in a celebrity magazine introducing me as Ramillio. Thereafter, I will be on an interview and then videos and more videos."

"You sure have a lot of things to do." Eduardo said while they made eye contact. "You even have work at our companies."

"I just have to manage just like I did while at school." They all had quite a night and they went to bed really late but Ramon and Mark had some talking of their own and they both went to bed around 1 in the morning.

Ramon slipped in his pajamas and went under the covers so that he could sleep after a long trip back home. He just wanted to sleep since he was tired and he drifted off to sleep immediately thinking about his photo shoot.

Ramon woke up early the next morning and he took a quick shower. He found himself deciding what to wear for the photo shoot but it just didn't matter because his clothes would be provided as he was told so he decided to go casual. He took out an expensive dark blue skinny jean and a light green tight shirt which fit him perfectly and he wore blue designer's shoes and he was ready to have a great start for the day.

He went downstairs and was surprised to see everyone ready and all dressed up having breakfast. There was nothing beautiful than homemade breakfast and that too with your family.

"Morning," He said happily.

"Morning," They all answered but they were rather too busy.

"Going somewhere," He asked as he quickly took a seat beside Eduardo.

"Yeah," His dad said as he took a sip of his morning coffee. "We all have a meeting at Liama Shoe Company with some clients and we are almost running late."

They sure were really in a hurry and he didn't want to make them late. They all had their breakfast and they left quickly but that was after wishing him a good day at the photo shoot. Ramon quickly ate his breakfast and he messaged Mr. Robbins to tell him that he was on his way. It was not long and he responded that everything was set and they were just waiting for him.

Ramon went upstairs and he figured he had to do some shopping after the photo shoot so he took as much money as he could and he found himself outside calling for the driver and a guard to accompany him.

They all came and he found himself seated in a Honda CR-V SUV which was a luxurious car. Thanks to his guard who knew exactly where RLC was located in the capital they reached the tall building in an hour's time. Ramon left his guard and driver outside and he was already inside the large building to see Mr. Robbins waiting patiently for him.

"Sir," He shouted.

"There you are." Mr. Robbins gushed. "We've been waiting for an hour now."

"I am really sorry, sir." Ramon apologized.

"Can you stop this entire sir thing?" Mr. Robbins said, leading him into an elevator. "Call me Rob or better still Uncle Rob."

"Alright, Uncle Rob," Ramon said which made both men chatter.

In a matter of minutes, they were already in a room which looked like a studio. It was all white with all equipments which were needed for the photo shoot. There were fans, clothes, microphones and all kinds of equipments. Those things were really going to make him look like a real celebrity. The makeup artists, hair stylist and designers came and it was now time for the photo shoot to begin.

The makeup artist made sure that his face was glowing, the hair stylist had her way with his long hair and it was beautiful. The designer chose the best fitting clothes for him and they were perfect. First he had to shoot for the cover of the magazine dressed in a black, shiny designer's suit with wind blowing his hair back.

The photo shoot began and the photographer commented about his poses which were magnificent. With the wind blowing in his long hair, one hand in his pocket and a nice radiating smile, he stole the photo shoot and many people cheered for him.

He had other photo shoots dressed in different designer clothes, different hairstyles and different poses but from the comments which he was receiving from the photographer, it was obvious his photos were perfect. He had one were his hair was tied backwards and he had a microphone and the other where he had a guitar and another which was his all time favorite where he shot with Mr. Robbins and they both looked really good.

Most of the photos that followed were just about the studio and it took long for the whole photo shoot to be done. Most of the people in the room didn't even know that he was Ramillio Castra but he was glad it was that way.

The photo shoot ended in the afternoon and Ramon was really tired from all the photos that were taken of him and most especially the change of clothes. Ramon thanked the whole crew and he and Mr. Robbins went to his office and had lunch together while they discussed about the photo shoot.

"Nice photos back there." Mr. Robbins commented. "Every picture was perfect and in about 4 days, your magazine will be out and on the market and online."

"I can't wait." Ramon gushed.

"nI just four days, you will be famous worldwide." Mr. Robbins said while he shook his hands. "I will be honest with you." Mr. Robbins said with a sigh of satisfaction. "I never thought that this idea of not being able to show yourself to your fans would work. I only agreed to it so that I could show you that it is difficult to generate enough money with just audios but your songs proved me wrong as they kept on getting higher sales. It is one of the best that I have seen and with you coming out you will be able to sale double than what your audios did. I am really impressed with you. You will be one of the most famous celebrities in the world and with your own company you will attract a lot of contracts."

Ramon was really happy that he had to open a company where he would be situated but no matter what he did, he would always be there for the company which had made him who he was.

"Even at that, I will be at your service any time." He laughed.

"Good!" Mr. Robbins laughed. "...we intend on having you in our company forever. We will pay you huge amounts of money which will also benefit us."

They laughed about it but Ramon had to go since he had some shopping to do. He needed to check a designer's shop to see if anything would interest him. He asked his guard the best designer's shop and he told him that there was a multi shop where all the best clothes were sold. Ramon would have just gone to his company and get the best clothes and shoes for himself but he needed to try another shop.

They travelled through town and they came to a two floor building, Giselle's designer clothes which was one of the best in town and he got out. It was a beautiful shop and he couldn't wait to go in. But something stopped him. He realized that his guard and driver had not eaten anything and so he gave them enough money to find a restaurant and eat while he did his shopping.

They left in his car and he went inside the shop and got the best clothes he could find. In a few minutes, his guards and driver were back and it was so crowded in the shop that he gave the money to his guard to pay for the clothes and he went outside to get some air.

It had really been a long day and he wanted to sit and rest. He came out of the shop and realized that he had left the car keys with his driver and he couldn't go back in. He stood near the car and admired how beautiful it was. He looked at it and examined how beautiful and elegant it was as he touched it slowly. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought that he could own a car as expensive.

It was just so beautiful and he touched it slowly not minding what people would think of him if they saw what he was doing. It was his car and no one had the right to talk. He was the only one with the car that stood out and it made him feel happy. It also showed that...

"Look whom we have here." He heard a voice which was very familiar ask. Oh no! Why was this happening?

Ramon quickly raised his face to find Dan who was holding Marcos very closely smiling at him as if he was teasing him or making fun of him.

Marcos and Dan had just arrived to do some shopping when all of a sudden Dan held on to his hand quickly and led him. Marcos had no idea where Dan had been leading him until now when he saw Ramon admiring a very beautiful car. Marcos is now speechless as Dan is holding on to him and Ramon is looking at them without saying or doing anything. After five long years, Marcos finally saw Ramon but he had no words.

He is looking so good in his casual trousers and what surprises Marcos is that he is happy that he has seen Ramon. He feels no pain and his whole body just wants to hold Ramon and kiss him.

Of all people that Ramon had to meet, why did it have to be that Dan and the man who had hurt him emotionally? Why, he shouted in his heart? It is the second day of being in the country and he has already met these two. He had not planned on this at all and it has caught him by surprise. He had planned on meeting them but not like this.

He feels like he is reliving the entire incident which had happened long ago and all the anger and hurt has come back but he has to control himself. He just stood there with a serious face.

"Ramon," Dan smiled. "How have you been?"

Ramon was quiet. He had no words to say to these two because they might end up fighting or arguing.

"What are you doing here?" Dan chuckled. "It's been so long. I could have said I am happy to see you but I can't lie. I am not happy to see you and neither is my fiancé."

Fiancé, Marcos wondered. Why was Dan telling Ramon that he was his fiancé? It was really hurting him but he was overjoyed looking at Ramon. He had really long hair which he had tied backwards and he had changed a lot. He was more handsome and super sexy.

He was no longer that slim boy he had fallen in love with but he was really looking good. Marcos' face could show that he was surprised but he couldn't read any expression on Ramon's face. He was looking really uncomfortable and serious. Marcos didn't even utter a word because he was marveled.

"I must say you have really changed." Dan added making Ramon wish he was slapping his ugly face. "Let me guess," Dan said as he moved his head around like he was thinking. "You are here waiting for the owner of that car so that you can seduce him because we both know that you are such a slut."

Ramon was angry by what this stupid guy just uttered but he knew better than to control himself. It has been five years and he knew how to handle people like him. He gave them a killer look and smiled mockingly making Dan look stupid.

Hearing Dan calling Ramon a slut made Marcos feel really bad. It was true that Ramon was a whore but why was it hurting Marcos to hear that from Dan? He swallowed his saliva slowly and tried to pull Dan so that they could go but to no avail. Ramon stood there and he had a mocking smile. That smile made Marcos wonder if Ramon had turned into such a slut that the word itself made him smile.

"Look, he's even smiling." Dan chuckled. "I guess he has become a full time whore. The guy can't even answer to defend himself. But I am really glad that you were saved from him." Dan said as he faced Marcos and they kissed which made Ramon feel really bad but he didn't lose his smile. He could feel himself getting hurt inside. After five years, he still loved this stupid excuse of a guy but he was not going to let him be his weakness.

As Dan kissed Marcos on the lips, he couldn't concentrate because his mind was still on Ramon and how he was feeling after seeing this. So many questions were running through his mind. Does Ramon still love him or is he still a whore? He wanted to forget but after five years nothing has really changed and now his love for Ramon is still deeper than ever.

"Sorry about that, I couldn't help but kiss my fiancé. You know since we are getting married...soon but I guess we will leave you to admire the car and probably let that guy...fuck you tonight. That is if you will be able to seduce him." Dan teased leaking his lips like a lollipop. Seriously Ramon had no idea what this guy was trying to prove by kissing Marcos in front of him.

Ramon rolled his eyes from them in disgust and turned to go inside the shop so that he could get these guys to leave him the fuck alone. He had just taken a step when Dan held his arm firmly.

"What was that for?" Dan said softly but his voice was filled with anger. "Do you think I didn't see the way you rolled your eyes at me?" Dan shouted angrily. "I might have been talking with someone like you but..."

Ramon was so irritated the way Dan held his arm. He felt so angry that he took Dan's hand from his arm with a powerful grip that Dan was left puzzled.

"Did you just touch me?" Dan shouted. Ramon didn't want to say anything to Dan but this guy was making his blood boil. He had to say something before Dan took advantage of his silence. "People like you have no right to touch me. You irritate me with everything you do." Dan shouted. Ramon wanted to say something but he was silent. He just stared at Dan as he uttered foolish things with his mouth.

What was he going to do so that these people could leave him alone? And Marcos was standing behind his fiancé looking like he was surprised by everything. Shouldn't he have been happy?

"Oh!" Ramon gasped in mocking astonishment. "I had totally forgotten that I am a whore and I shouldn't be touching righteous men like you. I am really sorry but can you leave me alone so that I can wait for the owner of this wonderful car and seduce him?" Ramon said softly while he smiled mockingly. "Thanks." Ramon winked with a mocking smile that left Dan speechless.

Marcos could see that Ramon was probably angry but if he was going to seduce the owner of the car just like he suggested then they had to leave him alone.

"I knew that was what you were waiting for." Dan chuckled. "You are not even ashamed to admit it. Why can't you..."

"I am really sorry, sir." Ramon finally heard the voice which had just become his savior, his driver. "I forgot to give you the keys."

"It's okay." Ramon said with a smile that said it all. "Have you paid for everything?"

"Yes, sir," His guard said.

"Put all of them in the car and let's go."

Ramon saw that both Marcos and Dan were looking really surprised and he liked what he saw. It was wonderful and if he had a camera with him, he would have captured the looks on their faces. While his guard was putting his clothes in the car, Ramon figured he had to say something before he left. The guard opened the door and it was now his time to go,

"Well gentle men, I have to go now."

Ramon entered the car gracefully and the guard closed the door. They drove out and Ramon looked behind to see the two of them looking at the car puzzled. That was a good one and with all the words that Dan had uttered, he was still in good mood. He was not affected by what he had said.

That was just the first surprise. He couldn't wait to see their faces when the magazine comes out. Ramon chuckled to himself happily. He was just so excited.


Marcos was both happy and surprised when he saw Ramon. He didn't even understand why he felt the need to hug him and kiss him. It was like all those emotions he had tried to bury were now at the surface. He was even more surprised when he saw the car he entered. Could it mean that Ramon's numerous fuck sessions landed him with a business man as a sugar daddy? It was just confusing because Marcos' family didn't even own that type of car.

Marcos felt angry and he didn't know why. He got angrier when he stared at his boyfriend. He couldn't go into the shop like that, he needed to go home. Marcos started heading towards the car so that he could get out of there.

"Baby, where are you going?" Dan ran to him.

"I am going home." He said trying to sound calm.

"But I thought we were supposed to be shopping and..."

"I have changed my mind." Marcos said rudely. "If you want you can shop alone but I am going home."

Dan went in front of him and block his path.

"Don't tell me you are angry." Dan said softly but it just made Marcos angrier.

"No, I am not." He said softly with anger still in his voice.

"Are you angry because you saw Ramon or..."

"Don't talk about Ramon." He shouted.

"I get it," Dan said as he put his hands on his waist. "You are still in love with..."

"Don't be ridiculous." Marcos chuckled. "This has nothing to do with him."

"Then what," Dan yelled.

"I just wanna go home." Marcos yelled. "Can't you understand that?"

Marcos got Dan out of his way and he entered the car. He started the engine after Dan entered and they went on their way home. They drove slowly home but both of them were silent. The only thing that was on his mind was Ramon, again. It was like he was falling in love all over again. But this time, he needed to keep it quiet so that he would not get hurt again. After reaching the house, Marcos quickly parked and got out of the car with Dan following him around.

"Are you ready to tell me why you are angry?" Dan said faintly but it was sounding like an argument.

Marcos had no time for this. He just wanted to go inside the house and rest after that unexpected encounter with the boy that he loved so much.

"I am fine but you didn't have to tell Ramon that we are getting married." Marcos said with a gloomy sigh. "You lied and I don't know why..."

"Oh, I see what this is all about." Dan shouted. "You are angry because I said we are getting married to Ramon. Why should you be angry simply because I introduced you as my fiancé?"

Marcos didn't know why Dan was talking to him as if they were arguing. This had never happened before and he didn't want it to happen. He opened the door and quickly went inside.

"Is it bad to introduce you to the people or Ramon as my fiancé?"

"No, it isn't?" Marcos said softly. "But I am your boyfriend and not your fiancé." Marcos yelled his voice echoing throughout the house. Marcos didn't know why he was feeling so angry because Dan had introduced him as his fiancé. It was not such a big deal but he was making a big issue out of it.

"Are you yelling because you think Ramon got hurt by what I said?" Dan said as anger swept him off his feet. "That boy had hurt you and you are still thinking about him?"

"I am not thinking about Ramon. How do you expect me to feel when I see someone who had hurt me in the past?" Marcos argued. "And please get him out of this." Marcos begged.

"No, I won't." Dan shouted. "That boy just ruined my day and..."

"What's going on here?" Marcos heard his father's voice.

He looked and saw him coming with his mother and sister from the stairs. He was really hoping they would put some sense into Dan so that he could leave him the hell alone. Both of them were silent and they had no words to say. They had never argued or yelled at each other before and it kinda surprised everyone in the house.

"What is wrong with the both of you?" Olivia shouted. "Why are you arguing?"

"I am really sorry, mother." Dan said as if he was about to cry. "I didn't mean to yell but Marcos is mad at me because I introduced him as my fiancé."