Free Spring Break Accommodations Ch. 01


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"They'd probably have a stroke seeing how little we wear today!"

"Mmmm, can't imagine what they'd think of a Victoria's Secret billboard."

That got her laughing. We flipped through a few more. She stopped on one of a bunch of kids sitting around a picnic table with pencil and paper, both black and white.

"I didn't think they let slaves and white folks in the same school back then?"

"They didn't."


"I don't think that was a school, looks more like out by the river here on the property."

"So they educated their own slaves, must have made them REAL popular."

I smiled at remembering my great grandmother correcting me as a small child. "Worse, they weren't slaves."

Regan looked at me, "WHAT?"

"Well first off my great grandparents weren't rich enough to own slaves, and second they didn't believe in it. If I remember it right my great grandfather and a black man were partners in this place back then."

"That must have been hard."

"I imagine, but great gran was a tough old broad. I can remember more than a few times she would come after me with her cane pointing a finger at me 'Boy, there is white folk, black folk, an' niggers of both colors. Soon as you figure that out you might even know a few things.'"

Regan looked at me wide eyed, snorted, then laughed, "I would have liked to have met her."

I chuckled, "Yeah, she was quite a charter. She passed away when I was twelve, and still caused a stir. She had thee black and three white pall bearers, mixed on each side."

We chuckled at that, and kept paging through the album, lots of pictures of what the place used to be. A few of what the original house looked like. It was amazing the craftsmanship. I knew from the pictures the house was originally a one story with half the foot print, but walking through later, unless you knew where to look you wouldn't know were one stopped and another began.

That was the basic story of our family. Great grand dad and his black partner took everything they had and sunk it into land. It had grown and shrunk over the years. Grand dad having shaved some here to get the house in Chicago. So we were land rich, not money wealthy. Don't get me wrong, Dad worked for a large company, and having a place to live that was paid for made things a lot easier than some had it. And of course my sister had to go and marry into a family of lawyers. Something she constantly reminded me of since I was the 'black sheep' of the family that sat back and played on his computer. It kept the bills paid and I didn't have to punch a clock... life is good.

We closed things up and headed downstairs, the girls snickering about my little grill. I picked up a little propane grill when I was in town, it wasn't very big, about a foot by foot and a half. But I figured when I decided what I was going to do here at the house I could find out a way to mount it on the pontoon.

I was going to grill burgers for everyone, but Sophie, Betty, Cynthia, and Catrina were headed into town again, getting a cab this time instead of flipping for designated driver.

We ate our burgers accompanied by the aroma of the citronella candles but not the bug bites.

"I wanted to say thanks again for letting us stay Larry," Chi said between bites. "We could have been royally screwed other wise."

"Like he is just tortured with us running around here," Regan said while shaking her chest a bit.

I just groaned, then smiled. "Well it really has been nice. I didn't know what I was getting into moving down here from Chicago, and the help in cleaning up was definitely worth it, I just wish you guys didn't have to go back so soon."

"You just want us parading in and out of your shower," Chi snickered.

I raised my hand, "Guilty. But even if I can only dream of having you, it's still better than being here alone."

Chi gasped a bit, then smiled and pointed to Regan, "But you two are..."

I put my hand up again, "Nope, we've cuddled and kissed and played a little, but no sex. Just a lovely warm body to curl up with."

I think Regan was blushing.

"So when is your girlfriend coming down?" Chi asked with an ornery grin.

I just stared off into the distance, "She's not. She's married to her social calendar."

"Oh... shit... sorry... I mean um..."

"Don't sweat it Chi. I guess I knew it all along, I was just fooling myself. Even if she had come down she would have high tailed it right back at the thought of actually having to work instead of hiring it out."

Chi chuckled, "Ohhhh, one of those."

"So what are you going to do with the place?" Regan asked.

"Not sure. I've got a little bit of inheritance to do some fixing up as long as I don't go to wild. I work from home so it's not like I'm pressed into anything." I looked down at her nipples standing up inside her bikini top, "I could always just do a spring break B&B for the sorority girls."

She was smiling when I looked back up from her chest, "But I remember most of my fellow students were more interested in being close to the action so they could stagger home from the bar. Not happening out here."

"Like Sophie," Chi chimed in.

"Like Sophie," I agreed.

"But you know," Regan said. "I kinda like getting away to somewhere warm for a while. Not just to come down and go bar hopping without a heavy coat."

I just groaned, "Now that is just plain wrong, you guys covered up in heavy coats, thin sweaters maybe, but heavy coats..." They laughed at me.

We finished up and went inside to watch a movie on my huge, massive, gigantic, twenty seven inch TV. Definitely going to have to upgrade that soon, and popcorn was added to the grocery list. Part way through we paused and they went off to change, coming back in big t-shirts.

After a later pause for bathroom runs, Regan was under my arm waiting for Chi to come back out, "So how much would you charge if you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Your spring break B&B?"

"Oh hell, I don't know. It's not like it would be a hotel or anything. I guess a hundred or so a week depending. Why?"

"Well I know there would be some interest in it. Betty was only able to come because of the price."

"You're serious."

"Why not? Only put it out to the sororities so you know who you're getting. It's only for a week at a time give or take. And I'm sure you would just hate having coeds in bikini's running around for a few weeks every spring."

Chi came around the end of the couch, "And I'm sure you could be talked in taking them out on your boat once in a while," as she peeled her t-shirt off and cupped her little mounds.

Regan chuckled and leaned forward to peel hers off as well, "Yeah, are we going out on the boat tomorrow?" lifting her tits and rolling her nipples between her fingers.

I laughed and pulled Chi down beside me and put an arm around each of the girls groping the upper slope of a tit in each hand. "Before or after the others come back from the dead?"

Chi pulled my hand down to cover her nipple and put a hand on my hard cock, "If they can't get up soon enough it's their loss."

I was thoroughly groped for the next hour, strenuously objecting to it of course. After the movie Regan grabbed the remote grinning and scanned up to the music channels stopping on an oldies channel. 'Moonlight Serenade' came on and she grabbed my hand to pull me to my feet.

I took her in my arms and we had a nice slow dance. Holding her tight with our bare chests mashed together after she opened my shirt, giggling as I reached down and squeezed her ass a few times. Luckily the next song was String of Pearls and Chi took it upon herself to cut in. But unlike Regan one hand was pushed down to her ass from the start. There were a few nice moans as I squeezed here and there.

The song had just come to an end when Regan's phone chimed. She grinned at it, then her face turned to ... well shock, horror, I don't quite know but it wasn't good. She made some kind of noise and ran to the other room the girls were using for a bedroom. Chi ran after her.

I sat there a bit after turning the music down, hearing all sorts of noises and what sounded like crying. I peaked in and Regan was sitting on the floor with her arms wrapped around her knees rocking back and forth with Chi beside her.

I started to step in but Chi turned to me and shook her head. 'Anything I can do?' I mouthed to her. She shook her head and mouthed, 'Boyfriend problems."

I just nodded and went to bed. I did hear the drunken crew come through somewhere in the middle of the night, but other than that I was alone.


I woke to a strangely quiet house. I took a quick shower and headed down for breakfast. I glanced in the girls room and chuckled, Sophie sprawled out on her back naked, Cynthia, Catrina and Betty were at least partially covered, Regan was curled up in a ball and looked terrible with Chi not that far behind.

I headed into the kitchen and started the coffee. A few minutes later Chi came in like a zombie and went straight for the coffee. I was admiring her outline in the morning sun through her thin t-shirt. "So how is she?"


"Should I ask?"

Chi shrugged, "One of the girls sent a video of her boyfriend in a musical pussy party." I must have had a weird look on my face from her look. "Girls on the inside guys on the outside. Move one clockwise when the song changes and you're out when you cum."

I grimaced, "OUCH!," not the best way to get the news your significant other is stepping out on you. I took a sip of my OJ, "You guys still want to go out on the boat?"

"Probably not, but it would be better for Regan than being around Sophie razzing her all day."

"Okay, well take your time. I have a few things to do to the boat so just come on down when you want."

So my first and easiest project was the high dollar porta potty, one five gallon bucket, one foam noodle cut and slit for the rim, some water and a bottle of the blue stuff. The next was a lot more time consuming. I picked up a fairly cheap stereo for the boat, just a basic AM/FM/CD with a USB port.

The kid at the store tried to tell me in needed to get some subwoofers and a few amps and a 5.1 surround system. You think he works on commission?

Mounting and tying into power wasn't too bad since there had been something there before, but who ever had done the previous installation and been real cheep on the speaker wire. I had to really look at the wire to even see the conductor in the middle.

So to at least give me some temporary sound I tripled up the old wire and sat the speakers in front of the console. Seems asshole across the river doesn't like ZZ Top or Lead Zeplin... damn what a shame. Think I should have put on some AC/DC for him?

I was bopping along stringing wire in the canopy when the girls came out totting a cooler between them. Chi all smiles, Regan not so much so. "Good timing. I was about to mount the speakers then we can go."

I transferred the speakers up to their permanent mounts and made some quick connections under the console and we were off. I think Regan was glad for the music so she didn't have to talk. We shoved off and idled down the river, heading away from Pensacola this time when we hit open water instead of towards it.

I turned east and Chi striped off her t-shirt and then her bikini top and stood right in front of me to oil up making Regan snicker. I had to chuckle when she handed me her oil and pushed me away from the steering wheel to take it herself, "Back please."

I enjoyed feeling her under my hands, naked except for the little black string between her cheeks and over her hips. I stopped as I got down to her ass, "Uh uhhh, all the way down."

I smiled and she leaned back to put her ass in my face as I kneeled so I gave her a quick nip on her cheek and then a nice swat. She just shook her ass more, and groaned when I got all the way up her legs and squeezed her cheeks.

I was going to hand her her oil back, "Un uhh, do Regan, then you can have your boat back."



"Ughhh." Regan gave in and peeled her t-shirt off then her bikini top. And turned her back to me still sitting on the bench seat. I put a little on my hands and began at her shoulders, working the oil in like a massage more than just applying it. Feeling her sigh and exhale as I worked her muscles. Giggling as I let my fingers slip around her sides to lightly stroke the sides of her tits.

I peeled off my t-shirt and put some more oil in my hands, "Lift your hair." I began the tops of her shoulders and her neck getting another satisfied groan. Then reached under the arm holding her hair up and around the other headed straight for her big tits working the oil in making her gasp as I did pulling her back against my chest.

I lightly kissed her neck, "If you need to talk I'm here, or even just need a hug." I got a good grip on her tits and pulled her back tight against me, "No scratch that, especially if you need a hug," and nipped at her ear.

"You're terrible." She said as she let her hair drop but put her hands on mine momentarily before pushing them aside.

"NO FAIR!" Chi called out, "Where's my hug?"

I chuckled and stood up behind her as she lifted her arms to let me have access. Sliding my oiled hands around her sides and cupping and squeezing her small tits rolling her nipples between my fingers, "Better?"

Chi reached back and squeezed my hard cock, "For now." She stepped aside for me and reached for Regan's hand to pull her out onto the deck to lay out. I was just so terrible to chug along at quarter throttle while they laid out in the sun, all the little movements of the boat rippling across Regan's tits, a few of the waves even strong enough to make Chi's jiggle just a little..

We chugged along for a good twenty miles or so and came across an old industrial complex. Not sure what it used to be but the top of the concrete dock was a good thirty feet up so it had to be something ocean going at one time. But what I noticed was a large overhanging tree next to the dock to give us some nice shade for lunch.

I pulled near the shore and tied off to an old tree sticking up out of the water.

We just nibbled and watched boats go back and forth listening to the local radio station. Definitely going to have to load a few USB sticks up. We cruised around a bit after lunch, heading a bit further east before turning back, Chi taking a turn at the wheel and waiving to the guys on the rail of a container ship enjoying her topless.

I sat back with my arm around Regan's shoulder lightly stroking the top of her tit. "I meant what I said earlier, especially the hug part."

She brought her hand up to swing at me, "Just kidding, well sort of. Just checking to see if you were listening."


"So I'm in the mood for a nice steak dinner tonight. Would you two like to accompany me, my treat?"

"I'M IN!" Chi called.

"How about you?" I asked Regan.

"I guess."

"ALL RIGHT! I got a date with two hot babes in one night!"

They both just rolled their eyes, but when Regan wasn't looking Chi mouthed 'Thanks'.

They pulled their t-shirts on as we turned into the mouth of the river.

Asshole and family were sitting out on their patio at the top of the hill so I turned the music up a bit as we docked before shutting everything down. I put one arm around Regan's waist and grabbed the other end of the cooler with Chi and we headed back to the house.

The four musketeers were alive and preparing to do battle again tonight. Hair was being done and war paint being applied. Arguments for the place of the Friday night battle and the appropriate skimpy clothing to lure in unsuspecting victims were still up for debate. Regan and Chi disappeared amongst the chaos and I went up to take a quick shower.

I was soaping up and a pair of soft hands were on my back, I almost said 'Regan' when an accompanying pair of tiny hard nipples hit my lower back. "Hi Chi, what are you doing up here?"

She pulled up tight against my back 'helping' me soap my belly and working her hands lower. "The girls were hogging the bathrooms so I thought I'd come up here where it's a little less crowded. You mind?" as her fingers found my stiffening cock.

I pulled her around in front of me and leaned down to kiss her. "Don't know a man alive that wouldn't want a hot naked babe in the shower with him." I pulled her close kissing her hard as I trapped my hard cock against her belly.

When we broke the kiss she got a good grip around my neck and hopped up to wrap her legs around my waist. I got a good grip on her ass and we resumed, Chi moaning when I got a good hard squeeze on her ass.

When we broke our kiss this time she slid down to her feet and kept going to her knees taking my hard cock between her lips. "Mmmmm, I had a dream about this the other night."

Chi pulled off and licked the underside of my cock, "You did huh? Well then this will be even better."

Chi stood up and leaned against the wall sticking her ass out. I didn't have to be told twice! I stepped up behind her and sank deep into her silky pussy. A second thrust and I was balls deep and trying not to cum right away. I reached around to cup her little tits, "It's been too long Chi," I hissed between my teeth. "I'm not going to last long."

"Me... either." She groaned as she rotated her hips against me. "Fuck me." she grunted. I pulled back a bit and sunk balls deep again, Chi just groaned. I got a nice grip on a small tit and one hip and slid in and out of that tight pussy. We did get a few strokes in, and I'm not sure who set who off, but shortly we were a mass of orgasming bodies just doing our best to stay standing. Only my collapsing against her against the wall kept us up.

We regained our strength and separated enough to rinse just as the water was starting to cool a bit. I got one last kiss and titty grope as Chi left. I hope that was a contented grin on her face whatever her motivation for joining me in the shower was.

Things became clearer when I came back down to collect my two babes. Chi was on an aspirin hunt running around in just her little thong claiming she got too much sun and it was going to be just me and Regan. Regan tried to back out but Chi insisted we go without her.

We had a nice evening, some good food, I tried to engage Regan, but she wasn't that into it. She did start to loosen up towards the end of the evening when I suggested we see if the old car people were down at the drive in again, but alas it was a group of bike nuts. Old and new bikes and something long ago separated from real music blaring from the overhead speakers. She did at least scoot over next to me on the way home.

Regan put her arm in mine walking up to the house, we chuckled at Chi kicked back asleep on the couch all sprawled out in her old t-shirt and day glow pink thong. Regan started to turn us up to my room, but I stopped her and turned to the big room the girls were using.

"You... you don't want me either..."

I brought her hand to my lips and kissed the inside of her wrist, "I want you so much it hurts, but not like this." I brought her other hand to my lips and kissed that wrist too. "As much as I want to make you scream in orgasm for a few hours," she grinned at that, "I want it to be because you want to be with me, not because you don't want to be with him."

Regan looked at me a bit then smiled and put her arms around my neck and drew me close. It was a nice soft long kiss, only a little tongue. I kissed her forehead and went up to my room thinking about dragging her up just to cuddle but knowing I would want to do much more than that.

I took another quick shower and rinsed down enough to sleep, and sure enough there was a train of women in my shower somewhere in the middle of the night. I barely woke to the sound and the reminding me of my escapade with Chi was nice. But no puking that I remembered, just slipping back to sleep with the dream of curling up with Regan gave me a good night's sleep.