Happy Place Pt. 04


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I helped him pull his pants up. He tucked his shirt back in, fastened his pants, belt, and zipped up.

I was pretty proud of myself. I asked if there was anything else I needed to do.

"Pray the rosary and I'll see you next week."

"But, Father."

He shook his head, amazed at my simplistic view of the world.

"Did you think I'd say we're good? You need to be punished."

Resigned to my fate I said I would see him next week.

"Next time, I want to see more of you, so dress appropriately."

"I will."

He asked me if I wanted a stick of gum.

"No, thank you. I kind of like the taste in my mouth."

I went to one of the pews, knelt, and prayed the rosary. I decided I couldn't tell Becky, but if she asked, I wouldn't lie to her. I would talk to Johnny and tell him it couldn't happen again. By the time I got back to their house my willpower had waned. I was already figuring out how we could keep our affair secret from his wife.

As you know, I didn't become a nun and Father kept my secret, but I paid a price for that secrecy. I'll find a photo of he and I and put it on the wall. I did feel better after leaving church as the experience had been pretty erotic. I felt like such a slut. It was as though in a single day I was learning just how powerful my body was. I got back to Becky and Johnny's. She was napping. I began making dinner. Johnny came home and acted like nothing happened out of the ordinary. He and Becky shared a very long kiss in front of me. It wasn't the first time they had done so, but it was different because of what happened that morning.

Whenever Johnny looked at me I glanced down. He told Becky all about his day and even commented on how his beautiful cugina Barbara had calmed his nerves before his presentation.

Becky looked at me and asked, "Is that true? Did you really calm his nerves?"

I nodded before saying, "It's true."

I felt so damn guilty because I'm thinking she thought I gave him a pep talk, not a BJ.

Becky said, "Thank you."

I gave her the same answer I gave Johnny, "No problem. Anytime."

She smiled then commented, 'Good, I'm too tired these days. Maybe in a few months. Tastes and smells I used to really enjoy now make me green. I'm so glad you're doing the cooking."

They sit down. I bring them their dinner. Just like you do for me now. I prepare my plate and join them. They chat about their respective days. After dinner, they head to the couch while I clean up. finished dinner. I notice he's pulled her shirt up, exposing her belly. He takes a bottle of lotion and squeezes shooting lotion all over her body. I imagine that bottle is his cock and the lotion his ejaculate. He massages it into her skin. I want him to do that with me.

I was going to go to my bedroom after dinner, but Becky insisted I join them. I sat down in the recliner which was at a forty five degree angle from the couch. It faced the television, but with just a little twist of my neck I could see everything going on where they sat. Becky was on her back, her head in Johnny's lap. He had her shirt pulled way up exposing all of her belly. She worried being so petite and her belly being so big she would have lots of stretch marks. Johnny told her he didn't care which I thought was really sweet. They looked like such a loving couple I thought which made me feel worse about that morning and what I was now thinking.

Becky said just because she wasn't drinking there was no reason Johnny and I couldn't. Johnny told me to open a bottle of wine and to pour us each a glass. I brought him his glass. I was fighting to not look nervous and hoped the wine I was about to drink wouldn't make me too talkative and say something that would tip Becky off. I was positive she'd be very upset even though her comment left a lot of room for interpretation.

I sat down and focused on the television. It was a game show. We all tried to guess the answer and talked about how smart the contestants were or weren't. Johnny finished applying lotion to Becky's belly, but she left herself exposed. Before I knew it, I had finished my glass. Becky would have had to turn her head to see me. She was looking at the television. Johnny was looking at me more than the television. I kept avoiding eye contact with him, but the way he was looking at me was having an effect.

I thought about that morning and the rawness of what we had done. It was like something I read about in a book or saw in a movie. What we had done wasn't make believe, but real. Johnny grabbed one of Becky's boobs and commented how big they were since she got pregnant. She slapped his hand, but he didn't move it.

Becky said, "I'm now in a C cup. I bet your cousin Barbara grew out of a C cup when she was in junior high."

Her comment was funny, but I noticed she turned her head and he looked at me when she said it.

I told them it was true, but that it had been very uncomfortable back then to have been so blessed with big breasts. I told them it made me more of an introvert and guarded. I pointed out my womanly hips didn't help. I shared with them that I thought developing so early was why my parents had been so protective.

Johnny said, "I can understand why, but your dad needs to realize you're an adult now."

I answered, "He's getting better. I don't exactly have young men lined up knocking on my door."

Becky said, 'When you start college, they will.'"

Johnny kept playing with Becky's breast. He even squeezed her nipple. She told him to behave, and to remember his cousin was watching. Johnny pretended to pout and asked me if what he was doing bothered me. I shook my head no. He told Becky my answer.

She said, "I didn't hear her say anything."

I spoke up and said, "No, it doesn't bother me."

Becky said, "Good, because we want you to be comfortable around here, to think of this as a second home. Just how big are your breasts? I have a nightie I think you'd look good in."

"Double D," I answered.

Becky looked at me, "Johnny, her glass is empty. I think it's time you get her a new one."

I started to decline, but they both assured me I would be okay.

Becky sat up and announced she was going to put on her nightie. She also told Johnny to join her after he refilled my glass. I kind of thought the evening was ending. I envied them being married and going to bed to have sex. Johnny handed me my glass. He was still in his slacks from that morning. His crotch was again eye level. I thought about that morning and how surreal it had been. I could see the outline of his cock. Becky said she'd be right back. I took a few big drinks of my wine. I had a premonition something was going to happen and wondered if I was mature enough to handle it. I told myself to go with the flow that they wouldn't force me to do anything.

Becky came back wearing a light blue nightie. Her belly looked really big I thought as did her breasts.

She tossed me a nightie, 'Put this on. Johnny said he thought it would look good on you."

She told me to change in the living room, that she'd call for Johnny when I finished. I had been an athlete in school and was pretty comfortable about being around other naked women, but this was different. I stripped down to my panties. She commented on how nice my body was. I thanked her. I slipped my arms through the holes in the nightie which was sleeveless. It was as short as the other one. She apologized. I told her it was okay and said I understood because she was maybe five foot two and I was five foot eight. I told her that's why I enjoyed dancing with Johnny when I was growing up because I was always taller than the other girls and he was tall. She said he liked dancing with me too.

She then told me she wanted us to switch places, "You and Johnny take the couch. I'll take the recliner. I need to elevate my feet."

We swapped seats. She turned her chair which was on a swivel towards the couch,

"Watching you two will be more stimulating than anything the television has to offer."

I finished my glass. I was very lightheaded. She even commented on how flushed I was. I told her it was from the wine.

She said, "I don't think it's all from the wine. Your nipples are hard."

I covered my breasts and said, 'Becky!'

She laughed and said, "It was normal. I'd be disappointed if you weren't a little bit excited."

Johnny made his entrance about then. Silk pajamas, monogrammed of course. He looked like he had taken a quick shower. He noticed my empty glass and said it needed recharging. I asked him if he and Becky were trying to get me drunk.

She said, "We want you very relaxed."

I said, "Okay, but no more after this glass. I don't want to be hungover tomorrow. I have to get up early, remember, to take care of Johnny."

She laughed. Johnny handed me a fresh glass. I took a big drink. I was feeling very relaxed. He sat down beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him resting one hand on his thigh while holding my glass of wine with the other.

Becky asked me if I had much experience with boys. I told her I had almost none.

She said, "What if I loaned you Johnny to learn with. Sex is too uncomfortable for me now. I really don't even enjoy kissing right now. Smells that I used to love make me nauseous. I'm sure you'll agree Johnny is spoiled rotten. I felt guilty when I couldn't get up early, make his breakfast, have dinner waiting for him, and a clean house, freshly laundered clothes, his shirts ironed and starched just the way he likes them. He told me it was no big deal, but I knew it was. He lives to be spoiled. I knew I had to do something, but I didn't want a stranger taking care of Johnny. It had to be family, someone I could trust, who wouldn't drive a wedge between us. Am I making sense?"

I answered, "I think so. You want me to be a surrogate."

Becky continued, "You've proven we can trust you."

I told her, "I'm glad you trust me and I'm very flattered, but I don't think I can have sex with Johnny. I'm a virgin and I'm saving myself for the right guy."

Becky assured me, "I don't want Johnny and you having sexual intercourse either, but there are other things you and he can do. He's a great kisser and his fingers are very talented."

I told her, "It just seems so strange."

She said, "It's really not. Men and women have different biological rhythms which is why so many men cheat when their wives are pregnant. You'd be doing us both and yourself a huge favor. Johnny, why don't you kiss Barbara?"

I told her I didn't think I could do that with her watching.

"But you do want to kiss him."

"I wouldn't mind," I admitted.

"He wants to kiss you too."

"How about next time you watch us? I'm too nervous knowing you are looking."

She looked disappointed, but said she understood and she would leave us alone. She walked out of the room, told us good night, ran her hands through Johnny's hair, told him she loved him. He told her he loved her too.

She then said, "I expect you two to behave."

I jerked my head to look at her.

She smiled, winked, and said, "Just kidding."

She started to move towards the hallway, but stopped, "Barbara. Remind me to discuss something with you tomorrow."

"I will."

She turned off the overhead light as she exited the room.

The glow of the television made it cozy, but the game show channel and the volume definitely were distracting.

"Johnny, why don't you change the channel? And lower the volume, please."

He changed it to the MTV channel.

" We sat there and watched a couple of videos. He had kept his arm around me.

I asked him, "Do you like my nightie? Becky picked it out."

Johnny answered, "Very much. I know this is weird, but after this morning, maybe it was just meant to be."

"Are you sure this was Becky's idea or did you help?"

"I swear Barbara; it was all her. She feels so bad not being interested in sex. I've missed it too."

"When did you and she first discuss me?"

"A few weeks ago. We both feel so blessed to have you here helping us out. She noticed the way you and I interacted. She thought that was really neat. She said we obviously had feelings for each other so why not see if there is any chemistry. I told her we were playing with fire. She said if things got out of hand she'd deal with it."

"Johnny, does Becky know our whole history?"

"Yes. I also told her about this morning."

"I figured you did based on her comments. I'm not talking about this morning, but our whole history."

He answered, "She does."

"So she knows I had a crush on you."

"Yeah, but she also thinks you outgrew it."

"What if she's wrong?"

He asked, "Is she?"

"I was hurt, then mad at you for the longest time. I still like you."

"I like you too, Barbara."

He put his hand on my chin, tilted it, and lowered his head to kiss me. We kissed like we did the first time, lip to lip. He even remembered how he stuck his tongue out just enough to run it across my lips, how I copied him, and how it led to our first open mouth, tongue on tongue, lengthy kiss.

"That night was nice," I told him.

We kissed some more. I opened my mouth. He got the hint. Our tongues met in the middle. Becky was right. He was a good kisser.

I told him his breath tasted minty. He said mine tasted of wine.

"Do you want some more?"

"Johnny, I don't think so. I'm very relaxed."

He pressed his mouth to mine again. As he kissed me, he placed his hand on my breast. I put my hand on top of his, but it wasn't to stop him. I took his hand and guided it underneath my nightie. The feel of his skin on mine made me groan. He expertly kneaded the entire boob before he focused on my nipple.

"You're driving me crazy," I panted.

He said, "That's the idea, cugina."

The wine, the heat of his body, and my arousal left me feeling overheated.

After our kiss ended, I said, "I'm really hot.I need to cool down."

He thought I meant I wanted to stop.

I told him, "No." I then took off my nightie.

"That feels so much better."

He looked at my breasts. I rested my head on the back of the couch and said, "What are you waiting for?"

He lowered his mouth and alternated pleasuring my tits.

I asked him if he liked my tits. He said he loved them.

For some reason I wanted to speak my broken Italian.

I told him, "Mangia cugino. Succhiami le tette. Cugino, vuoi essere il mia amante?"

With a mouthful of nipple he growled, "Si."

He sucked on them for ten to fifteen minutes. I closed my eyes, caressed those curls he and all his siblings had.

I had never been so wet between my legs as I was at that moment. I could smell my arousal. I had never thought about birth control or my cycle and really knew very little about pleasure and all the things he and I could do that wouldn't result in me getting preggers.

It wasn't a problem so much as a reality. Being with Johnny wasn't like learning with you Josie. What was new to me was old to him. He put his hand on my knee. I even opened my legs a bit when he caressed the inside of my thigh, but the whole time I was very aware of where his hand was. I know I was sending him mixed messages, but that skin on the inside of my thighs has so many nerves and his caresses felt so good. I spread my legs wider. I wasn't giving him an invitation to go inside of my panties or to play with my pussy from the outside. I wanted him to touch me where my leg and crotch met.

He did, for about ten seconds.

And then he tried to slip his fingers inside my panties.

I told him no, grabbed his hand, and moved it back to my knee.

He didn't protest, but he took his mouth off my tits and put it on mine. We had another long kiss. His hand hadn't stayed on my knee, but was still a safe distance from my honey pot. Besides, it felt good.

I had never had anyone kiss my earlobes or my neck until Johnny. After our kiss, he began kissing my neck. He could tell by the groan I made that it felt good. He paused on my neck for a little too long.

I did know about hickies and told him, "No hickies. Too risky. The wrong people might see them.

I offered him my titties, "My parents won't see these."

He left a hicky on each breast. I told him it felt good.

We admired his work afterwards.

"Do you think Becky will get upset if she sees them?"

"I'm pretty sure her reaction will be just the opposite."

We started kissing again. His hand moved higher up the inside of leg. I couldn't stop myself from keeping my legs apart because it felt so good. I let him get all the way to the top. That time he caressed that spot on my thigh where it joined my crotch. I squirmed because it felt so good. On our next long kiss, he took my squirming as an invitation for more direct stimulation, but that time he didn't try to slip his fingers inside my panties. He caressed my vulva ever so softly running his middle finger up and down the outside of my now very wet panties.

I grabbed his hand and held it.

When we stopped kissing, he said, "I have an idea. Straddle my lap."

It sounded innocent enough until he reached down and undid the buttons on his pajama bottoms. His cock popped out.

"I don't know if this is a good idea, Johnny."

"Barbara, trust me. I won't go in you. I promise."

"You'd better keep your promise."

I straddled him, my crotch on the underside of his very thick and long shaft.

"Remember when we did this?"

"But your pants were on and I didn't know what I was doing until afterwards."

We resumed kissing. He put his hands on my panty covered bottom. A minute or two later his hands were underneath my panties and he was squeezing my buttocks.

He moved my hips so my crotch rubbed against his shaft. It felt really good, but it wasn't the same as that first time. I moved around trying to locate the sweet spot on his cock to rub my swollen clitoris against. It was higher up the shaft, not so hard like the base, closer to the head and the sensitive frenulum.

Johnny's cock was big, so big that I had to reposition my body. His cock lay against his torso. He lifted my bottom higher and held me in place so my crotch could work its magic. My legs were wide open. We kiss and I hump him. It's not as frictionless as I want.

I reach between us and tell him, "This isn't an invitation for you to go in me."

He assures me he won't.

"I just want us both to feel good."

I pull my panties to the side and now my wet labia are rubbing against him. Pretty soon, the fireworks begin for me. I move even higher because I want him to cum. I'm grinding against his frenulum. I have another orgasm as he climaxes.

We cuddle afterwards. He tells me what happened was incredible. I tell him I thought so too.

I get off of him. Most of his ejaculate is on his pajama top. His cock still looks really big even though it's getting soft.

I'm just not ready for the night to end. I kneel between his legs and take his manhood into my mouth. There's plenty of cum and my juices on it. I run my lips and tongue up and down the shaft. It takes a few minutes, but it firms up and becomes so big. I bob my head up and down, my mouth open wide, on the first three or four inches. It doesn't take very long before his hands tighten their grip on my head. I eagerly swallow. I kiss him afterwards and am glad he doesn't turn his head. It's late and we both have to get up early.

We hug, kiss again. He transfers the cum on his pajama top to my borrowed nightie. He reminds me I'll need to do the wash in the morning.

I go to the bathroom and then to bed, but I can't sleep. I'm too busy revisiting not just what happened, but what happened years earlier.

Johnny was my favorite cousin. He was my favorite boy. He treated me like I was a princess, made me feel special. He wasn't like the other boys my age or even a bit older. He was an adult. Growing up, we lived three houses apart. Everyone my age loved Johnny because he was so cool. He knew the latest dances and listened to the best music. He's out of college and working, lives on his own, but visits his parents a lot.