Goals Set for Married Wife Ch. 01


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After drying herself off from her swim, Lisa opted to cover herself with a towel for her massage. Marc had dried off and was standing in the massage room wearing a tight fitting white athletic shirt which showcased his upper body beautifully. And, he had slipped into black nylon work out shorts which fit snugly over his beautifully toned and muscled thighs. From the very first touch of his hands to her body, Lisa could feel a mixture of tension blending with the excitement of having this incredibly handsome black stud's hands moving back and forth on her.

Lying on her back, Lisa looked up and adjusted her towel up somewhat, giving Marc slightly more access to her thighs. The top part of the towel fully covered her breasts. "Be easy on me, my trainer pushed me to the limit this morning." A smile broke across Marc's face.

"You'll be thanking him in about two to three weeks. You'll probably be at your goals that fast, and be starting on maintenance. You did great today, by the way. I never thought you'd do all those laps. Most women do about half of what I ask the first time. But you, you amazed me. That's why I think you'll be at your goals so soon."

Marc had massaged Lisa's feet slowly and thoroughly. It was almost sensual, what he was doing to her. He took his time, and she was feeling increasingly relaxed. "So, if I reach my goals in only a couple of weeks, when will I reach the mystery goals you've set for me?" She asked looking at Marc's handsome face.

Their eyes met, and Marc smiled. "Now that's a good question. I'm hoping very soon as well. But, I'm not quite sure yet. Everyone's different. But, in your case, I would love for you to meet my goals for you very soon." Marc said this as he stared into Lisa's beautiful blue eyes, and he smiled and looked her prone body up and down. This wasn't lost on her, and she felt a tingle of excitement in her stomach.

"So, you're still not going to give me a hint of what they are?" Lisa watched the muscles of Marc's forearms and his biceps flex as his hands worked on her calf. She took in the beautifully chiseled torso of this black stud, the broad and muscled shoulders, the hard pecs with the erect nipples showing through the fabric of his athletic shirt, and the outline of his tightly defined abs, as his hands kneaded her muscles, and she felt her loins reacting to the black Adonis standing over her.

"Nope, you'll know when you get there." And, he switched his hands from her right calf to her left, squeezing it just a bit more tightly as he said this.

"I thought the first goal might have been completing all of the laps you gave me. But something tells me that wasn't one of them." She said, searching for a reaction or confirmation.

"Lisa, believe me. When you reach my first goal, you will definitely know. There won't be any questions in your mind. And, I know we'll both be pleased. And, then all of the other goals usually follow very quickly, if not immediately after the first. This time, Marc stopped moving his hands and looked down at Lisa and smiled.

"That sounds pretty mysterious and good at the same time. So, I guess I'll just wait and see. But for right now, I can tell you I'm glad I decided to have you do the massage. It feels awesome so far. But, I don't know if Matt would like it that I'm naked under this towel getting a massage from my personal trainer who's also a ripped stud." She said smiling, and looking at Marc for his reaction.

"Well thank you very much. The pleasure is all mine, believe me. I don't get a chance to massage many bodies like yours. So, trust me, any guy would die to be standing in my shoes right now. And, as far as Matt goes, I won't tell him anything about how excited his wife makes me while I give her a massage. But, I'm glad you're liking it, and believe me, I really am too."

Marc finished up on Lisa's front and asked her to flip over and make herself comfortable. He looked away as she turned and got the towel in place, this time just covering her buttocks, and leaving her back exposed. With her head resting on her crossed arms, Marc could see her beautifully rounded breasts as they pressed onto the massage table below her. And, he felt his cock begin to throb. Her soft sandy hair was spread randomly across the top of her back and by her shoulders. Her back was soft and white and tapered down to a toned and very thin waist. She was so beautiful Marc thought. Through the towel covering her, he could see the outline of her nicely rounded buttocks, and Marc could feel his manhood swelling larger still, filling and pushing on his jock strap.

The thought of taking Lisa had been on Marc's mind from the very first time he saw her when she came out to the pool to meet him. Now, as he watched her naked body settle on the massage table, and covered only with the towel, Marc's mind was imagining just how wonderful it would be to feel his body intertwined with hers, to feel his thick manhood, swollen with lust for her, moving slowly in and out of her drenched pussy, of her arms and hands wrapped around him holding him tightly as he pleasured her. He knew that once he had taken her she would be his totally, and she would desire him so completely that she would be willing to satisfy his body in any way he wanted. As these thoughts played in Marc's mind, he realized that his thick black love member was pressing hard against his jock strap and now very much visible through the nylon fabric of his work out shorts. He checked his thoughts, realizing that he had to proceed slowly and carefully in order to make this dream into reality.

It took another twenty minutes for him to finish. He massaged smoothly and sensually first her shoulders, upper and lower back, her calf muscles and her thighs. He loved the feel of Lisa's body. He knew that taking her the first time would be total ecstasy for him. Now, he caused his fingers to travel very slowly and deliberately just a little under the towel, gently massaging very near to Lisa's clit. He knew he was taking a chance of losing Lisa permanently by going so close, so soon. But looking at Lisa's beautifully shaped and toned body, having his dark fingers so close to her slit, feeling her soft skin and taut muscles, was almost too much for Marc, and he felt his manhood as it throbbed with desire.

For her part, Lisa was about to react when she felt his fingers, but he moved them back, and then allowed them to circle toward her clit yet again. She knew he was playing with her. As his fingers felt the warmth of her inner thigh near her slit, Marc could feel his thick black love organ swelling larger and larger under his work out shorts. He smiled to himself when she did not react. This was good, very good. He knew that Lisa had to have known he crossed a boundary with his fingers, and yet she allowed him to without a saying a word. This was a surprise to Marc, a pleasant surprise.

She felt a thrill course through her body, because she knew that Marc did this on purpose. She had let him do it without comment, and she had to admit that her vagina was tingling with excitement, and her love juices were flowing. She was surprised at herself, that she didn't say something; instead she savored the excitement that he created in her body. She knew that she couldn't let him go any further, but she loved the feeling of arousal he was creating in her loins.

"Done for today, Lisa. I hope that was as good for you as it was for me." He offered with a broad grin. "I thought Matt was going to make it today, what happened? Did he get tied up somewhere? I'm not sure what you and Matt are doing tonight, but I am having a before and after stats party that you might want to come to. It's for about ten of my clients and their dates or spouses. They get to celebrate reaching their goals. Just some drinks, and light hors d'ouvres You might find it interesting. Some of these people have been working at this for months, and they're enjoying their successes. They'll probably have some pictures of themselves before they started their programs as well. I do it as a way to celebrate for them and let them show off and to give new people inspiration to stay with it."

"Thanks, Marc. Matt was supposed to join me here, but he did have some work to do. Tonight sounds interesting. But, Matt is flying out on a business trip to London, so I'm not sure if we can make it. But, on the other hand, his flight isn't until later, so I could just drive him from your place to the airport. I'll talk with him, but I'm thinking we can make it." As she got up from the table, Lisa quickly scanned Marc's ripped body with her eyes and was stunned by the prominent bulge in his crotch. This told her that his close massage was no accident. He caught her look, and smiled a knowing smile, and shrugged his shoulders as if to say: "What do you want from me, I'm human."

"Sounds good to me. And, if you don't have anything to do after you drop Matt off for his flight, maybe you can come back and join us in the spa. By that time, people will be relaxed enough to hop into the hot tub and have a couple of drinks, and who knows what." Smiling mischievously, he gave her his address. "I look forward to meeting the lucky man." He finished with a broad smile. As she looked again at his handsome face and totally ripped body, Lisa felt a wave of physical attraction for him wash over her.

"Why thank you. And I'm sure 'the lucky man' as you call him, will be happy to meet you too. I don't know about coming back after I drop Matt off. We don't usually do parties like that on our own. I would never be comfortable with Matt at a work party by himself; especially with all the young women he works with who are constantly flirting with him. And I'm positive Matt wouldn't go for me being in the spa with my ripped personal trainer, and his buffed students while he was on his way to Europe." She grinned and looked toward Marc's very obviously swollen manhood which his shorts were not doing a good job of concealing.

Lisa felt good about having said that, because she knew that she had basically put Marc in his place, giving him the message nicely that she was drawing the line. But, she thought to herself if she had met Marc in college some years earlier, before she had met Matt, there was a very good chance she would have at least dated him, even though back then interracial dating was just beginning to take hold. But Marc had such a beautifully sculpted face combined with such remarkably chiseled body, she would have crossed that line for someone like him.

Girls she remembered from college did it all the time, and happily. And she wondered to herself if she would have given up her cherry to Marc, the same way she did to Matt. And once again, she felt a thrill run through her body at the mere thought of fucking Marc. As she stood there holding the towel tightly around herself, she wondered what Marc's reaction would be if she just dropped it and stood naked in front of him. Looking at him, she just knew sex with him would be awesome. And noting that his bulging crotch must be covering a very serious sized piece of equipment, she mused about what having such a huge shaft in her would feel like. And she wondered further, how many of his clients he had fucked. She just knew that a lot of women would jump at the chance of fucking Marc.

She realized she had to purge these thoughts from her mind. And she determined to cease her mind's musings right then and there. Nevertheless, there was no denying that now, after several years as a married woman, she was flattered that he would try to flirt with her and that he actually got aroused by her. There was no denying one thing as a result of today's workout and massage, she was starting to feel good about herself and the way she looked.

As Lisa was leaving the fitness club, Matt was getting out of his car. He looked at her disappointed that he had not made it in time. "Sorry, Babe. Next time I hope. I just had a lot of stuff to get done before I leave tonight. How was it?"

Lisa smiled and told Matt: "It was perfect. The whole routine went fine, and the massage after was the best."

"Massage? Cool. I didn't know a massage came with this. Pretty nice! Who gave the massage?"

"Marc did. He was great. It felt so good and was so relaxing."

"You mean a guy gave you a massage? What did you wear?" He asked, sounding a little concerned now. And Lisa loved the sudden attention.

"I didn't wear anything, but relax, I was covered with a towel. And, he didn't try anything funny. He was very professional, he gives men and women massages all the time. And, believe me, he's so hot looking, he can have any of the women he wants around here, he doesn't have to waste his time on me."

"Lisa, what are you talking about? Do you have any idea how many guys would die to have a chance with you? What's more, do you have any idea how many guys would want to give you a massage with you covered only by a towel?" Matt's voice was elevated. And, Lisa was absolutely loving the attention she was getting from her husband. She didn't recall the last time he had been so concerned about her, it had been so long.

"You're sure he didn't try anything, Babe?" Matt asked, truly concerned.

"Matt, would you relax. He tried nothing. He was totally professional in every way. My workout session was great, and my massage was great. So you can just calm down." Lisa deliberately left out the part where Marc's fingers came oh so wonderfully close to her slit, and how it had affected her heart rate and caused her vagina to flush and throb.

"In fact tonight if you are up to it, on our way to the airport, Marc invited both of us to his place for a before and after stats celebration for some of his clients, just for drinks and hors d 'oeuvres So you can meet him for yourself. And, if you were here today, you would already know that he's a nice guy, and an expert at what he does."

Lisa also failed to tell Matt about her suspicions about Marc subtly trying to come on to her. She also left out the fact that Marc's love wand had come to life during her massage, and he made no attempt to hide it afterward. But, she definitely liked how Matt had returned to the cautiously jealous and protective husband she knew in their early days of dating and marriage. What's more, she felt excellent about the fact that he now had a taste of exactly what she felt while all of his female coworkers flirted with him, right in front of her. And as she thought about Marc, she felt butterflies in her stomach to even think that such a hot stud would actually possibly have an interest in her.

Goals Met

Matt agreed to stop at Marc's with Lisa on their way to the airport. He wanted to meet Marc and develop a sense about this guy who was suddenly massaging his wife's body clad only in a towel. With his upcoming trip on his mind however, and with Lisa's protests that Marc was totally professional, Matt didn't really let any of his fears about Lisa's massage eat away at him. That evening, packed and ready for the trip, Matt and Lisa drove to Marc's townhouse. They could only spend about an hour there before Lisa had to drop Matt off at the airport.

Marc welcomed them to his townhouse and the introductions between Matt and Marc took place quickly. Matt was instantly jealous when he saw the guy Lisa had told him had given her a massage as she lay naked with only a towel covering her. And Marc, took in Lisa's husband, realizing at once that the two of them made the perfect couple. He was a very good looking a guy as she was a very beautiful woman. For her part, Lisa looked Marc over, liking the short sleeved silk shirt he was wearing that didn't flaunt the wonderful body under it. She also liked his baggy slacks that just showed enough of his nicely rounded butt. She had only seen him in gym clothes, and he was still nice eye candy in his casual wear, just like her husband was.

Marc immediately offered drinks to his newly arrived guests, and he brought them to where the hors d'oeuvres were, pointing out the tasty and health conscious selection. He made a point of telling them both to be sure to try his black stuffed sausage, a beef sausage that was just the right blend of protein and fat, which tasted delicious, his own recipe, he said.

He smiled at Lisa when he said, "Be sure you try my black sausage, I know you're going to love it." And, looking at Matt with the same smile, "you know what they say Matt, once you try black..." And they all laughed, but Matt thought the whole sausage thing was weird and the comments were not as funny as Marc seemed to think. Then Marc introduced them around to a few of the couples. He didn't try to disguise the fact that he looked slowly up and down at Lisa, who was wearing a glove tight navy blue dress, cut short above the knees with matching spike heeled shoes. This was not lost on Matt, who was actually a little pissed that a guy would do this in front of him.

Lisa loved it. She had lived this with the flirts from Matt's office. Now he knew what it felt like. "Whoa, Lisa! I hate to lose a client, but that dress tells me all you need right now is maintenance. You look terrific, Lisa." Marc's compliment made Lisa feel great, but Matt was thinking that "This guy's gonna try to put the moves on her for sure. He's making it look like a compliment, but he really wants to take her panties."

Tonight, Marc didn't have a lot of time to have his plan work, but he was going to try. When Lisa had told him that she had to drive Matt to the airport, Marc enlisted his friend Miguel, an accountant like Matt, in his little plan. Marc introduced Matt to Miguel and Miguel was to chat Matt up and share stories. Miguel was good at this, and Marc knew that Matt would like the guy. But then Miguel would complain to Matt that he had to leave for the airport in about a half hour to fly out to France on business. The next step would be for Miguel to insist that Matt share his limo ride to the airport and spare Lisa the thirty five minute drive each way. In the meantime, just to ensure that Matt would take Miguel up on his offer, Marc would make sure her drink glass would be full for the next hour, making driving an unwise option til she had at least a coffee or two.

Miguel agreed to go along with the scam if Marc would set him up with Marc's latest conquest, a client he had taken for the first time a week earlier. Marc agreed instantly. While he didn't like to share, he would do it when it suited him. And the little collection of white wives he had taken were always willing to do him a favor when he required them to do so.

As Miguel and Matt were talking, Marc took Lisa and introduced her to a couple of his clients who had reached their weight loss and training goals and were celebrating. There were several other couples and singles present who were just there to help celebrate. When Marc wasn't getting his guests refills, he was spending all of his time with Lisa and the people she was talking to at the moment. He made sure that he complimented her in front of the group for her achievement of doing so many laps in the pool that morning. She blushed a little, but his comments made her feel good about the day.

When Miguel sprung the news to Matt that he too was going to the airport, he insisted that Matt join him in his limo so Lisa would not have to make the trek back and forth to the busy airport. Matt was actually relieved that Lisa didn't have to drive him in, as he knew the traffic was always a mess going into and out of the airport. For his part, Marc made sure that Lisa's wine glass was full, and his plan was starting to work, as he could tell that she was becoming increasingly relaxed and talkative with the people she was speaking with and sharing workout stories.

The limo arrived and before Matt left with Miguel, he said his good byes to Lisa, and he told her it would be okay to stay a while if she wanted, not to hurry right home. She was surprised and relieved, because at this point, she was starting to enjoy herself. Miguel and Matt left for the airport, and after dropping Matt off, the driver returned Miguel to his home and got a nice tip from Miguel for his services. It was a win win situation for Miguel and Marc.