High School Reunion

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A bite to eat after the Reunion?
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To the Readers - Beware, this story is not for the timid or the weak.


It was Friday morning and it was turning into a fire drill with Sue trying to pack. Sue had to catch a flight to Phoenix that afternoon to attend her 10 year high school Reunion; she was running late. I was going to fly to Phoenix Saturday morning. I couldn't fly out with Sue because I needed to keep a late afternoon dental appointment to fix a tooth that had been bothering me, and I really didn't feel like flying all numbed up. My name is Bill Jackson.

Last night Sue had shown me her yearbook and pointed out her old boyfriend, Tommy Rogers. Although Sue wasn't a virgin when I had met her in college, she told me that had played around with Tommy in high school. Several times Tommy had fingered her and brought her off eating her pussy in the back seat of his car. She also told me that Tommy was the first cock she had sucked and that it was at least 10 inches long.

She mentioned that one night during the summer before she went to college she wanted Tommy to go all the way, but he was too drunk to get an erection. She tried to get him inside her but he just couldn't manage it. She went home frustrated and told me that after that frustrating evening, she never went out with Tommy again.

As we were packing Sue mentioned that Tommy had never gone to college but was now a machinery salesman. She laughed when she told me that she was surprised Tommy had been recruited by the al-Qaida because he carries a weapon of mass destruction inside his pants.

I didn't think Sue's comment was very funny. I had a functional 7 inches but it was certainly no weapon of mass destruction. I looked at her as she laughed and wondered what her real motive was in attending her Reunion. Sue had never kept in touch with any of her old high school girl friends. I became a little concerned because I knew Sue would be alone Friday night at the Reunion. I decided not to say anything to her because it would only fan the fire that seemed to be igniting inside her.

At that moment, I decided I would play along with her little game. I would not go to her Reunion but would use my absence to test her loyalty, faithfulness, and commitment to our marriage. This would be time well spent. We had already been married for seven years, and now it was time to see if it would be worth my while to commit my future to this woman or to end it and start anew. There were no children so ending it would be relatively simple because this State only requires irreconcilable differences. The ball would be in her court to determine our future.

Friday afternoon came and Sue left to catch her flight to Phoenix. I procrastinated but finally made the dreaded trip to the dentist. As I finished with the dentist, I glanced at my watch. It was about 4:00 PM, and Sue would soon be landing in Phoenix. I decided that I would call her at the hotel about 5:30 PM to make sure she arrived safely. This would give her a chance to get settled in her room. I wouldn't call her again that evening. I didn't want her to think I was checking up on her.

At 5:30 AM I called Sue and asked her how her flight was. She told me it was great and she had arrived safely. She mentioned that some of her classmates would be getting together about 7:00 PM for dinner and drinks. I told her that my appointment with the dentist had not gone well and I was very nauseous from the pain inhibitor he had given me. I mentioned that I would be going to bed early. She told me to rest and she would talk to me tomorrow.

I sat down on the couch and started on my list. By the time I finished, I had listed enough electronics to cover every phone and major room in the house, her office, and both our cars. If she did hook up with Tommy, they would communicate again; and I would pick it up. I figured it may be two or three days after she came back from the Reunion before they would talk.

Friday night came and passed. I woke up early Saturday and called Sue's cell phone. As I suspected she had turned it off. I left her a message that I was still under the weather from the dentist's pain inhibitor and I was going to have to pass on attending her Reunion. This would extend her test one more night.

I grabbed my cell phone and headed off to Fry's Electronics where I should be able to buy everything I needed. About 10:30AM I had come back with my shopping list of electronics and self-activated voice recorders. By 12:30PM I had finished installing all the gadgets throughout the house.

Sue still hadn't called so at 1:00PM so I left for her office. I had a pass key to her building and her office. It took less than 10 minutes to set up her phone and office, and I was back home by 2:00PM. About 2:30PM Sue finally called and told me she had gotten my voice message. She said her phone was on the blink and she was sorry she hadn't called earlier. My first thought was that she had just woken up after getting porked all night long but I told myself to withhold judgment until I had more proof.

Sue tried to show some concern about my condition and I told her not to worry. I mentioned that I was starting to feel better and would be 100% by the time she got back on Sunday. I asked her how her Reunion was going and she told me that it was Ok. She had met a few guys she used to know and had fun dancing with them. Sue also said she had had a few drinks and a couple of guys had played a little grab ass with her but she said it was nothing serious. She sounded excited and told me she wished I had come. Then she told me just to take it easy and she would see me Sunday.

Sue didn't mention Tommy Rogers, and I didn't ask. But now I was more suspicious than ever. I went to my computer and did a US Search on Thomas, Tom, Tommy, and T. Rogers in the Phoenix area. Sure enough, Tommy Rogers popped up but he popped up as a single guy with no others occupying his residence. About 4:00PM I called Tommy's home. There was no answer. I kept calling every hour on the hour until 12:00AM. No one ever answered.

Sue hadn't called me again so I wasn't going to call her cell phone or her room phone. I didn't want her to know I was checking up on her. I didn't want to make her suspicious in any way. This way if she had done anything inappropriate, she wouldn't be looking over her shoulder. Sue would just continue merely on her way thinking she had gotten away with it. She would never suspect that I had everything in place and was just waiting for her to hang herself.

Sue finally called again on Sunday from the Phoenix airport. She was about to board her flight home. She told me she had a wonderful time and couldn't wait to see me. How romantic I thought to myself. Now I have got to play it safe until I know what she did and she has been given a clean bill of health from her doctor.

It was about 4:00PM when I heard the garage door open and Sue's car rolled in. Sue walked into the house carrying her suitcase and came over and gave me a big hug. She asked if I missed her and I told her of course I did. I asked her if she would like to go out and grab a bite to eat, but she said that she was a little tired from traveling and attending the Reunion. She would prefer to eat at home so I told her I would call for some Chinese.

About 45 minutes later, our dinner showed up and we settled down in the family room to eat and talk. I opened up a bottle of wine and Sue began her recap of her Reunion. The Chinese food was gone in a hurry and after a couple glasses of wine Sue was starting to feel no pain. She was quite giggly and told me how she could feel the guys' erections pressing into her as they danced. She admitted that she did get a little horny from being grabbed on the dance floor. I casually asked her if she enjoyed Tommy's erection pressing into her. As I looked at her eyes, I could see a flash of panic, which quickly dissipated. She gave a quick laugh and told me that Tommy had brought his wife and never had a chance to speak to her alone.

Now I knew she was lying. Tommy had no wife and it was apparent that he had spent the Reunion fucking her brains out. It wasn't really a surprise. I suspected it would happen. If I had thought otherwise, I would have never spent the money on the electronics. Now it was time to sit back, gather the evidence, and plan my course of action.

My break came two days later. Tommy had called Sue's phone while she was driving to work. The voice-activated recorder had picked up her end of the conversation. She went on and on about what a great time she had with him and how she finally got to sample the torpedo he kept in his pants. She told him that Saturday was the best and wettest fuck she ever had. She told him that she had never been penetrated that deeply and filled with so much cum. She said that she couldn't wait to meet him again, and that her husband Bill could never hold a candle to his ability to bring her off. Sue talked a bit more and then agreed to meet him next Tuesday at the Ramada Inn around 5:00PM. Apparently, Tommy was headed to the West Coast and coming to LA. I thought to my self, 'Well, what else is new." What Tommy didn't know was that LA can be a real nasty town to visit.

It was Wednesday, and the rest of the week passed without incident. I noticed Sue was a little uptight so I gave her space. I think it was bothering her that she had become an unfaithful slut. I knew Tommy would be history but I didn't know what to do about Sue. I had plenty of time to ponder that thought.

Saturday arrived; I told Sue I had to run some errands and would be back in a couple of hours. I thought it would be best to cut her some slack to see if she would contact Tommy again to confirm her Tuesday appointment.

Sure enough, the one of the voice recorders showed that as soon I had left the house she called Tommy on her cell phone. Apparently, Tuesday was still a "go" and she told him that she was soooo wet from just thinking about him and was going out of her mind. She moaned to him that she was fingering herself. After a few more minutes of conversation she gave a throaty laugh and hung up.

Tuesday rolled around fairly quickly. I got out of bed and decided I would take the day off but would not tell Sue. Sue left for work around 8:00AM and I told her I was running a little late. I spent the day trying to figure out what to do with Tommy and Sue, and I finally hit upon a plan.

About 3:00PM I got the black-jack out of an old trunk in the garage, and stuffed it inside my pants down the outside of my leg, I then grabbed my Emerson Commander, a couple of plastic ties, a plastic bag, and a roll of duct tape. I left the house, headed over to the vicinity of the Ramada Inn, and went into a coffee shop across the street.

About 4:00PM, I called the Ramada Inn and ask if Tommy Rogers had checked in. The front desk told me he had and offered to connect me to his room. Tommy answered the phone and I asked him in slurred voice if this was Room 322. He told me I had the wrong room. I hung up and 5 minutes later, I called back and was again connected to Tommy's Room. I slurred, "Is this Room 322." Tommy again answered, "No." I then loudly said, "God damm it! I know this is Room 312. Let me speak to Steve." Tommy angrily replied, "This is Room 403 now don't bother me again!" Tommy had slammed the phone down so I hung up and chuckled.

In a couple minutes, I was knocking on the door of Room 403 with my black-jack in my raised right hand. Tommy said testily, "Who is it?" I told him, "It's Maintenance. I have to check the smoke detector. As Tommy opened the door, I shove the door in hard knocking him backwards. Before he could regain his balance, I hit him hard across the front of his forehead with the black-jack. Down he went like a sack of cement. He was out cold.

After I took his pants and shorts off and secured a plastic tie around the base of his cock, I took out my Emerson and sliced it off near the base. There was very little blood because the plastic tie was acting as a tourniquet. I hit Tommy a couple of more times with the black-jack for good measure, and duct taped his hands behind his back and taped his ankles together. I am pretty sure I had finished him off; but if I hadn't, he wouldn't have a clue who the hell he was. I placed his cock inside a plastic food storage bag, slipped the bag inside my jacket pocket, grabbed Tommy's cell phone, turned it off, put it in my pocket, and walked out the door. I glanced at my watch it was 4:30PM.

As I exited the back stairway of the Ramada Inn, my cell phone rang. It was Sue. She told me she had to work late tonight on a special project and not to wait up her. I told her, "No problem!" I quickly walked to my car and drove home. I started preparing dinner, and about 5:30 I got a call from Sue. She told me she would be coming home in an hour. She said they were having problems with the server and her computer couldn't access the database. I thought to myself, "What really happened you whore was that Tommy didn't answer the door to his hotel room and you thought you had been stood up. So you left!"

As I walked around the kitchen, I said to myself, "Let's whip up some noodles with cream sauce and pan fry some chopped meat. I open the refrigerator and saw that we really didn't have too much there. I got out the pot of water and dumped a box of noodles, and got out a frying pan and set a can of sauce next to the pan. I had no meat but wait a minute - a light bulb just went on! I took the plastic bag containing Tommy's cock out of my jacket pocket and dumped it on the cutting board. I got out the meat cleaver, chopped it up, and threw it in the pan with a little butter and seasoning salt. It was blacked in no time. Next I dumped the sauce in the pan and heated everything up.

The noodles were boiling and ready so I poured them through a strainer and placed them on two plates. I poured the sauce mixed with sliced blackened weiner over her noodles. I added butter, cheese, and pepper to my noodles, and poured two glasses of wine.

A couple of minutes later Sue walked in the front door and appeared to be somewhat agitated. I walked over and handed her a glass of wine and asked her to join me for dinner. She gave me a half-hearted smile and walked over to the dinette and sat down. She looked at her plate and asked me what was for dinner. I told her blackened Phoenix weiners over noodles with cream sauce. I told her they were fresh from her Reunion.

She managed a faint smile and after a couple hefty chugs from her wine glass picked up her fork and dug in. I noticed a funny look cross her face as she munched away. Sue looked at me and said, "This tastes weird. It's kind of spongy." I said, "Really! You've never complained before when you ate Tommy's weiner! It's the same weiner so why would you complain now!" I looked her straight in the eyes and saw them grow as big as saucers while her jaw dropped open. I then got up an put my face right in front of hers and told her, "If you ever fuck with me again, I will use your tits as tobacco pouches and plant your head on a stake. Now you can eat all the cock you want so start eating!" As I walked out of the kitchen, I heard her heave.........I thought to my self, "Probably not to much garlic."

I looked around the table and saw all our friends smiling. I got up and raised my glass to Sue and said, "To my loving wife on our thirtieth anniversary." I then walked around behind her and clasped a diamond necklace around her neck. I continued, "For all your years of devotion and support." As I sat down, the applause continued, but all I could see was Sue's beaming smile........


To the Readers - I hope you enjoyed my story. However, if you didn't, please address your complaints to the Sultan of Brunei, His Majesty Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzadin Waddaulah. Thank you.

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Kernow2023Kernow20232 months ago

she got off lightly

CluelessCuckCluelessCuck3 months ago

The last paragraph made no sense at all.

JohnSmith19E31JohnSmith19E318 months ago

The Sultan wrote back and said "piss off", but I loved the story, kinda saw it comin.... (:-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I liked it. Very different type of revenge. I thought he was going to divorce her, not keep her. WTF??

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