All Comments on 'Here's What Will Happen'

by laptopwriter

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betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 10 years ago

Smart man. He realized it wasn't the wife's idea and nipped it in the bud. Luckily she was smart enough to drop the cunt friend and re-affirm herself to her husband. Tragedy averted. Great little tale.

Five Stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
THIS is what should have happened...

... in that other, recent story where the wife wanted an open marriage and came home crying after her first night out on the town. That husband's marriage might have been saved, if he had acted like this man. *****

sugnasugnaalmost 10 years ago

I loved the way the husband dealt with the wife's demands. The truth is always best.

oshawoshawalmost 10 years ago

You write two pages, I want three. You write three pages, I want four. You write four pages, I want five.... Are you sensing a trend here laptop? Thank you for another wonderful story.

MattressThrasherMattressThrasheralmost 10 years ago
Another good story

Another good story, thank you.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 10 years ago
Enjoyed it

A decent flash story that could have been developed a bit more. Hubby should have heard her out a bit more before giving her the letter. Very good. Thanks.

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

just a bad situation and He handled it. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
It would depend

Hmm, as long as I could date other women, I would consider it. Why waste time and energy waiting around, when I can go out there and explore new things, and perhaps form new bonds. If, the marriage is starting to fail, then I would let it go. I am myself responsible for my own happiness. I am a practitioner of detaching myself from any relationship. I've met people new to a certain lifestyle, and sometimes they will lose themselves into it. I am not the wait around type, until you learn a lesson. Simply move on and keep my individuality.

JounarJounaralmost 10 years ago

A fantastic little flash story. So much plot in so few words. I do think that Linda should of warned her friends about Audrey's bullshit even if only to save them from what almost happened to her.

kdcee79kdcee79almost 10 years ago
Yeah a real man

A very well written short story, it had a good plot that you used well, good dialogue to help explain everything going on & a well thought out plan to head off the women. I liked the fact that he was proactive immediately & didn't pussyfoot around waiting for something more to happen. It was also good to see that Linda got her act together asap , gave Audrey the shove & set about being the best wife she could. 4****

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
5 stars

Best Flash Story in a long time. "It's the Thought that Counts" He was a hero to his family and did the right thing. Getting the parents involved was brilliant. I guess she did not understand her husband very well if she did not predict his reaction.


dinkymacdinkymacalmost 10 years ago

Thanks for sharing.

nonethewisernonethewiseralmost 10 years ago
Excellent little story

And I loved how the husband handled it. Straight forward, direct, strong, clear and quick. And, as is not often enough the case on LW, a wife who woke up before it was too late and was smart enough to listen and try to undo the damage she had caused. Terrific story.

Tim413413Tim413413almost 10 years ago

I'm too emotional to be as calm as he was. I might have written a similarly good letter if I took a week to think, write, and rewrite. My former wife knew better than to ask. She decided to take the affair route.

looking4itlooking4italmost 10 years ago

Why is it that a woman who allegedly loves her husband so dearly has a best friend that openly despises him. More and more stories take this approach and I honestly don't believe that could be possible. The answer is that she doesn't really feel the love that she so ardently professes. Which, I suppose, could actually show the crack in the relationship earlier than other indicators.

SpacemansaysSpacemansaysalmost 10 years ago
pretty much

Unless the husband views the act of asking for this grounds for divorce... this tale dictates how anyone should handle the situation. Concise, logically, and most of all not giving the ok and then crying after the fact.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
A while back...

Greyeagle had a flash story that had the wife proposing open marriage (for HER), while the husband stayed home with the kids. It was also a flash, in fact even shorter, at just one page. In that, the hubby considered her request, and challenged her about HIS side of the "open" marriage. He was trying to get her to think about his feelings, and IF she had really thought it through. How would she REALLY feel about him being with another woman? Since, she HADN'T really considered it, or all of the other more serious consequences, the brief conversation had come full circle, and she backs off from the original proposal. However, since this had been born out of "curiousity", (as well as the influence of some other female slut-friend), the hubby realized pretty quickly that WITHOUT his permission, she was just going to go ahead and cheat behind his back anyway. If not soon, at some point in the future. Regretfully, in just a few paragraphs of discussion, he declares the marriage broken beyond repair, because he will never have complete and total trust in her ever again. And of course, without trust, his love for her will erode and falter. There may be some benefit to employing the maxim "trust but verify", however, it is exhausting! And IF you are the kind of person who freely gives trust, until you are betrayed, it is hard to accept switching philosophies to the TBV mindset. It requires you becoming a different person, and fundamentally changes the nature of the relationship. The moral of greyeagle's story was JUST HAVING "THE TALK", was enough to lose trust and destroy the marriage. Readers complained in the comments about the apparent ease of the hubby being able to walk away from a marriage, where the wife supposedly hadn't done anything wrong yet, or that if he REALLY loved her, then he would have fought harder to salvage what was left. But they missed the point. Salvaging what was left, would have required a change, and it was a change that no wife should expect the man she "loves" to go through. LTW's hubby, is righteous, and proactive, AND successful. Quick, clear headed thinking and presentation of the consequences helps wifey to understand just what is at stake. But all of the readers who loved this story, (and I loved it too, and agree with its core philosophy-especially since children were involved) HAVE to acknowledge that their relationship was fundamentally changed JUST from having the discussion, and that the complete and comfortable trust the couple previously enjoyed, will NEVER be the same.........even if they DO make it to 50 years.

LTW, always love your 5 star stories! Thanks for making us think, and even when we've "heard it all before", reminding us of the conventional wisdom and basic truths about marriage, help the readership here to distinguish between the reality of consequences for poorly thought out actions and the fantasy of problem-free extra-marital diversions. Good Work!

TwentysevenTwentysevenalmost 10 years ago
A Sure Winner

Another dim-witted woman shown the error of her ways by a stern righteous husband. Works every time.

IronDragonIronDragonalmost 10 years ago
The setup was a cliché that's been done to death.

However, the payoff was unique and outstanding! He didn't "nip it in the bud"... He used industrial strength weed killer! LOL

Wifey was obviously struggling with the thought of cheating on Hubby. The cliché with the Best Friend Bitch wanting to break up her friend's marriage by suggesting she cheat has, as I stated, been done to death. The question I have is this: Why does a woman who loves her husband put up with a BFB who openly despises that same man?

Hubby's ultimatum did the trick, though. That was one well thought out letter he wrote. Wifey woke up and realized what she was about to do with BFB and kicked her "best friend" to the curb. Best Friends, in the traditional sense, do not seek to break up their friends' marriages. BFB had to know that Hubby didn't like her, and that what she was proposing would break up Wifey's marriage. Wifey had to know that Hubby didn't like BFB, and vice versa. That brings it back around to the clichéd setup.

What really saved Wifey, to me at least, was that she didn't even have to think about it after she read Hubby's letter. Sometimes, all that's needed is a swift kick in the ass for us to see that what we're planning to do is wrong.

5 HUGE Stars! A great quick read on a day when I need to do some writing and editing on my novel. Thanks, LTW!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Probably the weakest story I have read in months, no point in voting.

impo_58impo_58almost 10 years ago
That's what it's needed...

He took the necessary actions...maybe except one or two: The friend of his wife should suffer the consequences for being a no heart bitch...

ironsoldier80ironsoldier80almost 10 years ago
things change anyway

Well i guess this is a comment on the comments. Great story in my opinion. Things change in any relationship regardless. Relationships evovle continuously over time. Maybe some commenters need to think about the fact that wife friendship was a relationship that prexisted her marriage. While hubby may not have liked the friend I am reasonably sure that even if the friend also didn't like hubby she was supporting of her friend or they would not have remained friends to begin with.

Here is more on how relationships evovle over time. People hold onto an idealized image of family, friends, etc. Rarely does that image change with the evolution of the relationship. So I submit that while wife may have subconsciously realized that her friend had become toxic, she still remembers her old friend who was so good to her before she got married and wants to hold onto that friend. Additionally, the friend had semi recently gone through her own divorce as the author said. So she had to be feeling all the emotional baggage that goes with that. Rage, jealousy, inadequacy, fear, lack of desirability, etc. And she is going through a phase of her life where she is struggling to deal with these emotions and lashing out in everyway possible, hence the promiscuity, partying, trying to break up her friends perfect marriage, etc. If you take a moment to look, you will see that the wifes friend is dealing with way more pain and anguish than the hubby had to and was jealous of her friend and angry with hubby over some slight real or imagined and wanted her friend to be in the same place she was. Hence she need counseling herself to deal with her own problems, but like most people refuses to acknowledge she has a problem and won't bother.

The final point, I have seen marriages survive much much worse than the mere threat of cheating. Hubby was smart to insist on marriage counseling. The whole purpose of marriage counseling is to assist couple is getting past any and all crisis that come up in any marriage. The trust will never be the same, but it can be rebuilt. The doubt, however small, may always be there or not, but it can be dealt with. People put up with a lot of pain both physical and emotional for the comfort of their marriage, whatever comfort they may find in it. This couple has a loving support system and an example of how it can work in both of their parents.

The one person I feel bad for is the friend. She has no one and just lost one more good friend due to her own failure to be a friend.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
PCR? story=to Prevent Cheating and Reconciliation

To Prevent Cheating and Reconciliating (PCR?) story type is very rarly on Lit and SOL.

The best stories are from Flavian (the most exciting) "The Biggest and Best" from storiesonline dot net (SOL) and (the most humorous) from Papatoad "Telephone Blitz" from SOL and Lit.

BTW 5*****


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
he set the record straight

some friend if your in a good marriage dump these assholes who want you do something foreign to your beliefs and vows.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
re: The setup was a cliché that's been done to death.

Yeah. Instead of just stewing about it. making idle threat, he made a direct, take-no-prisoners approach, rare for such stories.


That said, one of the biggest clichés is the "besides you, she's only been with one other man in her whole life. That's ridiculous, Robert. I'm sure you've had a lot more women than that." argument. I can't recall a story where the husband replies along the lines of "So what? Too late. She had just as many chances to do that as I did, before marriage. It's not my fault she wants to go back on her wedding vows."

OneShotOneOneShotOnealmost 10 years ago
@ Guard of his wife's pussy

Take your sick ass back to gay male.

laptopwriterlaptopwriteralmost 10 years agoAuthor
I don't usually delete comments, but...

when someone uses the comments to write their own sick cuckold story, that's crossing the line. To that "person," if you write another I will delete it as well...and so on, and so on...

MitchFraellMitchFraellalmost 10 years ago
A quick solution

A high drama confrontation and a tearful resolution. (Well it doesn't need to be realistic does it). A really good read.

starmanfivestarmanfivealmost 10 years ago
You write great stories!

Do not be affected by negative comments. You have real talent. I will read anything you write because I am a fan. *****

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
One of the best!

I've been waiting for someone to write a story where the husband clearly states his position right up front instead of just saying something like "don't do this". The story could of course go in many directions from there. I'm happy with this one. The wife immediately sees what a moron her "friend" is, and the husband doesn't just roll over, but rather lets her know there still is at least some damage done to the marriage, and he can't promise it can be fixed. Love it!

MajorRewriteMajorRewritealmost 10 years ago
This isn't a story.

It's just a rant. Sorry.

chytownchytownalmost 10 years ago
Nice Read***

It was just what you said, I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.

bruce22bruce22almost 10 years ago
Great Story

Excellent discussion. He got what he wanted, but he is going to pay with many years of doubt. As usual it is the children which is the deciding factor here. It they did not exist he would be better off asking for a divorce.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Good Story

I liked his response, and I liked her honesty re Audrey's call.

So many of these stories you see the wife continuing to conspire with the "best friend."

My only criticism is I don't know if I would have mailed the letters to the parents before she made her choice, though the reinforcement from the parents probably helped.

rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
If someone truly believes

it is only sex,

it doesn't really matter,

they have no business being married.

Audrey proved she is not a friend. And I hope he does make a visit to the couple who tried to convince her it was ok.

carvohicarvohialmost 10 years ago
Hey Lap Top...

I saw your name over a title and had to read it. There's been a flood of really lousy stories lately. I'm so sick of the 'happy cuckold' thing that's been going around. You're always reliably good.

I gave you a five. It wasn't original, but like detective stories, there's a formula, and some can do it, others can't.

The story seemed a little awkward; two things cropped up as I read.

First, she's been married for seventeen years. She certainly should know her man and his rigidity regarding fidelity. Rigidity in this matter is a good thing. She should have anticipated the very assertive response she got, and that anticipation should have been enough to squelch Audrey's 'scheme'.

Second, she hadn't done anything yet, but he came across as absolutely ruthlessly arbitrary. Most women are born negotiators. I would have expected her to have read the correspondence, sent Audrey packing, and then try to deliberate with her husband. I would have expected her to try to pare down the demands. I could have seen her bargaining to get rid of the spare bedroom thing, and STD testing. I think he would have agreed to concede on those two items, and in so doing he would have given her some respect; respect that would have netted him enormous dividends in the marriage.

Good shorty. I really had a good time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

What an asshole this guy is! You can almost understand why the wife wants to do some sampling, if only to determine whether there might be someone less obnoxious out there. But no: She really does just want the sex, as she demonstrates by immediately accepting even his most ridiculous terms. Maybe they belong together after all: He's an arrogant asshole, and she likes him that way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Hey Anon...

You call this guy an asshole; let's look at why he did what he did. He demanded that the influence that caused the damage to his marriage ( her so-called BFF) be removed--IF she wanted to stay married. He didnt want to have to go through this again in a few months when his wife was convinced to try again, probably without the "up front warning" that he got this time. Hed be looking over her shoulder all the time for any signs of a fling It was always her choice. He demanded that she move into the other bedroom as she needed time apart to truly see what damage she did to their marriage--no ineffective "quick fixes" made by a late night seduction when his guard was down. The demand for counseling speaks that he did consider the marriage worth saving and savable. The demand for the STD test is as much for his own safety as the kids, and to show her that his absolute trust in her word is gone. The GPS and the phone tap is a method of slowly restoring his trust--IF, of course, she behaves. All these are reasonable considering that he was ambushed and backed into a corner by his wife and her so-called friend. He could've gone nuclear and that would've been bad for all-- including their kids.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
My 2 Cents

Great tale. He would not have been successful had he not been so focused and clear in his letter. Most of all that he was able to type it so quickly so as to make his point as an immediate response. It may have taken me an hour to type that lol. By then both women would have been long gone as would the marriage.

javmor79javmor79almost 10 years ago
Great oroactive story

Great proactive way to approach a situation. He didn't wait in closets and follow her around town to see if she would do it. He handled it before it became a situation. He saved her from herself.

I have to say that I would be disappointed in my wife's character this happened to me. I understand that she was manipulated, but she made herself such an easy target. She let a friend, who by the way is not fond of her husband, talk her into considering an affair on the premise that it's "just sex". Being that she knew that her friend didn't like her husband, she should have recognized that she wouldn't really have her marriage's best interest at heart. For her to bring the old adage "if he loves you he will be okay with it" should have been like water off of a duck's back. But she allowed this person to warp her mind.

There is a reason why she was such an easy target. Either she is a really weak person, or she isn't as happy in her marriage as she says. She is missing something in her marriage. That is why she was "coerced" into trying this. I think he did good adding the marriage counseling into the list of demands.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 10 years ago
true to life


Men will consider their wife to be their best friend.

Women will put their female friends ahead of their husband in terms of friendship.

Audrey was toxic to their marriage, she wanted to destroy it for her own selfish reasons.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
can't get more

to the point than he did. no crying, puking, falling down on the floor, curling up like a kicked dog. took care of business instantly right there and then. no slirpuffing, hdk'ing.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Good story

And his response is the response I wish a lot of the men would make in this section when their wives want to make them cuckolds. I do think he went a little overboard by informing both sets of parents. He strips her of all her pride and self respect and in the long run, that was probably too much. By trashing her in their parents eyes, she may cross over from loving wife to disrespected wife. And her anger at him may sit and stew until she feels the need to get some revenge. That would be an interesting sequel. In the mean time - well done!

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreameralmost 10 years ago

Short, clear and to the point. Tells this story the way such a story must be told, if it is to be effective. When I saw your name I expected excellence and I was not disappointed.

WOW! You pulled off the near impossible. You've written a LW story the Anons. haven't pronounced a pile of crap. You've also answered my question of how to write a LW story without a cuckold.


SplitAcesSplitAcesalmost 10 years ago
Ahh, another dose of stupid required to make a story...

A man that wrote the conditions required to move forward from his wife's stupidity, would not have allowed her association with Audrey in the first place. He instantly knew the source of the problem; why would he have let her into their lives, to poison their marriage?

x_witless_xx_witless_xalmost 10 years ago
Oh dear

another silly hubby that doesn't realize he's been offered the long straw of fortune when his filthy hotwife wants to put their sex schedule on a ride to the stars. Let her have a little fun, dude, ffs. You can use the straw to suck out..oh enough already. Cut and paste pastiche from ltw. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I skimmed it and was bored. There's no point to this story.

sdc92078sdc92078almost 10 years ago
The letter to the parents and the lawyers

I think I probably would have held them in my hand at the door while the wife and her friend read the letter, then posed the ultimatum as, "do we have an agreement, or shall I mail the other letters?" And made one of the conditions in the letter a postnuptual forfeiting all assets in the event of infidelity.

JounarJounaralmost 10 years ago


For me, the letters to the parents were to make his wife face just how much she fucked up, so there was no need to hold the letters back as an ultimatum as she either went along with all his conditions or the marriage was over. I do agree about having her sign a post-nup.

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3almost 10 years ago

Nice little story but having decided to cheat, I can't believe she would collapse so totally and instantly.

sdc92078sdc92078almost 10 years ago
The letters

Just seemed to me as if the letters to the parents and lawyer would have had more of an impact if they'd included instructions to the lawyer to begin drafting divorce papers and the wife had known what was in them before he headed for the mailbox.

oldwayneoldwaynealmost 10 years ago

I said 5*****

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

but look at the cost. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great story

Marriage is more than a promise, divorce causes a split 50/50 on everything, some divorces I have seen have set husbands back years financially and in hard economic times that maybe doom. This is why I believe if you want marriage, any or same sex marriage then protect it with laws about adultery and protecting assets, why split 50/50 or the wife gets the house? especially if she is the cheater and would be in this case. and Audrey would face civil penalties financially setting her back just for her advice and not to mention the men involved too. Either honor the marriage or divorce and become friends with benefits its that simple. Explore all you want when you are single, but once married your partner either agrees or you are out on your ass and everyone else involved.

MorganDeWolfeMorganDeWolfeover 9 years ago
The Cost

Only one, she's GONE!

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

he expects for it to grow and flourish, why would an idea rate any less. TK U MLJ LV NV

nedslapnedslapabout 9 years ago
I don't know

She was wrong, but I can kind of understand why she was tempted. He seemed like kind of a jerk.

Pappy7Pappy7about 9 years ago
He was a jerk?

He didn't want his wife the fuck other men. That made him a jerk? She didn't discuss it with him, sound him out as to what he thought, she came into the house with her muse and told him what she was going to do. If he had been a jerk he would have kicked both of their asses out the front door, literally and divorced her and sued the other one for contributing to the delinquency of an idiot. I guess if he had been okay with it he wouldn't have been a jerk. Stupid statement.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
a jerk?

seriously someone said he was a jerk.

How could someone misunderstand men so much.

In this story, if anything he was very restrained and clam.

Most would have dumped her for even asking. As this shows she didnt really love him that much.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 9 years ago
I think her actions actually proved she DOES love him...

Though she made the mistake of letting a "friend" (with help) convince her of something stupid, even while relating it to her husband, she didn't seem REAL solid in her belief of it.

And when she read his letter, rather than blowing a gasket - in spite of pretty much KNOWING he had just told her PARENTS all about it - she instead agrees INSTANTLY to his terms.

Without even trying to convince him of anything or to yell at him or throw a fit, her first act is to toss out her friend.

Add to that SHE calls his parents. She had to KNOW the pain she'd give and receive doing it, but she did anyway. She took her medicine.

I don't fault him. So what if he told their parents...? If it wasn't something to be ashamed of, why should it matter...? And if it WAS something to be ashamed of - clearly she shouldn't do it.

RhomanovRhomanovabout 9 years ago

I'd of had three skins on my wall.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I would've toss her ass to the curb immediately.

She clearly disrespect him so bad it instantly guarantee a divorce

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 9 years ago

It appears she never really wanted to cheat. Luckily the husband came on as strong as he did, opposing the idea. With friends like Aubrey who needs enemies?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

isn't it the truth trust is hard to give and even harder to restore

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Great story, keep in your tool box, has this happened in real life? Sure, some friends may not have the best intentions or in fact some may hold a large degree of jealousy inside, in this case, I feel the friend was more jealous that Linda had a life while Audrey really had nothing solid or permanent. I have seen friends create situations of the appearance of cheating just to cause break up. Sadly, the damage here is more permanent than what is admitted too, after all the husband does still check her GPS and I am sure checks the phone recordings too, so I guess his guard is up.

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago

“She kept telling me I should get out there and experience what life had to offer.” – Um, that’s what SINGLE life is for!

“She said her husband let her go out with other guys all the time.” – Key phrase there: “her husband let her go out,” let implies permission, which is usually ASKED for, NOT demanded!

“Linda and I discussed it and decided it was only fair to let you get a little on the side as well, if you wanted." – Oh, THEY discussed it and will “let” him get a little on the side. First, why is AUDREY involved with HIS sex life? Second, how is that they LET him have a “little on the side”, but he is TOLD that she will date others?

Listen, there is nothing wrong with “open” marriages when BOTH sides agree to them and agree to abide by a set of rules. When one side TELLS the other what is going to happen and DICTATES the rules that’s a different kettle of fish!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Lets get real here

He will never trust her again for as log as they both live. She has planted a seed that will grow forever. What happens next is that when she is late home or dances close with someone, he will suspect her of something until one day, she comes home late and he busts her in the jaw or worse.

The stupid slut has already torpedoed her marriage.

MorganDeWolfeMorganDeWolfealmost 9 years ago
Just Too Old School.

Some of us are.

I got married September 19th, 1975, it's been a great ride and I'm looking forward to the next 20 years.

That said, if my wife EVER came to me and said she wanted to "date", "go out with" or "have sex with" another man our marriage would be over at that moment.

NOTE: My wife goes out with friends without me regularly. She's NOT "dating" nor going out to seek someone else for sex, so BIG difference!

The disrespect spoken and broken marriage vow in her heart would demand divorce. The lack of trust that would come from that single statement would dictate separate lives.

"What dwells in the heart is exposed in our words and actions!"

Yes, I'm very old fashioned, I believe in loyalty, fidelity, truth and commitment in a marriage.

Nuff said,

Morgan DeWolfe

MorganDeWolfeMorganDeWolfealmost 9 years ago
Addendum after reading this story.

He's a soon to be cuckold and a fool to believe that she'll remain faithful after the storm blows over. She's a cheating slut in training just waiting for the right time. All she'll have to do is just not tell him about all the new cocks she's testing out. Really no reason to trust this stupid self-centered slut at all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Since she's destroyed the marriage I think she goes all the way

And asks him to leave. I think she has Audrey hit her and she calls the Police and reports him for spousal abuse. Then she dictates the terms of their divorce and everyone is on her side. After all, they were simply having a conversation about sex and he went crazy. Audrey backs her up and he's toast. He loses custody and she gets the house, alimony, child support and part of his retirement. He'll be lucky to avoid jail time and will forever be labeled an abuser. Think again if you don't think this scenario doesn't play out on our Court system everyday. Nice take but unbelievable outcome.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Sometimes you can step back from the abyss

She was mind-bendingly stupid, but she did ask permission, and she backed down when faced with the consequences. I'd spend months wondering if she had lost her mind, but she seems to have learned from the experience. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Second time through

She was led down a primrose path and was too stupid to see it for what it was. What interests me is when she tells M-I-L about it and mentions going out of town for the std screening, she didn't say that there was no point to it and claim that she hadn't done anything yet. Just that she would go get them done. Whether he believed her or not, if she hadn't done anything wrong yet, then why didn't she say that nothing had happened yet? Not just that she was asking his permission. This to me says she had already stepped out on him. She does not value her marriage nor her kids she sure doesn't respect him. I believe that he did at the very least the best option that he could have done with that letter, to both sets of parents, as well as to the attorney as well. If she starts lying with her friend that he beat her, and sadly folks it has been done before, his letter mitigates her claim to a certain degree.

xtchrxtchrover 8 years ago
Conflicting Thoughts!

You did a good job with a standard intro. Wife wants to cheat with help from he bitchy BBF. I thought when he left the table he was going to pack his bags and leave BUT his letter was ingenious. No hemming and hawing, he spelled out the consequences of her actions and let her know in no uncertain terms. I did not see anything wrong with mailing the letters before giving the wife a copy. He let wifey make her choice. The part I'm conflicted about is do you get rid of her right then-and-there for her blatant disrespect or like he did try and work it out. What might have saved her was that she did not hesitate after reading the terms and accepted them and then her phone calls to her MIL. BUT is she going to still cheat and just hide it better. Not sure what I would do and I usually have definite opinions about how I would act. Thank You for a very good, entertaining, and thought-provoking story.

JudyLeeJudyLeeover 8 years ago

What a wakeup call. Women like Linda who are weak-willed should be careful who they take as friends. I think she learned her lesson. Her husband approached the situation in just the right way. She needed a straightforward wakeup call. Good story. JudyLee

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
love this author...

he writes life!!!!! 5

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago
@Anonymous 12/12/15 Re: "Second time through"

Her agreeing to the STD tests is NOT an admission that she did anything!

Yes, she could CLAIM that she didn't do anything and therefore doesn't need the tests; the problem is that he doesn't believe her!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago
Reading Yet Again!

"I didn't mean to hurt you." - I don't know if I've said this before, but how can she say that? Surely if he did that to HER she would be hurt, so how can she POSSIBLY think that it wouldn't hurt him?

"She says no two guys do it alike, some are better than others but everyone is different" - And no two women do it alike, etc. Does that mean that Robert should date others, too?

Pappy7Pappy7about 8 years ago
Read it again

and I liked it again. This is a good example of why, if you get advanced intel, you abort the mission, whether it's your mission or someone in your squad. Evidently she was mesmerized by the cute stories of fun and exciting new dicks. That in itself is bad enough but when confronted with the reality of her husband's response to this she quickly got her head on straight and stopped all actions. This was well written and well played, but both the husband and the wife. She realized that her only hope was to meet his demands, no questions asked or arguments given. She knew that she had crossed the line of acceptability with only one way back. Evidently she wasn't completely drawn into her friend's web. And to those who said he was being unreasonable and harsh, it was the only way he had to make sure it didn't happen again, just better planned.

As written, this marriage might be worth saving, but if she had argued, whined or refused to do one of the things, it was toast. I actually liked both of the characters in this story. Sure, she got caught up in the stories but which of us hasn't and she did get out of line bringing it to hubby. But he was there, doing his job and stopping her from throwing it away. I would have expected that she would do the same for him if the shoe were on the other foot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
tough to believe

I always find the just sex and every guy is difference rationalization to be ludicrous


If husband is what used to be termed considerate lover, and has been paying attention for the last 19 years hev should be able to leave his wife breathless and weak in afterglow of their having sex. If not and she has kept silent it is her fault. If she has tried to educate him about her hot spots and he has been unwilling to learn it is his fault

These days females constant use of the assumed sins of all men to rationalize their desire has become the norm. They want to engage in amoral behavior, believe there should be no consequences, and claim husband does not really love them if he doesn't praise her for being a slut.

True a female is entitled to make decisions for herself. Funny that approach insists the husband has no right to make his own decisions.

Rocco1960Rocco1960over 7 years ago
Nothing surprises me

Believe it or not, I have actually seen this exact scenario in real life. My sister-in-law had the same thing happen to her. She had a fantastic marriage and a few of her girlfriends couldn't keep a man to save their lives. They all started going on girls night out, started filling her head with all sorts of crap. They actually sat down with her husband and read him the riot act. My wife happened to drop by her sisters house at that exact time, she went ballistic on her sister before her husband could. They spent 2 years in marriage counseling, and my wife's sister still sees a therapist. The friends are not friends anymore. Husband and wife are still together, all in all is good. Jealousy in women comes out like this from time to time. Damn I'm glad to be a man!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
And this is why.

I would never even contemplate marriage.

I think deep inside all women have the slut gene. I've seen all too often in my own family.

No! why should I buy a cow when I can have the milk for free from some round heeled slut. Why support someone else's daughter.

No screw that.

Let the whores of the world fuck around to their hearts content, but don't expect me to pick up the tab.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 7 years ago
It's alright anon

No women want to be with you. So wear that loneliness and if not virginity than pathetically small number of encounters with 'sluts' with pride and pretend it's a principled stand against being tied down. Everyone will just laugh behind your back as you angrily rant about women on the internet, until they just get sad and stop thinking about you entirely.

But hey, at least you won't have some dumb woman to worry about when you off yourself in a couple years when shouting at people on the internet doesn't turn out to be a good career or life path.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I have to say, in real life, the marriage would be over.

She planned on destroying the marriage.

She had to have thought of what could happen, and didnt care to have told him her plans.

I dont see how it wouldnt be a long struggle to get over a wife thinking you were not enough for her and was planning on cheating, multiple times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Who rattled your cadge? What makes you think that you have the edge on someone that thinks different to you.

Well it seems that it is a case of horses for courses. Go for it cucky boy,

Next time your licking the spunk of your womans bull from her cunt, you can imagine what what it would be like if she didn't despise you for the wimp that you are. Or perhaps you have never had a woman. So here is the question.

Tell us about your first sexual adventure. Are you looking forward to it ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Fair, well-balanced, and well written story...

The skanky whore Audrey had just about convinced his wife Linda that she deserved to screw around on her husband Robert. I say 'just about' because Linda didn't appear convinced to me, she seems to be the submissive type that can be bullied about. She and the skanky whore Audrey presented their case, letting the husband know what she wanted to do. The husband felt the need to type up his response and intentions - should she continue on with her plan - so there wouldn't be any misunderstandings.

Sounds completely fair to me. The wife told him what she would do - the husband told her what he would do. At that point, each one is free to make up their mind on how they wished to proceed. The wife chose to stick with the husband and kicked her skanky whore ex-friend to the gutter - which is where all skanky whore wives belong.

If the cucks have a problem with this story, they can choose not to read it. I hear there's a bunch of wimpy losers writing cuck stories all over Literotica. Surely these offended cucks can find some stories humiliating enough that even they'll be able to pound their tiny peckers to a successful conclusion, while waiting for their skanky whore wives to return from wherever they're collecting their latest sperm samples. Have a nice meal, cucks.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 7 years ago
I wonder if the wife is German ?

They're either at your feet or at your throat according to well-known maxim. Dominance was rapidly established. Peace reigns in this fictional domicile. I liked the story overall , but it did seem the wife caved too quickly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Being racist is not a matter of skin color. Lsd's title is insulting

Wonder how contrived his response will be to defend that remark about his wife's nationality

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
no way

there is no way that Im going to have to check up on her to see if she is screwing around for the rest of my life. I dump her

MaFreplerMaFreplerabout 7 years ago
I know it's supposed to be fantasy, but...

What wife with half a brain, and who loves her husband would think for a millisecond that she could suggest cheating on him and have him accept it? None. We've seen this situation so many times before. The evil friend, mother, or sister who convinces the wife to tell her husband that she's stepping out on him. It's a stupid set up for a story. I realize that it's all just an excuse to show the husband being all manly (usually, but not in this case, bu being a total asshole), but it's entirely unmoving and uninteresting because it's so unreal.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

should have divorced this untrustworthy whore

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Different People React Differently

Although this made a better than average story, I could not have forgiven Linda. The oldest child is old enough to tell a judge which parent she preferred to live with. I would totally decimate Audrey, Betty and her husband.

Note to writers: A common mistake by almost every short story writer is their failure to give the husband's name after page one. His name apparently is of no importance. It kinda makes me think Audrey wrote this because the husband's identity held no importance after the first page. So, by the end of the story, I had no idea who he was. Sloppy writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
In Marriage one strike and your out.

I would have divorced her no matter what.

There are ways and means of making sure she left the marriage destitute and I would use all of them.

As for her friends, what better way of depleating the bank account than by paying someone to ruin their life and their looks.

Yes, I'm a vicious vindictive bastard. The tree huggers need not appy!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 7 years ago
Reading again

Still a nice little five star tale. My only beef is that you don't propose such a scenario, especially if you know the potential hurt it could cause, unless you are sure it's what you want. She was hesitant, uncertain, and yet still took the risk. At least that's what she is telling hubby.

Danger09Danger09almost 7 years ago
Still like this story

I still very much enjoy this story. The wife was braindead. Her friend is a whore. This is why I don't think married women should hangout with single cum sluts. I definitely don't take relationship advice from single bitter cum dumps. These type of whores are jealous and miserable so they try and bring you into their misery. Audrey was not a friend, she was an envious bitch who tried to fuck up her friends life. No amount of random dick's is going to replace her husbands/families love/respect, had she gone through her moronic idea. Do women like the wife actually exist? I hope not. Why would she be envious of her slut friend Audrey's lifestyle? It's got to be a lonely life, letting multiple men use her body for their pleasure and sending her on her way. Why would any sane, happily married woman want that life? I don't miss being single. I've been with my soulmate for 15 years, I don't miss being single dealing with douchebags--not for a minute. I love being married and utterly in love. I can't see ever doing any of the shit that's in LW stories. I'd kill myself first. But it makes me question the wife, will she do some stupid shit like this again & maybe hide it from hubby? that's the problem with lost trust, it's a bitch to get it back. Everything will be be questioned.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Even telling the husband she wanted to cheat would have done tons of damage.

If anything the story downplayed the level of destruction to the marriage and the husband this would have caused.

tazz317tazz317over 6 years ago

and tough love is the greatest love one can bestow on a loved one, TK U MLJ LV NV

MightyHornyMightyHornyover 6 years ago
Always rooting for the happy ending

Glad Robert didn't pussy-footed around, like so many husbands usually do in LW stories, and made crystal clear what would happen if his wife straid from their marriage.

Glad Linda completely took him to his words, and didn't try to push her luck, as so many wives usally do in LW stories (for once, a spouse who actually know their partner enough to know better than to fuck around on him! Yeah, sure - she didn't know him enough to NOT start pulling this crap on him, in the first place, but still... improvement!!!)

Glad they went ahead and seriously worked on their marriage, after the initial storm went away, 'cause, if you aren't prepare to put in extra effort in your relationship after such a mess, might as well kiss your marriage goodbye, 'cause it will probably happen again... as it is usually the case in LW stories.

Gotta love LTW's flash tales, where characters react how real people would.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I think Linda blind sided him

She agreed to his terms, then met with Audrey on the side. Audrey drove her places and set up men she could have sex with. The GPS in her car never moved, as her car didn't move. She got exactly what she wanted. Otherwise known as having your cake and eating it too. She started hiding money and preparing for the coming divorce after the kids left the house. With his written threats in hand, even a bad lawyer will get her a nice percentage of the marital assets based on mental cruelty. She further worked on her parents and her kids and, over time, convinced them her husband had over reacted to some simple questions. In the end, Hubby was the bad guy and ended up alone while she went on and married a wealthy developer and traveled the world. The end.

laptopwriterlaptopwriterabout 6 years agoAuthor
It would be nice if you actually commented on the story...

instead of writing your own.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
+1 laptopwriter on anony's comment

5* for this story and yes the previous anonymous poster should write his own story and we can all give feedback.

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