All Comments on 'Go Burn Yourself'

by Skippy47

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vickitvohiovickitvohioabout 4 years ago
I'll never understand...

why an author antagonizes their readers. I get them wanting to with some of the crazy comments from anonymous sources, but to pre-emptively strike seems counter-productive.

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

Don't know where that came from, but it was pretty funny. Sort of true, too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
It was a good story if a little confusing.

Why would she assume the divorce was because she cheated? It had been months earlier and it was over quickly. Why assume her paramour confessed to his wife for NO REASON?!?

Also, divorces are no-fault. There is no reason to assume she would be shafted by the law especially since divorce laws tend to favour women.

Also, if her boss made her job contingent on her co sent, she would be able to retire on the money she would make from the lawsuit.

Finally, if her friends were aware her husband was cheating on her, why did no one tell her? Why would her husband risk a divorce when there was no gain in it for him, monetarily or sexually?

A_BierceA_Bierceabout 4 years ago

Damn Skippy!

Or damn, Skippy! Take your choice, both mean damn good story.

well . . . .

She does have a point "Tell the truth. When you read my husband had cheated on me while condemning my tryst, there was no support from you for me gaining delayed revenge. If it had been the other way around where he had cheated on me and I had cleaned him out in the divorce, you would have screamed for revenge when he found out later, I had been cheating first. Hypocrites."

the majority of the BTB crowds are hypocrites.

kinda good perspective of the other side even though there's a lot of narcissism from the ex-wife

More of this, please. 5 stars!

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 4 years ago

male or female, i don't care which.

cheaters should get burned not rewarded.

as for the last statement. your numbers stop at 5, so voting would be out of the question.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Not bad

Funny story. Not sure why she settled for blah in second marriage and not sure why she let brian off the hook. No idea what she could do anyway but she was just blah about that.

No score as this only goes to five and fortunately my dick in inches goes beyond 5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I can't obey the command at the end of the story. The scoring only goes up to five.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

"Bullshit. MEN CHEAT MUCH MORE OFTEN THAN WOMEN. Get your facts straight." - Who cares? We're reading stories about cheating wives. That there are more cheating husbands out there has NOTHING to do with the story at hand.

You'll "admit" that guys would come over your naked picture? Sounds more like bragging to me.

Your "Reasons:"

#1 It feels good - So why can't it feel good with your spouse? If it doesn't, why not? Why not work on it with your spouse?

#2 Drugs and alcohol - Why are you drinking and/or doing drugs in a situation with your husband not around? No, I'm not saying you can't have a GNO, but if you aren't able to keep yourself from drinking so much that you lose control, maybe you should stay home, or at least not go out with sluts.

#3 True love - First of all, you don't just fall in love, so if you find yourself in love with another person, there must have been an initial attraction that you acted on, instead of walking away. In any case, if you find your "true love" isn't your spouse, then you give him/her a FAIR divorce, you don't cheat. You don't know someone is your "soul mate" as soon as you meet them.

#4 I won't TOTALLY condemn a revenge affair, but working on or ending the marriage are still the preferred options.

#5 I just don't know what to say here. If the only reason you don't cheat is because you don't have the opportunity, sigh.

#6 Routine - I come back to part of my answer to #1, if things are routine, why not work on it with your spouse?

While, as I said with #4 I don't think revenge sex is the best way to go, IF you knew about his BEFORE you cheated, I WOULD feel differently about you, but you didn't, so it's immaterial.

I don't know if I would call it "delayed" revenge, more like premature revenge.

My score reflects the quality of the story which is poor,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Neither character is worth a shit

You wrote this story to get a low score. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Perfectly written that women are given a Holy doctrine to use their bodies any way they choose and totally agree with the 6 points and that all domestic violence is solely due to every man having a small ego. It is always the mans fault for not supporting his women regardless of her actions. Men are here to serve women and if they don’t we will rail against them with false claims of sexual assault. Remember it only takes a claim to bring him down. #METOO

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
not even going to comment.

Inane analogy of a very touchy subject.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 4 years ago
Brenda’s husband deserves a phone call

Time to balance those scales. She deserved her punishment and Brian deserves more as he got greedy. Some people should never get married.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
There was no real love.

They were not in love. She felt she should cheat and a big part of that feeling came from the lack of love coming from the husband. Two people who should not have married get divorced. No big deal. That’s why there are divorces. Cheating still sucks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
You're 100 % right

Money determines the outcome of justice in America. Men usually do better than women unless there are minor children involved. In most states infidelity is not even considered in a divorce. This is wrong on so many levels. In your story, the husband basically defeated the wife in court because she wasn't aware of his cheating. Why, only you know. She got caught. He did not. Sucks, but that's life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Just stupid

I love it when writers here claim to know things they don't. Women cheat more than men, but they lie about it surveys...just like they lie about (to reduce) the number of their sex partners.

The Style GuyThe Style Guyabout 4 years ago
A five, but...

...I rounded up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Angry at the world

I don't understand, why you express anger at the readers. We didn't do anything to you.

SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 4 years ago

I prefer your other stories, but this was an interesting tale. I abhor cheaters - regardless of sex (or gender preference). Once you make a commitment to be in a exclusive relationship, that is it. I do not believe in a one and done, but believe that any actions should be judged on the following criteria: Consent, Number of Occurrences, and Status of Relationship. Was the action done with consent? i.e. Were drugs used to lower someone's inhibitions? Was it rape? Was it blackmail/coerced? Was it that someone stupidly put themselves in a bad situation ( i.e. got drunk in the wrong place/with the wrong people)? The other thing to consider is how many times it occurred: was it a one time deal, or more. If more, how many times/over how long a period. Lastly, is the status of the relationship: Our you just dating, or have you made the commitment to be exclusive? Are you engaged, or married? Everyone has their own line where if it is crossed there is no chance for reconciliation. I believe that with the tools of a pre and post nuptial agreements, and a lie detector (polygraph) test you can have some insurance against cheating. Is is foolproof - no. Even people with the best characters cheat, but not everyone cheats and the better and stronger someone's morals/values/ethics the less the chance they will cheat. So live by the golden rule (i.e. treat other as you would like to be treated), find someone of a like mind, and take out insurance against the unlikely. Is it perfect - no - People do fall out of love and separate, but it is a lot easier than cheating.

LordGeoffreyLordGeoffreyabout 4 years ago

A well-done different perspective. Your comment at the end about delayed revenge is unfortunately true and reveals the male bias in Loving Wives.

The Paul Harvey reference was amusing, but I wonder how many readers got it. 4*s

tangledweedtangledweedabout 4 years ago

Good guess on the dick size.

2 for me and only that high because they scrub ones.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Short rant missing too much to be a good story.

payenbrantpayenbrantabout 4 years ago

What an imaginative take! =-) Full of innaccurate data...but a good look at a cheaters perspective. Gave it a 5*

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 4 years ago
I'm an equal BTB'er

you should have ratted out you lover. If I'm going down, were all going down. As far as Brian. He'll get his. I all ways wondered if Skippy was a woman. This was self serving BS from a used up slut, but life does and will go on. As far as my dick goes, does the scale have a negative 3.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Was hopeful

I am a male that has made my mistakes and yes got punished for them. At the end when you found out about his affair, I figured you would go back to court. It should be a two way street, he should pay.

sdc97230sdc97230about 4 years ago
If she didn't know about his cheating, her cheating wasn't "delayed revenge"

It was just two scumbag cheaters cheating on each other and one of them got lucky. Neither of them can claim any kind of moral justification for their actions, and it wouldn't be any better a story if things had gone the other way.

This is probably the way the world should work all the time. Cheaters should be with each other so that people who don't cheat can hear their stories, shrug and say, "meh."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Very well done. I hope nobody got an erection from that story.

kiteareskitearesabout 4 years ago
In a very dark place at the moment Skippy?

Not quite as dark as your last, but all the same this went to bad places.

She wasn't too bright I don't think.

Shitting in her own doorstep...

You don't need a lawyer, you can defend yourself, if nothing else it depletes the money he gets a larger share of. This must have been one of those rare non-no-fault states.

She succumbed to the fat greasy boss, rather than taking him to the cleaners

She 'put up with mr 11 seconds' sound foundation for no getting bored again.

She didn't go and burn down her old house... ok pass on all the info she had found out about Brian and Brenda to friends, family, colleagues. He was cnut playing that game.

I enjoyed the original POV and take on the cheating story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

The rating system may be the same as the size of our dicks, bit the number is bigger than your IQ.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
This why rage is a demon and a deadly sin...

The problem is that it is often better to just walk away. Forgiveness is very hard, of the other person yes, but your self the most. Forgiveness, regardless of the wrong, is the gift we give ourselves.

KalimaxosKalimaxosabout 4 years ago
Assuming the author is the one in the story

I like stories from the point of view of a woman. Especially women who are sexual, as in not dead in bed. You would have gotten a five if not for the endless man hate. Let's face it, you were married to one guy and he cheated on you. You were not married to all men. And you cheated on him. You're no angel. You're not the first. I got cheated on by at least three women in my life, probably five, but don't care to go back and confirm. Bottom line. You move on and stop blaming others for your mistakes. You're just mad that he was smarter than you.

Had you two talked to each other and agreed that sex with others would be fun but in the open as swingers, you would not be divorced or in this shithole. But no. You thought you "deserved" a fling "or yourself."

Did you ever even consider that option? I bet not.

Because you and your ex never respected each other to be each other's best friend and confidant. Instead, you just used each other.

One more thing. Children...ARE NOT ACCESSORIES to a marriage or something to relieve your boredom. They are the ultimate act of selflessness. You agree to create a life with someone you LOVE. Someone you respect. Your story was well written and I gave you a four for that. But you still have the personality of a selfish user. I feel sorry for any man that crosses your path.

PowersworderPowersworderabout 4 years ago

"I am one of those bitches you guys like to see get burned."

Actually, as bitches go, she wasn't that bad.

The wife in this story was an entitled slut, but she wasn't even in the same ballpark as some of the malignant cunts we read about in LW. She didn't trick him into raising a brood of bastards, break his heart with decades of affairs, or try to forcibly turn her husband into a cock-cage wearing, cum-slurping cuck.

"I am one of the bitches that got burned"

Hmm not really. The wife cheated and her douchebag husband divorced her, but it was a straightforward end to the marriage. She got slightly less than 50% of the assets, but that in no way counts as being burned.

A good BtB divorce publicly humiliates the cheating wife, destroys her relationships with friends and family, and leaves her penniless in the gutter. There's always the option of prison sentences, maiming, or death for the truly egregious. In this story, the wife got away lightly from a tepid marriage she really didn't seem to give much of a shit about.

Nice idea for a story, but you should have dialled up the malevolence of the wife and the severity of the consequences to eleven.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Angry much?

Insulting the readers is one thing. I think most authors reach a point where they would like to strangle the commentators and their scoring. And you seem to have reached that point. So blast away. It's your right. But when you write and post garbage like this story, don't think that the trolls won't hold you accountable. This simply wasn't good or entertaining on any level.

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
not sure

if that was you role playing the bitter ex wife in your intro and outro, or you actually believe men cheat more than women.

if you really believe that, you my friend are a blessed male. all dating statistics point towards women almost EXCLUSIVELY dating up, while men tend to date as you'd statistically expect. in fact, all women (ugly/average/pretty/drop-dead-gorgeous) will always date two to five points higher. so you have the majority of women dating ONLY 20-30% of the top tier men.

so while men and women cheat at equal numbers (it takes two to tango) your average female will cheat a lot more than your average male. it just so happens that only top tier males are doing the cheating. the majority of men are left with crumbs. we are a tournament mammal species, so this makes sense. but globalism has taken a woman's hypergamy and EXPLODED it. she no longer has to settle for the 'best guys in her school/ best guys in her neighborhood/best guys at her church'. she has THE INTERNET. she can hook up with the hottest guys...full stop. and while men do get propositioned for sexual overtures, women receive it more frequently. ratio matters, not just raw numbers. basically a hot guy will be able to cheat 5 times more than any woman. but your average man will cheat 5 times less than your average woman, so basically your average joe gets 10 times less sex than sexy dudes.

and men are, realistically, more bitter because the laws are sexist. look it up. his ego has less to do with it than women want you to believe. she has all the reproductive rights, and still has access to a man's resources. hell, some countries force a man to pay child support for children he later finds out aren't even his. he's OWED money from her, and her donor. money has a lot more to do with it than ego. but you're seeing men LESS frothy at the mouth. it's still rare, but some laws are changing to be more financially fair towards the man.

anyway, whether you read this or not...cheers!

amyyumamyyumabout 4 years ago
Loved it

It needed to be said. Men DO cheat more than women but more men read and vote on this website therefore women authors, and authors who write the the point of view of a women, get hosed. Anyway, this bitch gave you 5*. Yum

amyyumamyyumabout 4 years ago
One question

Why haven't you deleted the comment from Ximand? The it that calls itself Ximand never has anything good to say, and scores everything 1* which I do believe is more than its number of dicks.

Just asking!

terraknorterraknorabout 4 years ago

There is no gravity....the earth just proved it with this story.

TheKrrakTheKrrakabout 4 years ago
Excellent satire

This had me laughing almost from the get-go. Thanks for the chuckles, cheaters of both sexes get whatever karma decides to hand them, even if it is delayed.

5/5 for the shits and giggles

moralcompassmoralcompassabout 4 years ago
Three truths

Truth in divorces comes in three forms.

His truth.

Her truth.

And the actual truth.

Strangely though I'm not sure I agree with your assessment about married men's infidelity being greater than women. From and anecdotal view point, firstly I of know far more women to have had affairs than I know about men. Secondly, I'm acquainted with far more men than I am women. If you are taking your view of men from statistical data I think you will find women lie more often and are better at it than men. It would not be a stretch to believe they lie in surveys as well as to their spouses.

I enjoyed your story and thank you for it.

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowabout 4 years ago

Good for you... Can't award 7 stars ... so, I'll give 5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
i believe 2 things, on faith alone, mind you

1) Skippy is NOT the narrator, nor any of the characters in this story. Yes he wrote it. Fiction means that he doesn't have to be autobiographical in any descriptions of any scenarios

2) Skippy absolutely intended this character to be unlikeable, and the 4th wall breaking attacks on BTB fans was written "in character", like, "how would this broad feel about BTB stories if SHE actually wrote her story here?"

It seems to me that Skippy was trying something new, and different as an author. Trying a different perspective, completing an experiment. Remains to be seen how well the experiment will go, and how well received it will be, but I do think that the real Skippy won't care about the score at all, and will be laughing at the comments. Because that is what author's have to do in this category. It is....a necessary coping mechanism attendant to this art form and particular audience.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
"Bullshit. MEN CHEAT MUCH MORE OFTEN THAN WOMEN. Get your facts straight."

After reading that, I had to wonder who exactly do the men in this bitches universe cheat with? Do they do gang bangs with the narratrix and her mother? Do they get it on with a herd of goats? Or, as I suspect, is the cranky ass whore telling the story just pissed off that she got her ass handed to her?

Fucked if I know.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Skippy a woman?

No, I don't think so. Just writing about an angry, self-absorbed woman who got married a second time to sponge of her husband. In other words, channeling amyyum work for what it's worth.

robroy93robroy93about 4 years ago

I'm not smart enough to know if that was supposed to be funny or serious.

ShadowRosieShadowRosieabout 4 years ago

I'm female, my dick is tiny and better known by a different word. So guess how many votes you got.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
A funny twist and personality perspective.

She left out the absolute single biggest reason spouses cheat on their marriage: lack of personal ethics. Same reason you cheat at poker, golf, and any other contest if you think you can get away with it. You have no self respect.

But if her husband is cheating on her and still wants a divorce after finding out she cheated on him, once, then what kind of marriage was that? Even without the cheating this couple have almost no love, respect, nor friendship. What an empty useless relationship. Well, ok, apparently the sex was good. The husband must of thought he was trading up, or at least jettisoning some useless baggage.

Isn't it depressing to think there really are marriages this shallow, tepid, and indifferent? Makes you appreciate even more when you've got it good.

Thanks for the entertainment. It was OK.

TwentysevenTwentysevenabout 4 years ago
How does that work?

Men cheat more than women? Generally speaking, cheating involves one participant from each gender so, unless you're counting same-sex liaisons, I think you need to check your arithmetic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
If more men than women are cheaters as she says in the story

would she please tell us who exactly all those men are cheating with?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I believe his secretaries husband should be told and sue the company and everyone involved - if nothing but for the annoyance it would cause - specially if its made public

AutistAdventurerAutistAdventurerabout 4 years ago
To all the people asking maths questions (yes I'm a Brit, deal with the spelling).

You're assuming that both participants in a cheating situation are in relationships.

There are many single people who don't share your morals; if even 50% of them are female then those single people could easily shift the percentage of married cheaters in either direction because people can sleep with more than one person. In short your argument sucks.

So it comes down to the motivation and morals of the cheating spouse. Are males more likely to stray than females? I'm not saying which gender is more likely to cheat. I'm merely pointing out that your argument sounds good but is actually bollocks.

Skippy's point meanwhile, has some evidentiary support:

TLDR: Skippy has evidence on his/her side, you have a flawed argument on yours.

Attack the study, debate the argument with reason but until you do just know that your 'point' is pointless.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
65% marriages end in divorce due to wife cheating.

Your braggadocio intro has your name crossed off my reading list.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Those talking about math...

There have been many studies on percentages of men vs women cheating, and there's a recent one that shows it's pretty much equal. Here are the stats.

Before Second/Third Wave Feminism:

60% of married men cheated.

40% of married women cheated.

(In the UK from a study done in the '70s) 1/3 children were not the "father's"


60% of married men cheat.

60% of married women cheat.

1/3 children are not the "father's" in the majority of Western societies.

A new study recently (like a couple weeks ago from time of this post) came out that shows men in a relationship DON'T get tired of a routine, and almost ALL women get tired of their routine after about a year.

This story seems like it was written from a Red Pilled guy showing a justification from a cheating wife. It covers all the bases: A promiscious woman can't pair-bond, she gets tired of her husband after a year, she loves riding the "cock-carousel," she was focused on her career over starting a family, etc.

AutistAdventurerAutistAdventurerabout 4 years ago
@Anonymous 3/19/20

Loving people who throw out stats without providing any kind of reference: here's mine -

Whilst there's a lot of complexity and reasons stated for dissolutions and whilst infidelity is one of the second most cited factors it is in fact only cited as the 'final straw' in 24% of cases - heck of a lot of cucks out there you BTBs, maybe you're self-hating cucks. Is that the reason you're all so angry?

Now as to the sex difference amongst cheaters, in almost every age category men cheat more than women, they are catching up as you come down the age categories.

You will notice that in the under 30 category women *do* cheat more than men but even here the difference is marginal with the numbers numbers being almost identical (as in 10% of men admit to cheating and 11% of women). Source for this paragraph:

So not 65%, not even close. And women do not cheat more than men although women do seem to be catching up if you take into account age. But that's catching up. Men cheat way, way more than women.

LoejtcLoejtcabout 4 years ago

I honestly don't know skippy47's intent with this story. Was it a pro-feminist rant? A tongue-in-cheek attempt at humor?

However, I do know it is based on flawed logic.

Marriage is a lot of things one of which is a contract. A contract is a legally binding agreement. If the terms of the contract are violated the contract can be voided and the injured party can seek damages.

The term “Forsaking all others” has a generally accepted meaning based on centuries of usage. I doubt the most liberal judge in this country would recognize Alisha's definition has having standing in a divorce case.

The author makes it clear that her decision to cheat came sometime after the wedding when she became bored with married life. Therefore, the traditional definition of “forsaking all others” was in play when they wed.

Alisha decided to modify the marriage contract to her advantage without the knowledge much less approval of the other party to the contract.

In so doing Brian was within his rights to void the contract and seek what he considered an equitable settlement.

Her argument about providing all his needs is immaterial. Having sex with someone who is not your spouse is an accepted reason for divorce regardless of the frequency of sex with your spouse.

Apparently Alisha felt the divorce was unjustified based on her definition of "forsaking all others".

She never advised him that she had additional needs that he couldn't/wasn't satisfying. Nor could he satisfy her since one of her needs was using a different cock.

Is there any question in anyone's mind that if Alisha told Brian either before or at any time during the marriage that she would require satisfaction from a cock other than his from time to time, that he would either marry or remain married to her?

He answered the question unequivocally, he filed for divorce.

Her justification is simply a rationalization for cheating. And contrary to Skippy47’s opening statement, it’s right out of the Handbook.

Secondly, she knew that cheating could end her marriage, she thought about it and planned to cheat anyway and finally she did cheat. Her actions were a deceitful betrayal of the marriage contract. If she was so confident she was taking care of ALL his needs, why didn't she tell him she was going to cheat? Maybe Brian could find ways to use her excess sexuality. But of course that isn’t what Alisha wanted in the first place.

The reason is simple. Above and beyond his physical sexual needs, Brian needed trust and honesty. Alisha deprived him of both.

I also take exception to Alisha’s description of her actions. She didn’t act foolishly. She acted selfishly. And it wasn’t a one time stupid act. It was a one time act of arrogance because if it turned out well, it would be repeated. The only reason it was one time was because Newt sucked in bed. Further she admitted that she planned on trying again just before she was served. If that’s not arrogance and disrespect for her husband, what is?

Lastly, what I really do not understand is why she even cared. She admitted she cheated because she was bored. Why would returning to the same situation be so desirable?

In fact she never told him the real reason she cheated. If she did, would there be any question that the marriage was dead? No, she lied and made up some cock and bull story about meeting his needs.

She’d be cheating again as soon as the boredom set in.

She’s not marriage material. Brian got lucky when he found out and made the smart move to dump her.

PS: Alisha’s own arrogance was her undoing. She deceived herself by thinking she was taking care of all of Brian’s needs. Clearly that was not the case. Just ask Brenda!

Lucky for Brian that he found out about her cheating before she found out about his cheating. I guess he was bored also.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
She's still a cunt

no amount of revelations after the fact change that.

QuintiusQuintiusabout 4 years ago
Both characters were assholes

Neither one of them were really in love, they just settled. Both good looking, both athletic, both very experienced, both successful, they simply decided "it's about time" and got married. In the end neither one of them was mature enough to stay faithful. It's the injustice in this story that really rankles, though. No one wants to read a story about a douchebag getting away with cheating and treating their significant other like dirt in the divorce, regardless of their gender. The MC actively and cold-bloodedly sought out a guy to fuck on the side for no better reason than she was bored. Brian fucked his secretary for, what, months? Years? Apparently the only reason he found his wife out was because she stupidly chose to fuck someone they both knew well. By sheer volume Brian's offenses were greater yet he came out better because he had more support, more money, and she had no idea he was in the wrong as well. They both deserved to be punished. I'm honestly in agreement with the commenter who said she should clue Brenda the secretary's husband in on what her boss is doing with her to even the scales a bit.

Injustice is one of the things BTB fans hate the most. Plainly said, the legal system is skewed in a woman's favor when it comes to divorce in America and many of the European countries, especially when there are children involved. A guy I knew who was a friend of my father got taken so badly that all he had in his dinky apartment was a mattress, a table, one chair, one dinnerware set, and his clothes. He basically had to ask a friend of his to pay him under the table doing extra side jobs because his ex had her lawyer constantly checking on him and garnishing his wages from his main job. It's gotten slightly better in the years since that poor bastard got raked over the coals but not enough to prevent resentment. That kind of injustice really burns and there are enough guys out there who have experienced it that the BTB crowd is pretty large. Do women get burned in divorces as well? Sure they do, but I think one would find that the proportion is much smaller than that of guys who do.

I don't think this story was really made to make a statement one way or another, it was probably just an exercise in writing from the opposite perspective. People who think every story reflects the views of the author who writes them... need to take things less seriously. It's a story written about fake characters in a fake setting amidst fake circumstances. The idea that every main character in every story has the same ideals, beliefs, and thought patterns as the author is ridiculous.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 4 years ago
Wow. You created a wife I truly despise.

She's calculating and has no heart. Then, I guess he isn't any better.

The claim that more husbands cheat than wives is rubbish. Who are they cheating with? Are they gay? Is a small number of cheating wives getting all the action? Are there so many single girls with daddy complexes?

And then there is the line "Most men still have little boy egos." I hate that contemptuous line ever time I read it.

So, good story about an unlikable wife.

mustelamustelaabout 4 years ago
Nobody expects great scientific rigor on this site.

"It's stories written about fake characters in a fake setting amidst fake circumstances. "

However, too many authors cannot help being very "precise" when they do not know the subject, be it sociology, geography, laws, weapons, engineering, and others ...

What I « love » is that the authors are always extremely precise on fundamental details such as the size of their characters, their measurements, the color of the eyes and nipples, the number of bathrooms and car brand. This does not prevent errors on the different Mustang models that purists systematically note!

Dunny69Dunny69about 4 years ago
Feminist cheater rant

Didnt get past first few lines, I do so dislike clever fkrs having a go at the reader before they e en start. I'm a good riddance category so stick your story up a dark hole. 1*

AnalstudAnalstudalmost 4 years ago
Burn the bastard

Hypocrisy about betrayal is worse than betray.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Good try...

no cigar. BTW, women in surveys say they cheat slightly less...but women lie all the time about personal things....weight, age, cheating. Their testimony in family courts is a travesty, but judges let them lie without consequence because they don't want the extra work of a perjury trial.

iameaseliameaselalmost 4 years ago

I find the husband should have been taken to the cleaners. I've always felt that regardless of whats between the legs, a cheater is nothing but a POS.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

The 4 Stars is for not pursuing the revenge. He’s a bitch to do what he did while being a cheater himself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Ok both cheaters no empathy for either. But. Writing forced me to give 4 stars

Laughed at both idiots


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Eventually I met a new man in my life and we got close.

I told him about why my marriage to Brian broke down. He asked me why and I was honest when I told him I was bored. He just said "Well I guess I will have to make our life together exciting all the time then"> It was at that point that I knew I had met my soul mate.

When I then went on to explain the settlement and what I had found out later he got angry, not with me but with the hypocrite that I had been married to.

One morning, while reading the paper, I read about Brian being attacked the night before by persons unknown. He was severely beaten and he was in hospital in the ICU. He was a mess. The worst damage was done to his genital region and he lost both balls.

When my boyfriend came down for breakfast I jumped up and gave him a big hug and said thank you.

He knew why I was thanking him and just said "No problem, I will do anything for the woman I love."

Brian now regrets forcing Brenda to have the abortion as he will never sire children at all.

Me I went on to have 3 wonderful kids with a wonderful man who has treated me well all the time. And yes we still have an exciting marriage.

SexecutionerSexecutionerover 3 years ago

Nah, I gave it the same score as the diameter in yards of your cunt.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I agree with you

Even though, men might cheat more often than women. But get YOUR FACTS RIGHT.

women will cheat in far heinous ways then men.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 3 years ago
Twenty seven asked how . . .

. . . more men could cheat than women. Simple: married men can cheat with single women, while married women may be more likely to cheat with married men.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

lie more often than men...I see it all the time in court. The surveys about cheating reflect the fact that women lie, especially about the number of sexual partners and cheating. I doubt that there's any difference in the frequency of cheating.

sandevan82sandevan82over 3 years ago
It hurts everyone

Women and men cheat. It is ultimately self defeating to argue who cheats more and how damaging it is. In my humble opinion, it's not the sex that is the most egregious aspect of infidelity. It's the betrayal. And although this won't make the btb crowd happy, infidelity negatively affects the one who cheated also. My wife strayed from our marriage. It was almost twenty years ago. After discovery I did subject her to quite extensive negative consequences. She welcomed them and added some of her own. I've long since forgiven her. She has yet to forgive herself. A remorseful person suffers as well.

Omegaman56Omegaman56about 3 years ago

Statistics just came out millennial woman cheat 60 -40. If you do the math. 90%. Of modern marriages some cheats. Thanks social media

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

man/Woman. no excuse.

the cheater must pay.

the size of my dick 1⭐

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Latest studies indicate that over 60% of married women in their 50s have cheated whilst only 34% of men have. This is due to evolutionary factors and basic reproductive drivers. The girls like bad boy’s because they mix up the gene pool and there are fewer of them so they impregnate more women than them home maker men. All the infidelity is designed to diversify the immune systems of her children.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapualmost 3 years ago

I would have given you the rating you asked equals to the size of my phallus.

But the rating stops at 5 only.

But because of the disrespect you have given me throughout your rant,

I give you 3 instead. If this was the whore's husband story.

I'd still give it a 3*. Can't take the disrespect.

kamdev99008kamdev99008almost 3 years ago

Payback is must... For betrayal.... No gender discrimination

In my dictionary

Go ahead and fuck his life..

Just like he fucked yours

No forgiveness

HooHaa77HooHaa77almost 3 years ago

The woman in this story is still evil because she attempted to justify her betrayal of her husband and she never felt remorse for any of her cheating.

We have no idea what the husband tried to do because the author never offered his side. Maybe the author should've offered the husband's side if the author wanted us to hate him as much as we're supposed to hate the wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
Hahaha, so funny… not

So her sex drive and/or boredom are sufficient and valid justifications for her cheating, but his so-called "ego" isn't a valid justification for his refusal to forgive her?

Shouldn't she blame "god" for putting egos in human beings? he probably intended for humans to have a sense of pride and self-worth in order to avoid their being taken advantage of by others, right?

I'm curious, does she think the human sex drive justifies rape as well? Rape is an extant reproductive strategy engaged in by many specieses, and there are even speculations that it is a reproductive strategy of last resort for humans.

And I, unlike what the narrator speculates at the end, am definitely NOT okay with his cheating, not with the fact that he didn't get any comeuppance. In fact I was very much expecting her to take revenge after she found out he had been cheating first.

Also, it didn't make much sense that he would divorce her for creating when he had been cheating first, and for far longer.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2over 2 years ago

Clever idea, but didn't quite pull it off

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The problem with flash stories is that they can only scratch the surface. So this is a 4 instead of a 5. That being said, Skippy47 covered more ground in this one pager than is usually the case. And the narrator is right. Men do cheat more than women do. But that truism would spoil all the LW fun, wouldn't it? So forget I even said it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow!! You actually knew who Paul Harvey was (snicker). Nice story.

DrgwngDrgwngover 2 years ago

Actually, since about the mid nineties, female infidelity has tripled. It is no longer true men cheat more. We are at basically parity, with some demographics, like gen z, women are in the lead by about 6 percent. However, courts do still favor women. As indicated by the false premise and stupid anon comments, public opinion also favors women. In fact this generally favorable idea about women is used to great advantage in public perception. One of the most common sexual assault crimes in America is the grabbing of male genitals or sticking hands down men pants by women in clubs and bars. I just found a reference of 3700 testimonials about this. In every case , no prosecution, but if gender was reversed,jail time was a certainty. It happens because they'd can't get away with it, even police will laugh and dismiss if asked to proceed. This story is based on an outdated and old idea, and so are any comments that agree with this flawed premise. Do your homework.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

To the author: You made an unreasonable request with your scoring system.

Women can't fill it out, and neither can most men for the highest score would be only 5. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Well that was cute opening statement. And you're right, men do more often and it's just as despicable. But this is called 'Loving Wives' not 'Loving Husbands.' Have Literotica add that section. While you're at it, have then add a 'Cuck' section so they have a place then.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Haha I love when a slut gets caught and not forgiven, he has little boy ego. But if she's cheated on, all hell breaks loose. What is so damn hard to grasp that's it's the feeling of betrayal and lost of trust?? Ego is not a factor. When ones been cheated they don't want to continue being with them wondering what or where they are every waking moment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Yep you're right husband is a douche too. But did she revenge fuck?? Nope, she had no clue other than just getting strange dick. Revenge is knowing being cheated on and getting some for yourself after. Truth is both in this story are born from the cess pool and neither deserve any happiness.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 2 years ago

I was all for her calling Brenda's husband. BTRH

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Wow, did your very ugly and pissed off wife write this. Not that it has anything to do with my Size but I give this a 1. If I could give it a -1 or -2 I would.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is the child's defense: "Well you did it too!

Implication of course that my transgression is forgivable.

Problem here. Knowing nothing of husbands cheating SHE has to take ownership of her self selection into the whore zone.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You would make a great comedian but are a lousy story teller

SaltySurpriseSaltySurprisealmost 2 years ago

I agree he was just a bit smarter than you were at that time and if you found him cheating first would you have divorced him or had your affair then divorced him and the way the laws are written in the USA it doesn't matter if the wife cheats she get the farm in the divorce. If the husband cheats she still get the farm. So tell me why you think it so one sided and to further more insult men once you get the farm you keep angry children from their fathers just to piss of the ex with the laws protection

Just my opinion

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


I don't know if you intentionally created a very stupid character, but that's so far removed from reality.

The statistics show that almost all women will ONLY chase the top 20% of men. Because women mistakenly believe that if she can bed a hunk, that she has value. An ugly woman can easily fuck a hunk. Most men don't say no to free pussy. Her delusional mind now thinks that men closer to her in looks and status are beneath her.

So the top 20% of men are doing exclusively most of the fucking. Period. That leaves 80% of guys chasing crumbs. The media showcases these chads and tyrons, and stupid people assume that men not only fuck anything with two legs, but tend to always do. But the reality is thirsty and delusional bitches throw themselves at chads n' tyrons. So women grow up fucking without any actual effort, and a very warped idea of their self worth and gender dynamics. Oddly men grow up very grounded and cynical. They are more likely to cherish what few women they get. If you're a guy with a 9 inch dick, moderate social skills, make 75k a year, work out are considered AVERAGE by delusional women. This guy is already in the top 30% of men in western society, and the top 10% worldwide. But crazy women and media have this poor guy believing he's lucky to land a 7. And a 7 will feel she SETTLED for him, when she's basically an economic life skills....coasting on her metabolism...prolly a fairly loose pussy...lazy in bed....average career at best....and too old at 28 to really give any man a large family.

amyyumamyyumalmost 2 years ago

Tell the naysayers to go screw themselves. Good story (except I would have loved it if Brenda gave Brian an STD -- ha, ha). 5*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazieralmost 2 years ago

3 stars. Interesting viewpoint. But, the MC is so stuck-up, and over-values her worth; who could love or even like her? She has an obvious dislike for men; excepting her own desires, whims and financial needs. Before her "enlightenment", she had no regrets over cheating. Her only regret was loss of income and savings. She doesn't realize that SHE is one of the "losers" in her office. By her own admission, 2nd hubby should be hiding assets. By the end, to find out 1st hubby was cheating on her; good on him! He probably felt her seeking elsewhere and beat her to the punch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Both are not worth the money for the powder to take them out.

But story matched characters quite well so,4 stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Don't be stupid, and this story was.

Frankfiredawg06Frankfiredawg06over 1 year ago

I did enjoy this

They are both horrible people

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nothing to celebrate...they're both lousy people.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

KUDOS!!! @alvinjfrazier for proving the exact main point of the story. Your comment actually upped my rating opinion lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My goodness she is kind to herself.

Big surprise men cheat to! So this justified her cold blooded betrayal for sexual pleasure. Children us that device to excuse their wrong doing. She had virtually no regret, except go caught.

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