Friends Come First Ch. 02

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Emily and Vicky square off.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 09/28/2010
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Short, sweet, complete



Somewhere on the edge of a dream music was playing. Emily finally grabbed for the source of the sound. The offending device turned out to be her cell phone and she struggled to make sense of why it would play music in the middle of the night. The stupid thing was ringing. Two things appeared on the screen; the time showed 3:17AM and the caller ID showed Vicky Summers was calling.

"Hello?", Emily answered hoarsely, only barely awake.

"Don't 'hello' me you backstabbing slut! I'm not even gone one day and you're already trying to seduce my husband. I thought you were my friend, you low-life bitch! If you touch my husband, I swear, I'll shoot you dead you..., you vicious, trashy whore!", Vicky was spitting fire and venom in her distinctive west Texas drawl.

Emily became immediately alert and chose not to acknowledge Vicky's tirade. "Well, hello Vicky, it's so nice of you to call but I have to say this is a very inopportune time for me. In case you hadn't noticed it's after 3 AM and I had a very busy, exhausting week so I'd like to get some sleep. However; Y'all sound very upset with me and I haven't the vaguest notion why. So if you can calm down, I'd be happy to listen to what you are so upset about. If not, then I'll have to ask you to call me at a less inappropriate time."

Vicky panted heavily, "You know EXACTLY why I'm pissed at you! Shelly just called a bit ago and said that some of the girls told you that Mike served me with divorce papers yesterday and you almost broke the sound barrier getting over there to see him. How could you do that? Did you fuck him already you shameless, backstabbing hussy? Is he with you right now? He's MY HUSBAND! Do you hear me, Emily? MY HUSBAND! You can not have him! He's MINE!"

Emily took a deep breath to calm herself and spoke in a very slow soft voice. "Yes, Vicky I did go over to see Mike, but I swear on all that I hold sacred that I did not seduce or sleep with him. You went to your parents and Mike was left alone to fend for himself after finding out you betrayed him. He, as well as you, is my friend and I hold my friendships in deep regard. I was very afraid he would do something stupid, so I went over there as a friend and let him cry on my shoulder and listened to him as he screamed out his pain. You hurt him very badly, Vicky, with what you did. He may be your husband but how could you do that to anyone, much less to the one person you profess to love. How could YOU do that?"

"Vicky, you said that Shelly called you. I had no idea Shelly and you were close. You don't suppose she called you in the middle of the night because of an ulterior motive, do you?"

Vicky was silent for a moment. "I really don't know Shelly all that well. What do you mean? What ulterior motive could Shelly have?"

"Vicky, sweetie, you have to know that Mike is regarded as a pretty spectacular catch. I know for a fact that a lot of single women are already lining up to take advantage of your... your situation. While I was over at your house, Mike received four phone calls from various women wanting to know how he was and how long before he planned to start dating again. One was a woman he had never even met. Shelly was there at Dingo's when I got the news of you being served. Maybe she thought she could drive a wedge between us and get us so distracted fighting she could go after Mike herself. I don't know for sure, but maybe that's what's up."

"Shit, Emily, all of a sudden I can't trust anyone.", Vicky shook her head sadly.

"Ummmm, Vicky. You might want to watch how you throw that word 'trust' around. Right now your husband is suffering with major trust issues. He recently found out that he couldn't trust his own wife."

"For the record, Vicky, I promise you I will not go after Mike while you two are married. I will console you and him, I will be a friend if needed for anything and I will hope with all my heart that you can make things right with him and move on together. But, Vicky, you have to know... And I'm going to be as honest as I know how. If Mike becomes a single man again, I will use ALL my wiles and every drop of energy I have to get him to notice me. Just so you know."

"Well, thanks for the honesty and fuck you very much." Vicky sighed dejectedly.

"Why did he have to file for divorce? I just don't understand what the big deal is. So I fucked Jake? Big deal! It was only playing around. A little fun. Sex. So what?"

Emily sucked in a deep breath in disbelief. "Vicky! Are you out of your mind! You can't be that stupid! What's the big deal? My god, girl. You brought a strange man into your home. The home you share with your husband! Into your bed. The bed you share with your husband! And invited him into your body. Your body which you supposedly promised was exclusively reserved for making love with your husband!! You did this behind your husband's back while he was out of town. Obviously, you didn't think it was all right with Mike or you wouldn't have been sneaking around. 'Only playing around?' What would it take to make you see it as a serious problem? Maybe, if you had Jake's kid?! Or maybe, if you tied Mike up and made him watch?! Shit, Vicky! Get real! At least be honest with yourself... and me!"

"... And another thing. If you really saw it as 'NO BIG DEAL', then explain to me the purpose of this phone call. Can you do that, please? You called me in the middle of the fucking night to yell at me and threaten me because you thought I had slept with you husband. Explain that shit to me. According to you, sex on the side should be no big deal. You don't even believe that crap you're spewing yourself. See... there you go, now you have made me forget all my manners. I'm so disgusted with you, Vicky, I could spit."

"Poor Vicky. Husband's divorcing her because she acted like a mindless slut. God damn, you Vicky. You deserve to lose him."

"Damn it! How am I supposed to get back to sleep after you got me all riled up!"

"You cheated on your husband, Vicky, repeatedly as I've heard, and you dare to be ready to commit murder because MAYBE, just maybe, he has slept with someone else. Explain that logic to me, will you? You can't because there is none. Damn you girl, you absolutely piss me off! You had better watch who you're threatening, Missy. You come after me with a gun and I swear it'll take a team of surgeons to extract that gun from your ass! Here I am swearing like a drunk sailor and I'm supposed to be a Southern Lady! My grandmothers are spinning in their graves. I swear, I'm absolutely furious. ", Emily fumed as she finished her little speech.

Vicky was now crying and blubbered, "I know. I know. You're absolutely right. I'm a damned idiot! I just didn't want to admit it. Oh, God! I've lost him, Em! He was the best and I've lost him! How do I face anyone? How could I have been so stupid? I don't even know how he found out but he told my Dad he had pictures and everything. He will never take me back now! It's over!"

"Oh, Vicky. I'm so sorry.", Emily said sounding sincere yet shaking her head at the catastrophe that her friend brought upon herself. Emily decided it was time to move the conversation forward.

"You say your Dad talked to Mike, then?"

"Yeah, when I showed up at my parents and let them see the divorce papers my Daddy called Mike and yelled at him to explain himself. Dad was pretty mad until Mike told him that he had video and concrete proof that I was cheating on him. Dad got pretty quiet, said he was sorry for both of us and hung up. He looked at me like I was some sort of two-headed space creature and hasn't spoken to me since. I still don't know how Mike got video of us."

"Ummm, I think I can answer that question for you. Mike told me you and he were video chatting over the Internet and you seemed distracted. He said you were wearing the robe that you usually only put on to cover your 'special' lingerie for full visual effect later on. After you signed off he got worried and suspicious so he logged onto your laptop and controlled it remotely. Even though you had the lid folded down he was able to access the external webcam that he bought just for talking to you. He restarted the video chat software and ran the whole thing remotely from his hotel room. You had the laptop on your dressing table in your bedroom so he saw and heard everything. He set up his computer to record the whole session."

"Oh, shit! I didn't know he could do that."

"Oh, come on Vicky. Your husband is the Facilities Manager for a major law firm. He has control of every piece of equipment that has a power cord or battery in their office building. He's like a computer genius, of course he can do 'that'!"

"He also said something about a cop showing up at the door. What was that all about?"

"Oh, a policeman showed up and said he had a report from a neighbor that someone was sneaking around the area. He asked if he could come in and look around. I let him in and he looked around and I introduced him to Jake. I told the officer Jake was an invited guest."

"Uhhhh, did the introduction take place in your bedroom?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, that means Mike has corroboration from a police officer and his shift report as to the time and date and the policeman will actually appear on the video if Mike needs it for evidence. It won't mean anything in divorce court but it might prove important if you guys have a prenuptial agreement or something."

"Oh, shit! Emily! I am so fucked!!", Vicky shrieked. "Mike works for a damn law firm. Of course we have a freaking prenuptial agreement. Shit! In the case of proven infidelity, I get nothing at this point of our marriage. Fuck! My Dad is going to freak! He was all set to make sure Mike lost everything if he pushed the divorce so that would make him more agreeable to stopping the process and forgiving me. I'd even bet it was Mike who called one of the neighbors to get them to call the police. Oh, God! Em! I've lost him for sure!"

There was a long pause as Vicky contemplated her situation. "Em, I have to go. I don't think I can talk anymore. Look, I'm sorry I screamed at you and thanks for being a friend and listening and stuff when I needed it. I now know what I'm up against. Thank you, Emily. Good night."

"Good night, Vicky. Take care, sweetie and I hope you'll be okay. Call if you need me. Good bye."

After the call clicked off Emily looked at the phone in her hand, shook her head, rolled her eyes and said, "Stupid, stupid spoiled bitch." She then laid back on the bed and tried to bring her adrenalin rush under control and return to sleep. Sleep wasn't coming easily because thoughts of Mike kept popping into her consciousness. "Emily Summers... Mike and Emily Summers... Mmmmmm that has a nice ring to it. Mike, baby, once I get my arms around you, you don't stand a chance. Now If I can just keep from jumping your bones before your divorce is final. After all a girl has to have her principles. Hang in there, Emily, patience is a virtue." She finally drifted off into a comfortable, deep sleep.



There was no point in fighting the divorce once the video was presented and validated, Vicky and her parents pushed for a quiet, quick closure to the process. Vicky moved to Tampa and went to work for her father. Her father's family ranch in west Texas was leased out for cattle grazing and there were a number of actively producing oil and gas wells on the property. Vicky made many trips to her childhood home, insuring that the property was kept up and petroleum production was maintained. She also began to make use of her single status in the arms of some ranch hands and oil well workers.

Emily maintained her closeness with Mike helping him in his efforts to move forward after Vicky. They talked. They laughed. They argued. They shared their souls and learned each others loves and fears. Mike had always admired and very much loved Emily's character, fierce loyalty to her friends and her straight forward fiery nature. She was principled, compassionate and passionate – a powerful combination. Emily insisted that there would be no physical union while Mike was still married and for a 'respectable' four month period after the divorce became final.

Three weeks after Mike and Vicky's marriage was dissolved, Emily was awakened by frantic banging on her front door. It was just after 3:00 AM when she groggily opened the door to find Mike wearing a trench coat and cartoon character PJ's. She was stunned and barely able to get out the words, "Mike, what's wron.." before Mike wrapped her in his strong arms, while his tongue sought to taste her tonsils. She tried to remove his coat without letting go of him as she whispered huskily, "I can't wait any longer, either." They made love for the first time there on the floor of the living room and twice more before the sun came up in Emily's bed. From that morning they became an inseparable pair.

Mike and Emily Summers. It really does have a nice, solid ring to it.

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LoneandlevelLoneandlevel9 months ago

Duplicitous in the sense that she supposedly cares for Mike, and says she's his friend as much as Vicky's, but she knew about V's cheating and didn't tell him. I don't think we know enough about their friendship to be able to judge on that count.

As to the scheming; no more so than any other woman.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

LMAO “Emily’s duplicitous nature” - is this a joke? She was absolutely honest with Vicky, and made it clear what she wanted. Vicky was duplicitous. If she hadn’t fucked around, Emily would have respected their marriage. In fact, she made it abundantly clear that she wouldn’t hook up with Mike until AFTER THE DIVORCE, both to Vicky and Mike. Duplicitous how, exactly?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I tend to think that Emily is not duplicitous. She had suspicions based on the office rumor mill but her reactions in the first chapter seem to confirm her suspicions, and while not wholly unexpected, she seems surprised Vicky could very so stupid and that she repeatedly cheated. If s friend gas suspicions, especially not beat or really close friends most people out of caution will not directly confront or bring their suspicions to light. Because doing so can be a mess or go horribly wrong. Yes Emily is scheming when handed an opportunity but she didn't cause this and suspicions are different than proof or confession.

payenbrantpayenbrantabout 1 year ago

I like the story except for Emily's duplicitous nature. She knew that her friend Vicky was cheating and did nothing. She was no friend to Mike. She is a liar and acts like a good person, but really is not.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Short. Succinct. Sweet.

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