Freshman Ch. 01: He Loves Me


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"Here. Turn around real quick."

Rachel sucked in a shivery breath as Josh's retreat from inside her sent a surge through her gut. She watched as he rocked back onto his ankles and helped her slide her legs to the side. Picking up on his direction, she rolled over and reversed her position, getting to her hands and knees on the couch. Lowering her weight to her elbows, she angled her ass up high in his direction and widened her stance. Looking back over her shoulder, she held her breath and smiled.

The temporary break in the action had begun to take its effect on Josh but the new image presenting itself sent the blood back to where it belonged. His cock pulsed with hunger as he gazed all over Rachel's explicit positioning, from the sloping curves of her back and thighs to the tender, inviting folds of her pussy. Rising up tall onto his knees, he squeezed her hips in his palms and pulled her body back into his.

Rachel closed her eyes and bowed her head into the couch as Josh's smooth re-entry ignited her simmering fire once again. As their flesh met with a echoing slap, she bit her lip and swallowed hard. It was clear from the jump that Josh planned to turn the dial up on his technique. And she was happy for it. Whatever he needed to do to feel like she just had was what she wanted.

Josh bit his lip and smiled as he rocked forcefully into Rachel with each pass. He was moving her body just as much as he was moving himself, his strong grip pulling her ass back into his pelvis as he held her hips. Pumping smoothly, he sunk his fingers into the soft flesh of her ass, spreading her cheeks firmly with his thumbs and leveraging himself impossibly deeper inside. He'd still been safely far away from losing it when she'd gotten off and the respite had only helped in that regard. He'd be able to go on fucking her for a while. And he was more than happy to do just that.

Rachel's eyes were still closed but she didn't need her vision at all. As Josh worked steadily away, she simply relaxed her muscles and let him take complete control. Her entire body shook to his rhythmic thrusts and she pressed her forehead into the soft leather with a smile. If she hadn't already come, she was sure that her clock would be ticking again. It all felt so good. Just so right.

Her reverie was shaken suddenly, but not unhappily as she felt her head pop upwards off the couch. Opening her eyes and whimpering out loud, she held her breath as Josh's grip on her silky hair forced her neck back. She'd barely even felt him reaching for it while she'd been lost in the moment. But she was glad he had. She loved the sharpness and dominating force of having her hair pulled. She'd been letting it grow a little longer since the spring. She was happy Josh had found utility in her fashion choice.

Indeed, Josh flexed his jaw in time with a pleasurable rush as he twisted his fingers through Rachel's soft strands and held her tight. His eyes darted to the delightful curve of her arched back, angled sharply in response to this grip. With her neck and shoulders back, her tits once again moved more freely to his thrusts. He watched the smooth, heavenly globes swing back and forth from the side. Licking his lips, he reached around with his free hand and squeezed them roughly in his palm.

As the full softness melted in his grip, Josh's engine revved into the red. The triple sensation of holding her hair, pawing roughly at her tits, and being buried deep inside her from behind flooded his system with arousal. It was simultaneously perfect but also suddenly no longer enough. As he felt a shivery quake pass through for the first time, he let his lustful instincts take over completely. He needed to immerse himself into the experience even more.

Tightening his fist full of sandy-blonde locks, he flexed his forearm and pulled back hard. Using his other hand for additional leverage, he squeezed her breast ferociously and lifted Rachel's upper body up from the couch. With her hair like reins, he wrenched her back, forcing her chin to the ceiling and the crown of her head to his collarbone. Still pumping at a now more upward angle, he brought his mouth to her neck and kissed her hard.

Rachel yelped in surprise to the sensation of being yanked by the roots of her hair back into Josh's body. The initial sting of pain morphed quickly into sharp pleasure, however, as she felt her back meet his chest and her head whip into his shoulder. She loved the force and primal need he had for her. More tingly pain rolled through her chest as his powerful grip mauled at her tits, kneading and stretching her flesh to its elastic limits. As the angled thrusts slid coarsely inside her, she shut her eyes tight and moaned loudly through her widely locked jaw.

"Fuck me..."

It was unclear if the breathy mumble that escaped Rachel's throat was an exclamation or a request, but it certainly served both roles. Josh had finally released her hair, opting instead to employ both hands on the wonder of her chest. With his strong thighs powering the ride, he slipped his arms around her torso from behind and worked her hard. Rachel's head was thrown back and his chin rested by her clavicle. Squinting his eyes purposefully, he glared downward with lustful admiration at the image of her full breasts contorting in his grip.

Squeaky moans passed through Rachel's lips in rhythm with the thrusts. The leather couch squealed in protest and Josh groaned methodically from the depths of his gut. The sex was in full swing but it could not maintain such a pace for long. Josh had already felt the initial rumbles and there was little he could do to keep them at bay. But that was fine. He was done fighting. He'd been waiting for this moment since the first times their lips had met in that closet. It was time.

Digging his fingers impossibly deeper into her flesh, he flexed his stomach tight and thrusted hard. The changed angle of his entry had provided an even tighter pathway and his cock pulsed pleasurably with each smooth, friction-filled pass. As he listened to her rhythmic whimpers and watched her body shake under his command, he bit his lip and smiled confidently. The rumbling broke through the surface. He held his breath and let go.

"Oh, shit!"

The words hissed out through gritted teeth as Josh slammed his pelvis into Rachel's ass and came with a utter violence. His dick quaked and jumped, flexing painfully in time with each powerful shot. He held Rachel tight against him, his fingers straining to contain the expanse of her breasts within his grip. He exhaled coarsely and squeezed every literal drop of pleasure from the depths of this system. He hadn't gotten off so hard in a while.

Finally the rush began to fade and the fuzzy warmth soaked his senses. He blinked his eyes and shook his head, laughing pleasurably and inhaling the sweetness of Rachel's hair. Her eyes were still shut but he could see that she was smiling as well. Releasing her tits from his crushing grip, he sank back to his knees and slipped smoothly out from inside her.

"Whoa, girl."

He smiled and laughed again, shaking his head through a cloudy grin.

"That was, um..."

He trailed off with another deep breath. Rolling back into a sit, he sunk into the cushions and rubbed his face with his hands and smoothed his hair back. Shrugging, he communicated his thoughts to Rachel with a simple admiring smile.

Rachel's heart was still racing in her chest and her skin tingled all over. She could still feel the fresh sensation of him working inside her and she smirked as glanced down over the streaks of pink covering her soft breasts courtesy of his aggression. Exhaling and twisting gently into a seat of her own, she smiled back at Josh with knowing eyes.

"Yeah, it was."

The pair held their stare for a few seconds before Josh broke the intensity with another laugh. Coaxing himself to his feet with a groan, he discarded his condom and began to gather the strewn-about clothing. As he slipped on his mesh shorts he turned back to Rachel and frowned playfully at the sight of her unfolding her bra in her hands.

"Hey, hold up. Don't have to put 'em away yet."

Rachel looked up and giggled at Josh's pout and joking plea. Rolling her eyes, she set the straps back down in her lap.

"I think they need a little break from you."

She grinned and glanced down at the red marks for effect.

"First time with boobs?"

Josh scoffed and shook his head with a grin. Sitting back down on the couch, he sidled up to her and tenderly ran his thumb over her nipple. Leaning over and giving it a gentle kiss, he sat back up and spoke with teasing sincerity.

"I'm sorry. I'll be nice."

As Rachel rolled her eyes again, he reached forward and slyly slipped her bra from her thighs. Rachel made a quick grab to stop him but her reaction came far too late. She giggled at him and reached again across his body but he easily deflected her half-hearted attempt at retrieval. Tucking the garment behind a cushion, he smirked admiringly at her prolonged state of undress.

Rachel leaned back and rolled her eyes once more, this time to the ceiling. Pushing her tongue into the side of her mouth, she shook her head and playfully chastised him.

"Really? You're like a little kid. So I'm supposed to just stay naked? What if Chris comes back?"

Josh held his stare on her boobs for a few seconds before returning to her face with mock-confusion like he hadn't been listening at all. Grinning and shaking his head, he waved a dismissive hand.

"Please. He's not coming back. Dude lives there now."

He paused and raised a playful eyebrow.

"But then again, since he's practically married, the poor guy has probably seen his last set of tits for the rest of his life. So, you know, you'd be doing a good deed if he happened to walk in and see. You'd probably be making his month."

Rachel scoffed at the silly reply but a mild shiver ran between her legs. She knew Josh was joking but that didn't change the fact that the idea of another boy walking in on her naked made her squirm. She'd long since stopped trying to understand her feelings in that arena. She couldn't deny the spark it gave her. The way it made her thighs squeeze together automatically.

Moving on from the thought, she shook her head at Josh and let out a deep breath. Yeah, he was being a goof but he was just so fucking cute. Her skin was still tingling from what he'd done to her, and even though she'd gotten off with quite the flair, she was still turned on. It was pretty much her default state around him. He was just so attractive and she constantly wanted to please.

Following her pleasing persona, she sighed and gave up the fight. Clothed in just her thong, she scooted over to Josh and leaned her body into his side. Her breasts pushed gently into his ribs and she smiled up at him as he gave her an approving look. Clucking her tongue, she spoke.

"I don't know why I'm so nice to you."

Josh looked down at her and shrugged.

"Probably 'cause I got you those markers."

He paused and grinned suddenly, his eyes lighting up with playful excitement.

"I mean, shit, if I'd known that all it took was the rainbow pack from the bookstore to get in those panties, I'd have dropped the six bucks weeks ago!"

Rachel's eyes widened and she laughed out loud. Smacking him playfully on the chest, she shook her head again. Fucking goofball. She was about to lie her head back on his shoulder and move on from the jokes when she suddenly changed her mind. She'd let him win before. Why allow him to keep gloating? Sometimes he needed to be put back in his place.

Softening her smile into a warm but serious expression, she cleared her throat and bit down on her lip. She opened her mouth to speak but then paused like she was carefully choosing her words. She furrowed her brow at him. Setting the trap...

Sure enough, Josh picked up on her change in demeanor and he nodded his chin.

"What? You okay? I was just joking."

Rachel felt a rush of giggly confidence go through her system and she took a deep breath to get into her role. She had to sell this right or it wouldn't be any fun.

"No, it's not that. It's, well, actually..."

Her tone came out soft and reluctant. Shy. Pleading.

"Speaking of what we just did. So, you're right. It was kind of a big deal for me to wait. And I really appreciate how patient you were with me."

She stopped and offered her best doe-eyes up to him.

Josh narrowed his brows and smirked. A line of confusion crossed his forehead.

"Of course. Obviously I wasn't going to push you into something tha-."

Rachel cut him off as her voice came out a little stronger.

"And now that we've like, you know, been intimate, I feel like, a lot closer to you."

She paused again, keeping her stare locked.

"Do you?"

Josh swallowed automatically as he felt his face tighten. What was this about? Rachel had never spoken to him like this before. A small knot formed in his stomach as he began to feel the first hints of dread over where she might be going.

"Do-? Close-? I, well, yeah I, um-."

Rachel jumped right back in, blowing through his stutters.

"I knew you would."

She smiled and squeezed his hand, pure love radiating from her eyes. Biting her lip again, she went for the knockout punch.

"So given all that and, um, you know, how Chris is like, never around and you kind of have the place to yourself and like, you know the whole deal with my living situation..."

She paused and rolled her eyes like they were on the exact same page.

"...well, I was thinking maybe I could like, leave a few things here. Like, not all my stuff, obviously! Just like, a few outfits, a toothbrush. My hockey gear. Makeup..."

She could barely keep her hands from shaking and she did everything in power to hold her earnest expression. She couldn't wait to watch the color drain from Josh's face.

Indeed, the knot in Josh's stomach tightened like a vice and he felt his cheeks go cold. What. The. Fuck?? Move her stuff in? Was she serious?

Her felt the panic begin to rise in his throat, drying everything in its path. He looked down over the practically naked girl in his arms staring up at him with hopeful eyes. Had she set him up? Had this been her plan from the start? She'd slow-played all summer and the moment she'd finally opened the gate, she'd pounced.

"I, uh-."

He paused and cleared his throat. He had to get back in control.

"Rach, I mean, look-. You know I love hanging with you. You're like, the coolest chick and, um-. I 'm just not sure if like-. Well like, I know Chris isn't around much but it's his place too and I don't know how cool he'd be with you like, moving in or..."

He trailed off, putting a merciful end to his mumbles. He could feel the heat rising back in his face. How the fuck was he supposed to lay this out without being entirely blunt? And how was he supposed to blunt when she was literally pressing her tits into him, pinning him to the couch?

The gears in his brain spun as he tried to think fast. He couldn't just stare at her forever. He started drumming his fingers nervously against his thigh as he felt the sands slipping through the hourglass.

Rachel couldn't contain herself any longer. The utter terror in Josh's face was priceless. And his butchered excuse? Putting it on his roommate? She so desperately wanted to watch him squirm all night but she just couldn't keep the poker face up. The corner of her mouth twitched subtly and then the damn broke.

Dropping the act and stretching a glorious grin across her lips, she threw back her head and laughed triumphantly.

"Oh my God! I'm just fucking with you! Wow! You should see your face! You're such a mess!"

Josh's eyes widened in total confusion before embarrassment reddened his expression. The cool shiver of full relief washed over his senses and he let out a deep breath. Narrowing his eyes but grinning sheepishly at Rachel's mocking smile, he shook his head and smirked.

"You're fucked up. You know that?"

Rachel stuck out her tongue and smiled brightly as she continued to bask in her victory. She felt a little bad that she'd pushed him as hard as she had, but he'd had it coming after all his slick comments. Pursing her lips, she reached out and tussled his hair.

"Sweetie, you have no idea."

She winked and traced her fingers down his cheek and onto his bare chest. She grinned again as she felt his heart beating hard against her palm.

"You can relax. You don't have to clear out your closet for me."

Josh smirked again and let out another breath. She'd really had him. He felt like an idiot for falling for her performance. But she'd been convincing. He shook his head. She certainly was the convincing type.

He opened his mouth to speak but Rachel beat him to the punch. Pushing herself back off him and slipping her tank top back over her head, she smoothed out her hair and spoke matter-of-factly.

"However, you do have to watch that movie with me now. And you can get me one of those sweet teas from your fridge."

She paused and turned to face him fully. Her boobs were still on proud display with her tank top bunched just below her neck. Giving Josh a final extended view, she cupped them teasingly and shot him her best playful pout.

"Pretty please?"

She grinned as she watched his eyes lock onto her breasts before returning to her face. They stared at each other for a few long seconds until Josh finally threw in the towel. Shaking his head and smirking to himself, he stood gingerly from the couch and turned towards the kitchen.

Rachel smiled to herself as she watched him retreat from the room. Warmth spread throughout her body and she felt cozy euphoria run down her veins. Pulling her shirt back down over her chest, she smoothed the material out and tucked her hair back behind her ears. She nestled up into the cushion and exhaled fully.

Her eyes darted upward automatically as she caught Josh's return from the kitchen. He sat down next to her and raised his arm, allowing her to cuddle up into his side. She smiled brightly as he handed her the tea bottle and grabbed the remote from the table. She didn't even care what they were about to watch. She just knew that she was happy. Happy to be with him. Happy to be in school. Happy with her new life.

Truly happy.

NEXT -- Chapter 2: He Loves Me Not

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good chapter

Sorry for the generic comment, but just wanted to say I really liked this chapter! The title for the next one sounds promising as well!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Perfect buildup

The thing that I appreciate the most about this series is the patience and precision you use for the buildup. This wasn’t my favorite Rachel story, but I know that the fall is that much farther and more satisfying if she’s doing well before. Just good writing also. Which is such a rare thing in erotica. So thank you!

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