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Kree bathed and put Heloise to bed, and then came out onto the patio and asked if she could sit down and have a talk. I told her first to go and get two drinks and then sit down with me to talk. This we did it the short twilight that we have, talked and came to an agreement. She said that she and Heloise had been living with me for the past three years now, and not once did I make any overtures to her, Kree that is. Was I queer or what? I laughed and told her no, it was just that I had my work and that it was just something that hadn't crossed my mind.

Well, Kree continued, that as I had seen that day, Heloise was now a woman. She had seen me watching her in the pool and it gave her cause for concern. Kree had been at that age when she had first been taken by a man and it wasn't right that a child should be deprived of the rest of her childhood. She begged me not to take advantage of her. If she were sixteen years of age, she would have let Heloise make her own decision, but as she didn't know the way my thoughts were going in that direction, she begged me to let her take the place of her daughter.'

She had slipped to her knees in front of me so I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes.

I swear by all that is holy, I would not touch Heloise, sexually that is, until she was of age, and then, and only then, if it was with her consent. Well, Kree burst into tears at this and buried her face in my lap. I held her head as she cried, and when she lifted her head up, tear stained as it was, I realised then that she was really quite beautiful. Looking a far cry from the wearied haggard drab she had appeared to be when she had first arrived.

She must have seen something in my face because she pulled down the zip of my trousers and pulled out my John Thomas. Unprepared, it was as small and as flaccid as you can get. She then took the whole of it in her mouth and worked it up to its operating size. Boy, those Orientals can sure teach you a few things. It must have been four years since my tool had been used for anything but pissing through. All that sperm cemented into my balls came popping out like bullets from a machine gun. Heh-heh, did I go on firing or not!

Well Kree spent the next year in my bed and then one morning when I was in the gym, Heloise came in screaming. Mama has fallen! Mama has fallen! I rushed out with her into the lounge. I don't know what Kree had been doing, but a chair was on its side and she half lay under a table. Her neck was broken.

We both cried next day as we buried her just over the rise and clung to each other for the rest of the day and night. Even though she spent that night in my bed for comfort, being cuddled and consoled by me, I kept my promise and didn't touch her in any sexual way.

Heloise took over her mother's duties and became both cook and housekeeper. With the aid of books from my library and what she had already learnt, she surpassed Kree in the cookery department. After working all day in the studio, I would sit out here on the patio and watch her swim in the pool. She still swam naked as I watched her change from a girl into a woman, her breasts filling out and the growing of her pubic bush.

Then one evening, she made what was the most loveliest meal she had ever produced. She said that she had been practising this meal for weeks and that that night was the end result. It was to be an Oriental evening she said, so I had to dress for the part she told me. She had raided the old clothes that had been stored away and had squirreled away materials and presented me with a sarong and the rest of the things to go with it. She helped me dress and led me into the lounge. The centre had been cleared of furniture except for a low table and lots of cushions had been spread around the floor. Candles had been placed on the table, these being the only illumination in the room. She then asked if she could sit with me and serve me as the meal deserved. Going along with this whim of hers, I agreed.

She then left to get changed herself and came back dressed much the same as me, bearing dishes on a large tray, which were then placed onto small burners on the table. She then used chopsticks to pick out small morsels from the different dishes, dipping them into one of the sauces before passing it to my mouth. If a stray drop of juice ran down my chin, she would wipe it away with a napkin, passing me the wine glass for sips between mouthfuls. She also took sips and ate too, sitting on a cushion next to me.

Lounging on the cushions being fed these succulent titbits in the savoury sauces made me feel like a king. I was surprised at how much I could eat and we emptied every dish. Sated and replete, if you can be both at one time, I lay back on the cushions. Heloise pulled the table away from the middle of the room and knelt down on a cushion before me. The candlelight giving her hair a lovely sheen and highlighting her Oriental bone structure. She was sitting back on her heels, hands folded in her lap in the fashion of her people as she started to speak. Telling me of the promise that I had made to Kree in regard to her age.

'You kept that promise to Mama, and I kept mine also.' I looked at her quizzically as she continued, 'so I am giving you a birthday present as today is my sixteenth birthday.'

She stood up, and with a few hand movements, the sarong fell from her body to drift to the floor. Yesterday it was a girl in the pool, tonight it was a woman who stood before me. My fingers itched for my pencil. Don't snigger! I meant my crayons and paper. I wanted to capture that picture of loveliness, but I couldn't move I was so mesmerised by her shimmering skin, the glow that seemed to emanate from deep within her.

She moved and the spell was broken. I've tried to capture that vision, but so far have sadly failed. She moved towards me, no, she flowed. Flowed like a brown liquid mercury and settled on the cushions next to me. She lay back and looked at me with those dark eyes that drew me forward to kiss her. Her mouth was soft and pliant and by contrast, her nipples were like hard little rocks on their small mounds.

My own sarong seemed to part of its own free will as I covered her body with mine, her small hand guiding me into that warm young succulent flesh. She was a virgin and had never even seen a naked man before, but she knew what to do and how to do it. I was a rampant stag that night. Daylight was just breaking before we slept, naked in each other's arms, sated and all fucked out.

A few days later, we packed some bags and I got out the old car which hadn't seen much tarmac since it was built, and we travelled for three months. Then I found Maria and Santos, but that, as they say, is another story. I've talked too much already tonight. Come,' he stood up and clapped his hands and shouted to the others down the table.

'Show time everybody. Come on boys,' to us, 'you are now immortal. You will go down in posterity.' He led us out from the dining area and into the lounge where Santos had set up some easels with the sketches on them.

They were evenly spaced so that each was a study alone and each was lit by its own soft light. The first was a head and shoulders of me. It was like looking in a mirror. It was perfect as was the next one of Chris, his face looking upwards, his eyes shining. I murmured my compliments to Pancho, but he shushed me as we moved to the next one. This was of Chris and myself standing together and I could see what he meant when he had said that we were like ebony and ivory. I hadn't realised that the contrast was so startling, and yet it looked right.

The next picture gave me a stirring, seeing myself standing there with Chris holding my dong in his hand. The picture following made my stirring become an erection. Now pictures have never done this to me before, but to see Chris on his knees with that look on his face as he had my cock in his mouth. Such was that picture being able to give me a hard on. My cock and his face in sharp focus compared to the softening and fading out of our bodies.

Chris slipped his hand into mine as we stood looking at this drawing. I gave it a gentle squeeze as we moved on to the next one. In it, my head was thrown back and my back arched as I fucked Chris. My cock was half inside him, and again, the colour contrast between us made it an outstanding drawing. Chris then squeezed my hand at this picture.

The last one was a larger picture that comprised of four small montages of us two in different sexual poses. They were excellent examples of simple line drawing.

I had seemed to pass in front of these drawings in a cone of silence, because the room suddenly seemed to be full of noise. Of the others talking and clucking their appreciation of Pancho's work. They crowded round him, slapping him on the back, kissing and shaking his hand.

'Wonderful.' 'Fantastic.' 'Great work,' were just a few of the adjectives being used to describe his work as they praised him. Then they turned to us, Chris self consciously letting go of my hand as they congratulated us on our daring in the wonderful poses.

Claire was the one that surprised me the most. I thought she was a hardnosed lesbian through and through, but I was wrong for she came up close and kissed me on the mouth. At the same time, her hand came up on the inside of my leg and grabbed my hard piece and whispered in my ear, 'When is it my turn? Don't leave me out, I want you in,' as she gave it a squeeze.

'Soon, soon,' I stammered in surprise.

After another turn round the display, we started to drift off to the deep seats of the lounge, to seat ourselves before the giant screen, the plaudits still being called out to Pancho and his models. I sat down near the back and Chris was just about to sit next to me, when Trevor took his arm, talking to him, leading him away to another seat and Claire shot into the seat instead.

Richard stood up at the front and announced that we were about to see the results of today's filming, but they were only rush shots, not the finished product. The first will be of Claire and Thelma, the second of Tom and Debbie. It is the second set of clips that I would like your comments on if you please.'

With that, he sat down and the lights of the lounge dimmed and the large screen came to life. It was the scene that I had walked out to on the patio that morning. Thelma and Claire were going through their paces on the blanket. First it was Claire doing a good tongue job on Thelma. Close ups of her tongue slipping in and out of the open vagina that looked huge on the screen. A bloody bus could go through there I thought.

Then it was Thelma doing it to Claire, using a slow stroking tongue that travelled up and across the straining clitoris. The camera panned up her body and across her breasts that glistened with sweat. Then up to her face, that if she was an actress, it was a bloody good performance of a woman in the throes of an orgasm. Then a close up shot of fluids seeping out of her to be lapped up by a hungry tongue. There was some clapping when the screen went dark and then a few seconds later it lit up again to show the swimming pool. There I was just climbing the ladder out of the water and then walking towards the camera. Claire grasped my hand as we watched. This was the first time I had ever seen myself as other people did. My heart swelled with pride as that magnificent specimen strode forward. I could now see what had caused the gasps when I had climbed out of the pool the first time. My cock looked huge and clearly visible through that wet see through gauzy costume. What a powerful weapon it looked as it moved about in the suit as I walked.

The film cut to the same opening but with Debbie climbing from the pool. Her walk towards the camera was terrific, with her large tits swaying in opposite time to her hips as she moved forward, water still dripping from her wet bush and passed by out of view.

'Now this is the part I would like your comments on afterwards,' Richard called out. It opened again with Debbie getting out of the water and coming round the side of the pool and towards the camera. But this time she was wearing a bikini bottom. A wet transparent bikini that.... 'Bloody hell!' I exclaimed. Richard had melded the two films together. There was Debbie, her big tits swaying as she walked, and wearing this 'bikini' that had my cock in it. The incongruity of it. Big tits and a big cock on the same body. It was a fantastic bit of film splicing that I had ever seen.

Everybody had shot bolt upright at the sight on the screen, and when Debbie passed out of view, there was a spontaneous burst of applause. Even I joined in and there were shouts of acclaim for what Richard had done. Shouts of encore, encore resounded as the screen went blank. It stayed blank for several minutes as everybody chanted for an encore and they only stopped when it came back on again. It was a wonderful piece of filming and I felt very proud for Richard and envious of Debbie, but it was so good. On reflection, it would have looked silly if those big sun browned tits had been on my chest.

The others crowded round Richard, congratulating him as Claire pulled me away from going forward myself. She held up her fingers to her lips first, and then beckoned me to follow her. As her other hand was tightly grasping mine, I didn't have much choice but to follow.

We left the lounge and went along a bedroom corridor. She opened a door and led me inside. With the door shut behind us, she quickly moved in and started to kiss me rather passionately. Her hips ground into me as she pushed her tongue deep down my throat. She pulled me towards the bed, not letting go of my mouth, her hands starting to pull at the buttons of my shirt. She said between kisses that what she had seen on the screen, she wanted. Not covered, but the whole big naked thing in her hand, her mouth, her cunt. Yes, that was the word she used in reference to her own orifices.

My shirt was off in no time and she was working to free me of my jeans, when I noticed that this was the same room that I had seen in the film last night. I tried to turn round to look for the camera, but my jeans were now down around my ankles. I whispered to her about the cameras, but she said that they were turned off and not to worry about them. She gave me a coy smile and turned me round away from the bed saying that she didn't want me to see her till she was stripped off and ready. While I could hear the rustling of her clothing coming off, I was looking to see if I could spot where the camera was. The walls were covered with all types of artefacts of different cultures, so the camera could be hidden almost anywhere amongst the jumble.

I felt Claire press her breasts into my back as her hands came snaking down my chest and lifted up my tool. She used both hands and still left the head showing as she lifted it up to my belly as though measuring it alongside my navel, the head of my cock being about an inch or so above it. Then she swung my erection from side to side before releasing me and lying back on the bed.

'Turn round now you stud, and bring that big black cock with you,' she said from behind me. I turned to see her sprawled naked across half of the bed, her large breasts heaving with anticipation as she waved me round the bed. I did as she wanted and knelt where she pointed and by putting my knee on the bed brought my erection within an inch or two of her face. My seminal fluid had started to come out, glistening in the light, like drops of dew that her tongue flicked out and captured. She kept licking this off as it came out, making my cock even harder than ever.

She put her hand on it to steady the pulsating throb that was causing it to bob up and down. Holding it firmly, she licked the head thoroughly, even trying to insert her tongue under the foreskin, but was unable to do this because the skin was now tightly stretched over the pink head of my cock. She must have had a good throat, because she then took half of my length into her mouth without gagging. She worked her head backwards and forwards, one hand squeezing and rubbing away at the shaft while the other played with my balls.

I held her head gently as she expertly worked away, and I really had to concentrate on something mundane to stop the natural course of events that would happen if I let her keep on doing what she was. She must have sensed this because she pulled off and lay back with a huge grin on her face.

'Now fuck me Tom,' she said in a husky voice, 'and let's do it slow an' easy. I want to feel it inch by glorious inch as it comes in.'

I shuffled across the bed on my knees and got between her open legs, but because of the way she was laying, I finished up with one foot on the floor. She wouldn't move further onto the bed, so holding myself with one hand, I guided it toward the middle of the glistening patch of moisture that was the entrance to her cave though I really should say cavern. She kept gasping as I slowly penetrated her, but she took the whole length and grunted when I was fully inside and could feel her tighten the muscles inside around it. I don't think with any woman, my sperm would have to fight its way to find the eggs of an ovary. I'm sure I could plant them directly into place.

Now with steady strokes, I shafted her. She was stretched but there was still room for her juices to flow round and down my cock, making it a much smoother ride. Even so, it was an intensive pressure on both of us and she was soon thrashing about and having an orgasm. I managed to hold back and let that pass until she built up for her second one. This one I went along with and increased my thrusting, banging my balls hard against her arse, building up to my own orgasm, which I let loose at the same time as she did.

We both shook with the violence of my coming as I shot into her, and still pumping, I pulled out of her and let my shining cock sit on her bush as the final jets shot up and splashed on her stomach. She grabbed my slippery end and pulled out the last drops, jerking them out to smear over her hand, which she then licked off.

I got off of her and found a towel and wiped myself first and then wiped my come off her stomach and then wiped in between her legs. She stretched out as I did this, her arms up high above her head.

'God that was marvellous,' she said with a drawl, 'and Tom, anytime you want, just crook your little finger and I'll come running.' She then sat up and getting off the bed, started to gather her clothes. I did the same and got dressed. She kissed me again before we left the room and then we returned to the lounge.

'Well done lad,' said Richard as he shook my hand as we entered, 'that was a terrific performance!'

'Did you film that?' I asked, aghast when he nodded. I turned to Claire who just grinned and shrugged her shoulders.

'I didn't know,' she pouted, hugging my arm, 'and what's more, I don't care. I don't care whether they filmed it or not, it was wonderful and I enjoyed it.' She kissed me on the nose.

'Sorry old boy, but I thought you knew,' said Richard, throwing his arm round my shoulder. 'We always do a film from that room. That was tonight's entertainment.'

'You mean everybody watched?' I gasped.

'Yes, and they even applauded. Now that hasn't happened in a long time I can tell you. You're a star, albeit a small one in the universe, but a massive nova here.'

Feeling somewhat hurt having been taken advantage of, but became somewhat mollified when we went round to the bar to be greeted by the others with many toasts and cheers and hailed as being a rising star in the movies. This last remark didn't register until much later in the night when I was in bed with Chris.

As it was, I was being feted along with Claire for an excellent performance. Now I understood why she didn't move from certain positions on the bed. It was to give the camera a good viewing angle for the fellatio and copulation shots.
