All Comments on 'Hana Pt. 02'

by javmor79

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Boyd PercyBoyd Percy11 months ago

It will be interesting to see how this turns out!


TajfaTajfa11 months ago

This is really good. Please don't keep us waiting for the conclusion.

I think both of them have made big mistakes, although Rochelle's mistake is massive.

It will be interesting to see where this goes

groaningbumpgroaningbump11 months ago

The plot thickens. Very good writing, thank you for sharing! - gb

6King6King11 months ago


francemanfranceman11 months ago

Is it strange to say or think that his marriage is over following the discovery of his affair after his return from a cruise?

Wasn't it rather the decision to continue an affair for several weeks or months after an initial infidelity?

Because after a first mistake, she never worked to fix things in her marriage, either with her jealousy or with her husband's availability time.

She's not the only one responsible, but it seems that he was unaware of this bad situation.

Warn him, confront him, try to work on it........... No! in the end, whether she likes it or not, she abandoned her marriage.

Bri29Bri2911 months ago

I,m really intrigued by this story when I saw part 2 was released I had to read it it immediately.I have to admit I find it hard to feel any sympathy for Rochelle , I know she's feeling neglected and hurt ,but having an affair behind her husband Justin's back is so selfish and spiteful like a child throwing their toys out the pram when they cant have their own way.Justin hasn't done anything wrong but get to involved in his work ,he hasn't even looked at a women .Rochelle,s solution to a problem she could talk out with him is to fuck another guy numerous times I still hope they work this out which is a big credit to Javmor79,s writing because as a married man myself I'm always. sympathic to the husband when his been wronged ,which tends to make me side wth a BTB outcome. But in this case I do hope they have a happy ending ,it' depends if Justin can get over Rochelle,s betrayal.5⭐️👌👍well done Javmor79

johntcookseyjohntcooksey11 months ago

Three blind mice! Or maybe two blind and one scheming. Maybe Hana engineered the whole thing and Jay and Rochelle are just pawns in her grand scheme. I know, I know, I’m sure I’m overthinking it. Still, I can’t wait to see how you disentangle the mess they’re in. High drama. Fun stuff. Thanks very much.

demanderdemander11 months ago

Not so much her fault. A mismatch. D

MwestohioMwestohio11 months ago

Thanks for the recap. I frequently have to re-read prior chapters of stories if there is more than a few days between. Nice way to show Rochelles viewpoint

CD1929CD192911 months ago

Your an awesome writer you just take FOREVER to finish the story.

How may chapter in this one??????

OOAAOOAA11 months ago

Good story!!!! 5 stars!

Please, go on soon... let's see what happens in Hana 3 ;)

FD45FD4511 months ago

So…see you in July? 😉

JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlunger11 months ago

Outstanding, what should happen seems clear but I think it will have a twist ior two to come. Thanks

JusteenKJusteenK11 months ago

In truth, I think the marriage was so far gone it wasn't worth grieving over. It should be fairly painless to dissolve it and move on.

MigbirdMigbird11 months ago

Suspenseful, intriguing and feels real — the characters and the dilemma(s).

1Thinkingman1Thinkingman11 months ago

I agree with Bri29, I too want to see a happy ending. Divorce should make Justin happier than he is right now. As for Rochelle she could get hit by a bus and I wouldn't care. Well maybe for the bus driver. Communication is the key to the house of delusional cards that Rochelle has made. Her concerns should have been shouted at her husband and they should have had a come to Jesus moment. Marriage is hard work and neither of them put in the time needed. But actions outside the marriage at this point are all the matters. She ran to her safe space, that is on her and to blame anyone else is delusional. She is weak and it is that weakness that has made her unhappy. She knows who she married and should have been dealing with it, she didn't! Her actions are her own. ****

SanzegoSanzego11 months ago

Aaaand now we, the reader, has to wait "ANOTHER" 30 days for the next installment. I've read your stories in the moment, so I know the routine, but I need to say this so that there is no confusion. YOUR 30-DAY POLICY SUCKS Javmor79. Your writings, on the other hand, are emotionally inspired works of art that leave the reader, that would be me, wanting more, NOW. I guess that is the mark of someone who knows their craft. But still, your 30-day wait period bites.

Wavedave45Wavedave4511 months ago

Wow. I know everyone is anticipating the third story but to be honest this would be fine if it ended here. Her realization that her husband knew and falling to the floor an emotional mess is just perfect. But seeing as how I thoroughly enjoyed this I wouldn't mind reading another.

Yeah this serious discussion about where they go from there is something that had to have taken place long before she cheated.

And a special thanks for acknowledging the attractiveness of us half white/half Asians. This was all you needed to write and everyone would automatically know Hana is a hottie. I don't know what it is dude, it's just the magic mix. Asian and white synergizes like nothing else. I'm 40 but pass as late 20's. Lived life taking for granted my handsome mug as it could have made me rich. I got "discovered" when I was a kid in Hollywood but turned it down since I was like 8 and didn't give a crap about modeling. If I had a time machine I'd buy 8 yo me a beer since I have no doubt I would have been diddled by an industry pervert eventually. That's actually a true story. Both parts unfortunately, me getting discovered and the rampant sex predators in the entertainment industry. Seriously though there's tons of celebrities that are halfsies. Enrique Iglesias, Kristin Kreuk, Vanessa Hudgens, Keanu Reeves. Yes Keanu "gonna be 60 next year freaking" Reeves. The only outlier is Rob Schneider but I mean even he is no Steve Buscemi. Even in the wild all the non celebrities look pretty damn good. Hell if anyone knows of a butt-ugly half Asian half white person I'd like to know because I really can't think of one. Fat or burn victims don't count.

MaxiMilfMaxiMilf11 months ago

Once again as expected, a 5 star story. Stay tuned for part January 2024 or maybe 2025.

ibuguseribuguser11 months ago

Good story but this chapter didn't have much content.

A lot of reminiscing on different levels.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc11 months ago

Really well written tragedy. I loved the different plot lines intertwined, each character on their own journey, yet linked together. 5*

WargamerWargamer11 months ago

Hopefully there is more. I think we can see where this is going.let’s jus taking forever to get there


Harryin VAHarryin VA11 months ago

After waiting more than 2 weeks for this second chapter what's really kind of interesting is that this did not move the story along at all.


The worst part is how easily the husband accepts Hanas apology . In fact the middle of page 2 the husband is actually apologizing to Hana.!!! This is classic of what this particular javmor79 does all the time. He always has the husband apologizing to women even though the women do the most horrible vile disgusting cruel mean actions under the sun. Always always the man's apologizing in this author's stories .


it's obvious that either Hana or a friend of Hana saw the wife with a boyfriend on the cruise ship. And half of this silly pointless chapter is the wife talking about her fear and paranoia that she has regarding her husband and Hana..


And we all know what's going to happen ...please keep in mind that on this author tries to go for another ridiculous reconciliation... that the wife was cheating with her boyfriend before the cruise several times. The most interesting part of the story is coming up where the husband finds out as wife not only took a cruise and lied to him and fucked her boyfriend but that she's been fucking a boyfriend several times for months without her husband knowing.... and yet the husband will apologize.


You watch and see

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

If two pithy pages per month is what output a reader has to expect from you…unless ur stories are laden with gold words… I don’t think it’s worth my time !

Goodbye and good riddance to a writer whose time has gone ….

lujon2019lujon201911 months ago

again, this wasnt long enough to split into two parts, let alone three

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

It's difficult to see how this can possibly end well for Rochelle. Her irrational jealousy towards Hana has caused her to convince herself that Justin is having an affair with Hana and provides her with an 'excuse' to reconnect with Travis. She hasn't stopped to ask herself the obvious question; given that Justin has known Hana longer than he's known his wife why would he have married Rochelle, thus putting himself in a position where any romance he might want to have with Hana would have to be conducted in secret? I can sympathise with her resentment at playing second fiddle to her husband's job but there is no justification for this level of betrayal.

This is really gripping drama, typical of Javmor's high quality writing and I eagerly await the next instalment. Five stars, all the way

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

i can't believe i'm saying this but Justin doesn't deserve a faithful wife. if what happened to Rochelle happened to ANYONE while dating the relationship would end right there and then. Justin is a blind fool.

SKHPSKHP11 months ago

Thanks for sharing this fine work. But please don't let us wait another full month for the next part!

PowersworderPowersworder11 months ago

A woman cheating is never "a mistake". There are emotions involved, and it takes time for her to mentally check out of her existing relationship enough to start looking elsewhere.

That's why when a wife cheats, the marriage is done.


Justin was a terrible husband, who neglected his wife to obsess about work. Truthfully, he's to blame for their marriage getting into such a fragile state. But instead of Rochelle making him realise that he was losing her, she cheated with an ex.

If he forgives her, she'll lose even more respect for him, and it'll just be a matter of the me before she cheats again. That's why reconciliations never work and are a huge waste of time.


Justin needs to divorce his slut wife asap. Then learn from his mistakes with his disastrous first marriage, before dating his hot young protégé. He also needs to find an excuse to fire Chris, so that he's no longer in contact with Hana.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Post the entire finished story or nothing at all. You’re ruining the reading experience

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Thank you. This was a great update. But I really was hoping for the confrontation between Justin and Rochelle. Hopefully next time. How many chapter's are planned for this one?

Also, are you planning to complete Ari?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

He sees his wife is home after all this time and he runs away! What?! Geez.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Ugh, you are telegraphing the whole "he ends up with slutty bratz doll half-asian Hana" too much; yes, the story is titled Hana which makes it obvious already. But you could have had it as a misdirect, instead it seems we get a long winded story about how they get together. Considering how hurtful Hana was to him in Part 1 I don't see how he quickly trusts her again. There should be some lingering resentment for her exploding his marriage. Also don't care that Rochelle is sad, perhaps have the conversation with your husband before you go cheat on him for 2 weeks.

Interested to see what happens next, maybe you will surprise me.

Frank66Frank6611 months ago

So refreshing to read another story by a master story teller. So many stories here are just thoughts scribbled down, sometimes funny, sometimes very interesting, but hardly ever great. This one was.

OverconfidentSarcasmOverconfidentSarcasm11 months ago

So... whatever happened to the various voicemails and text-messages he supposedly left on Rochelle's phone after Hana gave him the pictures? The timeline seems a little confusing, if Rochelle's now home and didn't receive any of them.

Rocky62Rocky6211 months ago

Cannot like Justin much here. He has evidence, a witness and he pussys out

LickideesplitLickideesplit11 months ago

Well, We-The-Readers get a romance yo-yo ride through this story … in rough order as WTR read the story … H+C, J+R, H-C, H-J, Hx, T+R, RxJ, JxH, H+J, RxT, JxR! I am very hesitant to speculate on Hubby ending up with Hana, but less so on Ro ending up without Hubby! I would hope, however, that Hubby and Hana demand that the Head-Shed not start their next megamarathon without planning in breaks of enough duration to maintain family life!

McDingelMcDingel11 months ago

All three main characters are flawed in a way that-if standing alone within their character's position; you would dislike them. The problem here is who to root for, and, who root against.

Moonbat74Moonbat7411 months ago

Look forward to the next part, but both Justin and Rochelle are hopeless as a couple and as people. A dead marriage contributed to equally by both.

SwordWielderSwordWielder11 months ago

Good story, but I hope we don't have to wait 30+ days for the next part. Rochelle should have talked to Justin and maybe done counseling. At this point I really think its gone too far to save the marriage. True, his job kept him away a lot of the time. Since they were thinking about starting a family, then they should have discussed how his job would effect Rochelle and having any kids. Maybe he should start planning on moving up, or changing jobs so he is not spending so much time at the job. Unfortunately, she had a full affair - emotional and physical with another man. The foundation of their marriage is destroyed. How could he even consider staying married to her and having children with her if when she feels lonely she'll go seeking someone else? Chances are Justin and Hana might get together as a couple, but if so either someone would have to change teams or jobs because of the non-fraternization rules. In my opinion, Justin and Rochelle should get divorced. Rochelle should go into therapy and will learn what she needs from a partner, and what NOT to do to have a successful marriage. She'll be regretting her actions for many years - maybe her entire life. Justin needs therapy, and then maybe he and Hana can get together after his divorce. Lastly, don't forget Travis - He needs to go after the wrong man's wife (special forces, organized crime, etc...) and end up either dead or with serious permanent injuries.

Outdoorsman7925Outdoorsman792511 months ago

Loving the story but hating the time between chapters. If at all possible, please post the next chapter sooner. I have been waiting for the second chapter so long. Was excited when I saw it posted. Keep up the awesome work.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Dude, it already took, like a month for you to put out part 2. Now we have yo wait for a part 3?🙄.. yes I have an attitude, I'm addicted to your stories. I love your writing daggone it.. I don't wanna wait another month. Rochelle is just like a typical cheater. It's all Justin's fault, she played no part in the demise of their relationship. He neglected her, so it's ok for her to get a boyfriend on the side🙄.. I didn't read ANYWHERE where she sat him down and really listen to her concerns. She should've tried "I'm unhappy, you're not here for me, I'm lonely. I think we should get a DIVORCE". I promise you that would wake up ANY husband who loves their wife and don't want to lose them. It seem to me it didn't really take much for Rochelle to start back fucking Travis. Rochelle was dealing with a "YOU PROBLEM". She's the one that was jealous of another woman. her husband denied having any type of relationship other than work with Hana. . she's the one that's insecure in their relationship.. he didn't make her feel insecure. She made herself feel insecure.. where is her trust in her husband?. Did she sit down with him and talked about his job, what it entails and what was going on? She's using Hana as an excuse as to why their relationship is in the gutter. It's not Hana's fault. What did she do to help her husband? Cause it sound like she didn't believe he was working late. Which tells me she have a sever lack of trust in him. He told her there's nothing going on with Hana but of course like a typical cheater, they assume just cause they're morally bankrupt everyone else is also. Rochelle is one selfish woman who only thinks about herself. She placed a lot of blame on Justin. Yes, he played a part of their marriage hitting a rough patch. But he was WORKING. you need to work to pay the bills. Why didn't she ever go down to his office naked in a trench coat with dinner when he was working late? I've done that. What did she do to resurrect the relationship? his job is stressful, a lot of people including her, are depending on him. I assure you no man would rather be at work than at home between their wife's legs. He was just as lonely, just as miserable, just as horny. She seem to delude herself into believing he'd rather be at work ....... with Hana... this is all about Hana. Not him. I'm sure if Hana was a man, she wouldn't of been as insecure. Her jealousy over Hana and the bond her and justin have is her problem. They're not doing anything wrong or anything to make her feel that way. I think she's convinced herself they're having an affair and is in love because she's insecure about their relationship.. no woman have ever made me feel insecure in my marriage and it's going on 22 yrs in July. I certainly would believe my husband if he told me there's nothing going on with a woman. I would've gave him the benefit of the doubt. I would trust him until he showed me otherwise. She was playing the martyr and it irritated me.. he wasn't cheating. He was working.. her job wasn't as stressful as hi, nobody was depending on her like that. Hence why she had time to go on a fucking cruise for 2 weeks with her boyfriend. I need the slut to stop playing the victim. She's a cheating slut.. periodT 🙃. The "I was lonely" excuse is bullshit. This is coming from someone who's husband worked over the road.. I know all about loneliness. The difference between me and Rochelle, I actually talked to my husband, I even asked for a divorce. We talked, he didn't want a divorce, he was just a s lonely. We went to the sex shop, got me a vibrator, as I was climbing the walls🤭. We made a decision he'd find something local that didn't involved traveling. We even had a specific date. This is what married folks do.. THEY TALK. they don't look for comfort somewhere else.. once that urge to do so present itself.. you are to request a fucking divorce. Don't cheat.. cheating won't make an already drowning relationship any better.. I have no sympathy for Rochelle 🤷🏾‍♀️..I just heard a lot of crying from a insecure little girl in a grown woman's body. A lot of woe it's me, my husband is working with a beautiful woman and won't fuck me. It never occurred to the dumb slut that man was actually working and is exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically.. it's all about her. I can't wait to hear their talk.. I wanna hear how she's going to justify fucking another man 😏🤭.. I can already see the blame placing that's going to take place.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon11 months ago

Honestly, they're both at fault. He's an idiot for constantly putting his career above his wife and she's an idiot for not forcing the issue with Justin and using Travis as her band-aid.

rockdoctor63rockdoctor6311 months ago

Perhaps she should have tried talking to her husband more, insisting on change, trying to make it better instead of having an affair. What did she think would happen when she was found out. They were both at fault, but she was much more at fault.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Another whore story ! Stop the disaster here !

remb95remb9511 months ago

Loved the story and looking forward to another chapter. At this point it looks dead that remains to be seen. 5

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Well written story about a marriage in its final stages. And a man that doesn't understand boundaries. Assuming there will be another chapter, it will be interesting to see how you handle the disrespect, treachery and general stupidity involved with the main cast of players. Don't wait too long for the next round.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Princess Rochelle feels neglected.... Booo-fu*king-hooo!! I was in a relationship with a female who was quite similar to Rochelle. It wasn't any fun when it has run its course. The Universe had to revolve around her and nothing else. This chapter didn't really do a lot.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

You're not getting honest feedback here. You want to take the story somewhere, but your method is to pretend that your characters both maintain a normal life, and simultaneously a days-long confused mental state where they cannot pick up a phone and call a cruise line's emergency number. You left the characters at one point, but now you want them in a different point, and your method is to pretend that Justin just forgets the facts and emotional impact of Hana's actions from one moment to other, and then says things to Hana that an unstable person could easily use to get his career off track. As a PM, managing interactions and risk would be his core routines. The story format doesn't work for the lyrics of a country and western song.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencer11 months ago

The devil is in the details... and they don't match up. No mention had been made about Rochelle talking to dumbass Justin. He apparently sent many, many messages to her phone. Plus contacted her office and found out that she was NOT away at a conference. How could Rochelle now be home and not know about Justin attempting to contact her. Also, the cruise was for two weeks. If she spoke to Justin at about 1.5 weeks, Justin would have known then about her cheating via the photos and would have said something.

Why is it that both Justin and Hanna carry on like some 18 year olds?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I hate pussy husband's, in stories like this. He was a coward and quietly backed out of his own driveway to go hide. Most men would be chomping at the bit to confront her and kick her out, but to run away, or not take calls, or hide, seems to be the opposite of team leader traits.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

At least the cadence of your stories, keeps the reader returning to the previous one to remember the plot.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I was so disappointed to find that I had obviously read only part of a story. Please, please preface multi-part stories with some idea how many parts you expect and how soon you expect them to be available. Doing so shows respect for readers by allowing them to make an informed choice whether to start an as-yet-incomplete story or wait until they can read the entire story when finished. From past experience, I know I will wind up having to re-read these first two parts again when the remaining parts are posted. I sure would like to have waited.

Apart from that, this is a good and interesting story. I think I always enjoy yours. I just enjoyed this a bit less because of the format.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x11 months ago

Captain Obvious alert! I'm a nitpicker. Many find my nitpicks obvious at best, annoying at worst. If that bothers you, please just go onto the next comment, because I won't be changing in this lifetime.


"angrier with himself for all the times he neglected her" - "Neglect" isn't grounds for an affair. Going away foe a few days, to her parents or a GIRL friend, to emphasize her feelings of neglect, if push comes to shove, filing for divorce, hopefully to wake him up.


I think the worries about the guy being better in bed, or "bigger" are just so much BS. The affair was obviously a reaction to his perceived neglect, not a reflection on his love-making abilities.


"Hana was wearing a vest as a shirt." Was that an American vest, as a cowboy might wear, or as in a three-piece suit, or a British vest, i.e. a tank-top. My guess would be the former, since a British vest IS a shirt, if a relatively skimpy one.


I don't think that his apology was totally necessary. While he COULD have been more understanding, he still could give her what she wanted, and that's not even counting the fact that he warned her about Chris.


"That thought would've caused a rush of anger in Rochelle two weeks ago." - WOULD have, but that was before her cruise. Let's not forget that she was already cheating before that. The "conferences" that never were.


"right before she had to fly home to her real life." - I thought it was the next town over, why is she flying?


So, she's having an affair, a budding relationship, but she still gives Justin grief over imaginary affairs.


@johntcooksey, I don't think Hana engineered anything.


"Something inside of her had changed." - I thought that was going to be her wanting a divorce.


I agree that a month is too long between chapters. Having said that, if Part 3 isn't then end, I would rather it wait until you have the end. I would rather wait two months and finish it all at once, than wait a month for Part 3, then another month for Part 4, at least then there'd only be a need to get caught up once.

michaellajonesmichaellajones11 months ago

Set the scene up and then it just all collapsed in on itself for me.

TechumsahTechumsah11 months ago

I usually am not a reconciliation guy, but it could work here. In Most cases when you have a marital issue if you really want to solve the problem you have to realize your the villain in your own story. The realistic nature of the mc and him not being a saint while is wife does 20 man gangbangs can get it there. Great writing.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzar11 months ago

I was hoping this would simply be a two part story. I was wrong. I've given up reading long, multi-chapter stories a piece at a time. You're an excellent writer. I'll just wait and see if this finally gets an ending.

The story is interesting and full of deeply flawed individuals. Hana is a highly competent, self-involved, emotional vindictive, cunt. Rochelle is apparently a relatively competent, highly self-focused cunt. Justin should not be married since he will never put family in front or even on the same level, as his work. Plus, he's an emotional pussy. He's a stress-battery and a heart attack waiting to happen. What a great group to dissect. Hopefully you finish this tale sometime this year.

beautyfishbeautyfish11 months ago

I’m generally a fan of your stories, and so far this one is not an exception. However, I am disappointed that you are writing short chapters and waited a month between postings. That is a major annoyance. I hope that subsequent chapters are posted more frequently.

silentsoundsilentsound11 months ago

Rochelle is a ridiculous whore. Yeah her marriage has problems, welcome to reality. Everyone who has been married more than a minute has to deal with det spells, tough times and trials.

Rochelle fucked away her marriage instead of being a supporting member of it.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Wtf...he knew his wife was cheating on him and he didn't contact a lawyer and have her served when she got off the cruise ship? What a sad, whimpy MC this story has.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

He called, left voicemails, sent texts and called her office. And the wife came back without knowing her husband knows. Not consistent.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Too long winded and at the stage of becoming boring.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

And now we wait weeks for another short chapter.

FordF150guyFordF150guy11 months ago

I’ve been keeping an eye for this next chapter. Much appreciated that you are continuing it. 5 stars. Yes there are flaws in the story but real people have flaws just like those in the story.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I dig it, … what we got here… is… a failure to communicate

It’s all here, it’s true, it’s sad, it’s life. Go on, let us know how it ends.



AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

3?pages to advance the story an inch? I guess all the phone calls he made to her didn’t show up on her call log? No messages, no texts, nothing?

And, our super hero husband in charge of the best hardest working kick ass team falls to the floor crying like a baby at the specter of his wife cheating? Then our intrepid hero gets so scared at the prospect of having to confront his cheating wife he has to run over to his future wife’s apartment? Zzzzzzzzz.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I think Harry in Virginia and some of the other commentators have a point. What is going to happen when the husband finds out that hus wife has been seeing her ex-boyfriend for an extended period of time well before this cruise trip?

Right now the husband is operating on the assumption that this is just a one-time thing because she got really angry at him because he had to cancel and had to work. Yes the husband is a bad manager and seems to have handled the whole Chris and badly and is too focused on his work and not on his wife.

But her solution of renewing a long time ex-boyfriend relationship for sex is just a disaster and completely unjustified

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

It's always sad when a writer can't even remember what happened in their own stories.

SexecutionerSexecutioner11 months ago

"She was grieving the death of her marriage"...

Well who fucking assassinated it? Typical Javmor79, it'll be an RAAC or the slut will get away with her bullshit and after some time, they'll be great friends again.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Justin is in between the devil and the deep blue sea in this series. Obviously he loves his wife Rochelle. Obviously he is passionate about his job. The problem is he has allowed work to become his master. Justin should tell his employer that the work and responsibilities placed on him BY THEM, is having an extremely negative impact on his marriage. He should request that some of the burden be transferred to others. When employees routinely get home at 9:30 at night that's a sign that the division of labor is skewed. And clients who demand round the clock hand holding need to see a shrink about their insecurities. As a boss, if you feel you should be home and not bothered by the job during your off hours, why do you feel your employees shouldn't get the equivalent treatment? They have lives, families, outside interests as well. So...this all points to another story about a guy who is basically well paid slave labor. We pay you well, so ALL of you time belongs to us! I hate this aspect of the story as it dooms what had been a happy and potentially great marriage and LW seems diametrically opposed to people having even a modicum of a pleasant marriage. So Justin and Rochelle are doomed to part...and more's the pity!

Which brings us to...Hana. I feel like this story is heading towards a union of Justin and Hana and I have to roll my eyes and say 'ick'! Say the two of them do get together. Which one will quit their job? A lot of places won't allow people who are related to work in positions where one would be in a supervisory position over the other. They clearly already have this relationship. And Hana may be all that as an employee, but her personality and Justin's are probably too close to work well, especially in the long run. And every couple I have ever known who were like "two peas in a pod" seemed a little creepy. Viva la différence is my motto. Opposites attract. Yin and yang, Hana may have changed her outward appearance but she cannot change her core personality and beliefs overnight or even in a couple of weeks. That takes time and a lot of introspection.

I, like some others, would rather Justin and Rochelle found a way to reconcile. I know that Rochelle has done some extremely damaging things to her relationship with Justin. Cheated on him, failed to actively communicate the problems (Justin holds equal guilt here) they had, and failed to recognize that he was only doing what she loved about him to begin with. In the end Rochelle needs to come clean and fall on her sword. Justin needs to man the h#ck up and grow a pair, tell his employer that he needs to have some accommodations at work for his marriage's sake, meet up with Travis and kick his balls out of the park for screwing his wife Rochelle, tell Travis that if he ever communicates with Rochelle again he will cut his balls off, tell Rochelle she is on notice and speed dial for a set of divorce papers, and whatever other whim of fancy Justin decides is appropriate. I have a friend who worked his marriage out, they are still together and he messed up bad...oh, sooo bad! No, I am not writing that story down!

Anyway, not usually a reconciliation groupy but I think there is something in this instance that warrants one. Just pick up the pace, please?

Pappy7Pappy711 months ago

No vote yet but I suspect it won't be a good number. First of all, why not post the entire story all at once. Most people on here have more than a 5 minute attention span and if they don't they can read until they lose their train of thought and pick back up there after a couple of days when they reset. I can kind of understand him not wanting a confrontation if it had just happened but after two weeks he should have gone through several stages of anger by now and be madder than shit and ready to get in her face. And maybe so the work wife thing is a real thing but it shouldn't be. If you suspect someone is inordinately close to your spouse, at work or otherwise you should say something before it gets out of hand, not stress about it afterwards. Usually like your stuff so I am holding off until after the completion. Thanks for sharing with us.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapu11 months ago

Good story. I liked the two chapters.

But I think I don't want to continue.

If I were Justin, I'd get rid of Hana and Rochelle.

These women have shown that they are selfish and manipulative females.

If ever Justin dumps Rochelle and gets on with Hana

He is one stupid SIMP.

Hana is clever enough how to manipulate him.

That would be another disastrous marriage if Justin marries Hana.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Excellent, depth and characterization

Hoping for good eroticism, but, I'll be glad to read it at any rate

WhackdoodleWhackdoodle11 months ago

Everything was to convenient. Hana just happens to be on the same two week cruise Justin’s wife is on and she recognizes her amongst the 15,000 other passengers? And can send video and pictures but Rochelle doesn’t get any texts or calls?

And since when are cruises 2 weeks? They’re 10 days.

Justin ignores his wife and marriage, putting her a distant 3rd but somehow Rochelle is the bad guy? Hana wanted to hurt Justin and break up his marriage and that’s ok; but Rochelle is supposed to be the bad guy who cheated.

What a pile of excrement.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

why didn't she get the stored txts and emails?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Struggling to imagine any kind of believable twist to avoid an obvious conclusion!

Beejay3Beejay311 months ago


What’s next!…more to come? ..or will it be to separate? it looks or does Justin come to his senses?

Anxiously awaiting!

driv2u2driv2u211 months ago

His first love is work , time to get rid of him anyway , sham marriage

moralcompassmoralcompass11 months ago

This story should be called Carousel it just keeps going around and around.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Yo Bro. You’re such a great writer but why do you insist on writing the persistent dark shit you write? You write such hopeless, lost shit all the time. Is that all your dark heart can conceive? You’re talented, but bloody hell, real life can be depressing enough, and you wanna add massive doses of fantasy heartache too. How about showing us another side, for once, eh?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Taking back a bitch that revelled in his pain? Fuck that! Ruining her carreer would be even better. Putting the word out that hiring her on an important project is the same as lighting a firecracker and shoving it up your butt: it's not a matter of if but rather when it will blow up and when it does it will HURT!

That's the type of reputation that sticks with you through and through.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Another unfinished story. A bad story with some half assed naturalistic tripe instead of substance. Sad and pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Well Javmor79 ended chapter 2 in a disaster after 3 hurricanes devastated the characters in the story. Hurricane Justin focused only on work and hurt both Rochelle and Hana. Rochelle loved him deeply. Prioritizing his job over Rochelle was devastating to her. Hurricane Hana struck Justin’s job and his marriage. He was devastated but Javmor79 wrote him recovering so he has the capacity to survive hurricane Rochelle. Javmor will decide if they stay together and regain their love. I think Javmor is teaching a lesson about loving relationships and the distractions that can be so very damaging.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Boring lemon-drama. Why drag it into parts, you just made it discordant. Wife is nowhere in the part 1, "Hanna" is nowhere about "Justin" and now in the part 2 it is all upside down.

You need to have some discipline because when you start moving character motivation it looks more like a soap opera style.

JH4FunJH4Fun11 months ago
Good Read 3 stars

While I thought the tale was a good read worth 3 stars. To me it was not as good as the 1st part. I thought it was an excellent read worthy of 4 stars.

Both part 1 and part 2 were well written and had complete story lines which were enjoyable to to read. While part 1 was more moving to me thus garnering the excellent read 4 star rating. Part 2 was an enjoyable read that just didn't have the emotional movement for me. Thus the good read 3 star rating.

I kind of hope there is a part 3. Your tale are always enjoyable and well written. Even if you choose not to develop a part 3, I look forward to you next endeavor.

Keep Writing


JH4FunJH4Fun11 months ago

I make this proclamation after having read all 84 comments (86 counting my 2 today).

You have just as many haters and lovers of you tales' 2 parts. Many are like me and enjoyed them both. However, your haters are not as bad as some I have read about other writers given what I consider the same level of emotion placed by commenters.

Please take all of our comments with a grain of whatever seasoning you chose. They are your tales and as long as you write this well you will have both lovers and haters of your tales.

Have fun and enjoy the journey as you write.

We are as we consume the products of your labors.

Keep Writing


UpperNorthLeftUpperNorthLeft11 months ago

Well written with interesting characters. However, the story is unfinished. I look forward to a Chapter 3 and exciting denouement of this story.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The story is compelling, but there isn't enough meaningful dialogue to really hold my interest very long. The whole commentary from Rochelle read like a hurried "this is my life" spiel. It was cold and too drawn out. A few vignettes told as a flashback would've helped reinforce the frisson that the Rochelle-Travis axis has already set up in the reader. Instead, it rambled on, with too many important points glossed over and too much detail given too much attention. You redeemed it somewhat with the Icarus allusion. The following paragraphs were the best writing in the story. The huge downer was the runaway husband, which, I think, is either a symptom of a writer who cannot write an emotional confrontation without playing the petulant manchild card or something you LW contributors think is required.


Don't wait so bloody long for part 3.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This is good stuff. It feels soap opera in a good way, with great emotional impact. Please keep this series going!

Russ43ChandlerRuss43Chandler11 months ago

Great writing of a titillating story that must be continued. Thanks for what you’ve given us so.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I love your writing. I really liked the first part of the story. But this second part didn't really add anything to the story. I found it useless. Not really sure why it was needed. Either way I will wait for part 3. Hopefully it adds more to the story

afanoffanlitafanoffanlit11 months ago

Not a single character that I can feel even a modicum of empathy with... MC...workaholic, self-absorbed asshole who is going to end up with his perfect match in an equally workaholic, emotionally damaged co-worker who he's been in an emotional affair with for long enough to completely drive his wife away. Rochelle is stupid and will eventually get dumped by the guy she's cheating with....and live forever feeling sad she lost Justin.... Nah.....she will find that this guy cares more about her than his job, he will actually be a willing partner in the relationship and she will look back in happiness that she ditched the emotionally impaired first husband and his work-wife.

This is just not your best work. You write so well, but these characters you have chosen are really lousy people.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Part 2 did nothing to add much to the story. We need closure. Part 3. Marriage over Justin takes Hanna,?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

There has to be more...........

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

What I REALLY appreciate about this part 2, is it's just enough to be a satisfying ending. But it leave room for an even more satisfying part 3. There are some unknowns, but not many. The wife had a deep guttural feeling the marriage was toast because of her cheating. She did this, regardless of her reasons. She owned that much, at least. Her husband has mostly grieved and come to terms with his wife's disrespect and betrayal. Even if Hana and Justin never hook up, they remain steadfast friends that support each other. So that was a satisfying reconcile. And let's be honest, his soon-to-be-ex-wife is a train wreck in her feelings and thoughts. Not evil, but just pure chaos. She's jealous of a woman her man works with, but she holds a long standing emotional affair with a past lover to the point of obsession? Whatever failings Justin has, they pale compared to that. She figures out what she wants in a man, and feels Justin will never be that man. But then never even entertains communicating that with him? But on top of that wants to stay married to him? It makes no logical sense. She's a woman in mental free-fall. Her thoughts and actions are a tangled web of nonsense at this point. She needs to marry herself and fix that relationship before she can even begin to date in a healthy fashion.

LoejtcLoejtc11 months ago

Who was Rochelle? Even to the very end of the story we never really find out what it is she wants out of her marriage. It's surely not Justin being home at 6pm so they can have dinner together and watch a movie. There has to be more to a marriage than that. Children were never mentioned. More importantly, she never demanded Justin attention i.e. this marriage is doomed unless we both get on the same page. No, her solution is to renew her relationship with Travis. But she remains an enigma to the very end.

There is an obvious parallel between Rochelle and Hana. We learn about Hana's being besotted by Chris, the player. And how devastated she was when she learns she was being played. But Rochelle's obsession with Travis is no less unrewarding. The only difference is Hana learns her lesson. Rochelle continues her obsession for years before she finally meets Justin whom she allows to replace Travis. But in Rochelle's case the bond to Travis was never really traumatically severed. Travis lingered in her past while Chris is nothing but a bad memory to Hana.

While foolish, it seems clear that Rochelle wanted a confrontation with Justin and was making her infidelity more and more obvious. Did she think that when Justin finally discovers it they will work things out and live happily ever after? That's delusional. She's burned her bridges.

If statistics mean anything in the real world Justin will trade down for Hana as men usually do. While Rochelle will end up alone with only her career to keep her company because at her age she is no longer prime marriage material to men of comparable age who are at or above her in socioeconomic status.

That's the ending I see. If the author writes a Chapter 3 I'll be interested to see how he handles it all.

The author is expert in writing emotional stories. But this storyline seems dead ended.

dikupinyadikupinya11 months ago

finish the story.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

part 3 pls

Mr_Sap24Mr_Sap2410 months ago

I gave this fivwe star because as always the characters are great, with more depth that a carbon copy of a setting. Outside of that I congratulate Javmore for making in Rochelle such a compelling and appallingn character at the same time. The girl was selfich with her affair and an hipocryte with her resoaning, but not enterily wrong with her insigth. Just a fundamental lack of understanding.

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I enjoy my job as much as anyone else, but I LOVE writing. It's a fun escape. Real life leaves me precious little time to fully enjoy my hobby. I apologize to people who have to wait weeks between chapters of my stories. I enjoy reading erotic stories, but find that when I ...


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