Harry's Island Initiation


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The shower in her ensuite was smaller but I did feel better after it. I dried myself on a large towel and realised that I no longer had the robe. Rather than go back stark naked, I fastened the towel around my waist.

When I emerged, Laura was seated .out on the balcony and there was a large bowl of fruit stood on the table.

She eyed me with kindly admiration, "Now you do look like a Greek god."

I sat down opposite her and found the inspiration to reply, "Then you must be Aphrodite."

"Oh, that's sweet. Now, help yourself to whatever you want here."

The bowl held bananas, grapes apples oranges and peaches. Laura had picked up a banana and was carefully peeling it. The peaches looked delicious, so that was my choice.

I watched, fascinated, as Laura raised the banana to her lips, and, with her eyes on me, her mouth enveloped the tip of the white flesh of the fruit. If she had been looking casually out to sea as she ate, I may not have noticed. It was the question there in her eyes as she looked directly at me.

I bit deep into the peach, surprised as the juice spurted over my lips. Hungrily, I licked at the soft, oozing flesh. Our eyes met across the table, and she was nodding her head appreciatively.

"Fascinating," she said.

With the fruit out of the way, Laura stood up. Her robe had come undone and there was a tantalising glimpse of her body. I rose from my chair and she stepped in close, her fingers just touching my waist above the towel.

"So we move to the next stage," Laura whispered in my ear.

"When?" I asked, but even as I asked I could feel the familiar, if unexpected, stirring in my groin.

"How about now?" she said, flicking her shoulders so the gown fell away, and at the same time she tugged at my towel.

"I don't know if----"

She held a finger to my lips, "You'll be up for it."

She sank slowly to her knees, and gently took my already rising penis in her fingers and guided it to her mouth.

The very fact of her action made me jerk, and then gasp as her tongue ran along the vein on the underside of my penis, tickled at my scrotum.

She looked up at me, "Good?"

Amazed, and slightly shocked, at her actions. I had never thought of a woman actually kissing me there. Now she slowly stood up and smiled at me.

"Enough of that kind of treatment for now," she said, taking my hand and leading me to the bed. "I wanted to prove that you are ready, but I'm wary of over exciting you too quickly."

"It was very exciting. I didn't know --" I said , as we settled on the bed.

"It gets better," she said, but then she sat up and leaned over me. "Now, all of this is best when it's natural. But you can be classed as a beginner. Right?"

"Definitely," I said fervently.

She laughed, "So this round might seem very clinical. There are so many variations that only time can develop. For now let's just say we're preparing you for all those young ladies you're going to encounter when you get to University. We've already skipped one of the most difficult stages---getting them out of their clothes. We'll deal with that at some later stage."

I lay there, naked, on that luxurious bed, thinking this was probably the best classroom I had ever been in. With a totally naked lady teacher. And her hand on my belly!

"Eventually, you will find yourself working totally on instinct. Obviously we start with the kiss." And she lay back alongside me. "Come on, then."

I sat up, leaned over her and pressed my lips to hers. Her lips remained firmly closed. I hadn't expected that.

She broke away, "Now what do you do? You want your tongue in, don't you? Sometimes the girl will be automatically willing. But when she isn't, you have work to do. There's always somewhere your hands can work without getting too intimate."

She reached and took my hand and placed it in her hair just behind her left ear. "Just rub gently at my scalp at that point with your fingertips. That's it. Just a little more pressure. Ah, yes, that's it. Now, you'd be doing something like that while still kissing."

I kissed her and her lips were warm and parted, with her tongue waiting to respond to mine.

She showed me how moving my lips firmly up and down along the side of her neck was another stimulation point for her. Her ardent reactions proved that.

"Of course, they're just my turn-on points. In an unknown situation you may need to search around. Stroking the breast over the clothes may be a possibility. Although I'd advise, in most cases, it might be best to leave the breast until you do get your tongues active."

Looking up at me she started laughing, "I'm making it sound like painting by numbers when it should be a pleasure."

She reached up and drew my face down to hers, so we could kiss, but had one more hint, "The main aim for a man should be to give a woman as much ecstasy as possible. That way the man's own pleasure is maximised. How do I know that? Believe it or not it was a man who told me. Let's see you follow your instincts for a while. Pleasure me, Harry."

We kissed with a deeper passion, her hands stroking my back. Already the early ministrations had lifted my penis to full erection. My right hand stroked over the smooth curve of her shoulder. My fingers drifted over her face then back to her shoulder before sliding down her arm.

What would I do next? It didn't take much thought to move my hand across and cup her left breast. A perfect handful. I let my hand move in a circular motion, and Laura broke the kiss.

"Don't do it as though your taking the lid off a jar. Finger tips can circle, gradually moving towards the nipple. Then tease it--tickle and away----rub, tickle and away."

I kissed her neck while my fingers followed her instruction. I found that finger tip touching was much more exciting for me. I was able to appreciate the varying surfaces, the satin quality of the skin, the moonscape feel of the area around the nipple and the nipple itself, enlarging under my fingers.

"Good," Laura murmured, kissing my shoulder, "now your mouth there, and your tongue, and ask yourself what might your hand be doing."

It was no problem letting my lips kiss their way down from neck to shoulder and then on to savour the gentle swell of her breast. My tongue, almost without thought, played on the rough area around her nipple, before dabbing at it playfully. Then I was sucking on the nipple, and wondering if this was the same sense of comfort, quite apart from the sexual, that a baby experienced.

"The hand?" Laura's gentle voice reminded me that my hand was lying comfortably in the curve of her waist. Without stopping my mouth's attention to her breast, I moved my hand across her flat belly. Now uncertainty crept in. Just what did my instincts dictate? Should I plunge my hand down between her thighs, where she had placed it briefly earlier? That seemed a little unsubtle.

I trailed my fingers around her navel. I opened my fingers wide and circled my whole palm over the silken skin of her belly. In doing that my fingers touched the fringe of her black triangle of hair, that tempting jungle hiding a secret entrance.

My fingers, almost automatically, moved lower so that they were ploughing through those sensitive strands. Now, to dig deeper? To be truthful, I was nervous about taking that major step.

My hand drifted to her upper thigh. The smoothness of the skin there was unbelievable, asking to be stroked. So that's what I did, occasionally, drifting back into her pubic area.

"Good--ah---good teasing, Harry." Laura's voice sounded a little breathless. Was I really getting to her? Her thighs parted further as she gasped, "Now find my spot. Gently probe."

I was finding breathing difficult myself now. Excitement rose in my chest. From licking her nipples, I looked down the length of her belly and watched as my own fingers moved into the apex of her triangle. My erection was pressed against her thigh. I had to stay strong this time--just had to.

My middle finger immediately found a little groove, and followed it. Moisture was there immediately as I moved on, my finger sinking deeper and deeper.

"Back, Harry--ah--that's so good---but back---"

Back? But I was there wasn't I? By rippling my fingers it felt like two very wet lips. Why back? Unwillingly I withdrew my fingers into the firmer groove.

"Yes, yes, Harry---just feel it. Feel the little button."

I was just a little irritated by her odd request, but right then I became aware that my finger was touching what did feel like a tiny nipple. As I stroked it, it seemed to come erect.

"Ah, yes, yes---good---you've hit it. Love it, Harry. Very gently caress it." Her voice sounded almost desperate, and her words were punctuated by little grunts.

With great care I stroked the little button between two fingers.

"Now, Harry---tongue me there--"

Tongue her---there? My mouth down there? I hesitated to move. But at that point her voice rose an octave. "No, Harry.--- In me.---- In me.-- Now. Quick. Your cock---in me."

Shocked that it was the first time that she had put a name to any parts other than her breasts, I was only too relieved to move between her thighs. This time I knew I had to get it right. Her hand grasped desperately to guide me. And I took no guiding.

The head of my heaving penis touched the wetness of her, felt the lips, and then was engulfed as she heaved her hips upwards, and I was inside her. Immediately deep into a hot wetness, an unknown world, where it seemed a hundred rubber hooks drew me deeper. Laura's hands pulled at my buttocks, urged me forward.

"Harry--back----and push-- back--and---" Her panted instruction was so strangled it was almost lost. I withdrew and plunged, plunged again and knew I was about to burst. Too quick, I feared. I looked into Laura's face. Her hair sprayed out around her perspiring face, her eyes were closed. Her mouth, wide in spasm, gave out strange little squeaking yelps..

Unable to hold it, I gushed into her and with a desperate lunge I felt I had struck against some part deep inside her, and I heard my own voice making sounds I'd never heard before. As I poured into her I kept up the piston motion expelling the last drop. Feeling elated, relieved, ecstatic.

And then she gave an extended yelp and thrashed under me, her head jerking from side to side, her hips rising as though to drag my penis even deeper. For a brief second I feared I mustn't be big enough for her. But then her yelps became breathless words, "Oh, God, that was so---."

Her eyes were glazed as she looked up at me, "Phew," she gasped, her hands touching my face. "I didn't expect that."

"Was I all right?"

"I meant it to last longer. Hell, I'm supposed to be the teacher. Maybe I've been celibate too long. And yes---you were better than all right. In fact, we nearly came together."

"I thought we were together."

"At the same time," she laughed, and shuffled as I felt my limp penis slipping out of her. She reached for the bedside table and produced tissues, handed one to me, and placed the other between her legs. I wiped at the goo on my dead snail of a penis.

We lay in each others arms, so close, so intimate, that I felt able to voice some of the feelings I'd had. "Why me, Laura? A gawky junior."

"I told you---your shyness----"

"Yes, but ----"

She put her finger over my lips, "Your athleticism." She paused before adding, "And you were a challenge--- in a strange way a source of redemption for me."


Laura turned her head to look at me, her face a mask, as though pondering a suitable approach to a difficult subject. "To assuage my guilty feelings about myself."

Some kind of confession was coming and I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear it. "Laura, you don't have to ---"

"But I do, Harry. I've never said anything to anyone. Although some of my closest friends may be aware."

Despite my earlier misgivings I was just a little intrigued by her willingness to open out to me. I remained silent.

Laura sat up with her arms wrapped around her knees. Just the way I had first seen her on the beach. She stared straight ahead of her and her voice was low as she began, "When my husband was in his final months---completely bed-ridden, I was unfaithful to him."

Her head turned to see if I had any reaction. I wasn't sure what to show her, so, somehow, I found something to say, "You had been nursing him for a long time?"

"For five years he had been incapable, slowly dying. In those final months a nurse came and spent time so that I could get out. One night I got a little drunk and had a one night stand with a man. It was pleasant enough, but it was a kind of trigger. Deprived of physical intimacy for so long I began looking for it." Her upper lip puckered, eyes moistened, before she turned and laid her head on my chest.

I put an arm around her. For the first time in the whole proceedings I felt like the mature one. It was a good feeling.

"Oh, Harry, in those last months I was with ---oh, I've lost count--about ten different men. And with each one, my guilt grew---but didn't stop me. Some horrible experiences."

She drew her head back and looked at me, her eyes clear again. "I've only had one short affair since he died. I teased you a little when we first met. Then your uneasiness about women began to intrigue me."

I couldn't follow her meaning, "Intrigued? Was I such an obvious dummy?"

She kissed me gently, "Please don't take offence. I liked you. But what I saw was an opportunity to use my sexuality to a better cause than it had been used. If I could give some of my experience to easing you out of your uncertainty---to help you---"

"You've done that, all right."

"And honestly, I was selfish in terms of making up for my guilt. I didn't expect to get the buzz out of it that I've just had."

Her words gave me a little flush of self- satisfaction, but I admitted, "You said yourself you'd been celibate too long."

"Yet, I wasn't looking for any fulfilment other than improving your self-confidence."

That was the moment I noticed the clock on the bedside table showing four thirty. I sat up quickly, "Look at the time. I'll not be back for dinner."

Laura was sitting back smiling, "Still a measure of self-confidence to find."

"Do I sound so mother dominated?"

She didn't answer the question. Just swung her feet to the floor and said, "Next ferry's five o'clock. Your clothes are in the bathroom."

Back in our clothes, Laura got me to the ferry landing in good time, "I'll be back over there tomorrow." Her eyes were firmly on mine as she added, "Wanting to finish the course?"

"I still have a lot to learn," I said, trying to mimic a shy smile.

"Indeed you have," she laughed, then kissing me softly she added," Now get yourself on board."

The ensuing days were a mix of favouring the wishes of my parents, and my treasured learning time with Laura. Our meetings were mainly afternoons, when my parents avoided the heat, in her taverna room, pretty basic, but with a shower room, a comfortable bed, and a fan overhead keeping it relatively cool. We did meet on the occasional late evening after I'd said good night to my parents. One of the afternoons I even took the risk, while my parent's hid from the sun, of going back to Aegina to share her sensuous apartment.

So with my parents I visited Athens (twice)---the Acropolis, dust and heat stroke. Doubly resented by me because extended visits like that kept me away from Laura. They took me on an awkward trip to Aegina, when my father said, "You can show us all the sights you saw on your visit." Hardly. They also took me on a cart trip around the island, with a grizzled old local doing the driving of a reluctant pair of donkeys.

And with Laura, what did I learn?

On our first meeting in her taverna room, it was all about removing a girl's clothing. I must have unbuttoned her blouse twenty times and when it came to the bra, Laura insisted I should be able to do it with one hand.

"By the time you get to this stage I would imagine that any girl will be willing to take over the process--but it will count for you if you show such proficiency."

That turned out to be the most frustrating of afternoons as it turned out she was having her period.

It was the beginning of our second week before I saw her again. But it was worth the wait. Lying naked in her room wafted by the overhead fan, Laura prompted my actions up to the point we had reached the first time when she had desperately demanded I enter her quickly.

As then, my lips and tongue were favouring her breast while my finger tickled at the little nub, which this time she told me was her clitoris. I recalled that it was a name I had heard from the boasting of my school mates.

Again, breathless, she urged, "Tongue me where your finger is." And again I hesitated. The idea of putting my face down there had no appeal at all. "Just move down slowly," she went on, detecting my uncertainty. "I think you'll find it beneficial."

Hard to believe, I thought, but then I recalled that she had kissed and tongued my penis. I guessed it was only fair that I returned the compliment. Slowly I kissed and licked my way down over her tight belly. Reaching her black thatch my nose twitched, both at the tickle on my upper lip and the musky odour, mixed with jasmine.

"Go direct," Laura gasped. Clearly my finger was doing an effective job. So, under her urging, I slid my finger back into her warm depths, and my tongue replaced it.

And it wasn't bad at all. Like dipping into a bowl of cream. My tongue being more sensitive than my finger I found I was able to pay closer attention to its stimulation. I licked while my finger circled her entrance.

Her whole body was trembling. My own penis was beginning to strain, stimulated by this most intimate of positions. My lips closed around the enlarged clitoris, while my fingers spread over her juicy opening. But immediately I was aware of her giving little yelping noises, and her hips began to heave up under my face.

Then her hands grabbed at my head, pulling me upwards, as she whimpered, "Harry. Oh, Harry."

I was only too eager to move between her thighs, have her grasping hands reach for my penis to speed its way into her.

Gliding easily into her I realised immediately that I was very close to spilling my load. Laura was sighing, gasping and heaving, and her vaginal muscles clawed at my erection.

That was enough. I was unable to control myself and was spurting forcefully into her, thrusting hard under the impulse of it. Along with the rapture of the moment, I was having feelings of disappointment at this weakness in being unable to hold on.

But within seconds as I sustained my thrusts, Laura pulled at my buttocks and she was heaving up to meet me while from her lips there issued what sounded like a mixture of whining and giggling.

We lay sweated in spite of the spinning fan.

"I was too fast again," I moaned.

"Terrible, was it?" she teased.

"God, no. I'd just like to sustain---"

"Harry, it was good. I orgasmed---couldn't you tell? It was only your second time. Be patient with yourself. You will get better"

By the time I stole the afternoon at her Aegina apartment, I had begun to be more inventive, more independent, and consequently more confident. I had realised that kissing and licking between her thighs was both an honour and a luscious experience. From having reservations about doing it, I was now eager to get to that part. I had lifted my head during one session to part those lower lips, and was fascinated by the pinkness and the rose petal wonder of her.

So on that afternoon in her apartment, I had my head between her thighs, lavishing long slow licks along the lengths of her valley, all wetness, aroma and deep, deep pleasure. But this time I listened very carefully to her breathing as I began to concentrate my tongue and lips on her clitoris, while my fingers, teased her vaginal entry.