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The morning arrived and I still lay in bed staring at the ceiling. My eyes glanced at the door regularly. I wasn't sure what she was looking for the night before. She started to stir. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I could tell she was awake, but she didn't move except to pull herself closer to me. We remained that way for several minutes until she got out of bed and headed out of the bedroom and into the guest bath. It seemed like she had kind of taken over that space for her purposes leaving the master bath solely to me. I was fine with that arrangement, therefore had done nothing to dissuade her.

The moment she left the bedroom, I was up and getting myself ready. We still had a couple hours before her first appointment. After finally getting dressed I went to the front door. The knife was still on the floor where it fell the night before. I picked it up and rinsed it off in the kitchen before wiping it down with a dish towel and placing it back in the knife block on the counter. I didn't want her immediately reminded of what happened as soon as she was out of the bathroom. Her appointments were enough to deal with without that distraction. I decided that I wasn't going to bring it up until after we were back home for the day.

Jessica emerged dressed professionally with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. I'd seen her hair in a braid when I first met her, but she seemed to prefer to let it hang naturally. This didn't look like the same woman who was recently sleeping outdoors behind dumpsters, huddled over a tiny firepit, and wearing four layers of clothing to try to keep warm. She now wore a subtle amount of makeup, which I had never seen on her. She had applied a hint of blush and a matte lipstick color a little darker pink than her normal hue. I didn't know anything about any of that, so if she had put more on I couldn't tell. She had on some simple silver looking stud earrings and a delicate silver chain bracelet. None of it was over the top. She seemed to want to keep the flashiness to a minimum.

"Please don't let Pops rub all over me. I don't want cat hair sticking to me during my interviews."

"I don't think he's even woken up yet. Last I saw he was at the foot of the bed curled up and sleeping."

She sat at the table and gathered her things into a small purse. I passed by her and went into the kitchen.

"Did you want anything to eat?"

"No. I'm too nervous to eat right now. Maybe after the first interview. We'll see."

She stared at me for a moment before gesturing to the chair next to her at the table.

"I think we should talk a little bit about last night." she said a little apprehensively.

I had planned on waiting, but she seemed to feel the need to get it out of the way. I sat down as she started talking, her words coming out all in a rush.

"I've stayed a few places where I thought I was safe, but turns out I would have been better off sleeping on a park bench. A couple times I've woken up to someone trying to get at me. Once it was just some druggie in an abandoned building I was squatting in for the night, and I guess I had taken his spot. Another time I was in a dead end alley and some horrible, weird old guy was trying to corner me. I honestly think he was trying to hurt me. If it hadn't been for my box cutter, I'm not sure I'd still be alive today. I don't know what woke me up last night. I don't know if it was a flashback, or a dream, or just some noise outside, but for some reason I thought I was in danger again. Then when you showed up behind me, I thought I was dead. I'm sorry about the knife. I just need you to know I'd never intentionally try to hurt you."

"I'm glad to hear that. I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that, but maybe next time you should just wake me up and let me check the house."

Jessica nodded her acknowledgment of my request.

"Also if you don't mind, I'll handle the knives for a little while. Intentional or not, that could have ended very badly for one of us."

I got her back on track for focusing on her upcoming appointments, and we finally left the house in order to be the first one a little early. If you went early and things went wrong she could still be on time, but it was really a bad sign to be late. Granted, this was a temp agency and not the actual business she'd be working at, but every little bit helped when job hunting. We got there quickly and I stayed in the SUV. I let her know to text me if she needed anything.

"Wish me luck." she said as she got out and headed for the door.

She was gone a little over an hour. I wasn't sure how long a simple interview should last, but it was longer than I expected. When she came out the look on her face told me that she thought it went well.

"They had me do several tests to "assess my skills", but I think I nailed it. The woman I was interviewed by said she had a couple of places in mind for me. Both were for administrative assistants which I've done before. I'm not sure if that's what I want to do again though. She's supposed to call me in a couple of days to let me know what she's got."

"It's good to keep your options open. Even if it's not what you want to do long term, you can always get something until you find something better."

The other interview was farther away and we had a little less than an hour to be there. We headed right over just in case there was traffic or we couldn't find it right away. We made it in plenty of time and I checked the map for nearby food joints.

"Eat now or later?"

"Later. I'm still a little nervous and I don't want to spill anything on myself. I'm kind of a clutz sometimes."

Jessica headed inside again, seemingly a little more confident than last time. Once again it took longer than expected, but I had my phone and entertained myself until she returned.

"I think this one went better than the last. I did more tests again. It seems kind of standard for these places. They offered an immediate start at a couple of different warehouses. Otherwise they said they'd see what was available in other fields."

"So your first options are warehouse work or admin assistant. Which one would you rather do?"

"I've done both, and they both have their ups and downs. Warehouse work is less of a formal environment, but can be rough depending on the job. The admin assistant jobs could put me working for a dick. I wouldn't be there long if that happened. It can also involve long and odd hours, but the pay is usually better and the job itself usually isn't very labor intensive."

"Sounds like you've got some opportunities to think about. That's pretty good for your first two tries. But the warehouse work was ready to go. The others you'll have to wait to hear back about. Do you know anything specific about the warehouse jobs?"

Jessica opened up a folder of paperwork she now had and looked it over, reading it to me as I drove towards home. She rattled off the name of the business and the address, which I knew nothing about. The second warehouse she told me about made me laugh out loud.

"What's so funny?"

"That's where I work." I admitted.

"We'd be working together?"

"In the same building, yes. But I'm security, you'd be a warehouse temp. I don't even work for the warehouse itself. My company is contracted to provide security services for the site."

"Well, it'd be easy to carpool."

"Not necessarily. You might work different days or get placed on a different shift altogether."

"Well, between the two I'm kind of leaning towards the office jobs anyway."

"Good. I like this look on you. The warehouse people I work around tend to be slobs. But for now, you'll have to wait and see what they say when they call you back."

We got home, all the while discussing the temp service jobs and other opportunities. I encouraged her to keep applying to places where she would prefer to work at, not just grab any job that would hire her. We went to my desktop computer in the office and looked over her job searches. I steered her towards a couple job posting sites to narrow down what she actually wanted to do for work.

There were certain jobs that she was almost guaranteed to get easily but flatly refused to work. Gas stations, fast food, delivery driver, debt collections, and call centers were quickly added to the list. Jessica didn't mind the waitressing jobs she had done in the past, but had a few bad experiences with shady management practices and toxic work environments. So that was added to the list as well.

We came to a stopping point, both deciding we were done for the day with all that. Jessica changed into pajamas earlier than normal, probably just to get out of the more formal attire. Even though it wasn't even dark out, I was falling asleep on the couch. I was wiped out from the excitement the night before, followed by the lack of sleep. I decided to bid her good night and got ready for bed. I was asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up while it was still dark out but the lamp on Jessica's nightstand was on, though the light was dimmed to barely shine past the bed. Looking over at the clock, it was a little after midnight. I found myself on my back with Jessica in her new spot, on her side up against me, with her head on my chest and my arm wrapped around her. Her arm ran diagonally down over my stomach but her hand was resting on my groin. My mind might have just woken up, but my body had already responded. I was as hard as iron and straining against the confinement of my underwear. I thought she was awake and that she knew that I was no longer sleeping either. Her fingers trailed up and down the fabric. I sighed lightly at her touch. She didn't say anything, but just continued lightly rubbing me through the only piece of clothing I wore. She continued that for a few minutes before slipping her hand under my waistband, making contact with my bare skin. I pulled her more tightly against me, unsure of why she was doing this, but also unsure if I should stop her or let her keep going. Her fingers wrapped around my circumference, keeping her touch light. It was like she was trying to tame a horse. No sudden, fast movements to spook the animal. Just slow, calm, and steady so they would learn to trust the trainer.

"Is this okay with you?" she asked softly.

When I didn't answer she began moving my underwear out of the way for easier access. My lack of response was apparently as good as acceptance. Her hand resumed its movements as she started kissing my chest, heading upwards until she brought herself face to face with me. Her lips pressed against mine as if asking permission. They were soft and as she pressed them to mine a tingle ran down me. I was unsure what to do. I kissed her back, though my mind was still thinking that I should stop this. Jessica released her grip on my tool and moved her leg over and slid her entire body to lay on top of me. It was then I registered that she had no clothing on at all. Her foot caught the waistband of my underwear, lowering them even further. I helped by kicking them completely off. We were still kissing as she reached between us and regained her grip on me. I felt her guide my swollen tip up and down her damp opening, which was getting more slippery with each pass. I pulled my mouth away from hers to finally stop what we were doing, but she put a finger across my lips to stop me from talking.

"Shush." she whispered. "Just let me do this."

She pressed her mouth back against mine, cutting off my halfhearted effort to prevent this from going further. Her fingers guided my hardness as she started to slide herself downward onto me. I groaned as I first entered her. It had been over a year since my last intimate contact, and even then I don't remember wanting it as much as I did with what was happening now. She lowered herself a little more, softly whimpering into my mouth. My hands had been holding her waist, but they started running up and down her back before hugging her tightly to me. I let her do what she wanted, though it's not like I wasn't a willing participant. She raised herself to sit upright, looking down at me from above with her arms holding her up and her hands on my chest for support. She slowly lowered herself more and more until there was no more space between us. Her mouth was slightly open as she moaned. Her hair had fallen around her face, framing it as she watched me. I couldn't recall ever being turned on so much by any other woman. I ran my hands upwards from the top of her legs, up her sides, and moved inwards to cup her breasts.

Jessica had always worn bulky and oversized clothing, which left me clueless to what she actually looked like. The exception was her pajamas, which weren't exactly form fitting either, and the plaid designs seemed to hide her features. Even the outfit for her interviews was loose and intended to blend in rather than distract. Now for the first time I was able to see her; all of her. She only stood around five and a half feet tall so I normally towered over her, except for now. Her breasts were on the small side of medium, but fit her frame nicely. Giant cartoonish chest blobs were just not overly attractive to me anyway. Her hips flared out and her thighs were a little thick, but she was an all around attractive woman.

I let my hands roam freely and she made no objections. She was soft, warm, and inviting, and for whatever reason she had decided that this was a good idea. Jessica unhurriedly moved up and down on top of me. I sat up and we kissed again, our tongues playing tag and neither of us were losing. I wrapped my arms around her and lay back, bringing her down with me. I enjoyed her on top over me, but I wanted to feel her skin against mine so I held her tightly to me. We lay there quiet and unmoving for a few minutes, enjoying each other's bodies in such close proximity. She finally raised up above me again with a mischievous look on her face. She grabbed my wrists and held them down against the mattress by my head, leaning forward and putting her weight into her actions. I pushed against her acting as though I was struggling, but did not put any real effort into the fight. I simply didn't want to win.

"Well, well, well. What do I do with you now?" she said with an evil little grin.

"I guess whatever you want."

"I know exactly what I want."

Jessica watched me as she started slow, teasing movements. She would raise herself up almost completely off of me before sinking back down. I would groan in exasperation at her toying with me. She was enjoying her little game and seemed to love the control she had. She wasn't the only one. She moved faster while still holding me down. I was unable to keep quiet as she rode me. My moans spurred her on to roll her hips with increasing intensity. I wasn't used to being a passive participant. I had always enjoyed the cardio that accompanied being an active partner. My heart still pumped faster when she did these things though. I wanted to prolong her activity, but she now seemed intent on not giving me that choice. I was close and she could see it written on my face. She didn't slow or stop. She actually increased her efforts.

"Slow down! I'm almost there!" I whispered harshly.

"Mmm hmm, I know."

"I'm gonna cum!" I warned.

"Yes you are."

"You need to stop!"

"Not a chance."

I was right at the edge and there was no going back. Jessica obviously knew it, and it wasn't that she didn't care, she was hastening it. She let go of my wrists and lay forward on top of me. My hands immediately grabbed her ass and pulled her hard against me as I lost control. She kissed me hard as I unleashed a year's worth of sexual neglect as far into her as my cock would reach. I was groaning during my release and she pressed tight to me until I was completely spent. I was almost purring in contentment like the cat would. I couldn't help but sigh over and over as my breathing and heartbeat were trying to return to normal. I wished we could have simply fallen asleep there and then in that position.

"Mmmm. I enjoyed that." Jessica murmured as she slid off of me and onto the bed at my side. " I'm pretty sure you did too."

I turned on my side to face her as she rolled onto her back. I leaned over to kiss her this time...slowly, softly, and gently. My hand ran down her neck and down her cleavage. I paused the expedition south to cup her breast and run my fingers lightly around one before moving to the other. Her light gasp was encouragement enough to continue. I gently rolled her now hardened nipples between my fingers one at a time as my lips trailed down to join in on my fun. I ran my tongue over her other nipple, causing more sounds in her throat. As I planted kisses and dragged my playful tongue along her peaks, my hand wandered farther. I brushed over her stomach and grazed my hand down her thigh. I stopped at her knee, moving it aside to open her up to my attentions. Back up her inner thigh I traveled. My mouth was still eliciting soft moans from above, and I was happy to continue as long as she enjoyed it. My fingers reached where her legs met, and I lightly trailed along the skin around her cleft, making sure to avoid direct contact. I was sure she thought she knew what was coming next, so instead I trailed my hand down the opposite leg, upsetting her expectations. I lightly stroked behind her knee which produced more sounds of pleasure from her.

I finally moved up and cupped her mound with my palm, gently rubbing her until I was done with teasing her like she had done with me. My fingers rubbed her outer vaginal lips which were still wet and swollen from our previous activity. She sighed as I ran my fingers across her, sliding easily to rub her inner folds as well. My fingers opened her up and ran up and down her entire cleft. I brought my head back up to hers and kissed her again just as I reached the top of her vulva and gently rubbed her clit. She moaned loudly and slightly jerked as if she had received an electric shock. I only did that for a second before moving back downward. Her hand was on my back, encouraging me to do more. I slid two fingers into her briefly, coating them with our combined juices, then went back up to caress her pleasure nub once more. She jolted slightly again at my touch, but this time my hand remained. I rubbed her in little circles and she moaned loud. Her short fingernails still managed to claw into the flesh of my back. I winced at her reaction, but kept rubbing slowly and steadily. She shivered slightly and she pulled her head back and moaned some more.

"OOhhh yes!" she hissed.

I had found her spot, and wasn't about to let her get away unscathed. She had gotten what she wanted, and now I demanded retribution. I still rubbed slowly, but a little harder now. That didn't get any more reaction, so I lightened my touch and rubbed her a little faster. Her nails dug in again meaning I had found her weakness. Short high pitched whines and moans were pulled from her throat. She arched her back a little and tried to pull away for a break. I didn't stop, but did slow my fingers to a crawl for a minute before ramping up again. She was back and forth between gasping and moaning depending on my chosen speed. I slowed way down again, giving her a chance to catch her breath.

"Say you're sorry." I prompted.


"Say you're sorry."

"For what?"

"For teasing me earlier."

"Nope. You deserved it, and I'd do it again." she laughed.

"Okay, you had your chance."

I still kept my touch light but sped up again, setting her off on another long, loud whine. I would let her build before denying her finish, then I would start again. All too soon she relented.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Oh please, I'm so sorry!" she begged.

I didn't torture her any longer. I rubbed her how I had discovered she couldn't resist. She seemed right at the edge, but this time I didn't let up.