Hen party

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Hen Party, what happens when the oldies leave.
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This is a little side story to Julia and Alan set of tales, they are involved but it's not about them. This takes place some five or six months after the end of Reflections.

Although I've not read a story like this, I'm sure it's out there somewhere. Again, nothing new here for LIt in LW. It's only a story. It's not real life, it's fiction like Mission Impossible.

I write for my pleasure, and hopefully others enjoy my efforts

The Hen night.

I dropped Julia off at the rugby club on Friday night for a hen party. She looked very smart; she's wearing a nice pair of trousers and a blouse. I think she chose that outfit because she knows I still have nagging trust issues in the back of my head. I do trust her after everything that's happened but there is that teeny, teeny weeny, little bit of doubt. Which she tried to assuage. She tells me she doesn't expect that she'll be late, and if I was busy either Anne or Jane's husband could give her a lift home. I told her that's fine, if any of them are coming home early and she wants to, she can get a lift with them. I'm trying to show a bit of trust, which I actually do feel. But I let her know that I would prefer to pick her up. I'd done some work in the rugby club a couple of weeks ago, I wanted to have a chat with Jeff who was running the club to make sure everything was running okay.

Anne from the office, her niece Kelsey was marrying her long term boyfriend, Graham, they had been living together for the last six months or so. He was one of the young chaps that worked on the factory floor at Barstow's Engineering. He was a nice lad, worked hard, quite intelligent, the sort of chap we should hang onto. I was planning to try and get him on the service team, he was a good machine operator and seemed to understand what the machines were trying to achieve. He and Kelsey will be getting married next Saturday. Graham was having his stag night in the rugby club tomorrow night. I was invited along with most of the factory, even Philip Barstow, the Boss's son.

I got the phone call at about 9:30, a bit earlier than I expected. Julia asked if I could take Anne and Jane home because they weren't keen to stay either, things were getting a bit out of hand with the younger crowd. I got there quite quickly and went inside to collect them.

When I got there Jeff told me they were in the backroom, the big room in a part of the club which they rented out for weddings, funerals and anything else that needed a big room with a bar. It was known as the Function room for some reason. The hen night had booked the Function room and it all seemed to be going well. I asked him about the job I'd done for him and how it was, he said it appeared to work. But he hadn't checked anything apart from the odd glance, because he had no reason to. It was then that the girls came out of the Function room Julia walked up to me and gave me a kiss. Anne and Jane smiled and thanked me for giving them a lift home.

"What's going on in there?" I asked.

"Lots of drinking and stuff, they've got some strippers in, not my sort of thing." said Anne.

Jane added. "Nothing's happened yet, but I don't think some of the things they're joking about would pass the husband or boyfriend test."

I was going to have a beer and another chat with Jeff about the work, but the girls seem pretty keen to go home.

As we were leaving, Adam's girlfriend, Dawn ran after us and asked if she could get a lift to her place. She looked a little flushed, and she was very quiet sitting in the back of the car.

Saturday night was the men's turn in the Function room. It was all quite civilised actually, just men drinking beer talking shit and playing snooker. Graham's future father-in-law, Kelsey's brother Harry and most of the men from the factory were there including my team John, Adam, and Chris, who recently left my team and into the salesman's slot after the previous occupant left in a hurry. It was nice to have a get together in a social atmosphere. It got a bit strange when Adam came and found me, he told me that he had found a pair of lady's underwear tucked down one of the backs of the seats. I just wondered what he was doing checking down the back of the seats. Never mind, several pints of Greene King IPA had passed my lips. But I managed to store the information away. And lose another pound to Chris on snooker.

Early in the evening I tried to have a chat with Jeff about the work I'd done for him., I could see he was busy, but he seemed to be avoiding me. Never mind, I'll catch up with him later.

Then around midnight, everything seemed to change. Most of us were fully in our cups by then, but suddenly Graham stormed out. We just assumed he drank too much, so his future father-in-law took him home. We finished around one o'clock. Jeff was still avoiding me.

Kelsey had wanted a wedding breakfast rehearsal like she had seen on the television. Nobody was really interested, especially Graham, and Kelsey's Dad was a little bit bothered about the expense. But he said for his Princess if she wanted one, she could have one. Graham didn't. And that was that.

But then all of a sudden on the Monday following the stag do Graham changed his mind, saying it might be a good idea to have a practice as a lot of people weren't used to standing up and speaking. And we went along with it, we couldn't do the whole thing so just the main players, you know parents of the wedding couple, bridesmaids and there was quite a few of those and the best man, John, whose wife, Lisa, was the chief bridesmaid, the vicar and the ushers. That was where Adam and I came in and all with their partners.

Kelsey's Dad booked the rugby club for 5:00 o'clock on Friday evening. At least it would save Julia cooking, plus I could have a few beers and we could chat about stuff without the overarching wedding hampering us. The wedding reception was due to be held in the Rugby club Function Room. So, it wasn't difficult to arrange for the Friday evening and for most of us to turn up. It will be a little bit of a rush for the club, but they were used to it.

Graham seemed a little quiet throughout the week, pre-wedding nerves I suppose.

I tried to find Jeff again on Friday, but he wasn't around. It was his day off before the big day tomorrow.

After the meal Graham stood up and said his little bit about what they expected to happen the following day, he said he would just like the practice of standing up in front of people. The best man, John, stood up and muttered a few words, saying he'd save his speech for tomorrow. He didn't want to give anything away, and he hadn't got that many jokes that he could waste today. Graham's father-in-law stood up welcoming him to the family, he laughed, "Tomorrow."

Graham then asked if Kelsey would like to say a word or two, she declined. That's when it started. "Well, I have a few words," said Graham. "I've been very busy wondering what to say in this practice, I want to save my real speech for tomorrow. So, I thought I'd ask a few questions."

He sounded very confident, like he'd been rehearsing, he didn't need the practice.

"What would my darling future wife say if I'd had a good time with a stripper on my stag night?" There was a general hullabaloo around the room; Graham held his hands up. And he smiled, "don't worry I didn't. My future father-in-law can attest to that, because he took £5 off me playing snooker and I intend to win that back in the near future." That raised a laugh, and you could see some people visibly relax.

Graham carried on. "Marriages. Looking around here I can see marriages are built on love, trust, understanding and communication, and I can see lots of it around this table. I'm glad you're all here."

"I would like to ask all those men who think they are married to or with a gorgeous, lovely woman who they want to be all their lives to stand up." All the men stood up as you would expect. But I wondered where this was going. Julia looked up at me and smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Gentlemen, please sit down." The men sat down. "Ladies, stand up if you're married to, or with the man you love and want to spend the rest of your days with him." All the married women stood up, but there were some nervous looks amongst them. A lot of the women with partners stood up too, there was a strange undertone going around the place. I felt some shit and fan interface was about to happen.

Looking at Lisa, who was standing up next to her husband John, the best man, Graham said. "If you love your husband, why did you do this to him.?" The large flat screen TV at the end of the room came to life, there was a picture of Lisa on her hands and knees with a man entering her rear, we can't see the man. The picture had been cropped, but is obviously Lisa having sex. There was an uproar. Graham raised his voice above the hullabaloo. "And I can't see a condom being used, so I hope you've not had sex this last week. You never know what you might catch."

Lisa screams, throws her hands to her face and runs out, John follows her. He's shouting something but we couldn't hear what it is, could have been 'whore.'

Graham held his hands up, "Right now that's out of the way we can carry on. Please sit down and stay calm."

I thought Graham was exceedingly calm, I thought there was more to come and a quick glance around the room, so did a lot of other people. I think some people wanted to leave, but others had a morbid curiosity about where this was going. And some were wondering how far it was going to go. I didn't know Graham very well, but I thought we were about to find out.

Eventually, everything calmed down. And there were worried looks around the table. Julia was grasping my hand tightly.

Graham carried on. "I have a question to ask. Now, if you were John, what would you do about Lisa, would you forgive her? If he does forgive her, would you think him a wimp? If he divorced her, would you think he was being hard on her for one night? What are your views?"

It was quiet for a while, he let the silence hang, then the guilt took over and one of the other bridesmaids, Hilary, stood up and said "I would forgive her, it was a mistake, a one off silly mistake. And that would be a loving, kind and generous thing to do."

Graham looked at Hilary and said. "Do you say that because you're hoping your husband will be loving, kind and generous to you for doing this?" Up on the screen came a picture of her with cock in her mouth, which was not white. Two more people leave, with a lot of shouting.

Graham carried on after the uproar died down, everybody was wondering what Graham was going to say next. What was going to happen next? Some people wanted to leave, mainly the women, but you could see some people were intrigued, especially the men of the wives who wanted to leave. Just how far is this going to go?

Graham looked at Kelsey and said. "Have you got anything to tell me?" She looked shocked and horrified, but it could have been because her two best friends had just left, and not in a nice way. She just shook her head.

Graham carried on. "Let's call a truce here and now. I am suggesting that if anybody did something wrong or something they're not proud of at the hen night, if they own up to it there might be a chance of a wedding tomorrow. But we might have to find a new chief Bridesmaid and I will have to find a new best man. I will give everyone one minute." He sat down and put his wrist on the table and looked at his watch, there was silence.

I saw Dawn lean across to Adam and whispers in his ear, he smiled, and nodded and they got up to leave.

Graham calls out. "Leaving so soon? Anything to be ashamed of?"

Dawn turns around, looks straight at Graham and says, "No, unlike some." There is a stunned silence. Adam and Dawn walked out the door holding hands.

Graham stood up. "Most of you think that the cameras in the rugby club are fake or not working, but they're not. They're all working, they are all modern with a good resolution, my boss Alan fixed them four weeks ago. I have copies of everything that went down in the room on that Thursday evening. I'll extend the truce by 15 seconds." Another woman stands up and leaves, her husband follows. After that, nobody moves.

Graham picked up the remote control from where he put it down." Last chance." He waited about 5 seconds. Then he pointed the remote control at the television. "Oh, and by the way the outside cameras work as well."

The video starts to play a clip from the outside. It shows Kelsey running across the car park to a large camper van and getting in it with a black bloke. Julia leans across to me and says. "That's one of the strippers." I had kind of worked that out for myself.

Graham fast-forwarded the film which probably made the camper van rocking look worse. He takes it back to normal speed just to see Kelsey getting out of the van. She heads back towards the club but can't seem to walk straight.

Graham looked down at Kelsey who was in tears, but I don't think he was talking to her. "It's probably a good job you were too sore to have sex with me because I bet you didn't use a condom either."

Next, the screenshots from Kelsey's phone between her, Lisa and other women who were at the hen party start coming up on the telly screen." How was your first black man, looking forward to doing it again?"

"No, once was enough but it was so good. Good job everyone's sworn to secrecy. This could cause shit if it gets out."

"Don't worry he'll never find out and then in a couple of years you can do it again. Maybe at somebody else's hen do."

"Yes, that might be fun."

"That's something to look forward to in the future then."

"Definitely, but I'm having problems walking at the moment. Graham's not going to get any until the wedding night after that."

"Bloody hell girl, two cocks in one go, I've only ever seen that on a porn film."

Graham turned to the vicar. "Looks like the wedding is off." Graham walked out and as he passed his nearly father and mother-in-law, I heard him say. "Sorry." They just sat there stunned. Graham put the recording on a loop, and there was more than what he had just shown us. I think the divorce lawyers and marriage guidance counsellors in the local area are going to be quite busy.

Kelsey was sitting at the head of the table all alone, crying.

Julia took hold of my hand, tightly and we walked home.


Our local newspaper reported that the police and fire service were called to an incident, which started out as an attempted campervan theft, that turned into a mugging. It was reported that the two victims were adult entertainers. Police said it looked like a camper van theft gone wrong when the owner and a friend disturbed the thieves. During the fracas, something must have gone amiss because the campervan caught fire. The newspaper suggested, but stated it was not confirmed by the police or the hospital, that the beating the victims received appeared to have a revenge element, as they were heavily beaten around the genitals.

It couldn't have been Graham or Adam because they were both working for me the day that that happened. Well, I saw them once or twice during the day in the factory. But I did wonder why I found the back gate unlocked.

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deependerdeepender23 days ago

@ZK: All of the clamor regarding "equality" of the sexes notwithstanding, the female motto for female behavior is: "When in doubt, dissemble". It is genetic. Meanwhile, males are genetically coded and expected to assume responsibility for all matters regarding the impact of their families upon society as a whole, so why not let them assume responsibility for everything else as well? Their motto is "Man up". It's not so much that females are "brainless idiots that don't have free will", it's just that they are genetically disposed to hiding behind males during times of threat and danger. Feminism is an attempt to cast these behaviors in an historic context as though they can be significantly altered with proper training, ideological purity, and laws. However, as in all things human, instinct is quicker than the brain.

deependerdeepender23 days ago

Hen/stag parties are an interesting folkway. Ostensibly for a last blast of "freedom" before accepting the shackles of marriage, they also seem to serve as a filter. Those that do not really want to get married (for whatever reason) are filtered out as are those who cannot commit to a relationship, those who are easily controlled by urges, and those who are all too susceptible to peer pressure. Seems like an odd practice, really. It is more valuable to the partners of the attendees than it is for the bride or groom.

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

I have like reading your story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Both in the story, and in the commentary, the term “mistake” is used. Anyone who uses that word is making lite of gross betrayal. Forgetting to buy milk is a mistake. Adultery is deliberately putting your selfish desires above the interests of the person you committed yourself to.


If a spouse chooses to forgive this heinous sin, second only to murder, so be it. They should do so with both the perpetrator and the victim fully acknowledging the marital crimes, and not attempting to minimize the impact by calling it a mistake!



AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So the male strippers received severe beatings. What punishment did the women receive? Not divorce, that’s not punishment, it’s just letting the government know that the marriage contract was broken.


The women betrayed their husbands and partners. The other men were only opportunists. Should the women receive a severe beating 4 times? Stoned to death in the ancient way?


What say you, readers? Should women be punished when they’re traitors, or are they just brainless idiots who don’t have free will, and therefore get away with anything?



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