Freeing Abby


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Abby woke up disorientated. It took her a few minutes to remember where she was. A cabin ... a half-year anniversary surprise and she was, to her horror, naked. But she was also alone in bed. She sighed and sat up clutching the sheet to her neck. At the foot of the bed was a terrycloth robe. Not hers but as far as she could see it was the only article of clothing in the room. Even the clothes she had taken off the night before were gone. Her eyes went to the bedroom door. It was closed and she relaxed a bit and pulled the robe on.

At least the bathroom was off the bedroom. She could get there without going through the living area. She could smell coffee and could hear David out there doing something. She got up and began her morning ablutions when she heard a knock on the bathroom door. She panicked, nearly squealed out loud, and spun around afraid David was going to come into the bathroom.

"I'm making breakfast, sleepyhead. Why don't you shower then come have some?"

"David, I need some clothes."

"I'll get what you need. Get in the shower."

"Put them on the bed, okay?"

"What you need will be there when you get out."

"Okay," she replied haltingly.

There was no tub but the shower was modern and big and inviting. She turned on the water and found that David had put her shampoo and soap on the shower shelf. There was a stack of towels and washcloths on the shelf above the toilet. She grabbed a washcloth and stepped in the shower. She didn't find a lock on the bathroom door so she wanted to hurry. David had never come in on her before but he was acting a bit funny. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but funny somehow.

She washed her hair and soaped her body and quickly stepped out of the shower. She reached for a towel at the same time she noticed that the robe was gone from the hook on the back of the door. Her mouth dropped open. She hadn't heard David come in the bathroom. At the same time she realized that the towel she gotten was a hand towel. She reached for another ... then another. They were all hand towels. She dried the best she could with what she had when the door swung open. She quickly held the tiny towel in front of her.

"David, please I'm not finished ..." Abby said as her cheeks turned pink.

He stood looking at her and desire in his eyes was undeniable. He had slipped on a pair on khaki shorts but was still shirtless.

"David ..." she started, her blush turning bright red.

He reached out and snagged the towel leaving her standing there naked. She squealed and reached for another towel but he took them all and tossed them out of the room and reached for her.

"David, please," she said in a panic.

He put his hands on her shoulders, pulled her to him and kissed her long and hard. When he pulled back he didn't look at her naked body but into her beautiful eyes.

"No more hiding from me, Ab," he said quietly. "You have a beautiful body and there's nothing wrong with a husband looking at his wife in her birthday suit. I bet I'm the only man in the world who hasn't seen his wife naked. I've been patient with you. I know it's hard for you to walk around me naked. I haven't the slightest idea why, but I know it is. But this weekend we're going to get you past that hang-up."

"David," she protested, "I'm not comfortable doing this."

"I know baby, but it won't take long for you to get use to it. It'll probably be the easiest thing you're going to do this weekend."

Her eyes widened in horror —the easiest thing she was going to do ...

"No!" she cried out and tried to pull out of his arms.

He moved so quickly she didn't even realize he'd spun her around until she felt a hard slap on her butt. She screamed again as the second smack came. He spun her back around and pulled her into his arms again and kissed her firmly but gently. His hand cupped her mound as his mouth moved to below her ear. She pushed against him, fighting, but he had her hands trapped between them as he pushed her bottom against the vanity counter and held her tightly with his free arm wrapped around her upper back.

"Don't fight me, Abby." His fingers pried between her legs even as she tried to lock them together. He chuckled as his fingers slipped between her still damp folds. "Every time you tell me no for the next day-and-a-half you'll get spanked but with every spanking I'll give you some pleasure, too." His fingers started working her clitoris but he didn't even try to get her to climax.

"Please don't do this," she whispered.

"Abby, I've tried everything else. I want to see your beautiful body. You have no idea what you do to me."

He kissed her tenderly again and pulled her arms away from his chest. In her shock of being naked for the first time in front of anybody, from him spanking her, and the heat of his kisses she didn't realize he put something on her wrists until he started pulling her out of the bathroom.

"Breakfast is going to have to wait."

He swung her up into his arms and in three paces was at the bed. With a swept of his hand he had the covers thrown back and dropped her gently on the bed. She tried to cover herself.

"No baby. Not this time. For the next thirty hours you're mine. I've been more patient and waited longer than anyone else I know would have waited to see his wife like this. You're passionate but something is stopping you from letting us fully enjoy that passion. I want to come home and ... who knows ... maybe see you and want to take you on the kitchen table in the bright sunlight."

She gasped at the very idea as her eyes widened in horror. David only chuckled.

"Other couples do it, Abby. Couples not nearly as in love as we are. Other couples do it in living room, on the couch, on the floor and a dozen other places. We're young. I want to play and, maybe, experiment. I want to try other positions. I want ..."

His eyes trailed down to her sex and again she tried to roll away. He quickly wrapped his arm around her legs and lifted them up exposing her pert little heart-shaped bottom and gave her another couple of slaps. He then bent over and took a nipple in his mouth. When she tried to move away from him he bit down harder. She grew still. He smiled against her breast keeping his teeth firmly on her nipple. Like before after he spanked her, his fingers found her sex and started to work it gently rubbing until her clitoris peaked out from its protective hood. He worked her until he could feel her beginning to respond and then quit.

"A little punishment, a little pleasure. Now..."

Before she could figure out what he was doing he had pulled her hands to the corners of the bed and had attached ropes with a spring hook to a rings in the cuffs he'd put on her wrists. He pulled back and could see the panic and fear in her face. He sat down beside her and looked with compassion into her gorgeous eyes as his fingers on his right hand fondled her breasts.

"Don't be afraid, Abby. I won't hurt you — I promise. But I knew you'd fight this and I don't want to cut you and I didn't think I could subdue you and shave you at the same time."

Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open at this new revelation. He was going toshave her? Down ...there?

David continued, "As a matter of fact I'm going to tie your thighs apart too because I'm afraid you'll try to close your legs and I'll nick you."

He got off the bed and pulled up a strap from beside the mattress and looped it around her thigh. She tried to pull away from him then tried to kick him but he was undeterred. He walked around the bed and did the same thing to the other thigh.

She was completely open ... and terrified. At first she had screamed at him but now she was crying, so he stretched out beside her, put his hand on her stomach, and just gently massaged her.

"Abby, I won't hurt you. Calm down, sweetheart. For what, six months now, since we've been married, I've wanted to go down on you. But you won't let me. I've wanted to get out of this missionary position and pull you on top of me so I could adore these beautiful breasts," he said as his hands moved to her breasts and started teasing her nipples. He kept gaze on her beautiful face and terrified eyes as he continued to speak quietly, calmly.

"I've thought about pulling you into our shower at home or having you straddle me while I'm sitting in my recliner. But you've always vetoed the slightest deviation from straight sex in a dark bedroom with me on top and you on the bottom. It's time for a change."

"Please don't do this, David. Let me go," she begged.

"No sweetheart; not this time. I wasn't going to shave you but ... well ... I couldn't resist. So I figured 'better do it all at once' and get you past the shock."

David got up and left the room for a minute and returned with a pan of hot water. He picked up several of the towels he had tossed on the floor earlier and slid a couple under her bottom and put the others beside her. He then took a pair of scissors and started cutting away her pubic hair. He wasn't sure why he suddenly wanted her pussy bare but he did. She started crying harder. He ignored her. He cut as much as he could and then rang out a washcloth and put it on her sex. She gasped when the heated cloth was pressed against her body. He got up and got his razor then put a new blade in it.

He looked down at her and smiled. "I won't hurt you, Abby. I love you." She didn't say anything but the dread was evident. He thought a moment and then picked up another towel.

"Here, sweetheart, I'm going to put this over your eyes. Pretend it's dark."

He tied the towel around her eyes then took the washcloth away and took some of his shaving cream...

David stopped. In the bathroom on shelf to the right of the medicine cabinet was the shaving kit his mom had gotten his dad one year for Christmas. It hadn't been used in years. Because of the beginning of Parkinson's that caused his hands to shake, his dad now used an electric razor but the kit was still there for decoration. He got back up and went into the bathroom; the brush was still firm with just the faint scent of the sandalwood. He smiled as he reached for the cup.

Back in the bedroom, he knelt between Abby's legs. He gently pulled her labia apart and moved the brush back and forth across her clit. He smiled when she inhaled sharply. He continued to move the brush against her most sensitive area until she was breathing heavily. David dipped the brush in the warm water then holding the cup made a good lather with the brush. The scent of sandalwood became more pronounced. Gently he spread the soap over the stubble he had created. Then he started to shave her.

"Hold real still, Abby. I put in a new blade so it won't pull but it will be very sharp. I don't want to accidentally cut you. Don't be afraid, sweetheart."

David dipped the razor into the water and swished it around several times after each stroke. He had never been this careful with a razor, not even when his dad first had taught him to shave, but he certainly did not to cut her.

Abby whimpered again.

"Shh, sweetheart, it's okay. You're fine."

David set aside the razor and rose. Leaning over her, he placed a hand on each side of her head, bent down, and kissed her lips oh so sweetly. When Abby relaxed a little, he retreated enough to kiss each nipple. He kissed a line down to her stomach stopping to dip his tongue into her navel several times before returning to the job at hand. When he was done only a small strip of hair above her mound affirmed that she was twenty-four years old and not twelve.

Although the process took less then twenty minutes, Abby's sigh of relief told David it had seemed like an eternity to her. He cleaned her up gently pulling her now bare lips apart to get the last of the shaving soap. He took the pan of water and dumped it in the sink and rinsed it before returning it to the kitchen. He picked up all the towels and put them away.

Then he knelt between her legs again before releasing the straps around her thighs. She tried to snap them shut but he was already there and her legs would go no closer together then his thighs allowed.

"Do you have any idea how absolutely stunning you are, Abby. You're perfect, slender with nice firm breasts that are not too small but not large either. They're just perfect." His hands traveled down from her rib cage his fingers lightly stroking her skin. "I love the way your body curves to this small waist and then flares to these lovely hips —"

"Don't — stop it. Stop saying those things," she cried out.

He leaned over her and took off the towel covering her eyes.

"Why, Abby? Why can't I tell you how beautiful you are?"

"You shouldn't talk about such things," she shuddered, an embarrassed flush on her cheeks.


"It's not right."

"Not right to tell my wife she's beautiful?"

"The body is the temple of God not a sexual object."

"Oh," he said. "Who has told you it can't be both, Abby? Who has led you to believe you can't enjoy sex and still be a child of God? Your father? The man who never kisses his wife? The man who never hugs his children?"

She turned her head and closed her eyes.

Were his suspicions were being confirmed? His parents were loving people who hugged their children frequently and told them often they were loved. They openly displayed affection to each other. In the ten months he'd known Abby's parents, he'd never once heard either of them tell any one of their daughters that they loved them. He had never seen either one of them give any one of their daughters a hug. When he took Abby to meet his family the first time she nearly had a stroke when every one of them from his parents to his brother, two sisters, and grandmother hugged and kissed her. He could tell she had no idea how to respond. His family had not quit hugging her but had toned it down to make her feel less uncomfortable.

"Abby, God doesn't care if you let me look at your body. He doesn't care if I enjoy what I see. He's pro-marriage."

"That doesn't mean I should flaunt my body around."

"I'm not asking you to flaunt it to anyone but me, Abby, just me. Baby, it's not wrong. It's part of marriage to enjoy each other, to do things that please each other. Look at my parents. Do you think they're of the devil? That they're evil? They hug and kiss us all the time. And look how they are with Jenny's kids. Look how happy they are with their grandchildren. Do you think that's wrong?"

She didn't answer but her lip trembled.

"Abby, you are beautiful and it's not wrong to enjoy sex — to make love. Let me teach you to enjoy it in the daylight. Abby I ... I've wanted ..."

He moved back a little and slipped his hands under her bottom and lifted her a little and bent and kissed her. She cried out but he could no longer stop touching her than he could stop breathing; he was lost in the sight of her. He had waited nearly a year; nothing would stop him now.

David could see her plump, all but hairless, vulva clearly. It nearly drove him to lose his control. But he didn't. Instead he gently slid his fingers between the outer lips. Widening his fingers in a V, he could see the lovely heart of her desire peeping out from its protective covering. He moved his other hand up and gently ran a thumb around her clit, softly, softly, closing the circle a little with each pass. By the time he bent down to give her the most intimate kiss possible, her rosy pink clitoris had extended fully.

He ran his tongue over her clit, back and forth, until she moaned. He breathed in her natural scent mixed with the sandalwood. He covered her aching nub with his mouth and sucked strongly. He could feel her struggling then could feel when she changed from trying to stop him to pushing up against his mouth as her body involuntarily responded to his manipulations. He smiled in spite of himself and returned to her clitoris and suckled deeper. Her moaning intensified and her head thrashed back and forth against the pillow. Her eyes were closed and her hands repeatedly opened then fisted tightly. He pushed a finger into her heat then added another. He could feel her vaginal muscles pulling on his fingers and knew she was close.

Then she cried out and exploded.

He lifted his head and watched her face but continued to gently finger fuck her.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered.

After moment she opened her eyes. He was still moving his fingers inside her and she was gently pushing up to meet them with a bewildered look on her face. He moved to her side with his fingers still in her and one of his legs still between hers and kissed her.

"You're beautiful," he repeated. "I want you to climax again."

"I can't," she sobbed while her body was still moving against his fingers, putting lie to her words.

"Yes you can, baby. I've always known if you let me do it, you would be able to have multiple orgasms."

His fingers worked harder and then he used his thumb to flick her clit. She bucked up and her chest heaved. He never took his eyes from her face. She exploded again. Even he couldn't believe how fast she'd come the second time. He cupped her mound and rested beside her until her was breathing returned to normal.

He smiled in triumph then gently untangled his fingers and body from hers. He stood but before leaving he kissed her again.

"I'm going to go see about that breakfast." Then he chuckled. "I guess it'll be brunch now. I'll be back to get you in a few minutes. Rest," he finished and pulled the sheet up and covered her body. She started to say something but he just put his fingers gently on her mouth and repeated, "Rest," and walked out of the bedroom.

Abby was so confused. She didn't believe his parents 'were of the devil' but she never experienced anything like their open display of affection before. Her father had never said it was wrong to kiss but he just never did it. He never told any of his daughters he was proud of them let alone give one a kiss or hug. Suddenly she realized she couldn't ever remember being hugged or kissed by her father. Her mom used to do it once in a while but then she stopped too.

Abby remembered the many hours sitting quietly on the church pew in their garage. Her father had had an argument with the pastor of the latest church they were attending and he had made the decision that all churches were corrupt. He said he would lead their worship services.

It had seemed so strange to attend a church in their garage with only the five of them present. But their father had seemed so sure of himself in his beliefs. When children she knew from their previous church questioned her about why she wasn't attending anymore, she just said they were going to a new church.

When she was a bit older ... twelve maybe ... she read one of the passages that her father had preached on the morning. It didn't seem to say what he said it said and she made the mistake of questioning him. It earned her a severe spanking.

David's spanking was nothing like the one she received that day from her father. She never questioned her father again.

She looked at her hands. The things David had put on her looked like they were locked around her wrist. She could see a tiny little keyhole.

Davidhad been patient with her. She had heard other women talk about their sexual exploits but she had always felt that true love wouldn't need to be expressed that way. It was true that David had tried to get her to be more open, to change positions once in a while, even once or twice to make love on a Saturday afternoon but she felt this was just a phase. After all he was only twenty-nine and it took men longer to get in a nice routine. Didn't it?

After a while David returned. He unhooked her wrists from the ropes but didn't remove the cuffs. He did check each wrist to make sure she wasn't bruised or hurt and then kissed her wrist right below the cuff. He sat down on the side of the bed and with just his fingertips caressed her cheek.