All Comments on 'Gargouille Ch. 07'

by merryweather

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AhzureDragonAhzureDragonover 11 years ago

Amazing as always, I wonder if only she would give in and explain herself to them more then they might understand. Why did she not confront them on the lying. Point out that she already knew the details she asked for in only to shut them up for their stupidity. I enjoy the fights back and forth of her strong will against their arrogant. They do truly need knocked down a peg. Now if only she could place were she had seen those eyes ;)

NightpleasureNightpleasureover 11 years ago

I was so excited to see the next chapter. The only disappointment I have is it had to end. Thanks for a wonderful update as usual and I look forward to what's in store for couple.

ariesgirlariesgirlover 11 years ago

All 3 are stubborn hotheads that won't give in because of pride. They need to at least meet halfway. Neither of them know how to let their true feelings be known with words.

lucianloverlucianloverover 11 years ago

Just realised that I really hate these gargoyles....first they basically rape Nicole(first time Kieran had sex with her), keep her captive,have no respect whatsoever for her, cut her off from her former life,treat her like a retard(dont tell her about Aryan, stay in your room,obey etc) and yes, she is just a f...toy to them no matter what they say to the contrary!!!! As for her.........the less said the better!!! She should grow some balls or something! I actually dont care for any of them at all and will not shed a tear if they are all eaten by zombies!!!LMAO!!!

Well written though

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
She better not fall for it next time...

I'm tired of her being weak and stupid. She's constantly having sex with these 2 dumb asses, when she knows its how they trick her into forgiving them. She is starting to annoy me because she doesn't stick to her convictions. It's like she can't hold a grudge for more than 10 seconds. Yet , the gargoyles ALWAYS follows through their beliefs and won't have any qualms about repermending Nicole.

LiazabethLiazabethover 11 years ago
Let her talk like an adult

I am actually really annoyed with her. If she wants to be treated equally why doesn't she just act like a grown up instead like a sulky teenager each time they bully her. She doesn't explain at all - in the beginning of the chapter I felt hope that at last she will be able to articulate what she needs from them. Her thoughts was clear and strong then as soon as she talked too one of them she started turning into a petulant teenager. Very frustrating it's like they gargoyles should have read her thoughts and know whats upsetting her. But they aren't blameless, they should stop bullying her and forcing her someone should enlighten then it's wrong and not the way too treat a person you respect and love.

That's the issue they have no respect for each other. Please fix it I love the plot but this is becoming really off putting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

It's been 5 chapters of the same thing - them not listening and her not making any headway in making them treat her different. She's just being stubborn for the hell of it, & the gargoyles are not getting any better except for how often they have sex with her. :( Hopefully something new will happen in the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I agree with the other comments...

Yes there doesn't seem to be a progression in the relationship between Eyon, Nicole and Kieran. They have not changed and Nicole seems to be weak willed. However, that is why this story is in the non reluctantance category. :) I really enjoyed this chapter. Your writing overall has improved since your first chapter and your laying a good foundation for more. Possible baby? Running away? Yes, I hope to see progression soon especially since you post so infrequently but when I get to read chapters like this I don't mind the wait :) I hope you don't get discouraged by the helpful criticism we provide. We only do it because you have managed to create vivid characters that we have grown to care for. Hope to see another installment soon!! Good luck!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Freaking awesome

Hey, you never disappoint, Awesome chapter and worth the wait! I wish it was a purchasing finishing novel, so I can read it all away through in one sitting . Keep doing what you do so well, and write it the way you see fit. thanks for the entertainment. Damn I wish I had two sexy Gargouille. Thanks again Shanee ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

i agree with the other comments although this is a great story and i really like it and how diffrent it is from these other stories i am tired of reading the same thing over and over again she acts like a child and has no balls, she always gives into their stupid ways and i hate how they solve every argument with sex it makes no sense and i really cant stand those guys because they just seem like domineering assholes who dont really know what having a mate truly means.

ChelleShockd4ChelleShockd4over 11 years ago
Small Contradiction...

How is it that they wouldn't accept having their mate chosen for them because '"it is no longer the middle/dark ages", but thet have no problem acting like the barbarians from that time period when it comes to their HUMAN mate?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I love it!

Now firstly happy to see chp 08...seem like forever I was

I understand some of the frustration with the men and Nicole seemingly accepting it, to some degree. Barbaric (cruel; exceedingly brutal. .Primitive; unsophisticated) I could hardly call them that, Possessive and controlling. Yes. I do love the back and forth with Nicole and her men. I can see they are somewhat still stuck in medeival thinking despite living in this century. I know Nicole isn't weak. She will bounce back.

It's Merry's story. I am eager to see where she takes this journey.


GoddessSaijGoddessSaijover 11 years ago
Tedious and predictable

Same power play repeating over and over again. They keep saying, "can't she see…" of course she can't, they never tell her what she basic information and leave her in the dark. These men seem like weak blowhards who are too hung up on their own insecurities. I hope that wasn't intentional... Or was it?

ShanabaxShanabaxabout 11 years ago

Waited patiently for this chapter and it was worth it. Great story, it had me swinging from one feeling to a next, it was like watching a movie. Love it

katgoddess1katgoddess1about 11 years ago
What horrible mates!

These two men demand that she surrender everything completely to them but they don't share an equal amount of themselves with her. They make no attempt to work with her and when she gets sick of being ordered around they use their bond to force her to surrender to them sexually yet again! They limit her exposure to the clan to what they think is acceptable and ignore anything that she might be able to contribute to the clan, other than sharing their bed and giving them children. They admire her fire but it won't be long before they smother it. If they take away all of her choices, in the end the only choice left is to stay with them or to leave. Boy, did I get into that chapter or what! :)

merryweathermerryweatherabout 11 years agoAuthor
Update from Merry.


Just to let you all know that chapter 08 is finished and will be off for editing. Soon as it's back from my editor it will be sent off to LitE.

Thanks for the comments as usual they are very helpful.

Thanks a bunch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Love it!

This is one of my favorite series on LitE. I'm still so excited for chapter 8, but it feels like we've been waiting for it for forever! Any news on when it might be posted?

merryweathermerryweatheralmost 11 years agoAuthor
Update on chp 08

Firstly, thanks for all the emails with feedbacks on the story. Yes the men are arse hole at times.. for real...LOL. Poor Nicole. But all is not lost.

Chp 8 is with my editor, and she's very thorough.(grin). I will have it off as soon as she send it to me. Thanks for your patience and support. I will keep you updated.

nieniernienieralmost 11 years ago

Intriguing is the least I can say I am thoroughly enjoying this story.

Yes, Kieran and Eyon are definitely assholes and I understand that they love her and want to protect her and yadda yadda yadda but they are a bit heavy handed none the less.

I wish she could trust them enough to tell them how she really feels and the hurt of the past relationship she was in where he cheated on her and made her feel less then she was by allowing that wench to disrespect her just because he was still fucking her and she was the mother of his child.

I can't wait for more. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
The good and the bad

I enjoyed the sex scene between the three of them, that is the best part so far. But there are many things that don't make sense. 1st: in the previous chapter it was mentionned that Nicole had escaped, just before Aryan being questionned; and Roan was to be punished for that; but there was no follow up. What was that about? Now it seems that Aryan has been there for some time; it is mentionned that Nicole has been there for months. She has a phone call with her cousin and her boss seems to be ok with her being out of work for months. Every body seems to be ok that she basically disappeared for months just like that? And if she has access to her phone or to internet why doesn't she send a message or call a cab or do something about her situation? It doesn't make any sense..She just looks stupid and weak for no reason. And what is it that she has been doing for months? Running the house? What does that even mean? This is supposed to take place in the 21st century, right? What does "running the house" mean in thta context? Also the arguments between the 3 of them is just repetitive: they don't even really discuss, they just repeat the same thing: she keeps pouting and whinning about Aryan (???WTF?), and they keep saying "you belong to us", "you have to obey". Seriously the whole chapter is about that stupid non conversation, and then a hot 3some and then some more stupid exchange about the same argument. It is really annoying that nothing seems to happen or evolve. She is stuck with the annoying "damsel in distress" act, and they are stuck with the stupid "animals/barbarian/cavemen" act.

CrispyRigbyCrispyRigbyalmost 11 years ago

Hey merryweather!

I love your story and can't wait to read more about our heroine and those endearing (and arrogant) bastards! I hope that editing does not take much longer, because I am getting desperate!

Hope you are doing o.k.

merryweathermerryweatheralmost 11 years agoAuthor
Update- chp 08

Ever so sorry for the long wait. Appreciate ur patience. Thanks for the feedbacks I welcome them all, good or bad. Can't wait for my lovely readers to read chp 08 and give their feedback. Heard from my editor and she's making good progress.

Will keep u posted.


CrispyRigbyCrispyRigbyalmost 11 years ago

Those are great news! I can't wait to read what you have in store for us, which I know will be awesome. Hopefully your editor is almost done, because I am dying with anticipation!

I hope your are doing great!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

So, I take it this story is dead, right? I hope not, but then again, many writers on this site give promising stories, and then end up leaving the readers with their unfinished business. I hope you are not one those, and more importantly I hope you are doing o.k.

P.S. Can you at please at least let us know how the editing is going?

merryweathermerryweatherover 10 years agoAuthor
Ever so sorry

I promised I would keep my readers updated. Sorry took so long. I myself am in limbo.

I emailed by editor twice since the last time I posted an update but have yet to hear back from her. This is unlike her as she usually answer back relatively quick.

I do hope she's okay, as is her family. I will give her another week and email her again. I am really sorry it's taking so long. Thanks for your patience. God bless.


merryweathermerryweatherover 10 years agoAuthor
Good new!


Just to let you all know that chapter 08 will be posted soon.

I am so excited.


JuicyPeach72272JuicyPeach72272over 10 years ago
Confused & Torn

This story is good but as most of the other comments state it's getting quite repetitive & feels stagnate but frustratingly hot as hell at the same time ... lol. I understand it's your story and characters, that you are one who decides where it goes and I respect the hell out of your hard work and imagination.

All 3 of the main characters are acting like spoiled and petulant children who never seem to learn any lessons from the fights and their own actions. As leaders of their clans, the men have to be able to have rational thought processes and discussions with the woman they claim to love and cherish above all else. They're obviously very intelligent and logical as warriors as well as leaders but they sure as hell aren't using the brains above their belts and to me, that's making them crappy mates.

As for Nicole, for someone who claims to have finally had enough of being controlled and ordered around after having gone through it her whole life with her mother and her ex, she's doing exactly what they want when they want it. Her tantrums, and that's exactly what they are, have proven pointless - she points out to them constantly that they are keeping secrets and hiding things from her. But she's doing the exact same thing by not being honest about why she's so upset and the fact that she hasn't even admitted to them that she cares much less loves them.

She wants them to treat her like an adult and share things with her, but she continues to act like a bratty child which in turn, causes them to act like overgrown children trying to keep their favorite toy to themselves & beat their chests like cavemen whose actions contradict their confessions of love and respect.

This has got to be worked out in some fashion because it's causing the story to become stagnate & predictable as I said earlier and that's the worst part because it's a great story! I truly do like the story and will keep awaiting the new chapters as I have faith in your skills and imagination. So despite what might seem like harsh and maybe not so constructive criticism, it honestly is meant that way because I can tell you're capable of turning this around and putting out a fabulous ending.

Blessed Be,


merryweathermerryweatherover 10 years agoAuthor

Chapter 08 should be available soon. Thanks my lovelies!


tikateapottikateapotalmost 10 years ago
Wash, rinse , repeat

These have to be 3 of the most annoying characters ever. It's the same song and dance every chapter. You'd think at least one person in this story would be likeable. The lairds are overly domineering and not ONE of them is sympathetic to Nicole and her feelings. They don't have any type of interaction with her outside the bedroom. Nicole's actions are pointless and often come off to me as intentional. It's like she wants to antagonize them so they'll get mad and screw her. This far along in the story you'd think some changes would have occurred with their interactions with each other especially since they are supposed to be in love now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Wow. I really hope you finish this story!! They are all so stubborn but I hope they can at least take the time to listen to each other!!!!

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Hello my lovelies . Well I have decided to continue the story. I was busy with family life and my studies, but my mojo is back. Thanks for the encouraging emails. x Cheers