Forever Yours Ch. 09


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Marcos was getting hurt as he heard what Dan was saying. He knew he was at fault but it was Dan's fault for not understanding him.

"But there is nothing wrong with that." Olivia said with a warm smile. "I think it's about time you two got engaged.

"You don't understand, mom." Dan said with graceful simplicity. "The person I told this Ramon and I think Marcos got angry."

"Ramon!" Madison exclaimed. "You mean you are arguing because of that guy? Why can't he leave you alone?"

"No, it's not about him." Marcos assured. "He has nothing to do with this. Dan is just overreacting."

"Don't tell me that you are defending that whore over your boyfriend." His mother shouted. "You are a grown up but I don't want to hear about that boy in my house. Now apologize to your boyfriend." Olivia ordered.

"Mother," Marcos nodded in disagreement. "I haven't done anything wrong. Do you expect me to starting cheering after I see someone who had hurt me in the past? You all are just overeacting and if Dan chooses to believe that I am wrong, then I have nothing to say."

Marcos turned and left the living room to his room. He was burning with anger that his mother chose to believe Dan instead of him. Dan was overreacting and Marcos had no idea what to do. He knew he had to apologize later but first he needed to cool down because he still had no idea how he got angry after seeing the way Dan was talking to Ramon.

Marcos' mind had images of Ramon and they couldn't just go away. He needed to forget those memories if he was to live peacefully with everyone. Ramon had betrayed and nothing was going to change that. He needed to have a better life with Dan who has been nothing but a perfect boyfriend to him but not like Ramon.

Marcos should be thanking Dan and not getting mad at him. Why did he have to get mad simply because he saw Ramon who had betrayed him? He needs to forget and concentrate on Dan because he is sure that Ramon has moved on and so should he. He will not allow Ramon to destroy his relationship with Dan, no.


After Marcos had left the living room, Dan went to his room feeling himself burning up. It was clear to him that Marcos still loved Ramon. He saw the way he was silent and the way he had kissed him while Ramon was watching. It was all so clear to him. His anger was burning and he had no idea what to do.

He was going about the room trying to think clearly but he was so scared. They have lived happily for 4 years without any problems except for Marcos' low sex drive which came out of the blue but other than that, they have lived happily though Marcos has not been able to totally forget.

Seeing Ramon today was a very big mistake. Dan shouldn't have taken Marcos to Ramon. It was a big mistake and somehow he wanted to go back in the past and make sure that Ramon was eliminated. He shouldn't have let Ramon live 5 years ago, he should have killed him.

The door flung open and Olivia and Madison came inside the room and closed the door shut. Dan was glad it was them because he needed their help.

"Thank God you both are here." He whispered.

Olivia has not seen Dan like the way he was today. He was looking so bothered and it was making her nervous. It was just Ramon, poor stupid Ramon and he was not a threat. Marcos was already over him and he should know that her son is a responsible man.

"Why did you have to argue with him?" Madison said softly. "You know that my brother gets angry easily. But come to think of it, this was the first time I saw you argue. What really happened?"

"Ramon," Dan exclaimed.

Madison and Olivia were now laughing softly which just made him angrier. It was like they were making fun of him.

"This is not funny." Dan snapped. "Marcos argued with me because of Ramon."

"Yeah, I got that part." Madison chuckled teasingly. "What really happened?"

"Well, sit down." Dan said as he offered them the bed to sit on. They sat and he took three deep breaths before he began narrating the story.

"We left home today so that we could go shopping and we were so happy." Dan said softly. "We arrived at the building and as soon as we got out of the car, I spotted him."

"Who," Olivia asked making Dan feel like the woman was not taking him seriously.

"Who else, Ramon," Dan almost shouted at the woman.

"But I thought our plan was to humiliate him once we saw him." Olivia said as she looked at her son's boyfriend as if he had lost the game. "You were with Marcos and you had such a great opportunity."

"Will you let me speak?" Dan almost shouted as he felt angry. "Anyway I saw him and he was admiring a Honda CR-V. I saw it as an opportunity to humiliate him and insult him so that I could impress Marcos. I told him that I am now Marcos' fiancé and kissed him in front of Ramon and..." He paused as he tried to remember the things that really happened.

"And..." Madison asked.

"And the boy was just looking at us with a mocking smile." Dan added. "He rolled his eyes at us in irritation and he tried to leave but held him and insulted him some more." Dan gulped. "The boy answered and he admitted that he was a whore and he also called me righteous. I told him he was shameful to admit it in my face then..." Dan moved his mouth and took a breath. "...some guard and a driver came out with many bags which had clothes and they called him...sir."

"Sir," Both Olivia and Madison exclaimed at the same time.

"Yes, sir," Dan said as the entire picture flushed back at him. "The guard opened the door for him and he entered the car gracefully. And it was the same car that he was admiring." Dan sighed as if he was running short of air.

"After his car had left, Marcos just started heading towards the car and he was sounding angry." Dan added. "The all way home we were just quiet until we reached the home when I asked why he was angry and if he loved Ramon. He denied but I am sure that he is angry because I..."

"Wait wait, wait," Olivia stopped him. She was not interested in whatever he had said but only one thing. "Ramon had a guard and a driver?" She laughed. "How is that even possible?"

"I don't know." Dan said worriedly. "But whoever he is linked to must be somehow rich, super rich."

"A sugar daddy, maybe," Madison suggested.

"I don't even care if he's fucking the prime minister." Dan said angrily. "What is affecting me is that Marcos is mad at me and it is all because of him."

"Yeah, you are right." Olivia agreed though deep down she was dying to know where Ramon got that car because they have not seen him for five years only to appear with a guard and a driver. What was going on?

"No matter which car he drives, he will never be as rich as us." Olivia assured. "What is important is that Marcos resents him."

"I agree with mom," Madison said flipping her hair. "You should set things right between you two."

"You have to apologize to Marcos and tell him that you are sorry." Olivia said as she tapped on his back. "You need to fix this. Don't let that boy ruin what we have kept together for so long."

Dan knew that what Olivia said was the truth. He has to apologize so that he could go back to being with the man that he has loved since childhood. He has an advantage since Marcos still believes that Ramon is a whore.

"You need to do it now." Olivia commanded. "I am sure that pest will never bother us again. Just show Marcos love and he will be yours."

All this was making sense. Dan quickly went out of his room and he found himself knocking at Marcos' door. It was not long and Marcos opened the door.

Marcos was happy that Dan had come to the room probably to apologize but he had to apologize too because he was the first one to have caused this misunderstanding anyway.

"I am really sorry." Dan apologized pouring his heart out to his boyfriend. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I should have trusted you so please let's..."

Marcos was feeling guilty that he kissed Dan without saying anything. He kissed Dan in the door way sucking on his lips slowly and he heard Dan moaning slowly. He broke the kiss and sucked on his lips violently until Dan's lips were pink and swollen.

"There was no other way to shut you up." Marcos chuckled as he caressed Dan's cheeks.

"Wow," Dan gasped. "Does this mean that..."

"Let's just forget about everything and get on with our lives." Marcos asserted. "I love you and that is all that matters."

Why did it feel so wrong to say those words to Dan, Marcos thought? It was just I love you but it felt so wrong like he was telling the wrong person. Marcos knew that Ramon was affecting him once again but he was not going to jeopardize his relationship with Dan over Ramon. No, siree he was gonna endure it all and if he ends up with Dan, then his family would be more than happy because he has been like a son of the house.

Marcos took Dan inside and they ended up on the bed kissing sensually and touching wherever their hands could. They kissed, fondled, and cuddled the whole afternoon until it was evening. Dan was so horny that he wanted Marcos to fuck him but he had to understand his partner.

He just has to jerk off when he goes up to his room though it would not help. Only fucking him could relieve him from this horniness. His hole was even twitching. They have not had sex for three weeks now.

After dinner they sat in the living room watching a movie while they talked about their relationships. Marcos really admires his brother who ended up with someone that he has loved for so long. If only that would have happened with Ramon, he would have been the happiest guy on earth. But no, Ramon had to be a whore. Sometimes he curses himself for experiencing such pain.

"Hello," He heard his father answering his phone while he got out of the living room only to come back with some news that they had not expected.

"The new president of Martinez shoe Company is coming next week. We will be having a meeting at the company with all the partners. This also means that the name will be changed officially on the same day and there is more..."

"What is that?" Olivia asked her husband suddenly feeling sad that they are losing the company name and they no longer owned it.

"They are replacing the image model."

"What?" Madison jumped out of the couch. She felt bad that she was to be changed. With the help of her parents, she has been the image model for many years and it has made her famous. How was she going to tell her friends?

Marcos felt bad that her sister was being replaced. But they no longer owned the company and had no say. They owned only small shares which are not even half. They just have to accept it and concentrate on their Food Company and hotel which has risen to a higher level due to the investors and partners in the company.


Ramon was having dinner with his family but he couldn't shake the smile that was on his face. He kept on seeing the look on Dan and Marcos' faces when they saw him enter his car. He has not even told his family because he doesn't want questions to come flowing at him.

"Hey," Eduardo snapped his fingers. "You seem happy since you came back from that photo shoot. Did you meet someone special while you were out there?"

"No," He chuckled nervously. "I am just happy because my fans will get to see me after so long."

"Yeah, get ready to have people gang up on you." Mark said as he took a sip of the water in the glass. "Celebrities always have people following them around. The fact that you are a celebrity and a business man will make you really famous, powerful and influential."

"That is good," Eduardo gulped. "He will now be able to show some people that he is no longer that boy. He is a big boy now."

"You are right, Eduardo." Ramon remarked. "I think it's about time some people got to know me. Immediately after my magazine and video comes out, I will be able to come out as a business man and put my music company in full swing."

Eduardo and Ramon laughed together and Ramon really had something big planned for his life. He was now super, stinking rich.

"Hey, when is your contract with RLC coming to an end?" His father asked while he dived into the meat loaf.

"After two weeks but I will be renewing it because I just can't abandon them." Ramon said with determination after cutting his meat into pieces.

"Wait, I thought you would be working in your own company to produce music." His dad asked while folding his hands on his chin.

"Yeah, but the company is just for my personal music and for other companies which wish to have a contract with me."

They all ate dinner over some small talk and it finally dawned on Ramon that Eduardo and Mark were dating. Ramon was really happy for them because they both had not been so lucky in love and it was just a happy event. He even toasted to them and their love life. They were so happy that he gave them both a hug.

The conversation continued until late when their fathers went to sleep but they all continued chatting. Mark was dating a doctor, Chad and Ramon was so happy but the conversation turned and now it was on him.

"Hey, bro, do you consider ever dating?" Eduardo asked. Ramon didn't need that topic but he was still smiling.

"No," He answered still smiling.

"You mean no guy has ever approached you apart from that bastard?" Mark added.

Ramon yawned and pretended to be sleepy.

"Oh my God," Ramon exclaimed while quickly getting off the couch. "It's late and I am going to sleep. Goodnight!"

Ramon quickly climbed into the elevator and he could hear the both of them chuckling. It was not like there were no guys who approached him, many did. But he was not ready to date again. He didn't want to give a guy false hope.

Ramon went to bed and he ended up thinking about Marcos which made him feel bad rather than good. He shouldn't be thinking about people like that. The incident which had happened earlier in the afternoon helped him go to sleep chuckling. He will never forget the look on their faces.

Ramon spent the next day in his room working on his songs. In two years he had spent writing his songs and they were over 200 songs that he was yet to sing. While he was in New York, most of the lyrics for the songs were there though he wrote many of them and planned with them. He had performed in over 300 movie theme songs.

On the second day, he didn't go out but rather spent the whole day watching cartoons like a little child and later songs by his favorite artists, who were now his fellow artist. The third day, he spent his entire day playing video games with Mark and Eduardo and he won most of them. Those three days were really lovely. The fourth day was spent in the pool outside the house.

On the fifth day, Ramon was sitting in the living room when his phone rang. It was Mr. Robbins and he knew exactly what was involved. He couldn't wait to hear it though.

"Are you ready?" Mr. Robbins asked as soon as he picked up the phone.

"I think so." Ramon said as he felt adrenalin make him weak.

"The magazine will be ready by this afternoon and it will be distributed and will be on the market and the internet tomorrow." Mr. Robbins gushed. "Get ready to be famous."

"Whoa!" Ramon gasped. "Its nerve wrecking but I will be fine."

"Don't worry, I will send a copy this afternoon." Mr. Robbins promised the boy who had brought nothing but good luck to the company. "By the way, switch on the news."

Ramon quickly took the remote and switched it on. He was really astonished by what he saw, they were showing that his magazines would be ready on the market the next day and there were so many reactions by his fans. He couldn't have wanted anything more.

"Do you see that?" Mr. Robbins asked while he held on to the phone. "That is your future."

"Thank you so much Uncle Rob." Ramon chirped.

"And oh," Mr. Robbins exclaimed. "Your videos are also coming out tomorrow."

Ramon's mouth was now open. His magazine and videos would come out at the same time and it was going to be a hit. OMG his fame was knocking at the door.

"I know what you are thinking." Mr. Robbins simpered. "I will call you back later."

Ramon was so happy that he jumped out of the chair and ran around the room because he was excited. He couldn't still believe that all this was happening to him. Now he would be able to open the company real soon and Mr. Robbins had found the best of the staff to work in the Company. He had the building and all the staff was ready. What was left was to officially open the Company and he would do it after two days.

In the afternoon, Ramon received a package which he opened excitedly and found the magazine gazing at him. He had his hands on his mouth, his eyes on the magazine and his heart on what was inside. The cover of the magazine was wonderfully made and his picture radiated in it. He was looking so handsome in a designer suit with his long hair blowing backwards which only made him look sexier. OMG that was a high fashion photo and the words that were on the cover page was heart blowing, 'The legend, Ramillio Castra."

Whoever thought of those words was really getting on the good side of Ramon. He stared at the cover page before he actually picked up the magazine and flipped on the first page where he was holding a microphone looking like a real celebrity. It was sure going to be mind blowing, 'If you aint seen me here then you definitely don't know me, Hola to all my fans.'

Ramon was flabbergasted and as he was about to flip to the next page, his phone rang.

"How do you like it my boy?" Mr. Robbins shouted with so much excitement.

"It's perfect." Ramon trilled. "Thank you so much. Can you do one thing for me though?"

"You know I am willing to do anything for you."

"Can you write on your website that I will be opening my Company the day after tomorrow?"

"That is just a small thing. All the staff is ready and I am glad you decided to open the Company earlier."

Ramon cut the call after sometime and he went back to admiring himself in the magazine which had best described him with beautiful words which would improve his image. Every photo in that magazine was really beautiful, high fashion and lovely. He passed through the magazine the entire afternoon till he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I have been here for over 3o seconds and your eyes are still on that magazine." Mark jested. "What is on that magazine that..." Mark trailed off and came closer. "Oh my God," He gasped. "Is"

Ramon just smiled because he couldn't bring himself to saying anything. He was speechless but his smile spoke for him.

"You were looking so handsome and super sexy." Mark said as he flipped every page in the magazine. "I am really proud of you. Now you will be very famous."

Mark hugged his best friend tightly and the others came inside.

"What's going on here?" Eduardo said soon as he found the two guys hugging. None of them answered but Mark had an idea and threw the magazine at him.

"What!" Eduardo exclaimed. Ramon was happy to share his happiness with his family. Wherever Marcos and his family were, Ramon hoped that they would see that magazine and the new songs come tomorrow.


Marcos switched off the TV in his room and he went downstairs where he found everyone seated and watching a horror movie. He was happy and he couldn't hide his joy.

"Wow, look who is coming smiling." Barry jested. "Why are you smiling as if you just won something extremely important?"

"Tomorrow," Marcos gasped. "Tomorrow is the day Ramillio's magazine will be released."

"Are you serious?" Barry gushed. "I have wanted to see the guy for years now. I love his songs and his voice is just wonderful. It will be nice to see the face behind that voice."

Marcos couldn't have been happier. He knew that he was going to see his all time favorite artist and it was going to be a great day. What was more interesting was that he couldn't wait for the videos to come out. Everyone was happy because even his father was a fan of Ramillio. It was a whole house of Ramillio fans and they were going to see who he was.