Happy Place Pt. 04


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I'm all hormones, but I'm not boy crazy, just Johnny crazy.

I watch out for him all the time. I want him to notice me. I go out of my way to knock on the door when he visits his parents. Since we're related and friends no one thinks it strange. I catch him one day as he's leaving his parents. He stops the car. I walk over.

I'm wearing a tube top and short shorts which my dad hated, but my mom had convinced him all the young women were dressing like I did.

Our street wasn't busy. I smile at him. He always called me cugina, Italian for cousin. We always greeted each other with a quick kiss. I can see him looking at me as I approached. I stuck my head into the car and pursed my lips. He kissed me. I asked him how he was doing. He told me he was working a lot. He asked what sports I was playing and if I was making good grades. I asked him if he liked living on his own. He said he did, but he hated housework, laundry, and cooking. I told him he would never find a woman like his mother. He laughed and said he would keep looking until he did. We both agreed she was a saint, but that she had created a forever man-child.

He laughed, but admitted it was true.

"Johnny, are you going to Daniela's wedding?"

He said, "I think so. Why? Are you going?"

I smiled, "I am. It's going to be at Saint Peter's. There will be a lot of people. I hear they've booked a great band. I'm ready to dance. Are you bringing a date?"

He said, "I don't think so. I'm between girlfriends right now. Can't seem to find the right woman."

I wanted to shout, "I'm the right woman. Just give me a few years and I'll prove it."

We chat for a few minutes. He says he has to get going. He pursed his lips. He expected a kiss from me. I pucker up, but when I press my lips against his I leave them there a second or two longer than normal.

He tilted his head and gave me a strange look like he's trying to figure something out.

He tells me he'll see me in a few weeks. I tell him I can't wait. He drove off. I stood in the street and watched his car until it was out of sight.

There was no question I had a crush on him.

The wedding was two weeks later. After the ceremony, we went to the reception which was in the school gym next to the church. I was wearing these ridiculously high heels because I wanted to be even taller when I danced with Johnny. Johnny showed up, but he kept his distance for half the night. Finally, he asked me to dance. My parents didn't think anything of it because they were also dancing and it was a fast song. We danced to a few songs. The gym was a bit warm. My parents let me drink at weddings so I would get used to it and because they were there to watch me.

I danced with a lot of people, but Johnny the most. My parents had to leave because my mom started feeling bad. By that time, Johnny was sitting at our table. He talked to them and even offered to drive my mom home. My dad said he would take Mom home. He then suggested Johnny could do him a huge favor and drop my sister and I off after the wedding. He told him he would.

While my parents were there, Johnny danced with my mom, my sister, me, and a few other women. He really was light on his feet and made even average dancers like my mom look good. My dad encouraged Johnny and Mom to dance, but I later wondered if he didn't have a voyeuristic streak in him. Back then, I was too naive to entertain such an idea. Mom seemed to certainly enjoy herself with Johnny, but then she got a migraine.

So now it's Lucia, Johnny, and I. Lucia knows I have a crush on Johnny; she thinks it's cute. She's been making eyes at another young man all night. They start dancing and she starts sitting with him. I'm drinking. Johnny and I are talking and dancing. The gym is hot. We are both sweating a lot.

I tell him, "I need to cool off."

I get up and he followed me outside.

I can feel rivulets of sweat running off my body, down my chest, between my breasts. My dress feels damp and clings to me. Johnny had taken his coat and tie off. There are a half dozen other couples outside cooling off and having a cigarette because smoking wasn't allowed inside the gym.

We talk with other people outside, but I want to be alone with Johnny, but I'm too shy to say anything.

People start going back in until we're the only ones left outside.

He looks at me and asks, "Barbara, do you want to go some place more private?"

I nod yes.

He takes me by the hand and says, "I know a place. Come on."

We cross the street and he leads me to a garden the students maintain. It's not really that private, but at night it seems perfect. It's rectangular shaped. One wall is the school and the other three walls are chain link fencing. There are plants all along the chain link fencing blocking the view of anyone driving by. It's a place not just for growing plants, but for prayer and meditation. There are a couple of concrete benches, big enough for two to sit on.

We sat down. My heart is racing and I'm sweating again.

He's not stern, but there's no mistaking he's serious when he looks at me and says, Barbara, I could get in a lot of trouble."

I promise him, "I won't tell you on you, Johnny."

He put his hand under my chin and lifted my head so I would look him in the eye and not at the ground, "Barbara, this never happened. Promise me you won't tell anyone, not even your best friend."

"I promise I won't tell. I won't even write it in my diary."

He moved his head close to mine. I pursed my lips in anticipation. He gently kissed me.

I told him, "That was nice. Your lips are soft."

He kissed me again, but that time we pressed our lips together and kept kissing. I liked kissing him a lot. I had no preconceived idea of what would happen next. Kissing was a huge deal, but it left both of us wanting. The next time he kissed me he extended his tongue and caressed my lips.

I told him, "That feels good."

He kissed me again, extended his tongued, but that time, I extended mine. It was a horrible way to try and kiss trying to keep my lips closed while sticking my tongue out just a fraction. I liked the feel of our tongues touching. I opened my mouth and experienced my first French kiss ever; that kiss left me gasping. I had never felt arousal before, but I felt it then.

I was his for the taking. He seemed pretty excited by what we were doing also.

"Just a few more kisses Barbara, then we have to get back inside, or people will look for us."

We French kissed again only somewhere during that kiss we went from first base to second. I put my hand on top of his letting him know it was okay. Johnny was no novice when it came to tits. He massaged my breast, located my bra covered, erect nipple, stroked it with his thumb, and I discovered pleasure in my breasts had a direct line to what I was feeling below the waist. I soon learned just how direct a link there was.

He somehow managed to separate my cup from my breast so now the only thing separating my flesh from his was my very damp, polyester dress. Using his thumb, pointer and middle fingers, he expertly pleasured my swollen nipple. I thought to myself how good it felt. I broke away from our kiss.

He asked, "What's wrong? Was it too much too soon? Maybe we should go back."

I was breathing really heavy, "Nothing's the wrong, Johnny. It was perfect. I just need a break. I'm real excited. I just need to calm down. A few more minutes and we'll go back inside."

He didn't take his hand off of my breast and he didn't quit playing with my nipple. He just throttled back enough to keep my pussy humming with want.

"I'm ready again."

"Are you sure? We can go inside."

"I don't want to go inside."

He knew I didn't want to go back inside and he certainly didn't want to go back inside.

He had his left arm draped over my shoulder. He turned his wrist to look at his watch.

He calculated aloud, "They won't leave for at least another hour. Your sister is too busy to come looking for you. Someone would have to know where we are to think about looking here."

I just listened. It all sounded logical because I wanted to keep making out with him. Looking back, I know it was lust, not logic, driving our decision. Like I said, Johnny had talented fingers and long arms. I was also feeling good from the alcohol I had consumed to the point I was open to suggestion.

We resumed kissing. I never tired of those long French kisses, and I still don't, even today. He took that left arm of his and moved it under my armpit and used his left hand to play with my left breast. He took his right hand and placed it on my right breast. He tugged and I squirmed and now both of my breasts were out of my bra. It was a bit uncomfortable, but I didn't care. I just wanted my nipples played with and he did a really good job of playing with them.

We had been kissing a good while and my arousal was at a low boil. Between my legs I was a swamp. I had never experienced wetness like that. Between kisses he praised my breasts. I had seen them as sources of anxiety and discomfort so it was nice to be told they were beautiful.

He whispered into my ear, "I need to get a taste."

I cautioned him, "Johnny, it's too risky."

"We're really hidden Barbara. Here. Sit on my lap. As if you're on a horse."

I had to lift the hem of my dress when I straddled his lap. We kissed. He ran his hands up and down my back. I sat up a little because my knees were on the bench. He took his hands and grabbed my buttocks which felt really good. I also became aware for the first time my crotch was resting on something hard. I knew what it was. I liked that I excited him so much.

One of his hands went up my back while we were kissing and unzipped my dress. I felt his bare hand on my back. My clitoris was throbbing. I rubbed myself against his erection. Next thing I knew I'm lowering my shoulders to help him slip the dress off of me. He starts to undo my bra, but I tell him no that I can get dressed quicker if I don't have to put it back on. Besides, my tits are already out of my bra.

I'm holding onto Johnny, my hands joined at the back of his neck. He doesn't have to worry about me falling off of his lap and places a hand on my bare breast. I'm rubbing myself against him faster. I grab the back of his head and suddenly he's sucking my titty. Damn, it felt good. His mouth is even better than his fingers. He alternates sucking them. His hands are on my hips and he's guiding me as I rub against him. I have my very first orgasm.

I whisper to him, "Wow."

I've orgasmed and definitely was ready for more, but time was not on our side.

He seemed pretty relaxed which prompted me to ask, "Did you?"

He said he had and used the same word to describe it, "Wow."

"We'd better get back. Don't take this wrong, but let's go in separately."

I answered, "I won't. I understand." I felt sad, but I knew he was right.

He and I sat together. We even held hands, but kept them under the table, out of view. I sensed he was distancing himself from me. Someone else asked me to dance. He insisted I dance with him.

Afterwards, he drove my sister and I home. I actually had to sit in the back seat because he insisted she sit up front.

There's really nothing more to tell. He avoided me after that night. I got over him and then two years later I'm at his and Becky's wedding and two years after that he's back in my life.

Johnny and Becky was the first cuckold marriage I experienced except it wasn't Johnny who was the cuckold, but Becky. What Johnny and I did excited and worried her. It also worried and excited me. I didn't want to be the other woman who broke up their marriage. I also wasn't in love or even deep like with Johnny; that ship had sailed a long time ago. I did enjoy the salaciousness of our threesome. Over time, I even became comfortable expressing limited physical intimacy with John in front of Becky. Her eyes would get glassy from being so aroused as John and I French kissed or the few times I let him suck my breasts while his wife watched. It was a rush to ask her to leave the room so Johnny and I could be intimate. Her house and I'm acting like she's the guest and I'm the wife.

There's also another development paralleling my relationship with Johnny. Becky asked me if I would like to be a full time nanny to their twins. I talked it over with my parents who said it was a lot of responsibility and I should ask for more money. My mom suggested I offer to stay with Johnny and Becky on a full time basis for at least a few months. What I didn't share with my parents was another offer Becky made.

Becky asked me, "Have you ever heard of the term wet nurse?"

I told her I had, but pointed out, "Don't you need to have been pregnant to produce milk?"

She said, "Normally, but doctors can prescribe women hormones to fool the body into producing milk."

"Sounds expensive."

Becky said, "Johnny and I would pay for the doctor's visits and the hormones. We'd also double your salary."

"You'll be producing milk. Why do you need me?"

"I plan on going back to work within a few months after I have them, but it may be too much for me to breast feed and work full time. I'm going to try, but I want a backup plan."

Her proposition intrigued me. I said I'd do it.

She hugged me. I hugged her back. I really felt like we were sister wives. She then told me she had already made an appointment for me with her doctor for that afternoon.

She explained she already had an appointment for herself and she had discussed wet nursing with her doctor who suggested if she found a candidate to have them come with her at her next appointment.

That afternoon, her doctor spoke to us about the process. I had to fill out a questionnaire and the doctor did a physical exam. She also wanted to know why I was doing this as she said being a wet nurse was a huge responsibility, that nursing was time consuming and could be challenging. I gave her my reasons. During my exam she pointed out my large breasts were a blessing. In her experience, women with big breasts responded rather quickly to hormone therapy.

I asked her when I would start producing milk. She said it would still take months, but she assured me I'd be ready to nurse by the time Becky returned to the workforce. She explained my hormone therapy consisted of starting birth control pills and taking Domperidone multiple times a day in various dosages. Since I wasn't having intercourse I wasn't avoiding pregnancy so I figured it was not a sin to take birth control pills.

As expected, my breast size increased and my period stopped.

A few months later Becky delivered the twins. Two months later, we are at the doctor for a well baby check up. The doctor tells me it's time to go off the birth control, but she prescribed a larger dose of Domperidone. She also told me it was time to start pumping my breasts several times a day. She advised me to start out slow and to not get frustrated.

I'm excited. To celebrate, Becky buys me my own breast pump. Ten days later, my breasts produce clear fluid. I share the news with Becky. A few more days of pumping and I'm producing milk. Another two weeks and my breasts are producing a lot of milk.

Becky is still relying on me to tend to Johnny's needs because breastfeeding twins keeps her very busy and tired.

By that time, Johnny and I are no longer using the couch, but my bed. I've gotten very good at giving him head. And yes, I'm still giving Father Bill head once a week. I'm getting a bit bored with our routine as it's a bit lopsided. Don't get me wrong. I'm having fun, but he's the one having twice the number of orgasms as me. I blame myself because I'm the one who is adamant about keeping his hands outside of my panties, but my resistance is fading as his persistence is growing.

Our sessions focus on his pleasure which I rationalize will be good for me when I do finally meet the man of my dreams. I can deep throat Father Bill, but Johnny's cock is just too wide. The best I can do is take five inches of him into my mouth. I've become very adept at opening my mouth wide so he can fuck it. I usually give him a blow job before he goes to work. One thing about him is he climaxes fairly quickly. I like sucking him in the morning because it seems so kinky.

I'm still very hesitant to do things with Johnny if Becky can see us.

Johnny is even more enamored with my breasts now that they are triple D's approaching E cup status. I notice more people looking at my chest. I have to buy bras with more support. I've also discovered pumping several times a day isn't so much fun. I decide after I'm done with Becky and Johnny I'm going back to school.

I find out Johnny likes the taste of breast milk so we incorporate nursing into our nighttime activities. It's a lot more pleasant than the pump. I've rubbed myself against his cock dozens of times, but it's always when I've straddled him. In bed, I'm often on my back, naked except for my panties. Johnny is completely naked.

He's on top of me. My legs are open wide. The head of his cock is pressed against my labia. I move my pelvis to stimulate myself against it. I reach between us, grab his cock, and as we kiss, rub myself to orgasm. He also climaxes all over the outside of my panties. We both agree afterwards that our climaxes were very nice. We do this a few more times over the next couple of weeks.

I'm pretty sure at this point the pill's protective powers have long worn off. I remember the doctor explaining how going off the pill is hormonally the same as a woman giving birth. It's what triggers the prolactin. My body is returning to normal. The urges I'm feeling are hormonal and they are scaring me. Being in bed with Johnny makes those urges even harder to fight off.

He's also not helping matters because he hasn't had intercourse in months. He wants to bury that cock of his into my vagina, but he also knows that's a deal breaker. He's also unaccustomed to not getting his way. We're in my bed and Johnny is rubbing the head of his monster cock against my swollen clitoris. It feels really good, but what we both want is penetration. I don't want him to be the one I lose my virginity to, but I want to do more than have him rub me.

I take my hands off him and hook my thumbs into my panties, the very same pair you've been masturbating with, and begin to pull them down. He moves off of me and even helps me take them off. He's on his haunches, his cock sticking straight out. I lay there with my legs open and he gets back on top of me.

I grab his cock and rub it up and down my labia. His knob is so big. I can feel it right by vaginal entrance. I move my hips against it. He and I are staring at each other. I can tell it feels good for him also.

"Barbara, I won't go all the way in you."

"Johnny, I trust you."

I closed my eyes as he pumped two inches of his cock in and out of me. I told him it felt really good. He said it felt really good to him also. Johnny had a big cock. He never needed much time before he was hard again, but he didn't have a lot of stamina. After a few minutes he told me he was going to cum. I should have, but didn't, tell him to pull out. We were both shaken up by the risk we had taken. We even talked about not doing it again, but a few days later while Becky was in bed in the other room, Johnny fucked me again.

He warned me he was about to climax. I answered him by hooking my feet together at the ankles. I told him afterwards if we keep doing this I'm going to end up a pregnant virgin.

We joked about how bad it would be, but we tempted fate a few more times. His cock really felt amazing, but I was scared to orgasm because I knew I would just pull him into me.

Becky was the one who applied the brakes. I had just finished cleaning up after dinner and was going to my room to pump. My breasts leaked whenever the twins cried wanting to be fed. Becky and Johnny had the twins and they were starving.