Home Made Porno Ch. 12


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"It almost sounds like you regret getting into the movie." Susan said.

John shook his head.

"I don't regret it yet, but you guys have no idea what kind of pressure I'm under." John said.

Robert laughed.

"I'm sure that rehearsing a threesome with Amy and Julie will be really stressful for you." Robert said.

John shook his head and laughed.

"I can understand how you feel Robert because the thought of it is obviously really exciting, but put yourself in my shoes." John said.

Robert shook his head and smiled.

"There are days that I wish I could my friend; fucking three of my friends' wives with their consent. I've had a small taste of that myself and it's pretty sweet." Robert said.

Susan smiled; John shook his head.

"Remember how guilty you felt when you confessed to all of us that you two had gotten a little worked up while writing and the two of you had had sex?" John asked.

Robert nodded.

"Yes." Robert said.

"I've been with 3 other women so I feel that same kind of guilt several times over. Yes you, Tom, and Eric have given me your permission to be with your wives for the movie, but actually having sex with them sounds a lot easier than it really is Robert; just like making the movie in the first place sounded easier than it's turning out to be." John said.

"What's so difficult about it?" Robert asked.

"I'm having sex with your wife man...I'm having sex with Tom's wife...I'm having sex with Eric's wife; I'm a married man and you guys are my best friends; your wives are my friends too. Even though I have the permission of everyone involved there's always a part of my brain that's screaming 'STOP YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING THIS' when I'm with one of the girls." John said.

Robert and Susan both looked at John; surprised.

"I didn't realize you felt that way. I thought that you were 100% on board with this." Robert said.

John shrugged.

"I am 100% on board with doing the movie, but I'm not 100% okay with what we're doing. I've had sex with all 3 of your wives at this point so obviously I'm ignoring that voice saying 'STOP' but it's still there. The first few minutes with each of the girls was really difficult for me. Once things got going it was a lot easier, but those first few minutes were murder. It took all of my will power to get through the first few minutes with each girl. It's not that I didn't want to have sex with them or that I don't find them attractive; they're all sexy as hell and I was excited to have sex with them, but they're your wives...they're my friends...they're my wife's friends. It was really tough to get past that. It's going to be even worse when we start shooting." John said.

"Why would it be worse? I thought that you were having sex with the girls now so it would be easy to do on film." Susan said.

John nodded.

"We are, but there will be another element involved when we're filming though." John said.

Robert nodded.

"I suppose the camera could be a little intimidating." Robert said.

John shook his head.

"It's not the camera Robert; at first I was a little worried about having the cameras around, but now the thought of the camera being there doesn't bother me all that much. I might change my mind when we shoot the thing with me and Kelly, but right now they don't bother me." John said.

"If it's not the camera, what is it?" Susan asked.

"When we start filming the movie Tom, Eric, and Robert will all be in the room or wherever the scene takes place; running cameras, doing sound, and watching as I have sex with their wives. When I agreed to be in the movie I hadn't even considered that; now it's all I think about." John said.

"So you're nervous about how I'll react to seeing you with Amy?" Robert asked.

John nodded.

"Yeah man; I am. You've just told me that you've written a threesome involving me, Amy, and Julie into the story; how will you react to watching me have a threesome with your wife and another woman?" John asked.

Robert thought for a moment; he shook his head.

"I'll probably be insanely jealous and incredibly turned on while it's happening then I'll drag Amy from the room and fuck the hell out of her as soon as the scene is over." Robert said.

"Okay, but what happens if the jealousy that you feel is stronger than the arousal?" John asked.

Robert shook his head.

"I don't know John...I really don't know." Robert said.

John nodded.

"I don't either, and that worries me. I know that we all agreed to do this, but none of us thought it through at the time. I've had time to think it through now and while I'm still willing to do this and I'm still excited about doing it, I'm also concerned about the damage it could do to marriages and friendships." John said.

Susan smiled and put her hand on top of John's.

"It's good that you're worried about that John. If you weren't worried about what might happen it would mean that you don't value your marriage, your friends, or their marriages. The fact that you're worried about it is very reassuring to me and I'm sure that it would be for the others as well." Susan said.

Robert nodded.

"Absolutely; the fact that you're willing to admit that it bothers you that you're having sex with Amy means a lot to me. I agreed to let it happen so I'm not going to try to stop you, but it means a lot that part of you feels bad about it." Robert said.

"Maybe we should talk about this as a group on Saturday. I'm sure that we've all got concerns about the movie." Susan said.

"That would probably be a good idea. We can talk about our issues and decide whether or not to proceed with making the movie." Robert said.

John laughed.

"Do you really think that anybody is going to back out at this point? We're too far into this to stop now. We might have to make some arrangements to take care of some issues people are having, but we're making the movie." John said.

"I think you're right John. We're going to make the movie." Susan said.

"Well...we will if you two ever finish the damn script." John said.

Robert laughed.

"Susan and I have already arranged to get together Friday night after work to work on the script." Robert said.

"With the work we've done the past few days we think we're pretty close. At the very least we hope to have something around 95% done that we can show the rest of you on Saturday." Susan said.

John smiled.

"That's great." John said.

"Don't tell anybody about that though. We don't want to have people's hopes up and then not have it ready." Robert said.

John smiled.

"It sounds like Saturday is going to be busy. We're going to be talking about our issues with the movie, we're going to tell everyone about the shoot of me and Kelly out at the beach house, and you guys are going to give us all at least a preliminary script. We might have to watch a short porno so we'll have time for everything." John said.

Robert and Susan both laughed.

"It should certainly be an interesting night." Susan said.

After finishing their drinks they all headed home. Both Robert and Susan went straight to their computers to work on the script. John found Kelly waiting on him.

"So what did Robert and Susan want to see you about? Is the script done?" Kelly asked.

"As far as I know it's not done yet. They wanted to talk to me about my new scenes in the movie." John said.

"What? Why did they want to talk to you alone? Last time they talked to all 5 of us." Kelly said.

John shrugged.

"I guess they took my request for more scenes as more of a complaint than I intended it and they wanted to see if they'd done enough for me. I felt kind of like an ass." John said.

"You did have a point, you're the only man in a porno...you should have had more scenes. What did they add for you?" Kelly asked.

"There's a scene where Lisa and I are supposed to make love on the beach right at the water line late at night." John said.

Kelly smiled.

"That could be really sexy." Kelly said.

"Or we could end up with salt water in our noses and sand up our asses. The idea is cool though." John said.

"What else did they add?" Kelly asked.

"There was a scene they called the 'teenage wet dream' I think. You four are out on the deck topless to get some sun. I rub tanning lotion all over your bodies. From what they said it should be a very interesting scene for you." John said.

"Why's that?" Kelly asked.

John smiled.

"I'm supposed to finger you to orgasm in front of the other girls." John said.

Kelly's mouth dropped open.

"Oh my god! That's hot." Kelly said.

"I think I'll really like that one, but the hottest scene overall will probably be the threesome with me, Julie, and Amy that they added." John said.

Kelly smiled.

"So you've got a threesome with your wife and the shy girl, and now you've got a threesome with the two sluts?" Kelly asked.

John nodded.

"They both happen on the same day in the story too." John said.

"That's awesome." Kelly said.

"Yeah, the movie's really taking shape. If they'd just finish the damn script we could get started. Oh, we all agreed that we're going to have a discussion about our issues with the movie when we're all together on Saturday." John said.

Kelly nodded.

"That's a good idea. People have seemed a little tense lately." Kelly said.

John laughed.

"Mark, Susan, Robert, and Amy found a way to relieve some stress." John said.

"What do you mean?" Kelly asked.

"Apparently while Eric was over here talking to us Tuesday night, they were all at Robert and Amy's house...swapping partners." John said.

"Really?" Kelly asked.

"That's what they said." John said.

"I can understand that. Robert and Susan had already been together and Amy has been with you, me, and the other girls; poor Mark hadn't gotten anything extra. I'm sure he enjoyed himself." Kelly said.

John smiled.

"Having been with Amy...he definitely enjoyed himself." John said.

Robert and Susan both worked late on Thursday to complete parts of the script. They both went to work on Friday, but met at Robert and Amy's house after work on Friday to work on the script.

They both knew that they were getting really close and they were hoping to finish it in time to reveal it to everyone when they got together on Saturday. They put the latest scenes that they'd finished into the master file right away.

"You know; I think that's the last thing that we needed. I think that we're done putting the story together." Susan said.

Robert smiled.

"I think you're right. I made a list of all of the scenes that we wanted and I've been checking things off and we've got all of the scenes that I had written down. We should go through it page by page and make sure that we're happy with it, but I think we're done." Robert said.

Susan smiled.

"If we're able to get all the way through it tonight we really can print it out and surprise everyone when we're all over here for the barbecue tomorrow like we told John we were hoping to do." Susan said.

"They've waited long enough; at the very least we'll give them copies of what we've got and tell them that it's a first draft. We've got a lot to go through before we can do that though." Robert said.

Robert and Susan spent several hours going through the script line by line to make sure that they were happy with it. They got excited as they read their work. There were a few areas that they decided to change a little, but for the most part they were happy with it. When they got to the end of the script they looked at each other.

"Are you comfortable giving this to everyone?" Robert asked.

Susan nodded.

"I'm comfortable with it. Just because we give it to them doesn't mean that it's the final version. We should ask for their input on it and we'll ask for another two weeks to work out a few more things before we officially call it done. They've waited so long that we can't keep this from them now that it's complete." Susan said.

Robert nodded.

"I agree. In the morning I'll take the file over to the print store and make 10 copies of this so everyone can have a copy. We'll give them to everybody tomorrow afternoon." Robert said.

Susan smiled.

"I hope they like it; we worked really hard on it." Susan said.

Robert laughed.

"I was legitimately hard most of the time that we were working on it." Robert said.

Susan laughed and placed her hand in Robert's lap; she could feel his hard cock.

"I guess being all but finished with the script means that we're done with our special writing sessions." Susan said.

Robert nodded.

"I guess so. Even with what happened the other night we can't exactly expect Amy and Mark to be okay with us getting together when there's nothing left to write. That wouldn't be right; we'd be cheating on them at that point." Robert said.

Susan smiled.

"It's probably for the best; we had fun, but we both know that it was wrong." Susan said.

Robert nodded.

"It's something that happened because of the movie; it's not something that we would have done otherwise. It did lead to a wife swap where Mark fucked Amy...which was interesting." Robert said.

Susan smiled.

"I think they both deserved that after what happened." Susan said.

Robert nodded.

"Amy's going to be in the movie so she's been with John and the other girls, but what happened with Mark definitely helped ease the tension about you and me for Amy." Robert said.

"Maybe everyone will like the script so much that they'll ask us to write a sequel for it." Susan said.

Robert smiled.

"If they do ask us to write a sequel, I think that we'd have more than just 5 people in it. After the experience we've all had this time I think all 10 of us would muster up the courage to appear on screen in the sequel. I know that it has been torture for some of us." Robert said.

Susan smiled.

"That could actually prove pretty interesting; especially if we made it a true sequel. John and Lisa are already established as a married couple from this movie. We could hook the rest of you guys up with the other girls. Mark enjoyed being with Amy the other night, but I know that he has a thing for Julie so he'd probably like to play Heather's boyfriend." Susan said.

Robert smiled.

"I know that Eric would love to get his hands on Amy's breasts; he loves the implants so he could play Rachel's boyfriend." Robert said.

"That would leave the two of us and Tom and Kelly; how would we split that up?" Susan asked.

"I think that the others might accuse us of something if we wrote a script that made us a couple given our history." Robert said.

Susan nodded.

"You're probably right so you would be paired with Kelly and I'd be paired with Tom." Susan said.

Robert smiled.

"You know the best part about writing a porno like that? It wouldn't really matter who was paired with who as far as relationships go; we could find a way to have all 5 possible pairings of a man and a woman end up together...not to mention a 5 girl lesbian orgy." Robert said.

Susan smiled.

"I think that getting to fuck the other 4 husbands or wives would be a must to get some of them to agree to be in the movie. I know that Mark is incredibly jealous of John since he's getting to have sex with Julie, Lisa, and Amy in addition to his own wife. I told him that we could write him into the script and that the others would be fine with it, but he says he doesn't want to do that. He would have to have the chance to be with all 4 of the other girls if he were going to agree to be in it." Susan said.

Robert smiled.

"I can't say that I blame him for being jealous of John. You and I have been together several times while writing the script and it's been incredible; John is having sex with 3 other women instead of just one." Robert said.

"From what he said though it sounds like he's enjoying it, but he's also feeling a lot of pressure." Susan said.

Robert nodded.

"I can certainly understand that. When I took the time to think about it from his perspective I'm not sure how he's been able to maintain his sanity and composure. John's not in the same position that I am. Mark knows that we've been having sex, but he hasn't seen us together and he won't. When we shoot the movie I'm almost certainly going to be there when John has sex with Amy at the top of the stairs. Eric is going to be there when John has sex with Julie in the outdoor shower. Tom is going to be there when John has the love making scene with Lisa. Not only we be watching him have sex with our wives, Kelly will be there watching him have sex with other women too. That's a lot of pressure." Robert said.

Susan nodded.

"Hopefully he can handle it." Susan said.

"We're going to talk about everyone's concerns tomorrow; hopefully we can come up with some solutions that will make this process easier for everyone." Robert said.

Susan smiled and rubbed Robert's crotch.

"I think I might have to ask Amy if it's okay for one last fuck to celebrate our accomplishment." Susan said.

"I might say yes to that...assuming you loan me your husband when you're using mine." Amy said.

Robert and Susan turned and saw Amy standing in the door. Susan smiled.

"I think that could be arranged." Susan said.

"You guys finally finished huh?" Amy asked.

"We'll still want everyone else's input, but we've got a finished script." Robert said.

Amy smiled.

"Tomorrow should be fun then; we'll all finally get the script. I saw part of it the other night, but I'm excited to read the whole thing." Amy said.

To be continued...

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