Good Neighbor Sam


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"I got it from Monica, but we can get all we need from Sam," Kelly answered abruptly.

"Well, we - or you - don't need any," Bill said.

Kelly was perturbed but too mellow and buzzed to be really angry, so she just smiled at Bill and said, "You know what, Bill - I think I can decide what I need!"

With that said, Kelly went into the kitchen to get something to eat. She had a serious case of the munchies.

The Housewarming

About a month after moving into their townhouse Kelly and Bill decided to throw a housewarming party and invite their friends and neighbors.

Heather and her husband, Tom, were on the guest list, along with Monica and her husband, Barry, and Claire and her husband, Ray. Some other neighbors, who they didn't really socialize with, were also invited, including Sam.

The Housewarming was a big hit and was well-attended. Kelly spent most of her time with the three neighbors who had by then become her good friends, Heather, Monica and Claire. Bill hit it off fairly well with their husbands. In fact, Bill and the other three guys decided to get together the next weekend at a sports bar to watch a ball game and have a few beers together.

Bill paid particular attention to Sam, who naturally stood out, being the only black person in an apartment full of whites. Bill didn't like the way that Sam flirted and was overly affectionate toward the ladies. Of course, Bill had no idea that Sam was fucking Heather, Monica and Claire on a very regular basis.

Bill noticed that when Sam greeted Heather with a hello hug he held her tight and pulled her body close to his. When Sam said hi to Monica he placed his hand on her big baby belly and rubbed it for several seconds while whispering in her ear. And, most egregiously, Sam slipped his hand behind Claire as she leaned against the counter and he squeezed her ass.

Bill didn't see quite everything that Sam did, including the discreet contact that Sam had with his wife. At one point, Sam sidled up to Kelly and whispered in her ear.

"Hey pretty lady," Sam whispered, "there's a slip of paper with my phone number on top of your refrigerator. Call me when you're ready."

Kelly was taken aback and goosebumps popped up on her arms. Not knowing exactly what to say or do in light of Sam's secretive move, Kelly simply told him "thanks."

At one point during the party, Bill noticed that Kelly and the other wives had disappeared. Through the sliding glass door, he saw that they were outdoors on the enclosed patio area behind their townhouse. Stepping outside, Bill was not happy to see that Kelly was holding the bong that Monica had given her. With Bill watching from three feet away, Kelly smiled as she brought the tube to her mouth, flicked her lighter, and took a huge hit. Kelly then blew the smoke toward Bill's face and immediately returned her mouth to the pipe to take another hit. Bill turned, shook his head and went back inside, glad that he had not invited any of his people from work.

About 20 minutes later, Bill did something to aggravate Kelly, although with the buzz she had from smoking weed, Kelly was in too good a mood to let anything bother her very much.

While Kelly was chatting with Heather and Claire, Bill decided to show how hip and trendy he was by dishing out some compliments to his wife's friends. Heather and Claire were both dressed in outfits that showed off the tattoos that each of them had on their left shoulders. The tats were similar flowery designs that covered their shoulders and extended a few inches down their backs.

"Ladies, I've got say I love your tattoos," Bill said with a smile. "They look great on you and they're almost identical."

Kelly was quite surprised because Bill had never said anything nice about a woman's tattoo before.

"Well thank you Bill," Heather said with a smile. "We had them done by the same tattoo artist."

Claire then piped up, saying, "Kelly, I noticed that you don't have any skin art. Why haven't you ever gotten a tattoo?"

Before Kelly could answer Bill interjected, "Oh, Kelly is a big baby when it comes to needles. She's afraid to get a tattoo."

With that, some of the others standing nearby started kidding Kelly, in a fairly friendly way, calling her a "big chicken" and a "baby afraid of a little pain."

Kelly opted to just shrug her shoulders and laugh it off, but she decided then and there that she would get even with Bill the next day. Kelly kept smiling as she thought to herself "we'll see how Bill likes it tomorrow when I come home with a tattoo on my shoulder too!"

The housewarming party lasted until well after midnight. After cleaning up for an hour after their last guests departed, Kelly and Bill went to bed and fell fast asleep.

Kelly gets some ink

Kelly and Bill slept in the next morning, getting up at about 11 a.m. Both of them had mild headaches from the drinking they'd done, but were otherwise in good moods, remarking to each other that their housewarming had been a success and it was good to get to know their neighbors a little better. They sipped coffee and finished tidying up from the night before.

Kelly had not forgotten the vow she made to herself about getting a tattoo after Bill said they looked so darned good on her friends and then humiliated her for supposedly being afraid of needles.

Kelly discreetly sent a text message to Claire, asking her if she could run an errand with her for a few hours that afternoon. Claire's response was that she was free all day and Kelly could pick her up at about 2 p.m.

At two o'clock, Kelly got in her car and backed out, stopping in front of Claire's home and honking her horn once. Claire came out and hopped in the car.

"Where are we going, girlfriend?" Claire asked Kelly.

"I want you to show me where that tattoo parlor is," Kelly said, grinning.

"No shit?!" Claire responded in shock. "You're going to get a tattoo? I thought you were afraid of needles and too scared to be tattooed."

"That was some stupid bullshit from Bill," Kelly said somewhat angrily. "He's never wanted me to get a tattoo and he was trying to act cool last night. Well, I've wanted a tattoo for a long time and today is the day that I get one!"

"Well, you get no argument from me," Claire said. "Just head for that little shopping center across from the post office."

When they walked into the tattoo parlor, Claire said, "Hi Zeke, I brought my pretty neighbor here to get her first tattoo."

Zeke the tattoo guy smiled and said, "I love it when I get to put my ink on virgin skin! I guess someone else is getting a spade tattooed somewhere, right?"

"No, not today," Claire said. "She wants her left shoulder done like mine."

Zeke and Kelly talked for a few minutes, then Kelly took her top and her bra off, blushing with embarrassment, and she braced herself for the buzzing noise and the first touch of the tattoo gun. Kelly found that the sensation was more annoying than painful. It took a little longer than she'd expected, but soon enough Zeke invited her to admire her first tattoo in the mirror he handed her.

Kelly was a little shocked at the sight and for just an instant, she thought to herself "Oh, shit! What have I done?" But after she examined the tattoo for a few seconds, she loved the way it looked on her. She paid Zeke and exited the shop.

Leaving the tattoo parlor, Kelly got into the driver's seat of her car and Claire hopped in the passenger side. Out of habit, Kelly pulled her seatbelt across her shoulder and let out an "ouch" as the belt pressed down on her new gauze dressing. She giggled and slipped the shoulder strap behind her to avoid the pressure.

"I think your new tattoo is beautiful and Bill is going to love it," Claire said with a smile.

"I hope so," Kelly said somewhat apprehensively. "Well, he better love it because it's not going away! I still can't believe that I really got myself tattooed."

Then Kelly glanced toward Claire and asked, "What did that tattoo guy mean when he said 'I guess someone else is getting a spade tattooed somewhere?'"

Claire turned halfway in her seat toward Kelly and pulled her stretchy blouse down, uncovering most of her left breast and displaying a Queen of Spades tattoo a couple inches above her nipple.

"He thought you might want one of these," Claire said with a sly smile. "He just figured you were getting a Queen of Spades like the rest of us have. It's the symbol for white women who like to fuck black guys."

"Oh my god!" Kelly said. "I'm sure glad he didn't just do it! That's fine for you but it's not my style."

"Well, not yet anyway," Claire said with a loud laugh that caused Kelly to laugh too, and to shake her head in obvious disbelief.

Claire then said, "All I can say is Bill must be awfully good in bed for you to pass up Sam's big black cock! Sam would fuck you in a New York minute if you'd give him half a chance."

Kelly chuckled and said, "I wouldn't say that Bill is 'awfully good' but sex with him is fine and I'm not ready to take that chance with Sam."

"Well," Claire said reassuringly, "Sam will be ready when you are."

Kelly thought about the message that Sam had whispered to her at last night's party, saying he had left his phone number on top or her fridge and she should call him "when she's ready." Kelly made a mental note to get the slip of paper off the refrigerator before Bill found it and got suspicious.

Arriving at the townhouse complex, Kelly parked her car and Claire exited and headed toward her place, pausing to say "let me know how Bill likes your new tattoo!

Kelly walked into her living room and found Bill lounging on the couch, watching TV. Bill noticed the bandage over his wife's left shoulder, under her top.

"What happened to you, baby?" Bill asked, sitting up straight.

"Let me show you," Kelly responded as she unbuttoned her blouse and removed it. Then, standing in front of Bill wearing her bra and shorts, Kelly pulled off the gauze dressing for the big reveal.

A look of utter shock swept over Bill's face and he shouted, "Oh my god, Kelly! What the hell did you do?!"

"It's pretty obvious, honey, that I got a tattoo!" Kelly said. "Don't you like it? It's just like the ones that Claire and Heather have and you said last night that you loved theirs."

"I was just saying that to make them happy! You should have known that I didn't really mean it!" Bill said as he stood and closely examined his wife's shoulder.

"Honey, when you say something I take you seriously," Kelly said, looking Bill square in the face. "I also didn't like it when you said I was afraid of needles and scared to get a tattoo. That was pure bullshit!"

"Did you have to get something so big and gaudy?" Bill asked, still looking Kelly over. "Why couldn't you get a little something that you could hide?"

"I don't want to hide it! I want to show it off!" Kelly declared. "When I do need to cover it, for work or whatever, I can just wear a blouse with a little sleeve or even a tee shirt."

"Well, cover it tomorrow when we go to my mother's house," Bill said, issuing a direct order.

"No fucking way!" Kelly said adamantly. "This tattoo is part of me now. It's the way my shoulder looks from now on, like it or not, and I'm not going to spend the rest of my fucking life hiding it from you or your mother!"

"Nice language," Bill groused. "I notice that you like to toss the "f" word around nowadays, just like your new friends around here.

Bill and Kelly didn't speak much the rest of the night. Eventually, though, Bill did warm up to Kelly's tattoo, thinking that it did make her look just a little more wild and vivacious.

Guys' day out

On Saturday afternoon, the other husbands showed up at Bill and Kelly's place to head over to the sports bar for a few beers and some chicken wings as they'd planned at the Housewarming party. Heather's husband Tom was there, along with Claire's husband, Ray, and Monica's husband, Barry. Bill drove the foursome to the nearby bar and they ordered a pitcher and some wings then started talking about themselves, their jobs, sports, and people around the townhouse complex.

At one point, Bill asked "So, what do you guys think about Sam?"

The other three hubbys just smiled and glanced at each other.

"Well, what's there to think?" Barry said. "It is what it is."

"Hey, Sam is the man!" Tom said with a shrug and a grin, bringing chuckles from the other men.

Bill didn't quite understand the remarks he was hearing, but he continued to make Sam his topic of conversation.

"You know, I didn't really like the way Sam treated the ladies at our party," Bill said, becoming a little serious. "I mean, he was pretty touchy-feely with our wives. I even saw him squeezing one of your wives on her ass."

The other husbands just shook their heads and laughed out loud.

Barry then dropped a bombshell on Bill when he said, "I guess Sam figures there's no harm in copping a feel. He's fucking them all anyway."

"What?" Bill exclaimed. "What did you say? What do you mean he's fucking them all anyway?!"

"Bill, didn't you know that Sam is getting a piece of ass from all the girls?" Ray said. "Did you think he was just fucking Kelly?"

"What the hell?!" Bill shouted angrily. "I should punch you in the nose (although Ray was much bigger than Bill). You can't say that shit about my wife!"

Tom held his hands up and said, "Whoa, Bill, calm down. Don't get so pissed off. It's not just Kelly. Sam's in everyone's pants and we've learned to live with it."

"Sam is not fucking my Kelly!" Bill screamed, causing some of the other customers to turn and stare.

"Are you sure, Bill?" Ray asked incredulously, "because your Kelly is drop-dead gorgeous and I can't imagine that Sam would pass her up."

"Yes I'm sure!" Bill said. "I can't believe you guys! Are you telling me that Sam is fucking all your women and you're okay with it?!"

Tom said, "I know it takes a little getting used to, but Heather is a hell of a lot happier and is so much more into sex since she started fucking Sam. I got a little crazy when he knocked her up, but you know, I love little Brandon even though he's black and everyone can tell that I didn't father him."

Trying also to console Bill, Barry said, "Monica is hornier than hell since Sam got her pregnant five months ago. I need Viagra to keep up with her! And I actually love watching her belly grow, knowing she's carrying his black baby. Sam's turned my Monica into the hot wife I always wanted and I'm sure he'll do the same for Kelly!"

Bill just grimaced and sat there stone-faced.

Tom and Ray changed the subject, pointing out some of the sports action playing out on the big TV screens, and they ordered another pitcher of beer, but Bill was too stunned to have much fun from that point on. He hardly said two words to anyone as he drove the guys home and everyone went their separate ways.

Bill wonders if Kelly wanders

When Bill arrived at home he discovered that Kelly wasn't there. He let his beer-addled brain meander and began to imagine that Kelly might be at Sam's place. He pictured her in his mind, naked and lying on Sam's bed, his dark skin contacting and covering her entire body while his black cock pushed deep into her pussy. He thought to himself that she'll probably say she was over at Monica's or Claire's, but where there's smoke there's fire, and the other guys were pretty damned positive that Kelly has been getting herself black-fucked just like her slutty new friends. Bill slouched on the couch, imagining even more, picturing his sweet wife with Sam's big black cock in her mouth. Eventually, he dozed off to sleep.

When Bill woke two hours later, it was getting dark outside and Kelly was sitting at the other end of the couch, tapping on her iPad.

"Hello sleepy head," Kelly said with a smile. "You must have had a good time with the guys at the bar."

"It was okay," Bill said, not letting on that he had a terrible time, hearing about how Sam was fucking all the females, including his wife, according to the other husbands.

Bill continued, "You weren't home when I got here. Where were you?"

"I was at Claire's," Kelly answered.

"I figured that's where you were," Bill said, still wondering to himself if she might have been at Sam's instead.

"I wanted to show Claire the new top I bought to show off my tattoo,"

Kelly said with a grin. "Do you like it?" Kelly then stood up in front of Bill and turned around a few times, giving him a good look at the skimpy, tight, stretchy tube top that left her shoulders and her belly exposed and displayed her nipples through the cloth.

"Why aren't you wearing a bra?" Bill inquired.

"I don't need a bra with this, silly," Kelly said with a giggle. "I think it's sexier than hell and it shows off my tattoo and my boobs!"

Bill wondered to himself why Kelly would want to look sexy while he was out with the guys.

"So, are you hungry?" Kelly asked. "What would you like to do about dinner? We could go out and let everyone see what a sexy wife you have!"

"No," Bill said immediately. "I had a lot of chicken wings and fries and I'm not very hungry. Can you just fix a salad or something here at home?"

"Sure, that's easy enough," Kelly said, somewhat disappointed.

After dinner, Kelly and Bill watched TV for a couple of hours, then Kelly put her arms around Bill's neck and said "I'm feeling horny, handsome. Let's go to bed!"

Bill remembered what the other husbands said about their wives being hornier since they started fucking Sam, and once again, he found himself wondering.

In their bedroom, Bill got himself undressed and sat on the bed. Kelly stripped off her clothes too and then playfully threw herself on the mattress and laid on her back with her legs spread wide open.

"You shaved your vagina!" Bill exclaimed, noticing Kelly's bald pussy, exactly as she'd hoped he would.

Looking more closely at his wife's bald snatch, Bill asked, "Whose idea was this?"

Kelly was a little startled by Bill's question and tersely answered, "It was my idea, and yours, if I remember correctly. You were complaining about getting my pubic hairs in your mouth and I said I would shave it. I just love it this way and I thought it would be a nice surprise for you."

"It is nice," Bill said, trying to make amends, and he started to run his fingers over her smooth mound.

"Keep that up!" Kelly said, as she put her hand over his and tried to guide him to effectively finger her clit. When Bill did not exactly "hit the spot" Kelly began to rub herself, moaning softly.

"I don't think I've ever seen you masturbate in front of me before," Bill said quietly, once again wondering whether Kelly's newfound sexual adventurism was inspired by a certain Negro in the neighborhood.

"Come on, honey," Kelly cooed, "eat my pussy why I diddle my clit, then you can fuck me!"

"You don't have to talk dirty on my account," Bill said, as he positioned himself to connect his mouth and tongue just below Kelly's wiggling fingers.

"Ohh yes," Kelly moaned. "Oh, I love feeling you eat me. I feel it so much more since I shaved! Oh god, I'm going to cum! Ooooohhh, Ooooohhh, Ooooohhh!" Kelly nearly screamed as she experienced a rare and welcome orgasm, thanks in large part to her own finger-play, but extremely pleasant, regardless.

"Now you can fuck me!" Kelly said, deliberately emphasizing the word "fuck." "How do you want to do it sweetheart? Do you want me to get on top?"

Bill was slightly annoyed by Kelly's suggestion that they try something different when she knew very well that he preferred the missionary positon. Bill eased her onto her back and moved in to slip his cock into her slit.