Goals Set for Married Wife Ch. 01


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Over the next hour, Marc made his guests his special seasonal martinis, making certain that Lisa's was particularly potent. At some point, Lisa realized that Marc had placed his arm around her waist while they were talking and sharing a laugh in a group. Lisa felt a thrill move through her body. He didn't keep it there long, but she also noted that when he removed it, his hand slid slowly across her ass. No one in the group noticed it, but Lisa did. And this time, she couldn't deny the butterflies in her stomach and the wave of excitement that moved from her ass to her loins and her breasts. Her eyes widened in surprise as she turned to her host, who smiled mischievously at her. "Sorry Lisa, didn't get to touch that during the massage. Couldn't resist, I guess." Lisa gave him a stern look but one that said she wasn't really angry.

"Speaking of that, how does your body feel after your workout and massage today?" He asked, now engaging her one on one.

"Actually, it feels excellent. And the massage was so relaxing. I never had one before, and it was really good too, a good way to end the first workout."

Marc looked over to his hot tub on the deck where two couples had already immersed themselves in the warm water. "You ought to try the spa out, you'll be totally relaxed in there with the warm water and the massage jets. It's like getting another massage. I have swim suits from the club if you don't want to go au natural. But the others in there will probably give you a hard time. I think they don't have suits on."

"I don't know, Marc. I probably shouldn't. I think Matt would be really upset if he found out that after having a few drinks, I decided to get naked and jump into the spa.. But, it does look really inviting."

"Lisa, Matt told you to stay and enjoy yourself, right? So, enjoy yourself. He's not going to find out unless you tell him. And, you can wear a suit if you want. You can change out of your clothes in the bedroom, and there are body towels on the bed so you can look respectable as you make your trip from bedroom to spa. I'll even join you after I say goodbye to a couple of people who are leaving."

Lisa felt torn. She really wanted to try the spa, but she knew that getting naked and going into it, especially after the wine and her martini was probably not the best idea. At the same time, she found herself dying to see Marc out of his clothes and naked in the spa. The recollection of the prominent bulge in his pants earlier in the day had been on her mind all afternoon and evening. She knew that getting in the spa would ensure her that she would see his manhood, full and up close. And, with other people there, she knew he couldn't try anything funny. But seeing him naked would definitely provide her with fantasy material for the next few days while Matt was away.

"Okay, I think I'll try it. I'll do the respectability towel routine. And your wandering hands had better behave themselves, Mister." She gave him a stern look and smiled. For his part, Marc felt his cock starting to swell in response to the sandy haired beauty in front of him, who might very well spend the night in his bed and not Matt's.

Marc bid several of his guests goodbye and returned to the living area just in time to witness a naked Lisa joining the other guests in the hot tub. She removed her towel just as she stepped into the spa, and Marc caught a cameo of her naked body, noting her slender and toned torso with her absolutely perfectly full and shaped breasts, and her remarkable ass. His heart raced at the sight of the naked white beauty. He made her another drink, just to keep the buzz going. He didn't want her drunk, just very relaxed. Then he went to his room and slipped out of his clothes, wrapping a towel around his waist.

His flaccid cock was thick and about seven inches long. It bulged against his towel, and it always drew comments when he got into his spa with other people there. He would get into the spa very slowly because he wanted to make sure Lisa would get a good look at what could be hers.

Marc placed Lisa's glass on the edge of the spa to her right and asked his other guests if he could fix them another drink, but all declined saying that they needed to sober up before they left. Then Marc removed his towel and climbed in next to Lisa. Immediately two of the women called attention to Marc's obviously well endowed manhood. They joked and he stood there smiling at them saying, "Well ladies, if you didn't have your husbands with you tonight........" and he didn't finish. He was sure Lisa had had an excellent look as he lowered himself into the seat next to her.

Indeed, Lisa had had a very good look at Marc's entire body from the square shoulders, the sculpted torso with the perfectly formed and muscled pectorals, the magnificent cock which seemed simply huge to her, the beautifully muscled thighs and his really sexy rounded ass. She thought that his dark skin made him even more erotic looking. It was particularly interesting to her that while his body was a medium brown or mocha color, the shaft of his penis was a deep black color and the very thick mushroom head was also black with a pinkish tinge around the edge. He had been circumcised, and this allowed his thick mushroom to showcase itself all the more. He could easily have been a male model, and maybe he had been for all she knew. The bubbling waters of the spa swallowed his body, and he let his arms rest by his sides.

After the women's comments about Marc's endowment were finished, the conversation went to other things. Marc turned to Lisa and said softly, knowing that the other couples who were talking would not hear him: "I see you made it in here without any problem. It's not fair that I get comments, and you didn't because clearly you are the hottest lady to grace this spa ever. I bet the two guys over there have raging hardons right now because of you. I know I do." He looked directly into her eyes and smiled as he said this. Lisa was at first stunned, and she didn't know how to respond. But what he had said and the image of his cock swelled into what had to be a huge erection caused her breasts to tingle and her vagina to feel a surge of desire for the black stud next to her.

She giggled nervously at his comment, where normally she would have shut him down instantly. But the liquor was having an impact. Instead, she said: "Marc! You have to stop. I can't sit here next to you and let you talk like that." She knew she should probably excuse herself and dress and leave. Yet, she didn't get up. She didn't want to make a scene. She just sat there looking into Marc's eyes for a quick moment, thinking that she could still control the situation. and then she tried to join in the conversation of the others in the spa. But Marc was moving in on her fast.

He smiled at her and again said softly: "Lisa, if you really wanted me to stop, you would have gotten up and stormed away from here. But, here you sit, which confirms for me what I thought and hoped. You're as turned on by me as I am by you, aren't you? And you're wondering if I really do have a hardon right now, and you're also wondering how big it is, because I am almost certain that pretty boy Matt doesn't have me beat in that department, and you've never seen one this big. So, just so you know Lisa, I really do have a huge woodie going, and you really are the reason. What's more, I am going to let you feel for yourself, to prove what I'm saying is true." With that said, he again stunned Lisa by taking her hand under the water and bringing it over to his now throbbing shaft. He placed her palm on top first, then caused her hand to travel up and down the length of it.

The liquor had relaxed her enough to allow this to happen without her going ballistic, and Marc was right. She was turned on by him, and now that he had dragged her hand over to his manhood, she was totally shocked because it felt absolutely enormous, bigger than she had imagined. She tried to pull her hand away, just so it would look like she was being forced, but she didn't try very hard. And, she allowed Marc to move her fingers up and down his charcoal shaft several times before he finally let go of her hand. She pulled it away immediately, not wanting to appear to Marc to be a total slut. She was looking at his handsome face, and his smile with his dimples made him all the more attractive. She could feel her face, flushed with color over what had just happened. And she could also feel excitement raging through her body, particularly her full breasts and her vagina.

"See, I told you. So tell me, what'd you think?", he asked smiling at her, and then he looked over to his other guests and joined briefly in their conversations.

"I think I can't believe you just did that to me, is what I think. Marc, I'm married. I can't...." was all she said, but she stayed seated.

While talking with the couple across from him, Marc placed his hand on Lisa's thigh, and she placed hers on his, as if to stop him from trying anything else. He moved his hand up her thigh and she simply allowed him to do it, because even though she knew she should be getting up and leaving, she felt so attracted to this black stud that she wanted him to feel her, just as she had felt him. So, she let him. Somewhere in her mind, she thought she could stop him from taking her fully, but she'd allow him a feel, the same kind of feel he had made her do.

When Marc's fingers arrived at her pussy, it was totally drenched with desire and anticipation. And, even though they were in the spa, Marc knew instantly that she was wet with excitement. His forefinger and middle finger massaged her in a gentle circle, and then they slid into her, causing her to gasp just slightly. They slid in easily because she was so wet.

"You can say what you want, but you're so wet in there, I know you want this as much as I do. Were you wet like this this morning when I gave you the massage?" He moved his fingers in a slow circular fashion several inches into her love canal. Lisa held Marc's wrist, but she didn't try to pull him out of her. She looked at the couples across from her and tried to smile and talk, but her breathing was increasing, and she could feel her face totally flushed.

"So nice, Lisa, so nice! You feel just like I thought your would, so warm and wet. And, your breathing is telling me that you're pretty ramped up right now. I bet you wish these people would get the hell out of here." He looked her way and down at her breasts which were just below the water line.

"Marc, I have to go. I can't do this, I'm married. I can't. I've never done this before." At that moment, Marc removed his fingers from Lisa's cunt and took her hand again and brought it back to his throbbing cock. "Hold me Lisa, and we'll see if you can't do this. I know you want to, I can feel your excitement. You're drenched girl. And, you can feel my excitement for you. Hold it and slide your hand up and down, and take a drink of your martini. It'll relax you."

Lisa pulled her hand away, and glared at Marc. "I told you, Marc. I'm married. I can't do this." But she didn't try to get up and leave. Marc's eyes locked with hers and he said: "Lisa, look at you. Your face is flushed, your pussy is drenched, and you already felt me once, and let me feel you. And, you can't do this because you're married? Be serious! You clearly want to Lisa, you want to and you know it. Otherwise, you would have bolted out of this spa at my first touch." At this point, Marc took her hand once again and placed it firmly on his pulsing black shaft. "Hold me for three minutes, Lisa. Massage my cock up and down. Squeeze me hard, and then tell me you can't do this. Now take a drink and hold on tight, babe. One thing I can tell you for sure is that you won't be disappointed." He turned his attention to the other occupants of the spa and chatted with them as if nothing had happened.

In the meantime, the liquor was still working and Lisa did as she was told. She took a long drink of her martini, feeling the alcohol wash down her throat, feeling warm. She was holding Marc's pulsing shaft and could only imagine what his thick black cock looked like under the water. It felt huge, much, much bigger than Matt's. And, Lisa could feel Marc's fingers return to her pussy, circling and circling. Her breathing was increasing again, and she knew that if she let him keep this up, she would most certainly cum right there in front of his other clients and their spouses. While she wanted to let go, she also wanted to feel his monster cock. It felt so strangely large and powerful to her. The shaft was thick and hard as granite. She was now letting her pussy do her thinking, and it was telling her that Marc was really right, after all. She did want this, there was no denying it.

But at that moment, one couple and then the other said their good byes and thanked Marc for the party. She wondered if they knew what he was doing. They did not seem to, but Lisa was secretly relieved that they were going so she could speak freely and tell him that they had gone as far as they were going to go with this little feel up session. But even with that thought, Lisa kept her hand on Marc's rock hard and powerful manhood and she marveled in her mind at its thickness and its length. Lisa was running her hand up and down Marc's shaft but he did not seem to be having the reaction to her touch that she was having to his, and she felt a little disappointment.

His fingers continued to move in a circular fashion, and she could feel the beginnings of what would be a huge orgasm if she let him continue. Her breathing was increasing, and she could feel sweat on her brow, even in the spa. But, Marc was talking with his departing guests and showed not a sign that Lisa was even touching him.

He took his hand out of her suddenly to shake hands with his departing guests, and they said their good byes to her as well. Lisa responded and then said she would be leaving as well. She started to get up but Marc quickly put his hand on her thigh and pushed it back down. Marc smiled at her and asked her to at least stay a bit longer. She agreed and sat back down.

The guests dried themselves off, dressed and left after another round of goodbyes. During that time, Lisa had gotten up and moved to the other side of the spa, facing Marc. "Feel safer over there?, he asked.

Lisa looked at him and took in the stud across from her and felt herself weaken with the desire she had for him. It was partly the alcohol, but it was also the same feeling she had had when she first saw him, he was just incredibly good looking. And, she knew instantly when she saw him look at her that morning that he wanted her, and he knew she wanted him as well. She thought he could sense it. He was so hot looking, his face was still boyishly cute, his body was perfect, and his cock remarkable. But, she was married, and now would be honest with him, and make her stand.

"Marc, I don't know what just came over me. I didn't do anything while they were still here partly because I didn't want to make a scene, and partly because truthfully, I am attracted to you. I admit it. But I can't, I'm married. I just can't, so please respect that. And I have to go."

Before she could move to get up out of the spa, Marc stood facing her. Now, she saw with her eyes what she only imagined when he had placed her hand on his coal black shaft. It was huge, black, thick, long and strong. And, it was fully erect. It had thick veins running the length of the shaft. Marc moved toward her, and his cock was now only a foot or so from her face. He thought this might weaken her, he hoped it would.

Water dripped from his ripped torso, highlighting every muscled ripple. His tightly curled jet black pubic hair clung around the base of the monster cock. His ball sack was a huge pouch housing two very thick testicles. Lisa stared at her would be lover's package in awe. It was amazing to her that a guy could be so big. He didn't say a word, but rather reached into the water and took her hands and pulled her up to and against him. She resisted at first, but he held her firmly against his hard body. His cock was pointing up and was pressing against her stomach, and she could feel its warmth and hardness.

Lisa began again, "Marc, I can't, I'm....." But his lips covered hers and his tongue invaded her mouth. She struggled slightly at first, trying to keep her mouth closed, but his tongue forced its way between her lips and as his strong arms held her tightly against him, she allowed his tongue to play with hers. She allowed his lips to work their magic on her mouth, and she returned his kiss as she felt an incredible desire for this black Adonis building deep within her loins. Lisa's arms came up from her sides and she began pulling Marc's body into hers even more tightly. She used her hands to explore his tightly toned back, running them up and down and stopping on his beautiful black ass which she liked so well. Then, almost as if someone had flipped a switch on her, Lisa's hands reached up to his face and cradled it as they kissed. The kiss went on for several minutes as Marc sought to heighten her level of arousal, so that there could be no possible way for her to turn back.

Mars's hands did considerable exploring of their own as he kissed this married white beauty. His long arms allowed his hands to feel all of Lisa's beautifully soft white back and then to squeeze each side of her perfect ass, and then he reached under and up so that his long black fingers were once again in Lisa's cunt. Now she was absolutely drenched.

Good he thought, it will make it easier for her when he completed taking her for his own. But now, as her hands held his face, Marc's fingers were again circling within Lisa's love chute, and their invasion was taking its toll on her. As the fingers of his right hand pleasured her pussy, his left hand was gently squeezing her right breast, and it was almost too much for Lisa, and Marc knew it because her body was beginning to twitch and shake as it made its way to what would be a powerful orgasm.

But Marc stopped. He removed his fingers from her cunt, and he placed both hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her body downward. Lisa knew instantly what he wanted. And she had become so aroused by the intensity of their kissing and touching, and so excited by the feel of his hard cock pressed into her abdomen, that she allowed herself to positioned on her knees, almost in subservience to the black Adonis in front of her.

As Marc pushed on Lisa's shoulders, she kissed and nibbled her way down his hard and muscle rippled torso, licking and nibbling his nipples, kissing his defined abs, tonguing his naval, biting the little black knobs of body hair that trailed from his naval to his massive shaft. She had changed from the Lisa of a few minutes before who said she had to leave. Now, it seemed as though she couldn't have enough of the black stud in front of her.

Finally, on her knees, Lisa looked absolutely beautiful to Marc. Her body was perfect from the beautiful face, the perfect breasts, the toned abdomen, the remarkable ass. He felt his cock swell and throb with anticipation as Lisa took it in her hands without any prompting from him. Truly, she was going to be the perfect lover for him for some time to come. But now, she was about to achieve Marc's first goal for her. She was about to suck his black monster and swallow his love seed.

Looking at the coal black cock with its pulsing veins and knowing what was expected of her, she used both hands to grasp it. She could feel the life in Marc's shaft. Her hands could feel it pulsing, throbbing. She marveled at how erect and hard it was. Moving her mouth toward it, she kissed the tip of its thick mushroom while still holding the shaft with both hands.