Good Karma


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"Oh Crystal I can't even describe how good it feels there are no words!" I rejoined, also sans punctuation or pause.

It was true; I wished I could be in Crystal's head and body so I could know how I was making her feel. But I thought I could guess, as she began shrieking, fueling me on to jill her harder. She returned the favor, dripping sweat onto me. I was flattered, taking it as the compliment it was. Further, the whole spectacle amazed me, to be honest. Were I to step back from the situation—metaphorically, of course—it was surreal to put it all in perspective. I'd met this girl a month and change ago (through events best forgotten once resolved), had seen her in person two times before today, and here I was in bed naked with her. It seemed too good to be true.

But it was true. And I never wanted it to end. My wrist felt differently, but it didn't get a vote. Similar to my fantasy, we had our legs and feet curled around each other's. Dissimilarly, our paws were buried in one another's pussies! Our beautiful, drenched, famished, swollen, squishing pussies... oh, it was sumptuous. Simply splendid. We threw kisses back and forth as we could, their frequency diminishing as we fought for breath. The passion shocked me over and again with hot electric goodness. I looked up into Crystal's face. It was twisted and contorted in sweet, sweet helplessness.

Faster and faster, the passion spun us in its whirlwind, rocking us harder all the while. I could feel it growing too intense for me. Before I knew it, I was grimacing, moaning and clenching for release right there with her. I sensed neither of us could stand it any longer. We had to cum. Both of us. As close to simultaneously as possible. I looked desperately back up. She gave me a hasty nod. I saw with relief we were at the same point. It was time to make it happen.

We gripped extra tight with our gams. We kicked our hands into overdrive and rammed like mad. Crystal ground into me, using my breast to hold herself up, squeezing it hard. So hard it almost ached. We forewent the kissing and dug our teeth into each other's necks like vampiresses. Our juices raced with enough velocity to blow down our floodgates. And I know this was true of both of us, because not a second later I heard Crystal beat me to orgasm, cry out in lust... and felt her cum splatter all over my hand and thighs.

I could hardly believe it. She was a squirter too! Or I was better at this than I thought; didn't know my own sexual strength, so to speak. Or, she really really really liked me. To be honest, I didn't know if it was just one or all of them, and what was more, I had trouble caring. All I knew and gave a damn about was, right here and now, we were in the extreme throes of orgasm together.

Feeling her spray me and knowing I'd had that effect on her not only made my year. With her fingering and jilling me off, I flung my head to the pillow and whipped it to the sides, just as I'd done while intimate with myself. Within seconds, I came right along.


An immeasurable time and a few swear-bombs later, the deed was done. Crystal showed her appreciation—as well as just how powerfully I'd knocked her out—by collapsing on top of me. Which in turn knocked any remaining wind out of me, but once again, I didn't care. I couldn't. This was the most marvelous, majestic, magnificent, momentous night of my life. Putting aside the sublime physical lust for a few secs—no pun intended—and getting down to the real heart of the matter, a girl liked me. She really, really liked me! It's not as if it were the first time it visibly happened. But the instances it did were so few and far between that the novelty had yet to wear off. I felt so happy. I barely noticed as she climbed off me, presumably to go to the bathroom. I could've used a bathroom visit, but again, my legs weren't going anywhere just now. They did, however, allow Crystal to lift them in the air to place down a nice fluffy towel of her own. I could feel myself fading fast, just a few fleeting minutes of consciousness left. But I could still discern the wondrous feeling of Crys laying back down and cuddling me. I like to wish others sweet dreams, but I needed no one to wish me the same tonight. I smiled, cuddled back, and fell to sleep.


The Day I Find The Truth

Saturday, December 17th, 2016, 10:10 a.m.

Whenever it was I woke the next morning, I felt that initial disorientation of it being somewhere other than my own bed. I looked around and remembered where I was. Oh yes, I thought. My remembrance was punctuated with pure happiness. Not giddiness: happiness. Cloud ten. Eleventh heaven. Suddenly, I believed I knew what it was.

I got up, staggered to the bathroom with the help of the walls, and found my clothes. Once dressed, I followed the sounds of clicking and Christmas music into the living room. There sat a four-eyed Crystal, alternating between typing away on her laptop and scritching things down with a pencil. She looked up and saw me. And let out a small gasp, executing a rapid keyboard shortcut.

"Hey, sunshine!" She quickly dropped her pencil, rising to trot over, hug and kiss me. I smiled back through the kiss. Comforting and welcoming. Just like her. Oh, and those irresistible glasses. What a wonderful girl. What a wonderful morning. What a wonderful...

"Oh, what're you working on?"

"Oh, just..." She waved a hand. "Nothing. Nothing important. Can I make you some breakfast?"

"Um...well, I-I guess, but..."

Something about the way she reacted when she saw me made me curious.

"...Crys?" I asked as she entered the kitchen.

"Is...there something going on I should know about?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you...seemed a little panicked about something when I came in. Almost like you were...trying to hide something."

"Oh, nonsense," she chortled. "Nothing to worry about. Why don'tcha go sit on the couch, watch the fireplace log. G'ahead."

I wandered away, taking a few steps toward the sofa. But... but...

Oh, I knew it was wrong, so very wrong. And yet... my curiosity was nagging me. I couldn't help but think there was something she was trying to keep from me. I really hoped I was mistaken. Oh, I hated myself for being about to do this, but...

I did it. I'm sorry, Gracious Reader, I did. I had a bad friend moment. I approached her laptop, where she'd minimized all her programs to show only the desktop. I studied the taskbar. One app represented was MS Word. While still hearing kitchen sounds, I cautiously moused the cursor over, brought up the document and read...

Silence took over, save for the sounds of the season and cooking. Until Crystal as stealthily slipped back out of the kitchen.

"Gwenny? Did you w—"

I hadn't moved. I was caught proverbially red-handed, but in a way... so was she.

"Y—" She let out a small gasp, rushing towards me and the laptop, placing herself between us.

"Gwenny, you're not supposed to be reading that!"

For some reason, the first thought that popped into my mind was, Wow, déjà vu. Last night as we watched Loving Annabelle, the young lady protagonist unearthed something that made the mature one react the same way.

"And I think I see why," I replied. "It's about me."

It was true. Personal details I'd shared with her filled the document. She was using a different name, but this was unmistakably me. Social shyness, self-esteem issues, living with my Dad, perfect sibling, first girlfriend named...Terri... what was my life doing on her computer screen? Crystal looked down and sighed, knowing I'd found her out. I gave my head a slight shake, staring at her.

"Crystal, what is going on?"

She squirmed uncomfortably, not knowing what to say. My eyes fell upon her notebook where she was manually writing. At the top was pencil-scrawled "Psy final notes." This seemed to fill in the blank for me. I returned my eyes to her.

"Am... am I your psychology project??"

Crys blinked rapidly, shutting her mouth, swallowing. She groped for her words, raising her hands in an attempt to alleviate things.

"Gw-Gwenny, listen, I'm-I'm sorry. You-you weren't supposed to know about this, and I apologize. I guess working on it with you staying over wasn't a very good way to keep it secret. But...the answer is yes. Technically, yes, I-I made you m—"

My own hands flew up as well, to the sides of my face. I cut her off.

"W-wait a minute. Y—... I-I can't believe this. You made me think you really liked me all this time, that we had a genuine romantic friendship going on, you had sex with me last night... and now you tell me it was all just a...a-a project?? An experiment??!"

"Gwen, again, honey, you weren't meant to know this! I-I know that doesn't make it okay, but... I-I didn't expect things between us to go this far! ...I can't say 'love,' but I really didn't expect to fall in such...intense like with you. Okay. Yes, I admit...when this whole thing started with you hitting my car, I saw it as an opportunity. 'Cause you were in a position to compromise with me. And I was in a bind! I needed a case study for my final exam, and it couldn't be a family memb—"

"But it could be an unsuspecting new friend you'd just made love to? God! All those times you said you wanted to get to know me, you said I was so interesting and fun and cool, you were lying to me! You used me! Oh god, I knew it! A girl actually liking me, I knew it had to be phony somehow! And this is what I get for accidentally hitting your car! God, I am so stupid! When will I learn??!"

"Gwenny, please, just let me explain! I never actually lied to you. I really did and do find you so very interesting, I sw—"

"Yeah. RIGHT."

"I do! I promise you! Gwen, I am not a liar. Yes, in theory, I could've been more honest with you and told you everything early on."

"But then you wouldn't have been able to finish your precious psych project."

"Gwen, I was trying to protect you! I didn't wanna hurt your feelings!"

"My feelings're hurt now!"

"I know that. I can see that, and once more, I'm so sorry, Gwen. I know there's no reason for you to believe this, but I swear I'm telling you the total truth! I-I wish I was Pinocchio or I had a polygraph so I could prove it. I know that's easy for me to say now, and I know that's what I'd say if I was lying. But it's also what I'd say if I wasn't, which I'm not! ...How can I make you believe me?"

It seemed my self-absorption could be challenged after all. I didn't know how to answer this question. I didn't know what to make of her speech, if she was on the level or just putting on a performance. I wanted to believe her, I really did. It'd make everything feel so much better again if I could. For heaven's sake, we'd just been intimate. I decided to shut up for a bit and let the Christmas music and yule log carry us. I did as she asked me earlier and wandered to the couch, trying to sort my feelings. She followed, perching beside me. She placed her hand on my shoulder, and I let her. I knew how I was supposed to be feeling...

But if I were to be totally honest with myself, now that it was out and all the cards on the table... just how hurt was I? How terrible or humiliating did this really feel? Yes, it was low of her, but she seemed to mean well. But more importantly, beneath the indignance, part of me couldn't deny feeling... flattered. As bizarre as it seemed, I'd never received this kind of attention before. And if I followed the logic, if Crystal thought enough of me and my life to employ it in a serious academic assignment...she must've thought something of it. And I could see how others would be nonplussed, yet...I wasn't, I realized. I was flattered. Though one thing still troubled me.

"Wait. Crystal, were you even gonna ask me how I felt about my personal life being turned into a psychology assignment? For people to actually read about?"

"That—Gwen, I guarantee you the only person who's gonna read it is my professor. Trust me, she's really strict about that kinda thing. Confidentiality is the name of her game. Believe me, no one else'll see it. The names're changed anyway. So it's like it's your life, but it's not your life. ...Gwenny, I never meant to hurt you. Just the opposite! It's-it's like a tribute! I wanted to pay homage to how interesting I found you, by turning those fascinating details into a great final assignment. That's what it is. It's a tribute.

"Honestly, though, I really do feel bad for keeping it from you, and having you find out this way."

I eyed her inscrutably. At first I had thought the privilege of meeting her was the fruit of my good karma, for leaving the note on her car. But maybe... just maybe, it did have to do with Crystal, but at a slightly different angle. As I turned back to gaze once more into that beautiful, beguilingly bespectacled face, I was reminded of just how much I fancied her. I really did not like having self-relevant secrets kept from me. But her reasoning about paying tribute to me was compelling. Plus, her contrition was patently sincere. Plus, it was Christmastime. Plus, I realized I was now just making up reasons to forgive her quick and easy, when the truth was...

I didn't need a reason. I liked her. A helluva lot. And that was all I needed. So... I spoke.

"...How bad?"

Crystal lowered her brows and let them furrow a bit.

"How bad do I feel?"

"Yes. I understand your need to finish your assignment, and I don't want you to flunk your class. But that was kind of a rotten thing to do. If you'd been totally honest with me from the beginning and asked me to be your case study, I'd have probably said yes, actually. But if you could show me how bad you feel for keeping it from me...I'll forgive you."

"How can I do that?"

I crossed my arms. "Well, first of all, please promise me that if you conduct any more of these case study thingies, you'll tell the person about them upfront and right away."

"Absolutely, of course. What else?"

The corners of my lips curled up a smidge.

"You may finish cooking me breakfast, take me on a romantic date... and thoroughly cater to my sexual fantasies."

Crystal's face lit up as her lips also curled.

"I guess that means you do forgive me."

I gave her a small, flirtatious nod. "...And I know exactly which one to start with."


Do you want to know the most wonderful part, Blushing Reader?

It was only a tiny bit like I'd fantasized...

But even better.

Another day... and a long-awaited, well-deserved delight.

"Sense / You are in a room / On a king-size bed / On your own / And you close / Just one eye / 'Cause you're not really sure / If you wanna dream alone..."

(Author's note #1: thanks for your patience, Faithful Readers. As tends to, real life has gotten in the way of my writing a bit, and shouldered me with a new hobby which has forced quite the front-seat to it. In addition, I worked through a lot of block to produce this story, and so it felt as rewarding to complete it. And you, Treasured Readers, are more than worth finishing them for.

Author's note #2: I began writing this story, complete with Gwenny's great affinity for Roxette, in November 2019. During its pace, I regretfully learned and as forlornly now report to you that Roxette's female half and ballad singer, Marie Fredriksson, died of a brain tumor on December 9th. She was a born singing star. Her voice was iconic and paramount to fans of the band and of her solo work. I'm sure I speak for my fellow fanatics and aficionados when I say how dearly missed she shall be. As companion Swedish band ABBA once said... thank you for the music. May the best of wishes and good karma be with you, Marie.)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Tangent: If her mom had Huntington's, and she's her biological daughter, she has a 50% chance of getting the gene. If she has the gene, she has the disease and will, 100%, develop symptoms. It's an awful disease, and a strange thing for a young adult to gloss over.

More relevant: the described paper is unethical and would not be a college assignment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Though this has me puzzled: "And I'll turn the TV on low so we can chat." What does that even mean?

pope32767pope32767over 4 years ago
This is one of those rare stories...

... where it's the personality of the first-person narrator that's so compelling. I couldn't put it down even to get busy with myself ... much. In short: ~~ squeeee ~~

I do hope we'll hear more from Gwenny in the (near?) future. Although Crystal's POV might be equally interesting. Going to explore the rest of your work now.

stroudlestroudleover 4 years ago
Very enjoyable, great read

Its nice to see that honesty pays off for Gwen.

Although Crystal let down Gwen a bit towards the end I'm sure Gwen would enjoy Crystal making it up to her

I sympathise with Gwen and her insecurities and she is a thoroughly likeable character who narrates the story at a good pace. A nice erotic fantasy section and intimate scene to complete the romance

A nice tribute to a wonderful singer at the end as well.

Thank you Smokey for a great story, very enjoyable


BillyslateBillyslateover 4 years ago
Not Well Written!

This could possibly have been a nice "Romance" story, however "Good Karma" was so jumbled and haphazard in its presentation, that I lost concentration before page 01 ended.

I rated the story a 2*Star, which really needs to be rewritten.

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