Freya's Redemption


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Freya felt Zack's hand move up her leg and began to slowly trace her slit through her panties. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter, her breathing more ragged. It had been too long since she had been touched this way.

"I'm sorry, Zack," she said guiltily removing his hand, to the disappointment of her body, tears welling in her eyes. "I can't, not with Morgan here."

"I understand," Zack said sounding very disappointed and hurt at Freya's rejection.

Freya kissed Zack gently on the lips and rested her forehead on his, trying to hold back her tears, Desperate to convince him, "I'm so sorry. I really did want to have sex with you but I want our first time to be special. If we have sex tonight, I will be constantly worried that Morgan will walk in on us and it is too soon to have someone stay over with Morgan here. We will have sex soon, I promise. Just wait a little longer. I really like you, Zack. Since we first met, I have looked forward to seeing you every time. I'm sorry for letting you down tonight. It is really hard to date as a single mum."

"It's okay. Really it is," Zack reassured her. "I like you too and you're worth the wait." He kissed on the lips. Do you want to watch a movie instead?"

"I would love to but I don't have any streaming accounts."

"Don't worry, we can use mine and you can it whenever you want."

Freya curled up next to Zack with her arms wrapped around his. For the first time in a very long time, she felt like she was part of a couple. She pressed herself into Zack, feeling his warmth, feeling how safe she felt with his arm around her, feeling genuine happiness.

After the film, Zack said he had better go leaving Freya alone and frustrated with herself. She was struggling to control herself around him. She got ready for bed and once in bed her hand didn't hesitate to slip inside her pyjamas and her orgasm didn't hesitate to arrive either with "Zack!" moaned from her lips as her body shook in her ecstasy.

"Zack is Mummy's best friend?" a small sleepy voice asked next to Freya.

She nearly jumped out of her skin seeing Morgan looking at her.

"Yes, Zack is Mummy's best friend," Freya told her daughter, helping her into her bed as she worried about how much her daughter saw.

"Mummy, likes Zack?"

"Yes, Mummy likes Zack," Freya wrapped her arm around her as they snuggled happily up together.

"Zack is nice."

"Yes, Zack is nice," Freya agreed as they both fell asleep.

Chapter 5

Freya was woken by her phone pinging. Morgan began to stir next to her. Freya picked up her phone and read the message sent from Diana,

Diana: "How did last night go?"

Freya: "Really good!"

Diana: "Did you have sex?"

Freya: "Diana! No couldn't. My mum was sick and couldn't babysit Morgan. I think I need a toy, can you recommend a good one?"

Diana: "You need Zack's cock!"

Freya: "Diana!"

Freya sighed with exasperation. She knew Diana wouldn't stop until she finally had sex with Zack but she was right.

Freya only had to wait the following week to have sex with Zack. They went out for dinner and Zack had assumed that they would visit a few bars afterwards but as soon as they left the restaurant Freya pulled him down for a kiss. The wine and a week of feeling frustrated had taken their toll on her.

"I want to see your place," she almost growled. There was a look of desire in her eyes telling Zack exactly what she wanted.

As soon as they walked into Zack's apartment, Freya almost jumped on Zack like a wild animal. Any nerves about having sex with Zack she may have had were banished by her desire. They kissed passionately, Zack's hand squeezed Freya's pantyhose-clad ass when he pulled her short dress up and Freya began to stroke Zack through his trousers.

Somehow, they made it to the bedroom. Freya unbuttoned Zack's shirt kissing his firm chest as she did so before unbuttoning his jeans and taking out his cock. Zack unzipped Freya's dress leaving it in a pool at her feet and Freya almost tore off her pantyhose.

Zack then took charge. He picked Freya up and threw her back onto the bed, removing his trousers and underwear before joining Freya. She watched his strong frame move on top of her, his cock rigid and hard.

Her breasts felt constricted in her bra, her panties felt damp, and her pussy ached with desire. Her legs parted eagerly when Zack fell upon her. They kissed each other hungrily. Their desire now matched each other's. Freya moaned as Zack kissed her neck. Her moan turned into one of relief as he unhooked her bra, freeing her breasts. His cock pushed frustratingly into the barrier of her panties.

Discarding her bra, Zack fell upon Freya's breasts. Freya felt like she had ascended to heaven as Zack licked and gently sucked on her nipples. A small orgasm shot unexpectedly through her only to find her breasts wet and disappointed as Zack kissed his way downwards.

He removed Freya's panties and kissed slowly up each thigh. Freya's hips lifted searching for something, anything to give her pussy release. Freya felt him inhale deeply before she gasped as he licked up her pussy.

Freya wasn't sure what Zack was doing between her legs but it took mere seconds for her to be rocked by an intense orgasm, she pulled his head into her pussy and squeezed it hard with her thighs with a loud painful moan.

Zack tried to keep working on her pussy but it become too sensitive and her orgasm too painful. She raised his head and begged with a whimper,

"Put on a condom! I need you inside me!"

Zack fumbled in his haste to put the condom on before Freya guided him inside her. She almost laughed a gasp as she felt herself being stretched and the wonderous feeling of being full but she couldn't enjoy it for long. Zack began to move his cock and the unbearable intense feeling from her pussy returned. Freya began to buck her hips hard desperate for Zack to cum. Painful intense orgasms raked through her once more until Zack grunted and Freya felt the welcome warmth of Zack's cum inside the condom.

"That was intense," Zack laughed, breathing hard but his face looked pained. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" he asked worriedly seeing Freya's distressed face.

Freya shook her head and gave a weak smile, "No, it's not your fault. Well, it was. You made me too horny and it made me too sensitive. I'm sorry, I waited too long to have sex with you. We should have done it much sooner. It feels so good to have you inside me at last," and she pulled him down for a kiss. "Can you hold me for a while?"

Zack rolled off Freya and removed the condom and Freya took no time to snuggle up to Zack.

"Thank you, for being so understanding with me," she said dreamily. "I've made you wait so long. Dating again after Morgan was born has been scary but you were patient with me. You make me so happy. You are such great company."

After a moment of silence, Freya felt Zack become tense, "What's wrong?" she asked.

"What are we? Are we in a relationship? Can I call you, my girlfriend?" he asked nervously.

Freya began playing with the hair on his chest. It felt nice to be in bed with somebody again.

"Yes, I am your girlfriend," Freya replied, surprising herself with the confidence of her answer. "I do like you Zack and I want to be with you. I'm sorry if I seem over cautious but my past is complicated and there is Morgan as well so I need to be sure. You're such a nice guy. I don't want to hurt you either."

"Then I'm your boyfriend. We're an official couple. I had to ask because I felt we were sneaking around all the time."

"I'm sorry," Freya paused. "I'm saying sorry a lot, aren't I? I've been so unfair to you. I can see that now. You're wonderful. I don't want us to sneak around anymore. I also want you to start being part of Morgan's life. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, I'll like that," Zack replied and Freya held him tighter before falling into a blissful sleep.

The following morning Freya woke to the feeling of being naked in bed and somebody next to her. She opened her eyes and turned over to see the sight of Zack, her boyfriend, next to her. She couldn't help smiling. Freya snuggled closer to him and ran her hand over his body. The sex the night before was intense, too intense to be enjoyable but falling asleep in his arms was.

It felt so nice to be with him. He was good-looking, good company and she felt safe with him. Her hand slid down finding his cock which began to stiffen on her touch. Her breathing deepened with excitement at the effect she was having on him. In her haste to ease her sexual frustration, she didn't pay attention to it the night before. It felt a good size. It had been so long since she had sex that she had forgotten what a good cock should be like but Zack's felt like it was good enough for her.

"What are you doing?" Zack groaned with a slight laugh, feeling Freya's hand on him.

"Just checking what you have down there. I didn't give it enough attention last night," she replied naughtily.

Freya released his cock and reached over and turned Zack's face towards her to kiss. She could feel herself becoming aroused and she pressed her pussy into his hip and began to grind herself on him as their kiss consumed them. She gave a little moan into his mouth as ground herself to a small orgasm before she pulled back the covers and mounted him.

She smiled down at him and she stroked his cock and caressed his balls. She could see he was enjoying what she was doing to him and that gave her newfound confidence and excitement. His hands ran over her breasts and her hips in appreciation. Freya shifted forward and allowed her now moist pussy to slide across his cock so she could bend down and kiss Zack. Their tongues entwined in his mouth while she ground herself against his cock.

Freya opened the drawer on the table next to the bed and took out another condom. She tore off the wrapper sexily with her teeth before sliding the condom over Zack's now very hard cock. Freya lined it up to her opening and slowly lowered herself onto it, feeling her pussy engulfing it with her eyes closed and a small moan.

She stayed there not moving. Savouring the feeling of Zack inside her. It was divine. Zack couldn't wait any longer and pushed his hips upwards making Freya gasp. Freya opened her eyes and her hips began to rock while she looked down on the object of her desire. It felt good but she needed more. Placing her hand on his chest she rose up and slowly down again. Her movements sped up and her heavy breaths became grunts. She began to kiss Zack hard to hide her grunts feeling an orgasm building.

Freya moaned quietly with appreciation into the kiss when Zack squeezed her ass then much louder when he lifted her up and drove her down again. Freya buried her face into Zack's neck mewing as the relentless up-and-down movement drove her insane. His grip on her hips stopped her from moving herself and she surrendered control of her desires to her new boyfriend. When Zack drove his own hips up to match what he was doing to Freya, she was tipped over the edge into a long and powerful orgasm.

Zack kept up this relentless bliss giving Freya orgasm after orgasm until in drove up hard and erupted inside the condom with an animalistic roar.

Freya held onto Zack as she breathed hard, occasionally kissing him,

"Thank you, that was incredible," Freya smiled lovingly at Zack.

"You're incredible," replied Zack, kissing Freya.

Chapter 6

Over the next weeks, Zack and Freya were inseparable. Their office already knew they were dating but now they were open about it. Zack, Freya and Morgan would spend days out together and Zack even bought a child seat for his car for Morgan. Zack began to sleep overnight in Freya's apartment with Freya going onto the pill, wanting to feel Zack properly inside her without the rude addition of a condom. Morgan quickly got used to Zack being around. Zack would often read stories to her at bedtime. When he wasn't around Morgan would ask after him. Freya was delighted to see Zack and Morgan bond so easily. Zack would often carry Morgan and play with her. It didn't take long for Freya to trust him to go out alone with her daughter although she had to have a talk to him about buying her too many treats. Zack had become Morgan's father figure and Freya could see Morgan was starting to adore him. Freya should have been happy but doubts started to creep in.

These doubts grew louder and louder in Freya's mind and she knew that she had to tell Zack about Morgan's birth before he found out from someone else. She was holding herself back from loving Zack but she knew Morgan wouldn't be able to so it had to be now.

All it took was a simple message,

"Please come home with me after work. We need to talk."

Freya had arranged for Morgan to be picked up by her mother from daycare so the couple could be alone.

Freya sat on the sofa. Her face was ashen. Her hands wringing in her lap with worry.

"What's wrong," asked Zack worriedly, sensing there was something bad about to happen.

"Zack," Freya began slowly, "I need to explain to you the circumstances surrounding Morgan's birth and my past. I am falling for you very hard and Morgan adores you so I need to tell you now so if you want to finish with me our hearts won't be broken as bad as they would be later on and I want you to hear it from me instead of someone else."

"Okay, it must be something terrible then. What happened to you?" Zack asked with trepidation.

"Not what happened to me but something I did in my past. I did something terrible that will change how you see me. I hurt somebody very dear to me which made me lose everything I loved. You have noticed that Morgan doesn't have a father," Zack nodded. "Thank you for not asking about it."

"I just assumed you would tell me when the time is right, I suppose that time is now?"

"Yes, you see, before Morgan was born, I was married to a wonderful man called Charlie. Morrison is his surname, I never changed it. My maiden name is Taylor. Like you, he worked in IT. He gave me everything. He supported me in my career and I began to do very well. I had a lot of success at a young age and I was promoted very quickly and became very senior. I soon became career-obsessed. My ambition took control of me and my work consumed me. I began to neglect Charlie. We used to love travelling together but I began to work on our trips. I attended conference calls when I should have been spending time with Charlie. I didn't and I soon began to question why Charlie never had the same ambition as me. When he passed up the opportunity to become a supervisor, I started to resent him," Freya took a deep breath before continuing with her story. "Then an American colleague of mine, called Kyle Goodchilds, arrived on secondment from our New York office."

"Goodchilds?" Zack interrupted. "Is he anything to do with Brooke Goodchilds?"

Freya nodded, "Kyle Goodchilds is Brooke's ex-husband and I am the reason they got divorced."

Zack looked at Freya not believing what he was hearing.

"Myself and Kyle hit it off from the first day we met. He was good-looking, charming and importantly ambitious. It started innocently enough. We chatted and laughed together in the office. We celebrated successes with drinks after work with colleagues. Success went to my head. Soon though we were always the last to leave. We began texting each other after hours and on weekends. We started going out together after work, having dinner. I loved his company. He was what I thought I wanted in a man. We then kissed. We then had sex. On our business trips, we always slept together. Our jobs gave us the perfect cover. At no point did I think he was married; I would never have been with him if I thought he was married. Strange morality considering I was, I admit," Freya said with a small laugh.

"At this point, while myself and Kyle were having our affair, Charlie's company was taken over and his job was under threat. He had to go on business trips for a week at a time so instead of supporting Charlie, I invited Kyle over to sleep with him while Charlie was away in my and Charlie's house, in my and Charlie's bed. I stupidly thought Charlie never suspected a thing, I was wrong. I also did something else stupid. I forgot to take my birth control pill. I got carried away with my affair and I was completely infatuated with Kyle. Well, the inevitable happened and I got pregnant. I was overjoyed. I planned to leave Charlie for Kyle. I even discussed our future with Kyle."

Freya wiped away a tear as she came to the most tragic part of the story.

"I was so excited about having Kyle's baby. We were then sent on a business trip to the New York office. I was bursting with excitement to surprise him with the news of my pregnancy. I was so sure he would be as thrilled as I was but it was me who got the surprise. Brooke and her children were waiting for him at the airport. When I saw them, my world came crashing down around me. I could never have an abortion so I did another terrible thing, I planned to pass off Kyle's baby as Charlie's. I never thought he would work it out. I was stupid and desperate. When I returned home from New York, Charlie surprised me with a video of me and Kyle having sex. Charlie wasn't stupid, of course. I was the one who was stupid by thinking he was stupid. He worked out by himself that Kyle was married, that I was pregnant with Kyle's baby and I planned to pass off Kyle's baby as his. My world crumbled under the weight of my lies. Charlie obviously wanted us to divorce, it was impossible for him to do anything else. I begged and begged for Charlie to take me back. I lost all my self-respect. I was a mess but it cut no ice with Charlie, why would it? Yes, Morgan is Kyle's biological daughter."

"I was six months pregnant when our divorce was finalised. I didn't contest anything. I was devastated. I lost my husband, I lost my lover, I had to leave the job I loved in shame, I lost my friends, I lost my self-respect. I lost everything because of my own stupidity. I had everything and then I became a broke single mother in her thirties living with her parents and I deserved it. I told Kyle about Morgan but he refused to accept she was his."

Tears were now streaming down Freya's face.

"How did you end up working for Brooke Goodchilds's company?" Zack asked confused. "That is some coincidence."

"It wasn't a coincidence," Freya explained. "Despite everything I did, the people I hurt helped me. The spy system Charlie invented to catch me and Kyle, he turned it into a successful business and sold it for a lot of money. He became very rich which is ironic because I resented him for not being ambitious. Being the wonderful man, he is he gave me some money to help. I still begged for him to take me back and become Morgan's father but he wouldn't of course. I humiliated myself in front of him but he moved on very quickly and married someone who deserved him, leaving me in the gutter where I belonged."

"One day, I had a visitor and it was Brooke Goodchilds with a lawyer. You can imagine my surprise and I was mortified to see her. I think seeing how low and pathetic I was helped ease any anger she had towards me. The worst part was that I knew I was failing Morgan. I felt the worst mother in the world for not being able to support her. Anyway, Brooke took pity on me. As an act of Christian kindness, she forgave me and offered me my job. Mine and Morgan's lives have been transformed because of her. She really is a special and wonderful person. Her lawyer, Gwen, even managed to get Kyle to pay me $50,000 dollars in child support when we proved he was Morgan's father on condition he could waive all parental rights."