Gift From A God Ch. 08


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“And if Set attacks him?”

“We are prepared for that.”

“Yes, but if something goes wrong he could…kill him. What of the Covenant? You know the consequences of that, just as we all do. How could you even take the risk?”

“I will not let that happen,” Zeus said, his tone dark.

“But if–“

“ENOUGH! I am finished speaking on the subject! You may either stay and watch, or leave. Either way I will have peace!”

Aphrodite stalked from the room.

Hermes, answering a silent summons, came in shortly after words.

“She’s right, you know,” Zeus said. “You were rough with him. He might not be in this position if you had handled it a little more delicately.”

“You weren’t there, you didn’t feel it. Feel him.” Hermes met Zeus’s eyes defiantly. “Fear is not something I’m accustomed to. I overreacted.”

“Don’t worry, my boy, I’m not blaming you. No one could have seen this coming. Transcendents are outside of even the Fates’ knowledge. Now we just have sit back and see what happens. I imagine they’re will be a reckoning before this is all over. A grand reckoning.”


Back on Earth…

Amber’s terror was so complete she couldn’t even talk. It poured through us like molten gold. Her breath came in shuddering gasps, her body going from limp resignation to struggling resistance at random intervals.

“I’m going to do something special for you, Amber.” I licked her earlobe and whispered to her. “I’m going to lock you away in your own head, while your body gives itself to me. You’ll be trapped inside your own body, Amber; Helpless and alone. Your body, however, will be all mine. You’ll watch, unblinking, from the prison of your mind as I take you. You will feel everything.”

She let out a pitiful wail, kicking with a final effort to break free.

{Why? Why are you doing this to me?}

{Because you taste so good when you’re scared.}

{You mother fucker! Fuck you! I’ll kill you! I’ll rip your fucking dick off and shove it up your ass.} She beat her hands against the walls of her cell, screaming and crying, fighting to the end. We could feel the despair creeping in through the corners of her consciousness.

“Shall we begin?” Her body grew still, her sobbing stopped and her tears dried up as we asserted our dominance over her. She screamed at us in her mind, pushed back with every ounce of force she could muster, but it was a futile attempt. I was standing behind her and I brought both of my hands to the sides of her neck and caressed downward. I brought my fingers to the clasp in her bra and deftly unsnapped it.

“Slip it off for me, Amber.” Her arms rose smoothly to slip the bra from her shoulders and she shrugged out of it, dropping it to the floor. I brought her around to face me and she was smiling playfully, but her eyes were a whole other story.

I could control her body, make her jump through any hoops I wanted, but by keeping her aware there was one thing I couldn’t control: the windows to her soul. Her eyes. Only they showed the true story of her rage and fear. They practically sang of her hatred.

Her breasts, a small b-cup maybe, were high and pert on her chest, her nipples just beginning to harden. Her areolas were only slightly darker then her tanned skin and in the weak light hard to make out; a shadow among shadows. I brought my hands up to each one and cupped it underneath, sliding them over and around. I dragged my palm over the small buds of her nipples, before taking each in my hand and pinching them roughly. Amber sucked in a breath, but said nothing.

“Amber, I want you to lay on the bed and play with yourself while I clean up a bit. Don’t cum though. Just get yourself ready.”


I watched as she turned and walked to the bed, climbing up and laying herself down, legs spread. She closed her eyes and slid a hand down her stomach. She moved it over her panty-covered pussy, applying light pressure.

{He’s watching, stop it! God damn it! No! Don’t do that!”} She screamed out in her mind. Her hand had just slipped beneath the waist of her panties and had placed two fingers on either side of her pussy, parallel to her clit. She squeezed them together, applying the stimulus and rocking her hips in a gentle rhythm. It was how she liked to tease herself. You’d never guess that inside that casing of sex was a woman screaming herself hoarse in terror.

Even without her conscious direction, her body new perfectly well how to please itself. All her memories, likes and dislikes, bad habits, odd quirks, they were all still going, she just wasn’t given control. She was a perfectly programmed automaton. In my head I could hear her sobbing as the purely physical pleasure did battle with her mental degradation. It was a chaotic symphony of sex and fear.

I went to the bathroom to get cleaned up, content for the moment to let her fight herself and lose. I took the shirt off and tossed it aside and moistened a towel and cleaned off the blood, which had begun to dry and get itchy. After a several minutes of wiping to get it off, I decided to kick off my shoes and pants too. I returned to the room in my boxer shorts to the sound of panting.

Amber was in a rough state. Her body was covered in a sheen of sweat and you could see her thigh muscles ripple under her skin. Every so often her stomach would clench hard causing her back to lift from the mattress.

She had one hand on her bare tit squeezing and pulling on her nipple. Her right hand was stuffed into her crotch and I could see her forefinger and pinky poking out from either side of the legs of her panties. Her knuckles made alternating dents in the fabric, tenting it up as her ring and middle finger danced in her.

{Nononono…oh no, no. Make it stop!}

She was instructed not to cum but that said nothing about stopping her attempts to try and do so. Her body was in a constant state of ‘almost there’ but could not find release. The pressure just kept building. If I choose to do so I could have let her die right there. She would have kept going until her heart seized in her chest.

My cock hardened quickly in my shorts, the head coming through the slit in the boxers and pointing the way. With a thought we ripped the sodden panties from her body. They came off so hard and fast that her legs were slammed together. Almost immediately angry, red friction marks appeared on the upper portions of her legs. Her body did nothing but grunt, but in her head there was a sharp scream of pain. No sensation was denied her.

*Smell her! Breathe in her fear. Taste her sex on the air like a coming storm. Tell me you don’t love it.*

*I do…*

And I did. Some deep, dark part of me, some place so primal and base that even thinking about it now makes me shudder in revulsion, that part of me was in bliss. We rolled together in the stench of her torment like a pig in shit.

We walked over to the side of the bed and watched her for a moment. Her breath was ragged and her face was flush.

*Beg for it, Amber.*

{No! Fu- Oh god! Fu…uh. Fuck off!}

I ran a finger down the side of her neck, moistening my fingertips with her sweat, and pinched the nipple not already being molested by her other hand. It was for my own benefit, she hardly felt it. Her body was in sensory overload.

*Beg to cum Amber, and it will be over with.*

She responded with a wail. We shuddered as goose bumps ran down my arms.

{Just make it stop! Puh…please?}

Instead of answering I slapped her breast quick and hard. She whimpered back at me.

Through the link we could feel some of what she felt. Her arm burned with exhaustion and her fingers were cramping, loosing much of their flexibility. Still, she never slowed, her body being driven by unholy desires.


*Please what, babe?*

{Let me cum!}

*Your wish is my command*

With a mental blink we freed her body from her restraints and her orgasm was so intense it was almost anti-climactic. She bucked hard twice, a strangled scream burst from her throat and she collapsed into unconsciousness, her body going limp and twitching like she was getting electrocuted with a shorted wire.

“Aw. Watch this.”

He reached into her mind and it immediately felt like I was falling. I fell through darkness and light, through chaos and order, through sanity and madness.

I landed in a child’s room. The walls were a pale pink with various animals prancing in eternal stillness through tiny flower patches and bundles of grass. The bed similarly covered in a pink and white patchwork quilt and pillows with a night stand on the left side. There were shelves spaced along the wall but I couldn’t make out what was on those, they were fuzzed out for some reason.

“Where is this?”

*We’re in her subconscious. She’s here somewhere, dreaming. Trying to escape. We aren’t going to let her off that easy.*

“I didn’t know I could do this.” He didn’t reply.

I looked down at my body and received a shock. My skin glistened with a wet sheen. Instead of the light olive color it normally was, it was a reptilian gray; Slick and hairless and corded with muscle. My hands were elongated with gnarled knuckles and long claws, black like obsidian daggers. My stomach and chest were an off white, the abdomen of a snake, with the pigment returning near the sides. I was naked, my prick massive and disproportionate, hanging like a fleshy log between my legs. I was almost scared to see what my face looked like.

“What the fuck is this!”

*It’s nothing, ignore it. It’s how she views us, as some kind of monster. Her mind gives us this shape.*

Somehow I didn’t believe him. It just felt wrong. I didn’t have time to question it however. He was on the prowl.

*Can you feel her? *

“Of course I can feel her. I’m inside her mind.”

*Not that, moron. Listen. Go deeper. Feel her consciousness creeping around in her subconscious. Hiding. *

He sniffed the air. And he was right. I let myself calm down and extended my awareness out. I could hear a hum in the noise of her mind. Something deeper. We moved towards it.

We plowed through memory and dream. We tore through the walls of her mind like a demon-bred wrecking crew. Around us the feeling of her grew stronger. We had her scent. Scenes from her life flashed all around us. Her childhood in the suburbs of Chicago, her mother and father, friends and relatives; Places, a house, downtown Chicago as seen from a child’s point of view. Flashes of holidays, a car wreck, her dead cousin, her grandmother’s funeral, her high school graduation, her acceptance to ASU…it all ran past me as we dug deeper

Then we were on her. All motion stopped as we centered on our prey. We were in a huge library. Row after row after row of shelves stretched out into the darkness of infinity. She poked her head out from an aisle and uttered a scream.

“You didn’t think you could hide from me in here, did you?” My voice was a deep hiss. I felt my tongue move over pointed teeth.

She flashed away and we caught a glimpse of her running in a row that looked like it was miles away.

*How did she move that fast? *

[Moron. This is her mind; she can make up her own rules. Lucky for you I’m smarter then she is.]

I felt my leg muscles bend and spring and like that we were soaring over the rows of shelves headed in her direction. We landed with a loud crash on top of a shelf, the wood splintering and breaking as my taloned feet dug for purchase. We crouched and sniffed the air. She was to the left. Instantly we were in the air again. As we glided above the expanse of her mind we saw a flash of blondish-brown hair and altered our descent to intercept. I grew thin membranes between my arms and sides that allowed me to descend at a steadier pace. We lined up with the row she was currently running down and sailed slowly down to her. She never thought to look back. Her pants floated up to us as she ran pell-mell trying to escape.

I felt a ripping feeling in my back as huge, leathery wings sprouted from my spine, the membranes dissolving away into nothingness. They flapped hard, pushing us faster and what was a fall turned into an attack run. Amber heard the rush of air and glanced back. The horror that was there to greet her caused her to stumble but before she hit the ground we had her in my hands. My claws dug in and my wings beat a fast, staccato rhythm we pulled her screaming into the air.

“What makes you think you can hide in here, Amber? I own you. That means all of you.”

She struggled and writhed in my grasp as the wind rushed around us. Her terror was beyond language. We landed solidly on the top of another shelf and brought her around to face us.

“It’s time to wake up now, precious.” An impossible long, forked tongue emerged from my mouth and caressed her neck. Even in her mind she tasted good.”

“No! No, no, leave me alone!”

The teeth in my mouth grew longer. Fangs three inches long emerged from my mouth. The color drained from Amber’s face until it was the shade of cold ash.

“I’m not finished with you yet.” I bent my head to hers and sank the fangs deep into her throat. Amber let out a horrendous scream that built in pitch until it reached a supersonic register. Around us the world of her mind trembled and began to crack. Shelves began to vibrate then, one by one, they burst apart in an explosion of light and soundless thunder. I pulled her tight to me, sucking her essence, feeling her grow inside me as a vortex grew around us. A terrible energy began to build. The psychic wind pulled at me, ripping and tearing. I pulled away from her, her body limp in my arms, and stared up at the maelstrom brewing in her head. Black lighting arched and struck the ground near me. Before I could move away, another one hit me squarely in the chest. Faster then thought I exploded back into my body and was thrown across the room. All the glass in the room shattered as the shockwave blasted us apart and I crashed back first into the wall, caving it in, and crumpling to the floor.

Everything was quiet when I got to my feet. My ears were ringing and my head was throbbing but otherwise I seemed to be okay. The room was torn to shit though. Debris and broken glass were everywhere. It was dark except for the glow coming in through the shattered windows. Amber’s body lay curled into the fetal position on the bed, unmoving. I could barely hear her breathing; it was shallow and weak. I felt a burning sensation on my chest and looked down and it was scorched red and blistered where the lightening had hit me. I watched with a detached interest as the skin healed itself. Something was wrong. I couldn’t quite think of what it was though.

*What just happened? *

[Nothing. Shut up. It’s time for some good old-fashioned fun.]

“No…This…” Everything was foggy in my head. It felt like I was waking up from a long, hard sleep.. I felt…dirty. Vile.

My body walked over to Amber’s lifeless form and I watched as my hand reached for her ankle, tugging her harshly towards the end of the bed. Her head rolled to the side and I saw her face; It was so pale for a moment I thought I could see her skull beneath her skin. Skin that in the bar had been so flush and full of life. She was dying. My stomach heaved sickeningly.


[Aw, look who grew a conscience. Well you’re stupider then you look if you think I’m not going to fuck this slag into an early grave.]

“No, I’m not going to let you!” The full weight of what I had done to her, some of it I didn’t even understand, began to take hold of me. Her body was so soft and tender and helpless in front of me, lying there, practically dead. My mind reeled at the thought. I’d violated so much more then just her body.

*You did this! You hurt her! *

[Oh yes, it was all me. You had nothing to do with it. You weren’t right there with me, aching for her, bringing her along as a willing participant in her own demise. You offered so much resistance, didn’t you?]

*I didn’t know what I was doing! You were controlling me. I felt you in the pool. You took control of my body. You made me hurt Tetisheri. You attacked Hermes and you almost got me killed. *

[If I hadn’t stepped in, you ungrateful faggot, you would now be the property of Set. He would be the one sucking you dry instead of Zeus and doing who knows what with it. I think you should thank me.]

*Fuck you! I didn’t know it would be like this. I didn’t have control. *

[Apologize and thank me. ]

*No! *

I felt his laugh in my head, low and sinister, just before he struck. Fire and ice raced down my spine and into my legs. I screamed out and fell to my knees.

[For that little bit of disobedience I now want you on your knees.]

I reached down somewhere deep inside me and grabbed a hold of reserve strength I didn’t know I had and…pushed. I’d had enough, I wanted him out of my head.

*Ride’s over, fucker! *

He shoved me back, trying to maintain his control and we fought back and forth. I don’t remember a lot of what happened between us, everything at that point became a little hazy. I remember blinding flashes of pain, the room swimming in and out of focus and screams, my own and his, bouncing back at me from the walls. Just before I lost consciousness I remember looking down at my chest and seeing it covered in blood. I touched my face and found blood pouring out of my nose and ears. After that there was nothing.

I can’t recall now if it was the pain or the beeping that woke me up. I don’t suppose it really matters. As my awareness returned all I wanted to do was die anyway. I was alive and my body was my own again, so I must have won the fight but it didn’t feel like a victory. It felt like my head was split open and someone was filling it with shattered glass. I heard the beeping and it matched my heartbeat. The smell alone was enough to tell me I was in a hospital. It smelled cold and antiseptic and somewhere, underneath all that, the faint smell of piss.

I opened my eyes and squinted at the light. There wasn’t a lot to see, I was cut off from the rest of the room by one of those floor to ceiling curtains that slide on the track. A pale blue sheet was pulled up to my chest and above that I was wearing an opened-backed hospital gown. I tried to sit up but when I went to bring my hands up to pull myself upright there was a click and they stopped mid-motion. When I looked I saw the silver gleam of handcuffs, one end around my wrist and the other around the guardrail of the bed. I tugged at it experimentally then, with a brief bit of concentration, tried to will it open. Nothing happened.


I jerked my hand hard; the movement making my head throb and my stomach twist. I groaned and swallowed back the bile that surged up my throat.

“Come on, not now.”

I focused harder. I could still feel the power in me but it was so distant. I grasped at it and it was like trying to hold smoke in my hand. I tried harder. I had to get out of here. My ears began to ring and I felt something cool on my upper lip. Looking down I saw a few drops of blood hit the gown. Ignoring the sickness growing in my body I pushed harder at the handcuffs and finally they slipped free. Exhausted, I fell back in the bed and used all my remaining energy to remain conscious.

After awhile -it may have been minutes it may have been hours- I could turn my head without retching. The pain had receded to a dull ache and the light in the room didn’t feel like it was wearing away at my retinas with sandpaper. I began to remember all that had happened before I passed out. Everything I had done to her. My chest clenched up and a sob broke from my lips. I’d hurt her so bad. She’d begged and pleaded with me and I’d kept going. I’d pushed the knife in and when she cried for mercy I only twisted it.