All Comments on 'Holiday Disaster'

by WillieWolfe

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Inconsistent, the characters didn't seem to know how to string logical thoughts together and the husband was a wimp. Guess this is the author's cuck fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
1 star

Stupid and a waste of time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Didn't feel it

I'll give you points for trying some ideas out, but I just didn't feel any of the characters were real.

Your spelling is horrible and instead of doing a mea culpa at the start why not try a little harder and get things right?

Someone who writes five long pages isn't dumb--I think you're just a tad lazy about proofing your stuff.

gmann57gmann57over 8 years ago

All the losers without names are a funny bunch. They all arent man enough to know forgiveness, They do however know about loneliness and how to live as miserable little boys

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

A great tale well told.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Sorry, it didn't connect with me. I should have been angry. I'm not. This was a waste of time. Boring. 2*s.


sugnasugnaover 8 years ago
No Love, who cares?

There was no real love in this story. Except perhaps his love for his children, although that was not particularly well illustrated. So, there was no love, no trust (of course), no real anger and not too much emotion overall. The simple construction was breeding with a couple of vipers and they were nice enough to keep him as a pet and not eat him. Huh, well why not? He got 3 kids from two beautiful women, they clearly make more than he does so they are likely paying the lionesses share of support. He still gets to fuck at least one of them. He goes on living his simple construction guy life and fucking a lawyer instead of getting fucked by a lawyer - not a bad outcome.

gara5289gara5289over 8 years ago

Not enough emotion. You wrote how angry/hurt he was on page 1 and then a few paragraphs later on page 2 he was going on 'dates' with Kate. The transition in his life was way to fast.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
i'm older

and glad i'm not you this made me sick.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
So the moral of the story?????

I guess....

"Girth Trumps Length"

Thanks for not having him remarry her. But all in all, for a tale of reconciliation, it wasn't all that bad. Thank you for your efforts.

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 8 years ago
excellent LW story and a good read,

IF annony hates the story it must be great! gave you a 5 to help offset the asshole of LIT's 1 vote, as Bonnie would say!! Fuck off asshole of LIT!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago


RhomanovRhomanovover 8 years ago

Has potential and yes, you really need an editor.

The flow had him as a schizophrenic (emotionally) that did nothing to fit the tale nor the flow of the plot. By the end of the story I was left with a "say what?" feeling.

RePhilRePhilover 8 years ago
A Perectly Written WACC!

One of the best WACC characters ever written in this section. If that was your goal, then 5 stars. If not then this story is just so sad that a man could be so spineless. BTW. WACC= Wimp Ass Castrated Cuckold. Not knowing what you were aiming for I will refrain from entering a rating on this story

TexasBBTexasBBover 8 years ago
Good Story

Nice tale you've spun here. You evoked a lot of emotions and that's a great sign. Glad you chose not to have them get remarried.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Kind of liked it

It was interesting and I read it all. Almost quit a dozen times. Things like, "don't tell me that you are going to make me drink a lone," nearly killed it. What kind of drink is a "lone." You didn't even bother to proof read the freaking thing. That says you're a very lazy writer. In spite of your editor experience, you need one in the worst way. Won't read another of your stories until you get one.

chrisr357chrisr357over 8 years ago
Not bad at all!!!

Hey this was not a bad story for someone who admits that they are no literary genius.

It takes balls to write for this audience. Take no notice of the annon comments, it takes most of them all their limited brain power to type out their poison.

I suspect most of them have never posted a single story on here.

Keep going and remember practice makes perfect.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Surpisingly Entertaining

Interesting plot, interesting twists and turns; nice ending. An enjoyable read, thanx Willie.


MattblackUKMattblackUKover 8 years ago
A very interesting story 5*

It's believable and shows the hurt, trauma and turmoil that so-called alternative lifestyles can cause.

By the way, It's sad that some of the anons did not notice your introductory point about spelling, grammar, etc.

I think you should be writing more stories, please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well written

Although I enjoyed your writing, I have to disagree with Joe and Kate reuniting. My reasoning is simple. I caught my wife of 4 years fucking her ex-boyfriend and turns out, they had never really stopped after breaking up. Even throughout our engagement, they had had the occasional fuck. Once we were married, like Kate, they stopped for about two years, but went back to it. In essence, the moment we were married and they had their first fuck, I was a cuckold. Not in the truest sense, me raising Tom's child, but close enough for me.

I didn't get video, but I got pictures. Pictures that may or may not have helped in our divorce. Jan fought me, begged and pleaded for our marriage, but as I explained, we never had a marriage. Perhaps on paper only. She had two men, I had a cheating wife. Unfortunately we had a son and like Joe, I had a DNA test and thankfully he was mine. If not, well, lets just say at that time, it might very well have went nuclear, my emotions were raw and I was flailing just to live each day.

I was not and am not a rich man, writing doesn't pay a lot. There are the good months and then the dry months. But occasionally I'll have a real boon and I had one, selling a book that was well received and gave me money to fight Janet for our son and to gain my divorce. I finally got my divorce, although my ex got our son. Unfortunately, she used him as a hammer on me and an axe held over my head. She pursued and pursues me at constantly. Each time I had interaction with her, she would profess her love for me, no matter where we were and who was nearby. It wasn't and isn't frustrating, it's infuriating. IF she loved me, why did she never stop fucking her ex? Of course, that is a question I never asked her, she's never offered an answer too and truthfully, she can't answer.

I finally had to move to another town, about 90 minutes away. With my sort of job, I can move anywhere in the world, but I need to stay close to my son. After we divorced I had an epiphany and went to work on a new novel that sold and continues to sell well. Because of it, I was able to buy a nice 5 acre piece of land and built a small 1200sq ft cabin on it and moved in without a mortgage. It infuriated my ex that I had moved and she didn't have a forwarding address, but the courts didn't stipulate I had to live anywhere in particular. Seeing her only every other week, I was able to keep her at arms length, although I had to hear about how much she loved me and we were meant to be together.

During my move, my old editor retired from the business and he gave me a name of an up and coming editor he thought I should consider. We were introduced and hit it off very well, she liked my work and Iiked the job she did. Living only thirty minutes from me, we spent a lot of time together, eventually, over a summer, fell in love. I had been divorced for thirty months by then and when I proposed, with Kim knowing all of my baggage, she accepted.

Here is the funniest part of my story. Kim and I drove to my hometown a day early to pick up my son, staying with my folks. We needed to break it to my mom, who fell in love with Kim instantly, we had eloped to Vegas and married. They were excited and accepted her into our family without question. Leaving them to talk, I happened to drive into town and pick up some groceries and happened to see my ex drive by. Curious, I followed her as I was going in that direction and she was a passenger in Tom's '66 Camaro Yep, they drove right to his house and walked hand in hand to his door. I honked and waved, smiling as I drove past!

The next day when she dropped off our son at my folks house, she was trying to explain to me how they were just talking, but I laughed in her face. Then Kim happened to come in and when I introduced her as my wife, well, let's just say I had never in person, watched as someone imploded and it wasn't pretty. Now, some 5 years later, I have another son and a daughter with Kim and we couldn't be happier because we have Janet and my son too. You see, once I was no longer on the market, so to speak, Janet moved in with Tom and he beat my son, breaking both his arms. We took my ex to court and were awarded custody with her receiving limited visitations. The sickest thing ever? Her and Tom are still living together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Now that is what I call a story,totally different from the norm.

Well done, the only regret he did not find closure with his x wife. But legally living together in most states they are still considered married. Plus he should have tried for a son with holly . But like me he only makes girls, I love all 4 of my girls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Totally crazy but I liked it.

# 5 I hate the willing cuckold stories. They always end up with the husband being gay. This was totally refreshing. No femdom crap. Look forward to your next post.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
This time Holly brings her dominate side.

Today's English lesson: the word you're seeking is "dominant" not "dominate". Thank you. That is all.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 8 years ago
not only living together

It doesn't always take a wedding or marriage license.

When she introduced him as her husband (with him present) and he did not immediately disagree in several states that means they are legally married.

Buying real estate property together can be marriage in the law in some states.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Sorry I don't know how this story ended.

Your long stories become so fucking boring that I can't make it all the way through them. Therefore, I have to give you 1*. Please give up trying to write novels and learn to write a good three page erotic story. I know you have it in you if you would just give it a try.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 8 years ago
Don't agree with the negative comments

I liked this story. The husband is a construction worker and his behavior and dialogue was consistent with how an honest hard working many would act. I really liked the twist relative to the Judge and the perp lawyer. I usually don't like reconciliation stories but I think this one worked. WW, suggest you simply ignore the nattering nabobs of negativism.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
So no editor... fair enough

But if you are going to insist that it's too much of a bother, then at least pay attention to what you write.

Most of the little errors are easy to move on by, but dominate rather than dominant stops the narrative cold. It's far too common in amature porn and happens over to the point that when it does, it takes the reader... this reader, at least... out of the story and into reflection about all the other stories where this error occured.

The other one was referring to the mc's rooms as a mini suit at the start of the story. I kept thinking that Verne Troyer was going to make an appearance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
"to be too difficult"

Just when I thought you didn't know the difference between "to" and "too", I read your cautionary notes (which I'd skipped), and see that you do, in fact, know the difference. Your story, to echo some of your other critics, smacks of sloppy writing. There's plenty of other errors an editor or at the very least, a proofreading would have caught.

The cautionary notes are akin to someone saying, "Hey, I'm going to shit on your rug" and then doing it. How's about NOT doing it?

That said, I'd never bother with these complaints if the story sucked. You write fairly well, and actually caused me a minor tear up toward the end, when its so clear that Kate and Joe really love each other, and always will.

I'd like to read more of your work, but please, don't diminish your good writing by "throwing" it up with so many mistakes. Thanks. Keep at it!

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 8 years ago
Characters and betrayal too generic for my taste

Ending was too fanciful. The only part I felt convinced was when officer was knocking on door. The bad guy was supposed to be handsome and charming but the author never let him strut his stuff. To make a story come to life , some ambiguity has to come into play. It never happened except for MIL . I wish the author best of luck with next effort . This wasn't a horrible read, but definitely needed some twists and turns along the journey.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

It is a pity that the word processor can't understand what is being typed. This is a common trend in most stories!

AgroundagainAgroundagainover 8 years ago
Some like them (stories) short and hot...

... some like character development, fleshed out stories with believable dialogue and involved plots. I am of the latter ilk. Nice work. And, reread your efforts a couple (ten?) times, you'll probably catch a lot of those "too's and to's", misspellings, missing words and homonyms. I can't write, you can!

In spite of those few minor errors, "five" big ones for a great well-thought out read. Thanks.

AnnetteBishopAnnetteBishopover 8 years ago
Nice story, well written

I liked your story, very interesting, thought provoking and compelling. Great job. xoxoxoxoxAnnette

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good story, nice flow and fun to read

Of course the overall situation is pretty contrived, but it a fun read. In the end the big shot shoots blanks and our trusty construction worker and good guy with the thick dick ultimately gets his cake and eats it too. He gets the best revenge possible on Mr, 9 incher.

Thanks for the nice work, gave it a 5.

Dirty_SteveDirty_Steveover 8 years ago
Enjoy redemption

This was pretty cool with the way you wrote them finding each other again. The part that was over the top for me was the extra baby...why do authors always add children into the story. This child did not even help the story all that much.

There were some conflicts of character and questions left open...the thought of a revenge date by Kate should have sent the hubby running for the hills. She hadn't changed or at least it should have set them back. Screwing the sister could have set back the relationship. Honestly he let the shit family back into his life way to easy. I can understand the exwife but the sister...then the horrible father in law. He may have been just a construction worker but some dignity would have gone a long way.

Personally I would have knocked out teeth from the asshole brother in law. The worst he would have done is 6 months but the self respect he would have gained by not letting people run over him...priceless.

Nice story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
interesting tale

The typos detract a LOT, try using a spell checker. But a 5 for different.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

williewanker I suppose. incredible dumb story with character changes so big that if it would have been a compass nobody would have ever found the US again after Kolumbus,

BriteaseBriteaseover 8 years ago

Don't know about that but I liked you writing style. Nice little story with a believable and decent ending.

bruce22bruce22over 8 years ago
Amusing Read

You have to admit that he was unlucky not to visit Firenze. It is beautiful and he would have gone on in peace.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

First, yes, this DOES cry out for an editor!

“using a pillow to try and hide her nakedness from me. ‘Joe this is not what it looks like’” – Two things: 1) Why hide her nakedness from her husband? Hasn’t he seen it all before? 2) Why do they ALWAYS say “It’s not what it looks like,” when it is EXACTLY what it looks like?

There is only one way for him to keep Kate. She and Holly dump Nicolls and move in with him for as long as they were with Nicolls. THEN Holly can go back to her husband, and Kate NEVER sees him again, not even socially!

Why is the judge hostile? Joe has done nothing wrong, if anything he should be angry at his daughters and hostile toward Nicolls!

Kate keeps saying she loves Joe, but is she still in the polyamorous relationship?

He should have broken the date, knowing that he had been played. She SAYS she hasn’t been fucked for a long time; I don’t believe it for a second!

Why is she mad at HIM? SHE’S the one who wanted to fuck, why is it now HIS fault?

He shouldn’t feel guilty about fucking Holly – Kate had been fucking Holly’s husband for years, and that was while she was married to him!

"You have to tell Kate about Holly." – No he doesn’t! They’re not married, she never told HIM about Nicolls when they WERE married, so why does he owe her anything?

Why doesn’t Gloria know what happened between Joe and Kate? She saw the pictures, that should have pretty much told her everything!

“Kate was Stephen’s wife?” – Not legally!

"I am angry at you for fucking Holly." – She has a lot of nerve being angry at HIM, after what SHE did!

chytownchytownover 8 years ago
What Ever Style You Write In***

GET AN EDITOR!!!!!!!!!! please. You got a five star story if you had some help with it. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
WACC with a RAAC

"Kate has a little jibe at me "Joe, our girls aren't confused, they are really smart. They get that from their mother."

What the girls won't get from mom is honesty, integrity, fidelity, virtue, ... Stuff like that.

OneShotOneOneShotOneover 8 years ago
Terrible story

Not just that it's a piece of RAAC shit. It was a wreck from the first line :"mini suit." It didnt get better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Fine story!

Enjoyed it very much.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caover 8 years ago

That was a good fun read, our wronged hero Coming out smelling like roses. Banging two hot sisters, doesn't get any better in fantasyland

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Divorce is a great way to end a pointless marriage, but a stupid way to try to punish someone.

He was hurt, humiliated, and betrayed. His marriage became pointless, so he ended it. He started over. Starting over did not lead him forward to new women, new relationships, a different life. He was stuck missing the good life he had, and so was his ex-wife, missing the good life she had. It was stupid to fuck Stephen since it wasn't that hard to stop fucking him when Joe divorced her, if we can believe she really stopped fucking him. She was stupid and selfish and childish, but I think she came to own that during and after the divorce. And regretted every day she was apart from Joe.

But they reconnected as ex-spouses, became reacquainted with the person they loved for many years. Yes, her original love was shallow, selfish, a lie. But it appears it was the best she could do considering the way she was raised and the shallow selfish character she had become. But the divorce apparently made her grow up, reexamine what matters in life, made her want to be a better person. Maybe she will be, maybe she is, now. Joe is smart to reconnect with her if that makes him happy, and smart not to marry her. What has he got to lose? If the re-connection is real, and good, Joe will eventually learn that he can trust her, and they will die a married couple. As long as they honor and respect each other, and treat each other with love and compassion, and honesty, it does not matter when they remarry. When they do, it will be for sentimental reasons, mostly. They have everything they need now. A piece of paper won't make any great difference.

As far as Joe ending up with both women, that was kind of gratuitous pandering to the BTB crowd, I think. Makes the reconciliation more palatable when the cuckold ends up being the bull, and emasculates the prick who thought he was the bull. Have to admit it gladdened my heart. I was surprised the author did not reveal that Stephen was fucking around on Holly, he had to be. To divorce her for fucking around on him, and lose half his assets? He could have just replaced Kate in their poly-amorous lifestyle, but apparently he did not. Seems likely he already had someone he preferred to Holly, she probably sensed it, she started fucking Joe, he kept fucking whoever was to be Holly's replacement, and with Holly getting pregnant he decided now was as good a time as any to move on. Good for him, and good for Holly. I just don't understand how Kate ever loved Stephen, and really don't understand why she risked her marriage to start fucking him again. Have to also wonder how Joe couldn't tell a difference in Kate's behavior when she went back to fucking Stephen, but some marriages are pretty shallow and disconnected I guess.

So thanks for an interesting story. I hope you write more. But if you ever make the husband a cum sucking wimp cuckold I will hunt you down. Well, at least I won't give you anymore 5's.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Aw, come on folks....

It's just a story. A story written with enough thoughtful complications to make it an interesting read. It only got a four from me because of the numerous spelling and grammatical errors. But it's one of the most entertaining fours that I've read on this site.

starmanfivestarmanfiveover 8 years ago
Very good read!!

This story was great. There was a lot of drama,tension, and a sense of justice. Some people don't like RAAC stories. Many don't like WAAC stories. This stories was neither. Nor was it BTB. It was a cuckold story sorta. Really it was a cheating wife story.

I don't like rape stories or incest stories, or BBC stories. I don't read those categories. To each his own. But in this LW category we read 90% willing cuck stories. I don't particularly like them. The LW category is so wide that I must pick the stories types that I like and disregard the rest. It is nice to read a story like this that is not about watching your wife screw friends, stranger, brothers, whoever, and jack off in the closet or hear her tales later while hubby eats a cream pie. I mean no offence if that is your thing.

This story involved a simple man trying to do the right thing in the face of overwhelming odds. FIVE STARS, PLEASE write more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Pretty good story with some really funny parts.

There were a couple of ways this could have gone. He could have opened up a can of whoop ass on all three of them, embarrassed and humiliated them. He could have divorced Kate and moved across the Country to start over (good carpenters can always find work - even work for cash and disappear) or he could have lived with Kate and Holly and the three girls and had a good old time. But your ending worked well. I do think he would remarry Kate after a period of time (what happens when Kate turns up pregnant?). If he isn't married to her why is the relationship strained? I really liked the Mother-in-law. She was a real kick! But overall this was entertaining. I would like to be a fly on the wall when they sit down and explain to all three girls what happened. Let the women explain it. After all, he's just a carpenter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I've read about 100 stories on this site... this was the worse.

What utterly ridiculous crap. Willie, you say you're over 50... and this is where you are in life??? My god. just end it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

You are one sick bastard.

What is the point of writing such a serpentine web of absolute derangement? That's life! Oh, really? Whose life?

And the tedium of disentangling these ridiculous and unnecessary mistakes!!

"As for Kate and I..."

How fucking hard can it be?

- As for Kate

- As for me

- As for Kate and me

One sleeps in a mini-suite, and wears a mini-suit, you dipshit. And in the very first fucking sentence! Jeesus H Christ, can't you read your own drivel?

driv2u2driv2u2over 8 years ago

Liked keep going , ignore the inbreds.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

For holocaust denial and anti-semitism.

Kill yourself.

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 8 years ago
The fool annony is now the raving asshole of the world

he sucks so badly and swallows every time. But now he wants to tell people he is a suppers of the Jews and their tragedy. Not buying it asshole of LIT. You're a pig and a fag and hate everything. 5 for a good story regardless!

cpetecpeteover 8 years ago
Win Win or Lose Lose?

Did everybody win? Joe got to screw everyone as did Kate Holly and Stephen. Or did everyone lose as Stephen got to screw everyone? The only real winner is Kate who lost nothing.

We readers are winners as Willie wrote an entertaining tale.

Thanks for posting!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Without Copyright

Thank you Anon I will publish your comment, because you did not copyright!


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
From Duna

I publish such comments where the author is Anonimous and the stories of the comments deal with cheating wife-divorce-then the ex husband lives happier with other woman.

I publish with this Penname: Commentstory.

I write in the preface:

"My Pen Name is Duna here. I am a fan and author of Cheating wife- Consequence-Recover with other woman stories. But I publish these stories on other Pen Name, because one or more Anonymous posters wrote in the comment section of another story collection. When I find a Cheating wife-Consequence/BTB(Burn The Bitch)-The husband Recover after divorce story I save then I publish. Such stories as this is similar to the folklore they belong to everyone."


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
From Duna

Those who like such stories where man finds second wife after cheating marriage should find my stories collection elsewhere. Lit would not allow my story collections, as I was censured for believing that new, younger brides is best for cheated man. In many societies where married rates are falling women over 18 have learned to cheat and not respect men, so best answer is to marry girls much younger for good, CHRISTIAN marriages to noon cheating sluts and to guarantee against bastardization of future children.

Marriage to child from first marriage is also a good moral opinion I was denounced for showing as true romance, as I myself married young cousin in good marriage!!


patilliepatillieover 8 years ago
Really good read

I was surprised and delighted at the complete tale told within. Just flew along. I had started it iwth the expectation of bailing out at some point, but that never happened. Nice job.

sdc97230sdc97230over 8 years ago
The tagline tells us how to decide who "won"

It's Joe trying to live his life. So if he gets what he needs to be happy in the end, he wins. He get his family back, with his marriage ended and his live-in ex wife knowing that if she ever fucks up again he can boot her out the door at will. And he gets a son, whose mom has gotten enough from her own divorce that she'll never need to tap him for support.

Sure, it would be great if he could somehow have rendered Steve penniless and castrated. But you hardly ever get everything you want out of life. And there's something to build a potential sequel on, too (hint to the author).

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

"He gets his family back."

Is that what this abomination is, a family?

I guess no family is complete without a Flasher Granny, too.

What the fuck are you people smoking?

shaman43shaman43over 8 years ago

the last two anon comments add to the discussion with some wisdom. There are many comments of praise and others that try to help the writer. Then, of course, we have those who belief systems are so rigid they can not separate a work of fiction, something that is imaginary from the framework of that belief system. I mean they are diatribes of malevolence because someone shows a way of loving and living that does not fit their narrow view. How is that part of that supposedly loving system to be so hateful about a STORY. I wish the author did do a better job of self editing like in some verb tenses. Gave it a five just because of plotting and the development of the protagonist. Know guys like that. Even had a friend go through a situation like that. THe three kids with the wife and the one with the sister in law are now in their late 20's happy, very successful professionally and in loving marriages.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Why do you try to pose me Frontli? I have tried to make comments on nature of second happy marriages to girls on this comment, and you call me liar! I am non anonymos because I am signing my name to comment, and am only on anonym account because you had me banned for telling TRUTH!!!

Second marriage have a far higher chance of success if the girl is not old enough to know how to disrespect and cheat as a whore like so many do by adult!!! This is reason for declining marriage stats in your country! Marriage to much younger girl, like I and many have done here, is best answer!! My wife was only 10 when I married her, and such thing guaranteed HAPPY CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE!!!!

Great authors here know such things and do not say for FEAR of you! Authors such as Vulcez and Stangstar know the truth of such girls, Stangstar is happily to his daughter and that saved him from cheating whore of first wife!! Lit should allow such stories!!

From, DUNA!!

Those who wish to find my stories collection can on other site, or can e-mail me as my account has banned!

MitchFraellMitchFraellover 8 years ago
Turned out well in the end

A good read with just the right level of credibility.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
"My wife was only 10 when I married her"

That is acceptable kid-rearing age for most Albanian nanny goats.

But cheating on your nanny with a string of billy goats is deviant.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 8 years ago

I love how people tell me that there can't be anons spamming comments over and over again on the same stories to create the impression there are more of them, because Lit prevents that by preventing the same IP from posting twice anonymously!

Then even illiterate, goat fucking pedophiles like Duna can figure out how to comment again and again on the same story, almost as though Lit's supposed attempt to prevent comment abuse does nothing and anons can do whatever they want.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Cant say Iliked this one

The male leads are a passive group and supposedly working in careers that are anything but passive.

Katein this story is supposed to be so heart broken that she immediately stops screw her sister's husband as well as her sister? An arrangement that had been going on at least seven years including the years she was actually married to our passive hero? It doesn't add up in the real world.

Also our passive hero sayshe can never get back with Kate supposedly because he cannot trust her to keep her legs together when out. Yet he can be friends with benefits, live with her, and engage in unprotected sex multiple times a week. Sounds as if he at least trusts her enough not to bring home sexual gifts that keep on giving for life... however short the life may become.

Sadly, our passive male lead is simply a wimp cuckold and that shall be his lot in this literary life.

Sadly, apparantly this is the only type of story wee WillyWolfe knows how to write.

Bonnie Tyler sang that she was "looking for a hero," a Superman if you will. To bad she will not find him in one of WillyWolfe's tales. All Willy knows is what it is to be mild mannered, niave, wimpy, ineffectual, and loser... lesser form of Clark Kent.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Frontlincaster is a cancer on this site !

Some Author who I can't recall at this moment ( could of been SSG or HDK or Qhml1), not sure, but came out and blasted Frontlinecaster by name ! I agree wholeheartedly ! Everyone likes to rail against Bonny/Vestie , but the real villain in LW genre these days is Frontlincaster !

This Troll should be shouted down everytime it sticks its ugly reptilian head up and hurls insults at posting Authors or Real live commentators, not other trolls like its self !

Harry in Va was/is a curmudgeon, but is actually a knowledgeable and learned one ! Several other commentators and a few Authors in this genre , in my opinion , take their selves way too seriously but not, I feel ,not to the purposed detriment of the category !

Frontlinecaster , in my estimation does ! It is a carbuncle on the derriere of this category !


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I liked the pacing and the often wry or pithy comments from the women....

...I was far less taken with the many, many spelling, grammatical and punctuation problems that plagued this story.

Instead of writing an apologetic paragraph at the beginning, why not put the extra effort into cleaning it up? It ain't rocket science, just clerical...something's preventing you from offering a fully worthwhile's denigrating to you that you don't care enough to clean it up and polish it before the showing....god, you wouldn't try to sell your house without a fair bit of sprucing and clean up, why not give the same logic a try with your literary efforts?

The rant is, one thing I especially liked, was that the characters acted and reacted in mostly human ways to events in the story. It might have been nice for the children to become more than one-dimensional window dressing or props, especially as they figured prominently in much of the decision-making after his discovery of Kate's nearly marriage-long adultery.

That he impregnated Holly was fun for me.

A few weeks after my divorce at 23, my two years younger ex-sister in law showed up at my apartment. I was, at first, pretty hostile, then morose. She worked her way into my living room and two hours later, was likely pregnant. She showed up three other times over the next 5 weeks, the last one looking haggard, but saying nothing but that she wanted to love me. We were very active together every time. The next morning she told me she was pregnant and was sure it was mine. I demurred, because she had been living with her boyfriend when my divorce came final. I hadn't known she'd dropped him several weeks before she showed up at my place. We got tests done that proved it was a healthy boy and mine. She moved in and we finally married on his second birthday. I'm not really up for "life partnerships" and the other "modern" excuses, even though she offered. I just had to get comfortable with a) being married again and, b) married into the same family.

It took a lot of convincing, because of her sister's betrayals, but she was the constant one and has been wonderful.

In any event, I feel strongly that if you make the baby, you must take responsibility and be a man about it. How you do it.....well, that's open to interpretation.

It's worked out OK so far for us.

We've been married for 16 years, have had two more, and by all accounts are still going strong. The ex moved to England when her sister announced her pregnancy, so it hasn't been too weird at dinner and during most holidays. And I'm not angry anymore.

rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago
reading this was an interesting experience

we were warned about it not being edited or proof read. part way in it was obvious, other than the spelling and grammar issues, the most frequent writing snafu was the repetition of the same phrase several times. in fact you repeated the same phrase several times. part way through the story I too wondered what she, an attorney, saw in him, a mere construction worker. especially when we learned he did not have a nine inch phallus.

my favourite character in the story? Gloria, she seemed genuine.

second most interesting aspect of the story?

the comments.

I find it fascinating to read comments written in responce to previous posts that are no longer there. lol

Willie: don't give up based on the comments, please try again, but having another person look over the material as a proof reader would help. it is almost impossible for the writer to catch their own errors. after all, you know what you intended to say.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

@Frontlincaster is a cancer on this site ! Anon

Somebody writes a bad comment that is a thing (the best example is Harry In Va) but to do FALSIFICATION to write a comment and to falsify another poster's name is the TOP and this shows the real nature of FRONTLINECASTER.

To like the humuliation stories a thing but to do falsification............


frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 8 years ago

Anons are a cancer on this site. All I'm doing is hoping to make Loving Wives unpalatable to assholes like you so you'll go away, or lit will shut it down. Either way works for me. And a /lot/ of authors call me out by name, so no idea what you're talking about, but apparently pointing out that the supposed 'best' authors in this section, the ones the anons vote up and spam comments supporting to make look popular, actually just write the same stories again and again and again, usually with rampant misogyny, violence, and a little dash of racism and homophobia thrown in for good measure gets people worked up.

Like poor Duna, who gets so worked up he gets himself banned like ani diot, then starts bragging about fucking ten year olds or goats or whatever it is he's into. Or poor Palewriter who has to tell me again and again and again how he's too good to respond to me and I'm just not worth his time, or the anons who are now writing erotic fanfic about me in comments because knowing I'm bi makes them want to imagine me having sex apparently. But then, all anons are cowardly, closeted wannabe cuckolds, so that doesn't surprise me.

luedonluedonover 8 years ago
Please, frontlinecaster

Lighten up a little. If you keep going on like this you'll become as obsessive as Duna. And give palewriter his due, he does seem to have stopped bothering to respond to your comments.


LickideesplitLickideesplitover 8 years ago
Voice Recognition problem

I will bet (fairly) big bucks that WW is using voice recognition software so he can dictate the tale and it is transcribed into an electronic format. That would explain the homophones and similar-sounding words (like 'were' and 'where') often get mixed up. I was an early user (of more limited versions) and found that the time to correct the results far exceeded the time it would take to just word-process (type) them from the git-go. A grammar-editor program will fix many (but not all) such problems. No G-E was used in this opus, for sure!

The characters were posed as Americans returning to the US from a Mediterranean cruise, but sounded much more like Brits (favour, doncha know). (Not a big grinch.)

Overall, it was an interesting read ... worth the time taken! Thanks, WW! BUT ... change your wayward ways about polishing your craft!

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 8 years ago

Lol, has he? Because literally yesterday he was still coming into threads to call me names and insult me (apparently implying I'm a woman is an insult in his mind, sort of like when he would call me a faggot before) when I commented on stories. I'm sure now he's going to show up to announce again how he is /soooo/ done and so over responding to me and how he has better things to do. Then he'll show up again later to say the same thing, and again, and again.

The whole time jacking off imagining sucking my cock, like most of the anons here do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

for bonnie/vastie and frontlinelittleshit. this is all you are going to accomplish. keep commenting and we'll keep rating 1*. AND YOU CAN'T DO SHIT ABOUT THAT.

Texas_Air_ForceTexas_Air_Forceover 8 years ago
Not fond of the ending

The husband is the only one that has come close to paying a price for all of the other people's cheating. Kate should have been treated like the town whore once the pics mysteriously popped up on the web, with every sleazebag hitting on her, saying they had seen her porn movie online. And, if Joe didn't post the video online, he should have definitely shared it when Kate was making up the Halloween story about being a slut. Can you imagine everyone's reaction when Joe pulled up the video on his phone? She would deserve for her manipulative plan backfiring on her.

The judge should have been professionally humiliated and resigned from the bench once every lawyer in town knew BOTH of his daughters are worthless whores.

As for the cheating brother-in-law, what should happen to him could be another entire story.

grabmyballsgrabmyballsover 8 years ago
Life is complicated

I can imagine this happening in someone's life, if not mine. You write a vivid story without a simple ending. I like it and will remember it.

rick_ohrick_ohover 8 years ago
Pretty good

But why was it so wrong for Joe to show Gloria the pictures?

ANd, I agree with one of the other commenters about polishing before posting. It helps to read the story, slowly, as if reading it aloud, to catch things that would otherwise be distracting.

Oh, one more thing. 5* to offset the haters.

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyover 8 years ago
Overall worth reading

Good enough to spend time reading. Where some edit issues but no problem to reading just gave a pause or two. Overall good story, well written characters. I can't ask more for the price - which is only my time. Please do keep writing - only way to get better. I will keep reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Waste of fucking time. Five fucking months after the divorce and his back fucking the whore, really... Waste of fucking time 1 star and if there was a lower rating ill give u that one too piece of shit

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I know, 5*

but please get your work edited, the spelling and grammar are appalling.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Against "The Poor Man of Nippur"


To write a provocation comment to do FALSIFICATION with writing my (first) Penname under the Anonymous comment I think shows WELL why the BTB revenge fantasy stories are so popular.

From the BC 2nd Millenia in Mesopotamia the "The Poor Man from Nippur" shows well.

Such NOT FAIR debate partner as Frontlinecaster I think he was against the ancient Mesopotamic Poor Man From Nippur...............


Mustang88LXMustang88LXover 8 years ago
Well done! 5*

Nice turnaround and Justice in the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

When did she tell her ex that she had broken off the 3 some? If she continued the 3-some after her wedding, why then break it off? Just because she was discovered--as then she could continue without fear?

ohyessssssohyessssssover 8 years ago

Actually, I liked the story. One thing I notice on most of these reconciliation stories is that the guy always takes her back because she seems to be kinda sorry, but definitely attractive and a whore in bed. They all seem to think with their little heads. Also, like in this story, he landed the beauty, but can't seem to even get a date once they divorce. Frankly, I seriously doubt that someone who cheated during the entire marriage, would be repentant. Just my observation on life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I echo "Bull frog"'s comment on your use of the English language. The story is in Joe's voice and Joe seems Pretty upper class in his interest in Italy (David and Pompeii) but his word usage, grammar and spelling are really low class. If you chose to use poor language usage to support Joe's character as a construction worker, it is very distracting and not quite true of a man with his interests. If you just don't know how to use the English language, you should use spell and grammar check in a good word processing program or use an editor.

OK story with distracting writing. But keep trying.

SampkyangSampkyangover 8 years ago

he is a chuck and so is stevie. joe in the end is the dumbest fool alive for sticking around, but it takes extremely weak people too. the world must turn and he helps average out good men.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Nice work

Good story. All these other comments are in left field. Good story, great sex. Wish he would have nailed the mother in law or had a three some with the sisters. Nice job

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 8 years ago
Lack of effort

"If you can get past the grammar and punctuation, would hope it is still reasonably coherent." I read it through and it was a difficult read. The "clunky style" was not as much of a problem as I expected. The problem is the grammar, spelling, tense, voice, etc. There are so many errors I can only conclude you are just too damn lazy to proofread. It's a shame you don't care more as it is not a bad story at all.

c24jc24jover 8 years ago
Good story

I really enjoyed this !! Now, if I had my druthers, Holly would have stayed more in the picture (I especially thought that might be the case because of the 'we love you' bit that Kate kept using), and Kate would know and accept that it was because of her actions that Holly would be an occasional tryst. And I wish the Judge would've seen the pictures and had to come to grips with what asswipes his rich buddies were . . . but that's just me.

Nicely done.

MartyMBMartyMBabout 8 years ago

Others have mentioned the writing style so I'll avoid talking about that. The story itself, though, was vague. I seems like a bunch of events were thrown together without a lot to unify the pieces. I know I'm being vague but I can't think of how to describe the issue. I just feel the story is sort of incomplete and needs the glue to hold the pieces better together. Sorry for not being clearer.

EddboyEddboyabout 8 years ago

i guess being cuckold for his entire first marriage just wasn't enough for him lol

RhomanovRhomanovabout 8 years ago

Felt like I was swimming in pudding. Plot wasn't bad rather the characters were presented as fairly juvenile.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I think Kate has done enough for Joe to remarried her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

cuck shit.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 8 years ago
Enjoyed it

An interesting tale.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Weird Story

The guy turns out to be a hypocrite...Divorce is just that. DIVORCE! Not friends with benefits.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

You know which commenters always say "cuck"?

Yeah. You guessed it.

The cucks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I am fine with reconciliation under the right circumstances.

Such as when there is a reckoning of retribution/punishment and/or some balance to the scales of betrayal/adultery.

One of if not the, biggest damages adultery does, is destroy trust.

However, that destruction does not have to be permanent.

The way you have wrote Kate's behaviour and actions, have given a distinct impression that trust can be rebuilt.

Over all, a good story. Scales were balanced. Maybe the wrapup should have included Holly finding a good man. A good solid 4

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Worth it



I DID JUST THAT. SHORT VERSION. PHIlandering wife who keeps cheating. She was college instructor and coerced student into sex. She facilitated false rumors about student, destroyed his rep cost him marriage. One of his friends believes in helping karma. Student gave friend cd with details-photos. She put online and sends everything to anyone who asks. I know because she sent everything to me

For 50 something grandma teacher is hot and extremely slutty and likes degrading sex

36Cs look real very good implants

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