Halloween Birthday


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Jim defensively says, "6:30. Is that OK with you?"

Mom smiles, "It's OK with US. Your sister Hanna and I are going with you. Let's stay overnight. Your sister will do events for them, that will earn lots of fans. I'll verify his books are in order. It does no good to get a job if they go under in a year from now. What if they can't handle the debt of building a bunch of show cars?"

Jim's mouth is still open. Mom starts to make dinner.


The next day we both wanted to sit next to Jim. Since we couldn't decide, he put us both in the back seat. We pull up to a large metal building. It's older and weathered. They don't put much into making the place look good. This is not a promising start. I can see the disappointment on mom's face.

Mom whispers, "I'm glad I came. You watch over him close."

We walk into the showroom, and it's clean and much nicer looking. Like a dealership, there are several beautiful cars on display and for sale. Some big price tags on those cars. Martha warmly greets us. She is very friendly; she hugs all of us. Then she has us come back to their conference room.

White walls, white ceiling, white table, white chairs with black mesh chairs for seating. What a bland color room. They do not impress me so far.

Before Martha can say anything, mom explains, "I'm a CPA for small businesses in our hometown. I'd like to see your books and verify this place is financially sound." Martha starts to object. "Sorry, it will take me a good two hours looking at your history and doing ratios, or nothing else matters. Please let me start. I do a lot of auditing; I can tell you how well your current accountant is doing."

Martha relents and lets mom use her office and her computer.

Martha says to us, "That must be your mother and not an older sister, right?"

Jim arches his eyebrows, "You know how moms are. They get their way. Momma bear is very protective of her cubs."

Martha takes us on a tour of the facility. Nothing is nice looking; everything is worn. This place has been here for a long time. They have a bunch of machines for fabricating metal parts, assembling, painting, and fixing cars. Jim has many questions that Martha can't answer, but the employees do as we walk around.

The interior department is all leather, textiles, foam, and panels for car doors. I don't see any electronics for the dashboards. They will have to change a lot to adjust to Jim.

We go back to the conference room, and Martha brings out two large three-ring binders with plastic pages for holding 8 x 10 photos. This is the history of their work on show cars. It's obvious to see how they have improved over the years. Even a novice like me can tell the difference over time.

They got a new paint guy within the last year or so, and he is far better than the previous guys. He chooses better colors; the cars really shine. Everything points in a positive direction.

I ask, "What position do you see Jim filling for you?"

Martha makes it sound obvious, "Interiors."

I am confused, "Your interior department and our garage have nothing in common. Your room has fabric, foam, and leather. At home, he has fabric, foam, leather, electronics, and machines that shape metal. He isn't just doing the seats and doors, it's a lot more."

Jim adds, "I did the running boards, lights under the vehicle, lights in the headliner, and my specialty is lighting and dashboards. That is molding plastic, metal, and modifying gauges. I do the sound system, the visuals, and the custom feel of the items throughout the car. I am more than upholstery. I need to be part of the design process in many cases."

Martha has a smile on her face, "Let me tell you a story. My husband and his three brothers fixed cars for a living. They eventually got into customizing automobiles and replacing engines with bigger ones. Then add turbos and superchargers. Next was paint and quickly followed by customizing metal. Then show cars were being made for local events. They did very well; they were original.

"In time, the competitors caught up. They learned from my brother, and they added their own twists. We took that and added something new. We go back and forth, neither of us making a name for ourselves. You don't follow the rules, the norms, the age-old way of doing things. We will adjust to you. It's what my husband does well, he assembles great help, and they make fantastic cars.

"Pictures of your car are already circulating, we need to jump, and jump quickly to capitalize on your ... uniqueness. What I'm prepared to do is offer you a job, and then I want ten cars you want to do. Those will be the ten we take to SEMA. Jay Leno has already contacted us to buy his choice of the ten for his collection."

I sit dumbfounded.

Martha has a piece of paper that she slides to me. I turn it over, and it says $60,000 a year plus insurance and three weeks of vacation. That's a hell of a lot of money, far more than he was making.

Jim doesn't seem thrilled. No kidding. I figured he would accept the first offer.

Mom comes out of the office and doesn't look happy. The offer may not matter.

Mom sits down and looks stunned.

Mom is at a loss for words, but she finally says, "I have no idea how you people are still in business. Your accountant is robbing you, you don't have enough debt, and your cash flows are like a roller coaster. There are a ton of things we can do to help you out. Modernize, for Christ's sake. You need depreciation to cover your profits. You haven't modernized anything in ... forever. You aren't using debt wisely.

"Your accountant is a thief; they are setting money aside and then cutting checks to themselves from that account, over $100,000 just this year. Instead of selling the car loans you extend, keeping some will even out your cash flow, making it easier to budget and plan. You can take on debt for SEMA easily, and it will pay off handsomely. Now let's see that offer.

"OK, Hanna and Jim, let's go. They're wasting our time. I bet we can get someone, like a competitor, to put up for twice that."

All three of us stand up. Jim shakes Martha's hands, and we turn to leave.

Gary is walking into the room with a smile on his face, almost laughing, "See honey, I told you that was a bad idea." We stop. "She thought you were making a small living, that's why all three of you were living together. She felt a large upgrade would entice you. I knew with all those people giving you cards there would be a bidding war.

"Let me end this here. I'll double the money, add a week of paid vacation, but I want you in a non-compete contract for three years. I'll need to invest in new equipment for you, and I want you here to use it."

Mom looks at me, I look at Jim, he smiles.

Mom smiles, "You have a deal."

Martha adds, "She looked at the books. Uncle Sid took over $100,000 this year alone. What do we do?"

Gary laughs hardy, "We fire the mother fucker, and he isn't invited for Christmas or Thanksgiving anymore. I won't throw him in jail, mom would tan my hide."

I interject, "I want a job as well."

Gary looks amused, "Can you upholster, paint, or work metal?"

I give him an amused smile, "Nope."

Martha asks questioningly, "Then why do we need to hire you?"

I got them, "Because once you build those cars, you want me splayed over the hood in the photoshoot and behind the wheel exposing some leg while they photograph the interior. I will be in the booth talking and looking sexy, as I expound the virtues of your strong, hard, vehicles," using my breathy voice.

I continue, "I will also create web advertising for all of your cars. I will be the face of your company."

Gary doesn't look impressed.

Martha confidently says, "Part-time, no insurance, no vacation, $35,000 a year. You're on the front of every car ad."

She looks at Gary, "With a body like hers, we'll sell every car we have. You couldn't keep your eyes off her at dinner. None of you brutes could. She is cute and wears bikinis, what's not to like."

Mom gasps, "You what?"

I snicker, "I did wear your blue robe ... some ... on the way there. Hey, that day got us here. It was so worth it. Jim and I were so horny, we fucked like crazy that night."

Collectively, we all held our breaths at what I just admitted.

Jim is the first to speak, "It's not like we are the only ones. Martha, you slipped and called Gary your brother."

Martha covers her mouth with her hands.

Gary looks down, "Your secret is safe with us. If Hanna ever has a child, I'll find someone willing to say they are the father for you."

Jim hugs Gary, "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

Mom looks at them, "You get me for free. My new goal in life is to take every client Sid ever had. I can live on that. I don't need your money; you do need my advice."

Gary says to Jim, "Martha will start you and Hanna on HR paper-work. Then I need a list of ten vehicles you want to do, the themes for those cars, and your ideas on paint colors. That means that in twelve months, we need to purchase, restyle, paint, and do an interior for each vehicle, so we can take it to SEMA. I need time to get pictures to them so we can get a large booth. I must show them that I have something worth the space. We are going to shake up the whole show. You are going to cause an explosion of interior designs and parts. That's exactly what SEMA loves to see."

Jim spends the rest of the day, picking cars off the internet and then doing basic designs. He has one like his, one of the Ocean, Military, an Airplane, a Train (steam locomotive on the outside, Pullman car on the inside), a Motorcycle, an Eagle, a Cheetah, a Lego car, and of course, a Spaceship for Gary.

We never did get to talk with a real estate agent. Jim took too long. I did call the two in town. One was Uncle Sid's wife, we chose the other one, Betty. Tomorrow we are going out house hunting with her. Martha invites us to stay at their house. They have five bedrooms for just the two of them. Mom asks for two adjacent rooms. She wanted two showers even though we will sleep in one bed.

As we are preparing for sleep, Martha stops by to check in on us. She is in an almost transparent baby doll outfit. I know a whole lot more about Martha than I did before.

Martha looks shy as she asks, "Jane, if you like, Gary and I wouldn't mind a night of pleasing you."

Mom looks hesitant, "I justify Jim because he looks like his father before he was killed in the war."

Martha looks sad, "Sorry, I had no idea."

I step in, "Mom, go have fun. Jim is taken. The Statue of Limitations is over; you're allowed to go have fun. Take a man, woman, or both. You deserve it, you worked two jobs for over a decade. If anyone deserves a chance to let loose, it's you."

I look at Martha, "At least six orgasms, or you don't leave that room. GO!"

Together, they hug, then mom ran out into the hallway, giggling like a little grade-school girl. That was a fantastic view.

I use conviction in saying, "Gary has two women pleasing him. I will die if he gets more orgasms than you do. I don't care if I wear you down to a stub; he will not get more pleasure than you will tonight."

Gary is in excellent shape, but I will be amazed if he comes more than twice with his age. I hear Martha scream. Jim grabs my body and throws me on the bed. He moves into a munching position where be begins with a broad, slow tongue. I hate him. He knows I get off easily to this. I look down at him, and I swear he has a smile on his face. My orgasm is already rapidly approaching.

I am horny, and he is slow. Those are two critical factors for getting me off easy. I orgasm easily from that. He transitions into slurping my pussy lips. He is noisy, and that is revving my motor. I love hearing him play with my lips, it feels fantastic, and the sound teases my molten hole of pleasure. My hole needs filling.

I quickly orgasm again. It's embarrassing at how quickly he gets me off. Mom or whoever taught him well. Wow, I have no idea who he slept with. I should find out. He is messing with me now. I call this the blender. He spends about five seconds doing something before he swaps to a different technique, speed, or pressure. There is no pattern that I can detect. I quickly orgasm again. That is my third orgasm, mom and Martha have each screamed one.

Mom screamed louder. I guess that makes sense. She has been sleeping and fucking Jim for a while; Gary is something new and exciting. Marta is used to Gary and his habits; this is nothing new for her. Well, other than mom being there. I wonder if mom and Martha do anything. This new version of mom would not surprise me. Old mom, no way in hell.

After my third orgasm, I move my hands to cover my pussy.

I use my sexy voice, "I need you."

Jim says nothing. He looks at me and then moves a bit closer. He has a sly grin on his face. I love that look. While still grinning and looking at me, he slides forward into my waiting tunnel. He is fast tonight, that's odd. I want a slow and long version. I can only guess that he has his reasons. He is almost laughing. Oh yes, he has a plan. I am on my back, he picks up my legs and bends them up, over my head. This is new.

I like this; the angle is a bit different; he hits me in a new way. I am quickly nearing my orgasm. In one way, I feel tremendous; this orgasm will be good. Jim has a ton of energy. On the other hand, this won't last long. It's not my decision and I trust he has a plan.

It doesn't take long, and my orgasm hits me like a ton of bricks. I feel Jim shoots his load into me, and it's barely registering. The monumental rush of happiness supersedes all else.

I see Jim walk away, but now that I have come back to my senses, where did he go, and why did he leave? My questions are answered when I hear the toilet flush.

Jim walks back into the room, grinning, "They heard you orgasm quickly. They will expect two like that, making Gary the better lover. You now get the slow fucking. He will take a long time to get the second one-off. I will go far longer." He has a look of fear on his face, "I hope."

I don't think there will be any issues. I am on my back, legs wide, relaxing. Jim comes back to the bed with his hair slicked back. I appreciate that gesture; sweat in the eyes is most annoying. It's not perfect, but it will help.

Jim starts off glacially slow; I am not impressed. I don't complain; I fully expect him to speed up. It takes a while to speed up. He is in no rush, clearly taking his time. He slowly sped up until the feeling is spectacular, and my smile lights up. I see the joy in his face. I know he gets a large percent of his fun at the end. That's the point men live for.

I can't tell if he enjoys my reaction or his own happiness more. I do know that one of the two, if not both, have a big happy smile planted on his face. I hear a second scream come from the master bedroom. Now the big question, is Gary done?

Ten minutes later, Jim moves to his fastest speed. No warning, no wink, nothing. He just starts slamming into me quickly. I have a loud grunting going. I want to be silent, and not let them know, but I can't help it. I am putting everything I have, all my energy, into preventing my orgasm. The harder I try to hold off, and the longer it delays, the more powerful it will be.

I get to prolong the exquisite feeling and then have a super orgasm. Who doesn't want that? It's been several minutes now of extreme resistance. I end it. Two more thrusts and I go off. Jim says that I first screamed like an air-raid alarm, I tried to chop his cock off, and then I fell to pieces.

That's about right. A sharp blade is no match versus a steel pipe, his cock wins every time. I can't talk or move; I lay still and enjoy the pleasure coursing through my body.

When I finally realize I have my body under control again, I take deeper breaths. In front of me is a young man with a devious smile on his face, and a solid steel cock pointing at me. Oh? This is new. I notice his eyes have a bit of crazy in them. After fucking me twice, I was expecting sleep. I don't think that will happen for a while.

His right-hand reaches for my hip. With a single pull, I am rolled over and am on my knees. I feel both hands on my hips now. Oh fuck. Quickly, I spread my legs, making it easier for him to take me in doggie. As I get the energy, I do get up on my hands and knees. He couldn't care less. He is hammering away at a fast rate.

This isn't his fastest, that surprises me. He is up to something. It's not five minutes before there is a knock on the door, and mom walks in. I can see Martha is the hallway. She wants to see but is embarrassed to be seen watching.

I smirk first, which surprises Jim, then I yell out, "Martha, you might as well get your ass in here. We can see you."

In walks a very sheepish Martha. She and mom have robes on.

As mom starts to talk, Jim moves to his fastest fucking, "We wore our man out. I heard two orgasms, so we came to check up on you two. I am sorry to have disturbed you. We will go."

Seems reasonable.

Jim snarls, "Bull shit! You know I can go for hours. You came in here looking for another round. It's been a while for Martha. You are near your sexual peak, yet your husband is wearing out. He can't last as long, or as often, or with as much volume of cum. It's nature, not much he can do."

As he is talking, he is thrusting into me harder and harder. THIS IS AWESOME! Don't stop talking! He has forgotten about me. He is never this harsh with me. Is mom doing this on purpose?

Martha starts yelling, "Fuck you. Young people know so little about sex. Gary is twice the man you are in bed. You're a phony. You are a loser! That isn't a cock, that's a miniature golf club for a baby."

What is this stupid shit they're talking about? Why the fuck do I care? He is lasting much longer, going faster, and pounding harder than he ever has.

Jim continues yelling, "You two don't know shit. I came quick, so you would think I was like every other man. Then I slow fuck her well past what both of you got. Then when you are done, I use a fast fucking, until you enter the room. I let my anger feed, I yelled at you, you yell back at me. I know exactly what I am doing. I am pounding the fuck out of Hanna!"

He screams, which scares us all. Then he has five hard strokes. He thrust into me, blow his load, holds it, pulls out, and repeat four more times. On his first shot, I scream even louder as my orgasm wallops me. This one kicks my ass into next week. I come to in mom's arms, she is cradling me in her lap and soothing me. Her hand is wiping the sweat from my face. Jim is on the bed. It sounds like Martha is doing a similar job on him. Gary is in the bedroom doorway in shorts. He is shaking his head.

Gary smiles as he says, "That is a hell of a guy there. I'm going to bed. Us old people need our sleep."

I hear him chuckling as he walks down the hallway.

Martha looks over to us, "He really does like Jim. Many people have disappointed him over the years; he is slow to like people. He liked you immediately, please don't disappoint him." She has a tear in her eyes.

I have no idea what prompted me, but I tell Jim, "You mentioned an Ocean car. I always like the Caribbean blue seas, the beautiful fish, and the coral."

Martha is next to add, "Gary would love a Spaceship car. Think Star Trek, and you have a great start. Me, I love animals. You said an Eagle and a Cheetah. The Cheetah, I would guess, is natural. Not so sure about motorcycle or Eagle. But hey, you're the artist."


The next twelve months are amazingly crazy. We sold the old house, purchased a new one. Mom is doing great at her own accounting firm and has just one job. I am far busier than I ever expected with advertising. I have a budget and can do anything I want, providing I stay in budget. Magazines and TV shows are sniffing around to get hints of our cars. I give them closeups of individual parts. I never give out the full shot; that's reserved for the big unveiling at SEMA.