Freshman Ch. 09: Office Hours


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His scalp tingled and his cheeks burned as he felt capitulation begin to take over. It wasn't like the last time when he hadn't seen what she'd been doing until the very end. He knew very clearly now. As did he understand the full, impossibly pleasurable implication of it all.

He swallowed roughly and managed to choke out his response.

"A favor, huh?"

Rachel felt the warmth rushing back from her fingertips as victory appeared on the horizon. Running her eyes purposefully down his shirt towards his waist, she bit her lip and spoke softly.


Chris swallowed again and let his shoulders slouch automatically. He was so close to being beaten. He hadn't thrown in the towel yet, but simply speaking with her in this manner was too intoxicating to resist.

"Like last time?"

Rachel held her gaze for a moment, content to continue melting him as the fight drained from his eyes. But she grinned suddenly and leaned back in her chair. She knew what she was about to do would end the fight with a glorious knockout. So she wanted to savor the last few seconds of exciting intensity.

Shrugging innocently and biting her nail, she responded in a cool tone.

"Well, sort of."

The buzzing in Chris's head grew louder and his palms twitched as he took in Rachel's unexpected response. 'Sort of'? What did that mean?

Conveying his confusion with a wrinkle of his brow, Chris licked his lips and tried to speak coherently.

"I don't-. 'Sort of'?"

Rachel pressed her thumb into her forefinger and began rubbing tiny circles. She was so proud of how she'd guided everything along to play out exactly as she'd planned. She felt a pulsing between her legs as the excitement of her next move gave her a pleasurable shiver. She couldn't wait to see his face when-.

"Well, like you said, we aren't talking about a missed homework assignment. I know what I'm asking for is bigger than what I asked for last time."

She paused and grinned warmly at him as she took a deep breath and finished her thought.

"So the repayment should come with a little extra, too."

Without waiting for a response, Rachel pushed her chair back suddenly and rose to her feet. She watched his eyes trace her movement and angle up to meet her taller vantage point. She could feel her pulse in her temples and she bit her lip to steady her nerves. Smiling and bringing her hands to the flaps of her coat, she swiftly pulled the material open and let it slip off her shoulders and onto the floor behind her.

But for her knee-high fur boots, she was completely naked.

The breath rushing from Chris's lungs was audible and Rachel squirmed pleasurably as she took in the stunned chaos of his reaction. His eyes went wide as plates and his throat tightened like a vice. His jaw dropped and his lower lip quivered. He didn't move an inch.

Rachel giggled reflexively as she reveled in the heat of his gaping admiration. Brushing a few strands of her long, sandy hair behind her ear, she glanced down over her own figure to mirror his view. Her breasts were quivering gently, in line with the series of exciting shivers racing through her body. Her nipples were fully stiffened, whether from the residual chill of the outside or the smoldering heat of the moment. Her flat stomach was smooth and tight

As her eyes traced down her legs to her feet, she side-stepped around the desk and bent over. Steadying her balance, she slipped each boot from her calf and set it down gently beside her chair. Now officially naked by the letter of the law, she brought her hands to her hips and cleared her throat softly.

"So? Think you can help me out?"

Chris physically shook in his chair as he tried desperately to stop the room from spinning and find solid ground again. He'd already been swimming in dangerous waters when he'd engaged Rachel in her innuendos. But now he was thoroughly submerged under the falls.

His eyelids twitched as his gaze raced over every unreal curve and facet of her body. The closest he'd ever come to seeing her breasts had been when she'd unbuttoned her sweater enough to provide a generous eyeful of her bra while she'd been sweetly sucking him off that time. He'd gotten other quick glimpses in various class-related moments, whether it was a low-cut tank or a full lean forward while she'd been retrieving a pen from her bag. He'd always imagined what they might look like fully exposed. He'd spent more time on the fantasy than he cared to admit.

But whatever proxy he'd created in his mind didn't do anywhere near justice to the spectacular reality he was being offered now. Saliva pooled in the corners of his mouth as he studied the surreal image. Rachel's tits were simply spectacular. They were large and full and sat high on her slenderly tapered torso. Their soft, round form seemed to defy reasonable expectations of an appropriate gravitational pull and her diminutive, light brown nipples stood out teasingly from the pale creamy tone of their surrounding flesh.

Below that, her stomach and thighs certainly conveyed the stereotypical toned tautness of a dedicated athlete. But it was what was between those thighs that made his dick jump in his jeans. Rachel's pussy was completely shaven and the soft, pink lips of her entrance were smooth and inviting. Chris's gaze remained fixed on the spot as a bevy of arousing images flashed through his brain.

Finally aware that she had spoken to him and was awaiting a response, he looked up quickly and swallowed hard. Shame poked at his gut and he set his jaw as the full implication of what she had suggested stung his moral compass. He was quite aware that he'd already crossed that line with her before, but changing another student's final grade was certainly in a different realm of inappropriateness. The girl had blown off a final exam for fuck's sake! This wasn't like some small, insignificant little-!

As he looked into Rachel's eyes and watched her scrunch her nose subtly, he knew all at once that it didn't matter. There was no way he was turning down what was being offered to him. He wouldn't be physically able to even if he so desired. He groaned as his cock again pushed impatiently into the front of his pants. There was simply nothing left to do but let her know.

Mustering a nod of his head, Chris steadied his drying throat and forced out a few gravely words.

"Yeah, I-. I think I can."

Rachel's stomach fluttered and she smiled brightly as she heard his words of acceptance. Stepping more fully around his desk, she extended her hand towards his and grinned.

"I'm so glad. I was really hoping you'd say that."

With a final wink, she guided Chris up from his seat as he placed his hand into hers and stood. The feel of his warm fingers making first contact with her own forced an excited breath out of her lungs and she swallowed as she looked up into his eyes. Turning his body slightly and backing him into the bookshelf behind his desk, she placed her hands on his shoulders and stepped up onto her toes.

Chris groaned pleasurably as Rachel's lips met his and the playful swirl of her tongue probed his mouth. Accepting her advances and meeting her kiss more fully, he shut his eyes and let his hands slide down the smooth contour of her back. As he rested his grip on the upper edges of her ass, he focused on his breaths. He couldn't believe this was happening again.

Rachel sighed through the kissing and grinned to herself as each stimulus sent tickles of pleasure zipping through her senses in different directions. Not only was the moment more intense this time due to her total nakedness, but she was enjoying the enhanced intimacy as well. Making out with him (albeit briefly) while they ran their hands over each other was far more engaging than popping a few sweater buttons and dropping to her knees. She sucked in a breath as she felt the eager hardness behind his jeans press firmly between her thighs. Her head began to buzz. She was so, so turned on.

Enjoying the foreplay but even more desperate to sink her teeth into the next course, Rachel finally pulled back from the kiss with a smirking grin. Giggling and rubbing some wetness from her lips, she looked up into his eyes and winked again.

Chris exhaled roughly as Rachel's lips returned, only this time to the sensitive skin right below his jaw. He tingled at the sensation of her tender kisses and playful flicks of her tongue. He looked up at the ceiling of his office and swallowed again. Nothing felt real.

But it was real. And in short order, he appreciated that in every sense. With a final soft kiss, Rachel pulled away from his neck and eased her weight down slowly onto her knees in front of him. His breaths rattled from his lungs as he watched her skillful fingers make quick work of his button and zipper. In an instant, his pants were down by his ankles and Rachel's cool nails were tugging teasingly at his tented boxer briefs. As she finally slipped the material downward as well, he gritted his teeth and let the welcome chill of the office air fully greet him.

Rachel smiled nostalgically as she watched Chris's penis spring free just inches from her face. It had been a few months since she'd last seen it, but it suddenly felt so friendly and familiar. She could still so vividly see her own fingers shaking as she'd revealed him for the first time that afternoon. In a way, it was as if no time had passed at all. And she was so excited to be back again.

Deciding to move forward without keeping him twisting on the line, Rachel rose up tall on her knees and wrapped her fingers evenly around his shaft. She felt the heat of his pulse throb against her palm and she inhaled excitedly as she glanced quickly around the room, letting the stimuli of the office setting fully permeate the experience. She recalled her ill-fated attempt at self-relief in her bed the morning prior and she grinned as she prepared to jump right back into that battle. Only this time armed with a far, far more stimulating weapon. Closing her eyes and letting the scene surround her senses, she leaned in.


Chris's choppy curse tumbled out as Rachel's soft lips slipped easily around his cock, pulling him into the pleasurable warmth of her mouth. He gasped as the familiar sensation transported him back in an instant to that afternoon in the fall. He could suddenly feel again the first seconds of that blowjob as well. The smooth suction of her lips. The playful swirl of her warm tongue. The tickles of her hair as it dangled over his thighs.

But as pleasurable as that had been, the visual accompanying the current experience pushed it into a new realm. Replacing the memory of her alluring cleavage snuggled playfully in her bra was instead the explicit image of her full, stomach-tightening tits, swaying and shaking subtly to the perfected motions of her head and neck. Adjusting his gaze, Chris also marveled at the gentle slope of her back, arching smoothly downward and giving way to her tight, perky ass. A green butterfly tattoo inhabited the small space just above a gently faded tan-line. Her small feet laid heels up, her toes curling and uncurling in rhythm.

Getting back to the main event, Chris gritted his teeth as he watched his dick slide smoothly in and out of Rachel's mouth. It looked so effortless and natural and her face displayed a matching sense of calm and poise. Her pouty lips surrounded his shaft in a firm seal, rubbing coarsely over his flesh with each rotating bob of her head. He could feel her teasing tongue swirling playfully around him as she sucked. It was perfectly pleasurable. Every second. Just like last time.

Down below, Rachel's arousal was humming along in line with her partner's. As she worked him skillfully in her mouth, her mind raced with dozens of exciting accompanying images. She thought about the excitement of the interaction by itself. That she had shown up to a professor's office naked and was now eagerly blowing him so that he'd change a grade (even if it wasn't her own). She thought about how wrong he must know it was for him to agree. But how his duty to such ethics stood no chance in a battle against his primal need to have her make him come.

She also thought about Rich and how everything was so circularly related. It was her teacher that had led her to do what she'd done with Rich and it was now in turn her incessant arousal in the aftermath that had now led her back again. What might have seemed so wrong and unimaginable at one point was now becoming routine. These didn't feel like one-off anomalies. They felt like habit.

Rachel whimpered gently as she took his dick deeper into her throat, sucking him smoothly and bringing her nose into the outskirts of his trimmed hair. She recalled suddenly how she'd upped the intensity of her blowjob with Rich right at the end. She'd taken him deeply and then popped him free to spread the love in other areas. A tremor snaked through her stomach. She was going to get off doing this for sure.

Following her own memories like a guide, she leaned back and let his penis slip from the edges of her pouty lips. His tip glistened with wetness and she grinned up at him as she swallowed some saliva down as well. Angling his shaft upward, she brought her face back in low and extended her tongue to his sac. As her fingers began to jerk him in a smooth, slippery motion, she parted her lips and sucked his balls hungrily into her mouth.

Chris grunted with appreciation as the unexpected change in the experience sent a shivery wave of pleasure through his gut. While the first blowjob Rachel had given him had been flawless, he hadn't received any extracurricular love like he was getting now. In fact, he couldn't recall the last time he'd gotten such attention from anyone to be honest. Deciding not to worry about it, he simply stared down and watched in wonder as Rachel licked and sucked vigorously away.

Rachel, indeed, had found a heightened rhythm as her own engine began to rev more fully. Her thighs pumped with excitement as she ran her tongue eagerly over the soft, crinkly folds of Chris's balls. Switching her grip, she'd angled his sac upward as well, revealing the sensitive flesh behind. Feeling her own dizzying heat taking over, she leaned in and lavishly coated every inch.

She knew she was driving him crazy and it made her surge with confidence and power. But there was more she needed than the standard doses of vicarious pleasure flowing into her system. Her pussy was twitching anxiously and the intersection of her various swirling fantasies had created a clear need for deep, stimulating attention. She hadn't put off dousing the flames for a day and half for nothing. Far, far from it.

Exhaling smoothly and letting the arousal pour in to the point of overflow, Rachel finally stopped her generous efforts and let his cock fall from her grip. As it bobbed and pulsed in front of her face, she wiped at her lips and looked up into his eyes. She could see the combination of confusion and lustful desperation radiating from his expression. He was probably wondering why she'd stopped...

Grinning mysteriously, Rachel slowly pushed herself back up to her feet and stretched out, flexing her jaw and arching her back. She giggled gently as her pushed-out chest grabbed her teacher's eyes like a magnet. Her nipples were inches from grazing his shirt.

Keeping her stare fixed, she began to step backwards, inching her way to the edge of his desk. As the cool wood greeted her butt with a tickling chill, she inhaled and turned to examine the papers he had left scattered on the surface. Pushing them into a neat pile, she cleared some space and hopped up suddenly to sit.

Chris watched her with wide eyes as his breaths came fast in his chest. His cock was as hard as he could remember it ever being and it throbbed angrily, desperate for the return of the lavish attention that had just been taken away. He watched as Rachel's boobs swayed gently in her leaned-forward position as she sat calmly on the edge of his desk and tapped her fingers. Furrowing his brow, he verbalized his confusion.

"What are you-? Is something wrong?"

Rachel grinned back at him and shook her head. Her eyes were sparkling and totally alive. Her grin playful and devious.

"Not at all. It's just like I said, you deserve something extra this time."

She paused and pursed her lips as the playfulness in her face tightened into an expression of intensity. Raising one hand from her side, she held it up in front of her face, extending a finger and curling it back, beckoning him to come join her.

"So come here and take it."

Concurrent with her hot-dagger words, Rachel tilted her head and spread her thighs purposefully apart. She watched the tortured recognition form in his face. Pressing her lips firmly together, she fought back her own waves of overwhelming arousal and waited for his response.

The air crackled and snapped all around Chris's head as his brain fought to process the new reality and the accompanying visual presented. Sixty seconds earlier, he'd thought nothing could be more visually and physically stimulating than the sight of Rachel completely naked and enthusiastically sucking his cock. It had already blown the prior images of their last engagement completely out of the water. Nothing was going to be able to top it. For as long as he lived. How could it?

But what he was staring at now just somehow had. And not just the literal image greeting his eyes, but the implication behind it. He felt his head get light as his eyes fixed on the explicitly offered view of her pussy Rachel had just given him. Her toned legs were bowed out to the sides, opening her hips and leaving nothing to the imagination. Or to doubt.

He suddenly glanced down at his own body and choked back some embarrassment. On his desk was a young, naked goddess. Physically flawless and seemingly beckoning him to come over and fuck her without hesitation. And here he stood. His dick hanging out in the open with his jeans and underwear bunched awkwardly below his knees. Even his thin sweater felt suddenly goofy and outdated as it clung to his torso.

The mild shame set off a spark in his brain and spurred him suddenly into action. Desperate to shed the half-dressed and weakened image he was presenting, Chris moved quickly to remedy the situation and match his partner's state of eager readiness.

He yanked his boots from his feet and slid his socks, underwear, and jeans from his legs in a swift, seamless motion. Stepping forward, he ripped his sweater and undershirt up over his head and tossed them into a balled-up pile behind him. He surged with confidence as he watched Rachel's eyes widen and her smile stretch in response to his nakedness and sudden action. He recalled how he'd stressed over comparing himself physically to the kinds of boys he imagined she might normally be intimate with. But he didn't bother with that now. There was only one thing on his mind.

Rachel gasped and giggled with reflexive excitement as she felt Chris step into her and position his body between her welcoming thighs. His warm hand clutched her shoulder powerfully, bracing her body and holding her in place. Her eyes flicked downward and she swallowed hard as she watched him grip his shaft and angle it purposefully between her legs. As he stepped in closer, she looked up into his eyes and bit down hard on her lip to the point of pain.

Her lips curled into an automatic "O" and she moaned softly as his tip made first contact and gently pressed in. The pleasurable pressure of him parting her and sliding smoothly inside clutched her senses and she shut her eyes. A smile formed across her lips and she adjusted her hips reflexively to the sensation of their bodies meeting and his dick filling her completely. She re-opened her lids and flashed her eyes excitedly as he rocked back and began to evenly pump away.