Homecoming Queen


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Lisa smiles. "With pleasure."


Lisa and Nikki sit arm in arm on the sofa.

Nikki puts her head on Lisa's shoulder. "It's funny, in high school, everyone thought -- "

"We did kiss."

"A lot sometimes."

Lisa strokes Nikki's head. "We could have done more."

"I wasn't ready then."


Nikki kisses Lisa. They kiss for several minutes before Lisa pulls back. Nikki looks uncertain, then Lisa reaches out and puts her right hand on Nikki's left breast. Nikki looks at Lisa's hand, then leans forward with her lips open. Lisa kisses her and begins to caress Nikki's boob over her top.

They kiss a bit longer, until Lisa pulls back again. Lisa takes Nikki's right hand and puts in on her left titty. Nikki looks at her hand as Lisa smiles and resumes kissing. They sit kissing and fondling each other's mammaries until Lisa stops again.

"Tom will be back soon. If we're going to continue, we should take this to my room."

Nikki nods, as Lisa stands and draws Nikki to her feet. Lisa leads Nikki into her bedroom, closing the door behind them. They walk over to the bed and stop.

"Nikki, we don't have to do this if you don't want."

"I think I do want."

Lisa has Nikki sit on the bed then lightly nudges her shoulder to have her lie back. Lisa lifts on Nikki's legs and Nikki swings them onto the bed. Lisa les down next to Nikki on the bed, then pauses and looks at her. Nikki reaches up and pulls Lisa down into a kiss.

As they kiss, Lisa reaches down and unbuttons and unzips Nikki's jeans. Nikki has an embarrassed squirm but makes no effort to stop Lisa. Lisa gets a hand under Nikki's top moving up to Nikki's bra. She caresses Nikki's breast over her bra before slipping her hand under the bra.

As Lisa fondles Nikki's boob under her bra, Nikki pulls away and sits up. Lisa wonders if Nikki is ending it, then Nikki pulls off her top and throws it on the floor. She follows by unhooking her bra and throwing it on the floor too. Lisa then proceeds to take off her top and bra.

They resume kissing and Lisa strokes Nikki's bare bosoms. Nikki makes no effort to touch Lisa's titties, but that doesn't bother Lisa yet. After a while, Lisa moves down to kiss Nikki's mammaries, and then suck on the nipples. Nikki moans and grabs Lisa's head, but makes no attempt to stop her.

Lisa spends time moving back and forth between Nikki's boobs, kissing and sucking on them as Nikki continues to moan. After a while, Lisa slides further down, kissing her way down Nikki's torso. As she gets down to Nikki's waist, she starts to slip off Nikki's jeans.

Nikki has a sharp intake of breath, then Lisa lifts up on Nikki's hips. Nikki raises her hips from the bed and Lisa pulls down Nikki's jeans and panties. She gets them all the way off, then gently spreads Nikki's legs. Nikki begins to pant as Lisa nears her groin.

Lisa pauses and looks up at Nikki's face. Nikki bites her lip, then nods to Lisa. Lisa moves in, taking a deep whiff of Nikki's aroma. Nikki's labia have begun to spread and are already both wet and reddening. Lisa moves in and does a lick up the middle of Nikki's slit.

Nikki had been holding her breath and sharply exhales as Lisa begins to lick her pussy. She spreads her legs even wider and lifts her hips slightly to get even closer to Lisa's tongue. Lisa begins to lick even more eagerly as Nikki responds to her.

As Nikki's clit appears, Lisa sweetly assaults it causing Nikki to sharply gasp for breath through her moans. Nikki begins moving her hips more as Lisa begins fondling her ass as she licks Nikki's quim. Nikki cums with a shriek and lies twitching and moaning on the bed.

Lisa takes off her jeans and panties as Nikki returns to earth, then moves back up partly lying on Nikki as she returns to kissing her. As Nikki recovers, she begins kissing Lisa back and rubbing her hands up and down Lisa's back, even running down over her ass.

Nikki pauses her kissing and looks at Lisa. "Can I do you now?"

"I was hoping you would."

Lisa rolls off to lie beside Nikki on the bed. Nikki is tentative, but kisses Lisa while reaching out for one of her breasts. As she puts her hand on Lisa's tit, she stops and looks at Lisa who smiles at her. Nikki begins to caress that titty and she slides down to kiss the other.

Lisa closes her eyes as she speaks. "That's right, love."

Nikki just holds the one mammary while orally ministering to the other one. After a while, Lisa gently nudges Nikki over to kiss and lick the other boob. Nikki spends time in adoration of Lisa's breasts before taking a pause and looking at Lisa.

"Would you go down on me? Please, Nikki."

"I'm not sure what to do."

"Lick and touch. Whatever you manage will be fine."

Nikki looks uncertain, but moves down Lisa's body until she reaches her nether parts. Nikki moves in and places a delicate kiss on Lisa's vulva. At first she seems startled by the aroma and taste, then begins to assault it more eagerly.

Nikki brings Lisa to a nice orgasm before moving back up to lie beside her. "I hope that was okay."

"That was lovely."

Lisa pulls Nikki to her and they pull up the covers and drift off to sleep, as they hear Tom returning to the house.


Nikki prepares to leave. Nikki is fully dressed. Lisa wears a long tee as a nightshirt.

"Thank you for letting me stay."

Lisa laughs, and kisses Nikki. "The pleasure was mine."

"Not all yours, I enjoyed it too."

Lisa has a mock pout. "Aren't you worried about what all the other boys and girls will think?"

"My own kids and grandkids don't seem to mind, though they were a little surprised."

"Given that I've got some folks who want to send me to prison, and others who want to kill me, I don't know what our long term prospects are."

Nikki moves close to Lisa, putting her hands on Lisa's hips. "Like they say, at my age I don't even buy green bananas."

Lisa hugs Nikki, then looks at her. "Let's enjoy what we can, while we still can."

"I have a few responsibilities still, but I'll be back this evening."

Lisa smiles and they kiss. "I hope so.


Skip updates Lisa at the house. "We have scattered reports."

"So we feel real sure the person is still in the area."

"He's slick and hard to track."

Skip shows Lisa a map with several spots marked in red on it.

Lisa shakes her head. "If I wanted, I could still be hiding, but I never wanted to hurt anyone."

"You really didn't know anything about that bomb?"

"I'd never have been there if I did. I hated violence even more than I hated the war."

Skip stands up straight, looking stern. "I still don't like you or your politics."

"Do us both a favor and catch the bastard."

"With pleasure."


Rachel updates Lisa. Rachel sits on the sofa, as Lisa paces. "I've asked for a review of the evidence of Richard Jaworsky's death, and also asked for a review of the fingerprint files."

"You're still not sure then?"

Rachel shakes her head. "We know something was misidentified. Without a comprehensive review, we can't be sure if it was the body or the fingerprints."

"The body was misidentified."

Rachel looks up from some documents, surprised. "Why are you so sure?"

"I saw Richard about two years after the ROTC blast."

Rachel looks puzzled. "You sound pretty sure that your friend would turn against you."

"He was never my friend. I was someone he could use in his protests."

Lisa sits in an adjacent chair.

Rachel has a cynical expression. "Which you seemed quite happy to do."

"I thought we had similar objectives. I was wrong. I wanted to end war and violence between nations and people. I wanted justice and peace, nonviolently. He was perfectly happy to use violence against those he opposed."

"And yet you participated."

"It was only with the bombing that I understood how violent he was."

Lisa leans back and shakes her head.

"There are those who said violence must be opposed with violence."

Lisa leans forward. "I never felt that way - not then and not now."

"You sound sincere."

"You sound surprised."


That evening, Lisa talks to Tom. "I'm going out for a while."

"I'm not sure that's wise. Your driver's license isn't even in your right name."

Lisa laughs. "It's not like they want to issue me one in my right name."

"What's up?"

Lisa walks toward the door.

"Nikki asked me to meet her somewhere."

"I could drive you. That way you have no license problems."

Lisa frowns. "She asked me to come alone. Something very personal."

"Did she say what it was?"

Tom looks out the window to see if anyone is there.

"She texted me - just where and when."

"Don't you think that sounds a little strange?"

"Is there any part of my life that hasn't been strange?"

Tom hugs Lisa.


Lisa drives up to a warehouse on the edge of town. Lisa gets out of a car. She looks puzzled.

Lisa looks all around before walking over to a door.

She turns the knob and the door opens.

There is a dim light visible inside. Lisa enters, closing the door behind her.

Lisa looks around the warehouse which is dimly lit.

Richard steps out of the shadows. "Well, if it isn't my old comrade, Lisa."

Lisa snarls. "Screw you."

Richard points a gun at Lisa. "It wasn't that hard tracking down your little girlfriend."

"Where is she?"

"Safe, in another part of the building."

Lisa is puzzled. "Why the hell didn't you just stay underground. The FBI thought you were dead."

Richard leans against a pallet of boxes. "But you knew better."

"They had no interest in you. All they wanted was to lock me up for your damned bomb."

"And it was in your interest to rat me out along with Hal, in order to save yourself."

Lisa shakes her head. "They would have liked to get Hal, but needed more than just me to do that."

"They get you to take down Hal, and the two of you would take me down."

Lisa takes a step toward Richard.

He had let the gun point away from her, but quickly points it back at Lisa.

"All you did was make sure they're going to chase you and take you down."

Richard sounds cocky. "I got away from them before. Besides, I'm saving them a lot of trouble. They won't have the pain and expense of prosecuting you."

"I want to see Nikki."

"I could give you a chance to say goodbye - after you give me your phone."

Lisa reaches in a pocket and pulls out a cell phone.

Richard takes it from her and pulls out the battery.

He throws the phone and battery on top of a pallet. "Back in to your right."

Richard waves the gun to direct her.

Lisa moves the way he pointed with Richard behind her.

Lisa enters an office, where Nikki is bound with tape.

Richard comes in the office behind Lisa.

Lisa walks to Nikki, and helps her to her feet.

Lisa hugs Nikki, then gently removes the tape from her mouth.

Nikki kisses Lisa.

Lisa begins to remove the tape from Nikki's hands.

Richard is angry. "Stop that. I didn't say you could do that."

"I'm who you want, not her."

Lisa finishes removing the tape.

Richard steps toward them. "You don't think I'm going to leave a witness behind, do you?"

"An asshole like you? Probably not."

"Look, bitch. I helped you hide, which gave you freedom for the last fifty years."

"And your damned bomb stole fifty years out of my life."

Richard is smugly dismissive. "I think they call it collateral damage."

"I'd never have been there if I'd known what you were going to do."

"That's why I never told you or your girlfriend. At best you'd have dropped out and at worst ratted me out to the pigs."

"Just kill us and get it over with."

Richard gestures with the gun. "You on one side, your girlfriend on the other."

Lisa steps to one side. Nikki, almost in tears, moves the other way.

Richard steps toward Nikki.

Lisa grabs a metal bar nearby.

She steps toward Richard and swings the bar at his head.

He's hit with a glancing blow which surprises him.

Richard turns with the gun toward Lisa.

Nikki lunges toward Richard, knocking him off balance.

Lisa grabs at the gun pointing it away from herself as Richard fires the gun.

The gun skitters across the floor.

Lisa tries to get to the gun.

Richard grabs her ankle and pulls her down.

Nikki grabs the metal bar Lisa had and hits Richard in the head.

He hangs onto Lisa, who turns and kicks him.

Nikki tries to get the gun, but Richard trips her up and she knocks the gun under a desk, out of reach.

The two women turn and fight with Richard.

Richard knocks Nikki to one side, then goes for Lisa.

He is off balance and Lisa kicks him, doubling him over.

The two women dash from the office.

Richard staggers over and retrieves the gun from under the desk before following the women.

Lisa and Nikki get back near the entrance, where Richard disabled Lisa's phone.

Lisa puts the battery back in the phone.

She dials the phone. "This is Lisa Powell, I'm at a warehouse, near"

Richard appears with a gun pointed at Lisa.

She stops talking.

"Put the phone down and back away."

Lisa puts the phone down and steps back.

Richard goes to the phone and again takes the battery out.

While he is partly distracted with the phone, Lisa lunges at Richard, knocking him off balance.

The gun goes off again and Lisa fights Richard for control of the gun.

Richard is stronger and slowly points the gun closer toward Lisa.

Before he can shoot Lisa, the door opens and Rachel comes in with several other FBI agents.

Richard sees them and tries to grab Lisa and point the gun at her.

Lisa bites Richard's arm.

When he tries to get free of her bite, she rolls away from him.

Richard tries to aim the gun at Lisa, but is shot by Rachel.

Lisa scrambles to one side and grabs Nikki.

Lisa and Nikki hug as Rachel the other agents handcuff Richard.


Lisa and Tom talk to Rachel and Paul, the US Attorney in the FBI office.

Rachel smiles. "We have your commitment to testify against Richard Jaworsky?"


Tom looks at the US attorney. "What consideration do we get for that?"

Rachel sits back, and has a small smile before returning to a solemn demeanor.

Paul speaks. "I spoke to my boss, and made it clear the danger you were in and how you had cooperated."

"The wire gave you most of what you needed."

"And we've all reviewed what was recorded."

Paul waves some papers.

Tom leans forward. "So you know Lisa had no prior knowledge of that bomb."

Rachel frowns. "She's still guilty of breaking and entering, vandalism, flight to avoid prosecution, and being an accessory."

Lisa looks peeved. "And I'm also cooperating with you to help you nail the real guilty person."

Paul leans forward. "What do you think you should get?"

Tom has a cynical look. "Probation, in return for a plea. Look she led an exemplary life while in hiding."

"Which is exactly why we could never find her."

Tom gestures. "That, her assistance, and testimony should be worth something."

Paul shakes his head. "I'll drop the murder charges, flight to avoid prosecution, and accessory."

Lisa sighs and slumps in her chair. "Then I plead guilty to vandalism and breaking and entering."

Tom points at Paul. "With your recommendation for a suspended sentence and probation."

Paul replies. "Done."

Rachel smirks. "Your old friend Hal has decided not to run for governor."


Lisa and Nikki sit on the sofa at Tom's house.

Nikki shakes her head. "Even with the charges dropped, most of the people here won't forgive you."

Lisa strokes Nikki's head. "I don't have to stay here, but want to be close enough to visit my mother for whatever time she has left."

"You're not planning to stay with your brother?"

"His wife has largely forgiven him, but still doesn't want me under the same roof."

Nikki squirms. "My place is about 25 miles away - a little less toxic."

Lisa kisses Nikki. "No promises, but if you're good with that, we could try it."

Nikki kisses Lisa. "I'd like that."

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NoLongerAnonNoLongerAnon5 months ago

A good read, and a refreshing change to read a story told in short scenes.

NYBossNYBoss6 months ago

Thoroughly enjoyable

metroalmametroalma6 months ago

What a trip down memory lane! The 70's were a little breath of fresh air, but depending on where you were, so time period well captured. Don't see Skip the child molester as Sheriff, but stranger things, esp in rural areas.

MigbirdMigbird6 months ago

Initially crafted as a screenplay and that shows in the well crafted/well paced dialogue; sometimes sassy, sometimes poignant and a touch melodramatic in places. Liked very much the scenes from different moments in Lisa’s life. I enjoy reading as well as seeing plays; you captured well elements of the 60s and 70s. You must be a fan of Dame Maggie Smith — age and green bananas — fun movie/great actor.

Nicole2023Nicole20236 months ago

This was very good Jackie ty

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