Horseshoes and Hand Grenades


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The bull snickered slightly, motioning with a hand. "C'mon, stud, we've come this far. Trust me, I've seen dicks before, so there's nothing you could show me that I haven't already seen plenty of! Though can't say any of those cocks were attached to guys even half as hot as you, if you don't mind me sayin'."

Quentin bashfully pulled his hand away, his maleness starting to grow at the compliments. "O-oh...w-well...I...thank you..." Quentin gave a small, shy smile, his member still growing larger and larger. The shaft stood upward at attention, and his hips moved nervously behind him. "I-I like your outfit. You look handsome." Quentin loved how the sleeves were rolled up to show the suave man's arms and how they bulged as he walked towards him. He would be intimidating, if he didn't have such a charming smile.

"Aww, well, thank you, stud!" Feran smiled brightly. "I know it kinda makes me look like an upscale bartender, but I like how I look in this outfit, how it hugs the curves of my body, my muscles. Perfectly tailored to move along with me, rather than strain against me, and that's what we're gonna strive for with your gear. Though..." he smirked slightly as he looked down at the now throbbing cock bouncing between the two of them. "We may encounter some issues with that, seeing just how much you're packing down there," the bull winked. "Imagine Keith loves that bit of you, no?"

Quentin's face turned bright red at Feran's remark, and he quivered as he watched Feran's eyes follow his body. Quentin felt like he was being inspected by a scientist, rather than a boss of a leather establishment. Quentin's eyes were flicking back and forth less nervously, but his shaft throbbed a bit when he noticed Keith on the screen grinding up against the same patron as before, their bodies smashed together as they danced to the slamming techno beat. "W-we haven't done anything. He has only looked in t-the locker room...sir," Quentin said bashfully, the last word punctuating the respect he had for the larger male. .

Feran just chuckled softly at the words as he circled around the striped equine, inspecting him thoroughly and admiring the perfect curve of his striped rump. "Can't blame the guy for looking, I can say that much. You've clearly put a lot of time and effort into your body, and he's just doing what any gay man like him would do. Now, arms up and straight out from your body, please," the boss instructed.

Nodding, Quentin did as he was told and held his arms straight outward, showing off the work he did on his arms discretely. The biceps bulged menacingly, and he gave a warm yet still concerned smile to Feran as the boss circled him like a shark waiting for the perfect chance to strike. "Thank you, Mr. Blackridge. W-we always put in time in the gym, and Keith's protein shakes h-have worked wonders, sir. I like to show off...sometimes." Quentin's smile was shy, but there was a mischievousness to it. Truthfully, Quentin enjoyed the fact that such a muscular male seemed to have taken an interest in him and wanted him in leather, and the fact that Quentin was always curious about how he would look in a bulldog harness had been eating at him ever since he saw his favorite model, a man about the same stature as him, during his more intimate personal sessions, wearing one.

"Oh? Then perhaps you'd want to perform for me a little before we get down to the measurements?" Feran smirked before waving the thought away. "Later, perhaps. I've got one hell of a canvas to work with, and I've got work to do," he stated simply as he closed the distance between them and wrapped the measuring tape around Quentin's chest. "Flex your pecs for me, would you? Need to make sure you don't feel too restrained."

Quentin gave a shy, warm smile before doing as he was told and flexing his pectorals. The muscles bulged and pushed against the yellow measuring tape, and Quentin almost looked surprised at how much the tape was pushed back. He looked up at Feran with a mischievous grin as he brought his biceps to the side and started to bounce his pecs. It was almost as if a switch was turned on in Quentin, and he was feeding off the attention he was receiving; his shy demeanor mostly gone and replaced with a playful mood as he flexed his muscles for Feran, as if trying to impress him. "Hopefully, your measuring t-tape...doesn't s-snap!"

"Would you believe me if I told you that you wouldn't be the first to snap my measuring tape?" Feran smiled, laughing softly as he noted the measurement when the pecs were at their largest. "Think I've got a dozen or so of these babies in my desk, just in case I encounter guys like you or Bruce. Probably won't surprise you to hear that he snapped not one, but TWO of my measuring tapes when I first met him," the boss commented as he measured the distance between the nipples, nodding in approval.

Quentin gave a chuckle, his chest shaking a bit as he felt Feran's soft touch against his pecs before he began to measure across his waist. "I'm not surprised, sir. B-Bruce is pretty large. I'm curious as to what part you were measuring of his that broke it." Quentin gave that warm, playful smile once again as he stood up straight and tall to make his chest bulge outward. Quentin was really getting into the attention he was receiving, and the blush that he had was replaced with a rush of excitement as a male much larger than him admired his body.

"His biceps, actually. Ever see that Disney movie, 'Hercules'? Yeah, something like that," Feran laughed, avoiding his client's arousal as he finished measuring his hips and moved to his upper legs. "Flex again for me, please."

Quentin did as he was told, his pride getting to him as he flexed his lower body, and at the same time, flexed his biceps, just for show. The feeling of just being admired was getting to him. "Really? Bet I-I could flex hard enough to break the tape with my biceps easily..." Quentin's eyes sparkled as he looked down at Feran, the gorgeous man on his knees and meticulously measuring both his legs while ducking underneath his member.

"We'll have to put that to the test in a moment then, won't we?" Feran replied with a smirk as he stood up and wrapped the measuring tape around the large biceps. "Relax them, then pump them back up once I've got it tight around them, alright?" he instructed, tightening the tape around the impressive upper arm muscles as they relaxed, and then he nodded, giving Quentin the go-ahead to flex. "Show me what you've got, handsome."

Quentin gave a chuckle, relaxed as Feran instructed, before flexing almost instantaneously. The tightness of the tape around his biceps merely spurred him on, and he felt a burst of energy at the fact that the numbers were warping along with the curve of his bicep. He gritted his teeth and merely flexed harder, placing his other hand on his right shoulder to steady himself. With what sounded like a loud snap, Quentin gave a triumphant smile as the tape was broken in half and cascaded downward onto the floor. "Mmm, hopefully you got the measurements on that one, Mr. Blackridge," Quentin cooed with a cocky smile.

"About ten inches, and I'm not talking about the measuring tape," Feran smirked, a light blush on his cheeks. "Ahem, I'll just ah...tack that measuring tape onto your debt," he chuckled, turning away slightly and attempting to subtly adjust his pants as he walked back to his desk to open a drawer, taking out another measuring tape. "I'm impressed you managed that feat at such a young age. Bruce has been working out his whole life, and even he didn't manage to do that until a few years back," the boss said with a soft smile.

Quentin gave a chuckle and walked forward towards Feran's desk almost with a cocky stride in his step, as if he knew he was hot. Putting a hand on the chair, he let his hips naturally sway outward and put a hand on his right hip to stick it out slightly, as if inviting Feran to look at all of what he had to offer.

His erection still pulsed between his legs, the maleness sticking straight out with a bit of pre falling down the head. Quentin didn't notice; he was too drunk on the fact that he was being complimented and admired. When Feran pulled out another roll of measuring tape, Quintin cockily flexed the remaining bicep that had not been measured and said, "It's that s-stud blood in me. Bruce may be hot now, but he doesn't bulk as easily as I do." Quentin did not know if that was true, but he did not care; he was too focused on the warm compliments that came from the sexy man.

Feran paused, his eyes travelling from Quentin's face, down over his body, pausing at his cock, before going down to his feet, then right back up, his eyes lingering on the throbbing shaft once more. He swallowed loudly, clearly struggling to keep up his professional appearance. "Well, I have definitely known those that would kill for...a leg up in the bulking department," he commented before he tore his eyes away from Quentin's cock. "Think I've got all the measurements I need. I'll be right back," Feran said, briskly walking to a huge closet and flicking the switch, lighting up the large, open space that was filled with racks upon racks of leather gear ranging from harnesses, to jockstraps, to stylish biker caps.

The sight was enough for Quentin to stop his act and snap back to reality for a moment, his eyes bulging outward as he walked cautiously up to Feran to look over his shoulder. It was like some twisted fetish dream come true with everything that a leather fanatic's heart could desire, and Quentin was nearly drooling at the possibilities.

"W-whoa, dude. You going to fit me in one of t-those jocks or something?" Quentin asked, his cocky demeanor still there, but faltering a bit as he looked over every single article two or three times, just to make sure he wasn't dreaming. "Cause those would bring out everything. Or maybe one of those harnesses...god, I would look so hot in those..." Quentin did not realize he was saying all of this outloud, his body feeling like it was bathing in a warm bath as he imagined his prime and studly body all leathered up.

The bull chuckled warmly as he walked deeper into the closet and began rifling through a rack of harnesses that were arranged by sizes, and he smiled as he pulled out a white leather harness that looked like a large X in shape with straps that would cross over the shoulders and around the sides before connecting to a ring just below the sternum. Slipping it free of the hanger, Feran held it up against his body and hummed out loud. "Logic is telling me to give you more color, but I think we could make some magic happen if we went with your own biological color scheme. White harness will probably make it look almost like you're wearing nothing at all. Need me to help you put it on, or do you think you can manage?"

Looking at all the parts and pieces of the harness, Quentin gave a somewhat mischievous grin and said, "This is the first time I have ever seen one of these harnesses. Could you help me...p-please, sir?" Quentin gave the best innocent and coy look he could muster as he leaned in close to Feran, his large eyes blinking in a teasing manner. For some reason, getting Feran all hot and bothered because of his body was something akin to a game to him. The white leather of the harness looked fantastic from where he was standing through, and he had half a mind to straight up take it from the boss's hands so he could feel it around his body as soon as possible.

"I'd hardly be a good teacher, if I just expected you to know how to dress yourself in the gear, so I'd be happy to put it on for you," Feran smiled with that same charm from earlier as he placed it over Quentin's and down over his shoulders, the cold leather tickling his flesh through his hair, and Feran took each of the straps and tightened them slightly to make it fit snugly on Quentin's body before stepping back to admire his form. "Gotta say, you really look damn good in that, Quentin," Feran commented with an approving smile.'

Quentin gave a testing flex, bringing his bicep up and making the muscles bulge to feel his chest and abs flex against the tight feeling of the leather around his upper body. "Gotta say that I feel good, Mr. Blackridge. You really run a...tight business around here," Quentin said, trying to mimic that seductive charm and smile that Feran had. "N-now, how about that cock ring attachment? Think you can help put that on, too?" Quentin added with a sultry grin as he wiggled his hips to make the rubber ring wobble back and forth below him as well as making his large, shaft wobble as well. To Quentin, this was one giant tease for him, and he was loving the fact that Feran seemed to be playing along.

Feran laughed and shook his head. "I'd make a joke about how you're a big boy and you can do it yourself, then crudely point how just how BIG a boy you really are, but that joke is far too easy." Reaching down, Feran gripped the ring and slipped it down the length of Quentin's cock, but a little more pressure sent the cold rubber sliding further down before wrapping around the base of Quentin's maleness. "Choice is yours as to whether you want to slip your balls through it yourself or have me do it, but figure you'd rather do that bit yourself, since that's arguably your most sensitive place, and I'd feel just a little bad if I hurt your rather sizeable family jewels," he smirked.

Quentin gave a grin and decided to do that part himself, not waiting to feel how the cool rubber felt up against his balls before slipping them through. The tight feeling of his member being held up by rubber loop felt wonderful, and his erection looked even larger and more engorged now that it was being somewhat constricted. When it was all said and done, Quentin noticed there was a small mirror nearby and looked himself over with a gasp. He looked like a totally different person decked out in the white leather. He grabbed his erection, wobbling it a bit and stepped to the side to take a look at how massive it looked. His blush returned, but he still had a cocky smirk on his face before he looked over his shoulder and wobbled his ass at Feran, saying, "Dude, you have a way with this stuff. I could seduce anyone with this..." All of a sudden, the cocky demeanor deflated for a moment when he noticed a small, white price tag hanging down from the leftmost strap and turned it over to see the number "250" written on it.

"Trust me, it's already working, and I haven't even put you in the jockstrap or the arm bands yet," Feran chuckled, this time being a little less subtle about adjusting the crotch of his pants, the bulge traveling down his leg barely seen through the perfectly tailored black slacks. "Don't worry about the price, stud. Since you're not paying me in money, you're just paying me in time and service, so don't think of it as a dollar amount, rather a number of hours that you'll be working for me. Now, I'm thinking a matching leather jockstrap," Feran commented as he turned and walked to a shelf, snatching a white leather jockstrap and tossing it to Quentin. "Here, try it on. Might be a little snug, given your cock that's still impressively hard, even after all this time of no stimulation, but if we need to find chaps instead, so you can hide that thing down a pant leg, we can do that too."

Quentin snagged the jock in the air, his smirk returning as Feran's charm worked wonders and he noted Feran's tenting pants with an eyebrow raised. "Chaps are good and all, but I want to see the jock first. Even though both show off my butt, I want just the straps to frame what I got," Quentin said with that seductive tone, not even stuttering nervously. Quentin had to admit; Feran was packing, and he could tell that there was a lot to work with, just by glancing at the bulge. Slipping his legs through the leg holes of the jock, Quentin bulged out his chest menacingly as he pulled the jock over his hips, letting the waistband slide over his muscular rump and over his backside ever so sensually.

He adjusted the straps, giving the boss man a bit of a show before crouching down a bit to mess with the pouch and making sure the leather could strain enough to allow movement. Although the underwear was a bit snug, it left nothing to the imagination and highlighted every part of him so nicely. Every curve and bump was visible, and his cock looked massive in the snug underwear, though it pretty much spilled out of the skimpy waistband, the member throbbing and leaking pre. All this was such a tease for him and he didn't mean to leak but he couldn't help it.

Turning around and looking over his shoulder, Quentin wiggled his ass and gave his right cheek a firm slap before saying, "Oh yeah...I like this a lot." Rubbing down his glutes, he bent over to spread them, just as Keith did to the crowd earlier and not even bashful about his showing his hole to the mirror and wiggling his rump.

Feran cleared his throat, interrupting the show as he held four leather straps in his hands. "I'm sure you can figure out what to do with these. Upper arms and upper legs, pull them tight, but not enough to cut off circulation, obviously. Unless you want a collar or a choker, these will complete your outfit and begin your indentured servitude to me," Feran said, tossing the straps on the floor beside the already bent-over man.

Quentin stood up straight once again, Feran's warm smile becoming contagious, finding himself giving the same smile as he picked up each strap and started to put them on in front of the mirror, looking over his shoulder at Feran as he gave him a full view of his back and right side. He slowly worked the two for his arms to their appropriate spot, feeling the leather stretch as he moved them across his muscles, but not allowing him to flex fully.

He watched Feran closely as he switched over to putting the leather leg straps on, pulling them up over his powerful calves and further upward before giving a chuckle, "Indentured servitude? Hmm, sounds a bit kinky..." When Quentin finished, he looked himself over in the mirror, even more impressed by how different he looked. Giving the straps a flexing test, he flexed his biceps to feel them strain, but not snap like the measuring tape. They were perfectly measured to be form fitting without constricting, and Quentin's cock surged above his waistband, dripping a bit of pre onto the floor which dripped down in several thick drops. "Oops," Quentin said with a teasing chuckle. "I'll have to clean that up later."

"You can consider that a few cents off of your debt, if you feel like cleaning that up, but..." Feran grinned, sliding a teasing finger up along the exposed upper half of Quentin's cock, "perhaps you might want to work off your debt in a different way?"

Quentin gave a grin, rolling his hips into Feran's touch and nearly melted when he felt the bull's breath up against his neck. Quentin leaned back, feeling the very professional attire up against his muscular body and said in an almost whispering and seductive tone, "I have a feeling part of it has to do with cleaning up the pre with my tongue, but p-please, do tell."

"More like cleaning up the mess I intend on making when I get my hands all over this body of yours," Feran purred seductively in Quentin's ear before giving it a light nibble. "We don't have to, of course, if you were planning on saving yourself for Keith, or something," he smirked.

Thinking for a moment, Quentin shuddered as he felt Feran up against his back, their powerful muscles rubbing together, and Quentin said, "If this gets them paid off, and I get to have a more intimate moment with a stud, then...I don't see the harm in it. Did Keith do the same thing?" Quentin looked over his shoulder, nuzzling up against Feran's neck softly before inhaling his scent. He had a nice, fresh scent that reminded Quentin of the ocean, and he couldn't help but wonder what kind of cologne Feran used.