Guilty Pleasures - Finalé


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"Okay," I said, nodding and climbing down from the mental clock tower. "But while I am now firmly in favor of the occasional threesome... not with Anne. Not again. My head will go there again, I just know it."

"All right. I can see that. Now that you've put the thought in my mind, mine would probably go there too," Monica laughed. "But we aren't done with this time, Mister. I am still thoroughly horny." Her hand went out to my cock, which was at about half-mast. It jumped almost instantly when she caressed it. "And so are you, I feel."

I grinned a crooked grin. But...

"And I'm very sure that that lovely girl outside, giving us our space, is still horny. You definitely still owe her a thorough fucking, Clark. I need to see how I handle watching you do that."

"I hadn't thought about that issue," I said, immediately wanting to gnaw on another problem.

"I think I'll live," Monica laughed. "If I don't like it, we don't do it again. But I won't freak like you are afraid you would."

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure," she said firmly. "At the moment, I'm looking forward to it." She flowed gorgeously to her feet, and grabbed my hand. "Let's go sex her up," Monica laughed. I smiled, took a deep breath, and walked with Monica out back.

We found Anne draped over my favorite chaise, looking spectacular in the late afternoon sun. She had grabbed a magazine on her way out, and I was fairly bemused to see her lying there naked in sneakers, reading Garden & Gun, the fall color just beginning to kiss the leaves of the trees in and around my yard.

She heard us coming and put down the magazine. She looked at us seriously but calmly. "Do I need to be going?" she asked softly, unjudgementally.

"No!" I said, with my best smile.

"Clark just... we just had a little moment of angst," Monica said. "There are a whole lot of firsts going on here for everyone... everyone but, um, you, I guess," she went on. "The two of us are still figuring out what we are, I think."

"Good, I know you'll work it out," Anne said, firmly, in one of those moments of wisdom and maturity she sprinkles in between being a twenty year-old girl.

"Sorry I freaked," I said seriously to Anne. God, she was gorgeous. "You just seemed a little dangerous for a moment there, and I am skittish of anything that might disrupt being with the woman I love."

Monica gasped. "You realize that that is the first time you've said you love me?"

What? Bullshit.

"Wrong. I've told you before," I said firmly.

"No," Monica said, just as firmly.

"I'm pretty sure she'd remember, Clark," Anne said drily. "And on that lovely note, I really do think I need to leave," she said, sliding to her feet scenically. Anne was incapable of doing anything that was not scenic when she was naked.

"Wait!" Monica said swiftly. "Please don't. We are going to table the L-Word conversation for a while anyway. As punishment for telling me he loves me for the first time with his big old hard cock pointing at another naked woman, Clark is going to have to wait for a good while before I say it back."

Meaning she was absolutely going to say it back. My heart leaped.

"In the meantime," Monica said, stepping toward Anne, and resting her hand on her naked hip, "Clark still owes you some 'encouragement', and I want to see that. And..." she added, letting her hand slide away from Anne tentatively, "I'm hoping you and I have some more things to try."

Anne looked back and forth at the two of us. "You two are fucking nuts," she chortled. "Yeah, yeah, I know. 'Language.' But seriously, you need to stop worrying about yourselves as a couple. You are made for each other, you sexy weirdos." With that, she embraced Monica and kissed her. Hard.

Yeah, I thought I had gotten it back up already, but that was nothing to the erection I was sporting now.

The two of them wound their hands around each other as they kissed, standing there by my pool like living artwork. Monica slid a hand around between them and groaned a little as she squeezed one of Anne's lovely breasts. Anne responded in kind, her fingers sinking into Monica's softer flesh. They continued to kiss, still clutching each other's breasts, until Anne grimaced and pulled back a touch from Monica. "You have such nice tits, Mon," she almost grumbled.

"Thank you," Monica said, sort of amused. "You too, gorgeous."

"Ehh. I feel like I'm a one woman Ittie Bittie Tittie Committee in Clark's world," Anne full on grumbled now.

"Please," Monica scoffed.

"No, really," Anne said, showing some youthful insecurity that turned me on something fierce. "Look at you, or Stephanie--let alone Carol, or freaking Mary! Who else have you been with lately, Mister I Used To Be So Lonely?" she asked, turning to me.

Yeah, Anne really did not need some of that information...

"Never you mind," Monica chuckled, thinking right along with me.

I took a step over behind Anne. I wrapped my arms around her and lifted my hands to cup her breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze, and indulging myself by pressing my cock into her lower back. "I have always thought these were fabulous," I said into her ear, giving it a quick nibble. "And any male who doesn't want to molest them needs a CT scan."

I kissed her cheek and stepped back away from the two of them.

Monica just bent and kissed one of those hard, tiny nipples. Then she sucked on it.

How could I possibly still be getting harder?

Anne pushed Monica gently back upright, and bent to kiss one of Monica's admittedly larger breasts herself. In another moment or two, they were back to kissing and groping each other.

Part of me wanted to get in there and run my hands all over both of them as they kissed, but then I would not be able to see them as well. And this was a moment for them, a moment for Monica to explore.

Anne solved my dilemma for me by groaning and pulling back to stare at Monica. "This is so freaking good," she said softly, but then she swiveled her head toward me. "But right now, I want, no, I need, that good solid 'encouragement' you promised me, Clark." Her hips worked around unconsciously as she spoke.

Her eyes swiveled back to Monica's uncertainly, but were met with only a twinkle. "Oh yeah," my lady said. "I want to see this." She wanted to see it... and evaluate how that made her feel. Monica just grabbed Anne's shoulder, then turned her and pushed her toward me.

I opened my arms and drew the girl in. We kissed and I cupped her scrumptious ass in my grip. Then I released her enough to lead her to that magical chaise. She looked up at me as she sat on the end, then began to slide backward until she was fully on it.

I wanted to stand there and enjoy the view of this simultaneously vulnerable, assertive, and less so now, but still dangerous young woman. But that would have delayed encouraging her brains out, and with the opportunity at hand, I as usual was powerless to resist...

I knelt on the foot of the chaise myself, then pulled her back toward me, lifting her hips as I dragged her. Her hand reached out and grabbed my cock, aiming it between her legs. I worked my hips while she worked hers, and we effortlessly aligned my cock with her moist, outwardly petaled nether lips. I smiled at her, and she looked softly back at me.

I leaned forward, still holding her hips, and sank into her.

Anne, whatever might be the case with the size of her wonderful tits, remained the queen of tight in my life's experience. Wet as Monica had her, eager as she was, it was still a difficult journey to once again fill Anne with myself--difficult but mind-blowing. She gasped as I worked slowly into her depths, and I sighed in response.

I had not made it all the way inside her when I could not resist and pulled back, with almost equally difficulty, then drove myself back in, moving faster, and this time I buried myself fully. We both moaned. Tight as she naturally was, I felt her flex her kegels around me even harder, and I gulped in pleasure. After a moment of bliss, I began to move, to drive into her, establishing a slow, steady, time-extending rhythm in just a stroke or two.


I was about to turn toward Monica, but Anne beat me to it. She looked over toward where Monica was standing, biting a knuckle and watching intently, and Anne reached out a hand, half in invitation, half in entreaty. I looked over as well, and simply smiled. It was profoundly easy to smile at that particular moment.

Monica hesitated just a moment, then stepped over and leaned down to kiss Anne lightly, but Anne grabbed the back of her head and tried to suck the soul out of her mouth. She lifted a hand to grab Monica's breast, and Monica in turn ran a hand along her delicate jawline.

They made out like that for a brief moment as I quickened my pace but a fraction. I fully intended to make this take a good long while.

Anne finally stoped trying to tickle Monica's tonsils, and gasped for air. "Now let me," Anne said to her.

"Let you?" Monica asked, confused.

"You wanted to know what it is like? You have to let me, too," Anne said meaningfully.


Well now!

Monica held on the banks of yet another Rubicon, then decisively went to straddle Anne's face.

"Not that way," Anne said, stopping her. "Turn the other way around. I want you to be able to see Clark. And I've never tried it that way round..."

Monica laughed a little, and swung around to straddle Anne's face, but now looking down her body to where I was driving into our friend. She looked up at me with a wild look in her eye as she let herself sink closer to Anne between her legs.

Anne lifted her head a fraction, and I saw her tongue drag the length of Monica's slit, then do it again, while pressing lightly in as it went. Monica's wild look in her eyes became obscured as her lids sank almost closed in pleasure.

I did not know if Monica would end up wanting to ever do this with a woman again or not. She'd figure that out later. But Anne, whatever her hangups about having a guy as intermediary, definitely loved what she was doing. That much was utterly clear.

We went like that for what felt like both six seconds and six hours, my cock singing with joy through each stroke into Anne, Monica writhing atop her face, and Anne's body alive with stimulation everywhere. Monica and I traded off playing with her fucking awesome tits, circling, rubbing, and pinching her nipples in turn.

I was in nirvana, and best of all, I had been able to turn off, at least for the moment, the dangerous elements of being with Anne and Monica together. All the fun, (almost) none of the guilt!

We went on and on, until suddenly Monica leaned far forward, and pulled my head up to kiss her. As our lips met, I felt and heard her come. Her cries vanished into my mouth, and I delved back whence they came with my tongue. She shuddered atop Anne, and I rammed into the girl with renewed fervor. Just as Monica released me with a gasp, straightening but making no move to budge from over Anne's mouth, our raven-locked buddy also came, her body undulating beneath us as my cock stroked her best inner spot. She lifted her face and practically screamed into Monica's pussy, which brought on a whole other round of wide-eyes and surging arousal from my lady.

It was all too much for me, and I groaned out, "Oh good Christ," as I unloaded into Anne. My whole body was wracked in spasms of bliss as the lightning bolt sensation of my ejaculation surged through me.

I kind of lost track of reality for a moment or seven, and when my brain went back on track, I realized that Anne was once again getting serious with her face between Monica's legs. My blonde vision was staring at me, almost unbelieving what she was experiencing. I was hardly losing my erection at all, and I forced myself to keep stroking into Anne as a reward. Whether it was a reward for her or for me, I did not have the faintest fucking idea.

We went on, almost silently, just the soft squelching of my gentle thrusts, the minute slurping of Anne's tongue, and the labored breathing of all of us. The only other sound was the quiet creaking of the teakwood chaise, and the soft bumping as it occasionally hit the table beside it.

There was a soft tinkle, like several small pieces of metal hitting the pool deck. Monica and Anne didn't hear it, but I did. I knew it had not been something falling from the table.

I looked up over Monica's shoulder and sighed.

"Hi, Mom."


And so we come to the end of another saga! This series was supposed to be three or four chapters, but took on a life of its own. I loved every minute of writing it, even if the ending was quite slippery to get pinned down. Let me know if I nailed it, please! Thanks in advance for your kind votes and favorites, and please take a moment to comment. As always, that's how I get rewarded and encouraged.

What? You are still here? It's over, as Ferris Bueller would say. Go home.

'Fuck me'?!?

Well, that's not very nice.


Oh... You are upset about Mary, are you?

What is the problem?

Feeling denied? Heh. Clark would appreciate your concern for him.

Oh... fine.

Would it make you feel better if you knew that he and Mary finally completed the merger, so to speak, the following Thursday, right in her and Becca's dorm room? With no interruptions? The edging to end all edging finally paid off in titanic orgasms?

They only got caught during round two... by three of Becca and Mary's dorm mates.

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darussiandarussian4 months ago

Decent story. I mean.. it’s written well. The story itself I just really did not resonate with. So much buildup to the cheerleader only to disappear her completely felt like.. lame. Monica doesn’t make sense at all for a relationship other than she’s the only available not college student in the story so of course it’s her. Overall, 5/5 for writing 2/5 for the storytelling.

AlexFourwaysAlexFourways8 months ago

Another fab series. Pity never heard anything about the work opportunities, but Monica made it to the Clark prize first.

PatermultiPatermulti8 months ago

A lovely romp! Please do more!

pjpbpjpb8 months ago

4/5 for the series

5/5 for the first 70% and then 3/5 for Monica and MC relationship. They both seem to make little sense. Both seem to be essentially monogamous with sowing wild oats thrown upon them/ reaction to divorce, MC is clear he would not accept seeing Monica with other man. They also both acknowledge open relationship will unlikely last. Why they both pursue it?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I would love to read that next chapter, too. And then, have it go "there" with some other lovers for both Clark and Monica. But I don't expect that, really, the author's pretty chicken about many things I think would be great to read about.

Yancey and Wanda both love it when Clark's cock gets into Wanda, why not just have a good, old-fashioned swap session between the couples? They can be in separate rooms, or separate houses! And Mary definitely needs to have another ride on Clark's baloney pony! Why not a surprise visit from Stephanie, that turns into a semi- regular celebration at the end of each term in school? Better for her with the known quality ride she'd get with Clark!

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