Freebie Ch. 03


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"No. He wants you to take it off."

I lifted it higher, and stretched it up over first one shoulder, then the next, and finally lifted it off, dropping it on the floor at my side. I stood there as Mr Aioka got to his feet, and began to fondle them.

He spent maybe a minute or so working from one to the other, just using his hands, but this was sufficient to produce two hard protruding nipples. This obviously delighted him, and after making sure everyone in the room knew he'd aroused me, he again spoke, but this time, he appeared to be addressing his men at the side of the room.

Three men appeared, two of them carrying a long plank. Not a rough builder's variety, but a wooden type board all the same, even if it did have strategically positioned leather straps and cushioning attached. The men lifted the plank up to my shoulder height, and as they placed the centre of it on the back of my neck, the third man reached up from in front of me, and fastened a leather strap around my neck. The other two men had each taken a wrist apiece, and were restraining them to straps at each end of the plank.

So now I'm stood there like Jesus on the cross, almost naked, just my pants, which thank god, gave me full protection, being designed to be on show beneath the ball gown. Again Mr Aioka spoke, and the manager turned to Gerry and said,

"Pull her knickers off."

Both men instantly released Gerry, but he first looked at me, and then turning back to the manager, shook his head as he said,

"You can't do this. We'll report you to the police."

The men instantly grabbed him, and the man with the knife again held it as if threatening to cut off his penis.

"Don't be silly. If you do as you're told, you will be rewarded. But if not, you'll be disposed of, and after she's been raped, she'll join you in a cold wet ditch. Now just be a good boy."

As Gerry was released and looked my way, I nodded, as if to tell him to do as he had been instructed. At this point I didn't doubt their intention or ability to carry out their threats. So Gerry was now on his knees, as he lowered my pants, and I stepped out of them. The men either side turned me around so I faced away from Mr Aioka, and then as they guided me, the manager said,

"On your knees. That's it. Now lean forwards."

As I leant, my hands, still restrained on the board, rested on a small padded table or stool placed either side of me. This took my weight, the board giving my arms the strength to hold myself in this position.

"Open your knees. Mr Aioka wants to see your cunt."

I immediately complied, and waited for the dirty little Jap to mount me. I couldn't see what he was doing, or in truth, who it was. But I felt hot breath on the top of my legs, and instinctively knew someone had their head deep up into my crotch. Then as Mr Aioka spoke, I felt his words as they caused a hot wind on my pussy. The manager translated,

"He wants you to come and lick the sweat off her cunt and arse."

As I saw Gerry's feet walk past my head, I realised the instructions were for him; and I guessed Mr Aioka must have now moved clear to allow him access to do the licking. A tongue touched my pussy lips, and even if I hadn't seen Gerry's feet or heard Mr Aioka's instruction, I'd have known this was my Gerry. Even with, or maybe more so, because of all these men watching, my reaction was spontaneous.

I began humping, as Gerry licked. His licking started as you might expect, awkward, and unwilling. But as I humped and pushed my pussy into his face, he, like me, just began to get aroused. So much so, as the manager called,

"Ok, that's enough."

Gerry carried on oblivious to any voices. But on the second telling, two men took hold of his shoulders, and as soon as Gerry realised, he was on his feet and out of the way.

I expected Mr Aioka to make his presence known by ramming his cock into my pussy, and this was by now in my state of arousal, I'm ashamed to say, what I actually needed to happen. But it seems just when you think you know what will happen next; something new comes up to surprise you.


A pain stung its way from my pussy lips, and as I let out a yell, my body automatically recoiled. I guess I must have closed my legs, because the next thing, there were hands pulling at each knee, spreading me open again. Then,


Again I yelled, but the hands held my legs tightly.

I heard Gerry's voice,

"What's he hitting her for?"

"He wants to."

"But she's doing what she's been told to do?"

"So? If Mr Aioka wants to slap her around a bit, he'll slap her. Think yourself lucky he isn't using a stick."

The slapping went on for what seemed like an age, but I guess was only maybe five or so minutes. I'd already given up my yelling as each slap had landed, it was as though now my body was expecting the pain, although not immune to it, it just couldn't see the point in wasting even more energy shouting about it.

But never the less, I was glad when he stopped, and as I waited for my next surprise, I was so glad to feel his cock as it pushed up into my wet pussy lips. I heaved myself back onto him, and although he rammed me in a violent manner, his cock wasn't as big as Gerry's, in either length or thickness, and for all his violent ramming, I thought he would have difficulty in bringing me to what I now consider to be an orgasm. But he'd only been fucking less than a minute before he was giving more instructions.

The manager then said,

"Get down there and fuck her face."

In seconds, I could see it was Gerry who was on his knees in front of me, and he was more than just aroused, his cock was rampant. I can't say I was any less eager than Gerry, and as he presented his cock, I first sucked, and then rolled my head back, allowing him full access to my throat. So with Gerry fucking one end, and the little Jap at the other, they did take me to a gusher, even if not a wild out of body type. Once the Jap had spent his ardour, he pulled out, and Gerry was instantly pulled up to his feet, before he had time to shoot his cum. They dragged Gerry off in one direction, and I was carried in another direction, my pussy still in spasm, and oozing cum.

When they put me down on the floor of this room, I realised I was in a bath/shower room, and they just walked out leaving me there. I gradually recovered my senses, and proceeded to shower. Making sure I didn't get my hair wet, and trying not to make my already somewhat spoilt make-up any worse. Then as I stepped out from the shower and began to dry myself, two girls appeared and immediately began to make sure I was once again presentable to be seen in public. But, of course, I hadn't got any clothes to wear; I'd torn my dress up to make bandages.

This was not a problem, as the girls had also brought with them a new, and even more glamorous ball gown than the one I'd been wearing. And, thankfully, the underwear to go with it. Once I was dressed and ready, they opened the door and I was shown out into a hallway. To my delight, Gerry was already out there waiting, and he was also in new clothes. A man who we'd never before met, ushered us to the lift, and then guided us back to the ballroom, and pointed our way to our table.

As he turned and left us standing there, Gerry asked,

"Are you alright?"

"Yes. What about you? How's your leg?"

"They got a doctor to dress it for me, its nothing really."

"Oh my god Gerry. I thought they were going to cut it off."

"Yeh. So did I. I think we got out of there lightly, they looked like they would have actually killed us."

"Let's go straight home."

"Oh my god Mary! We've just gone through all that, and now its time to make a bit of money out of it, you want to go home."

"But this place frightens me."

"Well I'll admit, they frightened me while we were up there, but we're down here now, and they can hardly do anything with all these people around. Anyway, now we've done what that dirty sod wanted, he won't be interested in us any more, and we'd be silly to miss out on the five hundred quid. That manager said it's yours for the taking."

"I couldn't dance now. My legs are like jelly."

"Let's go to the bar and get a stiff drink, that'll make you feel better."

"No I couldn't. You go to the bar; I'll go back to the table and wait for you."

I didn't expect him to take me up on my offer, I thought he'd just take me home, but I guess men are men, and although I love my Gerry, he isn't even a good example of what a man should be. So as he turned and headed for the bar, he said,

"I won't be long; I'll just have a swift double."

I made my way back to the table, and I'd only been seated for a few seconds, when,

"Hi, can I sit down?"

There was Trav, and for some reason I just felt I wanted to be in his arms. I knew I couldn't do that, not here on the edge of the dance floor, but as the next best thing was to have him sitting next to me, I said,

"Oh yes please."

As he sat, he asked,

"Are you alright? You look frightened."

"Oh take no notice. I guess its just nerves."

"You look fabulous in that dress, were gonna knock 'em dead when we get on the floor."

"Oh Trav, I'm sorry, but I can't get up there again."

"Why ever not? You can't be that nervous. Think about the money."

"I'm sorry. I know I'm letting you down."

"You're not letting me down, all the money goes to you. It's just such a shame if you don't go through with it. Everybody's talking about you. They all want to know if you've come from abroad. They know you're not off the UK dance circuit."

Just then the announcer came over the speakers,

"Ladies and gentlemen. Were pleased to announce it's time for the grand finale of tonight's Latin American dance competition. As you all know, we're down to two finalists."

At this point the spotlight illuminated our table,

"We have couple number twelve."

He paused, and Trav said,

"They're waiting for us to stand and take a bow."

He got to his feet and offered me his hand, I took it, and as I stood next to him, we both bowed.

The spotlight then left us, and as it picked out the other couple, and the announcer carried on his introductions, Trav said,

"You're up now, come on, just give it a try."

"I don't think I can, my feet feel like lead."

I'd hardly got the words from my mouth, when the spotlight again illuminated us.

"So without more ado. Let's have couple number twelve on the floor."

The band started, and Trav took hold of me. Then as he led, our bodies pressed closely to each other, my leg just stepped back, and we were off. It was a bizarre experience, I don't think I was even conscious of what dance we were doing, but as if on auto-pilot, I just stepped my way around the floor. I think our session was some ten or more minutes, but it seemed to me we'd hardly been once around the room before we were taking our bows, and I was being walked back to our table to the sound of deafening applause.

As we sat at our table, the other couple were gliding their way around, and Gerry arrived back from the bar.

"You'd have beaten them with or without that dirty little Jap's help."

Gerry had obviously had more than just the one double he'd said he was going to have, and I didn't want what had happened up stairs to be public knowledge, or even someone like Trav to know about it.

"Gerry! Shut up! Don't go telling everyone."

He put his finger up to his lips, and in a slurred voice said,


I took hold of his wrist and pulled him towards the seat next to me.

"Come and sit down, you're drunk."

"I suppose you'll be wanting to take this one home to show him your gratitude."

For a second I wondered what he meant, then I remembered Olaf, and for some reason I blushed bright red. By now the other couple had also finished their session, and right at this point with me all red faced and feeling very flustered, the spotlight again illuminated our table.

"And our winners tonight are couple number twelve. Its Mrs Mary Kendal, and its all the more of an achievement as she was dancing, not with a regular partner, but a house stand-in. So come on Mary, and collect your prize. Both Gerry and Trav helped me to my feet, and they almost had to push me to get me started across the floor. I collected my envelope, and hurriedly made my way back to the table. But before I'd arrived, the announcer was saying,

"Now one more time, can we see the winning couple show us all how it's done."

Trav met me half way, and again he took over, guiding me around, and me just dancing on auto-pilot. As soon as that dance was finished, and the spot light that had followed us back to our table had gone, I said to Trav,

"I'm sorry about this, and I hope you don't think me rude, but I have to leave right now."

"Oh that is a shame. I was hoping we could maybe dance the rest of the evening away. But real dancing, none of that flashy stuff."

"Believe me, there is nothing I'd like better, but I have to go."

I could see he was disappointed, and I also felt I owed him something for the way he'd looked after me all evening, but he got to his feet and in a cold business like tone said.

"Well thank you for a pleasant evening. And I hope madam has enjoyed herself."

With that he gave me a little bow, turned to Gerry and did the same, and then turned and left.

As he walked away, I said,

"Oh shit! Now I've offended him. And I owe him so much."

It was supposed to be a secret thought going through my mind, but I'd spoken the words, and even with the band still playing for the dancers, Gerry had heard me.

"I'm surprised you didn't take him home to fuck him."

I ignored his crude remark, and as I rose to my feet, snapped,

"I'm going."

Then I just began to walk out towards the exit; expecting him to follow. I didn't look behind me, until I'd reached the foyer. But when I did, there was no sign of Gerry following. Then one of the doormen approached, and I asked him to get our driver to bring the car round to pick me up. I had wondered how I'd describe which was our car and driver, as I had no idea what either of them looked like. But in the event, the doorman didn't need this information, and by the time I'd collected my coat from the cloak-room, my driver was standing in the foyer waiting for me.

As I climbed into the car, he asked,

"Are we waiting for Mr Kendal?"

"No. If he wants to stop there getting drunk, that's his choice. Please take me home now."

So off we went, and I arrived home around one in the morning, and went to bed by myself. For some reason, I cried myself to sleep; my head full of the events, good and bad, spinning around until I dosed off.

I dreamt that night, and I'm sure you won't be surprised if I tell you Trav featured very strongly in my dreams. It wasn't, however, a dream of sex and lust, but more a romantic journey with him at my side, protecting and guiding me through some magical garden. The details are long since faded from my memory, and even at the time I first recalled them the next morning, didn't actually make sense. But I know I thought a lot about Trav in those next few days.


I think it is again time to make an intermission here. And as always, I will wait for any emails to see if you the reader would like to know what happens next. Thanks for reading, and please feel free to email me at the address in my profile.

It is only the feedback from readers that make the effort of writing worthwhile, and I will answer all mail received (eventually). To ensure I accept your mail, make sure your mail has 'Story Feedback' as a subject, all other mail to this account is deleted as spam.

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ToughSailorToughSailor7 days ago


Well Gerry is still as fucked up as a soup sandwich - I especially liked the scene with Aioka san - I can only hope there is going to be a follow on chapter to tie up all the various strings . . . .

kensimoorekensimooreabout 3 years ago

Loved it! I thought the story was exceptionally well written and I look forward to more work by this author. Thank you!

maxwell1985maxwell1985almost 16 years ago
great story

i really like this freebie story. like all your stories there is excellent build up and plot. this is an intelligent story and i love the way it's going.

thanks VJ for a great read.

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