All Comments on 'Honey, We Have to Talk'

by RLmann

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chytownchytownabout 8 years ago

For the read.

laptopwriterlaptopwriterabout 8 years ago

I have agree, a year is a long time. I assume he wasn't having sex with her during that time.

Still a cute story.

tazz317tazz317about 8 years ago

while his duckies were perfectly aligned, TK U MLJ LV NV

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 8 years ago

Why did he wait a year? Oh well. He's now free of a cheating cunt wife. He can make up the sex with his new love.

Five Stars

kjohns2001kjohns2001about 8 years ago
Why did he wait?

Why did he wait? Possibly so he would have enough video to use as blackmail so she wouldn't put up a fight. I can understand him not wanting to kill the mother of his children, because that would hurt them. Of course if there were no children to consider I think killing the cheating slut would have been better. Just saying.

SlipperySaddleBumSlipperySaddleBumabout 8 years ago
* * * *

After the divorce is final, he should send the video link to EVERYONE.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
So all it takes is a divorce?

Then it's a good story? It was a plot my 15 year old son could have written. Just nothing.

impo_61impo_61about 8 years ago
A good story and to the point...

A good story and to the point...Just a question: Why did she had to work in the bar? For a year she was a whore...why not take the chance to keep going being one and earning her money with it? 3*

hansbwlhansbwlabout 8 years ago

A video camera in a pendant, how will that take worth while video of her???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

a person with morals this story was great, to the person with the 15 year old son hopefully he will piss on you and your sicko mind when he gets the fuck away from you.

SeeingEyeSeeingEyeabout 8 years ago
Doesn't make sense

If the pendant is around her neck, shooting outwards, she actually won't be in any of the shots. Just her partner. No one would know it was her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
It really is completely unbelievable on several points...

First, pendent would only do a POV of the Johns. Which if released - at least one of them will deal with hubby. Second, but really more serious is the illegal nature of releasing the videos. Unless you have a signed models consent from BOTH parties, this is illegal in every state and will get your a$$ sued off and in jail. Not to mention that turning a consensual encounter into a public porn video is illegal in many states in general and without proper documentation in most - meaning additional jail time on that alone. There is also civil grounds based on invasion of privacy, the list goes on and on. Nice FANTASY but down side would be not be worth the risk. Believe me, kids would side with mom due to public embarrassment. (I was injured party but when I outed her, daughter and son said I was needlessly cruel to mom, have not heard from them or seen grandchildren in 12 years, ex is there daily I hear.) Dad would be broke and in jail for a long stint IF he were not already beaten to death.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
non erotic

Non Erotic stories should be posted in NON EROTIC.

CrkcpprCrkcpprabout 8 years ago
Retro LW story

Well this was like taking a trip down LW memory lane.

If you're like myself and, on average , only about one out of every 15 to 20 new postings in this category is in your enjoyment range , then you certainly spend a lot of time in the archives. Thank God that we have them !

This story could have been from circa '05 to '06ish , when this category changed from the Hotwife/ Voyeur category to what it is today. ( I am certainly thankful of that change , or else I wouldn't be a loyal Literotica visitor now.

People are constantly bemoaning the same old plot lines now , just carry your happy little Ass back to the beginning of Literotica in this category. Yes it was a virtual Cornucopia of diverse story lines, NOT ! 95% plus stories of that era were cookiecutters of the same old Hotwife/swinger/Voyeur storylines. Swingerjoe , luedon , lex1 and the rest of the gang would have been in heaven ! ( note I didn't mention FLC , that twerp would have been bitching and throwing a hissy fit no matter what!)

So thank you RLmann , for making me nostalgic this morning.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
this is erotic as hell, that woman deserved even less

after all dead wives tell no lies

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
To those commenters with long memories....

SwingerJoe thinks it has been long enough that people have forgotten about his OTHER pen name here for Literotica. This is the name he uses when he purposefully writes a sub par story, and hopes that based on "subject matter" alone, the story will still score high marks, despite being OBVIOUSLY flawed. The flaws, like in this one with the 'super-spy" pendant camera, are a ploy to see if the same commenters who always pan stories for their lack of realism IGNORE it when the subject concerns a stupid wife getting burned in an inevitable divorce. This story has one purpose ONLY. To prove that LW commenters are misogynist. That way, he and his good buddy FLC can sit back and laugh at all the dopey idiots that they managed to fool, and feel some measure of justification when they rant and rave in the comments of other stories written by REAL authors that contribute their honest best efforts at entertaining the LW masses.

What bothers me the most is the hypocracy, and the insult to our collective intelligence.

Even SwingerJoe's alias here is meant to be a slap in the face as he parodies what he views as the typical LW reader. RLMann......."Real Man". (as in He-Man Women Hater's Club)

I can hear his contemptuous snort of derision as he mockingly scribbles out another POS one pager in less than 10 minutes.

"here's another one for the 'real men' of LW..." *SNORT*

"may be it will actually score over 4 stars?!?!"

If any story deserves a one bombing, than it is this one, or any other by RLMann.

Because if you see it here, it was meant to be a social experiment only, where the butt of the joke is the reader, and most of us aren't even in on it.

Sorry SwingerJoe, had to call you out here, but this kind of shit really bothers me.

If I find that you have deleted this comment to protect your "secret", then I will know how much of a scared little pussy boy you really are. I mean reading comments from you over the last few years, we already KNOW, but these actions will only reinforce that knowledge.

Just own up to it. You've been caught. And NOW you'll need a different alias.

It's not so bad, may be your next pen name will be even MORE clever!

See ya, dude..............

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago
To Anony

Well, shit. You couldn't have let a little more time pass before your "big reveal?" Way to take all the fun out of it. Remind me not to invite you to my next party.

Yep, I wrote this story in maybe 20 minutes. I typed it out on my cellphone with my thumbs while watching a ballgame. I couldn't have given it less of an effort, really. I didn't proofread it, and didn't even have a plot in mind when I started typing. I just followed the standard BTB paint by numbers formula: the brain-dead wife, the stoic and hard-working husband, the cheating for no reason, the confrontation, the high-tech spying equipment, the turnabout, the divorce, and finally the happily-ever-after ending.

I'm happy to see that some readers were critical. Happier to see others proving my point about how easy it is to write for the BTB crowd. And the 4-star rating for this garbage story proves my point about the LW ratings system.

I really wish this little experiment could have continued a little longer. It was fun while it lasted.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
An adequate flash story, but an opportunty missed.

This plot could have been developed into a more interesting and compelling story. Lots of opportunities to explore her descent into whoredom, his discovery and coping, how it went on for a year without either spouse drastically changing their attitude and relationship toward each other, and why she waited a year before trying to get him to join her or give her permission. Surely he did not continue to fuck her bare back after she became a slut at a bar.

Anyway, glad he dumped her, but it still makes no sense why she destroyed her marriage, her reputation, and her future, just for some strange cock.

CrkcpprCrkcpprabout 8 years ago
Meh , I'll stick with my comment

Swingerjoe , congratulations on your big experiment. Hey at least now I can say that I have actually read and (wait for it..........) SCORED one of your LW stories !!!! Lol Chuckle !

Everything I said in my comments , I will stick too. You actually did show a decent representation of the LW amphibian first crawling out of the primordial ooze that this category started out as , then shedding it's gills , becoming a much more complex creature.

You actually could become a decent LW writer if you took this storyline and polished it up a little . Maybe you should consider it.

Hell, the late Senator Byrd ( D-WV) went from being a Grand Wizard of the KKK , to becoming one of the most liberal Senators of his era , so stranger things have happened. ( somehow , I bet he was a favorite of yours)

Come on over from the Darkside , Anakin Skywalker ! LoL .

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago
@ Crkcppr

Thanks, man. I appreciate your honesty. I have actually written a BTB tale (Getting Even), and may venture into that realm again someday. Frankly, I just find stories of divorce and revenge to be boring, so there isn't a lot of motivation for me to venture down that road. I'd much rather stick to happier tales of people having hot, fun sex. I thought that's what Literotica was supposed to be all about!

By the way, I'd argue that Sen. Byrd never actually changed his stripes. He simply adopted a new form of discrimination and oppression. (Not to get too political.) I always laugh when people here assume things about me without knowing anything about me. I've been called both a bleeding-heart liberal and radical right-winger on this site. I suppose I should take that as a compliment.

stev2244stev2244about 8 years ago

Brilliant experiment. I was just about to comment on the overly simple and boring story getting good votings because of the so much desired BTB ending. Then I read your comment. Perfect.

mike9698mike9698about 8 years ago

I gave it 3*. That was before I knew who wrote it. You did a good job of writing it to fit your thoughts on who would be reading it. At least you didn't make him a drunk redneck. It's funny living in Kentucky I know a lot of redecks, I've yet to read a single story on here that comes close being real.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
This makes no sense

The pendant camera would show the guys who fucked her, maybe. No way it shows her. She would have to be in the dull normal intelligence range, or lower not to know that. 2* for correct spelling and grammar.

Better luck next time.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 8 years ago
ANON ' sense'

So she never humps her pick-ups (or just walks around) in front of a mirror? Most video cams also have audio inputs! Perhaps a bit of a stretch when we look at the price of micro spy tech, but it IS fiction, and this (otherwise trite) tale IS plausible.


BriteaseBriteaseabout 8 years ago
Just for a moment

I thought I was reading one of my stories, so it must be brilliant ?????????????????

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Short and sweet

The video camera would only show the guy fucking her. Why wait a year to serve her. If he downloaded the videos how was he able to capture her on them when the pendent is facing away.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Out of the 24 stories listed in the "new stories" section of Loving Wives, only three others are rated higher than this one. It's been favorited five times, and is among the highest-rated LW stories this week.

Just sayin'.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

That must have hurt writing a story like this, eh, swingerjoe. Did you use both thumbs, or was one sufficient? Nothing like a good burn the bitch story is there, even if it was laughable? I can see now why you allowed scoring on this one. Not disappointed where you? lol. Man the devious methods one uses to try to stay ahead in the games readers play in this category called "loving wives".

As to the story, written just as intended, by the numbers. click, click, click it all falls in place. Right? 3* for the entertainment, including the feedback of course. (signed ML)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Oh, can't forget bonnietaylor2, sorry

No feedback is complete without our brilliant linguist bonnietaylor2. Your two lines just made my day. What did you think of this little btb tale? Did you like it, or hate it? I have to disregard your score since it's always the same. Maybe next time you could write a sentence or two about the actual story itself. By the way what's a "pugs". Did you mean "pigs"? If your going to insult some one please at least make sure the spelling is correct. Have a wonderful day, skipping from story to story, not to many today and leaving your brilliant deductions and theories of the stories in loving wives.

(signed ML)

bruce22bruce22about 8 years ago
What could you see on a pendant style VC?

Nice idea but it falls out zone of believability. It is sort of an invisible man story.

One question would be, Why does she want to officialize her behaviour?

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 8 years ago
I use the penname

Rehnquist most of the time. (I wish)

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago
Point Of View

As others have said, the camera would only show the guys, people would have to take his word that SHE was wearing it when those videos were shot. He could have hired a prostitute to wear it while she had sex.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago
I think...

...some of you are missing the point that it's not supposed to make sense.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Pointing out the obvious

Before you break your arm patting yourself on the back about how clever you are, joe, think about this. We needed you to point out the obvious? So, there are a bunch of angry men on this site that read loving wives. No one knew? They have been betrayed by some slut or other who destroyed their lives. They will give any piece of garbage story at least a four, so long as a bitch is burnt. Everyone knows this. No one needed you to point it out.

On the other hand, there are a bunch of angry “enlightened” people on here that will give any piece of garbage story at least a four, as long as there is a cock cage in it. You are the first lieutenant of that brigade. You’re not the general; you’re not that good.

Everyone knows this, too. No one needs a smart ass to point it out. Then there are the good writers and commentators. They enjoy a good story, regardless of the morality of the characters. It was a good story and the bitch is burnt. Great, write more. It was a good story and they worked it out and got back together. Great, write more. The wife was a total slut, the husband loved it and it was as hot as hell. Great, write more.

Assclowns, such as yourself, from the second category never saw a story where cheating, lying and betrayal have consequences that are bad for the cheater that they didn’t hate and make all sorts of derogatory statements about.

Neanderthals from the first category, never saw a story where the bitch didn’t wind up in a Mexican whorehouse, dying from AIDS, that they didn’t hate.

You pretend to be soooo superior to the first group, when in actuality, you’re exactly the same. None of you are interested in a good story, just your own little petty agenda. The sad fact is, this is better than the story you usually write. This was mildly entertaining, on it’s own merits, about a three star story. Your usual garbage is agenda driven and nauseating, two star, or less, crap.

Why not just take the good stories and enjoy them without all this stupid shit you’re constantly trying to pull? Write your wife sharing story, make it hot and I’ll like it. Write your usual “make the world safe for cheaters” shit and and we’ll all just laugh at you and move on. What an ass!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

The experiment is still working as nobody can be bothered to read the comments. I have a feeling that 15 more guys will remark that the camera won´t capture the wife. But that it still was a good story. Hilarious.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago
Re. pointing out the obvious

Gee, Anony, you were pretty much wrong about everything you just wrote! How any one person can be so wrong about so many things is impressive.

If "everyone knows" that all LW ratings are based only on whether the bitch ends up humiliated, dead, or divorced in the end, then please explain why so many people deny this obvious truth. Whenever I point out the fact that ratings in this category are pointless and irrelevant, I get push-back from those who insist otherwise. I just wrote a shit story that is among the highest-rated of the week. If "everyone knows" that, then this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, right?

One more point: it's beyond tedious to see anonies like yourself try to put words in my mouth and tell me what I think and what I like. If you can find an example of where I've claimed to be "superior", "enlightened", or "evolved", please do me a favor and point it out. Likewise, if you can find a story where I've praised "cock cages" or "cum-slurping men" or any of the other nonsense that I supposedly enjoy, please show me. Don't project onto me everything that you hate about "them cucks." It makes you look like an idiot.

My only "agenda" here is to point out the BTB crowd's agenda. The reason it takes so little to please you, and the reason why you rate these shitty stories so high, is obvious: you want to force all the non-BTB stories out of this category. This little "war" is now several years in the making. Have you made any progress?

My "agenda" is promoting the stories and authors that offer a unique, interesting, erotic, compelling, and/or thought-provoking take on the "Loving Wives" genre. I don't care if it's BTB, "cuck", or anywhere in between. Just make it interesting. Stop submitting the same goddamn story over and over again. Add a little unexpected twist. Give your characters some depth and realism. Is that too much to ask?

rightbankrightbankabout 8 years ago
almost refreshing

to have the sting taken out of the infamous 4 words. Sometimes it really is nice to be able to talk to the person you love.

IronDragonIronDragonabout 8 years ago
Reminds me of Britease!

That isn't a bad thing! Good, dry, savvy humor in this tale. The GNO theme has been done to death, but whatever. The spy tech camera in the necklace was a pretty novel idea, though. Just a good BTB flash tale without violence, just the threat of making Wifey's slutty nature public to her friends and family. Keep writing, RL. This was fun! :)

5 Stars

Wait for it... he should be here soon... you know who I mean... the guy who screams MISOGYNY!!!! at the drop of a hat... will also probably tell the author to never post in "his" category ever again... LOL

overthehillmedicoverthehillmedicabout 8 years ago
I liked

Just like your other story. 4*

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago

IronDragon's comment just made my day! was all worthwhile.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
oh bloody hell!!

swingerjoe you bloody fool!!! id was talking about foreskinblister you twit!!!! yea where is that nonce????

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago
@ Anon

I know. I'm laughing at the rest of his comment. He really should have read the comments before he added his own! LOL.

Hey, it's all in good fun. And it's Friday. Great way to end the week!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Yeah, well

I'm pretty sure there's a smile on most people's faces. They're smiling at you. You were always a little shit, but you showed your true colors, here.

You've become the court jester of Literotica. The fool. You think you're cute, but everyone else thinks you're just a laughable piece of shit.

Oh, I also heard that you're ugly and your mother dresses you funny. That should get down to your level. What are you, some kind of third grade bully?

luedonluedonabout 8 years ago
No explanatory comment from RLmann?

In his other story he felt the need to explain how it came to be listed as a Non Erotic story rather than Loving Wives.

I await the explanation why this one was in Loving Wives rather than How To.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Yea, where is that dunce.

We miss his eloquent rhetoric of why btb stories suck big time and of course the anons who prefer them.Can't miss talking about the anons, you'll be struck dead if you can't at least insult them in some way or the other. Eh?

Question swingerjoe, how goes your battle maintaining the status quo. Explain to us again the real meaning of loving wives? For heavens sake have them drop the word "& more" of the description. They really fuck up this category. Don't they?

How many fucking times have you idiots been told this category is only for the swingesr, the whores, excuse me, I mean hot wives, the humiliated little dick husbands that want to share and watch their wives being fucked by the bulls, or the wives that men like to share from neighbor to neighbor. Hell if we can't take care of that pussy, we'll just farm out that job to our friends and neighbors. Right? We won't hold them to their wedding vows, or to any society standards, we just like to rut and fuck anybody we can get a hold off. Doesn't matter who we hurt and what the fallback will be. Who gives a fuck, as long as we can get our rocks off in some strange pussy. Right swingerjoe. And you have a problem with the burn the bitch guys? Really?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Criticisms of BTB are valid.

When I first wrote stories in other categories here, I and other budding writers were warned away from the "wolves" of LW, as it was openly undertood that the readership here is openly hostile to LW stories that didnt fit their expectations, be they BTB, RAAC or whatever. To an extreme. That said there are stories worth reading here, and even BTB are a pleasure, though its disappointing to see its nearly always the wives, resulting in boring repititious stories. As with Fetish, you wont catch me reading cuck. They're just gross. And yet I see at least one commenter in here that borders on Taliban psychosis.

That said, all interptretations of "loving wives" are valid. Limiting it is simply putting yourself in a boring, angry little box. Alot of you simply need to pull the stick out, unclench and enjoy the stories you like withou turning every single one into a shitfest.

Yes. I'm anonymous. You dont know me. Call me whatever the fuck you want.

luedonluedonabout 8 years ago
For those concerned about the Loving Wives category

Perhaps we need a Hate-filled Husbands section?


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I call bullshit!

Loving Wives - Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more.

I guess your story falls under the "more" category, as there isn't any fun, swinging or sharing going on here. If you're miserable, go somewhere else! This isn't about you, it's about us men who LOVE their wives fucking other people. Get a fucking life man!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Finally a non-RACC submission.

Fucking cunt deserved a hell of a lot more damage then a divorce.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 8 years ago
good for a laugh, thanks

Until the reality of the camera not being able to work raised its ugly head.

But it had me laughing none the less.

Thanks, I needed that.

GoodhueGoodhueabout 8 years ago
The Joke's On Him!

Hubby thought he was being so clever by screwing her in the divorce.What he didn't know was that his wife was collecting $25 for each blow job and $50 for each fuck! Some of her best regular customers were his friends and the guys he worked with.

- She'd also had a friend video a lot of the action and she's been receiving 10 cents a hit on She's currently at half a million hits!

- Her porn name,you ask? "The Grand Canyon"

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterabout 8 years ago

I honestly don't understand the websites praise for this exact scenario being written about again and again and again by lazy authors. It's not interesting, there's no plot or characters (for the types who jump to proclaim the great literary value of btb stories) and it certainly isn't erotic (for those of us who remember this is an erotica site).

It's not even funny, unless you're like iron dragon and consider "a bad thing happens to a woman" the height of hilarity.

Here, let me make him happy. One day, a woman walked into a bar. A group of men gang raped her and beat her until she was in a coma. Then her husband divorced her and married guys secretary while she was in the hospital. Everyone agrees she deserved it because she was at the bar without her husband.

*Pauses for laughter and applause at his joke*

Am I funny enough to finally get the approval he thinks I want from him? Oh please tell me Iron Dragon likes me now. Maybe he'll start emailing me about fucking his wife like he used to, he seemed pretty annoyed when I turned him down and hasn't let it go since.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 8 years ago
Pretty Good Flash Story

Appreciate no RAAC or cuckdom in the story. Concise and clear.

carvohicarvohiabout 8 years ago
I'm confused...

What I read here was pretty much a classic; caught her, manned up, got the divorce, found another, and moved on. Then I read FLC's comment. How did he come up with the abusive misogynistic rape by-line?

I enjoy a good shorty like this one every once in a while; the debauched wife got her comeuppance, and the hardworking husband got away. Couldn't think of a happier ending, and certainly not FLC's suggestion. I mean who'd want to find a way to get any woman gang raped? This guy FLC is one sick old dude.

RLmann gets his five, and FLC get's his well deserved reprimand.

Jedd Clampett

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
People don't worry about frontline

If the man is getting ass raped and the wife fucks the entire cowboys football team has 23 kids and wins everything in the divorce, then and only then was it a good story. So that being said good story.

javmor79javmor79about 8 years ago
Almost didn't read this story

I read it and thought, "Ugh. Another one of these unbelievable stories." I then read the comments to see why it received a four star rating. The further back I read, the more disappointed I became. And then I read the reveal.

I am still laughing my ass off.

I have to congratulate you on a successful experiment. I wasn't going to rate this story, or comment. But when I was let in on the joke, I had to give it a five. It was completely unenjoyable, but it accomplished the goal that it was set out to do. I won't say anything more because I want people after me to read through the comments like I did to get in on the joke.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Far fetched btb story,read better or worse. Those that gave this story a five based on why the story was written rather than the quality shows your contempt. Joined the popular band wagon. Figures.

Would have thought some authors comment above the fray of LW. Wasn't disappointed, they don't.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

BTB authors and their fans are deserving of contempt. What the hell is "loving" or "erotic" about a cheating wife? What is "loving" about divorce, revenge, and murder? Why visit the "Loving Wives" section of an erotic website to read that garbage?

I understand that some men are bitter and angry becaus their ex-wives cheated on them, and somehow these stories provide them with some sort of twisted therapy by reliving their nightmare, but with a more courageous outcome. That's fine. But take those therapist sessions to the Non-Erotic section where it belongs.

I'm so glad this story exposed this bitter old men for who they are and what their agenda really is about. I especially enjoyed seeing carvohi and IronDragon make fools of themselves by praising and five-starring an intentionally awful story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
@btb anon

No one wants sperm slurping cuck stories that you seem to like. If not being a queer makes me a misogynist the that's what I am. I'm proud to not be gay. #STRAIGHTWHITEMALEPRIDE

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
@ @ btb anon

Who called you a misogynist, you fucking dunce? Do you need a new eyeglass presciption or do you simply have the reading comprehension skills of a third-grader? And who said anything about cum-slurping? It must be something you think about often if it came to mind so quickly without any mention of it.

Now go back to beating your wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
@ BTB annon

So btb authors and fans deserve to be held in contempt ? What a special breed of Asshole you are.

You come here gloating about certain authors and readers who simply commented on a story that they had no idea was a foolish gimmick written by an author in disguise , who has a personal beef with the site moderators for not upholding his personal standards and beliefs on THEIR site !

Wow , sometimes their simply isn't words to describe the asinine comments of some bitter assed people .

So go ahead and laugh it up Asswipe , but guess what , your feelings nor this little prank by Swingerjoe are going to change this category one little iota .

This site is in the end a business. And the more eyes on means more success for Literotica as a whole. They know the types of stories that lead to the most viewership , and guess which ones they are ! Just look at the views and favorites and the scores on btb stories versus the other story types in this genre . Numbers don't lie.

So I am glad you feel so joyful about Iron Dragon and Carvohi not going through the entire comments section of a silly little story that was a weasely trick to begin with.

But just remember this , the next story that either of those authors post , just compare the views , favorites , and overall scores to the latest Swingerjoe submission .( I think that's the real reason behind RLmann's newest story.) Then you will understand why the btb crowd really is the backbone of the Loving Wives site.

Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartabout 8 years ago
skeletal outline

Wasted my time. Only positive is he stopped being a cuck. 2 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
@ Anon

You realize you just made the author's point, right? His argument is that BTB scores are irrelevant because BTB fans rate them all at five, and your response is: "look at the scores for BTB stories! They're so high, so they must be awesome!" Seriously?

ID and Carvohi also proved the author's point by praising this story despite the fact that it was written as a joke. It seems the entire BTB audience has exposed itself as the joke it has been all along.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
@ Asswipe

My comment was aimed at you and the Faux author.

The business end of this site is the true yardstick of this site, get it !

You and Swingerjoe may feel so superior , great , enjoy it. But in the end the majority rules . Sorry you're on the short end of that stick.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
@ asswipe, asswipe

You missed the entire point of this story, apparently. SJ isn't mocking the site's admins or trying to wage a campaign to change the LW category. He's mocking the BTB crowd and their agenda for praising stories and handing out five-star ratings for stories that aren't worthy of such praise. He succeeded in that mission, to the chagrin of IronDragon, carvohi, and the rest of the BTB gang.

You've all been exposed like the Emperor strutting naked down the street. From now on, your comments and ratings for all LW stories will come with the undeniable assumption that you care more about the fate of fictitious cheating wives than you do about the actual content and quality of the story itself. This story's four-star rating is rock-solid proof of your dishonesty.

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerabout 8 years ago

Okay, so now I should feel betrayed, pissed off, foolish, or what?. I read this story and rated it before reading the first comment. Yes, I rated it a 5. So call me stupid, if you must.

Unlike apparently most of the readers who bother to comment on these stories, I rate on two factors: #1 Did the story entertain me, or to put it another way, could I suspend belief long enough to accept the story could have happened in the world the writer created. #2 Is the story fairly well written? My standard here is pretty loose for the first time writer, but a little tighter for an old timer like swingerjoe. I try, sometimes unsuccessfully, to not give a damn about if I agree or disagree with the premise of the story. Personally, being a flawed human myself I tend to believe in forgiveness, yes even 7 times 70 and beyond.

I have been an avid reader of fiction since my first comic books in the early fifties and only once can I remember putting a book away because I didn’t like the way things were going. (That book was the Thornbirds. When the boys destroyed the little girl’s doll, it pissed me off so bad I have never been able to complete that book even after many tries.) The reason for reading fiction is entertainment. What’s so hard to understand about that?

So Joe wrote under another name and wrote a story trying to pull suckers in. So what? 99% of the reading public would, like me, have never noticed. They would have simply thought “hummm…camera worn around neck? Well, not too long ago Dick Tracy’s wrist radio raised eyebrows and look at what we have now. So you people can kick Joe all you want, but me, I still remember some kind words he had for a green writer who, after reading the shitty comments from some on this site, really needed them. THANKS JOE.

BTW for all of you who bitch about how Laurel runs this site, there are others available, most notable are Lush, Stories on line, and, that take an altogether different tact. You might want to try them, but I suspect you’ll be back, for Lit has a far superior product.

luedonluedonabout 8 years ago
Well said, C Dreamer

Like you and many others, I was sucked in by Joe's tricky alter ego author and would have stayed so had some anonymous whistle-blower not lifted the veil.

I also agree with your technique for rating a story. It's a matter of does a story do what it sets out to do that matters. As you say, does it entertain and is it well written? One-bombing a story because you think the characters are not nice people is stupid.

But my main reason for responding to your comment was your mentioning of the kind word given by Joe when you were a new contributor. I had the same experience and really appreciated it.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Just asanine

Take a look at some intelligent comments, obviously written by discerning people who care about good writing. One anony said, "So all it takes is a divorce? Then it's a good story? It was a plot my 15 year old son could have written. Just nothing." He was obviously not a cuck fan, but didn't like this piece of crap, anyway. Saxon_Hart didn't like it either, and he is certainly on the BTB side. HDK didn't get sucked in either. Smart readers just thought the story sucked, although it was better than swingerjoe's usual.

It was just a stupid ass trick that only assholes like swingerjoe, luedon and javmor would like. Just wait for the blowback on the next javmor piece of crap that comes out, or if luedon ever finishes her story or if swingerjoe ever finds his balls and enables scoring on his shit. We have long memories. Now, fuck off, asslickerjoe.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
@ "just asinine"

Look at the score. Look at the TWENTY ONE favorites. Look at the comments by ID, carvohi, and others. Cherry-pick all you'd like, but the vast majority of readers liked this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
@ just asinine

Why would lue and javmor get blow back? I could understand swinger Joe since this is his story, but why the other two? I don't understand your rationale on that one.,

I thought the story was good. Call me a Btb fundamentalist, or whatever.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

too short. too stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
@just asanine

I see exactly why anony thinks there should be blowback. Anyone that thinks this shit is cute is just as big an asshole as swingerjoe. I'll be one bombing anyone that supports or thinks this is anything but a chickenshit move.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago

Good flash. Could be better if you avoided ridiculous phrases like . . .

"I've never actually seen a person melt into a puddle of tears before - until that moment."

People don't "actually" melt into puddles.

Lex1Lex1about 8 years ago
1 bombing people for liking a story that you don't like.

Now that's fair scoring!

luedonluedonabout 8 years ago
Lex1, his name is Gary

Twistedsickmind describes him in his story

'The One Bomber'.

It's in the Humor and Satire archive.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Pretty sure

The one bomb guy isn't about the story. It's about the douchebaggery.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
My favorite new word !

" Douchebaggery" , Bahahaha ! I cannot wait to use that in a conversation !!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Look at the similar stories list that Literotica posted to your story. Longhorn_07 , Jidoka , oshaw , Vandemonium1 are the authors listed. So this little trick of yours is basically a slap in their faces , right.

Those are some of the most viewed and respected authors in the LW category , so why don't you be man enough to message them and say to their face what you really think of them. Bet you would get a quick lesson in literary etiquette !

But no , real authors go about their own business and simply post stories that their own imagination brings forth , and not playing immature little gotcha games.

Maybe you could learn a thing or two about manners from these gentlemen , seems not to be your strong suit .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Wow, it couldn't have been said better. Just a bullshit maneuver by one of the site's biggest toolboxes. The lickspittles that thought it was funny are just as bad.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago
@ @ swingerjoe

Yes, this is a well-deserved virtual slap in the face to every lazy author who submits a paint-by-numbers story about a brainless wife who cheats for no reason and ends up divorced, dead, and/or humiliated. And your point is?

I'm all in favor of a good revenge tale, but for fuck's sake make it interesting, compelling, original, engaging, realistic, and/or erotic. I detest these simplistic stories that include the same one-dimensional characters and the same monotonous plot. My point in writing this tale was to prove how easy it is, and how the BTB monkeys will hoot and applaud such a dull and repetitive story simply because it advances their agenda. I also wrote this to prove that the ratings for LW stories are entirely meaningless. I think I proved both points beyond a shadow of a doubt, don't you, Anony?

(And by the way, I find it endlessly amusing for someone to tell me to man-up while cloaking himself in anonymity. How about you man-up and register a username so I know who the fuck I'm talking to, and so that I can contact you directly, man to man?)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Sometimes Less IS More

A short story, but damn well told. That's good enough for me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

He may go to jail but for how long. His wife porn is out there forever for the world to view.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 8 years ago

I'm not having as much fun here anymore. Damn.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
to anon 06/09/ 16

I get a chuckle out assholes like you that think in your own mind that you know the divorce laws in every state and country. Like your a joiner lawyer, fuck off and die asshole

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Short and sweet

Not bad, a fun quick read.

AmbivalenceAmbivalencealmost 8 years ago
Anon from 06/09/16...

Her sex, her necklace, their computer... With files uploaded from it while she was home.

She's shown she's a slut so how will she prove she wasn't so slutty so as to WANT the videos "she" recorded uploaded...?

Though, really, how much usable footage would he get...?

Blowjobs would likely show a guy's knees...

Doggy would likely show a rocking space in front of her...

Her on her back might show her cleavage and a guy bouncing in front of her...

But still an enjoyable flash.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 7 years ago
re: So bad it was laughable

poorly thought out comment. "SHE AGREED TO THE TERMS", is was filed with the court clerk. No one stepped in a court room. If all terms are agreed to, it's a rubber stamp and life goes on. It's called a marital settlement agreement, marital separation agreement, or divorce settlement agreement form depending on what state your in.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Well worth it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

If you've got her by the short hairs, why volunteer to give the slut anything? At least anything other than her freedom. Again, why give the bitch any reward at all for shitting on the marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Her necklace wiil only show who she's with. How does she become a porn star?

oldwayneoldwayneover 7 years ago
Five Stars!

Torchthebitch forever!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago

I know Joe put this up as a spoof, but just to take it seriously for a moment, I wonder if the "videos" were a bluff. She never asked to see them, maybe they don't exist!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Oh come on.

This is supposed to be a good story? It has so many holes it would take me too long to post them so I'll just give it what it deserves, a 2 and let it go.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 7 years ago
Re. "Oh come on"

It's not supposed to be a good story. That's the entire point!

Thanks for playing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
of course it is a spoof

Joe would have been in the room directing the filming, fluffing her co-stars and lapping at her well

anonymousinblueanonymousinblueabout 6 years ago
fuck the camera

Small part of plot that is unbelievable, it's not like changing evidence checkout records that affects read-only backups like cdroms, stored under a mountain 968 miles away.

I still like the story that has "bud" in it every third sentence, and a cigarette manipulation action in every other third, and half off the rest progresses the plot. I like it because there's tension, and it's so a defective soyez rocket. Ouch, wouldn't want my Ph.D. being blown up thanks to Russia. I'd rather blame Thiokol and their damn seals; lets launch below freezing, write a living wives story where she gets blown up going to space.

Ready, set, write!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Laughably bad

She gets an attorney. He gets a Court order and if Hubby posts the videos anywhere without her written consent, he's toast and will be lucky to get $10.00 from his divorce. Don't you read the headlines these days? He'd be lucky to avoid jail if he posts the videos. Dumb story.

1 star

trandall9991trandall9991almost 5 years ago
Hey anonymous...

Ever hear about posting from overseas. And moving to another country.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
doesn't have to.

videos are posted everyday with out consent. There called vines you idiot. Also you need the IP address, which can be pen dropped you dope

penneydog55penneydog55almost 5 years ago
Oh Come On Fellas

This is a fictitious story!...There is no wife there is no husband....It is what it is a BTB story...Nothing more...Nothing less...So for Pete's sake..Leave him alone and play with your own....5 Stars for a good BTB story..★★★★★ WOOF!

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