His Daughter's Dream is His Dream


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"I love the feeling of you coming inside me!" she murmured.

"I liked it too."

He remained inside of her with their lips locked until his cock finally gave up and shriveled out of her pussy, a flow of his cum dripping slowly down her perineum onto his blanket.

"How did you do that?" Amanda asked excitedly. "I've never had a guy last that long. Certainly not . . . you know who."

Sitting up, Luke shrugged. He'd always had staying power, but he'd even amazed himself. Only one explanation came to mind. "It was you." To her disbelieving expression, he added, "Do we need to talk about . . . you know who?"

"No," Amanda responded sorrowfully. "I don't want to regret this moment."

* * *

Amanda was quiet on the ride back. Even with the windows down to enjoy the fresh air off the water, the silence was deafening.

"Having regrets after all?" Luke asked.

She skipped a beat before responding. "No, not at all. That was the best sex I've ever had. But it does make me wonder what kind of bride-to-be cheats on her fiancé the day before the wedding?"

"Probably happens more than you think," Luke suggested.

"Are you just saying that?"

"No, of course not. You've been troubled about this wedding as long as I've known you," he reasoned. "Now, I'm beginning to believe that sex—or lack thereof—is a big part of it."

"It's not the lack of sex," Amanda corrected. "It's the lack of good sex."

"That all? What kind of man is your good doctor?"

"Other than that, he's a great guy. He's nice, gentle, an excellent doctor, he's—"

"I get the picture. So, sex is that important to you?"

Amanda bobbed her head from side to side. Thinking about her parents and Robin, she wished she could explain. "My parents and I are very open-minded about sex, but David is not. Beyond that, I don't know you well enough to say any more."

"Really?" He asked somewhat in disbelief. "After what we just did?"

"Does seem odd doesn't it?"

"Well, I'm open-minded about sex, so you can talk to me about anything."

"Sorry, that's all I'm going to say."

"Okay." Further down the road, "What about standing up to your future mother-in-law?"

"She already thinks I'm no good for her son. I'm not sure this is going to matter much."

"So," Luke summed it up, "You have a fiancé who is no good in bed and a future mother-in-law who doesn't like you; why go through with it?"

Thinking about that for a moment, Amanda finally said, "Why indeed?"

* * *

Luke parked his car at his house just down the street from the resort and escorted Amanda to the hotel's rear entrance so that she could quietly slip up to her room. As luck would have it, her parents and Robin were just getting off of a boat from their fishing trip, where they would also use the rear entrance. Their encounter was awkward, to say the least.

Finally, Jack spoke to break the odd silence. "Well, hello again, Luke." He extended his hand to shake.

Luke took it. "Hello to you, Mr. Hayes. Is this the lovely Mrs. Hayes I've heard so much about?" he asked in his most charming voice.

"Yes, it is," a smiling, flattered Liz responded, stepping forward to also shake hands. "And you are?"

"Just a guy dad and I met in the lounge yesterday afternoon who gave dad a fishing tip," Amanda chimed in. She caught Robin smirking as though her friend knew exactly what had happened.

"Oh? Is that where the two of you are going to . . . or from?" Liz followed up.

"Doesn't matter," Amanda said. "And this is my surrogate sister, Robin."

Robin and Luke shook hands, eying each other up.

"Surrogate?" Luke questioned.

"Long story," Jack said, "but she's our unofficially adopted daughter." He put his arm around Robin and hugged.

"And how was your fitting with Jacqueline?" Liz asked.

And if things couldn't get any worse, "Yes, what happened with your fitting?" Jacqueline had appeared seemingly from nowhere?

No one spoke, but of course all attention was focused on Amanda for a response.

"I . . . I—"

"What she's trying to say is that she really wants to wear her mother's wedding dress, but she didn't know how to tell you," Luke offered.

"And who are you?" Jacqueline wanted to know. Her tone curdled everyone's stomachs.

"I . . ." Luke glanced at the others and realized this was really none of his business. "I'm nobody."

"Just as I thought," Jacqueline shot back. Then to Amanda: "Dear, if you wanted to wear your mother's dress all you had to do was say so. It's your wedding. If that's the look you want, wear it."

Her now uppity tone raised the dander of the others, but no one allowed themselves to be baited.

Biting her tongue, Amanda said sharply, "Then I will."

"You could have saved us both a lot of misery if you had just said so up front," Jacqueline shot back. "I'll see all of you at the rehearsal."

"What an irksome woman," Robin commented.

"At least you don't have to marry her son," Amanda pointed out.

"Neither do you," Robin countered.

"Where is the groom-to-be?" Liz asked before the discussion got out of hand.

"I was just headed up to my room to call him," Amanda explained.

There was a pregnant pause that prompted Luke to ask, "That your catch?" He gestured to a small ice chest Jack was pulling.

A big smile formed on Hayes' face. "Yes. Thanks for the location tip. We caught our limit."

"The Executive Chef here is a friend of mine. If you bring him the fish, he'll cook them for you for dinner."

"Really?" an interested Jack asked. He turned to the others. "Fish for the rehearsal dinner tonight?"

The women all agreed.

"And I insist you join us, Luke," Jack said.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose."

"Nonsense. Meet us at five for the brief rehearsal and then we'll all go to the restaurant for dinner."

Luke glanced at Amanda for her expression. She tilted her head and raised her eyebrows as if to indicate it was out of her hands. "Okay, well, I'd like that," he said.

At that moment, Amanda's cell phone rang. It was David so she quickly answered. "Hi. Where are you?"

"Still at the hospital. How did it go with mother?"

"Uh, uh . . . I'm sorry. I couldn't go through with it." She looked up at the others eagerly watching her. "But I did tell her that I wanted to wear my mother's dress and she was okay with that."

"Really? Wow. Well, you can tell me all about it later."

"Okay. When are you leaving? The rehearsal is in an hour."

"I'll be leaving shortly, but I'm not sure I'll make it in time for the rehearsal."


"But I will be there for dinner."

"You better!"

"See you soon."

"He won't be at the rehearsal?" Liz questioned.

"Welcome to the life of a doctor's wife," Amanda said by way of an answer.

"Want to be a stand-in, Luke?" Jack asked.

That caught everyone off guard.

"Uh, uh."

"It's time for everyone to go get ready," Liz said in an attempt to bring everyone back to reality. She took her husband by the arm. "See all of you in an hour."

"Are you okay with this, Amanda?" Luke asked.

Robin swept in and linked her arm in Amanda's. "Of course, she is. This is going to be an evening no one will forget!"

* * *

Once up in Amanda's suite, before the door had even completely closed, Robin asked, "So, did you fuck him? Was he good? Tell me about it."

Amanda shot her friend a look of preposterousness. "Robin, really?"

"Well, you haven't denied it."

"Seriously?" Amanda was stalling, hoping Robin would drop it.

"Still haven't denied it."

"How could you even think—"

"It's me, sweetie. Your BFF. I know you better than you know yourself. You're glowing like a bride-to-be should be glowing. Only you didn't start glowing until you got back from wherever you went with him."

"I'm busted, aren't I?"

"Yes, so sit down and tell me all about it."

So, she did, finishing with: "Best fuck I've ever had."

"Mmmm. Think he'd do a threesome?"

Amanda merely shook her head piteously.

Not only was Robin grinning from ear to ear, her pussy was wetter than wet. "So, what does this mean for David?"

With a heavy sigh, Amanda responded, "I don't know. I want to think that this was just some last minute thing I had to do before tying the knot. You know, like when we went to Carla's bachelorette party a few months ago and there were male strippers and she even blew one of them. Just a wild moment before you settle down."

"Okay. Keep telling yourself that."

Not wanting to face it, Amanda stood and headed for the bathroom. Robin followed and the two showered together in a stall obviously built for two—this was the bridal suite. To be sure, they fooled around and got each other off, but it was more to keep Robin from prodding. Fortunately, after her friend dried off, she threw her clothes back on and headed to her own room to finish getting ready. Amanda knew she should think about the ramifications of what she had done, attempting to convince herself that the "wild moment" explanation she had given was true. However, every time she thought about that "wild moment," she couldn't help reliving it, and so, never got any farther.

* * *

Liz, Jack and Luke were already in the rehearsal room when Amanda and Robin arrived. The two men were laughing, joking, trading fishing stories; generally, just getting along well. Amanda had never seen her dad interact so well with David.

A minute or so later, Jacqueline made her grand entrance, overdressed in an obviously very expensive dress. She was, at first, all smiles until she learned that her son would not make the rehearsal. And then, seeing Luke did nothing to improve her mood. She greeted the others somewhat warmly—for her—and when she got to Luke she asked, "And who are you?"

Luke frowned. "We just met an hour ago."

She shook her head as though it didn't register.

"The nobody," Luke reminded.

"Indeed, you are." She looked around. "I'm going back to my room until David arrives. Have him come get me." Without waiting for acknowledgment, she departed.

Jack and Luke high-fived, Amanda merely shook her head in disbelief, Robin smirked, and Liz felt her daughter's pain.

The busy hotel wedding planner blew in hurrying everyone into position, assuming Luke was the groom. No one, including the faux groom saw any reason to correct him, and so, the rehearsal went on with everyone having a good time and Luke constantly making jokes about being the groom. However, something happened—nothing visible—during the part that the planner ran through the vows that seemingly affected both Luke and Amanda. Liz and Jack thought it was a little too real, but Robin was smirking—she knew.

In the restaurant a short while later, the five were seated, wine ordered and served, and Jack making wedding and marriage jokes about him and Liz, which included a comical story of how they met.

When he was finally finished, Luke had to ask, "So, Amanda, what about you and David? What's your story?"

Amanda was surprised by the question, stammering before answering. "Uh, uh, well, we, uh, when I was in clinicals in nursing school I stood in on a surgery he was performing. I was impressed with his technique and asked him if we could talk about it after. We did and we hit it off and, well, here we are."

"Wow! That was thrilling," Luke said jokingly. "I was on the edge of my seat."

Jack was enjoying this.

Somewhat embarrassed, Amanda said, "Well, not everyone has a story."

Then Luke became serious. "I do."

"Uh, you, you, do?" Amanda stuttered.

Robin could see something happening and was enjoying the hell out of it.

"Yeah. I was riding the ferry, and on the back there's this secluded area out of the wind. It's a nice place to just watch the water and the wake of the boat. This girl comes along and tries to tell me I need to leave because she needs to be alone."

Amanda's eyes widened knowing she was the girl, yet fearful where this story was going.

"I told her it was a public place and that I was there first. She wanted me to move down to the other end as far away from her as I could. She was actually frightening at first."

Jack, Liz and Robin all chuckled.

"But she was so beautiful and captivating, I moved just to still be close to her."

Amanda didn't know what to make of Luke's story, but now, she almost wanted to hear what he was going to say.

"Hello, everyone. Sorry I'm late."

And there at the end of the table stood David with his mother on his arm.

"What did we miss?" David asked.

Looking around the table, everyone with stoic expressions that were really anticipation and interest in Luke's story, Jacqueline said, "Apparently, nothing." It was her usual smug tone.

Amanda quickly stood and went to her fiancé as though it was expected. She gave him a quick peck on the lips and said, "She's right. Just wedding stories and food."

Luke stood looking like all the air had gone out of his balloon. To cover his disappointment, he offered a toast. "To Amanda and David. May you always be as happy as you are now."

"Who's this?" David asked.

"He's nobody," Jacqueline answered in all seriousness.

"He's the stand-in for the rehearsal," Jack explained to diffuse the situation.

"And now that the real groom is here, I'm finished." Luke shook Jack's hand and said goodbye to Liz and Robin.

After he moved past the fiancés, Amanda called after him and caught up with him several feet away. Knowing everyone was watching her, she looked deeply into Luke's eyes and offered her hand. "I really want to thank you for this afternoon. I really needed that."

Luke looked away, then back. "l didn't."

Amanda frowned, not comprehending. "You didn't enjoy it?" Her tone oozed disappointment.

"No, no, I enjoyed it immensely." With a deep breath, he continued. "But you're getting married tomorrow and you'll go back to the city and live your life. But me . . . well . . . when I'm on the island, it'll be hard not to think of you and not remember our afternoon together." Luke looked away again. Turning back, he added, "A friend of mine has a project going on down the coast and he's been after me to go help him with some design issues. Right now, that's sounding pretty good."

"I'm sorry," she said genuinely. "I didn't realize you felt—"

"Don't worry about me. You just have a—" Luke halted for a second, and then said what he had to. "He's not right for you. But I hope you have a happy life anyway." And with that, he was gone.

Throughout the remainder of dinner, David bored everyone with medical talk. Jacqueline was proud while Amanda's mind was on a little piece of land overlooking the open water.

* * *

"I'm really sorry about today," David offered after everyone had said their goodbyes following dinner and headed up to their rooms.

"I understand," Amanda said, but not sure why. "The life of the wife of a doctor."

"Wow. You do understand. That's what I love about you. You totally get it."

"That's what you love about me?"

"Yes. Many of my colleagues' wives don't see the importance of the jobs their husbands do."

"And do the husbands understand the plight of their wives?"

"Absolutely," David answered as though there could be no doubt. "They all try to make it up. Just as I make it up to you."

"You do." She said it as though she agreed, but if he had really been paying attention, there was the hint of a question mark at the end. However, right now, Amanda didn't want to create any conflict. She realized that there was something they needed to do.

"Want to go for a walk?" David asked.

"No, I want us to go to our room."

"Oh, okay." But of course, he didn't see what was coming.

Once behind closed doors, Amanda wrapped her arms around her fiancé and kissed him passionately. He responded. As the kiss progressed, she pushed his coat off and pulled on the knot of his tie to loosen it. He wasn't doing anything to further this along, but neither was he doing anything to prevent it. Nor was he attempting to remove her clothes.

Amanda led David into the bedroom. Again, he didn't stop her from removing his clothes, but she had to remove her own. At least, he had an erection. Going down on him, it took no special powers to discern that he was smaller than Luke. Not by much, but enough to notice. He simply lay there as she sucked his cock. She didn't hear any sounds of enjoyment, although his breathing did quicken.

Fearing he might blow his load, Amanda quickly mounted him in the same cowgirl fashion she had Luke this afternoon. He did not grab her legs or hips, but he did close his eyes in such a way that suggested he seemed to like what she was doing. Shaking her head, she reached for his hands and placed them on her thighs. And it wasn't until faint guttural sounds emerged from his throat perhaps indicating he was going to come that he gripped her legs.

She rode him hard because she knew what was going to happen. If she didn't come before he did, he wouldn't last afterward. And so it happened, she felt his ejaculations more as his semen dripped out than because there was any intensity in it shooting out. Desperately, Amanda kept pivoting her hips hoping beyond hope for an orgasm to quickly happen. But she really was not stimulated or aroused enough for that to occur.

Amanda growled in frustration as his penis deflated and wormed out of her. Looking down at him, he didn't even react. He had actually fallen asleep! Shaking her head in disbelief, she headed to the bathroom to clean up when there was a knock on her door.

Not caring that she was completely naked, she peered through the peephole. Robin. She stood behind the door as she opened it to remain out of view from the hallway. Her friend's eyes widened, though she wasn't really surprised.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Absolutely nothing," Amanda responded making no attempt to hide her annoyance.

Snoring could suddenly be heard from the bedroom.

"Oh," Robin said, quickly understanding. She glanced down and saw the semen smearing her friend's pussy and rolling down her leg. "David?"

"Who else?"

"I was hoping the other guy. Bet you were too."

Out of habit, Amanda made excuses. "He's tired. He's been working hard to be able to be off for the wedding and honeymoon."

Shaking her head, Robin let out, "Uh-huh. How long are you going to keep that up?"

"Keep what up?"

"Covering for him."

"What do you mean, covering for him?"

"Whenever he's not around, or supposedly gets called to the hospital, you always make an excuse for him."

"Really?" Amanda considered that for a moment. "I do that?" It was almost a revelation. "I didn't realize I was doing that."

"I think you do it so automatically, you don't know you're doing it."


"What are you going to do now since he dropped off on you?"

"I don't know. Why?"

With a mischievous grin, Robin said, "We were supposed to have our own little bachelorette party, so either you get dressed or I'm stripping down."

Amanda grinned. "I like being naked."

"I was hoping you would. But I would appreciate it if you could clean up. As much as I like licking cum off of you, I'm not hungry for his," she explained, nodding her head toward the bedroom.

"I can do that."

"Should we go to my room in case he wakes up?"

Amanda stopped, glanced toward the bedroom and thought for a moment. Shaking her head, she said, "He had his chance. If he wakes up, he might just learn something new about his fiancé."

With David still sound asleep, Amanda all cleaned and still naked, she found Robin equally nude sitting on the sofa. Robin had closed the door to the bedroom just in case Amanda's brave statement earlier didn't hold true.