Harry's Island Initiation


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After just a couple of minutes, Laura appeared in the lane. She sashayed along, swinging a small canvas bag. She wore white shorts that emphasised her tanned thighs, a thin white blouse hung open revealing a green bikini top. On her head she wore a wide brimmed straw sun hat, which suited her perfectly.

She greeted me with a smile that rivalled the sun. The sun only heated me outside. Her smile beamed its way right through me.

"I like a good time keeper," she said cheerily." Come on. The trail starts back here."

"Can I carry the bag for you?" I asked, determined to be more than that callow youth of the morning.

"Ah, a true gentleman," she said with a smile. "It's only a towel and a bottle of water. You'll find we'll need that." But she handed me the bag.

The trail was deliberately laid with what looked like broken slate. We walked side by side in the open sun and I was thinking that two miles was going to be pretty wearing. Then we came to a slight bend and although it wasn't much the pines to our right presented a border of shade.

"Small cover," Laura said, and moved towards it. "But very welcome" She touched my arm to direct me to follow.

The shade did help and as we walked Laura told me more about herself. How she'd been a journalist who'd married at twenty three.

"He was a successful property developer, fourteen years older than me. A kindly respectful husband."

She went on about how he'd fallen victim to a muscle wasting disease that also affect his brain.

"A terrible time. It was a release for him when he died five years ago."

Not sure how to react to the haunted look that had come across her face, I could only say, "I'm sorry."

"A terrible time," she repeated. "But he left me well provided for. The place on Aegina is part of it. A large house in Surrey, I sold and bought a flat near London."

She suddenly placed a hand on my arm as we walked, "It's good to have a little companionship now." Her face turned to look up at me and looked so vulnerable that I had a wild urge to kiss her. Such an urge took me by surprise, and I drew in a deep breath and told myself to be content with the positive feel of her hand on my arm.

In spite of the half shade it was still extremely hot, and, after just a few more minutes, Laura said, "We're just over halfway there. Time for a rest and some water."

She guided me between the trees. The deeper shade was most welcome and we found a mound covered in pine needles to sit on. Laura took the bag from me and produced a large plastic bottle. She unscrewed the top and handed the bottle to me. "No, you first."

"And gallantry too," she said admiringly, touching my arm, before taking a good hearty drink from the bottle. I watched fascinated by the stretch and pulsing of her elegant throat.

After I had taken my refreshing drink, Laura stowed the bottle away before turning to me, her eyes shining in the gloom. "You know what I like about you, Harry?"

The question took me totally by surprise. My own thoughts had been dwelling on how cosy it was to be enclosed among the pines with this lovely lady. But all I could do was blush and shake my head at the question.

"Exactly that," she went on, "That shyness. Your uncertainty with the opposite sex. So many men I've met, some as young as you, try to be so cool, so brazen, as though they are doing me a great favour with their attentions. Not that I mind being flattered occasionally."

She reached out a slender hand and touched my chest, "But you may find that too much shyness can become an impediment. So to help you reach out of that state would you care to kiss an older woman."

Her words were stunning, her hand on my chest was an electrode. I didn't have to think. Couldn't think. I simply leaned forward to meet her offered lips.

That moment. Like breaking through ice into warmer climes. But the intensity increased as the tip of her tongue teased along my closed lips. Resistance had no place in my mind at that moment. Blood pounded in my head as I was amazed to find, within seconds, my lips parted, and her tongue went on a search for mine.

Instinct? I don't know but, within seconds, our two tongues were entwined like playful puppies. The tingling in my cheeks seemed to spread like a fireball. My arms went around her, and my hands caressed the bare perspiring skin under her blouse. There was a strong desire for my hands to wander where they might, but I just managed to resist that. My uncertain brain pondered the risk.

Laura's hand had moved from my chest down to my belly. Any further and she would encounter my pounding, erect penis, which already felt set to discharge. Fearing what might happen then, in my weakened state, I broke our embrace.

Laura studied my face. Her eyes had a clouded look. Her lips remained parted, emphasising her sensuality. "I think you're right," she said. "But I have to tell you that I found that very pleasant---no---exciting. You may have the good fortune to be a fast learner."

I was still trying to control my hammering heart, finding the words I wanted to say " It was --you were---" The trite word 'super' was my intention but what came out was, "---a good teacher."

"Would you like me to be the one to extend your education?" Her eyes never left my face as I played with the idea of her intoxicating offer. Did she mean---everything?

"Am I not too young for the likes of you?" I asked.

"I wouldn't have offered if I thought that was the case." she said, and climbed to her feet.

"You really don't mind?" I said, standing up alongside her. "I'm such a---"

"Would you stop belittling yourself? Anyway, this isn't the right environment for such activity. Come on, let's walk."

It didn't to take long to reach the coast. The beach was more pebbly here. We were so hot that we stripped off our outerwear and plunged into the refreshing balm of the sea, where we splashed, laughed and I watched her elegant front crawl.

At one point she dived beneath the surface, her black hair streaming out behind her. I could see her clearly coming at me like some beautiful sea mermaid. Her hands clutched at my shorts but they didn't budge, and she came up close to me, laughing and spluttering. "A pity," she chuckled, as we stood there toe-to-toe, her breasts pressed against my chest. Another moment for me to savour.

Walking back in the afternoon heat she told me that she was going across to Aegina on the following day, and seeing the disappointment on my face she said, "Do you think you could come across?"

" I would like to try." But I had severe doubts.

"I tell you what if you could catch the half past ten ferry, I would be on the dock to meet you."

"But if I can't make it?"

"That won't be too much bother--I'll be disappointed, but we've got time."

Behind the chapel we parted with a brief, but warm kiss.

How could I be this lucky? As I walked back to the hotel, further doubts assailed me. Whenever this education started, how much of a fool could I make of myself? The kiss had been terrific, and during it I had been filled with troubling impulses. But would I know how to direct those impulses satisfactorily? I just feared being a complete geek. Didn't I have faith in Laura to be the perfect teacher. From the way she'd talked she had experience of what men were like.

Flooded with those doubts I had to tell myself that my biggest obstacle in all of this was inside my own head!

At dinner I glibly informed my parents about how much I'd enjoyed my swim and walk in the pines---expurgated version.

Then my mother dropped the bombshell, "Good. I thought tomorrow we could take the ferry back and spend a day in Athens."

I felt my whole insides sag.

"You'll like that won't you, dear?"

But mother, I've got the chance to lose my virginity. Of course, that's not what I said.

That night I lay awake reliving that kiss and the feel of Laura's body pressed against me while we were in the sea. When I slept I dreamed that I discovered I was the perfect lover, and Laura was kissing me in gratitude.

Next morning I prepared for a trying day in the heat of Athens, but when I returned from my early run my father met me in the foyer.

"I'm afraid the trips off, son. Your mother's had a terrible night. Something she's eaten, seems to be getting its own back. I've had to call the doctor."

When I should have been feeling sorry for my mother, elation was lifting my spirits on high. I went up to her room where she sat, very pale , and drawn.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, son. We'll do it another day. The doctor says I must rest."

I told her that I didn't mind and that I hoped she was soon better. Then I galloped downstairs to find my father.

"Dad, would it be okay to take the ferry across to have a look at Aegina?"

My father only paused for a second, "I don't see why not. I'd better stay near your mother though."

My luck had changed. I quickly showered, put on my best briefs, belted shorts, a button up cotton shirt, and I was on the ferry landing by ten twenty five.

It was another steaming hot day and I stayed in the shade of an awning as the ferry shuttled its way across the clear sea.

As Aegina loomed green, dotted with white villas, doubts set in again. The main one---would she be there?

In fact she was the first person I saw as I stepped ashore. Too inexperienced, too young to know what love was, but just what sent that warm glow flooding through me at the sight of her standing there, clapping her hands to register how glad she was to see me. Her night black hair formed a loose frame around her smiling face, and, again, she wore a pure white blouse with blue shorts. Just stunning.

She held out both hands to me as I reached her, and clasped mine fervently. "I'm so relieved you could make it."

I told her the circumstances, and she shrugged, "I'm sorry. But one person's loss is another's gain. This way."

She took my hand and led me across the buzzing harbour to a row of parked cars. There were a number of flashy models but she stopped at a dark green Mini. "Good enough to gad about the island," she said, as I climbed into the passenger seat. It was like stepping into an oven, and Laura leaned across me and lowered my window.

She started the engine and asked, "Which do you want to see first? The island or my place."

I didn't know how to answer that one, "Whichever you think best."

"My place," she said emphatically.

She drove with an easy determination through the traffic. Then the road opened out along the coast. Every so often on the landward side there were gaps in the pine and shrub border to reveal the forecourt of white buildings.

"Not far," Laura said, and within minutes she turned right onto a wide forecourt in front of a three story building with a line of balconies on each level..

"Here we are," she said, as she parked alongside a large open convertible.

She jumped eagerly out of the car and came round to grab my hand and led me to a large glass door. There was a keypad on the left and she deftly typed in a series of numbers. The door opened and we were in a tidy foyer with a staircase to the left.

"We need the lift," Laura said, and went to the sliding doors at the rear. One press and the doors opened. The lift movement was surprisingly swift and we exited on the third floor passage.

"Last door on the left ," she said, and squeezed my hand.

At the door she inserted a card and the door opened.

Inside it was mercifully cool after the heat of outside and particularly the car. We were in a large living area decorated and furnished in chrome and pastel blues. To the left a wide arch revealed an impressive looking kitchen area. In the rear right hand corner stood a white desk with a portable typewriter on it. On that side were three doors.

But what took my attention were the double glass doors ahead of us, and beyond, a wide balcony area. The doors were open and Laura led the way there to savour the view across a turquoise sea.

"Pity there's a heat haze but that grey dot over there is Agistri." she pointed out.

She quickly produced two iced teas from the kitchen. It was perfection to be seated there drinking the cooling tea, while drinking in the vision of Laura.

"You like my place?" she asked keenly. I told her how impressed I was, and part of my answer included her appearance. Once again I couldn't believe this was happening to me. Laura in this situation seemed so light-hearted , almost girlish. For the first time I felt it didn't matter how old she was ---for me at that moment--- she was ageless.

"And now?" Her voice, briefly husky, broke into my thoughts. She stood up and came around the table.

"A brief kiss?" she suggested.

I was quickly on my feet. I had worried about my heated state, aware of how the sweat had been running down my chest. I moved into her arms and we kissed, tenderly at first, but more ravenously as our tongues entwined. She pressed herself against me grinding her hips over my rising erection.

Suddenly she pulled away, "Would you mind a delay while I take a shower? I got all sweated up waiting at the harbour."

I told her of how coincidental her intentions were.

She smiled and snuggled against me, "Well, since this is an early stage, we'll do this separately. That first door is the general bathroom. I have an en suite in my bedroom."

She led me to the first door and flung it open to reveal an elegantly tiled bathroom with a large double bath in one corner, a toilet and bidet, and on the right hand side a large shower cubicle. "Towels on the shelf there and you'll find a towel robe behind the door when you're finished.".

A towel robe? My mind began to bubble with expectation. I'd be naked underneath. Obviously I'd never been naked with any female. Breathing became a problem from that moment.

She gave me a quick kiss and whispered, "Don't cool off too much."

Showering was a joy, warm then icy and refreshing, but my thoughts continued to run wild. Now it begins. It was going to happen. It was near. I had to prove myself, hadn't I? Had to be strong.

I dried myself on a voluminous bath towel before donning the robe, and walked slowly to her bedroom door. All the way, my mind filled up with the anticipations and fears of what lay ahead. What would her naked body be like? Where to touch? But she was the teacher, wasn't she?

By the time I reached her door, my erection was already pressing against the towelling. I knocked lightly on the door.

"Oh, just come in," she called. "Don't stand on ceremony"

She had been sitting on a pink covered bed, dressed in an identical robe. She stood up as I entered and held out her arms. I moved quickly into a passionate kiss. The sweet aroma of jasmine filled my head. Even through the robes she must have been aware of my erection. My scrotum felt set to explode. God, I couldn't let that happen.

Even as that thought arose she stepped back and smiled lasciviously, "One step at a time." And instantly shrugged out of her robe. I gulped. There she stood, totally naked in front of me. Smooth shoulders, breasts, small but temptingly rounded and dark tipped, and subtle curve from waist to hip and that dark, dark triangle---the mystery point.

"You like what you see?" she asked. Oh, that was a delightfully sexy huskiness in her voice.

This time I had a suitable answer to that question. I let the words burst out before I lost them, "You're absolutely stunning, amazing---Oh, God, breathtaking."

She smiled and stepped towards me, "Good. Kind words can be as important as touch. Never forget that."

Even as she spoke she reached out and pulled the cord holding my robe. Before I could react, she had reached up to my shoulders and pushed the robe off completely.

I crouched forward in involuntary nervous reaction and she touched my face and said, "No embarrassment. Best to get you over that hump quickly." Without looking at what she revealed, she drew close to me and my erection pressed against her bare belly as we kissed. Her tongue meshed wetly with mine and I experienced all the stimulation I'd felt during our first kiss, only now my pulsating penis was rubbing across her belly as she swayed against me. So increasing my tension.

She broke away, and smoky eyes stared into mine. "You're all tense and overexcited. All pressure that I've invoked in you-----The bed."

And she guided me so that we were seated and very quickly, lying on the silken cover, side by side.

"This may seem rushed---but you need this. I want you inside me straight away. No lead-ins. You need to know I'm moist enough---and God knows you're hard enough. Refinement can come later. Feel between my legs."

What? Touch her there. So soon? I hadn't even touched her breasts. My hand trembled as I move it across her thigh, but she quickly grabbed it and placed it into hot, hairy moisture. I just didn't know what to do, but she immediately took my hand away, "That's what you aim for with a woman. Know she's good and moist---and ready."

Without even doing anything else I was panting, my heart was hammering and my scrotum seemed to swell.

Laura parted her thighs further, "Right, Harry. Lie yourself between my legs." She sounded a little short of breath herself.

Clumsily, I did as I was told, my whole lower body making me worried about moving too fast. So close now. I was going to do it. What I had dreamed about.

Then as I was about to lower myself, Laura reached down and placed her hand around my erection, and pulled it gently to guide it into her centre. But her fingers made subtle fluttering motions around my organ even while she directed it. And that was one move too many for my body in its hypersensitive state. Like moving the support from some fragile dam, my straining scrotum released its load. A flood roared through my penis, and before Laura could guide me to her nest, I was spurting, spurting and spurting.

I groaned with the relief, with the disappointment, with the shame of it. I heard Laura murmur, "Oh, dear."

I slumped to her side, wanting to bury my head in the covers, but couldn't avoid seeing the great globule of my cream stark on her black triangle. And there were strings of it up her inside thighs and across her belly.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." There seemed nothing else to say.

Laura sat up, viewed her soiled body, and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder,"Don't be. It was partly my fault. I knew the tense arousal of your first time needed to be overcome. That's why I rushed to get you inside me."

She was being so understanding, but my mind wouldn't settle. The very scenario I had feared. So appealing, the idea of being naked on a bed alongside a totally naked female. Yet here I was shrunken and sick with myself.

Laura hauled herself off the bed, "I'll need to get myself cleaned up. And please remember---major rule--never get yourself pent up in anticipation of sexual contact. Rule two--don't dwell on failure."

I watched her elegant figure as she glided to the ensuite. And, while enraptured by it, I was sickened that I had soiled that lovely body.

At the door she turned back and gave me a wink, "Here endeth the first lesson." Then she was gone, and I heard the swish of a shower.

I lay wrapped in my own dead misery, occasionally glaring at my traitorous limp penis. Would there be a second lesson? Would she be willing to have me back for it?

In just a few minutes she was back, a silken peach coloured robe loosely tied, so that with each step her full thigh showed through, with just a hint of black shadow at the top. Totally erotic. But was I past enjoying that?

"Oh, you look so glum," she said, coming to where I sat on the edge of the bed, and her fingers ruffled though my hair. "Look, go and get youself another shower. Wash away those blues. We'll have some fruit when you come back."