Free Spring Break Accommodations Ch. 02


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The next two days were more of the same, holding her hand and talking to her, she was squeezing my hand more and more and I WAS getting her to smile a little.

Her parents kept dropping by around mid day, but her brothers and sister refused to come in the room 'while tha' white boy' was in there. And even when I did get her to release my hand and give them some time, they were in and out in about fifteen minutes.

I did let my parents know I was back in town, and was scolded by mom for not calling earlier, but forgiven when I told them I was sitting with Regan. Mom even came down and sat with me with her for a bit.

Saturday morning I had fallen asleep with my head leaned over on her bed, dreaming of us cuddled up on mine and after making love for hours. Feeling her soft skin in my hand while she played with my chest hair. I woke and turned my head to face her still laying there, "I miss you." I pulled her hand from under my head and kissed her wrist.

She took her hand from mine and cupped my jaw, "Me too," she said softly.

I jumped up, pressed the button and stuck my head out the door hollering for a nurse like the place was on fire. "SHE'S AWAKE!"

The nurses, and then the doctors came in and did some more tests, managing to get her to let me leave the room. I did hear an interesting gasp from Regan though. As I was leaving one of the nurses said to her, "You're a lucky woman. Your fiancé has been by your side since he got here."

They did their tests and seemed pretty pleased. I had called Chi when they kicked me out and she was overjoyed at Regan being awake. As I was going in and the doctors came out they were smiling so it looked like good news.

"How are you feeling?"

I got a raised eyebrow, "Fiancé?"

I lowered my head, "Sorry. Chi said it was the only way they'd let me stay with you."

She just looked at me for a bit, "And you've been here the whole time? What about your place in Pensacola?"

"I came up as soon as Chi called."

"But the house, all the work you're having done."

"Not important right now," I took her hand and she smiled. "So what did the doctors say?"

"Well things look good, it doesn't appear to have been a full blockage. I have to go through some tests to see how bad the damage was but it looks promising, even though I did forget I was engaged."


"But a girl could do worse." I grinned at her smiling at me. "So tell me what I missed.

So I had to go over what had happened, my little run in with her family making her groan and roll her eyes, "Sorry about that." I just shrugged. She chuckled at her not letting go of my hand while she was still under and reached out for me.

I took her hand and kissed it then sat down to start all over on what I had told her about the house and my two weeks of torture. This time not leaving out any of her sorority sisters shenanigans.

She had a glint in her eye, "So they did it up right did they?"

I chuckled and told her about them splitting their teasing between me and Terry, and then mainly Terry when Robert let it slip he was single. Which necessitated my telling her about my neighbors and the boys, I was about to go back over the story and start in on the detail house plans when they came for her to run some tests. While she was out they were also going to transfer her to a regular room so I took the opportunity to run home, shower and do laundry before coming back.

Mom said she'd finish my laundry so I hopped back in the truck to head to the hospital. I made two pit stops along the way, one for a dozen roses, and the other for a root beer float.

I came into her room and stopped up short, her family was here, even the boys. They obviously weren't expecting to see me.

"There you are, I thought you'd found another woman and run off on me," winking when they turned to look at me.

I grinned at her wink, "Not a chance. Thought I'd pick up a few of your favorite weeds and something to nibble on."

"Weeds my ass, get over here."

I got a hug and a bit of a decent kiss before she took the roses and inhaled deep, then saw the A&W bag. "What did you get!?"

I reached in and pulled out the root beer float, "Ta Daaa."

"Oh give me that!" she took a deep drink and kicked her head back, "Mmmmm, now I suppose you want to go dancing too?"


She took another drink and then held out her hand for the spoon, "So I hear you've met my family. Not quite the way we planned on doing it, but what the heck." Her mom got wide eyed at that, the boys sounded like they were going to choke.

She made the formal introductions between bites, then scooted over and patted the bed beside her for me to sit. I was then pushed back so she could recline against my chest under my arm.

We talked a bit more, but it was a forced conversation on her family's side. They were 'saved' when Chi showed up to talk about school so they could leave. The boys looked like they were afraid of contamination being in the same room as me and were the first ones out of the room.

Regan and Chi chatted a bit about her friends, her professors were going to let her take her finals later or in the hospital if she needed to depending on when she got out. Conversation was petering out and they were looking at me.

"Fine fine fine, I'll go get my laptop out of the truck and let you to have some girl time."

I got up to leave and heard Regan clear her throat behind me, I turned to look seeing her smile. "Is that how my fiancé leaves the room?" and tipped her head up and puckered up.

I chuckled, "I guess not." I leaned down and gave her a nice soft kiss with just a little tongue. "Better?"

She licked her lips, "For now."

I got my laptop and a fresh bottle of pop from the cafeteria and headed back up, finding a pair of grinning woman as I came in, "What?"

I got a chorus of, "Nothing," and some giggles.

Regan's tests came back and they would be keeping her for two days and then releasing her.

The doctor looked at me, "But she's to be with someone twenty four hours a day for at least a week. I don't want her relapsing."

I took Regan's hand and raised ours together, "Not a problem."

After going over things I should be looking for if Regan was going to have a problem he left us alone.

She grinned at me, "I need a shower," and leaned over to give me a nice kiss. She slid out of bed and shook her ass at me, I grinned at the open backed hospital gown and her lack of underwear remembering her walking up my steps the first time with only her bikini top and that lovely tiny white thong splitting those cheeks.

I heard the water start, "Larry, I'm not supposed to be alone."

"Oh you're not huh?" I got up and followed her to the bathroom. Seeing her standing under the water, watching it cascade off her tits, running down her thighs making me grin like a fool.

Regan reached up and cupped her tits lifting them and jiggling them, "I still think you're too far away."

"Oh you do, do you?"

Regan released one tit and slid her hand to her pussy letting a finger drop between her lips, "Uh huh."

I began getting undressed, "Oh I guess." She just giggled and started lathering up.

I came in and as she handed me the soap to do her back, feeling her soft skin under my hands as she moaned softly, "I missed this."

I finished her back and slid my hands under her arms to reach around and cup and play with her tits as my cock slipped into her keyhole, "Me too," and kissed the side of her neck where there wasn't any soap.

Regan brought her hands up to cover mine, feeling me groping her. "But I know what I missed more."

"Hmmmm?" nipping at her earlobe.

Regan released one hand and began leaning forward. I felt that missing hand on the tip of my cock between her legs as she spread her legs and rotated her hips back to take me partially into her pussy. "Mmmmmm," she sighed as she rotated more to take a little bit more of me in.

I released her tits to let her leaned forward to grip the grab bars and I grabbed her hips to drive in deeper, "YESSSS!" we groaned together. I pulled back and drove in deep, rotating up to give her everything I could. She felt absolutely divine around me.

"I'm not going to last," I hissed.

"Fill me," she groaned.

I managed three more pumps and just held on for dear life, my body taking over and giving her every ounce I had, feeling Regan shudder under me and hoping it was good for her. A death grip on her hips as I tried to get even deeper in her velvet pussy.

Thank god for hospital grab bars, they were the only thing keeping us standing. We finished rinsing off, I even did her hair making her giggle a little, and then dried off.

I pulled my clothes back on and Regan stood there running her hands up and down her chocolate body then tossing her hospital gown back on. She did look like she was blushing when we got back out. There was a fresh gown and a post it note with a smiley face on her bed.

She had a wicked grin pulling hers back off and slipping the fresh one on in front of me. Catching the fresh one under her tits and jiggling them at me before pulling it up and turning her back to me to tie it. And of course that required her grinding back against me before hopping back in bed giggling.

We talked between the nurses visits, she watched a bit of TV while I worked on my laptop.

"You know I can find someone to keep an eye on me Larry, you don't have to."

I looked up from my laptop, "Now what kind of guy would I be if I let my fiancée run around unguarded."

"I'm serious Larry, You don't have to."

"I know." Regan just looked at me a bit, then smiled and went back to her TV show. I went back to my work, and was actually beginning to catch up. We took a break and went to the cafeteria for supper. Her giggling when I made her move over so I could sit beside her. Feeling her fingers intertwined into mine when I took her hand under the table.

Sitting back on the hospital bed watching TV and wishing for my Dish service when I wanted to pause or back up. Regan chiding me to go home and sleep, but grinning when I drug the recliner next to the bed again and put my hand out for hers. Regan going a bit stir crazy the last day and the doctor chuckling at her telling her that it was a good sign.


I was a bit disappointed that her family didn't come by more, but then her siblings didn't want to have anything to do with me.

We swung by her sorority house to pick up books, laptop, and clothes. We had to spend an hour being introduced around and getting / giving hugs all over. Each and EVERY one of them feeling it necessary to grind against my hard on since greeting Regan's fiancé seemed best done braless or in skimpy clothes. Regan snickering at the antics of her sisters and probably my expressions when I was goosed and groped... several times! Several of them going to the point I was being dry humped with her standing behind them.

Swinging by her parents and wanting to keep driving right on by. I mean I wasn't all that surprised after meeting them in the hospital, but damn. For as fancy as they dressed I would have expected at least a little better. A run down house that looked like it was a few months away from being condemned. The boys inside playing some war game on a sixty inch flat screen sitting on a couch that looked like it was a dumpster rescue. Quite the juxtaposition.

Even Regan was a bit embarrassed to take me there. I didn't say a word, we just picked up a few things and went over to my mom and dads.

Mom was tickled I was going to be around for a few more weeks, and even more so that Regan was going to be here too, taking Regan a bit by surprise with a big hug. Mom was always the hugger. After moving her stuff up to my room I was summarily dismissed and the girls went in cackle mode. Otherwise known as mom telling all the embarrassing stories she could remember about my child hood.

I had to get out of there and went up to put my clean clothes away, then unpacked Regan's things putting her clothes in the closet and her bras and underwear in one of my drawers. Lifting them to my nose and inhaling her scent even if they were clean.

I came back down and the cackle fest had moved from the living room to the kitchen. I broke into dad's single malt and kicked back to watch some real TV after the hospital stuff.

A little later Regan came in and hung her head over the back of the couch, "Your mom says dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes."

"Okay," She began to stand up, "Hey fiancée?"

Her eyes went wide, I puckered up. Regan grinned and leaned down and gave me quite the upside down kiss, "Better?"

I grinned at her biting her lip, "For now."

Dinner was nice, formally introducing mom and dad to Regan, telling them about how we met, the taking her by surprise at the dancing. Mom laughing and promising to pull out some of the old music later. Finding out more and more about this beauty sitting beside me, her school life and goals in life, seeing the cloud when her family life was approached and her smile return as we nicely veered away from it.

And true to her word mom put a CD of the oldies on and we danced. Now mom and dad could be on Dancing with the Stars, but Regan and I weren't too shabby. And of course the last two slow songs were absolutely terrible. Feeling Regan next to me, hearing her sigh as she put her head on my shoulder and her arms around me. Seeing dad give me a thumbs up as we turned, and a few turns later mom mouthing 'she's a keeper'. Wishing we were alone so I could let my hands slide down and give her ass a nice squeeze.


The next morning and we were off to class. Me tagging along explaining to her professors I was just there to watch Regan. Sitting in the back of the classes working on my laptop, just give me a power outlet and WiFi and I was happy.

Watching Regan interact with her classmates and professors. She was a truly liked woman and respected by her instructors. That isn't to say I didn't get my fair share of glances and grins as she was talking with some of the girls. Seems Chi had found it necessary to spread the fiancé story around.

The girls felt it necessary to test me with lots of cleavage and nipple lumps. I was having a lot of fun looking at hanging cleavage or shoulder back sweater bumpers. I never had THIS much fun when I was in college!

We spent the next week and a half in her classes with Regan doing well enough that the week absence didn't affect her too much. Taking her and some of her friends out for a decent dinner after the last class, inviting mom and dad and having her invite her family as well.

Everyone but her family showed up.

Regan kept glancing at the door every time someone came in. I kissed her cheek, "Sorry babe, I had hoped they would have come."

Regan sighed, then gave me a nice little kiss, "Me too. I didn't really expect my brothers but I had hoped mom and dad would have come and brought Tess."

We were about half way though dinner when her phone chirped, she was grinning answering it, then her face dropped. "What?"

She just hung her head and shook it. I tipped her chin up to see tears in her eyes, "What?" I asked again but softly.

Her lip was trembling as she turned her phone to me to let me see the text, WE PARTYIN DOWN AT THE CLUB, COME ON DOWN BUT LEAVE THE HONKEY BEHIND

I pulled her to me gently, "We can go down there in a little bit if you want, but I'm not leaving you."

I felt her sigh and relax into me, then one of her friends piped up and we were back to the happy Regan again. We shared a desert feeding each other bites and it looked like it was going to be a late evening with all the stories and drinks. I was on soft drinks since half way through dinner, and Regan had been nursing her second glass of wine. I leaned to her and whispered into her ear, "We can still go to the club if you want to."

She pulled back and looked at me for a few seconds, then put both hands on my jaw and gave me a nice kiss, a REALLY nice kiss. "I'm just fine right here," she whispered into my ear amongst the hoots and hollers from her friends. Regan took my hand on the table and never let go the rest of the night. No more holding hands under and out of sight.

The next few days of studying at one friends or another was nice. I just sat back and worked on my laptop actually starting to get ahead of things again after the ups and down of the last three weeks. Regan tried to get me involved, but my business and computer degrees didn't jive to well with her Marine Biology. I did do some ad hoc research for them from time to time but mainly watched her, seeing her smile when she looked my way. Flashing me some tit or lace bra every once in a while to see if I was watching, others times catching me enjoying her cleavage.

Finals week was rough for her and by Wednesday I was getting worried for her but she assured me the worst was over. Two more on Thursday and one on Friday and that was it.

Thursday night while Regan was upstairs I cornered mom, "Mom, do you still have grandma's ring?"

Her hand came to her mouth then dropped to my arm, "I thought you two had already..."

I put my hand up not wanting to go into it. "We have but not formally, kinda a long distance thing. I'd like to do it up right."

I was being strangled and cried on, then mom pulled back and gripped me by the shoulders. "I'm so proud of you."

"Aw moooom."

She just grinned and ruffled my hair.

"Aw moooom what?" Regan asked with a grin like she missed a good story coming back into the room.

"I told mom I was thinking about having a nice evening out after finals. A nice steak house or something. A few friends but not quite the herd like the last time. Maybe even try to get your parents to come again."

I saw mom's eyes go wide behind Regan, she knew what I was planning and disappeared before she gave it away.


So Friday evening I was walking Regan into the steak house, her in a nice dress and me with a jacket, my hand barely on her waist and wanting to slide it a little lower to get a nice grip on her ass. Not overly fancy, but nice. Mom and dad were here and a few of Regan's friends but no sign of her mom and dad. Not quite what I had hoped but nothing I could do about it. We had one of the back rooms so we had a little privacy and through out dinner the volume was going up and down.

As things began to die down toward the end of the meal I took one last look in hopes that her parents had showed, but no luck. Well here goes. I stood up and tapped my knife on my glass, "Okay, listen up all you young hooligans!"

I was booed and hissed. Then they laughed.

"First off I want to say congratulations to those of you that passed your finals, or at least you hope you did." They laughed and a few backs were slapped. "By now all of you know the story of how Regan and I met, how I rescued a damsel in spring break distress." More laughs.

"What you don't know is that she took my breath away that very moment I met her and I have been doing my best to get it back ever since." It was suddenly quiet in the room.

"The other day I came to a realization. I don't want it back. I'm going to let her keep it, on one condition." I reached in my pocket and kneeled beside her as she brought her hands to her mouth. "Regan Smithers, will you marry me?"

"YES!" and she joined me on the floor wrapping her arms around my neck kissing me, feeling her body trembling against me. I managed to get her back to her chair and slip the ring on her finger. It was meant to be, it fit perfectly. We hugged and kissed and I did grope her ass this time making her gasp into our kiss. We were offered a bottle of champagne to toast but elected to take it home since I was driving, well I was planning to...

As anyone that lives in the city knows, sirens are a normal part of life. You hear them come and go, you know the difference between police and fire and ambulance. You look when its police to see what idiot is trying to get away if it sounds like it's getting close, and this one was getting close. We could see the reflection of the lights off the store windows. They were going to come right past the restaurant.