Free Spring Break Accommodations Ch. 02


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And then the idiot in the suburban tried to make the corner. He tried, but it was a Government Motors product after all. Then it happened, he lost control. He didn't skid to a stop broadside against the light pole like any other idiot would do, NOOOOOO, that would have been to easy.

He tried to make it, he didn't. He hit the curb at full throttle, he came up over the curb at full throttle, and he hit the concrete bus bench at full throttle. He launched up and over the bench still at full throttle... he launched into my truck at full throttle. Peeling back the hood before clipping the top of the cab off, coming to rest like he was parking on top of it.


The stack was surrounded by squad cars with guns drawn, but all I saw was my truck under that, that, that, THING! They hauled the guy down out of the suburban and handcuffed him. Evidentially that was enough to shift something because next thing there was a spark and my sheared off truck was on fire, soon engulfing both vehicles.

There were fire extinguishers pulled out, but it was a lost cause with gas and electricity. By the time the fire department arrived to lay some foam on it was a total loss. I was lamenting the loss of my laptop until I remembered I had left it in the living room. I just stared, the asshole couldn't have turned a little more or less and taken out another chevy, noooo, he had to use that piece of junk and take out my F-150!

An officer was taking my statement and began questioning me on what I saw. "Are you sure the squad cars were that close? They normally hang back a bit."

"Nope, they were in close pursuit, less than a car length away when the perp lost it."

"Are you sure?"

"Write it down, now. They were in close high speed pursuit. They were not laying back, they were not running containment. They were right on his ass, in fact." I walked over to the car that was behind the asshole with the office close on my heals and checked the bumper.

"Yup," I snapped a picture of his front bumper showing the paint transfer. "He tried a pic and screwed it up." I backed up to get the whole car in showing his car numbers. I got my dander up now, "That makes that!" pointing to my burnt out truck, "MPD's fault."

"I'm not so sure about that."

I shook my head, "I got family on CPD, now write up my statement as I've said it or call your sergeant over."

He did write it up, well eventually. He tried to write it up without saying what I told him and went through four versions before I was satisfied, then got pissed when I had him add the squad car number and the fact that he witnessed my taking pictures at the scene of the paint transfer from the failed pic maneuver. He really was pissed when I snapped a pic of the report since he didn't have a copy for me and then picked his crumpled wrong incident reports off the ground and put them in my pocket. "Just picking up littler officer, unless you want to arrest me and book these into evidence." Patting the bulge in my pocket.

You know if it wasn't for Regan saying yes this would have been a night to go out and get plastered after loosing my truck. But since she did we took a cab home two hours later than planned and cracked the bottle of champagne. She shrieked when I picked her up and carried her to bed, and again when I threw her on it.

We had taken it easy before while mom and dad were home, but tonight I was going for broke with my bride to be. I was nibbling and kissing and groping, and that was before I had her clothes off. We played and cuddled and loved like the last night she was in Pensacola. But this time she was mine, she wasn't getting away.

I reveled in every square inch of her body as I uncovered it. Slipping her dress and bra off her shoulders hearing her sigh as I took each nipple in turn between my lips. Her giggle when I put my tongue in her belly button, and her gasp when I held her legs together and flicked her clit back and forth still nestled between her lips with the tip of my tongue.

Regan pushing me over on my back and mounting me, riding and grinding and holding my hands to her tits in orgasm as I squeezed her nipples between my spread fingers and rolling us back over again. Lifting her legs high and wide to drive home in her sweet pink pussy still with a firm grip on her tits until I couldn't hold back anymore.

Regan did pull her pillow over her face to muffle her scream a little, but not a lot. I just roared not caring. I laid there a bit on her, our breathing coming back to normal, her lovely mounds and firm nipples in my chest.

We pulled the wet sheets off and then dashed to the kitchen her in a t-shirt and me my boxers for something to eat, feeding each other little bits and pieces like we had at the restaurant. I ran out the back door to the spa and climbed in naked, coaxing her to do the same.

"But what about your parents?"

"They have a little one off their balcony."

"Oh all right," lifting her t-shirt off and hopping in and then on my lap mashing her tits to my chest as our lips collided. Cuddling and kissing and groping and playing and fingering until we had to go back upstairs for round two.

Watching Regan ride me again with restrained urgency as I cupped and squeezed those chocolate beauties in my white hands until we both came, one triggering the other. Regan collapsing on me making me smile as she drove the air from my lungs and being thankful we remembered the towels this time...


For a few moments I was lost. I was alone in bed. Then I saw Regan's dress and lace bra hanging on the chair. I slipped my robe on and headed down to find mom and Regan with conspiratorial grins on their faces. Mom got a kiss on the cheek, Regan got a real kiss and her lovely ass groped. That got me a grin and then swatted a little.

We munched on breakfast with idle chit chat, then mom had to go all serious on us. "So what's next for you two?"

Regan looked at me and I shrugged, "Probably get an apartment somewhere near school."

Regan turned me to her, "But what about the house in Pensacola?"

I just shrugged, "It's just a house, I can work from anywhere, and you have a couple of years of school left."

"But what about all the time you've put in? And it's not complete, you said you left in the middle of doing the new bathroom."

"So we go down and finish it this summer and then put the place up for rent again before you start school in the fall. I'm not going to take you away from your family."


I put my finger across her lips, "No. I love you dearly, but I will not make you choose between me and them."

Regan got a look in her eyes and just stared at me a few moments, then slowly put her arms around my neck and drew herself to me. "I love you too," and gave me a nice long soft kiss.

I was reaching around to grab her ass when someone cleared her throat. I looked around Regan and saw mom with arms crossed and a raised eyebrow. I shrugged and grinned, mom groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Guess we should start looking for an apartment."

"DUH! It's not like you could move into the sorority house."

I grinned at that, "I wouldn't mind."

Mom groaned again, Regan gasped, "I just bet you wouldn't!" then wrapped her arms around me for another kiss. Mom disappeared along the way.

Regan got comfortable on my lap with her arms around my neck, leaving my hands free to play. I did what any red blooded man would do, I brought my hands up under her tits to cradle and squeeze while my thumbs strummed her nipples.

"Larry, are you sure about this?" bringing her hand around and putting the ring in front of me. "We've only known each other barely three months."

I took that hand and kissed it, "Do you love me?"

Regan smiled, "Very very much so."

"Good, and I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone. But there is one thing you should know."

Her face clouded over a bit, "What?"

"Dad will want you to sign a pre-nup to protect the family assets."

She started to say something but I put my finger over her lips, "Grandma made mom sign one too, then promptly put her in the will bypassing it." That got me a little smile.

"And if you're a tenth the woman I think you are then dad will do the same, but they don't know you yet. To them you're just some gorgeous hot babe that has me head over heals in love."

She just pulled close and kissed me. One of those long soft kisses, just holding and stroking, touching and caressing.

"So when do you need to move out of the sorority house?"

"Well I don't actually, but I should soon since I know I will to let them rent it out to someone that needs it."

I gave her a quick peck and squeezed a tit, "So how big of a trailer will we need?"

"Shouldn't, it was a furnished room, so it's just clothes and little stuff."

"So dad's navigator would work?"


I brought my hand up to her jaw letting my fore arm rest on her tit and drew her close for a nice kiss, groping her ass as I did. "So when do you want to go?"

"Mmmmmm," she moaned into the kiss. "You're trying to distract me."

"Na, I'm trying to get you back upstairs," as I slid my hand inside her robe to cup her bare tit.

Regan reached down between us and gripped my hard cock, "It's working..." she hopped off my lap and led me back upstairs. Regan dropped her robe and crawled up on the bed and stopped with her ass in the air looking back over her shoulder.

"Hey big boy, make me bark and chase parked cars."

I was shucking my shorts and looking at the sight before me. A gorgeous dark chocolate woman bent over, her bright pink pussy opening just enough to beckon me to her. Knee walking up behind her and gripping her ass to open her pussy just a bit more, hearing her hiss as I gripped her.

"Fffuuucccc..." she groaned as she dropped her face into the pillow.

I shifted my thumbs down and spread her pussy. Her bright pink strip surrounding my not so pink cock as I slipped into her. Moaning to myself as I did, reveling in the feeling of her around me. Wanting to stay buried in her and wanting to pull back out and pound her hard like a cave man. Cave man won out.

I pulled back and drove in HARD. Feeling and hearing my thighs slap her ass. Seeing Regan's head come up and a little screech before her head went back to the pillow. Shifting my hands up to her waist to get a better grip and just hammering her pussy, slap after slap, grunt after grunt until Regan's head came up in a scream through her teeth as her pussy clenched around me setting me off to fill her pussy.

Feeling her clench and tremble under me as I unloaded shot after shot in her willing pussy. Giving her every bit I had before rolling us both to our sides not wanting to leave her silky treasure.

Sliding an arm under her neck to reach around and cup one tit and bringing my other around her waist up to cup the other as I rotated my hips a little to try and stay in her.

We laid there a bit catching our breath, Regan bringing her hand up to cup mine on her tits. Rolling her head back to let me nibble on her neck a bit, "Love you," I whispered as I nipped her ear lobe.

"Ach!" she squeaked as I did. "You're bad."

"Oh, is this," nipping her ear lobe again, "a good spot?"

I got another squeak and then she rolled off the bed, "We need a shower."

We staggered into the shower, each teasing the other in lathering up. Regan lathering and letting the lather run down her body, spreading her legs to let it run down her mound before falling to the floor. Regan won that one.

I made a call to my insurance company to start the claim process then we hopped in the Navigator and headed over to the sorority house to get a start on her things. I enjoyed watching Regan take in the Navigator, running her hand across the leather.

It was a good thing that we went early, seems Chi had spread the story of the restaurant and all the girls had to congratulate Regan and ogle her ring. I got lots of hugs and even a few more crotch grinds. We boxed a lot of things up for our first run, mainly clothes and nick knacks, leaving enough for a small second load instead of packing it to the gills.

"We can grab a few things from mom and dads when we get the last of it then."

We had thought about stopping for a quick private bite, just the two of us. But since we had dads Navigator we decided against it. Good thing, we came home to a house full. Seems mom had decided to have a family get together to let everyone meet Regan and show off that her son finally did the right thing. Even Uncle Bob, who wasn't actually an uncle just a long time family friend, was well behaved.

We ate and talked, telling the same story over and over as the relatives changed. I got up to run to the bathroom and Regan grabbed my hand, "Where are you going?"

I gave her a quick kiss, "Relax babe, most of them don't bite, and the ones that do have had their shots."

Her eyes went wide and several of the guys laughed.

"I'm just headed to the bathroom. I'll be back in a few minutes."

When I got back the family had decided to divide on concur. The ladies had surrounded Regan and I was corralled to the BBQ. I was admonished not to screw up and let Regan know what a huge mistake she made saying yes to me. Then told to get used to saying 'Yes Dear', you know all the good stuff.

I did get a chance to talk to Uncle Mike about what happened to my truck. He made a phone call and then gave me a lawyers name to call first thing Monday. With admonishment to not answer my phone from any number I didn't know until I had talked to the lawyer.

"Like I said Larry, you always respected the badge unless they did something to tarnish it. From the sounds of things somebody screwed up and is trying to cover it up."


Sunday found me relieved to find out Regan was about as religious as I was. She wasn't a disbeliever in something, but she wasn't a sing halleluiah and dance in the pews fanatic either. We stayed in bed until almost noon, but it wasn't a wild sex morning, it was a cuddle and grope morning. Snuggled up naked with me playing with her nipples and running my fingers through her hair and her stroking me and playing with my pubic hair while we discussed 'what if'.

"Why do you keep playing with my hair like that?" she asked.

"I don't know, it's just so beautiful."

"It's just hair."

"Yeah, but it's so soft and wavy. Not like..."

"Not like a 'fro?"

"Well yeah I guess so. Every black woman I've known had tight curly hair or smelled like a chemical plant."

Regan snickered, "Not all black women are alike you know."

"Mmmm, too true. I can still remember the day we met. You sitting on the hood of your car in that bikini top and shorts. Flashing me that smile and staring at me with those beautiful blue eyes."

Regan gasped a little.

"And to think it took me all this time to find that lovely little spot on your neck..." I leaned forward to go for it but was pushed back for more serious conversation.

She had two more years of school, then it was see what she could find for work. I was just going to go with the flow unless something happened, I could write software from anywhere so I could be in Alaska or the Caribbean for all it mattered. "But I'd prefer the Caribbean, you look much better in a bikini than a heavy coat."

"You mean you'd actually let me put it on?"

I looked at her and grinned, "Well just long enough for me to take off and revel in my desert." And I promptly rolled her over and went hunting for my desert. There was a giggle, a screech, and then a groan as my tongue found the edge of her slit and went searching for her clit. Regan made a few half hearted attempts to push me away, but when I got her clit between my lips to nibble and lick she spread for me with a guttural groan.

I lay between her legs and nipped and licked and lapped at her. Drinking in her sweet nectar and enthralled at the vision before me. She had the most beautiful pussy. Not too big, not too small. Lips just enough to latch onto without looking like they were going to hang to her thighs. The sharp line of her bright pink inner core and dark chocolate skin only broke by my tan thumbs holding her open.

Inhaling her scent making me want to dive in for more and then slipping two fingers in to her G-spot as I suckled her clit to bring her to a nice climax. Sliding back laying my head on her thigh to look at her glistening pussy while watching her tits rise and fall as she caught her breath. Hearing her gasp as I leaned in to lick a little dribble of her juices trying to escape.

"You like being between my legs too much."

"No such thing," taking another lick at her still dribbling pussy. Maybe she was right, but I still didn't want to move.

We made it out of bed sometime around two and headed out for a late lunch then on to our second trip for the last of her things.

We stopped at the sorority house and got the last of things there then headed to her parents to get a few things she wanted with us. I pulled up in front of the house and Regan turned to me, "Um, Larry."

I smiled, "I know. I'll wait here."

Regan smiled and gave me a quick kiss then hopped out and headed inside, the bass and blare of some rap music hitting me as she opened the door from a good hundred feet away.

I sat there waiting, and waiting, and waiting. This was taking way too long. I was about to go investigate despite not wanting to cause problems when Regan came running out with a small duffel clutched to her chest. Her dad was yelling something from the doorway standing there in boxers and a wife beater t-shirt, but between the bad English and the rap music background I couldn't understand a thing.

She climbed in the Navigator and slammed the door crying, "Take me home," was all I heard.

I was in the mood to go pound someone, but she wanted out of here so we left. Regan had slumped over her duffel on the console so I put my hand on her head and stroked her hair. She cried most of the way home, and again as we got in the house.

Mom glared at me but I shrugged, Regan collapsed on the couch and pulled me close and tried to squeeze the life out of me. All I could do was hang on and stroke her back letting her cry it out. As she began to run out of steam mom came in with two wine glasses and I was admonished to 'go get her things from the Navigator.'

I took some more of her clothes up to our room and left the boxes from the sorority house in the mud room. As I passed the living room they were still in hushed conversation and a quick look from mom told me to keep on walkin'.

I went down stairs to the den and flipped the TV on and kicked back watching a Formula 1 race I had recorded nervously waiting for what ever was happening to be revealed. About fifteen laps in Regan came down and lifted my arm to snuggle under and watch with me. I didn't say a word, she would when she was ready.

Around lap thirty five I had to hit the bathroom, so we paused the race to make our runs. When I came back Regan had changed into a tank top and shorts, both of them snug enough to let me know that's all she had on. She handed me a glass of single malt while she sipped on her wine and we settled back to watch the race. There were a few little comments, but nothing significant until the race ended.

"Larry, can we go back to Pensacola?"

"Well I thought we were. Head back down to finish up the house before finding an apartment up here."

"No, I mean to live. Can we live down there?"

"What about school, your family?"

"I can transfer to West Florida."

"And your family?"

Regan looked at me and her lip began to tremble. I pulled her to me, "Shhhhhh. Not to worry. We can live any where you want." She was still trembling a little, "Of course you know if we move down there I get to burn all your padded bras?"