Hoff and Hols, a Romance Ch. 06

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After the threesome, another one.
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Part 6 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/05/2021
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It seemed as though I had scarcely slept when I woke later that morning. My phone said it was seven. I lay there for a moment pondering the events of the night before. I had been uncertain what to do after AK and Chloe had both orgasmed; I felt as though I was a fifth and unnecessary wheel. At the same time, I had felt excited, and also compelled to watch. If I was honest with myself (and if I couldn't be that what was the point?) I had felt two emotions which I had supposed to be in contradiction to each other: jealousy and arousal. I loved AK, I always had. I had accommodated myself to her love for Cris because, well he was a man, and she needed a man. But with his twin sister, Chloe? And with all that, I had been excited and aroused, indeed, enough to help AK to her own orgasm. She was right when she had called me a "perv".

I was startled awake by a text.

"See you for coffee at 10 at our place, Chloe xx"

I smiled. Well I was not the only early riser. I could not help but wonder whether she was still with AK, and whether her twin brother had awakened to find them there?

I showered and headed for Morning Prayer.

I breakfasted with Mother Emma afterwards.

"You look a little tired, Pixie, later night or early morning?"

"Both. An old friend of mine is in Oxford with her boyfriend, turns out that Chloe is his twin sister!"

Emma exclaimed her surprise, and I repeated the "Casablanca" themed joke about "of all the bars in all the world" Chloe coming into the one we had been monitoring.

Emma put her hand on mine and looked into my eyes.

"There's more, Pixie, and when and if you are ready, you can talk to me. Is this AK, your lover?"

I said it was, and bless her, she talked about how hard it must be for me. I was touched. I had not imagined that anyone would understand, and could never have had this conversation with my own mother. Then the phone pinged again.

"See you with Chloe, that was a night to remember, Squirt xxx"


"Yes, she is meeting me with Chloe at the coffee shop on the Turl."

"Well try the granola there, delicious. Ignore this if it is inappropriate Pixie, but are AK and Chloe an item?"

"Define item?"

She smiled, a little sadly. She reached out and held my hand tightly.

"And yet you are not upset?"


And with that, and with encouragement, I poured my heart out to her. I had imagined she would be shocked, maybe even disgusted. Instead she squeezed my hand tenderly and poured me another herbal tea.

Mother Emma heard me out. I had not meant to spill my thoughts out to her, and having started to, I had not expected her to listen, understand, or even stay with me. I was convinced I had wrecked my relationship with her. But and bless her, she batted not an eyelid, she sat with me, she listened, and then when I had poured it all out, she smiled.

"Does that feel better?"

"Yes," I said, my heart suddenly a lot lighter, "I feel ever so much better. You don't think I am some kind of pervert?"

"Pixie, the mysteries of the human heart are matched only by the mysteries of eros. What gives one woman pleasure might even disgust another, the keys are twofold: try not to judge, and if you do, judge them as you would wish to be judged; and shun what harms another. You love AK, you gave her pleasure while she was giving pleasure to Chloe. Where was the harm in that?"

I squeezed her hand gratefully.

"And you, and they enjoyed it?"

"We did, I think."

"In which case look at it this way, Pixie. You love AK so much that you allow her to be herself and to take pleasure where she can. She knows you well enough to have been aware that you would not be hurt by what happened. Goodness knows how you two explain any of that to Chloe. It does, though, say something of the depth of your love for your AK."

I was stunned.

From the very bottom of my heart, I thanked her.

"Pixie, you are a very special young woman, and yes, you already know you are not like so many others, and you will have a harder time of it; so at least promise me something!"

I promised.

"Don't be your own worst enemy, there will always be competition!"

That made me laugh, and I kissed her on the cheek as I left.

Well, I thought, best tart myself up a bit!

It was chilly, so it was dark, thick tights, and low heels with a shirt-dress and red beret. I looked in the mirror and thought I would do.

I wandered through the early morning bustle. The air was crisp and clear. There was a smattering of students clearly still on the way back to college after the night before, mixed with locals out and about; it was one of the pleasures of a university city -- that mixture.

I picked up my copy of the "Church Times" from outside St Ebbs, and headed for coffee -- and who knew what?

It provided useful cover for me to people watch. Then, just after nine-thirty they came in. I swear my heart started to beat faster. They were two of the most beautiful women I knew, and there was about them what I can only describe as a "glow".

Chloe was in a white sweater which emphasised her swelling breasts, and I could discern the outline of her nipples; her blue jeans fitted her like a second skin, and along with the boots, made her look like some sort of model. Most women would have paled against that, but not AK, who was wearing an equally tight pair of jeans with boots, but with a low-cut blouse which showcased those gorgeous full breasts. It was no wonder the two of them were attracting attention.

They both smiled.

"Cappuccino, Pix?" AK asked, as she went to the counter and Chloe joined me.

"First, sorry Pixie!"

"For what?" I smiled reassuringly.

"Where to start? She's your girlfriend, she's Cris's girlfriend, I went with you and ended up with her. Can you forgive me?"

By that time, AK had joined us. She looked concerned, but was smiling.

"Chloe apologising, Squirt?"

"Yes, but I was about to say no need."

"There," AK said to Chloe, kissing her, "told you Pix would understand."

"You sure, Pixie?" Chloe was still looking worried.

"I am - but one question," and I giggled, "what did Cris say when he woke?"

AK laughed.

"Well he was still asleep when we left so I doubt he knew anything. I went back with Chloe to avoid her doing the walk of shame, and we came straight her because she was worried - oh, and because you are a sexy little thing for cooperating. You could have stayed, you know?"

"I know I am small, AK, but four in a bed would not quite have worked. Anyway, I felt like a bloody fifth wheel anyway."

"That's a shame darling," AK replied, puzzling me.

"It's just ...." Chloe began before stopping as though she could not quite get the words out, so AK finished for her.

"That the lads are watching the rugger this afternoon, and while I don't mind the sight of a lot of fit men groping each other's arses, I'd rather spend it groping yours and Chloe's."

Whatever I had been expecting, it was not this. The shock must have shown on my face.

"C'mon Pix, it will be fun."

"But, but ...."

"But sod all Squirt, you didn't get to cum, and you didn't get to taste Chloe."

They were pretty unassailable arguments, not to mention powerfully erotic incentives.

"Of course, you'll have to confess all, Squirt," AK teased.

"Oh I already did," I riposted to her surprise. Chloe blushed most becomingly.

"You did what? OMG!"

I loved the way AK went into overdrive like that - not to mention the look on her face. It was always good to surprise her.

"Well that will be you drummed out, Squirt!"

I explained what Mother Emma had said, and typically, AK, having listened commented:

"She clearly fancies you Squirt!"

Chloe, flummoxed by her first real taste of the Hoff/Hols experience, just dissolved into giggles.

"What are you two like? Why do you call her Squirt?"

AK giggled,

"Always have, even before I knew she could!"

The laugh with which she accompanied that statement was so filthy that it attracted stares. She just looked round defiantly as though to say, 'well she does, so what?'

"I'm just relieved you two are not cross with each other," Chloe added, still in apologetic mode.

"Don't be silly, Hoff and I go back too far for that - anyway she likes watching, don't you, Squirt?"

Blushing, I confessed that it had its upsides, and we dissolved into laughter.

Over coffee and croissants we discussed how we might spend the day. AK, of course, needed some retail therapy, which she rightly described a good cover for our sporting afternoon. I wanted to do some book shopping, which suited Chloe, as she needed books for her course. So we settled on that, and after lunch, we headed back to Christ Church.

AK was duly impressed by its grandeur, and commented that Chloe's "room" was about as big as her house in York. For a moment I was a little nonplussed: it was one thing to walk in on AK and Chloe in the throes of passion, but this was different; what did one actually do? Fortunately, as ever when I was lost, AK had the answer.

"Well ladies, the boys will be getting down to the scrum, so I want down to the scrummy - Pix, help us off with our jeans."

As she said that, she moved in to kiss Chloe, and the two of them began to unbutton their blouses. As they kissed, I was able to unbutton, unzip and pull down their jeans, which were so tight that their knickers came down simultaneously. Presented with two luscious bottoms and a dilemma, AK resolved that one too, by guiding Chloe to the bed.

I watched, waiting to see how it would develop. AK smiled at me - in approval, I thought.

She knelt between Chloe's open legs, giving me a wonderful view of her arse and rosebud hole; I could see her lips were glistening. She then pulled Chloe up so they could scissor, something we had tried, but which the difference in our heights had made difficult.

I watched, transfixed as they kissed, AK's hands caressing Chloe as she pressed her pussy against Chloe's. Chloe looked at me and, as though excited to be watched, she pressed harder, moaning, and feeling for AK's breasts. As they kissed and scissored, I could feel myself get wetter. I was amazed at how flexible AK was - all that time in the gym was clearly paying off.

"Fuck! Chloe, I can feel your clit against mine!" That last word was invested with a deep moaning sound, and she pressed harder, as though trying to carve a way into Chloe, who was whimpering with pleasure.

I could hear them, wet, I could smell them; juicy. I wanted to touch myself; didn't. Somehow the tension of watching as they made love was in itself sufficient. As their passion grew, so did the tension - that balance between the vicarious and the personal; it was the former which seemed to be stoking my furnace. As they peaked and came, I felt my knickers soak, but still sat and admired and watched; Hols was right, I was a little perv. I was also, to be honest, nervous. AK and I went back forever, she knew my body and I knew hers; Chloe was new, and yes, I think I was worried that she might not like my body, which was hardly in the same league as hers or AK's.

"Squirt, get your arse - and the rest of you - over here - NOW!"

As usual, AK cut through my self-tied Gordian knots.

"And lose the fucking clothes, you perv!"

Let it never be said that I was not a good girl when it came to doing as I was told (when I wanted) - so, slipping my clothes off, I joined them on the bed.

AK had clearly thought through the choreography of our threesome.

"Squirt, you on my left, Chloe, you on my right, that's it - it's why I have two tits, one for each of you!"

Neither of us needed any more encouragement. As I sucked on AK's already hard nipple, it was an added delight to see Chloe doing the same. Simultaneously we had the same idea - we lifted our heads and kissed each other - then went back to kissing AK's breasts.

I felt AK's hand on my pussy, and looking across, could see she was also feeling Chloe's.

"Fuck, fuck, lie back girls."

We did, which allowed both Chloe and me to do the same thing - our hands meeting on AK's pussy as her hands felt ours. She writhed with the same pleasure we started to writhe to. I had to tease my nipples, they ached fir to burst. Chloe's moans could have been heard out in the Quad. As we lay, pleasuring each other, the world seemed to stop - or at least time did. We slowed, we speeded up, then Chloe grabbed my hand, and our fingers went into AK. The feeling of fucking her at the same time as Chloe caused a minor spasm. I could feel the pressure build. I knew enough about AK's reactions to know she was close too.

Being unsure about Chloe, I broke the choreography, rolling sideways so my nipple was rubbing against AK, and my right hand could touch Chloe where AK was touching her. That was it for me. The sensation of fingering AK with Chloe, and Chloe with AK was too much, and I felt it cum, breaking through any inhibitions - I needed to cum! And then AK and Chloe came too. Chloe said later that her upstairs neighbour had almost phoned the police - except she'd heard Chloe orgasm before!

I collapsed sideways, utterly satiated, but to my amazement, the indefatigable AK leaned over to kiss me.

"I love you Pixie!"

Smiling and exhausted, I reciprocated. At which point Chloe leaned over and asked,

"What about me?"

Which was a mistake as her breasts were in AK's line of sight, or, more importantly, close to her lips. As AK's lips made contact with her sensitive nipples. Chloe whimpered.

"Is she always this insatiable, Pixie?"

"Oh yes!" I confirmed happily.

Eventually, after her fifth orgasm, AK said she was satiated, and as I (exceptionally for me) had had one more, and Chloe at least two more, we called a truce and lay back to recover.

I only woke up because AK's phone was ringing. I could see from the screen it was Cris. AK grabbed it:

"Hi darling, yes, yes, we're done with the therapy! What, Wales won? That's not good? No, no I am not Welsh, and I think that's still illegal darling - oh and that, well that sounds like hate speech! What? You don't care because they are all a bunch of sheep-shaggers? I see, yes, yes, see you later darling!"

She stopped because Chloe was teasing her nipples.

"You, Chloe Carmichael are a bad, bad girl!"

"And you, AK, set a good example of how to be bad," I teased.

"Shower time, the boys expect us back in time to party! Thank fuck we got a break!"

With that, she leveraged herself off the bed, asked Chloe where the shower was, and headed for it! We both watched as her glorious peachy arse took itself off to the bathroom.

"Well come on girls! My arse isn't going to wash itself.

Needless to say, three of us in the shower rather slowed things down, but were all very clean, every orifice having been explored and cleansed by finger!

"Well, Squirt, I am headed back to change for the club tonight, you joining us."

"I am not one for dancing," I replied.

"There was no bloody question mark in that sentence, Squirt, you ARE coming with us. Chloe, pop by her place when you are tarted up - we'll see you both at eight. My Uber is here, so catch you later - lovers!"

And with that, the whirlwind was gone.

As we got dressed, Chloe asked me whether I had enjoyed myself. Sensing the possible reasons for her hesitation, I smiled as I pulled my knicker up and she did the same with her.

"It's okay darling, AK and I know we are not exclusive."

Chloe was, it seemed, capable of what was (to me) a surprising degree of insight as she went on:

"Yes, so she and you say, but you know what Pixie, you are devoted to her. You never came on to me when we were alone. Don't get me wrong", she said, seeing I was about to say something, "I loved you being part of the game, and I find you sexy, but you are not like AK and myself, are you?"

Golly, I thought, I was rather touched, and had trouble keeping a slight trembling out of my voice; I seemed to have something in my eye.

"No, you two are bi, and I suspect in the end will get married to a man. I have never been with one. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them - just like them having nothing against me either."

We both giggled, as indeed I meant her to, to deflect the conversation. I fastened her bra for her.

As we brushed out hair and tidied up, she reverted to the topic I had been trying to avoid.

"I think Cris, and AK are going to get engaged, Pixie. At least that's my impression, and I don't want you to be hurt by it, hence the maybe premature early warning."

I responded brightly that I understood, and would not be hurt. My heart seemed to be sore, and a sense of sadness enveloped me. But I brightened up. Fuck it! I did love AK - and real love was not selfish and did not seek to make the one you loved smaller by confining her to your ideas of what she should be. My heart suddenly felt better. I told Chloe that. Her smile would have lit up a whole room, and she hugged me.

"Yes, you know what, Pixie, I believe you - but it will hurt too; I know that."

She gave me a big hug as I left.

Back in Coll, as I got ready, I knew she was right.

The ancient Greeks were right, one could not step into the same stream twice. AK and I would always have our shared past, but I suddenly saw clearly that if I tried to hold onto that, I risked ruining the present and having no future. She and I, like life itself, were moving on. If I tried to use the past to guide me, it would fail; indeed it might spoil our shared memories. Better, I suddenly saw, to love her and let things go where they needed to go - confident that the love between us would find new ways to manifest itself. And with that thought, I stepped out confidently into the night to meet Chloe at the Porters' Lodge.

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PixiehoffPixiehoffless than a minute agoAuthor

Thank you darlings ❤️🌟💋💕💕💕💕

GayKatGayKatabout 4 hours ago



Hallo Pixie!


Yeah AK is beautiful, she's sure of herself, AK's perfect.

I really wanted to like her, but the way AK treats Pixie is just wrong....I've got a bad feeling about this.

Now Chloe, after Pixie saved her drunk ass from those 4-boys, and told AK her beloved friend that she really likes Chloe, AK went right after her... not giving Pixie's feelings a second thought, until she walks in on the three of them in bed, and what did they do?... They invited Pixie to watch, how fucking magnanimous of them!

And even then Pixie tries justifying the way their treating her by saying [Fuck it! I did love AK - and real love was not selfish.] _ No it's not selfish....let us hope it's not blind either!?!


Thank you, 5-Stars and 5-Orgasms.


From your two kinky dyke friends,


The Black Queen 👩🏿 and Gay kat 👩🏼‍!


Nicole2023Nicole2023almost 2 years ago

I get the impression pix is a sub

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank Ewe so much Olwen - I am glad you are having fun - better than counting sheep when it comes to insomnia xxxxx

HottieOlwenHottieOlwenalmost 2 years ago

Ewe are a baaa'd girl, Pixiehoff! We Welsh are not all sheep shaggers! Many of us ARE animal lovers though. I myself adore pussies and male chickens, aka cocks. I'm not bleating about your story. I am loving this serial. It makes me feel all woolly, and I'll need to ram my rabbit (www! that's another animal I'm very fond of!) into my kitty as soon as I've finished this message. Then I'll flock back to Literotica to read chapter 7. Must stop now. I've run out of sheep puns!

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