Guilty Pleasures - Finalé


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I stepped behind Anne and slid my hands up her flanks. Monica obligingly slid her hand free of Anne's tasty breast for me, and I reached between them to cup Anne's thrilling handfuls. Monica pressed her own chest against the back of my hands. I nuzzled the back of Anne's neck, then leaned forward from my greater height and kissed Monica's cheek. She relinquished Anne's mouth and kissed me deeply but briefly, before returning her attention to the onyx-haired lovely between us. I released Anne's breasts, and began to unbutton the cardigan. The stretched cotton of the sweater pulled away as I released the buttons, settling aside when I undid the last. I found she was wearing a bra, but not much of one, as I stroked its lightly lacy cups. My finger tips brushed over a plastic clasp as they delved between her breasts, and my lips curled in a smile. Excellent!

With a twist, I had the bra undone, and it too swayed free of her delicate mounds with their fascinating pink nipples.

It was not hard to get Anne to release Monica long enough for me to slide both bra and cardigan off her shoulders and arms. Then she languorously wrapped her arms around my lady again.

Monica seemed suddenly bemused to be holding a completely topless girl, but, er, embraced the sensation.

I slid around behind Monica now. Anne had already returned her hands to Monica's ass, and I placed my own hands on hers, squeezing that curvy work of art with Anne's fingers. I whispered in Monica's ear, loud enough for Anne to hear. "You like kissing my nipples. You need to try kissing hers." Anne groaned in anticipation.

I felt more than saw Monica's eyes dart to the side toward me for a moment, and I felt her take a breath. Then she flexed her knees and, still holding one breast in her hand, lowered her mouth to the other nipple. Anne shuddered as Monica's lips clasped around the pink bump with its barely-there aureole.

Monica was tentative... for about ten seconds, then Anne tensed happily, and I knew my goddess was doing the tongue thing.

My hands went around Monica and got to work on her top's buttons in turn. Those buttons were smaller, and more fiddly, and it was harder to get them undone, especially with Monica leaning down to suckle on Anne, but I soldiered through, because I'm just that selfless.

With the blouse undone, I cupped Monica's breasts happily. There was no bra, but I already had known that. I had happily watched her get dressed before the movie, and whatever eventual hesitation she may have had with Anne, she had gone out loaded for bear. I slid her blouse free smoothly, and Monica straightened. The two experimented with the feel of their naked breasts pressing against each other as they shared yet another kiss, then Anne leant down to taste Monica's puffy nipples for herself.

I hardly need to mention that I was hard as steel by now, and I was just a bit uncomfortable in my shorts. But this was about the two of them for the nonce, and I considered my next clothing removal options.

I remained behind Monica and pressed my bulge against the back of her skirt, drawing a quiet murmur. Reluctantly, I pulled back slightly and pressed her skirt upward. I looked down as her smooth round butt emerged from the rising hem. I already knew she had that purple thong she likes so much on, so from my perspective, she was already bare-assed. But I knew she wasn't, and that had to change. I tucked up the back of her skirt to keep it out of the way and massaged Monica's bare curves. Then I hooked a finger into the extremely narrow back strap of the thong, and ran it down underneath her, brushing along a very moist slit. From there, I tugged downward lightly, until the thong slipped down just a touch. I left the crotch dangling an inch or so below her pussy, and reached up to grab the waistband and tugged it down. The thong dropped away, and Monica almost negligently kicked it away.

Anne took the opportunity to drop her hands back to Monica's now bare ass and massage some more. I gently took one of her hands and slid it around to Monica's front and under the skirt there. I placed it against her mons, and my lady shivered and tensed happily. When I let go of Anne's hand, she slid it downwind between Monica's legs all on her own.

Monica moaned as I stepped around behind Anne again. I made quick work of her shorts, letting them slide down to her ankles. They were loose enough that, even with her white tennis shoes still on her feet, Anne stepped free easily. Anne had definitely also been ready for their 'date', as she had not bothered with panties. I took a moment to massage her tight little ass, then slid a hand down and under her from behind. She was just as damp as Monica, and my middle finger slid inside her with ease. But I pulled it free again after only a brief, pleasurable exploration, and I slid around next to them both.

Monica's skirt zipped on the side to which I had moved, and I tugged it open. Anne not only got her hands out of the way, she took it on herself to push Monica's skirt to the floor.

Now I stood there, drinking in two utterly naked beauties, Anne in just her sneakers, Monica only wearing her nice, two-inch back heels, as they continued to make out.

Life was good.

They broke off their kiss and grinned at each other.

"We're naked and he's fully dressed," Anne observed.

"Gotta fix that," Monica replied.

"Yeah, I'm all hesitant and awkward and shit without his involvement," chuckled Anne, whose hands were squeezing Monica's ass fervently and not at all awkwardly.

"Language," I tutted.

That got me a laugh. It also got me shoved toward the couch in the living room. Before I got there, Monica began tugging my shirt off, and Anne, who was behind me, was tugging at my shorts. She tried shoving both them and my boxers down simultaneously, but my cock hung up on the boxers and I winced.

"Sorry," Anne said softly, and waited for Monica to get my shirt completely off. Then she asked, "Grab his cock, will you Monica? I need to get these shorts off without his clothes hook in the way."

Monica laughingly grumbled about Anne needing help with her job, but quite happily delved her hands down under my boxers' waist and enclosed my cock in her grip. With that, Anne smoothly slid down my boxers as well.

"So, I guess it is sex while wearing shoes day today," I observed at our uniform state of near undress.

"That's handy, in case we move outside," Anne said, her hands now joining Monica's on my junk. After a sublime moment or two like that, Anne shoved me toward the couch. "Sit," she told me. She turned to Monica, "I want to kiss you some more, with his cock between our mouths. It's the best thing ever."

"You think it is the best thing ever?" I asked with a snort.

"I think I haven't tried it yet," Monica added acerbically. "Sit down, so I can."

I sat. I'm compliant that way.

In moments, I felt four lips surrounding the helmet of my cock and I collapsed back on the couch with a happy groan.

After a moment or seven of this nirvana, I summoned the will to barely whisper, "This is incredible, but this is your date, guys. I'm supposed to just be the cheat code."

"Shut up, Clark," Monica murmured around my cock. Then she slid her mouth completely over me and sucked me in slowly, then released me just as slowly. As soon as I popped free, Anne did the same, keeping her eyes on me as she took several inches of me within her mouth. Her gaze shifted to Monica and she let me slip free. They then began trade back and forth, taking me in, torturing me with their tongues, and letting me slide free. Instead of looking at me, though, their eyes never left each other's.

Then, when it was her turn, Monica gabbed my shaft with one hand, pointed it upward, and pulled Anne toward it with her other. She rubbed my saliva-covered cock back and forth over Anne's delectable breast. I hissed, and Anne moaned in approval.

The issue was, this was supposed to be about the two of them, especially Monica, exploring each other, not turning me in to a jizz sprinkler. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

I reached out and grabbed Anne under her arms, lifting her up to sit on the couch, as I slid off that piece of furniture at the same time. I had only to touch the inside of Anne's knee and she obligingly spread her legs delicately, leaning back slightly against her arms on the couch's cushions. She looked back and forth between us with a crooked grin.

Monica just stared, then looked at me expectantly.

I just raised my eyebrows and stared back. "Do you want to do this, Monica?" I asked in a voice that clearly expected a yes, but was open to a no.

She hesitated for a moment, her deep dark eyes wide. Then she looked at Anne, who merely bit her lower lip and nodded with a tiny but eager movement. I leaned in and kissed Monica on the cheek softly. My hand caressed her ass, but I did nothing else.

"In for a penny," breathed Monica, and she slid over a little against me to bend between Anne's legs, which sagged a fraction further apart in anticipation.

Monica bent, and started by kissing the inside of Anne's shapely knee, then kissing it hard, then licking in the same place. With almost imperceptible movement, she headed up Anne's thigh.

In about a minute, she had moved less than two whole inches. Anne caressed one of her own breasts idly and sucked on her teeth. "For chrissakes, Monica! You aren't Clark. Not everyone has to take half an hour just to get to the fucking starting line."

"Language," I said, from my remote viewpoint of two feet away.

"Please tell her she can hurry up a little," Anne implored me.

I leaned over to Monica and spoke into her ear in a very audible stage whisper, "You are doing great, Babe! Keep doing what you think is right."

Anne glared at me like the traitor I was.

"I think I must be doing something right, if you are getting desperate already," Monica observed, lifting her face to stare at Anne for a moment. Then she lowered her face again, but almost six inches closer than before. Now she was licking her way upward, and going much faster, in relative terms.

Anne was clearly enjoying herself. She was also somewhat fascinated by this older woman between her legs as Monica obviously evaluated what she found herself doing and whether she liked it. But mostly Anne was enjoying herself. She still shot glances at me continuously, as if needing me to be there.

Monica reached Anne's crotch and lifted her head a bit. She smiled up at Anne. "I guess I'm here," she said a little breathlessly.

Anne giggled, and chirped, "Yep. Yes you are."

Monica hesitated one more moment, balanced on a knife's edge.

It is a big moment, the first time anyone pleasures a vagina, and I suppose for a woman, it must be a real Rubicon moment.

Monica crossed.

Her head bent, and I saw her tongue extend tentatively. Anne's thigh lifted slightly, and I lost my direct line of sight. She also sighed appreciatively as Monica did whatever she was trying to do. I stroked my lady's back in encouragement.

As Monica explored, Anne mostly just sighed or crooned. At one point she said, "slower." Then, after another few minutes, she said quickly, "Not so hard!"

Monica lifted her head, "Sorry!"

"You... are doing great," Anne groaned.

"It is really hard to tell what is right when you aren't feeling it yourself," Monica went on in a little bit of frustration. "Clark never gets it wrong," she almost complained. "How do you do that?" she turned to ask me.

"Uh, practice?" I replied, bemused to find myself in the conversation at this moment. My cock was hard as a rock, and I had been mesmerized. All this chatting left me feeling like I had been riding in a car that hit the brakes hard. "Um, just look at Anne here," I said to Monica. "Just enjoy yourself and go slow. But," I went on, moving up to kiss our friend lightly, "put most of your attention on her reactions. This little hot rod of a body will tell you when you are doing it right." I stole a brief but wonderful caress of one of those delicate, elastic breasts, pinching the tiny nipple gently.

"Oh, so I'm a hot rod, am I?" Anne purred, as I pulled away from the two women.

"Oh yes. You are," murmured Monica, who bent once more between those sleek legs.

As she resumed, Anne was more vocal about what was working, but her body was giving Monica all the clues she needed regardless. I smiled as things began to go swimmingly. Monica was actually a very detail-oriented woman, and Anne was enjoying the details.

My cock could not take it any more, and with a grin at the flushed face and sparkling eyes of Anne, I moved around behind Monica. I caressed her ass, then began rubbing my cock across its cheeks.

Monica froze for just an instant, then wiggled her ass at me as she did something that made Anne moan. Upon hearing that, she slid her legs apart just a bit more. I grabbed my cock more firmly and pressed it against Monica's eager slit. Slowly, I began to work myself into my lady. The moans she made as I penetrated her drew more delicious sounds from Anne in turn. But it did seem to distract Monica from her task momentarily.

"What... are you doing, Clark?" Anne gasped. Then she yelped happily as Monica doubled down on whatever she had just been doing before.

"I'm just giving her some encouragement," I told Anne as I slid smoothly in and out of Monica's embracing confines.

Annes' eyes were glued to me pumping into Monica. "Yeah? I'm going to need some of that encouragement myself in a bit, please," she gasped.

Monica lifted her head. "Oh yeah. You will..." Then she bent back down.

Ordinarily, I can go for a while, but the combination of the amazing but unfinished blowjob, Monica's always deliriously responsive body, and the sight of my Anne's spread eagled form, flushed face, and sweat beginning to bead on her quivering, delicate breasts had me getting ready far sooner than I would have liked.

But Anne was also clearly starting to get there too. He face was flushing even harder, and she was biting her lip almost constantly, when she wasn't making noise. Her hips were starting to roll and writhe as they did when she was almost there. Her fingers ran delicately through Monica's blonde tresses, but I could see the effort Anne was putting into not just outright grabbing her head.

It was weird that I had a better read on Anne's level of arousal than of Monica's, but my blonde goddess was definitely growling happily against Anne's hairless snatch. And that was making Anne rev even harder.

Suddenly, Anne's head dropped back, and her spine arched. "Oh fuck..." she gasped, and keened happily, her whole body and not just her hips, writhing now. Her thighs squeezed together against Monica's head, and she could not help but pull her hair.

The sheer spectacle of that orgasm pushed me suddenly over the edge on which I had not been fully aware I was teetering, and I grunted in pleasure and surprise as I began to pump cum into Monica's depths.

Monica may not have been on the edge, but a few seconds of Anne's spectacular release, my cum flooding her, my desperate thrusting, and I am sure mostly a sense of accomplishment, and I felt my lady absolutely spasming around me. She ripped her head up from between Anne's clenching thighs and gasped a long, wordless cry. It went on, and she began to toss her head back and forth, yanking around Anne's hands as they still refused to let go. I drove into her again, reveling in the overload of post-ejaculatory sensation.

And Monica bent her face once more between Anne's legs, whose eyes widened at me, then down at the blonde head over her pussy. In seconds, Anne was gasping again as well.

It was a surreal moment of orgasmic bliss and simple perfection. My lady clenching around me, the three of us all slightly disassociated from reality at the same time, yet in perfect sync, and my Anne gasping in wild pleasure.

'My Anne'?

Uh oh.

Oh shit.

It was supposed to be My Monica-My Lady. It was not supposed to also be My Anne.

Anne was always, always the danger.

I collapsed back on my heels, sliding from within Monica. Monica, in turn, rolled away to the side, her hair sliding freely from Anne's now almost nerveless fingers. Anne's eyes closed blissfully in her lovely face.

I was freaking out. I was trying not to show it, and at first, the girls did not notice. Anne had leant forward and was somehow kissing Monica feverishly and languidly at the same time. But my mind was not in any better shape by the time they broke it off and turned their smiling faces toward me. And they both instantly saw that something was wrong. They exchanged glances.

Anne, of course, damn her, did the perfect thing. She simply stood and stretched. "I am going to go lie in the sun and recover," she said softly, not acknowledging... whatever the fuck my problem was, but giving me space with Monica. She walked, still spectacularly naked, out my back door. I could not help but watch her go.

"What's the matter?" Monica said, sliding across the rug to wrap her arms around me. I kind of shrugged helplessly, raising and dropping my arms. Things were still just clicking into place in my head. "Is it seeing me with someone else after all? I'm sorry, I just thought that was about other men. I should have thought..." Monica tried to apologize.

I snorted, a trace of good humor reasserting itself. "Not hardly! Seeing you with another woman was hot as the Sun. As long as I'm getting to play, too, I'll happily see that any time. Threesomes are definitely not a problem for me." If the other girl was not into my involvement, then I would not want to watch, I realized...

"Just not threesomes with another guy," she said with a dry laugh.

I looked at her sheepishly. "Yes," I said. "I'm so fucked up. You know, I might be able to manage a threesome with another guy, a controlled threesome, but only if the woman was not you. That's the part I couldn't handle." I kissed her solidly. "I'm sorry about that."

"I told you, it is okay," Monica said, kissing me back reassuringly. "I know that when I inevitably come up with a hard no here or there, you will accept it too, right?"

"Of course."

"Then why do I feel that there is still a problem?"

"The problem is not general. It is specific," I said miserably. "The problem is Anne."

"Anne?!? Are you high? That girl is wonderful. She's damned near perfect," Monica protested.

"Exactly. Anne is always the danger. She always has been. She is the one who broke me down, which led to everything else. She is, for me, Temptation Incarnate. I sat there, sort of floating above my body a few minutes ago, and I'm thinking of her as My Anne. My mind is full of how perfect this was. How I wanted to keep it. She is destabilizing. We are already a delicate balancing..."

"Clark, shut up," Monica interrupted. "You are babbling. You can relax. I have no intention of sharing you with Anne, or anyone else. I'll lend you," she smirked, "but I won't share you with her."

"And I do not want to share you with her either," I said fervently.

"Share me?"

"You just said yourself that she is perfect."

"Well she... I mean..."


"No!" Monica laughed. "Calm down, Clark. We are both safe, because we have each other. And we are even safer, because while that girl does indeed enthuse about your cock, she sure as hell is not interested in a relationship with you. Or me. She doesn't even want to live in North Carolina once she graduates." She kissed me again, and held my head in her hands, so I could not look guiltily away.

"Look at me, Clark. Enjoy that little 'hot rod' body occasionally, just like she wants to occasionally enjoy yours. I might even be able to enjoy being with her some time again. This is what we do."