Fun & Games While the Cat's Away


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Taunting him after getting the door open, the princess yelled, "Stupid monster. You will have to chase me around the yard now, but you will never catch me."

The monster, scrambling after her, yelled in frustration as the princess escaped into the cold autumn night.

The backyard was perfect for chase and tickle being surrounded on all sides by a high wooden fence affording them privacy. Plus as a fitting bonus, considering what they were doing, there was a full hunter's moon out bathing the backyard in soft moonlight.

The monster, seeing the full moon, stopped and let out a low howl causing the princess to break out in giggles as she stopped halfway out in the yard to see what he would do.

After his "baying" at the moon" act was over, he gave chase. The princess took off with a high pitched squeal as the monster lumbered after her. He chased her in circles, being careful not to go too fast as it had rained, off and on, throughout the day, leaving the grass wet and slick.

While the monster was being careful of slipping and falling on the wet grass, the reckless young princess raced about in her sneakers wholly unconcerned. Indeed, her only concern seemed to be in teasing the poor monster. Turning around, she shouted happily at her nemesis. "Ha, ha ugly monster you can't catch the little princess."

Sadly, her teasing would have dire consequences. She had slowed up just enough while teasing him to where with a quick burst of speed he reached out and was just able to nab the back of her sweatshirt. The princess tried to twist away by making a sharp cut to her right, but her feet gave way and down she went.

She just starting to get up, when he dove headlong into her sending them both sprawling on the wet grass. The princess quickly recovered and tried to crawl away but he reached out and grabbed her ankle in a vise like grip, nearly ripping off her sneaker in the process.

"Ha, got you," he roared as he roughly pulled her into his grasp. She was kicking and screaming as the monster fell on top of her. In the ensuing melee, the princess' cropped sweater floated up enough to expose the pretty white bra she was wearing. Deep inside, catching a quick glimpse of his daughter's simple white bra turned the father on much more than he was willing to admit.

Taking full advantage of the situation, the brute tickled the poor princess with such ferocity that she soon was begging for mercy. "No more, no more," she wailed as she tried to push his hands away. "Please, I'm wet and cold. Let's just go inside. I will make it worth your while. I promise."

Pausing in his attack, he asked, "And just what is the princess offering the monster?"

Pushing a strand of loose hair out of her face, she tried to make her voice as sweet as possible.

"Take me inside, and I will let you do . . . anything . . . you want to me."

"Anything?" he asked getting to his feet trying to keep his thoughts on a somewhat innocent level. Reaching down, he extended his hand offering to help her up.

"Yes, anything, I promise." she whispered taking his offered hand and climbing to her feet.

Hand in hand, they went into the house, and then downstairs to the family room again. Their little game was about to have a new and quite serious twist added to it.

"I don't know about you, but all that running around and excitement has made me thirsty. Would you care to join the princess in sharing some of her royal champagne?"

Not waiting for an answer she picked up the bottle of champagne from the coffee table and poured them a fresh glass.

Seeing the look of concern on his face, she said, "Don't worry, Mr. Monster, the princess won't drink too much. Just a little swallow or two to quiet her thirst. She has to maintain her wits with monsters about always trying to attack her you know."

"Of course, she does," he replied as he watched her take a couple three sips from the glass.

Extending the still nearly full glass of champagne to him she said, "On the other hand, the monster should drink up to make him even more aggressive."

"Is that what the princess truly wants . . . an aggressive monster?"

"Very much so," she replied quietly. "Here sit down . . ." She took his hand and gently pulled him down to the sofa, before settling down next to him. "Relax and drink your champagne."

Pushing the flute in his hand, the princess smiled sweetly at the monster, causing alarm bells to go off in his head. She was being way too sweet, leading the clever monster to believe she was up to something.

"Me thinks the pretty princess is being too nice . . . trying to get the monster to relax, let his guard down so maybe she can run off again. Maybe she will go outside again and try to escape and this time instead of running around she might flee through the gate and run off into the woods where I might never find her."

"Hmm, you are probably wise to be suspicious, but what if there was a way I could make you believe I would not try and run outside again . . . especially run off through the gate and into the woods. Would you trust me a bit more?"

"I would, but I am afraid giving me your word won't be good enough."

She slowly stood up. "I think you know your princess pretty well as you have been stalking me for a long time . . . right Mr. Monster?"

"Tis true, I have been stalking the regal princess for quite some time and yes, I probably do know her well."

"Well, then you know how the princess hates the cold?"

"Yes, I have come to that conclusion. The princess hates the cold," he replied wondering where she was going with this.

"Knowing that . . . do you think the young princess would dare run outside in the damp cold . . . and then through the gate and into the dark wood . . . if all she was wearing was her royal underwear."

The monster shook his head no as he watched, stared was more like it, in amazement while the princess slowly started to pull her shirt up and over her head. Dropping the sweatshirt casually on the floor, next she slowly, after giving him a sly grin, begin to undo her jeans.

The jeans joined her sweatshirt on the floor as she stood there beaming at him. Her matching bra and panties were an innocent looking white, with lace piping, and looked absolutely delicious on her.

The monster's wide staring eyes fell inadvertently to her chest. He could only imagine how delicious her small tits would look if he was to reach out and rip that bra right off of her.

His eyes, slipping downward, admired the young princess' body. She had a pair of classic swimmer's thighs, well-muscled while still managing to look deliciously soft and supple at the same time. Then she turned around and it was "LIKE WOW!"

Without pants on, he was able to fully appraise what a nice firm round bottom his daughter possessed, doubtlessly procured from endless hours of jumping around on the volleyball court.

Clearly, playing a monster was getting to him in a most deliciously evil way as he found himself simply unable to tear his eyes off his daughter's delicious young half naked body.

The princess, suppressing a smile—she felt his eyes crawling all over her body --reached out with one hand and tilted his head up so he was looking her in the face. "So do you trust me now not to go outside being the poor princess is half naked?"

"I trust you would dare not venture outside . . . such as you are princess," he replied before bringing the champagne glass to his lips and taking a small swallow.

He started to take another larger sip before abruptly sitting it down. "I better not have anymore."

"Why not?"

"Well, just because you can't go outside now, doesn't mean you still can't run from me inside the house. If I have too much to drink I won't be able to catch you."

"Another good point you make. I guess you are a clever monster after all. Let me see . . . oh wait, I have an idea where you can drink more and still have a good chance of catching me."

"Really? How?"

"I just have to run upstairs and get something from my royal bed chamber." She started to get up before he reached out and snagged her hand.

"I don't trust you to go upstairs alone. You might not come back. You might stay up there and find a good place to hide."

"Good point. I guess you better come with me but first I better grab a candle so we have a little bit of light."

After grabbing one of the candles off the bar counter top, she took his hand and led him over to the stairs. As they ascended both sets of stairs with her in the lead, he found it impossible to keep his eyes off her well-toned ass.

Upon entering her royal bed chamber, she took him over to the closet. Handing him the candle she said, "Here, hold the light down a little lower so I can see.

Bending over, she appeared to be searching for something among a dozen or so shoe boxes arranged along one wall of her sloppy closet.

Just like when they were coming up the stairs, he found himself staring at her ass as she stayed bent over searching for whatever she was looking for. He felt zero guilt for gazing so longingly at the princess' butt as it was actually quite evident by the seductive way she was wiggling that well-toned ass of hers back and forth she was showing off on purpose.

"Ah-ha, found them."

She straightened up holding a shoe box aloft. "Here let's go over to the bed so I can put these on, but we have to violate the rules for a quick minute. Can you be a good monster and turn the light on so I can see better to put them on."

After clicking on the lamp on the nightstand next to her bed, the monster looked on patiently as the princess pulled out a pair of high heels.

"So what do you think . . . does the monster think the princess' new shoes look good on her," she said after getting them on. The shoes, silver with four inch heels and adorned with metallic studs, looked very nice on her in a very naughty way as she strode around the bedroom shaking her ass and generally teasing the poor monster.

"They look quite good on you princess, but I can't imagine the queen would approve of her sweet innocent young daughter wearing such sexy shoes."

"Don't worry, I keep them well hidden from the queen's prying eyes. Anyways, as you can imagine, I won't be able to run very fast with this shoes on."

Back downstairs, and settled on the sofa again, she refilled the flute. "Now you have to drink if only to make things fair, plus it's the princess' birthday and you should toast it with a hearty drink Mr. Monster."

"Oh, it's the princess' birthday, well, in that case . . ." He tipped the glass back and drained it in one fell swoop.

After he set the flute back down on the coffee table, she told him. "Remember my promise? How I would let you do anything you wanted to me."

"Yes," the monster replied trying to control the excitement in his voice. He could think of plenty of things he would like to do to her—none of them very decent.

"Well, it's time for me to make good on my promise." Leaning against him, she ran her fingers through his hair as she whispered, "So what does the monster want to do to his captive little princess?"

"I don't know," he mumbled.

"Yes you do." She pulled back staring at him pointedly. "You know exactly what you want to do to the defenseless half naked princess."

"What?" he lamely asked.

"You wanna tickle her all over, but maybe I have a better idea. I still owe you some nice kisses from when I tricked you earlier. I could give them to you now if you want. And just because you are such a good monster, I will give you some kisses in some other places . . . besides your cheek."

Now he was growing excited as he whispered, "Like where?"

"Lay your head back and close your eyes and I will show you."

Once again the naïve monster fell under the princess' magical spell and did as she requested.

Leaning his head back he let out a gentle sigh as he felt his shirt being slowly unbuttoned.

After undoing the third button, the princess sprinkled a pair of light kisses over the newly exposed skin on his chest. This maddening game continued with each subsequent button she undid.

The monster found himself being slowly pushed back onto the sofa as her light kisses worked themselves slowly downward across his chest and then on down to his belly.

With his shirt nearly unbuttoned all the way now, she quietly lapped at his tummy even going as far as to twirl her tongue around his navel causing the monster to squirm something awful.

Pausing, she reached over to the coffee table and refilled the flute with more champagne. "Let the princess serve her monster a little more champagne before she gives him some real kisses right . . ." Extending her index finger, she brushed it lightly across his lips while whispering, "Here, but you must take another drink first if you want my kisses to fall upon your lips."

Falling into her trap neatly, he opened his mouth as she tipped the glass forward pouring the champagne into his mouth. After he finished nearly half the glass, she pulled it back.

"Now I will give you a kiss or two before you finish your champagne. Keep your eyes closed you handsome monster."

Keeping his eyes tightly shut, lost in a world of forbidden dreams, the monster was expecting heaven in the form of some sweet kisses, but instead, she giggled and tossed the balance of the champagne in his face before jumping to her feet and racing—as best she could in her high heels—up the stairs.

The monster shook his head angrily not believing she actually possessed the audacity to do such a thing. The princess would pay for her imprudence the monster vowed as he strode across the family room.

Moving over to the bar as he buttoned up his shirt, he blew out the candles still flickering on the counter top wanting the downstairs of the house to be completely dark when he started his search for her.

Moving with great stealth, the monster stole quietly up the stairs. He suspected the princess would be hiding somewhere on the middle level of the house as he only heard her ascending one set of stairs-- quite noisily in her high heels.

Reaching the top of the stairs, he peered in the darkness to his left looking in the shadows of the dining area for any sign of her. Seeing nothing to indicate she might be hiding there, he turned his attention to the living room as he thought he heard a noise. It sounded like a small scrapping noise-- like the noise a heeled shoe might make against a tile floor. Accidentally

The whole mid-level of the house was tiled so with her heels on the princess could not move about at all quietly. Besides, he was somewhat convinced she wanted to be caught and maybe made that small noise he heard on purpose.

He was half right. While it was true that she did want to be caught, eventually, but not quite yet, she had not made the noise on purpose. The princess' high heeled shoe inadvertently made a small clunking noise when she lowered herself into a crouch in the far corner of the living room behind the large decorative artificial tree that sat adjacent to the sofa.

In the complete darkness of the living room--the curtains were pulled shut over the large picture window that looked out over the front yard—despite the small noise she had made, the princess was hopeful he would not spot her.

Trying to make herself even smaller, she shrank herself deeper into the corner behind the protective covering of the tree, but in doing jarred the tree causing its leaves to rustle ever so slightly.

The monster in the deathly stillness of the house just detected the rustling of the leaves. He smiled to himself as he peered into the far corner where the artificial tree was standing. The darkness there seemed darker-- like maybe someone was hiding in the corner.

Smiling to himself, holding completely still, he called out. "I hear a rustling in the forest. Hmm, and there is only one tree . . . so I wonder if the little princess might be hiding behind that tree?"

The princess, her heart beating wildly in anticipation of what must come next--yet another chase-- slowly got to her feet. Surely he would have no trouble catching her with her clunky high heels on, and this time, after dashing the champagne in his face, he would show no mercy in the tickling that would follow. She could hardly wait.

Still, she was determined to give the evil monster a run for his money. There were two ways out of the living room. To the left, back into the dining area, and to the right which led to the stairs and the upper level of the house. She gazed into the darkness, but could not make out where the monster waited as he had lowered himself into a low crouching position staying completely still—ready to pounce.

She made a decision. Her adrenaline was pumping making standing still and doing nothing next to impossible. Not bothering to try and disguise her actions she dashed, if you could call it dashing in her clumsy high heels, back toward the dining area, hoping he was maybe over by the stairs.

She was wrong as she ran straight into his arms as he waited by the entry way into the dining area. "Ahh, ha, caught the little princess."

He easily picked her up and spun her around once as she squealed in both delight and terror, before sitting her back down on the floor. She started to slowly back away into the living room.

Reaching out, the monster grabbed her around her mid-section and pulled her close. "I am going to tickle you so bad little princess for what you did," he hissed in her ear.

"Nooo!!" she cried before pushing back on him hard enough to just squirm out of his grasp.

Backing still deeper into the darkness of the living room, she swung her arms wildly after feeling his hands on her tummy slithering all over.

"No . . . please," she whined before managing to push his hands off of her.

"Oh the princess doesn't want my tickles," he said dropping his voice to a low growl as he advanced on her. "Maybe she wants something else like this . . ."

Extending his right hand, he gave her a pair of hard pinches on one of her upper arms.

"Hey, no fair, no pinching!" she complained.

She tried to rush back around him toward the dining area, but the agile monster moved quickly to block her path. He pushed her back into the living room using a combination of light tickling and hard pinches on her vulnerable and fully exposed tummy.

She squealed and headed toward the stairs. If she could make it to the upstairs bathroom in the middle of the hallway she could maybe save herself as the bathroom had a door with a lock on it.

He let her get a couple steps away, just enough to let her think of escaping, before he gave chase. He easily caught her at the foot of the stairs, before snatching her up in his powerful arms and spinning her around twice to disorientate her.

Showing no mercy after setting her back down on her feet, he assaulted her arms with pinches, before he started to scribble his fingers all over her tummy causing her to double over in laughter.

When he let up for just a moment, not wanting to push things too far just yet, she straightened up and gave him a hard shove, before fleeing up the stairs.

He let her get two steps ahead before, without really stopping to consider the consequence of what he was about to do, he reached up and gave her a hard slap on the ass. "Better go faster little princess."

She let out a yelp before pausing. She was wholly excited, while finding it somewhat unbelievable, that her daddy actually possessed the nerve to swat her on the ass. Then again he was drunk, thanks to her, and she had been teasing him pretty hard, so, yeah, maybe it was not so hard to believe after all.

"I said go faster." This time he accented his words with a hard pinch on her ass.

She yowled before hurrying up the stairs again. Warming to this new form of attack the monster continued to pinch and slap the princess' delicious ass all the way up the stairs, and then down the hallway, as she cried out in girlish delight.