History Of Cheating Wives Ch. 04

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The French have slut wives, too.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/02/2022
Created 06/04/2006
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Have you had enough yet? Well, I already finished this one so you're stuck with it. The lunacy continues as long as the readers request my incredulously precise version of the way the shit went down. They dided it so I writed it. Like it or not you can't change history, I can, but you can't. So get out the popcorn and get ready to learn. LYG


"She's a little tall don't you think?" I say to my buddy Pierre.

"Maybe, but I like them that way." He replied back with a leer to his smile.

"I don't know, she scares me a bit."

"Ha, she scares you? The man that has conquered all of Europe is afraid of a woman."

"Oui, she is beautiful, but she frightens me. What if she thinks I am too short for her?"

"You are being a pussy, ask her to dance with you. No one would refuse any request from the Emperor."

"Do you think so, Pierre?"

"Be a man for once, I can't keep bringing those tarts to the palace forever."

He was right, the Empire needs a queen as much as I need a woman. I bolstered my courage and went to her with my sword clanking on the floor behind me.

"Would the most beautiful woman in the room honor me with her presence on the dance floor?"

She turned to me and looked to see where the voice had come from. She looked left and she looked right, but she never bothered to look down. With a dismayed smile she turned back to the conversation she was involved in.

"Hey, I'm down here." I almost yelled.

She turned back to see who was talking to her. With the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, she peered down her nose at me. After a moment she bent at the waist to get a closer look at me. She gazed longingly into my eyes, there was a power there I had never felt before. My pride swelled at the attention that she gave me, I felt another swelling as well.

"And what might I do for you my child?" She said.

"Child, I am no child. I am Leon the Emperor of all France. I wish to dance with you."

"Oh my, forgive me. Yes, let us dance."

I took her in my arms, at least I tried to. More accurately, I grabbed the cheeks of her ass and tried to follow her lead. I was captivated by her aroma, my eyes were level with her navel as I wondered when she had last washed that most secret of places.

We danced for what seemed hours, the music was intoxicating. Her movements only served to heighten my desire for this most wondrous of creatures. The smell made me light headed as we toured the dance floor. I continued to grip and knead the globes of her bum as she was now grinding her pelvis on my chin.

As the music ended, her hands were holding my ears trying to rub the nose off of my face. I felt the shudders of love as we came simultaneously. My hard member kept contact with her kneecap, I was spurting my love juice into my britches. Her odiferous crotch was humping upon my now damp face. Her moans like those of a bitch in heat rang loudly throughout the room.

All the eyes in the room were on us, as we regained our composure. "What, you have never seen a man dance with a woman before? I said loudly to no one in particular. "I think no one has seen that dance before in public." Pierre retorted, now roaring with laughter. And that is how my wife and I were aquatinted some years before.

We fell in love and courted for the proper period of time. I was smitten by this Amazon, her beauty and charm were beyond compare. When I was around her magnificent aura, I felt four feet tall. She professed her love for me each day, kissing me on my forehead and calling me her sweet little man. When we made love, I could tell she was satisfied by her intense laughter. Tiffany would laugh for what seemed hours after our intense minute of coupling.

Tiffany, I don't think this is her real name I think she makes this shit up, goes to the gym many times each week. She tells me how hard she works to stay beautiful for me, but her ass seems to grow not reduce. My wife thinks she fools me, however I am an intelligent dictator I am aware of her affairs.

I am man enough to conquer any foe, but I see I am no longer man enough for my wife. I am severely troubled by her indiscretions, the guillotine may be best to cure her wandering eyes. No, this would not be so civilized. I have heard of a legal means to put an end to this crap, divorce.

I hear people say that you must have some proof of adultery for the magistrate to declare the divorce. This should not be too difficult to prove with my many resources, considering I control the courts. Ha, I control every thing except my wife it would seem.

The next day I was awake early. Tiffany leaves the palace for the gym as the sun rises. I will need some assistance to amass the required proof, what I need are witnesses. I summon thirty of my finest troops to accompany me on my spy mission. I will also take Stinky Jacque along to capture the moment.

As stealthily as we can, we creep up to the rear windows to the exercise center. I fear we have made too much noise, thirty rattling sabers create enough noise to wake the dead. But luck is on my shoulder today, the booming noise of the music covers our lack of covertness. I order the men to disperse to the windows and watch.

Inside I spy fifteen or so scantily clad women trying to follow the lead of the fagot dancing in front of them. They are bending and twisting to the gyrating rhythm of the orchestra. "Come on ladies kick it, up and down and down and up. Work it girls move those asses." Boobies are bouncing and asses are swinging in time with the music. Such a glorious display is not wasted on thirty horny soldiers. I scan the room, but find no trace of my wife. Jacque is setting his easel up to make pictures of the scene before us.

I see that I have made an error bringing the men along. They will do me no good with their trousers at their ankles massaging their own swollen cocks. I will carry on this mission alone. I go from window to window until I find Tiffany. Finding an old discarded wine crate to stand on, I can now see my wife lying naked on a chaise. I run to Jacque the Stinky, He is dipping his extended prick into the red oil paint and jacquing off with his right hand.

"Get over here you asshole." I said to Jacque, while I watched the soldiers pleasuring themselves and each other in a few cases.

We ran back to the window, a grotesquely muscled man stood naked over my wife. I instructed Stinky to capture some pictures, while I watched in awe. The man's penis seemed to have muscles, it was truly massive. It had to be at least three inches longer than my own impressive four inches. As angry as I was I could not help but get aroused at the way he took my wife's virtue.

I had never lasted longer than four or five strokes inside of Tiffany, this man had endurance. My hand was now clutching my bulging member as the other found its way to my left nipple through the middle buttons of my vest. Minute after minute he pumped away at my wife. I wanted to kill this man but I could do nothing now but satisfy my own pent up lust. Being so engaged in the moment I was totally unprepared when she screamed as her orgasm took her. The shock caused me to loose my footing on the wine crate, and I fell shooting my own jism on the window as I went to the ground.

Tiffany stared down at me in horror, as she now knew I was aware of her affair. I had the men, now dressed and sexually satisfied for the moment, take lover boy to the Bastille for confinement, with further instructions to put him in a cell with the gigantic black prisoner Bubbier.

I lost all interest in conquest after this. I had no will to pillage. I even sold all of my land in the new world to the Americans. I had loved my Tiffany so very much, but I could not face the people of my empire if I forgave her. She had broken my heart with her actions. So like a good soldier I pressed on the best I could.

Pierre stood by me, trying to raise my spirits. We drank and sang, but the songs made me sad for what I had lost. He even suggested a vacation to the nude beaches on the Isle of Elbow, I declined but told him I would go there one day. My mood remained stoic while waiting for the court date with the magistrate.

The preparations had all been made and I entered the court. All eyes were upon me as I walked to the front of the room. I took my place at the table in a specially made chair. I had a writing tray that folded down from behind and sat much taller than a regular chair. The bailiff secured me into my 'high chair' as it came to be called, and slid the tray down above my lap.

Tiffany was seated with her barrister at the adjacent table. Her mother and father were seated behind her to the right. I gave her lawyer a stern frown as he looked at me, knowing he would most likely lose this case before the bar. My attorney smiled confidently as the court room buzzed with chatter.

"Hear ye hear ye, all rise for the honorable Sidney of Burgundy."

Sid was a good friend of mine, we fished together quite often to relax. He really wasn't from Burgundy, that was his drink of choice. He did sauce it up pretty often. I hope he is hung over now, it will make the hearing go much faster if he wants to go home and sleep it off. He looked to me and gave me the thumbs up signal. It appeared like Tiffany's lawyer had just pissed himself.

My attorney was the first to speak, he told Sid and the audience of the affairs that I had suspected Tiffany of. The court was hush to hear, Tiffany sat with a smile as her dalliances were recounted, a woman rapt in the tales. As I watched her, she revisited each lover as they were named. Max, my lawyer, was skilled with his delivery of words, after his hour-long dissertation of my wife's scandalous behavior there would not be a dry pair of underwear in the room.

Her mother looked faint at the prospect that her daughter could really act this way. Her father was flush with a leer as he gazed at her with longing. Every other eye was fixed upon the hussy that had been my wife. Max then called Stinky Jacque to the witness chair. Jacque produced sketch after sketch of Tiffany locked in her lovers embrace. The pictures were direct evidence of her adulterous affair. Her lawyer sat with his head in his hands weeping to himself. Sid studied each explicit drawing with great care, licking his lips and putting his hands under his bench. He would look alternately at the picture then to Tiffany.

The lecherous bastard Sid decided it was time to take a recess. The bailiff raised the tray on my high chair and released me. Sid took the sketches to his chambers, probably never to be seen again by anyone but him. The court was cleared until later that afternoon. I soon wondered if it had been a serious mistake to rid myself of Tiffany.

I knew that I would be ridiculed in the eyes of the people either way I decided. I would be looked upon as a weak Emperor if I did not divorce her. On the other hand I would be seen as less than a man for needing the divorce. To deflect the eyes of the people I sent the army to kick the shit out of the Italians.

After our lunch break, the court reconvened. Sid winked at me and I thought I saw him wink at Tiffany. Sid asked Max if there were any further evidence or witnesses. I think he only wanted further nude drawings to bang his gavel over. We decided very early on not to use the testimony of the thirty soldiers, as to not have to explain their behavior outside the windows of the gym. Max declined further proof and turned the court over to Tiffany's barrister.

Sid asked him if there was anything to be said from him, he only replied that he wished to be a grape farmer in the future. And that his client was agreeable to the divorce.

I had expected more of a fight, I was prepared to use my power to show Tiffany who was the boss. I asked her later, after court was adjourned, why she had even bothered to show up only to be put through such embarrassment.

"Mon Cheri, did you not notice the look in the eyes of every man in the room as your drawings were produced? That is the look I desire, the look of lust I crave from a man."

"Did I not look at you like this?"

"Oh Cheri, it is not the same from your husband. Also your wee wee is too wee, oui."

I lowered my head in shame, as I slowly left the court building. I was accosted soon by two large apes wearing black capes. I was then carried to a waiting ship. I was sent into exile to the island that Pierre suggested I take a holiday on, the Isle of Elbow.

The captivity gave me cause for great consternation. I had been there for some weeks now, only to discover that I was now without a wife and had no job as well. This gave me great concern and worry, the more I worried the more hair fell from my body. In the second month of exile I was shocked to learn, looking in the mirror one morning after my bath, that I was totally devoid of hair. This did not however, stop me from my usual ritual of visiting the nude beach.

Normally, I take my swim alone. Today I noticed two beautiful women lain bare upon the sandy beach, I took the opportunity to chat with these lovely ladies and admire their nuditity. I strolled to them with confidence and stood unashamedly before them.

"Louise, look at the cute bebe. He must be lost, where do you suppose his mother is?"

"Gigi look, I think he enjoys our nakedness. That is so cute that he grows excited for us."

"Do not tease the poor boy, you will make him cry." Louise said as she pulled me to her naked breast to comfort me.

She cradled me in her arms and I did the only thing I could think of at the time, I began to suck on her nipple.

"Ooh la la, he must be very hungry. He sucks so hard ooh. Oh my, ooh yes my bebe that's the way ooh. Oh yes my little one, let mama nourish you ooooh yes that's it Cheri."

"Louise, let him feed from me also, I too love bebes."

These were two hot mamas, if you get my meaning, this was the first time I had shared my love with two Mademoiselles at one time. Louise seemed too be hungry as well, as I fed at Gigi's milkless breast, she fed on my little soldier. I now stared into my new mama's eyes with that look of lust the Tiffany had desired. Louise was now on her knees coaxing me to enter her from the rear, this is the tactic that I had used to conquer Italy. I fit in nicely between the huge cheeks of her bum, and I attacked on my tiptoes like the good soldier that I am.

Gigi was not to be denied either, she threw her leg over Louise's back and positioned her hairy pussy in front of my now panting mouth. It was the first time in my life that I was happy to be short in stature. I did not retreat that day, I pressed my attack so many times that they flew the white flag of surrender. Actually I think it was Gigi's bloomers.

This arrangement with the two mamas worked to all of our happiness. They assisted me in my escape from the Isle in a bebe buggy. I soon regained control of the Empire, with the confidence given me by my new mamas.

My hair was soon to return, but Louise insisted that the body hair remain gone. I too returned the favor and shaved my mamas beautiful pussies. It is so much nicer to kiss the little man in the boat without eating seaweed.

I must depart your presence now, it is time for the four o'clock feeding. Au revoir mes ami.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Lol. That was hilarious. A real parody of so many LW stories. Some real good one liners. Rofl.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Crazily hilarious!! "Louise was now on her knees coaxing me to enter from the rear, this is the tactic I used to conquer Italy"🤣😜🤣. The story is absolutely madness in midday.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

History repeats itself. No wonder a little man from Corsica could end up ruling most of Europe.

ErotFanErotFanalmost 2 years ago

"Bubbier??" Smirk!

"wee wee is too wee, oui??" Guffaw.

"kiss the little man in the boat without eating seaweed??" You certainly know how to turn a phrase.

Omart57Omart57over 2 years ago

Lmao, at all four stories, Leap! Great series!

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