George and Shawna Ch. 03


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"I can't make it go away George. I wish I could, but I can't. All I can do is tell you why it happened - why I let it happen. After Glen fucked me that first time I was laying there on the bed crying and he said, "Shut up and stop your whining. You liked it and you know it. Now suck my dick and get me hard again." When I didn't to do it he grabbed my head and forced himself into my mouth. He held my head and fucked my face until he was hard and then he took me again.

"He didn't care about how much I protested, he just took what he wanted. I was there for his pleasure; he wasn't there for mine. All I was to him was a piece of meat - a hot hole he could shove his cock into. Halfway into it my body started to respond and I had an orgasm. The second time took him a while and by the time he was ready to cum I was right on the edge of an orgasm when he came and started to pull out and I cried for him not to stop, to keep going and get me off. He laughed and pulled out and told me that if I needed to get off I'd better hurry up and get him hard again and he shoved his cock in my mouth and face fucked me again.

"I found out something about myself that night George, something that I never knew about myself. Under the right set of circumstances I have a touch of the submissive in me and Glen found that button and was pushing it. He didn't give a crap about me, only about taking what he wanted. For some reason that I don't understand that excited me George. He took - all he did was take - and it turned me on. He saw it and he used it and the more he forced me to do what he wanted the more turned on I got. I had more orgasms that night than at any other time in my life.

"I wasn't thinking of right or wrong George; I didn't think of you or the girls, just about the next orgasm. When Glen couldn't get it up any more I was exhausted and I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning thinking that it was you sucking on my breasts and when I opened my eyes I saw that it was Glen. You know how sensitive my breasts are George and his working on them had me on the ragged edge of another orgasm and he mounted me and then it was more of the previous evening. He kept giving me orgasms and I kept trying for more of them. He told me to suck his cock and I did. He fucked me and then told me to clean off his cock and I did. He told me to get on my knees and pull my ass cheeks apart for him and I did. I did whatever he told me to do George because for some reason that only God knows it was exciting the hell out of me and turning me on.

"He kept on taking and taking George and I kept on cumming and cumming. He used me George and he made me like it. I don't understand it George; to this day I do not understand it. If you had treated me that way I would tied you to the bed, beat you with a cast iron frying pan and then have packed a bag and been gone in a heart beat.

"Anyway, I left that motel room knowing that it would never happen again. It was over and done with and you would never know. And you never would have if I hadn't had such a crushing sense of guilt and confessed all. I'm sorry George. I didn't plan on it, I didn't mean to do it and I wasn't strong enough - physically, mentally or emotionally - to stop it once it was happening. I love you George, much more than you realize, and it is tearing me apart that one drunken night and what I let happen has ruined it for the two of us."

She got up and left the room leaving him even more unsettled than he had been. He pushed her around, bossed her took her and she liked it? How could she be submissive and he not know it or at least suspect it? As long as they had been together and he hadn't a clue. But then would he have even noticed if there had been a clue? He wasn't the kind of man who would be into something like that. To him making love was a cooperative activity with both sides giving pleasure to each other and not caring about the other person was an idea that was totally alien to him.

And Shawna said that she had liked it! She had liked it well enough to stay.

Well, he had told Shawna that she needed to deal with the ugly told and she had and it was what he had been telling himself that he had to know, but was he better off knowing? Did it make any difference?


He was up and out of the house before Shawna and the girls woke up. He had the Grand Slam at Denny's for breakfast and then headed into his office. He had a full in-basket and it took him until lunch time to clear it. He was so busy that he didn't have time to think about Shawna and what she had told him, but once his desk was cleared the thoughts came crowding in.

Almost as if there was mental telepathy involved the phone rang and it was Shawna.

"You are on your own as far as dinner is concerned. Your mom wants to keep the girls for a couple of days and so I'll be running them over to her place when I get off work and I'll be late getting home."

Late getting home? His parents only lived twenty-five minutes away. No reason for her not to be home by seven. Where was she going after leaving his parent's that would keep her out late? That thought triggered other thoughts which spent the afternoon inside his head.

When he got home he grabbed a beer out of the fridge and nursed it while thinking about his situation. He thought about what Shawna had done the night of the cocktail party and what she had done since. He thought about her initial confession and he thought about her explanation of why she had done what she had done. He thought about Marie's advice to take a lover and balance the scales and he thought about how that had turned out. He thought about Carol and what she said she had seen on his face when he had talked with Shawna at the Blue Room and how Shawna was so sure that fate meant for them to be together. He kept coming back to the idea of his time with Carol cancelling out what Shawna had done, but had it? If it hadn't, what would?

He was sitting in the living room working on his sixth, seventh or eighth beer - he didn't know which - when he heard the garage door opener start to run. He glanced at his watch and saw that it was ten after ten. Shawna came into the room and he looked up at her. She looked at him and said:

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

She was wearing a short skirt, high heels and a blouse that showed some cleavage. Just the kind of outfit that a woman would wear if she was out trying to find a guy and get laid. It was obvious to him what she had done after she had dropped off the kids at his parents AND she had promised to keep her legs closed!

"You bitch!" he snarled at her and he grabbed her by the arm and drug her behind the couch and bent her over the back of it. With her bent over and his hand pushing down in the middle of her back her feet couldn't touch the floor and she couldn't get any leverage to break loose. All she could do was cry out.

"What are you doing George? Stop it. Stop it right now!"

She struggled and cried and he ignored her. "Like to be taken, do you" he snarled. "Like to be forced? Like to be made to do things?" As he talked he used his free hand to push her panties aside and unzip himself. "He just took you and made you like it right? Isn't that what you told me? He used you and made you like it? Well that's just what I doing you fucking whore - using you!" and he used his knees to spread her legs. He probed with his cock until he found the crease and then he pushed.

"No George, no! I don't want this George, stop it!"

"Of course you want it you bitch! You like being taken; you like being used, you said so yourself. Or is it you only like being taken and used by other men. Is that it Shawna?" he said as he rammed his cock into her. "You don't mind being used as long as it isn't by me, is that what you are saying? Well fuck you you whore. I'm going to be just like your fucking lover and just take."

She was howling in protest as he held her hips with both hands and pounded in to her. She was moaning "No, no, not like this. Stop it George, stop it."

"Fuck you" he snapped and kept plunging his cock into her. Her cries and pleas stopped, but she still moaned and he didn't know if she was moaning because she was starting to get something out of it or because of the discomfort and frankly he didn't care. He was looking down at her as he banged away at her cunt and he remembered something that she had told him when she had initially confessed. It triggered even more anger in him. He shoved his left thumb into her asshole and she cried out:

"No damn you, no!"

He ignored her and worked his thumb around while she protested and told him to stop. He pulled his thumb out and replaced it with two fingers and as he worked them she was moaning:

"No George, no. God damn it George no! Not like this George, not like this."

He laughed and said, "Not bloody likely you fucking slut. Sixteen years married and not once did you ever let me have your ass. "Oh no George, that's just plain dirty." Remember telling me that? How about "That's disgusting George; I can't believe you even asked." What about "Forget it George, it will never happen." Remember that bitch? Remember telling me that it would never happen?"

He pulled his cock out of her cunt and placed the head of his cock at her asshole and pressed forward a little. "It will never happen is what you told me right? But it did happen didn't it? Remember what you told me about what you and your lover did on the night of the cocktail party? You said, "He told me that he wanted my ass and so I got on my knees and gave it to him." No argument with him, but for me it was "Forget it George." Well I'm not forgetting anymore" and he pushed his cock hard at her asshole. It resisted and then the head of his cock popped past the sphincter and he started pushing his cock into her. She yelled, hollered and screamed, but he ignored her and just kept fucking her.

He had been fucking her ass for almost five minutes and he was ready to get his nuts off and he debated on whether or not to cum in her ass or be really nasty and go straight from her ass to her cunt. He decided to go in her ass. He didn't feel bad over this grudge fuck - God knows she had it coming - but he knew he would feel bad if he went from one hole to the other and she got sick because of it.

"Here it comes you fucking slut" and he pumped his balls empty as squirt after squirt of his cum went roaring deep into Shawna's ass. He pulled his cock out of her butt hole and stepped back and Shawna surprised him. She cried out:

"No George, no. You can't stop now. I'm close. Get me off George, get me off."

He had no idea that she was getting anything out of it. With all of the yelling, moaning, groaning and cries to stop he never would have guessed. He laughed at her and said:

"If you need to get off go on back out and let the asshole you were with earlier tonight finish you off" and he walked away from her.

When he came out of the shower and went to his room he found her sitting on his bed. She looked up at him when he walked into the room and said:

"Why George? Why did you treat me that way?"

"Isn't that what you told me you liked? To be taken and used? Oh wait, I seem to have forgotten part of it. To be taken and used and to be made to like it. Didn't I make you like it Shawna? Or is it only other men who can do that?"

"I don't like it George, not one bit. Yes, given the circumstances I did like it that one evening, but only that night and even then I don't know why, but only that night and that time and place. I never let Mel treat me like that and I certainly expected better from you. What you just did was mean George, dirty and mean."

"Yeah? Well maybe dirty and mean are what I needed to get rid of some of the anger and rage I've carried around since you have become everybody's slut."

"I'm not everybody's slut George. There have only been three. Glen, a guy I met at the bar and had a short fling with and Mel. Why tonight George? Why haven't you taken your anger out on me before?"

"It happened tonight because you pushed me over the edge. You promised me you were going to keep your legs closed from now on, but you couldn't do it could you. I believed you and I had almost talked myself into sitting down and trying to work something out with you, but you couldn't keep from spreading your legs could you? Who was it tonight? Glen or Mel, not that I really give a shit anymore."

"You think I've been out with a man tonight?"

"You going to deny it? You should have been home by seven. Even if you had driven fifteen mile below the speed limit you should still have been home by seven. You come in her three hours later dressed in an outfit designed to grab male attention and you think I'm not bright enough to figure it out?"

She stared at him for several seconds and then said, "I guess you aren't too bright at that George. In the first place I always like to look my best when I go out. I've got great legs and I look good in a short skirt and heels and if it grabs male attention it is great for my ego. Secondly, I wasn't out with a man tonight. When I talked to your sister today and told her that your parents were taking the kids for a couple of days she asked me to have dinner with her. And yes George, we did attract a lot of male attention and I ate it up."

"Marie was your alibi the night you came home and told me I was sticking my cock in another man's cum. Maybe I need to take a closer look at Marie."

"Well in that case George, you had better take a close look at your mother too. She decided to join us for a girl's night out while your dad watched the girls. I didn't mention having dinner with Marie because frankly George, you haven't seemed to care one whit about where I go or what I do."

He stared at her fro a couple of seconds, shrugged and said, "Well, there you have it."

"Have what George?"

"The reason we can never put or marriage back together. When something like tonight happens I don't trust you enough to not think the worst."

"Bullshit George! If you were talking to me you would have known where I was going to be and who I was going to be with. I made you a promise and I will keep it. If necessary I will give you a printed schedule of where I will be, what I will be doing and with whom, complete with phone numbers so you can check up on me whenever you feel the need. Put me back in your life George. Get us back to where we communicate with each other. I know I screwed up George and I regret it. I have regretted it every day since it happened.

"I won't lie to you George; something strange happened to me that night and I did like it, but I still hate it that it happened. All I can say in my defense George is that I didn't set out to do it, I didn't want it to happen, but it did and I am going to live with the shame of it for the rest of my life. You are the only man I want in my life George; you were the only man in my life for over sixteen years and I wish to God it was still that way. I need you George; can't you see that? I need you back in my life so bad that I'm even willing to share George. Keep seeing your girlfriend if you have to, but let me come back to you George; let me back in your bed."

I sat there listening to her and feeling ashamed of myself for having used her like I had. I should have known that there was a legitimate reason for her being out. She had promised me that there would be no more men in her life and as far as I knew Shana had never lied to me. She had confessed what had happened at the cocktail party and she didn't have to. She could have kept silent and I would have never known and none of the last year would have happened. And when she had confessed she hadn't held back even when it would have been better if she would have. She didn't hide it from me when she took up with another man and in fact she had told me that she was going to do it if I didn't take care of her myself.

She sat there looking at me and waiting for me to say something, but what was I going to say? I damned sure wasn't going to be "I'm sorry" even though I was. I wasn't the kind of man who did what I had just done and it bothered me that I had done it, but to say I was sorry? Not after the hell that her actions had put me through. Finally I said:

"I'm tired Shawna. I have to get up early tomorrow and I need to get to bed."

She gave me a long look and then got up and left the room. I had a hard time sleeping that night.


She couldn't believe that she had said it. She had actually told George that she wouldn't care if he kept his blond bimbo big titted girlfriend as long as he started sleeping with her too. Was she that desperate to have him back? She knew the answer to that one -- yes! But what if he decided to do it. Could she really handle it?

To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

1* because this was simply a repeat of chapter 2

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 2 years ago

"I had more orgasms that night than at any other time in my life." - THAT'S gonna help, not!


"If you had treated me that way I would tied you to the bed, beat you with a cast iron frying pan and then have packed a bag and been gone in a heart beat." - And that's the problem with these sluts - they take shit from the lovers that they would kill their husbands for.


"How could she be submissive and he not know it or at least suspect it?" - Except that she wouldn't be submissive for him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Poor George, I wonder if she has pulled the wool over his eyes again with a half truth about being with his sister and Mum, before he forced himself on her.

She has a track record of it when she fucked the other bloke and gave him sloppy seconds then told him she couldn't go through with meeting up with him and was with his sister, but that was after sluting around.

My money is on >>we find out she fucked some bloke before she meets up with his Sister and Mum in the next chapter<<

Time to read chapter 4

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
JPB, You have a special gift for making a man bad about himself

So first Shawna cheats on her husband, then confesses it all to her cuckolded husband and expects him to forgive her quickly and forget her betrayal. When that doesn't happen she decides she can't wait for his forgiveness so she activates her slut mode because she can't live like a "cloistered nun"(!). After having had her days in the sun for a while, she becomes a staunch believer in "fate" and wants to work on her marriage. Now if George can't forgive her it's going to be HIS fault, right?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
RAAC? Not really

How is it at ALL costs?

He's a loser; she's a loser. What do they have to lose? They are meant for each other because...who really besides them gives a shit?

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