Horseshoes and Hand Grenades


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There were several patrons that stopped to stare, some giving wolf-whistles while others were just watching with deep seeded interest. Quentin fell into the second category. Although he had seen his friend without his shirt whenever they were in the locker room after their long workouts, and even naked, this was a show, and it was meant to get a rise out of him. There was no doubt that he was attractive, but Quentin never gave the Keith's body the attention it deserved as he started to slowly undress in front of him. "Dude, how did you manage to hide THAT," Quentin said amused as he noticed the midnight black collar around his neck. Below, a small medallion like what Bruce wore around his neck said, "Daddy's best bleater."

Bruce walked forward almost silently behind Quentin, nearly making Quentin jump when he placed his left hand comfortingly on his shoulder, his lumbering form standing to his left and nearly bearing down on him. "What a pleasant surprise," Bruce said with a low chuckle as he started to watch Keith's strip as well. Connor still had his arms around Bruce's, watching Keith with twinkling, interested eyes.

Slowly, Keith brought his shirt up over his pecs and over his head, knocking his hat off in the process as he took off the shirt completely and tossed it to the ground with his hat and flannel shirt, leaving the tall, muscular man standing in a pair of jeans, a collar, and a black leather harness of his own over his chest, though his was like a leather X across his chest, the straps meeting at a ring just below his pecs. Grinning, Keith raised his arms and flexed his thickly muscled arms for Bruce, Connor, and Quentin, and for the assembled crowd who were all too eager to drink in the sight of the athletic college student standing there in his harness.

"What, you didn't think I'd wear the gift you got for me, daddy bear?" Keith winked, playfully blowing the comparatively massive, older male a kiss before turning back to Quentin. "What do you think, bro? Think the collar really brings the outfit together, don't you agree? Always wear it a little loose, so it's not obvious under a t-shirt, but I also hate feeling like I'm being choked, so loose is good, unless it's a loose hole, in which case it's just a little disappointing," he smirked, lowering his arms and bouncing his pecs for effect, making the tag of his collar jingle as it bounced between the mountains of muscle.

Quentin watched the mounds jump and flex and swore that a vessel in his brain popped. Bruce gave a chuckle and said, "You look much better with leather. So glad that I could convince the boss man to give ya a loan. Wish that those pesky jeans were off, though."

All of a sudden, the crowd went strangely silent when they heard Bruce utter those words as if planting something in their mind. Then one guy in the back yelled out, "TAKE OFF THE JEANS! YOU GET HALF PRICE ON DRINKS!" All of a sudden, a chant began to start slow around Keith, and Quentin felt like his whole world was beginning to tilt on its side. If there was a moment in time that he was happy to be a gay man, it was right at this very moment. Even Bruce was starting to join in the chant along with Connor whose hands were clapping along with the chant in earnest.


Keith let out a loud, booming laughter, looking through the crowd. "Alright, but one of you bitches is buying me the first few rounds!" he shouted over the pulse of the club music. He turned around with his back to the crowd and shook his hips side to side slowly, his ass flagging upwards as he unbuckled his belt, slowly unbuttoned the jeans and unzipped them before hooking his thumbs in the denim waistband of the jeans, and slowly shifting from side to side, revealing the first few inches of his tightly muscled rear, also revealing the midnight black leather jockstrap that left his rear completely visible to the crowd as the jeans slowly dipped beneath his rump, the color of his hair along his inner thighs and up the crack of his ass now easily seen by everyone, along with the winking hole, before he let go and let the pants flop to the ground, stepping out of them while still bent over, wiggling his ass for the cheering crowd for a few seconds before turning his head and looking between patrons, grinning from ear to ear. Clearly, Keith was just eating up the crowd's excitement from his exhibitionism.

Bruce was probably the loudest of everyone who was cheering, and he grabbed a spellbound and overstimulated Quentin by the shoulder and shook him, as if his favorite team had just won a huge game. "That's my boy! That's my boy out there!" Quentin felt that this was too surreal for words and merely watched as his face flushed red when Keith's ass was pointed in his direction. He swore he could feel the heat from Bruce's body as he looked to his left to see Bruce was popping what could be the biggest boner he had seen yet. When Keith started to wiggle his ass in front of some of the more adventurous patrons, some were starting to stuff dollar bills into the hem of his jockstrap. One particularly adventurous fellow managed to stuff a wad of cash inside of his pouch and said, "Fuck, here's five rounds on me."

Quentin continued to watch along with the crowd as Keith cockily waved his hips and manage to dance rather seamlessly with the loud techno music. When Bruce noticed that Quentin was still staring, he gave a grin and said, "That could be you, ya know. I've seen your ass; they'd love you like that."

Quentin gave what could have been the slutiest moan he ever produced as he continued to watch Keith show himself off. "B-but...I..."

Bruce gave another chuckle and put a finger on his lips. "Shh, I can see your interest...down there." Bruce glanced down at Quentin's shorts, his eyes lingering for just a moment on the tent that was formed. "Just watch then. I'll go tell the boss man that you are interested."


Before Quentin could persuade Bruce otherwise, the large bear was gone, and so was Connor, leaving Quentin alone with the crowd of people who were still cheering and loading Keith up with bills. Keith walked back to Quentin with a sultry grin on his face and looking as if he just won the lottery. His pouch of his underwear was loaded with dollar bills, and Quentin noticed that his member was pushing out the mass of bills in his pouch. It seemed that Keith's maleness took up more room than the money, and Quentin was impressed that there was enough room for cash to even be stuffed into it.

"Hope you wanna get hammered, bro, because I've got enough singles touching my junk that I can probably get us both trashed!" Keith laughed, clapping Quentin on the shoulder and grinning brightly. "Never knew your bro could dance, did ya?" he winked.

Quentin shook his head, a large, red blush across his face, and he looked up Keith's form, practically eye fucking the male. His adonis belt was practically pointing down towards the prize held in between in his legs, and Quentin's eyes went wide when he noticed that Keith was packing a sizeable chub in the tight confines of his jock. "N-n-no! I actually had no idea! And...and that was pretty good!" The statement came out almost in a sputter as Quentin's eyes made their way back up across Keith's broad chest and back up to his deep blue eyes.

The musclebound man turned stripper grinned more seductively this time, swaying his hips as he walked up to Quentin and placed a hand gently on his friend's chest, purring deeply, saying, "Now, Q, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're entertaining some pretty impure thoughts about your frat brother," he winked. "If I knew you were that into me, perhaps we'd have already explored each other a bit more back in the frat house beyond just going to the gym and checking each other out!"

Quentin's eyes were still wide, like he was a deer staring into headlights. He just shivered at the touch, his mind a whirl of thoughts as he looked over at Keith's hand on his chest. Quentin blushed and walked forward a bit, his own arm trembling and wrapping around Keith's back and pulling him close. Even though Keith was large, Quentin was just as large and easily pulled Keith gently towards him. "M-maybe I just never...saw this s-side of you. I knew you were cocky, but..." Quentin said nervously, his eyes watching Keith's own as he placed his right hand on his Keith's own chest and brushed over the Keith's left nipple.

Now, being close enough to Quentin as to be able to smell his masculine scent, Keith felt his jockstrap getting tighter. "Well, Q, perhaps after tonight, you and I should start looking into becoming something a little more...intimate...than just fraternity brothers who have similar...interests," Keith purred, trailing a finger along the deep valley between Q's thick pectorals, barely hidden behind his muscle shirt.

Quentin shivered as he felt Keith's finger move in between places that had been explored by his earlier ex's, but there was something so much more different when it involved Keith. Quentin's right hand moved upward and his index and middle finger lightly pinched Keith's left nipple. "I think I would like that," Quentin said without any nervous stuttering before he brushed his hand across Keith's left pectoral to watch it bounce. Looking back upward at Keith, Quentin had a needy look on his face, the red streak across his cheeks deepening as he leaned forward and his soft lips brushed against Keith's own.

Right as Keith's lips were about to brush against Quentin's own, however, a loud, booming voice that belonged to none other than Bruce caused them both to jump, interrupting what would have likely become their first kiss.

"Alright, lovebirds, break it up! The bossman wants to meet the new guy for a dress down. Come on, Q; you got the man waiting for ya."

"Awwww, come on man! They were about to kiss..." One of the guys in the crowd lamented, his arms folded over his fishnet shirt. "Way to ruin the good part, Brucie!"

"Ahhh, just find your alpha and get your rocks off from him, pup!"

There were many grumblings around the local clientele as they spread out among the club. Some went to the dance floor while others who were still curious. Quentin watched Keith begin to dance again, his hips whirling around and his body on full display once again as he lost himself to the music.

Bruce's voice was playful, but Quentin could detect the faintest hint of a growl within his voice as he grabbed Quentin firmly by the shoulder and led him towards the bar area. He had a smirk on his face as he used his massive stature to push past groups of people in their way. When they made it past the bar, there was a small series of steps that led upstairs, and Quentin looked up to see a gold sign that said, "VIPs and staff only." Quentin was too busy being sour that his first kiss with Keith was ruined by Bruce who was still grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, come on, lighten up! You'll get a chance to play with my pup whenever you are done with Blackridge. He'll hook ya up," Bruce said as he shook Quentin's right shoulder encouragingly.

"What do you mean hook me up?" Quentin said with barely suppressed curiosity, his sour expression melting into intrigue as they walked down the narrow hallway of the private rooms. When Quentin saw the grin still plastered on Bruce's face, Quentin raised an eyebrow and said, "What are you up to?"

"You'll see. We're almost to his office."

At the end of the hall was a shiny black door that looked like polished obsidian, and the bronze plate on the door just said "Private" on it. The knob was a matching bronze, and it too looked like it had been painstakingly polished to give it a radiant gleam.

"We're here," Bruce said with a smile, raising his knuckle to the door and giving it a knock. "Mr. Blackridge, I brought you the dude I told you about, sir." Bruce looked down at Quentin, his eyes glimmering as he started to stroll away from the door. "Whelp, my job here is done, kid. You will go in on your own. He'll measure you up and get you leathered up. I gotta get back to Connor."

Quentin had a million questions going through his head as he watched Bruce give a small wave before walking away, his rolling muscles even more prominent in the artificial light. " stole me from my kiss to get me leather?!"

Quentin was fuming until the doorknob near his waist started to rattle, and Quentin quickly jumped back. He had no idea who this man was, but he was curious as to what he had in store for the rest of the night.

The door swung open, and in the doorway stood a large man, like the rest of the club, dressed in a white dress shirt, black vest, and matching black pants, making him look something like a bartender, as his sleeves were rolled up his forearms. He grinned down at Quentin, rivaling Bruce in height, and he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest as he looked Quentin up and down.

"Not gonna lie, kid, when I saw you going in for that kiss, I was rooting for you too," he said with a wink. "Bruce does so love being a cockblock, think he kinda gets off on it, frankly," he chuckled, extending a hand towards Quentin. "Feran Blackridge, owner of Horseshoes and Hand Grenades. Pleasure to meet you," he said with a charming smile.

"O-oh," Quentin stuttered as he looked over the well-dressed man, all the way from his neat slacks to his rolled up sleeves to show off his muscular arms. Reaching forward almost instinctively, Quentin grasped Feran's hand in his own and felt the firm squeeze of the hand around his own. Although Q was intimidated by Feran's massive stature, the charming and charismatic smile that he possessed melted his inhibitions almost right away. "I'm...I'm's nice to meet you." Q gave a shy smile back, his expression faltering a bit. "And you saw that attempted kiss, huh?"

Feran let out a soft chuckle as he pushed off from the doorframe, walking into his office. "Saw the whole thing! Your buddy, Keith, is quite the dancer," he stated, motioning over to some security cameras on the wall, one of which was overlooking the dance floor. Right in the center of the feed, still in his jockstrap, though the money appeared to have been put somewhere, was Keith, and he was dancing in that same sexy and seductive manner, getting cheers from the people nearest to him as he practically undulated his entire body against a patron a leather harness and leather biker cap who was clearly eating the situation up.

"It's funny, really, what some guys will do once they discover their element and are given the tools to really dive in and enjoy themselves," Feran said, walking to his polished desk that appeared to be made of some kind of maple wood, and leaned against it, arms folded across his chest once more. "Please, come in. Just shut the door behind you is all I ask."

Quentin nodded, doing as he was told and shutting the door before walking forward. Although there was a small, black chair in front of the desk, Quentin decided to stand, and his eyes shifted towards Keith who was now bent over and grinding against the man's crotch, the two really going at it, and Quentin felt a pang of jealousy shoot through him. He could have been the one grinding up against Keith, if Bruce wasn't the one that pulled him away.

Taking a deep breath in order to keep his patience, Quentin said, "So, Mr. Blackridge, Bruce mentioned that you wanted to ask me about something." Quentin watched the bull's muscles ripple underneath his suave appearance, and there was something about his handsome smile that seemed to ease him.

"Well, the short and dirty is you strike me as a handsome guy who has a lot of potential in the leather scene, especially since you're already acquainted with the life of the party down there," Feran smirked, nodding towards Keith. "You two are a really cute pair, so I have a proposition for you: I'll personally take your measurements and see what I have in my personal collection that might fit you, and you won't have to pay me a dime. The only catch is you have to work off the debt, then the leather is all yours, no further strings attached. Thoughts?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Quentin felt a blush at being complimented so soon on his body, but he gave a smile back at Feran that was a mixture of mischievousness and nervousness. Feran seemed sweet, and he was most certainly hot, but there was something Quentin felt he was missing. " working for don't mean like an escort, do you?" Quentin found the proposition strangely intriguing, and he had been interested in leather before he came to the club. He had personally seen Keith's collection in his closet, and as Quentin looked towards the screen and thought for a moment, he made a connection; Feran had been providing that leather for his frat guy friend.

"Pfft, hardly!" Feran laughed. "You could help me behind the bar, clean glasses, take drink orders, help out the bouncers, perhaps give some customers some private dances in the rooms out there, Hell, get up on the little stage next to the DJ booth and give the guys a strip show and dance on the pole. There are many options, some mundane, others a bit more sexual, so if you desire to proceed, we'll get to the measurements, but otherwise, you're free to walk out that door and pretend like this meeting never happened."

Thinking for a moment, Quentin rolled the idea of getting a harness around in his mind. He figured the bull was being truthful, and it seemed that Bruce wouldn't lead him down a bad direction. He was a friend of Keith's, and although Keith could be a bonehead at times, he was loyal and trustworthy. "Could we just do the measurements a-and then go from...there?" Quentin said with a small smile, his shyness coming through. "I've always been...curious about leather."

The boss of the club smirked, reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a yellow tape measure. "Sure, why not. You're just gonna end up saying yes in the end anyway. I can see it in your eyes, you wanna be like Keith down there, drawing everyone's attention, getting big studs to grind up on you, the whole nine yards"

Quentin gave a small, quiet chuckle at the idea of mystery stranger's hands on him, caressing his body and worshipping him, and it was almost like he could feel a little tingle move down his side and to his crotch at the boss's words. Feran's eyes gave a small, discrete twinkle, but he still had that professional smile on his face.

"Now, here's the part no one usually likes: In order to get good measurements, I need you to strip. Naked is ideal, but if you're feeling shy, I can deal with underwear," Feran said casually as he worked at unraveling the tape measure.

"O-oh..." Quentin said as he looked around a bit awkwardly, as if he expected cameras to be around. "I-it's fine. I can strip...all the way." Quentin gave a nervous chuckle as he peeled off his muscle shirt to show off his beautifully sculpted body. Hours and hours spent in the gym and drinking Keith's concoctions had bulked him up wonderfully. His pecs were large and thick, just like his arms, and his back was broad and toned. The light blond hair trailed down his pecs giving them a nice fuzz and the treasure trail wasn't as thick as his friends, but still there around his belly button and diving deep to light sprinkle across his thighs and crotch. Every muscle flexed as he reached down to unbutton his board shorts, clearing his throat as he felt the button slip through the slot in his shorts and let them drop to the floor to leave him in tight, aqua blue briefs. Although he was not fully erect, his member gave a large outline against the underwear and left barely anything to the imagination.

Hooking his thumbs in the briefs, Quentin began to strip them off of his body, the cotton briefs sticking to his thick thighs as he pulled it down. It was like stripping in the locker room in front of the guys; that's how Quentin justified it as he pulled the underwear off of his ankles and tossed them to the side. He let his hands fall over his groin, covering himself as he cupped his large shaft and balls in his hands with a bashful blush, but felt at ease when Feran still had that scientific look across his face. He at least wasn't scrambling to get a piece of him, or trying to touch him inappropriately. Although Quentin would somewhat appreciate such a touch, he wanted to take whatever was about to happen a bit slow.