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"Trish finally broke down and told me what happened, Dave. She didn't spare herself or her friends, either. They seem to think you're their knight in shining armor," revealed Cindy after Trish had left the room. "It looks like there are some chinks in that armor, Dave. Why didn't you tell me what happened when I came in earlier and made an ass of myself?"

"I screwed up, Cindy. I let those girls play me like a violin. I thought I'd be looking better by morning and no one would ever be the wiser," I mumbled over a fat lip.

"Better by morning? Shit, Dave, I'm tempted to take you to the hospital, except I don't have very much faith in the voodoo they practice on this island. You'll look like hell for a week or two after we get home," predicted Cindy, much to my consternation.

The next day found me lying on the beach, letting the sun soak into my aching joints and flesh. I knew everyone was talking about my appearance, but no one had actually asked me for details. It was obvious that my plan to keep the whole thing quiet was not going to work.

"Today at breakfast, Dakota and Grace told everyone what happened yesterday," revealed Cindy as she massaged lotion into my skin. "Some of the boys were making comments about how you must have had your ass kicked by someone. The girls decided that the truth needed to be told. Trish said you could hear a pin drop as they told their story about how you came over that dune and took out three very bad men. You're almost in the same class as Chuck Norris now," laughed Cindy.

"I wondered why your entourage of hormonal teens wasn't following you around today. Maybe they're afraid of my roundhouse kick?" I suggested with a painful smile.

I went to bed early that night and slept around the clock. My ribs were even sorer than they had been the previous day, but my face had lost the vivid colors of the previous day and now was mostly a sickly yellow around my eye. I felt a lot better.

That day was our last full day one on the island. The chaperones had agreed to split into two groups and accompany the kids to the only two clubs on the island on their last night. The legal drinking age was 18. We spent about half an hour explaining to the kids that those under 18 were to NOT drink any alcohol. Those that were 18 were threatened with any and all possible punishments if they had more than a few drinks over the course of the evening. No one was to leave either club without permission and a chaperone escort.

Cindy and I were with the group that included Trish, Dakota, and Grace. They had a good time, but appeared to follow the rules that had been laid out for them. It was around ten in the evening when the shit hit the fan.

Mrs. Reynolds, the high school vice-principal and the person in charge of the trip, sought me out as I sat at a small table with Cindy and a couple other chaperones.

"David!" she exclaimed as I stood to welcome her. "We can't find Kathy Mills! She was dancing at the other club, having a good time with her friends. They said she wasn't drinking much, but she started staggering around. Then some guy offered to help her outside to get some air. She never came back in! By the time the girls told me about it, she was no where to be found. I'm at a loss here, David. What should we do?"

Normally the answer would be to call the police. The problem was that the people at our hotel had strongly recommended that we not rely on the island's police force for any sort of assistance. It was riddled with corruption and graft.

"Did anyone see what the guy looked like?" I asked quickly.

Mrs. Reynolds pushed a girl up to me as I asked my question. She looked like a deer mouse with her glasses and small face.

"I saw the man. He was pretty big. He had dark hair and a heavy tan. He also had a big lump on the side of his forehead. It was yellowish and sore looking," she concluded.

I pulled off the dark glasses I was wearing and pulled the girl closer to me.

"Was it yellow like my eye?" I asked, and watched her as she nodded.

Damn! It could well be one of the pricks I had tangled with a couple days earlier. The Mills girl was in some serious shit if that was the case.

"Cindy, I think you may have had too much to drink tonight," I told her. "You are going to go to that club and act more than a little drunk, and quite available. Let's hope these creeps are still looking for a second female."

I was remembering the guy's statement about Goliath and anal virgins. He said virgins, as in plural. That would seem to mean that more than one girl was required for their movie, or webcast, or whatever it was.

"Dave, don't you think I'm a little old for their tastes, or do you think any warm body will work?" asked Cindy.

I looked at my wife in her little black dress and knew that no man would be immune to her beauty. I just had to be sure that I kept her safe.

"Cindy, if a man is breathing, he'll want that luscious body and beautiful face," I assured her.

Twenty minutes later, I was sitting at the bar of the Coconut Grove, watching as Cindy danced and partied with the kids from Trish's school. It would appear to the casual observer that Cindy was feeling the effects of too much rum. Then I saw him! It was the guy I had smacked in the temple. I pulled my baseball cap low over my face and pushed my dark glasses higher on my nose and watched.

It was too crowded to see Cindy every second, but I did my best. Sure as hell, the knot-headed man started dancing with Cindy! The crowd made it difficult for me to see her clearly. After about five minutes, I saw Cindy tilt her head back and drain her drink! I had warned her to not accept any drinks. It seemed likely these guys would be slipping something into their victims' beverages. A few minutes later, Cindy has being half dragged and half led out a side door!

I raced out the front and ran around to the side and watched the guy load Cindy into the back of a car. He jumped into the back with her and the car sped away. I jumped on a dirt bike I had parked behind the club and took off after them. I left the lights off as I swung into the road a few hundred yards behind the car. I followed it inland about a mile and watched as it parked by what appeared to be a small, abandoned warehouse.

I crept around to the back and looked through a dirty window pane. Cindy and Kathy Mills were flopped down on a large bed. Both were naked except for their underwear. Cindy was in a black thong and the Mills girl was wearing a small pair of pink bikini panties. She had seemed a little shy, always wearing one piece swim suits, but it was obvious that she had the figure to wear anything she wanted. Both girls seemed dead to the world.

There were bright lights suspended above the bed and several cameras on stands spaced around the bed. I saw the second man I had knocked out on the beach that day explaining something to a very large man. By large, I mean close to seven feet tall and well over three hundred pounds! I looked around for some sort of weapon, knowing I would surely need one.

There was no way he was going to use my wife, or Kathy Mills for some perverted porno movie. If the guy was in proportion, no woman could have anal sex with him and ever be the same. I had to act quickly!

I found an old broken oar against the wall. It was the handle part without the flat end and was over five feet long. I hefted it in my right hand and carefully started around the building. In the almost full moon, I saw a man standing near the car. I could make out a bandage around his jaw. It caused me to grin to myself.

He was going to get very tired of me very soon. I heard the unmistakable sounds of a man pissing as I approached him from behind. He never knew what hit him. I may have been a tad rough, but I had decided it was better to err on the side of caution. These guys were rapists and kidnappers, after all.

I stepped quietly into the building. The bright lights over the bed made everything else very dark. I had no trouble getting close to the two men huddled in conversation near the bed. They were discussing which girl's ass the big guy should plunder first. That solidified my desire to take them both out.

I tried to take them both in one stroke. I brought the club around in a long, fast arc. It broke one of the lights, then bounced off the top of the smaller man's head and continued on to smack the giant in the shoulder. The first guy went down. The big one didn't! He grabbed his lower shoulder and turned toward me. That blow would have broken the arm of most men!

He who hesitates is lost. I proceeded to do my best Ringo Starr imitation on the big man's head. I mean to say that I pummeled the guy's noddle a dozen times before he could take a step. As he slowly sunk toward the floor, I gave him a really good smack upside his ear. That seemed to do it.

I turned to see if there was anyone else that needed my attention. That was when I felt something slam my already injured ribs. I fell flatter than piss on a board. I shook my head and looked around. The third guy from my encounter in the dunes was standing over me, with a hand gun. He pointed it at my head and I closed my eyes.

I heard a sharp crack, but never felt any new shocks to my body. I looked up to see Cindy holding my broken oar in her hands and the man with the gun stretched out by my feet. She must have been playing possum after all!

"Dave!" cried Cindy. "He shot you! How bad are you hit? There's blood all over your chest!"

It occurred to me that I was feeling pretty good for having just been shot. I felt my side and found a bloody gash along my ribs, but no real hole! The miserable prick was a lousy shot!

"I'm okay, Cindy, but we have to get going," I insisted.

The light I had broken had started a small fire in a pile of cartons and trash near the bed. As dry as the building was, it would be an inferno in a few minutes. I grabbed a digital camera and snapped a picture of the three men spread around the floor and handed it to Cindy.

Then I grabbed Kathy and flung her over my shoulder. She was coming out of her comatose state, but was still groggy and disoriented. We hurried out of the building. I put Kathy down long enough to roll over my first clubbing victim and take his picture. Then I pulled the chip from the camera and slid it into my pocket. I tossed the camera back inside the burning building.

It occurred to me that the men inside could perish in the fire, but that thought caused me very little concern. That was the chance they took when they decided to prey on women. They could burn in hell for all I cared.

I ripped what was left on my shirt off and wiped the blood from my side. It stung like hell and I could feel the blood running down my side and into my pants. I tossed away the rag that had been my shirt, flipped Kathy Mills back over my right shoulder and started back the way I had come, with Cindy at my side. We hadn't gone a quarter mile when I tired out. Kathy was squirming and making noises, so I put her down on her feet, supporting her with my hand around her back.

That was when we heard a commotion. It was apparent that a crowd was coming down the road. I cursed myself for not bringing my trusty club. Suddenly from the shadows of a stand of palm trees, the kids from the school materialized in the moonlight. They stopped about ten feet in front of us, trying to make sense of what they were seeing.

"Wow! Awesome tits!" was the exclamation I heard clearly.

Cindy and Kathy must have heard it, too. They stepped closer and leaned into me. I instinctively put my arms around them. There was a brilliant flash and I realized one of the kids had their camera with them. Then everyone started talking at once. A couple of the boys offered their shirts to Cindy and Kathy. We started back to our hotel.

"We saw the fire in the distance and the kids demanded that we hurry out to see if we could help you, Dave," revealed Mrs. Reynolds. "None of us had any doubt that you were involved in the blaze somehow. We were quite confident that you would find Kathy and Cindy, and you have proven our faith was well placed.

"Dave has been shot," explained Cindy. "He said it wasn't too bad, but he's bled a lot. We need to get him back to the hotel and examine the wound."

That brought a lot of gasps from the kids. Trish, Dakota, and Grace ran up to offer me help. Kathy, the quiet one, surprised us all when she spoke, while lifting my arm back over her shoulder.

"Back off, girls!" she warned. "Cindy and I will be the ones to help Dave walk back. You're not the only ones who have had their lives saved by this guy!"

No one slept that night. The kids were far too juiced to even consider it. We just packed and prepared for the buses to pick us up. We did manage to catch our flight on time.

My gash in my side was swollen and ugly. Cindy found some antibiotic cream and put it over the wound and bandaged me. I slept most of the flight home. Buses from the school met us at the airport and transferred us back to the school where the parents had been instructed to pick up their kids.

Mrs. Reynolds refused to dismiss the kids until they all filed into the auditorium with their parents and chaperones. Everyone groaned, but she refused to yield. The she stepped up on the stage and gave a little impromptu speech.

"I want to thank everyone for their patience. By now, many of you have heard some of what transpired on our class trip. I can honestly say that we would not have returned with all the kids if it hadn't been for Dave and Cindy Bates. They risked their lives and suffered more than a little to ensure that all our kids made it back alive and well," she told the crowd. "Dave Bates' first stop after this gathering will be county hospital. It seems that he might have some broken ribs, severe bruising on his face, and of course there's the matter of a gunshot wound. All of that was the price he paid to protect our students, and I thank him from the bottom of my heart for all of us."

There was a round of applause along with all kinds of questions, before Mrs. Reynolds managed to wave the crowd quiet.

"There is one more thing. This school will never send its students to any island again. From now on, it's Disney World, or New York, or Chicago, but always within the boundaries of this country!" she proclaimed.

I spent a couple hours at the hospital. I had to get some kind of shots, have the wound cleaned, and bandaged again. When Cindy and I came back out into the waiting room, Dakota, Grace, Kathy, and Trish were all waiting for us with their parents.

I was a little embarrassed at the praise and appreciation expressed by the parents. Cindy's sister, Chloe, hugged me for a long time and I felt her tears trickle against my cheek. She struggled to speak.

"Dave, I had no idea what I was getting you into when I asked you and Cindy to chaperone, but I'm so glad I did! I doubt anyone else could have handled everything as well as you did. Trish told me how you dragged her naked up and down a nude beach, stopped to save a couple girls, and still remained a perfect gentleman. Sis has a keeper in you!"

Dakota made sure she gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Grace did the same. Trish gave me a long hug. Kathy, the quiet, shy valedictorian of the class, wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a long wet kiss on the lips as the others broke into laughter.

"You saved me Dave. I'll never forget it, either. If Cindy ever stops treating you right, look me up, okay?" she whispered.

I thought things would return to normal within a few days, but it wasn't to be. One of the cable news channels sent out Greta something. The other had some woman named Nancy show up to interview everyone. I wanted to decline, but Cindy, Trish, Dakota, Grace, and Kathy all insisted that I appear, too. We went on TV to answer questions and tell our stories. I thought both appearances went pretty well.

I found out that they didn't find any bodies at the scene of the fire. I guess the bad guys got away, probably with some severe headaches. One of the computer whiz-kids from the trip posted the pictures I took of the four guys all over the web, along with some pretty damning descriptions of their actions. They actually have their own web page. Two of them have been caught already. The government of Kokomo promised to clean up the corruption and make the island safer for tourists. We'll see about that.

The coolest thing that happened was with Kathy, the shy valedictorian. You might think that she would have been traumatized from the abduction and near rape. It turns out that the picture the kid took of her, Cindy, and me, after our escape came out really well. People Magazine had it for the cover of their next issue with the banner "Komotion in Kokomo!" You really had to see it to appreciate how incredible the picture was.

It showed me standing shirtless with a discolored eye and blood running down my left side. Under my left arm was Cindy. Her breasts were pressed against me just enough to cover her nipples and show the swell of her breasts from the side. Her left hand was resting just below my belt with her palm spread. My hand was resting on her bare ass cheek. Some of my blood was smeared on her breast and it looked erotic as hell. Cindy's face looked incredibly beautiful. Her tongue was lightly brushing her lip.

Under my right arm was Kathy. Her surprisingly full breasts were pressed against my right side, again just covering her nipples. Her hand was on my upper chest. Her hair was all over, almost like a lion's mane. Her face had a tantalizing, inscrutable look. This was the class valedictorian!

Kathy partnered with the boy that took the picture, and together they made a poster of it. It sold pretty well, too. She insisted that Cindy and I receive a share from the sales, even though Kathy traveled around signing the posters for admiring fans... mostly teen boys. She even made the rounds of all the talk shows. I heard she's been signed to appear in a movie next spring.

Speaking of movies, there are negotiations underway to make a TV movie out of our island adventure. I hope Brad Pitt is cast to play me, and that the movie is on HBO, and not Lifetime!

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Storm113Storm113about 2 months ago

Entertaining as hell. Good story. 5*. Reread this several times.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Really enjoyed this. Its a proper romp as they say. Yes some details were a bit silly or incorrect but that didn't detract from the enjoyment for me. Very enjoyable and lots of fun. BardnotBard

olblueyesolblueyes7 months ago

if its a "G" rated story,,you should tell us!!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Kinda stupid. NO other chaperon went to help? Just the guy already crippled? Stupid.

The principal didn’t INSIST the photo taken of the survivors be turned over with threat of prosecution? Stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Not at all erotic.

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