All Comments on 'Henry V Pt. 02'

by LJA644

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Boyd PercyBoyd Percy6 months ago

Good conclusion!


BBeinhartBBeinhart6 months ago

Good story but marred by the over the top violence and the slightly (…..) unbelievable fact the the MC escapes detection.

johntcookseyjohntcooksey6 months ago

You didn’t really need the epilogue, as it was sufficiently implied in part 1, but it still served as a nice bit of frosting on the cake. Thanks much.

JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlunger6 months ago

I always think a cricket bat is a perfect instrument of revenge, not necessarily fatal but not to be underestimated. Enjoyed both parts. Thank you.

ReedRichardsReedRichards6 months ago

The BTB crowd will like this, but I found it emotionally flat.

jasonnhjasonnh6 months ago

BIG question. Did she learn to do all the things he liked because she was scared of losing him or because she loved him and was truly sorry. The story doesn't provide an answer to this critical question so the ending falls flat. His being "comfortable" with her seems rather tepid tea.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc6 months ago

Tied it up in a nice bow - too tidy. I appreciate giving the readers closure but what turned into just a long epilogue wasn't satisfying. 3.6*

demanderdemander6 months ago

This is a good story. I wonder, though, about those 15 years. Ginny must have started on pins and needles about her marriage. But after a while, she'd either adjust or get so tired of it that she would leave. Maybe a story there. There are quite a few stories on here where the wronged husband says he'll stay until the kids are off, then go. That period of time - often years - holds some interest. It wouldn't be an easy story to write. D

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinion6 months ago

I loved it. Too many stories are left without an ending. Glad it was more than 750 words; it takes more words than that to lay the foundation of a good story and give an ending. Even with the ending as a second part, it followed part 1 close enough to still be fresh in our minds, but with it being over 750 I'm not sure why you didn't publish it as one whole story. I gave Part 1, 4-stars and Part 2, 5-stars. When you limit yourself to a defined story classification like 750 words you greatly hamper the potential of your work. Part 2 got the 5-star rating only because Part 1 laid the groundwork.

bhill8671bhill86716 months ago
Assault and Battery

No woman is worth going to jail for! Two stars!

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit6 months ago

In this case I thought the end of part 1 was good enough to leave the reader wondering, without it being a cliffhanger. He was on his way to take care of business. Still it was good reading how he’d gotten his pound of flesh.

bhill8671bhill86716 months ago
Assault and battery is not good!

No woman is worth going to jail for. Two stars.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I enjoyed the story, both parts wrapped it up nicely. Was his revenge over the top, not in my book, obviously some snowflakes on here don't agree.

Rocky62Rocky626 months ago

And….. how did she make him comfortable with him again? Daily blow jobs? Anal? Light bondage? Inquiring minds needed to know

6King6King6 months ago


JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNice6 months ago

The writing was okay. However, the content not to my taste as I can never figure out how a guy that screws your wife should have more consequences than the wife. The contract is with the wife, and she broke it. A random guy owes me nothing. The way our society is, most guys will be willing to bang any semi-attractive woman (for some guys, any woman) that is willing to spread her thighs for the guy. I can see consequences for a character that sets out to target married women and humiliate husbands, ala Marc Lavalierre, but letting a wife off with no consequences besides "Harumph!" and beating up the lover makes no sense to me. I speak from experience too. My wife was a tart, so I got rid of her. I never held it against any of the many men she slept with that they said yes when she offered.

c24jc24j6 months ago

I know many BTB'ers LOVE violence against the seducer, but in many ways, despite being physically hurt, it's an admission that the seducer not only won, but may be a better person. The seducer hasn't stooped to crimes of PHYSICAL violence, and has, in effect, drawn the betrayed person down to a lower level. So the betrayed is then a loser, whether than someone with the dignity to walk away, and simply be disgusted by (and refused to became a part of) the perversions of cheating. Not a bad story, but initiating violence usually degrades the supposed protagonist!

mathur_nkmathur_nk6 months ago
JoeBetterBnoice, the bigger punishment

JoeBetterBnoice, the bigger punishment is for the one who started, or who had favorable balance of power like position, money, physical power or body beauty/handsomeness. If woman has that and hunted a man making her husband a cuck, then you are right, she deserves bigger punishment. But if man has all those and does not stop even after seeing a wedding bend on her finger, then he needs a bigger punishment.

The woman already suffers a huge punishment as a labeled "un trust worthy" even after divorce, so called moving on and trying relationship afresh, even if he is the same person who is partner in crime. For whole life she has to prove her credentials.

Not with men. If he is caught cheating and gets away without any permanent damage, he can restart relationship with any woman

Norseman123Norseman1236 months ago

Take no notice of c24j he's talking out of his ass. Great story 5*****

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNut6 months ago

1,300 words.

Next month, War And Peace?

WhackdoodleWhackdoodle6 months ago

You have no idea what you’re writing.

Using a bat would have broken his arm, his knee, crushed his testicles and put you in prison for attempted murder. You would be lucky if you didn’t kill him.

If I were your buddy and watched this, I would turn your ass into the cops myself. Why? Because I’m not going to jail for you.

You want to divorce her? Go ahead, people divorce for all sorts of reasons, not the least of which being married to a criminal is a HUGE red flag! And yes, you’re a criminal if you assault someone nevermind using a weapon.

JensensloverJensenslover6 months ago

This really could have been added to the first part.

Dalton402Dalton4026 months ago

That was a good epilogue. I hope the MC had a bag for his cricket bat. It isn't easy riding a bike with a cricket bat. Nice to have a happy ending

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A good read but I was puzzled as to why the author wrote that the villain used the golf club for his trysts as a perk for being on the committee. Surely that is a stone cold certain reason why he should NOT use the club. With his photo posted on the notice board everyone present would know who he was and that the woman accompanying him was not his wife. It's amazing he got away with it for as long as he did.


Mac_LapuMac_Lapu6 months ago

Good for MC he forgavr her and stayed married to her. Nice story @LJA644.

TonyGWTonyGW6 months ago

5, 3 for the story, 2 for the Cricket Bat.

There's just something, civilized, about using a Cricket Bat to extract revenge.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The cheating sluts always get off too easy.

Slut got what she wanted, strange dick and to keep her husband. Wife should have received some corporal punishment after the police left, not just having to do some sexual activities she previously refused.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

No pain for the slut? Emotional or physical? Not even a revenge fuck!!!!

LenardSpencerLenardSpencer6 months ago

It seems straight-forward until the details are examined. Where did the photos come from that were sent to Charlie-boys wife and HR department? Who took them? Were they on Charles's phone? They wouldn't have been of Ginny as that would immediately turn the spotlight on her husband. (Other than people seeing her running out of the Club) But the husband threw the phone into the fishpond only moments after taking it off Charles!

So, as I indicated, the repercussions would not have happened as written.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I hope in those 15 years he managed to find a side chick. That would improve the rating.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I guess this guy is stupid enough to believe she never fucked around on him again. What a complete fool. No way this cheating skank slut is fucking other guys behind his back now that she knows he won't do anything to her for it.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Not nearly as good as some of your other efforts. But thanks!


3 ***

GardenshedGardenshed6 months ago

Good ending to the short story. Especially the BTB to Charles….

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Excellent end to the original story that left others wondering as to the consequences that were to befall those involved.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

"I would lose your love forever"... didn't she already in part 1? I don't see why he would forgive her at all. I can see hanging around for the kids sake as long as the kids aren't seeing through the charade and are in fact affected by a loveless home. In my opinion she lucked out 100%. She got her lover, keeps her home and marriage, and can learn to be more careful. He risked jail and has a cheating wife who is now in a way teaching the kids you can get away with cheating.

Decent part 2 story but I don't see him not going to jail.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

3 stars. She was "perfect" wife in what way? Giving him a few extra BJs? I can MAYBE see if he became a selfish husband and she tolerated it. Spent on himself, made her do what HE wanted (life wise, not just sex). Simply "being not-quite-as-shit as she was before cheating", isn't worth staying with her after kids are gone. She basically didn't pay ANYTHING for her betrayal.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

@reedrichards - funny, I'd figured the pro-cheating crowd like you would have liked it, the cheater suffered zero damage. THERE WAS NO BTB AT ALL. She didn't pay absolutely any downside for her cheating and hurting him, whatsoever. This is a complete RAAC. The fact that the dude she cheated with got beaten up doesn't make it BTB - that dude didn't pretend to love MC, he didn't promise at the altar to be exclusive with MC and didn't break MC's heart. Of course, HIS wife got the satisfaction of a divorce, because men don't deserve happiness but women do.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

He was way too easy on her, especially when she kept trying to protect her lover. I would not have trusted her with his alibi either. And the reconciliation seemed rushed and fake. He risked big time prison sentence to get his revenge on her lover but forgave her with what appeared to be no consequences. And how did he know she never strayed again?

Happily_Married87Happily_Married876 months ago

Good story enjoyed it I would have liked to heard more of her side of the affair.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Don't like it. It's stupid that he is going to stay with a slut that he hates for the sake of the kids. Like they won't be able to tell he hates their mother. He needlessly exposes himself to criminal prosecution. The idea that the club would expel such a VIP is too fanciful to be credible. Part 1 of this story was fine. You should have left it there.

muskyboymuskyboy6 months ago

Nope, she was unforgivable. No remorse until caught.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I wouldn't ever risk going to prison for a slut wife. I would risk prison to beat the shit out of the guy. Its all in your motivations and reason for doing something

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

"I fell under the spell of a charismatic charming man, I was weak."


So what has changed? The husband apparently had no clue his wife was a weak charmed cheating slut. If his friend hadn't alerted him his wife would Still be a weak charmed cheating slut. So how does the husband now know that his wife is a strong immune loyal wife? Because now he keeps her under surveillance and monitors her communications, social media, and always checks to be sure she is where and with whom she's supposed to be? And he has maintained this vigilance for over 13 years? And he judges this marriage to be perfect? Does this guy make his living as a prison guard? Maybe he doesn't know the difference.


I enjoyed the violence against the asshole. The stupid cuck got what he married, so he deserves whatever the charmed weak whore dumps on him: perfect.

26thNC26thNC6 months ago

That was a right thumping. As a member of the BTB mob, I admit that I loved this beat the bastard story.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I enjoyed the story. But what did it have to do with Henry V, Shakespeare, the St. Crispin's Day soliloquy, or Kenneth Branagh? The title is lost on me.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Revenge is mine sayeth the husband.

LJA644LJA6446 months agoAuthor

Commenters are complaining about the violence enacted on Charles. He is a serial seducer who holds his wedding vows and the vows of others cheap. He used his power and influence to seduce married women. He has a skill which he uses to his own ends. That’s okay, most of us do, but we do it for the benefit of our families, our country and mankind in general. This man used it for totally his own ends not caring about the mayhem he caused. Alright, walking on his knee with enough force to break it and leave him outside unable to move or phone for help in a cold rainstorm to suffer from hypothermia was probably a step too far. The wife’s punishment was working her tits off to show her husband it was a mistake, one she would not and did not repeat. She spent years trying to rebuild the trust, and that is no easy job. But she succeeded.

matthur_nk has the right of it all the way.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What JoeBetterBNice said.

LJA644LJA6445 months agoAuthor

@ WHACKDOODLE, which story are you fucking reading. In the UK it would be GBH at best. And he had an alibi, his wife after her indiscretion would back him up. And there was no buddy watching him, where did you get that from? Please READ THE FUCKING STORY before you comment.

@ LenardSpencer. The Brother had videos, Its quite easy to hide the origin of them. Thankyou for your sensible comments. At least you have written stories.


LJA644LJA6445 months agoAuthor

To Anon who wrote "But what did it have to do with Henry V, Shakespeare, the St. Crispin's Day soliloquy, or Kenneth Branagh? The title is lost on me." Please read part one. I believe you are a fan as I never mentioned Shakespeare. Thank you for seeing it.

It gave him the courage to carry on his actions.


inka2222inka22225 months ago

@LJA - that's the problem, you didn't even STATE that briefly (about the wife), never mind actually SHOW it in believable way. The story ONLY says that:


"I'd grown quite comfortable with her in the last 15 years" - that doesn't say anything about her 'working her tits off', just that he grew complacent.


"She learned to do things for me that I liked" - sounds like an extra couple blowjobs, NOT 'working her tits off'.


"She did her best to make it up to me for her moment of weakness" - 'her best' sounds like she did bare minimum but couldn't be arsed or capable of doing more. To quote Sean Connerry in "The Rock", "losers do their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen".


"She never repeated that mistake" - Zero evidence, and realistically given level of recidivism among cheaters, most people would interpret it "she never got caught again when she cheating later"


"and eventually, I forgave her" - There's 'forgiving' as in stopping negative emotion in your brain, which is a good thing, and 'forgiving' as in basically giving her a pass with zero meaningful punishment, which encourages further bad behavior by perpetrator individually and makes overall society more shitty in aggregate.


"And where would I find a woman to do the things we both enjoyed doing together" - key word is "enjoyed doing together". Your "working her tits off" would have included things HE PERSONALLY enjoyed doing, not only what she did. "things we both enjoyed" isn't "working her tits off", it's a MINIMAL baseline behavior for relationship that is OK.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

While I might not have resorted to violence against Charles, I'd most likely alibi someone who DID. Nobody here that didn't earn their comeuppance.

JackInYerBoxJackInYerBox5 months ago

I really wish authors would properly tag these RAAC and willing cuckold stories. It would actually help your ratings as sane men would avoid them and cream-pie eating wimps would flick to then.

OOAAOOAA5 months ago

Good story, thanks for the second part! ;)

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit5 months ago

YOU just HAD to go and spoil it, didn't you, Author LJA644?

Henry V Pt 1, -UNORIGINAL as it was, was fine! But then YOU just HAD to go piss in the punch-pot, didn't you?

Completely RUINING the original in process, and adding your "nom-de-guerre" to every sane reader's banned list!

Ah well, Yet another humiliation-loving subhuman to add to my proscribed list!


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Boo! Hiss! Boo!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


So, you’re basically a socialist. Your woke ideology has applied “intersectionality”, and “punching down” to infidelity. This is absurd!!! Adultery is the next worst thing after premeditated murder. The spouse, the person who made the commitment, has the greatest responsibility.

Your comment also implied that women don’t have agency, or accountability for their choices. Why? The idea of “The poor woman fell under the spell of the powerful seducer” is ridiculous. Women are capable of saying “No, go away and leave me alone!”


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

4 Stars as He could never trust her again .

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I dunno man. A woman who can fall under the spell of another man, who can be seduced, is mentally weak or doesnt love the way her husband deserves. She is letting another man put one over on her husband. She is allowing that man the smug knowledge that he was strong enough, better enough, to be chosen over her husband; she is giving him power over her husband. He won, he beat her husband out--she chose him--she is offering the ultimate insult to her husband. The same would be true if a bastard husband cheated on his wife. His wife is his queen. A man doesn't give another woman power over his queen.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I feel like a 'moment of weakness' is giving into a craving for chocolate while on a diet, not letting another man put his penis inside you...

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades4 months ago

Life is full of tough choices. Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Why is the husband considered WOKE? More pointedly what the fuck does WOKE even mean? The word sounds like a label put on a philosophical situation by a person whose IQ struggles to reach room temperature..... The husband is a dope and the wife isn't worth the effort. The writing and the action was however very entertaining and i sort of liked the story.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos3 months ago

I think it's cute that people REALLY seem to think that there are two types of women, ones who can be seduced and ones who can't and it's locked in stone. What a load of bollocks. All women (and men to boot) can be seduced. It just takes the right combination of circumstances. For most people they're lucky, their partner will never face that situation as 99% of the time in our daily lives we're not presented with opportunity. The facts are, if you don't want your partner stepping out on you, then the both of you have to actively prevent it. That means setting boundaries, telling each other everything, listening to each other without being defensive and not assuming that you're 100% in control all the time. Hell, it's better if you live life assuming that you're barely in control - you'll make smarter decisions that way. All of that being said, this was a short but pretty tight story. I think it's a bit of a revenge story and that's all since there wasn't really a focus on the relationship or the aftermath of the affair, but for a revenge story it was a bit simple and straight to the point. I'm giving it a 4/5 but that's a tough one for me since maybe it was more of an average story, but saved by the good writing and brevity.

WargamerWargamer3 months ago

Read it again, he kept her l downgraded you to 2/5.

Everything was right until he kept her.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

LOL a moment of weakness and then at the club building up to another one.

So many guys in your tales who don't seem to have better options like partners that keep their knees together on their behalf.

chasbo38chasbo38about 1 month ago

A one off is one situation where seduction might be an acceptable explanation. Planning a second time changes the situation completely. She was going to be a cheater.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 month ago

I liked the follow on, but felt that you wrapped it up a bit quick, could have left the ending off about how he lost his job and wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

@TrainerofBimbos makes the excellent point that anyone capable of the sex act is capable of cheating. The smart ones know it, and know themselves well enough to take appropriate precautions. The silly or naive ones fail and fall. Ginny now knows she can cheat, and seems to be taking steps so that it doesn't happen again. She learned something. I believe she won't cheat again.

LechemanLechemanabout 1 month ago

Mixed opinions from the gallery below.

I liked the story and while the once a cheater, always a cheater cliché could apply, I do not feel it applies on this occasion.

Mind you, had she repeated it, her marriage would have been dust.

DickSnugfitDickSnugfitabout 1 month ago

It was NOT a one-off (drunken/ got carried away/ was ignored) isolated incident for which she was very sorry, highly ashamed and deeply embarrassed.

No, following on to an EARLIER episode which she must have thoroughly enjoyed (look how long, determined, and vigorously she held out against giving up his particulars, name, address, etc) and how strongly she fought to protect her LOVER's marriage, HIS wife, HIS kids- face it Wimpsand Cucks, it was NOT just a `passing fancy'! -She'd FELL for the guy hook, line and sinker! And, were it not for Hubby's stubborn persistence this SECOND joyful episode, foiled only by her being quite so bedazzled with her own enchantment, and mesmerised by her paramour, that she only had eyes for HIM, and totally failed to notice the presence of hubby's kid brother filming her! It was NO MISTAKE! She was deeply in lust, and LOVE, with this serial predator, and hubby was totally relegated to the annoying friend league! What self-respecting "man" could throw his Man-Card away so flippantly?

How utterly UNBELIEVABLE! Way too far-fetched, it beggars belief, even for nancy-boy namby-pandies!.


AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

The short stories are good, but the concept here was a little too simple, or the wrap up it was I guess. Doesn't really work that way that easily unless you have all kinds of connections and you're a superhero and you got all the money in the world, like so many of these writers want to make the MC. Better to keep it real, and to keep it realistic.

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