Harrowing Halloween


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I cut across the path and stepped into the woods on the opposite side I had approached from and then cut towards the cemetery. Before long I was standing in front of the natural wall of bush and trees that wrapped around the old brick wall. Years of growing on checked had allowed the growth to envelop the wall even more. I searched along its edge for a couple of minutes until I finally found what I was looking for. I had almost overlooked it. I dropped down to my hands and knees and found the hollow that I had used to climb through the wall 5 years ago. The plants had been hard at work to cover up the hole. I lay down on my stomach and started to crawl along the cool mud. If I thought the hole was too small five years ago, it was near impassable this time. I had to push branches back in several points where they had grown across the hole.

I was about half way through the hole when My phone started to vibrate loudly in my pocket. Luckily I almost always kept my phone on silent, but in the stillness of the night even the vibration sounded like thunder. I reached back and fished my phone out of my pocket. I quickly turned off the vibration setting and also dimmed my phones screen while I was at it. "Don't keep me waiting much longer," Mr. Anderson wrote. I heard a muffled scream from within the cemetery. A moment later I received another picture message, this time it was of a second slash across Alice's other cheek. This cut was deeper.

"I'm almost there," I said and then continued forward. I had to hurry. I finally made it to the brick wall. The hole was still intact. After loosening a few of the grey bricks I was able to slide under the wall. I was in. Before continuing forward to search for Alice I bent down and looked through the bricks on the ground. There was a half of brick that must have fallen out over 10 years ago because it was weather worn. I slipped it into the pocket of my jacket, I knew I already had Henry's knife but I wanted every form of weapon that I could lay hands on.

I took a second to orientate myself and then started to follow the wall towards the way that would take me to the opposite end of the entrance. With any luck I would be able to sneak up on Mr. Anderson. I didn't know exactly what I planned on doing, but as long as I went undiscovered I felt like I would have a better chance. I kept at a crouch as I used the gravestones as cover. Just like the first time I came to the cemetery fog blanketed the ground, giving me the chills but also some much extra cover.

I was about halfway to the back end of the cemetery when Evelyn stepped out from behind a mausoleum. My nerves were so fried that I nearly screamed out loud but just managed to keep my calm. Evelyn looked relieved to see me but also like she was close to panic. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me into a tight hug. "Chris, I remember who killed me. He's here and he has a girl tied up and I wanted to help her but I don't know what to do," Evelyn said while near hysterics.

"I know, he has my friend," I whispered.

"Why is he here? Why can't he just let me rest?" She asked.

"Because I found your journal and took it from him, but he found out," I took it out of my pocket and showed it to Evelyn. "He wants to trade your journal for Alice's life."

"He's not going to let you leave here alive." Evelyn said.

"I know, we have to try and do something," I said. I pulled out the pocket knife and held it for a moment. Evelyn looked from me to the knife. I hated to part with the weapon, but I held it out to her.

"I can't face him, I'm sorry but I just can't. I remember everything and I wish I could just forget" Evelyn said.

I wanted to be mad at Evelyn, but I couldn't. She just remembered the trauma that she suffered at Mr. Anderson's hands. Because she died she never got a chance to recover from those wounds, both physical and mental. I placed the knife into her hand and tried to be brave even though I was trembling from fear. "He is expecting me. I will distract him and you can cut Alice free. Can you do that?" I asked.

"Yes," Evelyn said. I asked her where she had seen Alice and after one last hug we split up. I cut through the graves towards the front of the cemetery. I didn't want to have Mr. Anderson grow suspicious of me if I didn't show up from the correct angle. I saw Alice tied up to the gate of one of the mausoleums that was closest to the tree on the hill. Mr. Anderson stood off to the side of the mausoleum with his back pressed to the wall. He looked bored.

Right when I was about to step into the path from behind a large gravestone there was a loud clanging sound as the gate was thrown open. I ducked down just as Mr. Anderson looked off towards the sound of the gate open. Who the hell could that be? I asked myself, hoping that somehow the cops had shown up. A moment later Henry stepped from between the two small hills with mausoleums on them blocked off the view from the maingate. Henry looked worse than I felt with all the drying blood that coated his face from his nose, down his chin, and stained his white undershirt. "Chris, I am going to fucking kill you when I find you. I know you came in here," Henry shouted.

Crap, Henry was not going to give up. I looked up to see how Mr. Anderson was going to handle this interruption, but he was gone. I saw Evelyn creep out of the shadows and start towards Alice. Henry continued up the path, yelling for me to quit being such a pussy and step out and face him like a man. Henry passed me and didn't see Alice until he was already almost halfway to her. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Henry asked. His voice seemed to be full of conflicting emotions as he saw how cut up Alice was. Henry took a couple of steps forward and then paused. Even though I was looking right at Henry I still almost missed it as the heavy set Mr. Anderson rose up from behind a ornate tombstone stone and side stepped towards Henry. Henry turned his head at the last second and looked as Mr. Anderson rose to his full height. "Mr Anderson?" Henry asked in confusion. I saw Mr. Anderson do a smooth motion and then I heard a wet gurgling sound. Henry started to drop to the ground, but on his way down he clung on to Mr. Anderson's shirt and drenched it with blood. With a light shove Mr. Anderson pushed Henry away from him. Henry hit the ground hard. His eyes darted around frantically until he spotted me. He looked so scared, and then the life left his eyes.

Alice made a whimper of pain and Mr. Anderson looked back towards her. I stepped out from behind cover and slid the brick out of my pocket. My heart pounded as I took the steps towards him. Mr. Anderson started to turn his head as I swung. The brick caught him across the side of the face The brick broke into pieces from the blow. I was hoping that the hit would be enough to drop him, but he stayed on his feet and clutched at his face. I glanced up for a second at Alice and Evelyn and saw Evelyn pulling off Alice's gag and blindfold. Alice was rubbing back the feeling into her wrists. I shouldn't have let myself get distracted because Mr. Anderson slashed down at me with his hunting knife. I tried to step back but I didn't move fast enough. The knife slashed across my arm and caused me to cry out in pain. It felt like there was a strip of fire going down my arm from where the blade effortlessly parted flesh.

"I didn't expect you to fight back," Mr. Anderson said and then slashed again at me. I was expecting it this time and was able to jump back in time.

"Most people don't seem to," I said and dodged his next slash. Mr. Anderson was big, but he had the reach advantage and moved faster than I expected him to. His next slash caught me across the chest, this wound was deeper than the last. If I could win this fight somehow then I would do all that I could to do so, but as long as I bought Alice enough time to get away then I would be content. I was terrified of dying, but at least I was able to face my fear because I had a purpose.

"How did you know I had Evelyn's journal?" Mr. Anderson asked.

"I didn't, I-" I started to say but my answer was interrupted as he towards my stomach with the blade. I jumped back and tripped over a low tombstone. I sprawled backwards and landed on top of someone's grave. Mr. Anderson jumped on top of me and pinned my body with his weight. He plunged the blade down towards my face. I reached up and blocked the blade with my arm where it wedged into the bone. I screamed. I had never felt anything so painful before. Mr. Anderson tried to pull the blade free but it was stuck in the bone. Each movement of the blade brought another pulse of pain. I tried to punch up at him with my other hand, but the angle was too awkward for me to land any effective blows.

Mr. Anderson pulled the blade free with a squelch that I both heard and felt. "When you see Evelyn tell her that I said hello," Mr Anderson said and plunged the knife down again. There was a burst of red as a blade appeared out the front of Mr. Anderson's neck. His blow continued downward but at a slower speed so I was able to move my head to the side as the blade feebly struck the ground. He reached for his throat as the blood continued to pour out, and then he slumped to the side and hit the ground. Standing above him with blade blood soaked blade in hand was Alice, but it wasn't just Alice, it was Evelyn too. They seemed to be sharing the same space, one moment I would see Alice more predominantly, the next it would be Evelyn, and then for a moment I could see both of them. It was almost as if I was seeing a double exposure in person.

Alice/ Evelyn reached down and helped me to my feet. I kicked the blade away from Mr. Anderson's outstretched fingers. "You can say it to her yourself, she is standing right in front of you," I said in between gasps of pain. Alice/Evelyn helped me hobble over to the steps that lead up to the mausoleum that she had been tied up to and we sat down. They used the knife to cut off a strip from my jacket and wrapped my hand in it to slow the bleeding. They asked me for my phone and I handed it over while they called 911. I rested my eyes while they talked to the dispatcher.

"I thought you said you couldn't possess people," I mumbled.

"This isn't quite a possession," Evelyn answered in her voice.

"We both were terrified and wanted to run," Alice said.

"But we both also wanted to save you," Evelyn said.

"I heard a voice even though I couldn't really see who it belonged to, I just saw a silhouette. I knew she was the one who freed me so I trusted her and let her in," Alice said.

"Together we were able to be brave enough to help you out," they said simultaneously.

"I am glad you could work together, but the voices switching back and forth thing is a little weird,"I said. They both agreed with me. We sat bunched up against the cold waiting for the police to arrive. Snow started to drift from the clouds above on cold gusts of wind. The sound of sirens echoed through the trees, and a moment later I could see the red and blue lights refracting in the fog.

"This is where I leave you. Good bye," Evelyn said and leaned in to kiss me. The kiss lingered. When Alice pulled away it was just her. The police found us and took us to the hospital. After a lengthy investigation they finally believed us when we told them all that happened. The only part of our story that we had left out was Evelyn's help. They were already skeptical enough of our story, adding a ghost to it wouldn't have helped our credibility. With the notebook and additional evidence found In Mr. Anderson's house Evelyn's murder was finally identified. Alice's journal eventually was sent to her parents. They had refused to take possession of it and the police station ended up letting me keep it. With Evelyn's parents permission I went through the journal and typed it all up and sent it to a few publishers. Someone bought the publishing rights to Evelyn's journal, and even though it wasn't in print yet I was glad to have helped Evelyn's dream come true.


One Year later

The sun was setting as Alice and I set out the blanket and picnic basket next to the tree on the hill in the middle of the cemetery. Alice and I were dating now and attended college together, we had come back home for Halloween to visit family, and also pay Evelyn's grave a visit. In the few times that I had visited her grave over the last year I hadn't sensed Evelyn's presence. I wondered if she had moved on, and felt some relief for her but also sadness at the thought of losing her. When the sun set We both looked around expectantly, until finally she stepped out from behind the tree.

"Hi," Evelyn said nervously. I got the feeling that she didn't know how to handle seeing me with Alice. Alice pulled out an extra plate from the picnic basket and patted a spot in between us for Evelyn to sit down. We ate and filled Evelyn in on all that happened in the last year. When I told her how I sent her journal to a publisher she looked mortified, but after I told her it was going to be printed she forgave me for taking the liberty. I assured her that the money was going to go to her family.

After we were done eating It was full dark so I pulled out a pair of small oil lamps from the picnic basket and set one against the tree and the other on top of the basket. The two girls leaned in and started whispering to each other and occasionally looked at me. "What are you talking about?" I asked them.

"Nothing." They both said at the same time.

"I hate when you do that," I sighed.

"Why don't you close your eyes and turn around so you can't peak. We have a surprise for you," Alice said.

"Ok," they peaked my interest so I turned around quickly.

"No peeking," Evelyn said.

"I promise," I said. A minute later Alice sat behind me and wrapped her arms around me. Alice started to kiss along my neck, they were soft pecks at first, but then she started to succle on my neck longer with each kiss. She knew this was something that always turned me on. I turned around so that I could look at Alice and see where Evelyn had gone to. I was surprised at what I saw. Alice had allowed Evelyn inside of her body again so that I could see both of them at the same time. They had stripped out of their clothes and were down to their bra and panties. I realized if I focused on one of them more than I could see that one in more focus then the other one. Alice was wearing a black lace bra that contrasted with her pale skin and black panties that had little jack-o-lanterns on it. Evelyn was wearing a cream colored bra and panty set that looked older in design, but looked great on her larger breasts.

They leaned down and started to crawl towards me, allowing me to see down their bras. They kissed me and I could feel both sets of lips on me at once. The feeling of that kiss alone got me fully hard. While one of them started to bite on my bottom lip the other one started to french kiss me. I reached down and started to knead their breasts with both of my hands. I was impatient and slipped my hands inside of their bra and started to tweak their nipples and caused them to moan into my mouth. As the kiss intensified they started to tug at the bottom of my shirt and lifted it over my head.

Once my shirt was off they started to undo my pants and pulled them down so that I was just in my boxers. Alice/Evelyn reached down into my boxers and started to stroke my shaft. I leaned back to lay on the blanket and they followed me down. As I lay there enjoying the slow hand job they finally pulled my erection from out of my boxers with one hand, and with the other they uncliped their bra. I sat up so that I could get a better view of their tits as the bra dropped away, but they pressed me back down and broke the kiss. They leaned forward and put their nipple right up against my mouth. I kissed the soft nubbin of flesh and then started to lick it. I heard both of them moan at the same time. After I kissed and sucked on one tit for a few minutes I leaned my head over and started on the other one.

After letting me have my fun with their tits they pulled away and started to lower their body, dragging their tits down across my chest as they went. As they got even lower their tits slid across my dick, causing it to twitch in anticipation. They make eye contact with me as they stick their tongue out and lick along my head and shaft. Once my dick was nice and wet they popped my cock into their mouth and started to suck on it will rotating their tongue around the head. This was something that Alice liked to do that drove me crazy for her. They then started to take me into their mouth, working my dick deeper with each downward thrust. They would look up frequently but then would go right back down to focusing on the task at hand. I knew from my past conversations that Evelyn had never been with a boy; we had always chose to not count what had happened to her. As they took in more of my 7 inch shaft I noticed their bobs becoming more uncertain. Alice was a pro at giving head so I guessed that she was allowing Evelyn to take the lead and was possible coaching her through what to do.

Eventually Evelyn got the rhythm down and the two of them worked together to increase the speed and pressure of each bob. It began to feel too good. " I'm close to cumming." I warned them.

"I want you to come in our mouth," Evelyn said before wrapping their lips back around my member. Now that I had permission to cum I wanted to hold back and last as long as possible so that I could get the most of this moment. They started to play with my balls and I lost all control and started to shoot my load into their mouth. They continued to suck on my head as they milked all the cum out and swallowed it up. After I was done I lay back in that post orgasmic bliss.

After a minute I realized that I was being inconsiderate. "Stand up," I said. They looked at me confused but then did as I said. "Lean against the tree." When they did I pulled down their panties over their firm ass. I couldn't help myself and spanked her. Evelyn yelped out in surprise while Alice let out a moan. I parted their cheeks and started to lick along their slit. The taste was amazing. It tasted similar to how Alice tasted when I eat her out, but I could also taste Evelyn's sex at the same time. I probbed my tongue in as deep as it would go, I wanted to lap up as much of their juices as possible. While I was eating them out I noticed that they were rubbing their clit with one hand while supporting themselves with the other. When I would like in the right spot it would earn me an instant reaction of a moan or cause them to shiver in pleasure. The moaning started to increase in frequency and noise as they started to rock back against my tongue.

"I want you to fuck me," Alice said. Alice and I had fooled around a lot over the past year, but we hadn't had intercourse yet. We were both virgins and Alice didn't want to rush into it, she had said when the time was right we would know it.

"What?" I asked, unable to believe what she said. I had been waiting months for her to say that.

"I want you to make love to me." Evelyn said. I stood up and dropped my boxers. I rubbed my dick along her pussy lips to tease her. "Fuck me already," Evelyn groaned. I listened to her and slid the head of my cock inside of them. All three of us groaned at the same time. I started to work my member inside of them with small thrusts, moving inside inch by inch. After a few minutes I finally bottomed out inside of her. I stood still for a moment, savoring the way their tight warm pussy wrapped around my cock. I pulled my dick all the way out and then slammed it back inside of them.

"Yes, harder," Alice said and started to thrust back against me. They must have been close to cumming from me eating them out because just a few minutes later they started to exhale loudly and shake against me.
