Gift From A God Ch. 08


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“Goddamn it! Don’t be stupid. You made it come up here once, you can make it come up here again.”

The delicious smell of her fear swept across the parking lot and wrapped me like a warm blanket. “I don’t want to.” I walked slowly towards her. She backed way. Suddenly I wasn’t looking so friendly to her anymore. Her eyes darted around wildly, searching for a way out. She spotted the stairwell, even though the gate was closed, but ran to it anyway and shook the bars, pounding and kicking at it, trying to force it open. She cried out for help but all that emerged was a small, strangled squeak. Her hand grabbed her throat.

I had stopped walking and was standing about twenty feet away from her, watching her like the scientist watches the mouse in the maze. Only I don’t think the scientist watches his mice with a hard-on.

“I can’t scream.” Her eyes were wide and moist and her hands were shaking in fear.

“Yeah, isn’t that weird.” I told her. “Did you ever have that dream Amber, where you’re running down a dark street at night and someone is behind you? You can’t see him, but he’s there. So close to you that you can feel his hot breath on your neck, stinking of dead things. You run and you run. Your legs burn and your lungs ache and your heart feels like it’s going to explode, but you run anyway. You have to because he’s right there, Amber! He’s going to get you! If you stop, you die. You see people, you try to call for help, but all that comes out is a pitiful little squeak that barely makes it past your own ears. Did you ever have that dream, Amber?” I cocked my head as I grinned at her. “What do you think happens in the dream when he catches you?”

Her face paled as she saw the look in my eyes. She ran to the ledge and looked down to the ground where she could still see people walking around. Salvation was so close. She even spotted a police cruiser turning a corner. She tried to scream again but met with the same results.

“I bet you’re wishing you could wake up right about now, aren’t you? Wake up before he catches you. Before his cold fingers wrap around your throat and drag you down to hell.” I chuckled.

“Please Stephen, just let me leave. I want to go home. You’ve scared me, okay. Is that what you wanted? I’m terrified! You win! Can I leave now?”

“You want to leave?”

She nodded her head vigorously.

“Well go ahead.” I gestured to the elevator doors, which swung open on command. “Leave, who’s stopping you?”

Amber’s face flooded with relief that lasted all of a second until she realized that she couldn’t move. Fresh tears poured from her eyes as she looked at the elevator and back at me, totally confused and terrified. She strained with ever ounce of will she possessed to take that first step to freedom but she stayed firmly in place.

“You don’t want the elevator? Yeah, you’re right, elevators can be dangerous. What if the cable snaps. No, no. That wouldn’t do at all. A wise decision on your part, wise decision. The stairs then.” There was an audible click and the squeal of rusty hinges and the gate swung open. Amber watched that with longing. She was like a drowning woman seeing the life preserver that was just out of her reach. That things were moving on their own while she was held motionless didn’t concern her at all just then. She only wanted out.

I walked up to her frozen form and circled around behind her. I leaned in and smelled deep the scent of her hair. She whimpered softly as I dragged my finger down her spine. I moved in front of her and looked deep into her eyes. “This won’t hurt.”

We slipped into her mind and inhaled sharply at the explosion of fear that flooded into us. Drug users OD looking for highs not half this good. The thing riding me practically screamed out in pleasure. Its hold on me deepened as it drew strength from her terror. Amber saw me close my eyes and then jerk upright as my back arched. She had no clue what was happening. I pulled myself from her mind and looked down on her.

“You can’t leave, Amber. I won’t let you. You belong to me now” I moved in close to her, bending my head down to hers, and licked her tear stained cheek. I rolled the saltiness of it around in my mouth, it’s flavor sending a chill down to my toes. I turned and threw my hands up in the air in triumph and shouted to the night “When I say jump, you say?”

“How high!” Amber’s eyes bulged at hearing the words that she didn’t say come out of her mouth.

“Yes, exactly right! You catch on quick.” We laughed with glee, watching her struggle to comprehend her situation. I was amazed at watching him work. He controlled her with incredible ease. His smallest whim became her overwhelming desire. He didn’t even have to think about controlling her or the things around him. It was instinctual. I began to truly get an idea of how much of a novice I really was. I didn’t know who or what he was, but I was in awe of his skills. “I’m sorry, did you want to say something?”

Amber worked her jaw and attempted to speak. “I can’t move!”

“Ah. Well about that, you see, I’m not letting you move. Movement is overrated anyway. It’s not really necessary in the grand scheme of things, now is it?”

“What are you going to do to me?” Her voice cracked and she was sobbing through most of it, but I understood what she meant. “What are you?”

“Ah, those are very good questions. No one can ever say you lose your head in stressful situations. To answer the first…” I leaned down to her face again and kissed her cheek, moving my way down her neck and her shoulder. My hands caressed the softness of her arms and I left with a quick bite to her the fleshy part of her shoulder. “So many things I’m going to do to you, Amber.” I brushed a lock of hair off of her cheek and hooked it behind her ear. “So many terrible and wonderful things.” I brought my hands up to her breasts, squeezing them through the fabric and allowing her to shudder under my touch. “As for what I am, well, that’s not so easily answered. Let’s just say I’m a little bit extraordinary.” I met her eyes and I watched them dance in panic.

“I think it’s time we took this somewhere else. Lots to do, lots to do.

“Please…Please just let me go home.” She sniffled and her swollen eyes dripped more tears and squeezed shut to block out my penetrating gaze, or perhaps to wish herself away from me.

I wiped another tear from her cheek and spread the moisture over he lips. Almost sympathetically I told her, “No matter what happens Amber, don’t think this was your fault. You really had no choice. I chose you and, one way or another, you were going to be with me tonight. So try not to beat yourself up about it.” I kissed her tenderly, sucking the tears from her lips. “Now, I’ve got the perfect place in mind for us.”

I took her in my arms and lifted her off the ground a few inches. Her eyes shot open at the movement and she looked up at me. I gave her a wink just as we flashed away. I felt her muscles tighten up in shock as we teleported. She tried to scream, but that still wasn’t an option for her.

The Presidential Suite was dark, with the glow of city lights coming from the huge bay windows off to the left. The bed was freshly made, everything back in order from the night Katie and I spent here. It’s a little eerie when you think about it. Every trace of our existence gone from the room like it never happened. Like we never existed.

We brought her here because it was isolated, high up on the top floor, and because it was extremely luxurious. This top of the line suite beautifully put together in every detail, being used for such a deviant purpose. It appealed to his sense of disorder. Plus it was unoccupied.

“Don’t move,” I told her, as I walked over to one of the bedside lamps and turned it on. Its pale glow was hugely inadequate to light the room, but it did well enough for the section we were in. I sat down on an armchair next to the nightstand, crossing my legs, and watched her for a moment. She stared at me, watery-eyed and quivering.

{It’s not real. I’m drunk and passed out. I’ll wake up and everything will be fine. I didn’t really just appear in this room and I haven’t been kidnapped by a…a…–}

*By what exactly? What do you think I am, Amber? I’d be interested in hearing.*

{Oh my god! No, no, I didn’t just hear a voice in my head. It’s not…it’s not possible. It’s not!}

I chuckled to myself and it resounded in her head. In front of me she squeezed her eyes shut. I felt her try to put up mental barriers, trying to force me out. It was very interesting.*Your fear, your terror, it tastes so good, Amber, you have no idea.*

“I want some more.” Amber’s whole body jerked at the sound of my voice. It was that double-octave thing he used when talking to Hermes. Either he wasn’t trying to hide it anymore, or he did it just to scare her. It was Probably a little of both.

“You look hot, Amber, why don’t you take your dress off.” The deep tenor of my voice seemed to reverberate off the walls.

“I’m…I’m not hot.”

“And yet you’re removing the dress.”

“Wha–“ She half-gasped and whimpered at the same time as she saw her hands come up and slip the straps off her shoulders. She moved her hips back and forth a couple of times and tugged on the sides of the dress until it slipped to the floor around her feet. She was wearing a matching bra and panty set, one of those strapless bras. It was a solid, silky pink that glossed over slightly in the light.

“Stop! Please stop!”

“Oh don’t worry, I’m not selfish. You’ll take pleasure in this too. I’m not a ‘wham-bam thank you ma’am’ kind of guy.” I laughed at my own little joke. “Like this.”

Amber’s chest heaved as she drew in a gasp of breath. Pleasure erupted up from her pussy and spread out over her entire body. Inside she was still terrified, however. We gave her body pleasure, but left the mind alone to try and sort it out. She watched helplessly as her body acted, for the first time in her life, completely against her will. She raged and fought in her mind to bring it back under her command, but it yielded no results. He kept a constant connection open with her, through which coursed everything she was feeling. He was feeding off her like some sort of vampire. The more scared and terrified she became, the more sweet the taste. All the time her body was immobile, still standing in the circle of her dress.

“Cum for me, Amber.”

“Uh…uh…God…noooo!” Her hips jerked forward, her stomach muscles clenched, causing her to slouch slightly and her head rolled back as she air was pushed and pulled from her lungs in massive gasps. We released her and she crumpled to the ground, sobbing and shivering.

“What are…are you do- doing to me?”

“Whatever I want. Crawl to me Amber. Crawl to me on your hands and knees. I want to see your eyes, sweetie. Don’t hide those luscious brown eyes from me.”

Weeping, she moved to her knees, the entire time her mind screaming at her body to stop, to get up and run out the door, the scream for help. To do anything but exactly what I said. She bent forward, gravity pulling her breasts down beautifully, creating a dark and inviting shadow between them. Her tears dripped into the carpet as she came forward.

“You know Amber, I think if you cry anymore, you’re going to get dehydrated, so I think it would be good to stop now.”

“Fuck you!” But the tears dried up, and she continued forward. Her fear was mobilizing into anger. She was getting defiant. Not that it helped her in any way. No matter how angry she got she was still completely at my mercy. Her eyes blazed at me, hatred boiling deep down to her soul. It’s easy to see how someone came up with the phrase ‘if looks could kill’ if they ever looked into eyes like hers. Anger suited our purposes just fine. She was building herself up for the fall. When she broke it would be that much more painful to her and delicious for us.

Her mind was filled with a barrage of imagery, all of them containing scenes of my death. Her level of hatred was truly impressive. She was at my feet now, glaring up at me, awaiting my next instruction.

“You imagination is truly wonderful, Amber. I particularly like the one where you stab me. Over and over you plunge the knife in.” A shadow of fear moved over her face as I fed her thoughts back to her. I flicked my wrist and from across the room on a writing desk, a letter opener slipped through the air and landed in my hand. Amber’s face paled, watching the soft light glint of the ornate handle and silver blade. She thought it was meant for her. She was beyond trying to figure out how I could do what I did. Freedom and her sanity was all that she worried about now.

“Could you do it, Amber? Could you really stab me in cold blood.” I leaned forward, tracing the blade down her cheek and through the valley of her tits before setting it on the floor, handle facing her, and leaned back to watch. She eyed the knife and then me.

“You’ll stop me. You’ll do…whatever it is you do and you won’t let me.”

“But maybe I won’t. Can you afford not to take the chance? I’ve given you the weapon, all you have to do is pick it up and plunge it into my chest. Here…” I took my tie off, and unbuttoned my shirt halfway down, exposing my chest. “It’s all yours. Look, you can even move on your own again. Stop me before I kill again!” I laughed.

She popped up and back away from me, almost like she was spring loaded, landing solidly on her ass, and flexed her hands and arms. I understood exactly how she felt. After Coyote gave me back my arm in Gameworks I had to test it out first to make sure everything is okay. It’s too alien not having your body under your control.

“Now’s your chance, babe.” The knife slid across the floor slowly towards her. “It’s solid silver too. Think it will work like in the movies?” The knife stopped a foot from her hand. She reached for it slowly and curled her fingers around the gilded handle.

All I can say is the girl must work out because she moved much faster then I would have thought possible. She was up off the floor in a flash, the silver of the blade a white streak in the air. With a cry of rage she plunged the knife squarely into my chest.

It hurt a lot more then I thought it would. At first it was just a pinching pain, but that quickly blossomed into deep, aching agony. I felt it glance off a rib bone and sink into my lung, cleanly slicing muscle and tissue as it went. My lung deflated and that’s enough to make you want to throw up right there. It’s so nauseating to feel your chest so suddenly hollow. The blade was about six inches long and she put every millimeter of it into me. She was crying and screaming at the same time as she pulled it out, slick with my blood and shoved it back in. She was stabbing me so hard that the chair was rocking back with the force of her blows.

I didn’t react, just slumped into the chair, unmoving, as she spent her rage in my chest. She stabbed me seven times. She might have gone for more but my blood on the handle had made it slick and she was having trouble maintaining her grip. She pulled it from me and collapsed on the floor, sobbing. She saw her hands, dark red and glistening with my life, and with a cry began to scrub them on the carpet to get it off. It was a grisly contrast, my blood against the pearl white fabric of the floor.

The holes in my chest closed themselves, my lung returned to normal, and the only evidence anything was amiss was the blood turning the burgundy shirt a wet red and the few holes where her aim went astray. Amber was totally unaware, she thought I was dead and she started back up, turning around to crawl to where her dress was still laying on the floor.

I plucked at the shirt, thick with my blood and sticking to my skin, and got to my feet silently. As I stood, the air in the room thickened. Like the quiet just before the storm. The scent of the blood, even though it was my own, seemed to excite him even more. I felt his power begin to creep along my skin, raising the hair on my arms.

“That was interesting”

She spun around with a cry and her eyes grew to saucer-size and her face the color of dirty snow. “No…” It was barely a whisper. She jumped to her feet, preparing to run, but before her foot was in the air, I was on her. Taking a page from Hermes’ playbook I appeared behind her (he did, actually, I didn’t really know how to teleport that way yet) and wrapped my arm around her throat, pulling her against my chest.

“Now we’re really going to have some fun.”

In the realm of the Gods…

“You cannot let him do this! You must stop him!”

“Why would I do any such thing, Aphrodite? Even you can’t be so dense as to not feel the power from him.”

“Have you bothered to search his mind, read his heart, as I have? Do you know the type of mortal he is?”

Zeus snorted. “Why would I even care? He is there to serve one purpose and one purpose only. And he excels at that remarkably well. This turn of events is…unfortunate, I admit, but since I dare not risk killing him, I will enjoy it while it lasts. He will either transcend or be driven mad and destroy himself. Either way I lose so I’ll let things proceed on their own course.”

“But if he does survive this, his actions here tonight may damage him forever. He might not recover. If he is able to regain control and he realizes what he’s done, it may break his mind. You must intervene. It is partly your fault, allowing Hermes to treat him that way. It drove his anger to inhuman proportions. Please, Father!”

“Why do you care so much, my dear Aphrodite?” Zeus leaned forward, studying her closely. “Why do you want to save him? He is only mortal, after all. I rarely see you feeling so compassionate towards just one. Especially one such as him. We’ve done this countless times through the centuries and you’ve never batted your pretty little eyelashes. Why is he special? The fact that he is a Transcendent makes him even more dangerous, for all of us. Tell me why.

“If you had read his heart, you would not ask such a foolish question.” Aphrodite spat and began to pace the floor in agitation. “How many have you chosen so far that did not immediately seek to dominate other mortals within the rules? Cause pain, inflict suffering, to control all those around them. To bend them to there will for the most sadistic purposes. Nearly all of them! Even those that didn’t immediately succumb to the darker possibilities were not long in doing so. It was only a matter of time. How many did you have to kill because of their actions?

“And the one before him, Koresh, he joined with Set before you were even aware of it and formed his cult and it resulted in the death of dozens of mortals.”

“Yes,” Zeus said, slightly annoyed at having the memory of a defeat brought up again. “Well he was of extremely limited potential anyway. It was almost more trouble then it was worth, tapping him. Hermes had a lot of difficulty finding anyone suitable that time. It’s the reason Set betrayed him in the end and let him die. He realized not to long after the joining that Koresh would be of no help to him in his plans. He withdrew the powers, which left him inches from death, and left him to burn with the rest. I would have done much the same.”

“And I tell you this mortal is different.” Aphrodite insisted. “He will not do those things. He does not wish to hurt anyone. His heart is pure, Father. He…he is a good person. Do not let him do this, I beg you.”

“You make a convincing argument, Aphrodite. But even so, I will not interfere. He may never regain control anyway. We’ve seen it before. Madness will not be long in following. I intend to enjoy this while I can.”

“But Fa–“

“If he does pull out of it I will allow you to help him then, but only then. He will do me no good catatonic with grief.”