Free Spring Break Accommodations Ch. 01


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We sat there a bit watching the boat go by out in the gulf, some of the big container ships off in the distance. I chuckled at the thought I had.


"Oh nothing, I was just chuckling at the catch twenty two of it. If I hadn't taken this house instead of the one in Chicago we'd be closer together, but if I had you'd have meet mom and dad and probably had a totally screwed up week and we'd have never met."

Regan sat up and took my jaw in her hand, "Larry, this was going to be a mediocre week at best from the start. You took it from a total screw up through all the ups and downs and made it one of the best weeks I can ever remember." Then leaned in for a long soft kiss with just a little tongue to make it nice.

Regan pulled back now moving her hand and looked at me, I smiled, put my hand around her back and pulled her close for a much deeper and yet lighter kiss, just enjoying her next to me.

"We could always come back and torment you for a week or two every so often," Chi called out from the bow.

Our kiss turned to laughter, then Regan nudged me to the end of the bench and laid back with her claves on the arm rest and her head in my lap on her back bringing my hand to her tit grinning at me.

I gave that nice tit a squeeze and a jiggle, "You two are welcome to come back any time."

"With or without clothes?" Chi hollered back.

"I'm a guy..."

"WITHOUT!" they both sang out then laughed. I ran my hand down Regan's' belly and then did the finger walking thing toward her pussy but it was out of reach barely making it to her mound.

Regan chuckled then ran her finger through her lips and held it up to me. I slowly sucked every last bit of her juices from her finger then kissed the inside of her wrist before lowering my hand to just under her tit cupping it like an underwire. Somewhere along the way with the waves and the hot babes I drifted off.

But what I woke to was out of this world, Regan sucking my soft cock in as Chi sat across from me with her knee up spreading her pussy. I firmed up VERY quickly.

Regan shifted down to the floor between my legs as I firmed up, "I told you I get the next one." she said between strokes. Up on her knees leaning over letting her tits swing and sway as she took me in, moaning and sighing around my cock as she played with my balls. Seeing Chi playing with her spread pussy just above Regan's undulating chocolate ass was more than I could take, "COOOOMMMMMMIIIIIINNNNGGGGGGGGG!!"

Regan took the first few shots in her mouth, then leaned back with my cum dribbling from her lips and sprayed the next few across her tits, the sight of my white cum on her chocolate tits just egged me on putting load after load on them until I collapsed but still staring at those beauties. "That's not fair..." I gasped, they just giggled.

We recovered enough to be able to stand, well I did anyway. The girls just grinned at me. I managed to get the boat started and raise the anchor without collapsing, the girls just whispering and snickering to each other. As we neared the mouth of the river and boat traffic was picking up they each lifted a leg to the arms wrests and spread their pussies, "Too bad we have to get dressed, huh Larry?" Chi giggled.

I grinned back, "So just put your bottoms on, topless is legal down here."

Regan laughed and cupped her tits, Chi just got bug eyed. That idea backfired on her just a little. They did slip their bottoms on, and while Regan left her chest on display for me to enjoy, Chi did her best to be some what out of sight or keep her arm in just the right position to hide most of her chest from the view of other boaters. And even then their bikinis were the right color to give you the impression they were naked if you just caught a glance.

The girls hopped out as soon as I touched the dock flinging their bikini tops over their shoulders as they walked back to the house with the cooler between them and one hell of a wiggle in their asses.

I locked things down and made a note to myself to look at doing something to not have to carry the fuel tank back and forth to fill up all the time. Even if I didn't go full out on the motor, the one fifty sucked most of the twelve gallons down in just that little trip.

I got back up to the house and went to help the girls put things away from the cooler when the door bell sounded. I looked through the peephole and saw a sheriff's officer, a lady officer. I opened the door smiling, "Can I help you officer?"

"Yes sir, I'm investigating a complaint. Could we step inside please?"

She began stepping toward the door but stopped when I didn't move. "What is the complaint officer?"

"If we could just step inside," again making a move toward the door.

ALARM BELLS! I put my hand up to stop her, "Please step back officer." She took a step back and I stepped out closing the door behind me. "Now what EXACTLY is this about?"

She was a bit perturbed I didn't let her in the house. "We've had an indecent exposure complaint."


"I'm not at liberty to say."

"Statute..." she reached back for her notebook, and as she flipped it open, "Would that be eight hundred dot oh three?" I continued.

Her head came up, "Um yeah."

I smiled at her making her more uneasy. "Did Mr. Johansen say how he managed to make this observation?"

She glanced down at her notes, "I don't believe so." Then glanced up realizing I had just verified who was making the complaint.

I chuckled, "Let's start this over Officer. My name is Lawrence Throughgood the Third. I have several cousins that are on the force back in Chicago, and an uncle that's a detective." Her eyes went wide, not what she was expecting.

"Now being a healthy young man with a love of the female figure I downloaded a copy of that statute and most of the relevant state supreme court findings to my laptop. With me so far?" She just nodded.

"And since we just returned on the boat and there was no one in sight when we docked that would mean Mr. Johansen was actively surveling and ogling my guests with either binoculars or a telescope from his house."

She was just taking what I said in.

"Now while the girls were topless I believe that's not illegal, is it?"

She attempted to recover, "The complaint was nudity, full nudity."

"Would you like me to call the girls out?"


I turned back to the door and opened it, the officer right behind me. I stopped and looked over my shoulder until she backed up. "REGAN, CHI! COULD YOU COME OUT FRONT FOR A FEW MINUTES?"

There was a bit of noise through the cracked door, then the girls appeared, stopped cold and each brought an arm up across their chest. I was being GLARED at.

"Sorry about that girls, but the guy across the river was peeping at you with his telescope and called in to complain you were running around naked." I turned back to the officer clearly not comfortable with my calling asshole a peeper, "Now while their bikinis are a little small you can see they are not naked... can't you?"

"Um... yeah."

She turned to leave, "And officer," she turned back. "This is the second time he's tried something like this in less than a week. Please make sure you have everything straight before you go running around on wild goose chases for him again."

She didn't say anything, just nodded and went back to her squad car and left, quietly.

I turned back to two lovely topless ladies. "You know I think I'm going to go back down and crank up the radio while I work on the dock. If some topless babes happened to show up and grill out while I worked that would be just terrible now wouldn't it?"

I grabbed a couple of freshly charged batteries for the tools and headed down in the truck. I had a few of the boards cut when the girls came walking down with the cooler and some charcoal. I had to laugh, they did change out of their almost invisible bikini's from earlier, Regan was now in a day glow green, Chi in a day glow pink, and both still deliciously topless.

I kept working and they cleaned out the fire ring and got it started. Wiggling butts in the air since they felt it necessary to bend at the waist all the time was just a bit distracting. But I got an even bigger smile knowing asshole across the river was probably steaming at what he was watching through his telescope. And yes I took my binoculars to verify there was one set up inside his back window.

The girls cooked, I cut and nailed. We ate to some good old rock and roll loud enough to really enjoy. They helped me get the barrels under the newly rebuilt sections so we could slide them in first thing in the morning before they left, then we settled back to enjoy the fire we'd started on top of the coals. I even got Regan to slow dance with me a few times. They got their retribution in doing a few bump and grinds in front of me before we called it a night. Wonder if asshole's telescope was good enough to see that they had pulled those bottoms aside a few times to flash their pussies at me every so often?

I crawled into the shower as they went to theirs, soaping and enjoying the memories of today until I clenched and went to my toes shooting all over the wall. Still stroking my softening cock remembering the girls taking me in earlier and cumming all over Regan's delicious chocolate chest. I dried off and crawled into bed.

I was just starting to doze off when I was invaded. I had a naked woman on either side of me. I squeezed a cheek in each hand, no signs of anything in my way.

"We packed everything before we realized we didn't have anything to sleep in, do you mind?" Regan said before giving me a soft kiss.

"Not at all." I pulled them to me, "not at alllll." Kissing first one forehead and then the other before snuggling in for the night.


I still had two babes in the morning, Regan curled up with me, and Chi's butt against my hip. I pulled Regan further onto me and cupped her ass as I kissed her. She wrapped her arms around me and returned a very nice morning kiss.

"I would love to ravage you before you leave, but you have a long drive ahead of you."

"Mmmmm, and I'd be sitting in a hell of a wet spot all the way home."

"Mmmmm, and no one to spread you wide and lick you clean."

"OH FUCK IT!" Regan said in exasperation, slipped up, and slid back taking my cock deep and sitting up to start grinding on me.

I slid my hands up under her tits, cupping and rolling her nipples as Chi climbed out and headed for the bathroom. We had a nice slow morning fuck, Regan riding me, using my cock everywhere she wanted to, twisting and rolling as she put her arms over her head showing her chest off to me. Leaning forward to put her nipple in my mouth, then rolling us over to put me on top.

I stayed on my elbows a bit, just looking in her eyes as I slowly moved in and out of her, not pulling out, not driving in deep, just enjoying her around me. Regan smiled and then put her ankles in my ass, I drove in hard and deep. She gasped and grinned, letting me loose and pulling me in again.

I leaned down letting my weight fall onto her tits, leaning forward to kiss her as I drove in hard and deep again, and again, and again. Rolling forward on her tits as I drove in deep. Regan encouraging more and more until I was jack hammering her pussy trying to drive her through the bed, each of us trying to hold back.

Then her head kicked back and I knew I had won, Regan began cumming and screaming and I lost it in her. Gripping her shoulders tight as I pumped every last bit I had into her spasming pussy...

I was still laying on the nicest pair of tits I had felt in a long time, and not wanting to get up. Knowing that in a mater of an hour or so Regan would be gone, and most likely never to be in my life again.

"We need a shower..." I heard from under me.

"I know, but I don't want to let you go," as I slid from her pussy. We both groaned at the separation.

We took a slow shower, trying to prolong things, but we had to go. I slid my jeans on and followed her down stairs, watching her put ( NO! ) panties on. And then a ( GASP! ) padded bra. Regan grinned and snickered tugging her bra straps making her tits jiggle. "Necessary evil for Milwaukee this time of year."

I shook my head.

"Hell I'll even have to put on a sweat shirt and jacket before I get home."

I groaned and she laughed.

Chi was tossing the last of the bags in the car and we walked down to the dock, a little pushing and shoving got them in the water one at a time and the pivot pins in place in just over thirty minutes.

I walked them back to Regan's car, stopping her as she opened the door. "Have a safe trip home, and give me a call or something if you want to come back for a visit," tucking my card in her brand stroking the top of her tit wit the back of my fingers.

Regan giggled and put her arms around me for one last hug and kiss, then got in her car and left.

I walked back through the house, so much different than it was a week ago when I came, and yet sooo empty without anyone else there. I grabbed my little cooler and headed for the boat and headed toward the gulf. I waived at the water patrol boat as it went by.

I tooled down the river and headed over to the marina I had looked up from the service decal on the motor. I asked about a larger tank for the boat and was given a quick smiling lesson in boats. Seems I had been using the emergency tank instead of the one built into the center toon than held fifty five gallons. I hung my head and he chuckled. I pulled around to the fuel dock and topped off the emergency tank and filled the big tank. I did take my time admiring all the bikini clad babes coming and going and bouncing on the Jet Ski's though.

I cruised back up the river passing the water patrol again, they turned around and followed me back and watched me tie up to my newly rebuilt dock.

They pulled up and stepped off as I finished, "Mr. Throughgood, a word please."


"Do you have a permit for your new dock?"

I smiled, "I wasn't aware I needed a permit to repair an existing dock."

"It wasn't here the last time we were here."

"Actually it's been here for fifty years or better, it was just under water because the barrels had rusted." I pointed to the remains on the shore. "I merely replaced the barrels and some water damaged wood. Wouldn't want to have a hazard to navigation problem now would we?"

"And you have proof of this?"

I just laughed, "Boxes of old family photos."

There were going to ask more questions, "Look fells, it's late and I have had a long day. I'll dig the pictures out in the morning if you're still interested." I turned up the dock and left them standing there. Strike three for asshole.

I walked back up to the house, strangely quiet after the last week. Walking through and picking up the little things. A glass and a chip bag left behind by the four musketeers. Rinsing a few glasses in the sink. Picking up a few towels and tossing them in the wash. Grinning at the treasure of finding a stray bikini bottom behind the downstairs bathroom door. I wonder if the owner will come back and claim it? Should I charge storage for it? Maybe a nibble of something before I slide it back on?

Grinning and getting hard at Regan leaving one of her thongs wrapped around my shower head. Taking it down and bringing it to my nose to inhale her scent before pushing it back up close to the wall. Gotta love that ornery woman, she knows I'll stare at it and stroke my aching cock while imaging it on, and off, of her lovely body. Remembering her jacking me and shooting me all over her chocolate body.

I went to sleep thinking about this morning, dreaming of her walking back in the door naked.

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SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireover 1 year ago

Hi, acup, wanted to return the favor and check out some of your stories. I picked this one since it looked interesting but the funny thing was that, a short distance in, it seemed really familiar. Then Regan! Yes, I checked and had already read and rated it 5*, but I recalled enjoying it so I read it again. There were typos and a few odd (wrong?) word choices but it was a damn good story and I'd rate it 5* again if I could. Looking forward to rereading the other parts of it, too. Thanks, SC

RanDog025RanDog025over 2 years ago

Excellent story as usual! Felt sorta empty when it finished, kind of like Larry did when the last of the ladies left, lol. Anyway, 5 BIG FAT FUCKING STARS for this one! Love your stories.

biggeoff35biggeoff35about 4 years ago

Thank you for your time and effort i love your stories

AthlantianAthlantianover 4 years ago
Very good story!

I'm aware that if you're reading this, you have already read the first part of the story, so I’m writing this ensure the readers, that the story keeps being good.

Now, I don’t care about spelling errors and as the story line unfolded, I didn’t discover the ones others pointed out, as I was too busy enjoying the story.

The only slight down side of the story are the sex scenes or rather the length of them. They’re good, but the hero seems to be on a hair-trigger and ready to come within a minute or two, which makes the scenes too short.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
starting spring break

Just finished barbie and starting this one. Someone commented that you need a proof reader. Perhaps.

One comment-you use a word Evidentially fairly frequently. I believe your intention is evidently. Google it.

Don't quit-just learn.

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