Halloween Birthday


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How did they do this? How did they know? Jim told Martha, she told Gary, and he made it happen. Damn, they want him bad. We sit and talk forever about cars. I am trying to be patient.

As soon as the sun starts to set, Jim suggests, "Let's go look at the car now. It's much better at night."

Martha is the first to ask, "It gets better?"

Jim grins wide.

"Waitress! Bill!"

Soon we are outside. Jim starts up the car, and all the lights come on. You can now see faint running board lights and a soft glow under the car. Now inside the car, the glow is calmer; it adjusts to the light level. Things that were gauges and buttons before now have a soft glow to them. I think Gary was right; this is actually a spaceship transformed into a '34 Ford.

After everyone had a good look, the show is over, and I am complaining that my feet hurt. Hugs go around, and we are on our way back to the motel.

Jim is commanding, "As soon as we get home, I want you on the bed for a foot massage. I owe you big time for today. This will change my life; nothing is too good for you. That was a hell of a set-up and surprise. I'm just sorry it had to be on your birthday."

He missed the hint as I say, "The night is still young."

The drive home seems to last forever; I count the cars we pass to distract me. I must do something; otherwise, I will stare at Jim. He was so cool and pleasant to everyone. He stayed close, watching over me like he always does. That allowed me to have my fun.

We get to the motel and he has me stay in the car. He runs to my side and picks me up out of the vehicle. I wrap my legs around him. He carries me over to our room, opens the door, and then sets me down on the bed. Quickly, my shoes and socks are off my feet. The thin sandals I wore had no support. We were on hot cement and asphalt all day. My feet really do hurt.

Jim has no clue what to do. I am no better. He runs to the washroom, stops the tub, and fills it with several inches of scalding hot water. The asshole then picks me up and dips my feet in the water, like making a candle. Each dunking is longer as it's cooling off. That felt divine. He takes me back and places me on the bed again. It's so hard to stay mad at him.

This time he starts off by rubbing my feet. He is soft until he gets a moan. No moan, he uses more pressure. Different parts of the feet need more pressure. To finish me off, he rubs my entire foot. I collapse from an orgasm.

Jim is startled; he thinks he hurt me.

I explain, "Oh no, Jim. That wasn't pain, quite the opposite, I orgasmed." He looks amazed. "Having all those men looking at my body. Staring at my chest. Trying to determine if I shave or not. That made me horny. Then add to it, I teased them with my breathy voice all day; I was ready to explode. They shut down the show, and it faded. Then at dinner, they are all staring at me again, like I am a free sex toy. That worked me up. You come along and make my feet feel awesome and some of that sexual energy explodes."

Jim gulps hard, "Some?"

I laugh hard, "Oh, yes! I am overflowing with sexual energy from those men all day." I sit on his lap. "It's actually been building for a lot longer. On my twelfth birthday, my friends and I were out trick or treating. We were having a blast out on our own. Then some ass holes came along and wanted trouble. As you know, you fixed that.

"On my sixteenth birthday party, me, my friends, and about half the women feared being raped. I thought you went home, that meant thirty minutes to come back. You knew there might be trouble. You stayed close and were there very fast. You made me the most popular person in school to half the women and the most hated by a few boys.

"I planned today out to the smallest detail. Gary was not in my plans, but I figured someone like him would like your work. It's about time someone does something for you. Plan "B" was dressing up for a nice dinner. You got out of that one."

I look at him seriously now, "You know I love you. I know you love mom and me. You have done so much to prove that. I love you a bit more than a sister should." He tries to object. "Just hang on, I want to make my case. You saved me when I was twelve. You saved half my school when I was sixteen. You should have gone to college. You are my brother, yet, you act more like my mother and father."

I hug him hard and shed a few tears.

With tears in my eyes, "You've sacrificed a lot for this family and never complained. That's partially why I made today happen. I knew you'd never ask me to do what I did today. Not you. Oh no, you never ask for yourself." I kiss him on the lips gently and for just a few seconds to confuse him.

I am now on the bed, next to Jim. He looks tired, I am tired. I want my present now.

Sheepishly, I look up to Jim, bat my eyelashes at him, and with my now practiced breathy voice, I tell Jim, "It's Halloween, my birthday, I'm going to ask you for my present. I will tell you exactly what I want, and I expect you to give it to me." I pause, so the butterflies in my stomach can settle down. "I want you to make me a woman."

Jim is frozen, emotionless. He finally blinks.

Tentatively, Jim asks me, "What ... did you say?"

I bat my eyelashes at him, "You know damn well what I said, Jim Calhoun. I want you to make me a real woman. I've had enough close calls with the opposite sex. You are the one man I can trust with my first time. I need experience before I go off to college."

Jim makes a valiant effort to speak. I shoot him down.

I give him my pleading eyes, "I am not asking you to marry me, or even be your girlfriend. You love me enough to do this for me." I smile at him, drawing him in, "You might even like it. You know my body is hot and sexy. No man can deny me. You think I paid for any of that food or drink? Hell no. I love what you have done for both me and mom."

I have a tear in my eye again, "When dad died, I thought the world ended. Without saying a word or being asked to. Hell, I bet you never wanted to, but you did become the man of the house. I give you this choice, you can fuck me or mom."

Jim looks scared, not at all what I expected. I thought he would be happy to fuck me. He has minimal experience with women. His next words knock me into next week.

With a timid expression on his face, he softly asks, "Can I have both of you? I am already fucking, mom."


No way. Not mom. Not cheating on dad. I don't believe it. JIM IS MINE!

Jim continues, "Soon after dad died, mom wanted to be comforted. She often fell asleep in my arms. From there it just ... um ... kind of ... um ... progressed. I am sorry."

Now he has tears in his eyes.

I am pissed; my own mother has taken my boyfriend before I could. Jim doesn't understand my anger. Oh shit, he probably thinks I am pissed at him. Hell, I AM pissed at him. I slap his face hard.

With a stern voice, "That's for cheating on me with mom!"

Now I lean forward and kiss him passionately on the lips. He is confused and has no idea what's going on. I giggle at his confusion.

I push him back on the bed, and then I stand up. I look him square in the eyes as I pull the string on my bikini top. It drops to the floor. My bright white full breasts are swinging as I move back and forth. His head moves with me like watching a tennis match. I then pull the string on my briefs, they, too, fall to the floor. These fall much faster. I am so fucking horny that my lower half is soaked from my juices.

All-day I have been building. I wasn't up in a titty bar showing off, but it felt very similar. I was very much on display. I loved the way they looked at me. All that pales to the feeling I am receiving from Jim. He is on the bed, taking off his shirt, shorts, and boxers as quick as humanly possible. He is motivated. Once undressed, he moves up the bed.

I crawl onto the bed and then up to his pole. I know that six inches is typical. I am no expert on cocks, but this appears to be six inches of solid meat. He is thick enough that it will feel good. He doesn't even have a Red Bull in width, again, normal. In my eyes, this is the perfect starter cock. It's hard, clean, and right in front of my face.

I do what any good horny woman does when staring at a cock up close, I open my mouth and suck on the thing. I apply suction and then bob up and down with just my lips. My tongue stays on the bottom, sliding up and down the shaft. As I pull back, my tongue wags back and forth. I press harder as the head approaches, so I get that spot behind the helmet.

I am laying down on his legs, allowing me to look up into his eyes seductively. I can't help verifying I am still sucking his cock. It's silly. It's in my mouth, touching my lips and tongue, yet I feel the need to leave his eyes and stare at the magical meat that is sending pulses to my pussy and stomach. This is doing nothing to relieve my symptoms. Yet, it's intoxicating watching the agony on his face as he fights the desire to cum. It's cute on so many levels.

My deceptively simple skills win the day. OK, my sexy naked body and amateur cock sucking skills win the day. They earn me a mouthful of cum. He warned me, but I could tell from the thickening of his cock, he was ready to burst. Like everything else, he produces an average amount of cum, and although it's not the best I have ever had, it is far from the worst. Some were so bad; I spit it out.

Jim's cum is salty as they all are but has some ... tanginess, which made it enjoyable. A hint of pineapple is as close as I can describe it. Jim relaxes on the bed, enjoying his orgasm. His eyes close, and a huge smile emerges on his face. That is precisely the look I am looking for.

I crawl up the bed and lay down half on his ribs, half on the bed. My head is snuggled up under his chin. Instinctually, his arm comes up and pulls me closer. I close my eyes and listen to his quick breathing and his racing heart. Over time, both slow down. That is when I push up the upper half of my body. My breasts are hanging down on his body. He instantly smiles.

Jim still has his eyes closed, but he speaks in a deep excited voice, "I love my car. It thrills me to show it off. It's one of the most satisfying things in life, having others see your work and say it's incredible. That is the apex of my life; nothing will top that. Then I heard your voice on the PA sound system. I look up, and you have a dozen guys in front of you and a crowd behind them.

"Your breasts are shaking, and I see a ton of skin. Your voice, though, oh my. You almost made me shoot a load with just your voice. I wasn't checking, but damn, I bet every man that heard you turned hard. It was very distracting. Even the people that I am talking with are stammering, and it wasn't because of my car."

I am straddling his waist, looking for that rod. As soon as Jim figures out my intentions, he flips me over on my back and presses down on my wrists, effectively restraining me. Is it really restraining when I offer no resistance? Hmm. Anyways, I am on my back, "restrained," and he moves AWAY from me. NO. No. You're going the wrong way. I want you fucking me! Oh my, he doesn't want me! Oh, how embarrassing.

I am looking up at the ceiling, my life is over. I won't ever be able to look at Jim again. A tear wets my eyes. That is precisely when my body gets a jolt of sexual energy zing through me. Jim's nose hit my clit too hard. My legs close, and Jim is stuck in the middle. I look up and see a shit-eating grin on his face looking back at me. His head goes down, and I can feel his tongue and lips, kissing and pushing my pussy lips. Oh wow, this is gooooooood.

It's challenging to determine what he is doing to me. I know he is licking my vulva, lips, and deep inside my honey pot. The problem is that everything he does also sends a bolt of lightning to the same region. I am being hit with a double whammy at the most sensitive place on a woman. The sensation is fantastic, it's intense, and my orgasm is quickly building.

I know how to get myself off, but I never get the lightning bolts. I wonder if that happens with all men or just Jim because of the taboo thing. Doesn't matter, the tsunami is in sight, and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. WHAM! The wave crashes into me, and the orgasm takes me away.

I can still breathe, and my heart is racing. I am glad my hair is in a ponytail, or it would be a mess. He changes his technique. His tongue seems bigger like he is using a giant paintbrush. WHAM! I get blindsided by another orgasm. Where the fuck did that one come from? Oh, wow, that is glorious. He never needs to fuck me if he does this to me.

Ten minutes later, what was once glorious fun, is now on the verge of killing me. I can't catch my breath. I am struggling to breathe. Jim has become a machine, and the orgasms are rolling off his tongue at an alarming rate.

I do the only thing I can think of and probably the only thing I can do. Speaking and movement are out of reach right now. I play dead, I go limp, and hold my breath. Immediately, Jim senses something is wrong and stops. I release my breath and suck hard to get more air.

Before he gets any ideas of going back, I croak, "DONE!"

He looks at me, sheepishly, "Sorry. I kind of, I mean sort of, I mean ... I got carried away. I was in a zone; everything was working. Everything worked, one after another. You were on fire, and I loved how I could bring you so much joy."

"JOY? You almost fucking killed me," I shout with a bit of anger in my voice.

I have calmed down, "The first ten minutes were divine. Then I couldn't catch my breath, and the orgasms kept coming. I literally thought I was going to die," ending with tears running down my face.

Jim brings me to him, and he holds me hard. My chin is on his shoulder.

Jim is near tears, "I am soooooo sorry. I will NEVER make that same mistake again. I love you, and the last thing I want to do is hurt you." Now he has mischief in his eyes. "You know ... if you have to go ... death by sex isn't the worst way to die. You'd go out with a smile on your face."

I push away from him, playfully slug his shoulder, and then comment, "You're weird. Now come fuck me."

No need to ask Jim twice, quick as a cat, he throws me on my back, spreads my legs, and has his dick at my entrance. He stops to look at me. He opens his mouth like he is going to say something. I give him a stern look, and he melts on the spot. He knows I want this.

I have no hymen. I have been pleasuring myself for years, and a hairbrush did the job. This should be all fun. As he pushes forward, there is friction that feels different from anything else that has been inside of me. It's warm. The difference between a dildo and a real cock is like the difference between a cold and hot shower. Cool works at cleaning; it does the job. However, an excellent hot shower does much better at cleaning and feels terrific. I love this feeling.

I don't know about men, but I have never had a feeling like this before. I have known joy from amusement park rides. This is far more intense. The core of my body, which has butterflies when I am excited, is on fire. I can feel an object pushing in and pulling out. That perfect object fits as expected; and feels awesome going in and pulling out.

I can feel the veins on his dick as it slides along my tunnel of love. I am doing well at breathing. I love the double zing of his cock plus the bolts of lightning. I won't ever forget this night. The feeling is extraordinary. I don't dare say unique, I think he can do this to me often. As I learn, I will get better. It's funny, my mind is wondering while I am still enjoying this incredible feeling.

My world changes. It's better. There is more fun and excitement. Jim increased the speed, he put it in second gear. I still feel everything, but it's condensed, packed together. I have less time to catch my breath. I take them now while I can. My senses are heightened, the feeling is more intense. The lightning bolts hitting my twat are also more intense. That double whammy is hitting me hard. I am just too dumb and happy now to care.

Jim puts me in third gear. This is a small increase and causes me to orgasm. Jim never stops, his eyes bore into my soul. He is a man on a mission to please me. I don't care that he also feels great. I don't mind if I feel like this.

It's not long, and Jim hit's fourth gear. He is sweating heavily. His hands are on my hips. My hands are clawing his shoulders, to keep me in place and help slam his body into mine. I orgasm again. He doesn't give a damn; he is on a mission. He is trying to kill me!

It doesn't matter. I feel wonderful. The friction between my legs is impressive. Easily the best feeling in the world so far. His dick is on fire. It's hot and lances forward and back with the precision of a well-tuned engine. I am fighting for my breath; I force myself to concentrate on breathing. It's hard though, the feeling is amazing, and everything else around me is tuned out.

I feel my vagina spasming with great feelings, my body is being hit by Zeus and his lightning bolts, and the orgasms are hitting me frequently now. With each one, I stop breathing. If this didn't feel so damn good, I would be scared for my life. It does feel that good; nothing else matters. Not mom, not dad, not ... what's his name, not even me. It's all about the all-consuming feeling.

Then my life shatters. Jim shifts gears again. He hit the fifth gear, light speed. Immediately, I am hyperventilating. My breaths are enormous. I can't talk, see, or feel anything but my cunt and those God damn lightning bolts ripping me to pieces, and I love it!

In the end, it's too much for me. I can't handle that much pleasure, my brain turns off, and my vision narrows. My body shreds itself as a nuclear bomb goes off. An enormous wave of energy and joy shoots through my body. I can see it tearing at muscle and organs. It's like I am being fed through a grinder. I see fireworks and intense heat. In an instant, it turns cold. My senses return to my body and my eyes open.

I fight to catch my breath. DAMN! That was some ride. Tears start flowing down my face. Jim didn't have sex with me. I know the stories of girls having sex. They talk about that a lot. Jim made love to me. He rocked my world and then some. I am speechless. Jim pulls my lifeless body to him so that I am now sitting up.

His arms wrap around me, and he whispers into my ear, "Welcome to being a woman. I hope you enjoyed the ride. I sure did."

With me sitting up, his cum is seeping from my pussy. I had no clue he shot his load in me. I take the pill; I'm not worried. I find it fascinating that I didn't feel that. Jim gets up and carries me like a baby to the washroom where I can clean myself. He doesn't want me draining in the bed we will sleep in. I agree with that.

We go back to bed, he pulls me tight, and we fall asleep quickly.


We wake up Sunday morning and grab breakfast on the road. We have a three-hour drive to get home. Once there, mom knew instantly what we had done. She is unhappy with Jim; she didn't want to share him! Secretly, I think she is happy for both of us.

Mom knew my basic plan. She didn't know about my bikini and the flirting. I would have left that out, but Jim thought it was important that she know.

Jim is surprisingly insightful, "Mom, tomorrow I'm driving up to see Gary. He will make me an offer I won't be able to refuse. While up there, I want to look at houses. Will you be staying here or moving with us?"

I love that he said us. He knows I will follow him anywhere.

Mom moves to Jim, hugs him, kisses him, and then explains, "You're the man of the house. I go where you go unless I am unwanted. I'm a small business accountant; I can get a job anywhere. If you can significantly improve on your $25,000 a year job, go for it. When are you leaving?"