All Comments on 'Harmless Flirting - Cary's Dilemma'

by fritz51

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sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 5 years ago

From your intro, I would say that the burden is on the hubby (or wife, in the opposite case), to express their feelings, ideally before, but if necessary, after and incident.

Then, the flirtatious party either modifies their behavior, or leaves the relationship, if they can't agree on what is "proper."

"They each have a different view as to what the acceptable boundaries are for her interactions with the men she's dancing with." - That's a major problem right there. If they can't agree on the boundaries, who is to decide when they've been crossed?

So, not only is she going to the club that started their problems, but she lied about it.

I don't care about any "rape fantasy," Kurt was seen drugging her drink.

As for divorcing her after she was raped, he has already said that if he got there, found out she had lied and was effectively "dating" Kurt, that would have been enough for him to divorce her. The rape doesn't change that.

Except for the lie, and I can understand her not wanting to admit to the gang bang, I don't see how many cocks had been in her as pertinent.

"A couple of mercenary types that Cary knew from his Marine days were contacted, and they extracted Kurt from his apartment." - NO! STOP! Not the mercenary friends!

Why is Kurt living in a desolate area? Is he hiding from Cary?

He was only gone 20 minutes? Figuring travel time Kurt actually had a pretty quick death.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Harsh, but I can't say he was that out of line. This was a case where forgiveness and reconciliation may have been possible, but the fact that her deceitful actions lead to some terrible men doing terrible things to her that she didn't deserve doesn't mean her husband has to accept the bad actions and remain married to someone who doesn't respect his feelings or the marriage. Not to mention that she apparently lied to him from the beginning of their relationship, and he had to find out in public. I guess I can't blame him.

At least the creeps got paid back with interest.

Thanks for the story,


p.s. Ecstasy doesn't incapacitate a person. Her inhibitions would have been lowered and she would have been more touchy-feely, but she wouldn't be falling down or losing control of her movements. It seemed more like they roofied her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

It's hard to feel much sympathy for Gayle over the divorce. She lied her ass off to Cary about her sexual history, then was disrespecting him every time she went dancing. When she flirted with Kurt so much that she nearly caused a fight, Cary should just divorced her then.

Nobody deserves to be raped, but Gayle set herself up for disaster.

ReadyOneReadyOnealmost 5 years ago
Swear I've read this before

Maybe not all in one location, but the characters and actions -- even names -- seem to already be in my memory.

The rescue at the bar. The unreal trial of the victim. Mercenaries kidnapping Kurt, fling him to a closed plant owned by the MC who slipped out of a party to do a killing, and staging the body in the MC's city as sex gone bad. (At least in the version in my memory, the original author made MC wealthy enough to cover the tab.)

Yes, there's a lot of duplication in LW, but this reminds me so much of a high schooler's cut and paste efforts. Maybe my memory is warped. But maybe not?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
A good plot idea, but too much like a book report.

Narrating what happened or what someone is thinking is always impersonal and drains the drama and suspense out of the story. It become too passive. Seeing the actions, hearing the words, having the characters express their thoughts in real time as the events are occurring makes the story so much more exciting and enjoyable. It also takes a lot more work.

Thanks for the effort, and for allowing anonymous comments. That act alone makes you a stronger and more determined author than the pussies who hide from the open public. Good luck with future stories.

fritz51fritz51almost 5 years agoAuthor
to Ready One

I assure you that this was not plagiarized. Since I couldn't have possibly read all of the Lit stories, I can't speak to, with certainty, of any similarities to any other story. I read many works on this site and admit to being inspired by many, but in no case do I attempt to copy some one else's work.


26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago
Another good one

I have enjoyed your series of "flirty women" stories and hope that there are more. I never understood the behavior of women like Gayle. During my post military "dark" year when my anger issues and physical ability made me unstable and dangerous, I often got angry if someone even spoke to my date. Asking for a dance or talking to her would result in a fight. Fortunately for me I never dated a woman like Gayle because I likely would still be in prison. I can identify completely with the males in your story. Gayle's rape was terrible, but so was her lying and flirting. He should have cut her loose long before the rape.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Very entertaining...

...I like your style. 5 stars. Thanx!


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
dont like the ending ...

its inresting to see how Cary took revenge on those men when Gayle openly invited them and lured them into raping her. If you leave your safety vault open and allow public to enjoy the gems you have, who would be responsible if your gems get stolen? such a cowardly act by Cary as one of ex US Marines. marines are known for ambushing and killing people taking justice in thier hands. nothing new about it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
She Did Him Wrong

I have had the honor of knowing Many Good Marines . I Doubt that any Good Marine would put up with that Kind of disrespect .. I bet He would have driven Her Home then He would have Broke up with Her .. The Rapist Got what they deserved . Never Mess with a Married Women ..

fritz51fritz51over 4 years agoAuthor
Re: anon 9-26-19

I reject your characterization of Marines in general. I choose to honor all those who serve until / or unless they are proved to deserve otherwise.

It is my belief that these men and women represent the best of America.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 4 years ago
He had no choice

Sadly there are many women who simply don’t understand the dangers of being too much of a tease; there are also many women who don’t understand that their husband (or BF) has a better handle on the mindset of a teased man.

Worse are the lies. If a woman values her relationship, knows her partner wouldn’t like her activities, and lies about her plans... there can’t be trust. Throw the rest out, the lies are the part that can’t be gotten past.

mark73107mark73107over 4 years ago
Semper Fi Jarhead

Excellent job removing the scum from this planet.

sempergumby1963sempergumby1963over 4 years ago
US Marines

No better friend, and no worse enemy to have. Semper Fi!

FireFox59FireFox59almost 4 years ago

Sad, sad tale but her blatant disrespect of her husband put her in the situation. You reap what you sow

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

She got karma for her blatant disrespect and teasing behavior...

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Army, but have great admiration for the Marines and their fighting ability. Too bad Anonymous can't voice his dislike to an actual Marine instead of his keyboard belligerence. Good chapter here wit a tragic result of the flirty wife's actions. Beautiful revenge, especially on Kurt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very good BUT sorely in need of editing. Please get a decent editor; the number of misspelled words and the sudden change of tense, ruins the story!

SexecutionerSexecutionerabout 3 years ago

While it's already been said, did she deserve the rape? No. But she set herself up to allow it to happen. I just the rest of these stories don't evolve around dancing as the only form of disrespect.

MarkT63MarkT63about 3 years ago

Karma is an evil bitch!!! Ask Gail...

AlericAlericalmost 3 years ago

What kind of pussy DA convinces a victim to drop the charges on a slam dunk case. Those turds drugged her and took away her choice, this should have been the only argument that was needed. The defense witnesses were just smokescreens. Hammer home the drugging aspect and send those pieces of shit to prison.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 2 years ago

The part about Gayle and her college boyfriend shouldn’t have been a factor in their divorce. It’s not like one of the guys was a friend of his. It’s sad that it could affect a criminal trial. One consensual act doesn’t justify a separate non consensual act later.

Cary was justified in divorcing Gayle for lying about GNO, considering the nature of their marital issues. She knew what she risked, even if she rationalized that drinks and (simple) dancing should pass the husband test.

Still I can’t figure out how Cary is well off. He was a Marine. His size intimidated people. If he’d been an officer, he wouldn’t have nearly killed another marine in a fight - so he was enlisted. How does a fairly coarse man go from enlisted to well-off?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It was a good story until the mercenary scrap.

Buster2UBuster2Uabout 2 years ago

So many grumpy guys just looking for something to complain about. LOL 5 stars to writer. Great job!! I love a happy ending!

servant111servant111about 2 years ago

Way too many plot holes requiring too many deux ex machina fixes.

Still good basic writing. 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You hear so many countless stories in this website about men with their terrible fragile egos, when in actuality the women with their vanity and they're flirting or actually the ones with the little child like egos. My first wife who we were together with for 10 years used to love to pull my Chain by doing this, unfortunately she got a little too drunk one night and did this with a guy she met at a club and I wasn't there to intercede. Got the call from the local police at 2 a.m. in the morning to come to the hospital, my wife was the victim of a multiple partner gangrape, and once I figured out that it was all started because of her stupid dumbass flirting oh, I left her to her own devices

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why the vilification of a woman who was raped horribly? The husband can choose to do what he wants. It is his life. But nothing justifies a rape. Same tired old trope. Rape is rape.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Story in trouble! Story in trouble! Call in the SEALs! (Ort! ort!) Call in the Rangers! Call in the Special Forces! Call in Mossad! Call in the Commandos! Call in the ninjas! Call EVERYONE!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A classic narcisit and closet sexual sadist.

She had always been on a self destructive course with a predictable self-destructive ending.

He a real world situation no man would care what happened to her post divorce. The need to put that pain behind him and forge, eventually, a better life would preclude it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

An add on. NOTHING justifies her rape.

It is also undeniably true so placed herself in harms way. She had a moral duty both to herself and even more so to her husband, to NOT follow the course of ACTIONS HE CHOSE. It needs to be remembered she lied to her husband about where she was going. After having regained his trust she betrayed it willingly and with knowledge of forethought. Yes, she was raped but was absolutely complicit in her fate.

If I were on the jury I would hold with the above but Convicted the rapists for what they did. Rape, not the consensual fantasy game, should ALWAYS be harshly punished.

I would consider her a slut and closet whore but would never allow rape to go unpunished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Don't marry party girls fams. Not worth the unending dramas they bring with them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

soul not sole

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveover 1 year ago

Fact: They drugged Gayle. Eyewitness.

Fact: Semen found in he and on her from the three defendants. Lab tests confirm.

There is a big difference from wanting to be gang banged in college versus gang raped.

No way this case gets dropped, no way the jury doesn't convict

The murders ruined this story. As did Cary not staying married to his wife. She lied about going to the bar and she danced with the guy that her husband hated. Whoopdee fucking doo! And that is grounds for divorce? Absolutely not. Funny how so many readers condemn her for her deeds but have no problem with the fucking murders. God, the human race is in bad shape.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was a terrible story. Unworthy of this author. First there is no way those guys get away from rape. The witness that saw them drug her and then her get gangraped in a van plus the physical evidence is a no Brainerd. There was never a cross examination of the defense witnesses. Balderdash. Hearsay about events in the past in college mean Jack shit. All she had to do was testify on the stand to refute the contention of the defense witness that it was a simulated gang rape. This case would be a slam dual conviction. Second, Gayle did not deserve what happened. She did not know at first where the girls were going. Then when she learned she thought whe could handle it. She was being given a loot of liquor but then realized she was failing the husband test and tried to leave. Kurt the rapist, tricked her, drugged her and raped her with two other guys. Cary is an asshole. I can understand needing to go to counseling and have rhe wife also see a therapist. I can see him being upset about incidents in college but it should not unduly influence the divorce. Then he murders the three pricks. Yes Gayle was a flirt and pushed the envelope but she did not deserve what happened. I wish her luck in her recovery and that she finds a better man. Cary overreacted and she can find a better man. Hopefully she learns to turn it down notch and find someone who really loves her. Cary has serious anger management and lack of forgiveness issues. His focus on the lie and a "date" with the guy he hates shows that he is a jerk who lacks empathy for what his wife suffered. Ignoring the rape, she drank, danced, tried to leave and got drugged and raped. Wtf? Awful resolution.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

@Sarahwithlove, if a person lies to their spouse so that they can spend time with someone else, that person has demonstrated they are selfish, untrustworthy, untruthful and disrespectful of both their spouse and their marriage. Those are valid reasons to seek a divorce. Anyone who cannot appreciate how destructive lies are to a relationship will likely find themselves alone much of the time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Generally, actually near EVERY TIME, the Lit. Authors GREATLY exaggerate the sexual proclivities of women. They don’t cum 12 times a night………get em off as much as twice every few times in bed and they will never leave you…..ever. They also won’t cheat if the marriage is good……almost never if it is really good……they are far better than men in this …… will far more often cheat in a good marriage. The reason more women cheat these days are that the marriages today are not nearly as good as they were a generation and two ago. Lot of reasons for that decline of the quality of marriage today…….too much for this comment to go into here. R. H.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAover 1 year ago

The reason women cheat now a days is they can/ They do not have the moral or mental fiber to remain faithful. They see all the "stars' and the dress up reality of entertainers coupled with the increasing number of divorced women who try and convince themselves they are not whores and sluts. They are insecure losers who have never accomplished a moral code or even a moral well being. The reason most men relate to revenge or BTB themes is they see in every day life women act like entitled, attention whore and since they already fucked up their own marriages, they try to pull other women down in the gutter with them. The description below hangs the onus of good sex on the husband and the wife is justified to cheat if she feels unsatisfied. The reality is much more balanced. Bad sex in a marriage doesn't lead to cheating or adultery (women) but instead the thrill of the risk coupled with outside attention and adoration plus e lazy married couples cause the gap.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Agree with Anonymous post form 8 months ago starting with "This is a terrible story." Gayle was raped pure and simple. She was drugged. Yes she lied to go out, but we know from her side she tried to get out of there and then was tricked and drugged and raped in a van. This whole simulated gang rape in thr van theory of the defense is ridiculous and woukd easily get shredded in court. There were witnesses. She was drugged. This is a slam dunk conviction anywhere in the US. Just a joke. And yes Cary is an execrable husband. What a craven, insecure little shit. Yes he gets revenge on her rapists but can't forgive her for what happened. What a heartless whiny shit.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

He clearly had observed and learned what a cocktease she was before even dating her.

How stupid of a fuck was he to even date let alone marry the slut?!

He went into this with his eyes open and with full knowledge. He deserved to get fucked over and everything that comes with that!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This story was mostly done well. All the points the commenters made are easily countered. He knew what she was like? No, she even agreed that she lied about her past. He's insecure? Guess you missed the part where he stayed and helped her, while continuing to help her after the divorce. He divorced her. Yes, most men would. Her exes did. They were different circumstances, but he also said he was divorcing her due to everything leading up to being drugged: the lie to where she was going, doing what had rocked their marriage in the first place, and putting herself into a position that lead to her demise. She wasn't drugged in the beginning, she was drinking. She didn't have to dance, knowing it only fueled the fire, but she did. She could have left when Kurt showed up, but decided not to. Hell, had she not cozied up to him in the first place, she wouldn't have been drugged. Now before all you feminists and nancies tell me those aren't excuses to be raped, I agree, they aren't. But damn if everything prior to drugging her wasn't a sign suggesting she was open for business. Any guy would assume that. Obviously the difference between men and monsters are how each responds to the word no and of course the drugs. The only part I agree with ya'll on is trial. No way her trial isn't a slam dunk. At most, they'd change it from Rape to date rape, and that would need something more damning than her ex's story.

Just_WordsJust_Words4 months ago

I liked it even though it was sad and gave it 5*****! without reservation. I, too, hate a flirt. It's cheap, selfish behavior and disrespectful of the spouse. The shame of it is she probably learned her lesson and would never flirt again, but the damage was done and the marriage was not fixable. Shame. That's the reality of life - you don't always get another chance.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Stupid woman lost everything because she was certain in her self-centred delusions that she would be the one person in all of history that could keep playing with ever-increasing amounts of fire and not get burned. Harsh as it is, she got what she deserved in the end. Sad but true. Cary is better off without her.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Dumb chit

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It's been a while since I've posted a story. I've just finished one that turned out to be very difficult to finish. I'm finishing the editing process and have yet to decide about comments, especially from anons.